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I S B N 9 7 8 -0 -6 2 6 -2 4 5 4 1 -2

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
E d i ti on 3 . 1


Design of structures for the mining industry

Part 2: Sinking stages

Published by SABS Standards Division

1 Dr Lategan Road Groenkloof Private Bag X1 91 Pretoria 0001
Tel: +27 1 2 428 791 1 Fax: +27 1 2 344 1 568
SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

Table of changes
Change No. Date Scope
Amdt 1 201 1 Amended to update referenced standards.

This South African standard was approved by National Committee SABS SC 82E, Mining
equipment – Mining structures, in accordance with procedures of the SABS Standards Division, in
compliance with annex 3 of the WTO/TBT agreement.
This document was published in May 201 1 .
This document supersedes SANS 1 0208-2:2007 (edition 3).
A vertical line in the margin shows where the text has been technically modified by amendment
No.1 .
SANS 1 0208 consists of the following parts, under the general title Design of structures for the
mining industry:
Part 1: Headgear structures.
Part 2: Sinking stages.
Part 3: Conveyances.
Part 4: Shaft system structures.
SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
E d i ti o n 3 . 1

Pag e

F o reword

1 S cop e .................................................................................................................................... 3

2 N orm a ti ve re fe ren ce s ........................................................................................................... 3

3 D e fi n i ti on s ............................................................................................................................. 5

4 S ym b ol s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 6

5 M a te ri a l s ............................................................................................................................... 7

5.1 S te el . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 7

5.2 Al u m i n i u m a l l oys .......................................................................................................... 8

6 N o m i n a l l oad s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.1 P e rm a n e n t l oa d ( G ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6.2 I m p os e d l oa d s .............................................................................................................. 8

7 Lo a d fa ctors a n d l oa d com b i n a ti o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4

7.1 G en e ra l ........................................................................................................................ 1 4

7.2 O p e ra ti n g con d i ti on s .................................................................................................... 1 4

7.2.1 P a rti a l l oa d factors .............................................................................................. 1 4

7.2.2 L oa d com b i n a ti on s .............................................................................................. 1 5

7.3 E m e rg e n cy con d i ti on s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

8 D e s i g n p roce d u res . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

8.1 D e s i g n l oa d s ................................................................................................................ 1 6

8.2 D es i g n cod e s ............................................................................................................... 1 6

8.3 Loa d re ve rs al ............................................................................................................... 1 6

8.4 D e s i g n of rep l a ce a b l e m e m b e rs .................................................................................. 1 6

8.5 I m p a ct e n e rg y d e s i g n of top d e ck ................................................................................ 1 6

8.6 D e fl e cti on l i m i tati on s .................................................................................................... 1 6

Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 1 7

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3. 1

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SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
E d i ti o n 3 . 1

Design of structures for the mining industry

Part 2:
S i n ki n g s ta g e s

1 Scope
1 .1 Th i s p art of S AN S 1 0 2 0 8 d e fi n e s th e d es i g n l oad s an d th e d es i g n proced u re s to b e a d op te d i n

th e s tru ctu ra l d e s i g n of s ta g e s an d co m p o n en ts o f s ta g es .

1 .2 Th e l oad s s p eci fi e d in th i s p art of S AN S 1 0208 a re n ot i n te n d e d to be u sed for th e d es i g n of

s ta g e ro p es or s h e a ves . Rope s i ze s h a ve to be d ete rm i n ed in a cco rd a n ce wi th th e p rovi s i o n s of

re l eva n t l e g i s l a ti o n a n d oth e r s ta n d ard s .

2 Normative references
Th e fol l o wi n g re fe re n ce d d ocu m e n ts a re i n d i s p e n s a b l e for th e a p p l i ca ti on of th i s d ocu m e n t. Al l n orm a ti ve

d ocu m e n ts a re s u b j e ct to re vi s i on an d , s i n ce a n y re fe re n ce to a n o rm a ti ve d ocu m e n t i s d e e m e d to b e a

re fe re n ce to th e l a te s t e d i ti o n of th a t d o cu m e n t, p a rti e s to a g re e m e n ts based on th i s d o cu m e n t a re

e n cou ra g e d to ta ke s te p s to e n s u re th e u se of th e m os t re ce n t e d i ti on s of th e n o rm a ti ve d ocu m e n ts

i n d i ca te d b e l o w. I n fo rm a ti on on cu rre n tl y va l i d n a ti o n a l an d i n te rn a ti on a l s ta n d a rd s ca n b e ob ta i n e d from

th e S AB S S ta n d a rd s D i vi s i o n .

B S 8 1 1 8 -1 , Structural use of aluminium – Part 1: Code of practice for design.

Structural use of aluminium – Part 2: Specification for materials, workmanship and
BS 8 1 1 8 -2 ,

Cranes – General design – Part 3-1: Limit states and proof competence of steel
CE N /TS 1 3 0 0 1 -3 -1 ,

Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Sheet, strip and plate – Part 1: Technical conditions
for inspection and delivery.
EN 4 8 5 -1 ,

Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Sheet, strip and plate – Part 2: Mechanical properties.
E N 4 8 5-2 ,

Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Sheet, strip and plate – Part 3: Tolerances on
dimensions and form for hot-rolled products.
EN 4 8 5 -3 ,

Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Sheet, strip and plate – Part 4: Tolerances on shape
and dimensions for cold-rolled products.
EN 4 8 5 -4 ,

Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Chemical composition and form of wrought products –
Part 3: Chemical composition and form of products.
E N 5 7 3 -3 ,

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1
EN 755-1 , Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 1: Technical
conditions for inspection and delivery.
EN 755-2, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 1:
Mechanical properties.
EN 755-3, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 3: Round
bars, tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 755-4, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 4: Square
bars, tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 755-5, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 5:
Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 755-6, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 6:
Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 755-7, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 7:
Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 755-8, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 8: Porthole
tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 755-9, Aluminium and aluminium alloys – Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles – Part 9: Profiles,
tolerances on dimensions and form.
EN 1 01 37-1 , Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and
tempered or precipitation hardened conditions – Part 1: General delivery conditions.
EN 1 01 37-2, Plates and wide flats made of high yield strength structural steels in the quenched and
tempered or precipitation hardened conditions – Part 2: Delivery conditions for quenched and
tempered steels.
EN 1 01 49-1 , Hot rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming – Part 1:
General delivery conditions.
EN 1 01 49-2, Hot-rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming – Part 2:
Delivery conditions for thermomechanically rolled steels.
EN 1 01 49-3, Hot rolled flat products made of high yield strength steels for cold forming – Part 3:
Delivery conditions for normalized or normalized rolled steels.
SANS 1 431 , Weldable structural steels.
SANS 1 01 60-1 , Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and industrial structures Part 1:
Basis of structural design. Amdt 1

SANS 1 01 60-2 , Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and industrial structures Part 2:
Self-weight and imposed loads. Amdt 1

SANS 1 01 60-8, Basis of structural design and actions for buildings and industrial structures Part 8:
Actions during execution. Amdt 1

SANS 1 01 62-1 , The structural use of steel – Part 1: Limit-state design of hot-rolled steelwork.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

SANS 1 01 62-2 (SABS 01 62-2), The structural use of steel – Part 2: Limit-states design of cold-

formed steelwork.

SANS 1 0208-1 , Design of structures for the mining industry – Part 1 : Headgear structures .

3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of SANS 1 0208, the definitions given in SANS 1 0208-1 and the
following apply.
permanent cover or roof structure, offering protection to persons on the top deck of the stage
reservoir that is supported on the stage and that contains the concrete before it is placed in the
kibble cross-head
frame that guides the kibble on the stage ropes
kibble cross-head support
structure that is located on the top deck of the stage to support the cross-head while the kibble is in,
or below, the stage
lashing unit
mechanical equipment that is used for loading broken rock into the kibble by means of a cactus
replaceable members
tertiary structural members of the stage, where mechanical damage is acceptable, and which are
replaced as necessary, as part of the normal maintenance routine for the stage. These may include
the kibble guides through the stage, the bell mouth, the stage deck plates, and the skids
formwork (including the kerb ring, which is considered part of the shutter) for the concrete shaft
shutter winch
winch on the stage that is used for the handling of shutters
movable platform, suspended at multiple points, and used to sink, rehabilitate or both equip vertical
or near-vertical excavations (shafts, rock passes, silos, dams). The stage is raised or lowered
slowly by mechanical means under supervision. Stages include sinking stages and suspended

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1
3.1 0
stage jack
prop that is used to stabilize the stage during lashing operations

4 Symbols
C is the lashing unit grab capacity (m 3).
eG is the stage load eccentricity factor.
E is the emergency load, or load effect (N, Nm).
EA is the emergency impact load (N).
ER is the emergency rope load (N).
F is the design load, or load effect (N, Nm).
G is the permanent load, or load effect (N, Nm).
L is the span of an element or floor beam (m).
L1 is the lashing unit lever arm (m).
L2 is the stage jack lever arm horizontal (m).
L3 is the stage jack lever arm vertical (m).
NL is the total number of lashing unit cycles.
PA is the canopy load (N).
PB is the blast load (N).
PC is the concentrated load on stage decks (N).
PD is the uniformly distributed imposed load on stage decks (N).
PG is the stage skid load (N).
PH is the kibble crosshead support load (N).
PJ is the stage jack load (N).
PK is the kibble guide load (N).
P LH is the horizontal lashing load (N).
P LV is the vertical lashing load (N).
PP is the special load (N).
PR is the hand railing load (N/m).
PT is the temporary stage support load (N).
PW is the winch load (N).

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

Q1 is the predominant imposed load, or load effect (N, Nm).

Q2 to Q n are the additional independent imposed loads, or load effects (N, Nm).
VE is the excavated volume of the shaft (m 3).
WC is the weight of the kibble crosshead (N).
WG is the weight of the cactus grab including the grab crosshead (N).
WK is the weight of the kibble and full load (N).
WPL is the weight of the load in the grab (N).
WR is the rated shutter winch load (N).
WS is the weight of the shutter (N).
WW is the grab winch safe working load (N).
αB is the bellmouth impact factor.
αC is the impact factor for kibble crosshead support.
αE is the impact factor for emergency rope load.
αK is the kibble guide impact factor.
αL is a horizontal impact factor.
αJ is the impact factor for stage jack load.
αT is the stage support impact factor.
αVi is a vertical impact factor.
η is the efficiency factor.
γE is the partial load factor for emergency load.
γfo is the partial load factor for permanent load.
γf1 is the partial load factor for the predominant imposed load.
γf2 to γfn are the partial load factors for imposed load.
Ψ 2 to Ψ n are the load combination factors.
5 Materials
5.1 Steel
5.1 .1 Structural steel grades
Unless otherwise specified by the client, the materials used for steel members shall conform to the
requirements of SANS 1 431 .

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1
5.1 .2 High strength steel grades
Unless otherwise specified by the client, the materials for high strength steel members shall
conform to the requirements of EN 1 01 37-1 , EN 1 01 37-2, EN 1 01 49-1 , EN 1 01 49-2, or
EN 1 01 49-3.

5.2 Aluminium alloys

Unless otherwise specified by the client, the materials used for aluminium alloy members shall
conform to the requirements (or equivalent) of EN 573-3, EN 485-1 to EN 485-4 and EN 755-1 to
EN 755-9.
NOTE The preferred alloys include 5083 H32 for 4,6 and 8 mm thick plates or 6082 T651 or 6061 T651 for
1 0, 1 2 and 1 5 mm thick plates and 6061 T6 or 6082 T6 for extrusions.

6 Nominal loads
6.1 Permanent load (G)
The permanent load G shall be as given in SANS 1 01 60-1 , SANS 1 01 60-2 and SANS 1 01 60-8 and
shall include the stage and all permanent fixtures and equipment necessary for the sinking and
lining of the shaft. Amdt 1

6.2 Imposed loads

6.2.1 Stage deck load (P D, P C)
The imposed load P D or P C on stage decks shall be the most adverse of the following:
a) a load PD which shall be calculated from a uniformly distributed load (which shall be taken to
include concrete build-up loads) of 3 000 N/m 2, unless it can be demonstrated that there will be
no build-up of concrete in which case a uniformly distributed load of 1 500 N/m 2, multiplied by the
total area of the stage decks; or
b) a concentrated load P C of 5 000 N, placed in the position that produces the most severe effects
in the member under consideration.
No area reduction factors shall be included when deck loads from one or more decks are being
Due allowance shall be made for possible eccentric application of stage deck loads. Unless it can
be shown that procedures are in place to ensure concentric placement of all deck loads, it shall be
assumed that one half of each stage deck carries a load of 0,75 P D, whilst the other half of the deck
carries a load of 0,25 P D.
6.2.2 Winch load (P W)
The winch load PW shall be the greater of:
PW = 2,0WS, and
PW = 1 ,5WR

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

WS is the weight of the shutter (N);
WR is the rated shutter winch load (N).
6.2.3 Lashing load (P LH , P LV)
The lashing load P LH and P LV (the position and direction of which are shown in figures 1 and 2) shall
be taken as follows:
a) a vertical load, being the greater of
PLV = αV1 (WG + WPL), and
PLV = αV2 (WW)
αV1 is a vertical impact factor, which can be taken as 3,0;
αV2 is a vertical impact factor, which can be taken as 1 ,5;
WG is the weight of the cactus grab including the grab cross-head (N);
WW is the grab winch safe working load (N).
b) a horizontal load,
αL is a horizontal impact factor, which can be taken as 0,35.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3. 1

Figure 1 — Horizontal load(P LH )

Figure 2 — Vertical load(P LV)

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

For evaluation of the fatigue life of the lashing unit supports, the total number of lashing unit cycles
shall be taken as:
1 ,7 VE
NL =

VE is the excavated volume of the shaft (m 3);
C is the lashing unit grab capacity (m 3);

η is the efficiency factor, taken as 0,7 in the absence of better information.

6.2.4 Kibble cross-head support load (P H )
The kibble cross-head support load P H shall be obtained from the following:
P H = αC W C
αC is the impact factor for the kibble cross-head support, which can be taken
as 2,0;
WC is the weight of the kibble cross-head (N).
6.2.5 Stage jack load (P J )
The load P J applied to each of two opposing of the stage jacks shall be taken as follows:
a) tangentially
PJT = α J
b) axially
PJA = α J
P LH is the horizontal load due to lashing operations (N);
P LV is the vertical load due to lashing operations (N);
L1 is the lashing unit lever arm (m);
L2 is the horizontal stage jack lever arm between opposing jacks (m);
L3 is the vertical distance between stage jack levels (m);
αJ is the impact factor for stage jack load, taken as 1 ,5.
The loads defined in (a) and (b) shall be applied simultaneously.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

Figure 3 — Stage jack load

6.2.6 Stage skid load (P G )
The stage skid load P G shall be taken as:

P G = e G (G + P D )


eG is the stage load eccentricity factor, which shall be taken as not less than 0,05.

The stage skid load shall be applied to the top and bottom skids on the stage.

Where the stage has an unsymmetrical shape, where there is heavy equipment placed eccentric to
the geometrical centre of the stage, or where the stage rope tension with the sheave geometry
induces a moment on the stage, e G shall be calculated on the basis of the actual location of the
centre of gravity of the stage and the equipment, and the actual moment induced by the maximum
tension in the stage ropes.

Where the shaft being sunk is not vertical, the stage skid load shall include the appropriate
component of the stage weight.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1

6.2.7 Canopy load (P A)

The canopy load P A shall be calculated from a uniformly distributed load of 3 000 N/m 2, multiplied
by the area of the canopy.
6.2.8 Kibble guide load (P K)
a) The horizontal kibble guide load P K shall be taken as:
P K = α K WK
αK is the kibble guide impact factor, which may be taken as 0,1 ;
WK is the weight of kibble and full load.
The horizontal kibble guide load P K shall be applied to the kibble guide as a uniformly distributed
load acting over the length of the kibble.
b) The vertical and horizontal impact loads on the bellmouth on the underside of the stage, shall be
taken as
P K = αB W K
αB is the bellmouth impact factor, which may be taken as 0,2 provided the creep speed
through the stage does not exceed 0,5 m/s.

6.2.9 Temporary stage support load (P T)

The temporary stage support load PT shall be taken as:
PT = αT (G + P D)
αT is a stage support impact factor, which shall be taken as 2,0 provided the impact
speed does not exceed 0,1 m/s, unless a rational impact load calculation indicates a
different value.
6.2.1 0 Blast load (P B)
The blast load P B shall be calculated from a static pressure of 3 000 N/m 2 acting in a vertical
upward direction, multiplied by the total area of all the stage decks.

6.2.1 1 Hand railing load (P R)

The hand railing load P R shall be taken as a uniformly distributed load of not less than 1 500 N/m,
acting in any direction perpendicular to the hand railing.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1
6.2.1 2 Special load (P P)
From time to time stages can be used for other operations, such as the installation of a brattice wall,
or transport of heavy underground equipment. Special loads P P applied to the stage under these
conditions shall be assessed on a rational basis.

6.3 Emergency load (E)

6.3.1 Emergency rope load (E R)
The emergency rope load E R on the primary members of the stage shall be obtained from the
E R = αE (G + P D)
αE is the impact factor for emergency rope load, which shall be taken as not less than 3,0.
6.3.2 Emergency impact load (E A)
Unless otherwise specified by the client, the following emergency impact loads E A shall be
a) A vertical concentrated load of 20 000 N applied on an area of 0,1 m × 0,1 m anywhere on the
canopy or the top deck of the stage.
b) The load resulting from impact having an energy of 20 kJ, applied anywhere on the beams
comprising the top deck of the stage.
7 Load factors and load combinations
7.1 General
NOTE Throughout clause 7, “load” can also be read as “load effect”.

7.2 Operating conditions

7.2.1 Partial load factors
The appropriate values for partial load factors and load combination factors as given in table 1 shall
be used.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
E d i ti o n 3 . 1

Table 1 — Partial load factor γfi and load combination factor Ψ i

1 2 3 4

Partial load factor γfi Load combination factor

Type of load
Ultimate Serviceability Ψi
P e rm a n e n t l oa d s ( G )

a) m a xi m u m s e l f-we i g h t l oad a cti n g i n i s ol a ti on 1 ,5 1 ,0 -

b) m a xi m u m se l f-we i g h t l oad acti n g i n com b i n a ti on 1 ,2 1 ,1 1 ,0

I m p os e d l oa d s (Q i )

c) s ta g e d e ck l oad (P U ; P C ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,0

d) wi n ch l oa d (P W ) 1 ,4 1 ,0 0, 0

e) l a s h i n g l oa d ( P LH + P L V) 1 ,6 1 ,0 0, 0

f) ki b bl e cros s -h ea d s u p port l oa d (P S ) (P P ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,0

g) s ta g e j a ck s u pport l oa d (P J ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,0

h) s ta g e s ki d l oa d (P G ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 0, 0

i) ca n op y l oad ( P A) 1 ,6 1 ,0 0, 0

j) ki b bl e g u i d e l oad ( P K) 1 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,0

k) tem p ora ry s ta g e s u p port l oa d (P T ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,0

l) b l a s t l oad (P B ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 0, 0

m) h a n d ra i l i n g l oad (P R) 1 ,6 1 ,0 0, 0

n) s p e ci a l l oa d (P P ) 1 ,6 1 ,0 1 ,0

E m e rg e n cy l oad s (E )

o) e m e rg e n cy rop e l oa d (E R) (s e e cl a u se 7 . 3 )

p) e m e rg e n cy i m p a ct l oa d (E A) 1 ,3 NA 0, 0

Wh e re th e m a s s of th e s p e ci a l l oa d i s we l l kn own , a p a rti a l l oad factor of 1 , 3 m a y b e u s e d .

Wh e re th e b l a s t l oa d i s a p pl i e d , th i s fa ctor i s ta ken a s ze ro.

7.2.2 Load combinations

F or l oa d com b i n a ti on s , th e d e s i g n l o a d F s h a l l b e ob ta i n e d from th e fol l owi n g :

F = γ fo
G + γf2 Q1 + ( Ψ 2
γ f2
Q2 + . . . + Ψ n
γ fn

wh ere

γ fo
i s th e p a rti a l l oa d fa ctor for p e rm an e n t l oa d ;

γf2 to γ fn
a re th e p arti a l l oa d fa ctors for i m p os ed l oa d ;

G i s th e p e rm a n e n t l oa d , a s d e fi n e d i n 7 . 1 ;

Q1 i s th e p red om i n a n t i m p os ed l o a d u n d e r con s i d e ra ti on (s e e tab l e 1 ( c) to (p )) ;

Q 2 to Q n a re th e a d d i ti on a l i n d e p e n d e n t i m p os e d l oa d s ( s ee ta b l e 1 (c) to (p )) ;

Ψ 2
to Ψ n
a re th e l o ad com b i n a ti on fa ctors .

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
Edition 3.1
7.3 Emergency conditions
a) For load combinations incorporating the emergency rope load, the design load F shall be
obtained from the following equation:
F = γE E R
γE is the partial load factor for emergency rope load, taken as 1 ,3.
b) For all other emergency load combinations 7.2 shall apply.

8 Design procedures
8.1 Design loads
The nominal loads for operating and emergency conditions shall be obtained from clause 6. The
partial load factors and load combinations shall be obtained from clause 7.

8.2 Design codes

Structural components of stages shall be designed using limit-state design procedures as provided
for in SANS 1 01 62-1 , BS 81 1 8-1 and BS 81 1 8-2. Secondary members can be designed using
SANS 1 01 62-2. Structural members made from high strength steels shall be designed using limit
state design procedures as provided in CEN/TS 1 3001 -3-1 .

8.3 Load reversal

Stages are typically constructed in their vertical position before or during deployment, in the shaft.
There is also the possibility of the stage being lowered onto the shaft bottom during sinking, in order
to change the stage ropes or damaged sheaves. These conditions both lead to a load reversal on
the main vertical members, which must be considered during the design.

8.4 Design of replaceable members

The client can designate selected members (other than critical load-bearing members) of the stage
as replaceable items. A resistance factor of 1 ,2 can be used for the design of these members, but
not for their connections or supporting members.

8.5 Impact energy design of top deck

The top deck beams shall not deflect by more than 1 5 % of their span under the action of the
specified impact energy.

8.6 Deflection limitations

Deflection of decks and floor beams shall not exceed L /200. For a cantilever, L shall be taken as
equal to twice the length of the cantilever.
NOTE Deflection limitations need not be considered in emergency conditions.

SANS 1 0208-2:201 1
E d i ti o n 3 . 1

F u rth er i n form a ti on on th e d e s i g n o f s tag e s i s ob ta i n a b l e from th e fol l owi n g p u b l i ca ti on :

S ou th Afri can I n s ti tu te of S te e l C on s tru cti on Com m e n ta ry on S AN S 1 0 2 0 8 -2 , The design of

structures for the mining industry ─ Part 2: Sinking stages. S ou th Afri can I n s ti tu te of S te e l

Con s tru cti on : 2 0 0 5 , J oh a n n e s b u rg .

© S AB S

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