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Technical Bulletin 18

Natatorium Economizer
Vs. Conventional Dehumidifier
I NTRODUCTION This lower condition reduces the capacity of the system and
creates a variable, unpredictable moisture removal and cool-
This technical bulletin will review how an economizer-type ing capacity. To eliminate these issues, it is of typical design
indoor pool dehumidifier functions, and provide details on its to introduce the outside air between the evaporator and hot
control sequence. It will also outline the system's advantages gas reheat coil.
and disadvantages versus a conventional dehumidification
S TANDARD DEHUMIDIFIER An economizer type dehumidifier uses the same components,
but adds a mixing box between the evaporator and hot gas
A pool dehumidifier is defined as an air handler that is sized reheat coils. It also needs to add a full-sized return blower
to remove the moisture in a Natatorium at a rate equal to the prior to the evaporator. (Figure 2) This system now has the
evaporation rate of the warm pool water. To achieve this, capability to exhaust, and introduce 0 - 100% outdoor air into
mechanical refrigeration is utilized to cool the air down past the pool facility by modulating the dampers on the mixing
its dewpoint, and then use the recovered hot gas to reheat the box. Like the standard dehumidifier, the mixing box needs to
air or heat the pool water to reduce energy costs. During the be between the coils to insure proper operation in a pool facility.
summer cooling season, the system provides air conditioning
to the space. (Figure 1) An exhaust fan can easily be incorpo- The economizer type system functions as a standard dehu-
rated into this system to meet code ventilation requirements. midifier controlling the humidity, heating or cooling the
space, and providing code amounts of outdoor air. Under
The outside air is introduced into a dehumidification system certain weather conditions, the outdoor air can supply the
after the evaporator coil for several reasons. First, during the dehumidification requirements for the pool facility. When this
winter, the cold outdoor air may condense the return air at occurs, the compressors are turned off and the dehumidifier
undesirable places in the system or ductwork. Second, the acts as a modulating 100% outside air system. The actual
variability of the outdoor air will influence the design and per- amount of time that conditions are just right varies from loca-
formance of the evaporator coil. When colder outside air tion to location, but is estimated to be less than 17% of the
mixes with the return air from the poolroom, it lowers the year (a maximum of 1500 hours per year). Refer to Desert
mixed air conditions, which flows over the evaporator coil. Aire Technical Bulletin #7 for a detailed review.


R/A V G U Blw


E/A Figure 1 - Standard Dehumidifier


R/A V G U Blw
P Blw S/A

Figure 2 - Economizer Type Dehumidifier E/A

The high latent air travels over the cold evaporator coil trans-
ferring it's energy (sensible and latent) to the refrigerant sys-
S ELECT-AIRE DEHUMIDIFIER tem. Add the energy from the heat of compression to this
recovered heat and you now have a highly efficient heat pump
The Select-Aire dehumidifier utilizes the basic design and adding energy to the mixed air of the dehumidifier.
adds an exhaust blower to meet code ventilation require- Conventional heat pumps are used to heat facilities because
ments. Refer to Desert Aire Technical Bulletin #6 for a they are seen as efficient @ 45 F outside temperatures and
detailed description. This blower is sized to meet the code above. The dehumidifier, in the heat pump / recovery mode,
ventilation requirements only and therefore is smaller than the will achieve EER's approaching 16 to 18 when seeing typical
return air blower used on an economizer. The economizer pool room conditions of 82F/50 to 60% RH.
return air blower handles 100% of the air while the Select Aire
exhaust blower is sized for 20% to 30% of the air volume. The Select Aire system in the cooling mode rejects the humid
return air before the evaporator, thus utilizing the full sensible
The key element of the Select-Aire system is the use of two cooling capacity available for room cooling. If a pool water
(2) different dampers before and after the evaporator coil for condenser is included, the system will use its heat pump
exhaust air. Figures 3 and 4 demonstrate the differences capacity to transfer recovered energy to the pool while pro-
based on whether heating or cooling is required. viding full capacity cooling.


R/A V G U Blw


Figure 3 - Select Aire Dehumidifier - Heating Mode E H A
R/A V G U Blw


E/A Figure 4 - Select Aire Dehumidifier - Cooling Mode

The mixing box is located between the return air blower and An economizer requires significantly more floor space than a
the hot gas reheat coils, and consists of three (3) dampers, conventional dehumidifier due to the extra space required for
each of which can modulate 0 to 100%. Even though the the mixing box and second full size blower. In addition to the
three dampers can vary, there are several typical positions to actual enclosure the economizer requires ductwork capable of
which they are controlled. Table 1 provides a summary of the moving the full system air volume be installed on both sides
typical damper positions. of the unit which increases the needed floor space. The con-
ventional dehumidifier and Select Aire dehumidifier can install
When the mixing box is added to the system between the the exhaust air and outside air dampers on the top of the unit.
coils, it creates a poor airflow pattern across the hot gas This will increase the height slightly, but does not require
reheat and auxiliary heating coils by forming a dead zone. more valuable floor space. For most systems the economiz-
This poor airflow can cause improper functioning of the er will require double the floor space.
downstream coils and increase the system's internal static
pressure. O/A
Duct Economizer Footprint
As with many air handlers that have outside air
and return air dampers linked together, the phys-
ical installation creates havoc on system air- idifier Footp
Std. Dehum
flows. When dampers are almost closed, they S/A
exhibit pressure drops up to ten (10) times that
Duct Duct
of the dampers in the open position. This high-
pressure drop increases the blower motor sizes, R/A E/A
which increases the operational cost.
Figure 6 - Footprint Comparison


Damper % Open
Figure 5 - Mixing Box Airflow
O/A By-Pass E/A

Unoccupied 0% 100% 0%

Standard Dehumidifier with Code (typical) 20% to 30% 70% to 80% 20% to 30%

Smart Economizer 50% to 100% 0% to 50% 50% to 100%

Table 1 - Damper positions

Natatorium Economizer Dehumidifier Vs. Conventional


The differences in sizing blowers for a standard or Select-Aire Because of the high break horsepower requirements of the
dehumidifiers are significantly different than that of the econ- economizer's blower components, it increases the opera-
omizer type. The standard dehumidifier has one full-sized tional costs of the system. When the Select Aire system is
supply air blower and smaller code ventilation exhaust air compared to the economizer system at similar air volumes,
blower. The economizer requires two (2) full-sized blowers the blower energy operational costs are significantly different.
that must overcome higher internal static pressures caused Table 3 summarizes the different costs for a typical system.
by the dampers; double filtration and dead headed mixing air
plenum. Table 2 summarizes. The use of two full size blowers that must operate 24 hours
per day and overcome the higher static pressure virtually dou-
bles the blower operational costs of an economizer system.

Standard Dehumidifier Economizer

or Select-Aire

Supply 15 HP / 13 BHP 20 HO / 15 BHP

Return N/A 20 HO / 15 BHP

Exhaust 3 HP / 2 BHP N/A

Table 2 - Blower Specifications for 250 lb/hr System

Typical Run Time Standard Dehumidifier Economizer

or Select-Aire

Supply 24 hrs / day 85,000 kWh 100,000 kWh

Return 24 hrs / day - 100,000 kWh

Exhaust 14 hrs / day occupied 15,000 kWh -

Total 100,000 kWh 200,000 kWh

Cost @ .065 / kWh $6,500 $12,750

Table 3 - Blower Annual Operational Costs (using BHP)

engineers will use a maximum of 1,000 to1,500 hours per
A major drawback to the economizer type dehumidifier year for their estimate of free cooling. In most geographic
occurs in the full-cooling mode. Looking at Figure 2, it can be areas this time is well below 750 hours. In our example, the
seen that some conditioned air will be exhausted and its vol- compressor consumes 44 kW, which would yield savings of
ume replaced by outdoor air. Since the cooling mode occurs 66,000 kWh by utilizing free cooling for 1,500 hours. At
most often when the outside air is warm and moist, this out- $0.065 electrical cost this translate to a $4,290 annual sav-
side air adds to the internal load and the system's cooling ings by turning off the compressors. This is a maximum ben-
capacity must be significantly de-rated. For example, a typi- efit and under most climatic conditions, the savings would be
cal 50 HP economizer system with 19,000 cfm of supply air far less.
and 5,000 cfm of code ventilation will result in a 26% reduc-
tion in cooling capacity. C OMPRESSOR EFFICIENCY

The system would be required to exhaust the 5,000 cfm of If the economizer uses a semi-hermetic compressor, this will
cooled air (approximately at 52 F) to the outdoors, while also reduce the efficiency of the system. When a semi-her-
bringing in air that is 75 F to 95 F. Since you cannot deliver metic compressor is unloaded, it closes one of the cylinders,
the cooled air to the space, the system must be de-rated. but does not stop its motion. Therefore the BTU output per
kW input will be greatly reduced and the systems overall
As table 4 demonstrates, the efficiency of the economizer sys- moisture removal efficiency (MRE) will be reduced. A system
tem is significantly impacted by the position of the mixing using scroll compressors will stage off a complete compres-
box. This reduction in cooling capacity is normally not con- sor, thus totally removing its power requirements and there-
sidered in the payback analysis of the dehumidification systems. fore maintaining its MRE.

One of the arguments is that the economizer system can offer Another energy issue is if the when the economizer design
free cooling. Free cooling is when the outdoor air is cooler uses a full face evaporator coil (4 row) vs. a shorter 8 row coil
and dryer than the indoor air. It can provide cooling and which uses a bypass damper. The full-face coil is cheaper to
dehumidification without the use of the compressors. The install, but causes the system to operate at a higher suction
applications geographical location determines how often con- temperature to remove the same amount of moisture. When
ditions are suitable for the economizer or "free cooling" mode. a refrigerant system runs at a higher suction pressure, the
The frequency of these conditions can be predicted using a compressor must work harder and experiences a reduction in
detailed bin hour weather program. As a rule of thumb, many efficiency.

Economizer Economizer Select Aire

Reheat Mode Cooling Mode All Operating

Evap Cap BTUH 568,000 568,000 560,000

Lost Evap Cap BTUH 0 149,000 0

Net Evap Cap to Room 568,000 419,000 560,000

System kW 67 67 51.8
EER 8.4 6.2 10.8

Table 4 - EER Calculation for a 250 lb/hr System

An economizer system for an indoor pool will not provide Without considering the impact of the true sensible cooling
operational "economy". This is due to the significant energy capacity of the economizer design, it is easily shown that for
penalty of the full-sized blowers and the low system EER in a poolroom design, the economizer does not provide an oper-
the cooling and dehumidification modes. It will cost more ational benefit. The system must compromise too many
money to run an economizer dehumidifier than either the con- items to allow the ability to introduce 100% outside air. In
ventional or Select Aire type of systems. addition, even though it has the capability to bring that air into
the space, it is most often runs in the identical mode to a con-
While the economizer system does allow for cooling of the ventional dehumidifier, but at significantly higher operating
space, it really is not "free" at all. Table 5 summarizes the costs.
impact of comparable systems with the assumption that envi-
ronmental conditions actually allow the "free cooling" mode
for 1500 hours per year.

Economizer Select Aire Economizer / Select

Operating Cost Operating Cost Aire Difference

Blower Cost $12,750 $6,500 ($6,250)

Free Cooling $0 $4,290 $4,290

Net Impact ($1,960)

8300 West Sleske Court

Milwaukee, WI 53223
(414) 357-7400
FAX: (414) 357-8501
www. 121 10/99

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