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Project Lapidary Lens

P049, G457417

XX of 24 ATC
Sandor Uraiah


The document entails the introduction, reason and preliminary concept to Project Lapidary Lens and the
necessary components to find success with it. Materials, manufacturing processes and functionalities of the
project are described in detail and some proof-of-concept blueprints have been provided. The purpose the
document is to provide the reader a basic approach to the Project as well as detail the outlines of the Project and
thus act as a simplistic point of reference when the concept is to be actualized into reality.

disagreeableness has risen among the peers and

1. Introduction subordinates of the subject. It is expected that such would
be rectified with a solution provided.

The solution is shought through Project Lapidary

Visual acuity is one of the key elements of operation from
Lens. The intention is to produce a set of contact lenses
a perspective of an individiual. That is when one
that can offer the necessary functionality of the eyeshields
considers the individual to be of species that utilizes
along with the sought after operative modes without the
vision as their primary sensory input. Many of the
bulkiness and hindrance of an eyeshield. The project is
existence’s components have a layer to them that is
authored by Sith Sandor Uraiah for personal use and it
noticeable in the visual domain as such is the way of light
was initiated on XX of 23 ATC/XX of 24 ATC.
and more generally the electromagnetic spectrum. It is
then of no surprise that should that visual acuity be
somehow threatened or hindered that the operations of an
individual will also be hindered to equal ratio.
2. Lapidary Lens
Such is the case with the author. A genetic defect has
resulted in a symptom known as photophobia to be
present in the subject individual’s eyes. The term is Contact lenses are ocular prosthetics that have also other
misleading for the symptom is not morbid fear or phobia purposes such as cosmetics. In the project however, the
in truth but an abnormal intolerance to visual perception prosthetic use is the significant factor and thus the focus
of light. Should the eyes be subjected to ’standard’ lies within such dimensions of the device.
amount of light, a result is found in pain, migraines or
Much like the primitive functions of eyeglasses, the
evne seizures ranging in severity and such results may
contact lenses offer augmenting factors to user’s eyesight;
persist for days after exposure. This, in case of the
namely the function of correcting the disabilities
subject, has become a chronic circumstance which in turn
regarding the operation of the eyes. Such devices however
provides certain restrictions of normal functionality
have seen lessened use through advanced surgical
without specialized solutions involved.
techniques as well as cybernetics of the modern Galaxy.
Of such specialized solutions a selection of eyeshields Unfortunately the subject situation has found no remedy
have been utilized in the past. These eyeshields contain a in the surgical techniques (nor in the arts of the Force)
polarized filter which blocks significant amounts of the and strict cybernetic prosthetics are considered to be
incoming light and therefore allow the wearer to observe against personal wishes resulting in a situation where
the surroundings without the danger of heightened more uncommon and primitive solution is to be sought.
exposure to light. Furthermore these eyeshields have been
The purpose of the contact lenses in this situation is to
modified to offer the user a range of modes to perceive
polarize the visible light sufficiently to prevent
ranges of electromagnetic spectrum beyond visible light.
overexposure of light to eyes suffering from photophobia.
Such operative modes, ultraviolet and infrared namely do
This is to be done simultaneously with said lenses
not offer the subject danger in the fashion as visible light
offering the capacity to provide no filtration towards
does. This is understood to be a byproduct of the genetic
ultraviolet and infrared spectrum of the electromagnetism.
As such the standard polarized filter equipped lenses are
The specialized eyeshields however carry a certain out of question and more robust solution is needed.
bulky nature to them which has begun to impair the day-
Furthermore the requirements of the project have
to-day use. Instruments and tools utilized by the subject
placed a certain unusual aspect to the lens funcitonality:
require removal of the eyeshields prior operation and thus
unlike the recorded cases of contact lenses Project
dampening of light within the room the subject is
Lapidary Lens shouldn’t rely on the lenses being able to
operating. This forces other, non-defective, individuals to
be disposed and replaced often. The target schedule is a
halt their work in the mean time which results in overall
standard year cycle, if not more. This naturally places a
drop in efficiency. With the philosophy of efficiency in
certain restrictions on the materials to be used as well as
mind, such a problem needs to be solved. Though not as
methods of grafting the lenses while offering a significant
important, it has been considered noteworthy that certain
advantage of small resource usage compared to
social stigma has risen from the usage of the eyeshields
manufacturing larger quantities of the lenses.
for they prevent the partners of the subject from observing
the eyes and thus a certain level of mistrust and

2.1 Materials convex surface can be cut with same process and with
adhesive wax, the two can be brought together to form the
lens. Similar limitations apply to this method as to spin-
Due the requirement of replacement schedule to be casting but as the concave and convex surfaces are joined
lengthy, a more rigid material is sought after. A selection together to form the lens, there is an opportunity to add a
of polymers are provided as [appendix 1]. Yet in face of third layer inbetween that provides the functionality
possibility of such polymers being unavailable or needed which in turn increases the range of materials
unusable, a possibility of utilizing asymmetric materials available. Similarly as the method requires no liquid
and hybrid materials is to be investigated. The necessary material, a more wider range of materials can be utilized
functions of the material include refractibility, in the project.
transparency, chemical-inertness and the functionality of
Molding is the third viable option. It is mainly
being able to worked with the proposed methods.
identical to spin-casting with the difference that the liquid
Such investigations are to be conducted in tandem but is poured to a mold rather than weaved to the mold
separate to Project Lapidary Lens for the author’s skill in through high velocity. The mold is rotated and centrifugal
the subject is to be considered insufficient. A more skilled forces form the shape desired and via microscale injection
artisan is to be sought in effort of acquiring input of value. techniques along with computer assisted application, near
perfect lenses can be cast. Any deformities can potentially
be polished away after the molding is complete. The
limitations once more include the necessity for liquid
2.2. Manufacturing form capable materials and thus with limitations similar to
spin-casting, the option is merely presented as an
probable alternative rather than entirely viable of a
There are three separate methods that are to be considered solution.
primary approaches in manufacturing the desired lenses.
Each approach have their requirements, limitations,
advantages and disadvantages.
2.3 Functionalities
Spin-casting is the first of the three and it has the
requirement of the material to be capable of being molded
in liquid form. The manufacturing process involves
The functionalities of the contact lenses are their capacity
whirling the liquid material upon a mold at high
to polarize the light in specific fashion outlined in the
velocities. The main limitations are that the functionalities
introduction. This is likely to be conducted through a
desired for the lens are needed to be within the chosen
specialized layer that acts as camera and display at the
material by the time of manufacturing which severely
same time. The camera records the incoming visual data
limits the possibilities and most likely outright discards
and through sophisticated chip imprinted on the lenses or
spin-casting as an option should no material possess the
somewhere nearby, the display can then display the
ability of polarizing visual light while refraining from
altered feed that eliminates the light along with providing
doing so with UV and IR both. Similarly even if such
IR and UV functionalities directly or as modes of
material is found, the requirements of placing the material
into liquid state can either alter or destroy these
functionalities, or alternatively be such an arduous task Secondary function capable to be provided through
that the resources needed for such are considered this specialized layer is the ability to perform telescopic
inefficient. The advantages however would be the quick, functions and thus allowing the user to peer into the
clean and robust method of manufacturing the lenses distance within the set variables of the layer. As such the
without need of further specialized equipment. functionalities of macrobinoculars could be fulfilled in
such a miniaturized fashion. In turn, should the
Second option, and likely the best fit for the project, is
production of the layer be feasible with minimal
plasma turning. The lense material is cut and polished via
resources, this project could be further streamlined
numerically controlled plasma lathe. The material is
towards applying such miniaturized ocular components in
subjected to the lathe by directing the plasma blade to
mass production use.
remove the desired amount of material from inside of the
lens. The concave surface is then to be polished with
abrasive paste, oils and fine fibre polymer ball. The

2.4. Blueprints

In below a selection of blueprints is offered to provide the

potential scheme for the conceptual idea of the functional
layer of the contact lens.

Scheme 1: Prototype lens. 32: Main camera lens, 11: Diameter,

60: Outer edges, 64: Telescopic-module and shutter, 66: IR-chip
module, 68: Filter-chip module, 70: UV-chip module, 72:
Powercell, 74: Control-chip, 80: Support-frame.

Scheme 2: Prototype lens 2. 1: Contact Lens 1A-C: Regions, 2:

Iris, 2A-B: Circles, 3: Pupil (Main camera lens), 20: Circuit
Unit, 21: Main Control Unit, 22: Wireless Holocomm unit, 23:
Holoantenna, 24a: Image Pickup Lens, 24: Image Pickup unit,
25: Storage Unit, 27: Sensor.

Presented blueprints are to be provided as Appendix 2 and

3 as well for optimal use.

5. Conclusion

The document detailed the Project and its various points of interest in detail. The manufacturing methods; spin-
casting, plasma turning and mold casting were elaborated upon on the vision of their lackings and requirements
needed to accomplish all of the methods when it comes to materials. Presented materials were elaborated upon in
the requirements they need but also key nature of their application. Functionalities were described in succinct
fashion while presenting a blueprint for the concept itself. As a conclusion, the project has been approved as a
concept and thus can now be presented to the stage of actualization.

6. Source material


Variety of technical volumes on materials, manufacturing and technological constructs.


1. (retrieved on

(retrieved on 21.01.2020)

(will provide more detailed links once I find them)


7. Appendix


(A long list variety of Star Wars polymers that could be used, will provide a more detailed of real world materials
once I have such)


Scheme 3Prototype lens. 32: Main camera lens, 11: Diameter, 60: Outer edges, 64: Telescopic-module and shutter, 66: IR-
chip module, 68: Filter-chip module, 70: UV-chip module, 72: Powercell, 74: Control-chip, 80: Support-frame.


Scheme 4Prototype lens 2. 1: Contact Lens 1A-C: Regions, 2: Iris, 2A-B: Circles, 3: Pupil (Main camera lens), 20: Circuit
Unit, 21: Main Control Unit, 22: Wireless Holocomm unit, 23: Holoantenna, 24a: Image Pickup Lens, 24: Image Pickup unit,
25: Storage Unit, 27: Sensor.

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