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Atty. Edison V. Rafanan, was allegedly notarized Adelino Ledesma, a counsel de parte for one of the
several documents on different dates and failed to: a) parties in a case pending before the sala of Judge
make the proper notation regarding the Community Rafael Climaco, filed a motion to withdraw as counsel
Tax Certificate (CTC) of the complainant; b) enter the de parte in light of his appointment as an election
details of the notarized documents in the notarial registrar. Judge Climaco, instead of granting his
register; and c) make and execute the certification and withdrawal, appointed him as counsel de oficio of the
enter his PTR and IBP numbers in the documents he two defendants in the criminal case. Ledesma then
had notarized. filed a motion to withdraw as counsel de oficio but it
On the other hand, Atty. Rafanan admitted having was denied,. Hence, he instituted this petition for
administered the oath but believed that non-notation of certiorari.
the Resident Certificates as well as not entering the
details of the notarized documents in the notarial
register was allowed. Notation of Resident Certificates ISSUE: Whether or not the respondent Judge acted
are applied only to documents acknowledged by a with grave abuse of discretion in denying the
notary public and was not mandatory for affidavits petitioner's withdrawal as counsel.
related to cases pending before courts and other
government offices. He further asserted that this was HELD:
a popular practice among notaries public in Nueva
Ecija, some of whom were older practitioners. No. Membership in the Bar carries with it a
responsibility to live up to its exacting standards. Law
ISSUE: What is the rule on registry of notarial is a profession and not a trade or craft.Those enrolled
documents? in its ranks aid the courts in the administration of
justice. As such, an attorney may be called or
HELD: appointed as counsel de oficio to aid indigents for the
realization of their constitutional right to counsel
The court ruled in the negative. The Notarial Law is especially in criminal cases like this where a person
explicit on the obligations and duties of notaries public. may be convicted not because of his or her guilt but
They are required to certify that the party to every because he or she lacks competent legal
document acknowledged before them has presented representation.
the proper residence certificate (or exemption from the
residence tax); and to enter its number, place of issue Assuming Ledesma's good faith, his appointment as
and date as part of such certification. They are also an election registrar cannot be availed of now when
required to maintain and keep a notarial register; to granting his withdrawal will result to the delay in the
enter therein all instruments notarized by them; and to administration of justice. It is to be noted that the
give to each instrument executed, sworn to, or proceedings has been delayed at least eight times at
acknowledged before [them] a number corresponding the defense's instance, resulting to undue
to the one in [their] register [and to state therein] the inconvenience to the parties involved.
page or pages of [their] register, on which the same is
recorded. Failure to perform these duties would result What is easily discernible in this case is the petitioner's
in the revocation of their commission as notaries reluctance to comply with the responsibilities
public. incumbent upon him as counsel de oficio. Petitioner is
admonished for not being mindful of his obligation
These formalities are mandatory and cannot be simply where he is expected to exercise due diligence, not
neglected, considering the degree of importance and mere perfunctory representation, to the case of his
evidentiary weight attached to notarized documents. clients. He must be reminded that a member of the bar
Notaries public entering into their commissions are is a vanguard in the bastion of justice and is therefore
presumed to be aware of these elementary expected to have a bigger dose of social conscience
requirements. and a little less self-interest.
It is intolerable that he did away with the basics of
notarial procedure allegedly because others were IN RE LUIS B. TAGORDA
doing so. Being swayed by the bad example of others FACTS:
is not an acceptable justification for breaking the law.
Atty. Tagorda, in his card written in Spanish and
Disbarment, however, cannot be granted considering Ilocano,noted his capability as a lawyer such as
the nature of the infraction and the absence of deceit executing a deed of sale, collection of loans, etc. Also,
on the part of Atty. Rafanan. A fine of P3, 000 is in his letter addrssed to a lieutenant of barrio in his
imposed with a warning that similar infractions in the home municipality, he also advertised his profession
future will be dealt with more severely. as a lawyer and even asked a favor to disseminate this
information to the barrio people in any of their
meetings or social gatherings.
ISSUE: Whether or not the advertisement of Atty. specialist” he erodes and undermines the sanctity of
Tagorda through the card and letter is wrong and be an institution still considered as sacrosanct --- he in
punished. fact encourages people otherwise disinclined to
dissolve their marriage bond.Solicitation of business is
RULING:  not altogether proscribed but for it to be proper it must
be compatible with the dignity of the legal profession.
Yes. The acts of Atty Tagorda of direct and indirect Note that the law list where the lawyer’s name appears
advertising and stirring up litigation were violative of must be a reputable law list only for that purpose --- a
the Code of Ethics. Still, the most worthy and effective lawyer may not properly publish in a daily paper,
advertisement possible, even for a young lawyer, and magazine…etc., nor may a lawyer permit his name to
especially with his brother lawyers, is the be published the contents of which are likely to deceive
establishment of a well-merited reputation for or injure the public or the bar.
professional capacity and fidelity to trust. It becomes
the duty of the court to condemn in no uncertain terms
the ugly practice of solicitation of cases by lawyers. It
is destructive of the honor of a great profession. It
lowers the standards of that profession. It works DACANAY VS. BAKER & MCKENZIE
against the confidence of the community in the integrity
of the members of the bar. It results in needless
litigation and in incenting to strife otherwise peacefully FACTS:
inclined citizens. The commission of offenses of this
nature would amply justify permanent elimination from
the bar. But as mitigating, circumstances working in [R]espondent Vicente A. Torres, using the letterhead of
favor of the respondent there are, first, his intimation Baker & McKenzie, which contains the names of the
that he was unaware of the impropriety of his acts, ten lawyers, asked a certain Rosie Clurman for the
second, his youth and inexperience at the bar, and, release of 87 shares of Cathay Products International,
third, his promise not to commit a similar mistake in the Inc. to H.E. Gabriel, a client. Attorney Dacanay, in his
future. Atty. Tagorda is suspended for one month. reply dated December 7, 1979, denied any liability of
Clurman to Gabriel. He requested that he be informed
whether the lawyer of Gabriel is Baker & McKenzie
KHAN VS. SIMBILLO “and if not, what is your purpose in using the letterhead
of another law office.” Not having received any reply,
FACTS: he filed the instant complaint. As admitted by the
respondents in their memorandum, Baker & McKenzie
is a professional partnership organized in 1949 in
A paid advertisement in the Philippine Daily Inquirer
Chicago, Illinois with members and associates in 30
was published which reads:“Annulment of Marriage
cities around the world. Respondents, aside from being
Specialist [contact number]”. Espeleta, a staff of the
members of the Philippine bar, practicing under the
Supreme Court, called up the number but it was Mrs.
firm name of Guerrero & Torres, are members or
Simbillo who answered. She claims that her husband,
associates of Baker & McKenzie.
Atty. Simbillo was an expert in handling annulment
cases and can guarantee a court decree within 4-6mos
provided thecase will not involve separation of property ISSUE: Whether or not Baker & McKenzie, an alien
and custody of children. It appears that similar law firm, could practice law in the Philippines.
advertisements were also published.An administrative
complaint was filed which was referred to the IBP for
investigation and recommendation. The IBP resolved HELD:
to suspend Atty. Simbillo for 1year. Note that although
the name of Atty. Simbillo did not appear in the
advertisement, he admitted the acts imputed against NO. Respondents were enjoined from practicing law
him but argued that he should not be charged. He said under the firm name Baker & McKenzie.
that it was time to lift the absolute prohibition against
advertisement because the interest of the public isn’t
served in any wayby the prohibition. RATIO:

ISSUE: Whether or not Simbillo violated Rule2.03 &

Rule3.01. Baker & McKenzie, being an alien law firm, cannot
practice law in the Philippines (Sec. 1, Rule 138, Rules
HELD: of Court).

Yes! The practice of law is not a business --- it is a [R]espondents’ use of the firm name Baker &
profession in which the primary duty is public service McKenzie constituted a representation that being
and money. Gaining livelihood is a secondary associated with the firm they could “render legal
consideration while duty to public service and services of the highest quality to multinational business
administration of justice should be primary. Lawyers enterprises and others engaged in foreign trade and
should subordinate their primary interest.Worse, investment”. This was unethical because Baker &
advertising himself as an “annulment of marriage McKenzie was not authorized to practice law here.
ISSUE: Whether or not respondent’s conduct violated
the Code of Professional Responsibility and merits the
penalty of disbarment?
Yes, the respondent should be disbarred.
Atty. Mosib Ali Bubong was holding position in the
Register of Deeds of Marawi City. An administrative The defense of denial proferred by respondent is not
complaint was charged against him for illegal exaction, convincing. It is settled that denial, which is inherently
indiscriminate issuance of TCTs and manipulating the a weak defense, to be believed must be buttressed by
criminal complaint filed against the respondents a strong evidence of non-culpability. The evidence,
relative for violation of Anti-Squatting Law. The LRA respondent’s letters to the complainant, shows that he
absolved him but the through the recommendation of made it appear that the US$20,000 was officially
the Sec. of Justice, Pres. Ramos issued an deposited with the Bureau of Immigration and
administrative order dismissing the respondent for Deportation. If this is true, how come only Petty Cash
gross misconduct for the imprudent issuance of TCTs Vouchers were issued by respondent to complainant to
and manipulating the criminal case for violation of the prove his receipt of the said sum and official receipts
Anti-Squatting Law. Due to outcome of the therefore were never issued by the said Bureau? Also,
administrative case against respondent, the petitioner why would respondent issue his personal checks to
sought for the disbarment of the former because it has cover the return of the money to complainant if said
become obvious that respondent had proven himself amount was really officially deposited with the Bureau
unfit to be further entrusted with duties of an attorney of Immigration? All these actions of respondent point to
and is a serious threat to the integrity of legal the inescapable conclusion that respondent received
profession. The respondent denied the allegations the money from complainant and appropriated the
against him. After investigation, the IBP recommended same for his personal use.
for the suspension of the respondent. Upon the death
Lawyers in government service in the discharge of
of the petitioner, his heirs moved for the withdrawal of
their official task have more restrictions than lawyers in
the deceased petition for disbarment.
private practice. Want of moral integrity is to be more
severely condemned in a lawyer who holds a
ISSUE: Whether or not respondent may be disbarred
responsible public office.
for grave misconduct committed while he was in
government service Considering that respondent was able to perpetrate the
fraud by taking advantage of his position with the
HELD: Board of Special Inquiry of the Bureau of Immigration
and Deportation, makes it more reprehensible as it has
Yes.The CPR does not cease to apply to a lawyer caused damage to the reputation and integrity of said
simply because he has joined the govt service. Canon office. It is submitted that respondent has violated Rule
6.02 provides that a lawyer in govt service shall not 6.02 of Canon 6 of the Code of Professional
use his public position to promote or advance his Responsibility which reads:
private interest, not allow the latter to interfere with his
public duties. Thus, where a lawyers misconduct as a "A lawyer in the government service shall not use his
government official is of such nature as to affect his public position to promote or advance his private
qualification as a lawyer or to show moral delinquency, interests, nor allow the latter to interfere with his public
then he may be disciplined as a member of the bar. duties."

Also, the act of issuing a bouncing check shows moral

turpitude. Respondent's acts are more despicable, for
HUYSSEN VS. GUTIERREZ not only did he misappropriate the money of
complainant; worse, he had the gall to prepare receipts
FACTS: with the letterhead of the BID and issued checks to
cover up his misdeeds.
Respondent Atty. Gutierrez, a Bureau of Immigration
and Deportation officer, received US$20,000 from Time and again, we have declared that the practice of
complainant Huyssen. Accused of falsely representing law is a noble profession. It is a special privilege
that it was needed in complainant’s application for visa bestowed only upon those who are competent
and failing to return the same, respondent denied intellectually, academically and morally.
misappropriating the said amount, claiming that he
gave it to a certain Atty. Mendoza who assisted A lawyer must at all times conduct himself, especially
complainant and children in their application for visa. in his dealings with his clients and the public at large,
He failed however to substantiate such denial. with honesty and integrity in a manner beyond
reproach. More importantly, possession of good moral
Atty. Gutierrez had many alibis on why the money character must be continuous as a requirement to the
could not immediately be returned to the complainant, enjoyment of the privilege of law practice; otherwise,
and promised her several times that he would repay the loss thereof is a ground for the revocation of such
her out of his personal funds. He even issued personal privilege.
post-dated checks on this, but which later bounced.
As a lawyer, who was also a public officer, respondent ISSUE: WON the Solicitor General made a
miserably failed to cope with the strict demands and conscientious study and thorough analysis in the case.
high standards of the legal profession. Section 27 Rule
138 of the Revised Rules of Court mandates that a HELD:
lawyer may be disbarred or suspended for, among
other acts, gross misconduct in office. Yes. Considering the correct facts now brought to the
attention of the Court by the SolGen and in view of the
WHEREFORE, Atty. Gutierrez is hereby DISBARRED
reassessment made by the Office of the issues and the
from the practice of law and ordered to return the
evidence and the law involved, the Court takes a
amount he received from the complainant with legal
similar view that the affirmance of the decision
interest from his receipt of the money until payment.
appealed from cannot be rightfully sustained. The
The case shall be referred to the Office of the
conscientious study and thorough ananlysis made by
Ombudsman for criminal prosecution for violation of
the Office of the Solicitor General in this case truly
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Acts and to the
reflects its consciousness of its role as the People’s
Department of Justice for appropriate administrative
Advocate in the administration of justice to the end that
the innocent be equally defended and set free just as it
has the task of having the guilty punished.

This court will do no less and, therefore, accepts the

TRIESTE, SR. VS SANDIGANBAYAN submitted recommendation that the decision and
resolution in question of the respondent
FACTS: Sandiganbayan be reversed and that as a matter of
justice, the herein petitioner be entitled to a judgment
Generoso Trieste, Sr., the Municipal Mayor of of acquittal.
Numancia, Aklan, was charged by the Tanodbayan
with 12 counts of alleged violations of Section 3 (h) of
the Anti-Graft Law for having financial or pecuniary
interest in a business, contract or transaction in ENRIQUEZ V. GIMENEZ
connection with which said accused intervened or took
part in his official capacity and in which he is prohibited FACTS:
by law from having any interest, to wit the purchases of
construction materials by the municipality from Trigen On 2 June 1956 the municipal mayor of Bauan,
Agro-Industrial Development Corporation, of which the Batangas wrote a letter to Julio Enriquez, Sr.
accused is the president, incorporator, director and (petitioner) engaging his services as counsel for the
major stockholder. municipality in its contemplated action against the
National Waterworks and Sewerage Authority. This is
after the fact that the provincial fiscal of the
After trial, the Sandiganbayan rendered the challenged
municipality declined to represent such in an action to
decision, convicting the petitioner in all the twelve
be brought againt NWSA to test the validity and
criminal cases.
constitutionality of the Act creating it. On 28 June 1956
the petitioner accepted the offer and filed the
After the petition for review was filed, petitioner filed an necessary complaint in the Court of First Instance of
urgent petition to lift the order of the Sandiganbayan. Batangas. Petitioner requested a reimbursement of
There having no objection coming from the Solicitor P40.00 for docket fee and P500.00 as initial attorney’s
General, the petition was granted, hence lifting the fee. On 24 June 1957 the Auditor General, herein
preventive suspension. A supplemental petition was respondent, disallowed in audit the petitioner’s claim
also filed by petitioner. for initial attorney’s fee but offered no objection to the
refund of docket fee.
The former Solicitor General filed a consolidated
comment to the original petition and to the ISSUE: WON the Auditor General erred in disallowing
supplemental petition filed by the petitioner. He argued the reimbursement of the initial attorney’s fee.
the dismissal of the petition (the urgent petition to lift
the order of the Sandiganbayan) on the ground that the RULING:
same raise factual issues which are, therefore, non-
reviewable. No. Bias or prejudice and animosity or hostility on the
part of a fiscal not based on any of the conditions
enumerated in the law and the Rules of Court do not
In the briefs, however, the new Solicitor General, filed
constitute a legal and valid excuse for inhibition or
a “Manifestation For Acquittal,” concluding that: (1)
disqualification. And unlike a practising lawyer who has
petitioner has divested his interest with Trigen; (2)
the right to decline employment, a fiscal cannot refuse
Sales of stocks need not be reported to Sec; (3)
the performance of his action and functions on grounds
Prosecution failed to prove charges; (4) No evidence to
not provided for by law without violating his oath of
prove petitioner approved payment; (5) Testimonial
office, where he swore, among other, “that he will well
and documentary evidence confirms that petitioner
and faithfully discharge to the best of his ability the
signed vouchers after payment; etc.
duties of the office or position upon which he is about
to enter….”
PCGG VS. SANDIGANBAYAN Lanuevo admitted having brought the five examination
notebooks of Ramon E. Galang back to the respective
FACTS: examiners for re-evaluation or re-checking. The five
examiners having re-evaluated or re-checked the
In 1991, PCGG filed a motion to disqualify notebook to him by the Bar Confidant.
Mendoza, because of his participation in the
liquidation of Genbank. Genbank (now Allied Bank) As investigator conducted by the NBI also showed that
is one of the properties that PCGG is seeking to be Ramon Galang was charged with the crime of slight
sequestered from the Lucio Tan group. PCGG invoked physical injuries committed on certain de Vera, of the
Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. same University. Confronted with this information,
Sandiganbayan denied PCGG’s motion. respondent Galang declared that he does not
According to the Sandiganbayan, Mendoza did not remember having been charged with the crime of slight
take an adverse position to that taken on behalf of the physical injuries in that case.
Central Bank. And Mendoza’s appearance as counsel
was beyond the 1 year prohibitory period since he It must also be noted that immediately after the official
retired in 1986. release of the results of the 1971 Bar Examinations,
Lanuevo gained possession of few properties,
ISSUE: WON Rule 6.03 of the Code of Professional including that of a house in V+BF Homes, which was
Responsibility applies to Estelito Mendoza never declared in his declaration of assets and
liabilities. But Lanuevo’s statement of assets and
HELD: liabilities were not taken up during the investigation but
were examined as parts of the records of the court.
No. It does not apply to Mendoza. Sandiganbayan
decision is affirmed. The matter, or the act of Mendoza
as Solicitor General is advising the Central
Bank on how to proceed with the liquidation of ISSUES:
Genbank. This is not the “matter” contemplated by
Rule 6.03 of the CPR. The matter involved in the 1. Whether or not Lanuevo is guilty defrauding the
liquidation of Genbank is entirely different from the examiners into re-evaluating Galang’s exam notebook.
matter invoked in the PCGG case against the Lucio
Tan group. The intervention contemplated in Rule 6.03 2. Whether or not Galang is guilty of fraudulently
should be substantial and important. The role of concealing and withholding from the court his pending
Mendoza in the liquidation of Genbank is considered case.
1. Yes. It is evident that Lanuevo staged the plot to
FACTS: convince the examiners to individually re-examine the
grades of Galang to help him pass even without the
Landicho wrote a confidential letter to the court about authority of the Court.
the startling fact that the grade in one examination
(Civil Law) of at least one bar candidate was raised for 2. Yes. Ramon Galang is guilty of fraudulently
one reason or another, before the bar results were concealing and withholding from the Court his pending
released that year and that there are grades in other criminal case for physical injuries in 1961, 1962, 1963,
examination notebooks in other subjects that 1964, 1966, 1967, 1969, and 1971; and in 1966, 1967,
underwent alterations to raise the grades prior to the 1969, and 1971, he committed perjury when he
release of results. The Court checked the records of declared under oath that he had no pending criminal
the 1971 Bar Examinations and found that the grades case in court. That the concealment of an attorney of
in five subjects — Political Law and Public International the fact that he had been charged with, or indicted for,
Law, Civil Law, Mercantile Law, Criminal Law, and an alleged crime, in his application to take the Bar
Remedial Law — of a successful bar candidate with Exam is a ground for revocation of his license to
office code no. 954, Ramon Galang, underwent some practice law as well-settled. He is therefore unworthy
changes which, however, were duly initialed and of becoming a member of the noble profession of law.
authenticated by the respective examiner concerned.
Each of the five examiners in his individual sworn
statement admitted having re-evaluated and/or re-
checked the notebook involved pertaining to his BUGARING VS. ESPAOL
subject upon the representation to him by Bar
Confidant Lanuevo that he has the authority to do the
same and that the examinee concerned failed only in Atty. Rexie Efren A. Bugaring was counsel for Royal
his particular and/or was on the borderline of passing. Bechtel Builders against Spouses Luis and Beatriz
Alvaran on a case for annulment Certificates of Title,
The investigation showed that the re-evaluation of the
Specific Performance and Damages with Prayer for
examination papers of Ramon E. Galang alias Roman
Preliminary Injunction or Temporary Restraining Order.
Galang, was unauthorized, and therefore he did noy
In one of the hearings, he was cited for contempt for
obtain a passing average in the 1971 Bar
allegedly bringing an assistant in court todocument the
hearing on video tape and being disrespectful to the
court. That while Atty. Concepcion, a respondent remains that the first and second marriage were
called on his lawyer, Atty. Barzaga to proceed on subsisting before the first marriage was annulled, since
behalf of hisclient, Atty. Bugaring insisted that he be Lea failed to obtain a judicial decree of nullity for her
allowed to present his documentary evidence. He first marriage to Bautista before contracting her second
would then interrupt the court by insisting that he be marriage with Renato.
allowed to present his evidence. The Court told him a
few times to listen and yet he would speak up, often in CA reversed and set aside the RTC's Decision and
a sarcastic manner anytime he feels like. He Order and upheld the validity of the parties' marriage.
alsomentioned about he is more rather knowledgeable In reversing the RTC, the CA said that since Lea's
on the rules of Court. He also accused the Judge marriages were solemnized in 1972 and in 1979, or
ofbeing antagonistic towards his client. prior to the effectivity of the Family Code on 3 August
1988, the Civil Code is the applicable law since it is the
HELD: law in effect at the time the marriages were celebrated,
and not the Family Code. Furthermore, the CA ruled
Atty. Bugaring was cited for contempt, sentenced to that the Civil Code does not state that a judicial decree
three days in jail with a fine of P 3,000. However, is necessary in order to establish the nullity of a
appellate court ordered that P 1,000 be returned as it marriage.
exceeds the P 2,000 limit.
ISSUE: W/N judicial declaration is necessary in order
RATIO: The Court agrees with the appellate court. It to establish the nullity of a marriage.
contends that a lawyer should not be carried away in
espousing his client’s cause. He should not forget that RULING:
he is an officer of the court, bound to extend every
effort and placed under duty, to assist in the speedy NO, under the Civil Code. Petition is DENIED.
and efficient administration of justice pursuant to
Canon 12 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. The Court held that the subsequent marriage of Lea to
He should not therefore misuse therules of procedure Renato is valid in view of the invalidity of her first
to defeat the ends of justice. Lawyers should be marriage to Bautista because of the absence of a
reminded that their primary duty is to assist the courts marriage license. That there was no judicial declaration
in the administration of justice. Any conduct which that the first marriage was void ab initio before the
tends to delay, impede or obstruct the administration of second marriage was contracted is immaterial as this
justice contravenes such lawyer’s duty. is not a requirement under the Civil Code.
Nonetheless, the subsequent Decision of the RTC
declaring the nullity of Lea's first marriage only serves
to strengthen the conclusion that her subsequent
CASTILLO V CASTILLO marriage to Renato is valid.


On 25 May 1972, respondent Lea P. De Leon Castillo The validity of a marriage and all its incidents must be
(Lea) married Benjamin Bautista (Bautista). On 6 determined in accordance with the law in effect at the
January 1979, respondent married herein petitioner time of its celebration. In this case, the law in force at
Renato A. Castillo (Renato). the time Lea contracted both marriages was the Civil
Code. The children of the parties were also born while
On 28 May 2001, Renato filed before the RTC a the Civil Code was in effect i.e. in 1979, 1981, and
Petition for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, praying 1985. Hence, the Court must resolve this case using
that his marriage to Lea be declared void due to her the provisions under the Civil Code on void marriages,
subsisting marriage to Bautista. Respondent opposed in particular, Articles 80, 81, 82, and 83 (first
the Petition, and contended that her marriage to paragraph); and those on voidable marriages are
Bautista was null and void as they had not secured any Articles 83 (second paragraph), 85 and 86.
license therefor, and neither of them was a member of
the denomination to which the solemnizing officer Under the Civil Code, a void marriage differs from a
belonged. voidable marriage in the following ways:

RTC declared the marriage between petitioner and 1) a void marriage is nonexistent - i.e., there was no
respondent null and void ab initio on the ground that it marriage from the beginning - while in a voidable
was a bigamous marriage under Article 41 of the marriage, the marriage is valid until annulled by a
Family Code. The RTC said that the fact that Lea's competent court;
marriage to Bautista was subsisting when she married
Renato on 6 January 1979, makes her marriage to 2) a void marriage cannot be ratified, while a voidable
Renato bigamous, thus rendering it void ab initio. The marriage can be ratified by cohabitation;
lower court dismissed Lea's argument that she need
not obtain a judicial decree of nullity and could 3) being nonexistent, a void marriage can be
presume the nullity of a prior subsisting marriage. The collaterally attacked, while a voidable marriage cannot
RTC stressed that so long as no judicial declaration be collaterally attacked;
exists, the prior marriage is valid and existing. Lastly,
RTC also said that even if respondent eventually had 4) in a void marriage, there is no conjugal partnership
her first marriage judicially declared void, the fact and the offspring are natural children by legal fiction,
while in voidable marriage there is conjugal Rights investigated Kenrick’s acquisition of fake titles.
partnership and the children conceived before the During the hearing, Atty. Garlitos was summoned and
decree of annulment are considered legitimate; and testified that he prepared Kenrick’s answer and
transmitted an unsigned draft to Kenrick’s president,
5) "in a void marriage no judicial decree to establish Victor Ong. Apparently, the signature appearing above
the invalidity is necessary," while in a voidable Garlitos’ name was not his, he did not authorized
marriage there must be a judicial decree. anyone to sign it in his behalf, and he did not know
who finally signed it.
Emphasizing the fifth difference, this Court has held in
the cases of People v. Mendoza, People v. Aragon, Republic: It filed an urgent motion to declare Kenrick
and Odayat v. Amante, that the Civil Code contains no and Concepcion in default for failure to file a valid
express provision on the necessity of a judicial answer because the person who signed it was not the
declaration of nullity of a void marriage. counsel for the respondents. Thus, the answer was
effectively an unsigned pleading. Under Sec. 3, Rule 7
It must be emphasized that the enactment of the of the ROC, an unsigned pleading is a mere scrap of
Family Code rendered the rulings in Odayat, Mendoza, paper and produced no legal effect.
and Aragon inapplicable to marriages celebrated after RTC: It granted the Republic’s motion. It ruled
3 August 1988. A judicial declaration of absolute nullity Kenrick’s answer “to be a sham and false and intended
of marriage is now expressly required where the nullity to defeat the purpose of the rules.” It also ordered that
of a previous marriage is invoked for purposes of the answer be stricken from the records, declared
contracting a second marriage. A second marriage Kenrick in default and allowed the Republic to present
contracted prior to the issuance of this declaration of its evidence ex parte.
nullity is thus considered bigamous and void. Republic: It presented its evidence ex parte, after
which it rested its case and formally offered its
REPUBLIC vs. KENRICK DEVELOPMENT CORP. Kenrick: Its motion for reconsideration was denied. So,
it elevated the matter to the CA via a petition for
DOCTRINE: A counsel’s authority and duty to sign a certiorari.
pleading are personal to him. He may not delegate it to CA: It assailed the RTC’s decision. It granted Kenrick’s
just any person. The signature of counsel constitutes petition for certiorari and lifted the trial court’s order of
an assurance by him that he has read the pleading; default against Kenrick Then, it ordered the trial court
that, to the best of his knowledge, information and to proceed to trial with dispatch. It ruled so because it
belief, there is a good ground to support it; and that it is found Atty. Garlitos’ statements in the legislative
not interposed for delay. hearing to be unreliable since they were not subjected
to cross-examination. It also scrutinized Atty. Garlitos’
NATURE OF THE CASE: The case is a petition under acts after the filing of the answer and concluded that
Rule 45 as an appeal to the ruling of the CA against he assented to the signing of the answer by somebody
the Republic and lifting the trial court’s order of default in his stead.
against Kenrick for failure to file an answer to the Republic: It moved for reconsideration but was denied,
Republic’s complaint. hence this petition.

FACTS: Kenrick built a concrete fence around some ISSUE: Whether or not Kenrick failed to file a valid
parts of the land behind the Civil Aviation Training answer on the ground that its pleading was unsigned
Center of the Air Transportation Office (ATO) claiming by its counsel Atty. Garlitos.
ownership over those lands. Its encroachment resulted
to the dispossession of ATO of some 30,228 square HELD: Yes. Pursuant to Sec. 3, Rule 7, a pleading
meters of prime land. Kenrick justified its action by must be “signed by the party or counsel representing
presenting TCTs issued in its name and which him.” The law is clear, and the counsel’s duty and
allegedly originated from a TCT registered in the name authority to sign a pleading is personal to him and may
of Alfonso Concepcion. not be delegated to just any person.

When ATO verified the TCTs, the Registrar of Deeds The signature of counsel constitutes an assurance
reported that it has no record of them and that their by him that he has read the pleading; that, to the
ascendant title, allegedly in the name of Concepcion, best of his knowledge, information and belief,
was non-existent in their office. Thus, the OSG filed a there is a good ground to support it; and that it is
complaint for revocation, annulment and cancellation not interposed for delay.  Under the Rules of Court,
of certificates of title in behalf of the Republic against it is counsel alone, by affixing his signature, who
Concepcion and Kenrick. Kenrick filed an answer can certify to these matters.
which was allegedly signed by its counsel Atty. Onofre
Garlitos Jr. When Concepcion could not be located The preparation and signing of a pleading
and be served with summons, the trial court ordered constitute legal work involving practice of law
the issuance of an alias summons by publication which is reserved exclusively for the members of
against him. the legal profession. Counsel may delegate the
signing of a pleading to another lawyer but cannot
While the case was pending, the Senate Blue Ribbon do so in favor of one who is not.
Committee and Committee on Justice and Human
The Code of Professional Responsibility provides: any persuasive reason why it should be exempted
Rule 9.01 ― A lawyer shall not delegate to any from strictly abiding by the rules.
unqualified person the performance of any task which As a final note, the Court cannot close its eyes to the
by law may only be performed by a member of the Bar acts committed by Atty. Garlitos in violation of the
in good standing. ethics of the legal profession. Thus, he should be
made to account for his possible misconduct.
Moreover, a signature by agents of a lawyer amounts
to signing by unqualified persons, something the law PETITION GRANTED
strongly proscribes.

Therefore, the blanket authority respondent claims LIJAUCO VS. ATTY. TERRADO
Atty. Garlitos entrusted to just anyone was void. Any
act taken pursuant to that authority was likewise void. FACTS:
There was no way it could have been cured or ratified
by Atty. Garlitos’ subsequent acts. On February 13, 2004, an administrative complaint
was filed by complainant Luzviminda C. Lijauco
Moreover, the transcript of the November 26, 1998 against respondent Atty. Rogelio P. Terrado for gross
Senate hearing shows that Atty. Garlitos consented to misconduct, malpractice and conduct unbecoming of
the signing of the answer by another “as long as it an officer of the court when he neglected a legal matter
conformed to his draft.” We give no value whatsoever entrusted to him despite receipt of payment
to such self-serving statement. representing attorneys fees. According to the
complainant, she engaged the services of respondent
No doubt, Atty. Garlitos could not have validly given sometime in January 2001 for P70,000.00 to assist in
blanket authority for just anyone to sign the answer. recovering her deposit with Planters Development
The trial court correctly ruled that respondent’s answer Bank, Buendia, Makati branch in the amount of
was invalid and of no legal effect as it was an unsigned P180,000.00 and the release of her foreclosed house
pleading. Respondent was properly declared in default and lot located in Calamba, Laguna. The property
and the Republic was rightly allowed to present identified as Lot No. 408-C-2 and registered as TCT
evidence ex parte. No. T-402119 in the name of said bank is the subject
of a petition for the issuance of a writ of possession
Respondent insists on the liberal application of the then pending before the Regional Trial Court of Binan,
rules. It maintains that even if it were true that its Laguna, Branch 24 docketed as LRC Case No. B-
answer was supposedly an unsigned pleading, the 2610. Complainant alleged that respondent failed to
defect was a mere technicality that could be set aside. appear before the trial court in the hearing for the
issuance of the Writ of Possession and did not protect
Procedural requirements which have often been her interests in the Compromise Agreement which she
disparagingly labeled as mere technicalities have their subsequently entered into to end LRC Case No. B-
own valid raison d’ etre in the orderly administration of 2610. Respondent denied the accusations against him.
justice. To summarily brush them aside may result in He averred that the P70,000.00 he received from
arbitrariness and injustice[1]. complainant was payment for legal services for the
recovery of the deposit with Planters Development
The Court’s pronouncement in Garbo v. Court of Bank and did not include LRC Case No. B-2610
Appeals is relevant: pending before the Regional Trial Court of Bian,
Procedural rules are [tools] designed to facilitate the
adjudication of cases. Courts and litigants alike are ISSUE: Whether Atty. Terrado violated the Code of
thus [enjoined] to abide strictly by the rules. And while Professional Responsibility
the Court, in some instances, allows a relaxation in the
application of the rules, this, we stress, was never HELD: Atty. Rogelio P. Terrado is found GUILTY of
intended to forge a bastion for erring litigants to violate violating Rules 1.01, 9.02, 18.02 and 20.01 of the
the rules with impunity. The liberality in the Code of Professional Responsibility. He is
interpretation and application of the rules applies only SUSPENDED from the practice of law for 6 months
in proper cases and under justifiable causes and effective from notice, and STERNLY WARNED that
circumstances. While it is true that litigation is not a any similar infraction will be dealt with more severely.
game of technicalities, it is equally true that every case He is further ordered to RETURN, within 30 days from
must be prosecuted in accordance with the prescribed notice, the sum of P70,000.00 to complainant
procedure to insure an orderly and speedy Luzviminda C. Lijauco and to submit to this Court proof
administration of justice. of his compliance within 3 days therefrom.
Like all rules, procedural rules should be followed RATIO:
except only when, for the most persuasive of reasons,
they may be relaxed to relieve a litigant of an injustice By openly admitting he divided the Php70,000.00 to
not commensurate with the degree of his other individuals as commission/referral fees
thoughtlessness in not complying with the prescribed respondent violated Rule 9.02, Canon 9 of the Code of
procedure[2]. In this case, respondent failed to show Professional Responsibility which provides that a
lawyer shall not divide or stipulate to divide a fee for
legal services with persons not licensed to practice the opposing part and his counsel, and the court
law. Worse, by luring complainant to participate in a before which he pleads his client’s cause.
compromise agreement with a false and misleading
assurance that complainant can still recover after Moreover, the Code of Professional Responsibility
Three (3) years her foreclosed property respondent obligates lawyers to ―observe the rules of procedure
violated Rule 1.01, Canon 1 of the Code of and not misuse them to defeat the ends of justice.
Professional Responsibility which says a lawyer shall
not engage in unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful It is, therefore, lamentable that Atty. Basar, by
conduct. misrepresenting the timeliness of an appeal from a
final and executor Resolution of the Court of Appeals,
chose to disregard the fundamental tenets of the legal
ISIDRA VDA. DE VICTORIA vs. CA, et al. profession. In fact, from his explanation, he was well
aware that the reglementary period for appeal from the
Every lawyer pledges to act with “candor, fairness and Decision of the RTC had already lapsed, but he
good faith to the court. nevertheless persisted in filing a petition for review on

The Supreme Court granted petitioner Mario Victoria ALLIED BANK CORPORATION vs. CA
(Victoria) an extended period to file the petition,
conditioned, however, on the timeliness of the filing of Topic. Other unethical conduct
the Motion for Extension of Time to File Petition for Case. Petition for certiorari assailing CA decision
Review on Certiorari. It is a basic rule of remedial law dismissing Galanida
that a motion for extension of time must be filed before
the expiration of the period sought to be extended. FACTS: Allied Bank Corporation (ABC) hired Galanida
Where a motion for extension of time is filed beyond as accountant book-keeper with conditions that the
the period of appeal, the same is of no effect since Bank has right to transfer employees whenever public
there would no longer be any period to extend, and the necessity requires. Galanida every now and then got
judgment or order to be appealed from the will have transferred and promoted. One day, ABC sought his
become final and executory. transfer to Bacolod. Galanida refused through a letter
arguing that the transfer would impede his family
In the case at bar, an examination of the records relationships in Cebu. Thereafter, Galanida filed a
reveals that the reglementary period to appeal had in complaint in the Labor Arbiter for constructive
fact expired almost 10 months prior to the filing of dismissal. ABC transferred Galanida to Tagbiliran
Victoria’s motion for extension of time on April 10, citing its Employee Discipline Policy and Procedure
2001. The Registry Return Receipt of the Resolution of which provides that refusal to transfer is
the Court of Appeals (CA) dismissing the CA Certiorari insubordination and insubordination is punishable by
Petition shows that the same was received by counsel suspension to dismissal. Galanida retaliated in a letter
for Victoria’s agent on June 5, 2000. Hence, Victoria asserting discrimination and favoritism practices by the
had only until June 20, 2000 within which to file an management. Bank Memo fired him.
appeal or motion for new trial or reconsideration.
Labor arbiter issued a decision in favor of Galanida
In the same Decision, the Court noted that Victoria, citing Dosch v. NLRC which supposedly pens that
with the aid of his counsel, Atty. Abdul Basar (Atty. “refusal to obey a transfer order cannot be considered
Basar), made misleading statements in his Motion for insubordination where employee cited reason for said
Extension of Time to File Petition for Review on refusal, such as that of being away from the family.”
Certiorari and in his subsequent Petition respecting the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) affirmed
timeliness of his appeal and the status of the Labor Arbiter decision via same Dosch case. CA
Resolutions of the CA. affirmed the same.

Consequently, the SC ordered Victoria and Atty. ISSUE: Was Galanida illegally dismissed? -No
Basar, to show cause, within 10 days from receipt of
the Decision, why they should not be held in contempt RATIO: No because the dismissal was within ABC’s
of court and disciplinarily dealt with for violation of power and there appears to be no discrimination in the
Canon 10 of the Code of Professional Responsibility. action as transfers in the bank are routine.
Doctrine. Relevant discussion in line with Legal
ISSUES: Whether or not Atty. Basar can be held liable Research pertains to the citation of Dosch. The
in contempt of court and for misconduct present court asserts that the Labor Arbiter, NLRC,
and CA misquoted the decision in Dosch. The above
HELD: cited phrase, the court says, was lifted from the
syllabus of the Supreme Court Reports Annotated
As part of his or her oath, every lawyer pledges to act (SCRA). The Court in Dosch did not rule anything of
with ―candor, fairness and good faith to the court.‖ the kind as proposed by the SCRA. SCRA does not
Thus, a lawyer is honor bound to act with the highest reflect the opinion of the Court as they are mere works
standards of truthfulness, fair play and nobility in the of reporters and lawyers beyond the Judiciary’s ambit.
conduct of litigation and in his relations with his client, Rule 10.02, Canon 10 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility mandates that a lawyer should not done, and in all candor promised that if given another
misquote or misrepresent court decision texts. Having chance he would live up to the exacting demands of
cited these portions of the report, the lawyers in Labor the legal profession. He appended to his motion
Arbiter, NLRC, and CA violated said provision. certifications of good moral character from: Fr. Celso
Fernando, Parochial Vicar, Parish of St. Michael
Archangel, Marilao, Bulacan; Fr. Lauro V. Larlar, OAR,
INSULAR LIFE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION VS. Rector, San Sebastian College-Recoletos; Sis. Aniceta
INSULAR LIFE ASSURANCE B. Abion, EMM, Chairperson, Center for Housing and
Ecology Development Foundation, Inc.; Dean Rufus B.
The company sent letters to each striker stating its Rodriquez, College of Law, San Sebastian College-
recognition of theemployees right to strike, but should Recoletos; Judge Pedro T. Santiago, Executive Judge,
the latter wish to return to work,they may do so. The RTC, Quezon City; Judge Teodoro P. Regino, RTC-Br.
letter listed benefits for those who wished towork. 84, Quezon City; Judge Antonio P. Solano, RTC-Br.
Some were persuaded by the letter, but others 86, Quezon City; and Judge Gregorio D. Dayrit, MTC-
continued withthe strike. There were also occasions Br. 35, Quezon City
where management personneltried to break through
the picket lines. The company also offered freecoffee ISSUE: Should the disbarment be lifted?
as bribe to abandon the strike. There was also
discriminationin selecting which employees were HELD:
The employers are guilty of ULP. The seemingly
innocentletters, when taken together with all the other The disbarment of movant Benjamin M. Dacanay for
acts clearly show theintent to interfere with the right to three (3) years has, quite apparently, given him
collective bargaining. Theincentives in the letters as sufficient time and occasion to soul-search and reflect
well as threats of reprisals upon failure tocomply on his professional conduct, redeem himself and prove
cannot be read otherwise than union busting. Such once more that he is worthy to practice law and be
actsundermine all that the union wishes to do for the capable of upholding the dignity of the legal profession.
benefit of theemployees. His admission of guilt and repeated pleas for
compassion and reinstatement show that he is ready
The test applied to determine whether the individual once more to meet the exacting standards the legal
actsconstitute ULP was totality of conduct. Factors to profession demands from its practitioners. Accordingly,
be taken intoconsideration are:-history of relations the Court lifts the disbarment of Benjamin M. Dacanay.
between employees and employer;-anti-union bias;- However he should be sternly warned that —
any other plan of coercion and interference.
ADEZ REALTY INC. VS CA [T]he practice of law is a privilege burdened with
FACTS: conditions. Adherence to the rigid standards of mental
fitness, maintenance of the highest degree of morality
ALTERATION OF FACTUAL FINDINGS: DISBARRED and faithful compliance with the rules of the legal
On 30 October 1992 the Court found movant, Atty. profession are the conditions required for remaining a
Benjamin M. Dacanay, guilty of intercalating a material member of good standing of the bar and for enjoying
fact in a decision of the Court of Appeals, which he the privilege to practice law. The Supreme Court, as
appealed to this Court on certiorari, thereby altering guardian of the legal profession, has ultimate
the factual findings of the Court of Appeals with the disciplinary power over attorneys. This authority to
apparent purpose of misleading this Court in order to discipline its members is not only a right, but a
obtain a favorable judgment. Consequently, Atty. bounden duty as well . . . That is why respect and
Dacanay was disbarred from the practice of law. fidelity to the Court is demanded of its members . . .

He claimed that the inserted words were written by his WHEREFORE, the disbarment of BENJAMIN M.
client, the President of Adez Realty, Inc., in the draft of DACANAY from the practice of law is LIFTED and he
the petition to be filed before the Supreme Court and is therefore allowed to resume the practice of law upon
unwittingly adopted by movant's secretary when the payment of the required legal fees. This resolution is
latter formalized the petition. He manifested that he effective immediately.
would not risk committing the act for which he was
found guilty considering that he was a nominee of the
Judicial and Bar Council to the President for ALONSO VS. VILLAMOR
appointment as regional trial judge.
MOTION TO LIFT DISBARMENT: LEARNED HIS Defendants were members of the municipal board of
LESSON WELL the municipality of Placer. They wrote a letter
addressed to the plaintiff who at that time was the
Dacanay filed a Motion to Lift (Disbarment) stating that priest incharge of the church. The contents of the letter
he was already 62 years old, has learned his lesson basically stated that there was anorder from the
from his mistake, was terribly sorry for what he had provincial fiscal saying that cemeteries, convents, and
otherbuildings erected on land belonging to the town rights in technicalities."
belong to the town. As such, theyare notifying the
priest that all revenues and products of the church IN RE SOTTO
must be turnedover to the treasury of the municipality. FACTS:
All alms given by churchgoers anddevotees to the ♦Atty. Vicente Sotto issued a written statement2in
image of St. Vicente lodged in the church should also connection with the decision of this Court in In re Angel
be turned intothe municipal treasury. Two weeks later, Parazo the statement was published in the Manila
the defendants took possession of the church and all Times and other daily newspapers of the locality. The
of thepersonal properties contained therein. The court required Atty. Sotto to show cause why he should
plaintiff, as the priest and as the personin charge not be charged with contempt of court.
thereof, made protests that went unheeded. Hence, an ♦Atty. Sotto does not deny having published the
action wasbrought by him to recover from the statement but he contends that under section 13,
defendants the value of the articles and therental value Article VIII of the Constitution, which confers upon this
of the church. The lower court ruled in favor of the Supreme Court the power to promulgate rules
plaintiff. In the defendants’ appeal, one of thedefenses concerning pleading, practice, and procedure, "this
presented was that the plaintiff was not the real party Court has no power to impose correctional penalties
in interest. Thedefendants assert that the court erred in upon the citizens, and that the Supreme Court can only
permitting the action o be brought andcontinued in the impose fines and imprisonment by virtue of a law, and
name of the plaintiff, Tomas Villamor, instead of in the has to be promulgated by Congress with the approval
name of thebishop of the diocese within which the of the Chief Executive." And he also alleges in his
church was located or in the name of theRoman answer that "in the exercise of the freedom of speech
Catholic Apostolic Church. guaranteed by the Constitution, the respondent made
his statement in the press with the utmost good faith
ISSUE:Whether or not the formal/technical defect raise and with no intention of offending any of the majority of
d by the defendant constitutesenough ground to the honorable members of this high Tribunal, who, in
reverse the decision of the court his opinion, erroneously decided the Parazo case; but
he has not attacked, or intended to attack the honesty
RULING/RATIO: or integrity of any one.' The other arguments set forth
by the respondent in his defenses observe no
No, the Court allowed the substitution of the plaintiff as consideration.
the party in interest. Sec.503 of the Code of Civil
Procedure provides that “No judgment shall be revered ISSUE: WON Atty. Sotto can be punished for contempt
onformal or technical grounds, or for such error as has of court? Yes
not prejudiced real rights of the excepting party.” 
Sec. 110 of the same code also provides that in ♦Rules 64 of the rules promulgated by this court does
furtherance.of  justice, the court is empowered to allow  not punish as for contempt of court an act which was
a party to amend any pleading orproceeding at any not punishable as such under the law and the inherent
stage of the action. In this case, it is undoubted that powers of the court to punish for contempt
the bishop of the diocese or the Roman Catholic
Apostolic Church itself is the real party in interest. The ♦ That the power to punish for contempt is inherent in
plaintiff asserted the same inthe complaint, and all courts of superior statue, is a doctrine or principle
maintained that assertion all through the record. He uniformly accepted and applied by the courts of last
claimed nointerest whatsoever in the litigation. The resort in the United States, which is applicable in this
substitution, then, of the name of the bishop of the jurisdiction since our Constitution and courts of justice
diocese as party plaintiff, is in reality not a substation are patterned after those of that country.
of the identity of another but is simply to make the form
express the substance that is already there. There is ♦Mere criticism or comment on the correctness or
nothing sacred about processes or pleadings, their wrongness, soundness or unsoundness of the decision
forms or contents. Their sole purpose is to facilitate the of the court in a pending case made in good faith may
application of justice to the rival claims of be tolerated; because if well founded it may enlighten
the court and contribute to the correction of an error if
We reiterate the ruling of the Court in Alonso v. committed; but if it is not well taken and obviously
Villamor: "A litigation is not a game of technicalities in erroneous, it should, in no way, influence the court in
which one, more deeply schooled and skilled in the reversing or modifying its decision.
subtle art of movement and position, entraps and
destroys the other. It is, rather, a contest in which each ♦Atty. Sotto does not merely criticize or comment on
contending party fully and fairly lays before the court the decision of the Parazo case, which was then and
the facts in issue and then, brushing aside as wholly still is pending reconsideration by this Court upon
trivial and indecisive all imperfections of form and petition of Angel Parazo. He not only intends to
technicalities of procedure, asks that justice be done intimidate the members of this Court with the
upon the merits. Lawsuits, unlike duels, are not to be presentation of a bill in the next Congress, of which he
won by a rapier’s thrust. Technicality, when it deserts is one of the members, reorganizing the Supreme
its proper office as an aid to justice and becomes its Court and reducing the members, reorganizing the
great hindrance and chief enemy, deserves scant Supreme Court and reducing the members of Justices
consideration from courts. There should be no vested from eleven to seven, so as to change the members of
this Court which decided the Parazo case, who privileged communication, it forming part of a judicial
according to proceeding.
2 As author of the Press Freedom Law (Republic Act
No. 53.) interpreted by the Supreme Court in the case ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Javier is administratively
of Angel Parazo, reporter of a local daily, who now has liable for the alleged offensive statements he made in
to suffer 30 days imprisonment, for his refusal to his pleadings
divulge the source of a news published in his paper, I
regret to say that our High Tribunal has not only HELD:
erroneously interpreted said law, but that it is once It is well entrenched in Philippine jurisprudence that for
more putting in evidence the incompetency of narrow reasons of public policy, utterances made in the course
mindedness o the majority of its members, In the wake of judicial proceedings, including all kinds of pleadings,
of so many mindedness of the majority deliberately petitions and motions, are absolutely privileged so long
committed during these last years, I believe that the as they are pertinent and relevant to the subject
only remedy to put an end to so much evil, is to inquiry, however false or malicious they may be. A
change the members of the Supreme Court. To his matter, however, to which the privilege does not
effect, I announce that one of the first measures, which extend must be so palpably wanting in relation to the
as its objects the complete reorganization of the subject matter of the controversy that no reasonable
Supreme Court. As it is now constituted, a constant man can doubt its irrelevancy or impropriety. That
peril to liberty and democracy. It need be said loudly, matter alleged in a pleading need not be in every case
very loudly, so that even the deaf may hear: the material to the issues presented by the pleadings. It
Supreme Court very of today is a far cry from the must, however, be legitimately related thereto, or so
impregnable bulwark of Justice of those memorable pertinent to the subject of the controversy that it may
times of Cayetano Arellano, Victorino Mapa, Manuel become the subject of inquiry in the course of the trial.
Araullo and other learned jurists who were the honor
and glory of the Philippine Judiciary. his statement, are Clearly, Atty. Javier’s primordial reason for the
incompetent and narrow minded, in order to influence offensive remark stated in his pleadings was his
the final decision of said case by this Court, and thus emotional reaction in view of the fact that herein
embarrass or obstruct the administration of justice. Complainant was in a legal dispute with his wife. This
excuse cannot be sustained; that the Atty. Javier is
♦As a member of the bar and an officer of the courts representing his wife is not at all an excuse.
Atty. Vicente Sotto, like any other, is in duty bound to
uphold the dignity and authority of this Court, to which In keeping with the dignity of the legal profession, a
he owes fidelity according to the oath he has taken as lawyer’s language must be dignified and choice of
such attorney, and not to promote distrust in the language is important in the preparation of pleadings.
administration of justice. An attorney as an officer of In the assertion of his client’s rights, a lawyer — even
the court is under special obligation to be respectful in one gifted with superior intellect — is enjoined to rein
his conduct and communication to the courts, he may up his temper.
be removed from office or stricken from the roll of
attorneys as being guilty of flagrant misconduct. Thus, the inclusion of the derogatory statements by
Decision: Atty. Sotto guilty of contempt. Fine of 1,000 respondent was actuated by his giving vent to his ill-
with subsidiary imprisonment in case of insolvency. He feelings towards Atty. Torres, a purpose to which the
is also required to show cause why he should not be mantle of absolute immunity does not extend.

Inclusion of derogatory statements actuated by his
giving vent to ill-feelings stated in the pleading is not
covered by the absolute immunity or privileged

Atty. Ireneo L. Torres and Mrs. Natividad Celestino

charged Atty. Jose Concepcion Javier for malpractice,
gross misconduct in office as an attorney and/or
violation of the lawyer’s oath for employing statements
and remarks on his pleadings which are false,
unsubstantiated, with malicious imputation, abusive,
offensive and improper with the character of an
attorney as a quasi-judicial officer.

Atty. Javier professes that he was angry while he was

preparing his pleadings considering that his wife was
included to the burglary exposed in the present case.
Also, he invokes that those statements he made are

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