Titer Test For Fatty Acids, Commercial: Oeflnttion Scope

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Official Method Tr 1a-64

Titer Test for Fatty Acids, Commercial
Reapproved 2017


1. For titer above 35°C-use a Griffin low-form beaker, 2 L capacity, and wide-mouth bottle capacity 450 mL, height
190 mm and neck Ld. 38 mm. Assemble as shown in illustration in AOCS method G 6-40.
2. For a titer of 35°C and below-see illustration in AOCS method Cc 12-59 for details. A glass beaker may be used
instead of stainless steel, if it is desired to observe the test sample during the test. In this case, the 5800 and 8000
mL stainless steel beakers with the ground cork insulation between them may be replaced with a single 8000 mL
glass beaker.
3. Test tubes-length 100 mm, dia 25 mm with or without rim. These tubes may have an etched mark extending
around the tube at a distance of 57 mm from the bottom to show the height to which the tube is to be filled. 1
4. Stirrer-2-3 mm o.d., with one end bent in the form ofa loop of 19 mm o.d. Glass, nichrome, stainless steel, or monel
wire may be used. The upper end can be formed to accommodate hand stirring or attached to a mechanical
stirrer. 2
5. Laboratory thermometer-0-150 0c.
6. Titer test thermometer-AOCS Specification H 6-40. This thermometer should be calibrated against a National
Institute of Standards and Technology certified thermometer (see AOCS thermometer specifications). If titer is
between 68 and 80°C, thermometer H 7-45 should be used.


1. Heat the fatty acids on a hot plate to 130°C to remove traces of moisture, and fill a titer test tube to a height of
57 mm from the bottom.
Caution--The test sample is not to be held at 130°C, nor reheated to this temperature more than once. If
excessive moisture is present, allow the water to settle, decant the fatty acids and then refilter and reheat. The acids
must be dry and free of suspended matter.
2. For titer above 35°C-fill the water bath to the designated level (see illustration in AOCS Method Cc 12-59) and
adjust the temperature 15-20 °C below the expected titer point.
3. For titer 35°C and below-fill the bath with ethylene glycol to the designated level. Insert the stainless steel screen and
place dry ice just beneath the ethylene level (see illustration in AOCS Method Cc 12-59 for details). Crush the dry
ice to about Y2.in. cubes and add slowly and cautiously to reach the desired temperature. Maintain the temperature
of the bath at 15-20 °C below the titer point of the test sample.
4. Place the tube containing the fany acids in the assembly, as shown in the illustration in Method Cc 12-59. Insert
the titer thermometer to the immersion mark so that it will be equidistant from the sides of the tube.
5. Stir with the stirring rod in a vertical manner at the rate of 100 complete up and down motions per min. The stirrer
should move through a vertical distance of about 38 mm. The agitation is started while the temperature is at least
10 °C above the titer point.
6. Stir at the directed rate until the temperature remains constant for 30 sec, or begins to rise in less than 30 sec inter­
val. Discontinue stirring immediately, remove the stirrer or raise it out of the test sample, and observe the increase
in temperature. The titer point is the highest temperature indicated by the thermometer, during this rise. Duplicate
determinations are usually expected to agree within 0.2 0c.

Copyright © 2017 by the American Oil Chemists' Society 1 of 2

Refer to the AOCS Laboratoty Safety chapter when using this Method.
Tr 1a-64. Titer Test for Fatty Acids. Commercial

At a confidence level of 95%­

Soybean. Linseed
Fatty Acids

Tallow Coconut

Range of Values: 17-26 39-44 21-24

Two single determinations performed in one laboratory shall not differ from the

mean value by more than: ±2.9% ± 1.0% ± 1.1%

Single determinations performed in different laboratories shall not differ from

the mean value by more than: ± 7.0% ± 1.0% ±3.4%

1 Titer test tubes may be obtained from Fisher Scientific, catalog number 14-963A.
2 Stirring may be performed mechanically by attaching a small motor with suitable speed-reducing mechanism to the
stirring rod.

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Refer to the AOCS Laboratory Safery chapter wben using this Method.

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