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Name: Edison A. Dela Cruz Jr.

Subject/s: The Teaching of Listening and Reading/Literary Criticism/English & American Literature

A. Defined the following terms:

1. GCQ (General Community Quarantine) - GCQ is a form of quarantine with more relaxed measures
compared to the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ). It will be enforced in provinces and cities
considered to have moderate or low risk to COVID-19.

2. ECQ (Enhanced Community Quarantine) - a total lockdown, restricting the movement of the
population but with exceptions, in response to the growing pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19) in the country.

3. Lockdown - A lockdown is an prison protocol that usually prevents people or information from leaving
an area. The protocol can usually only be initiated by someone in a position of authority. Lockdowns can
also be used to protect people inside a facility or, for example, a computing system, from a threat or
other external event.

4. Social Distancing - Social distancing, also called physical distancing, is a set of non-pharmaceutical
interventions or measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagious disease by maintaining a physical
distance between people and reducing the number of times people come into close contact with each

5. Community Transmission - It is used to describe the situation where a person is infected by the virus
but they have not been overseas recently or been in recent contact with other confirmed cases.

B. What are their implications to each subject/s that you are currently taking?

The effect of the pandemic on the education systems across the globe is massive. The pandemic
containment measures closed down schools in most countries in the world and moved education to
some type of online learning. This is surely affecting the quality of learning but at the same time impacts
the home lives of teachers, students and their parents. Schools however, as we as educators are all
aware, are not only a place of learning, but also a place of socializing, and for the most vulnerable often
a place of safety, a warm meal, a shelter. The most advanced online tool and methodology will not help
us with this. The emergency confirms the necessity of equipping teachers and students with technology
tools and knowledge and the need of education systems to be in line with the present times, however it
also confirms the limit of technology and the danger of the trend to reduce educational reforms to

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