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Group 11

Members of group :
1. Miranda Nurislami Badarudin
2. Mohammad Fahri
Subject : English For Young Learners

(Curriculum 2013)

School : SDN Inpres 1 Besusu

Subject : English
Grade/Semester : 3/1
Skill focused : Listening
Time allocation : 2 x 35 minutes
Standard of competence : 1. Comprehending basic command through action in school
Basic Competence : 1.2 Responding basic command in an acceptable manner through
an action
Types of activities : Listen and do activities

I. Indicators :
 Cognitive : Identify the instructions that asked by teacher.
 Affective : Showing their courage and responsibility to perform action asked
by teacher.
 Psychomotor : Responding basic command with appropriate action,

II. Teaching Objectives

After learning this unit students are expected to be able to:
 Answer the instructions related to what they have heard.
 Responding basic command with appropriate action
 Responding By Coloring the picture according to instructions

III.Teaching Materials
 Pictures or things related to the material
 Recording/CD
 Other relevant books

IV. Teaching Method

Total Physical Respond
V. Teaching Activities
- Greetings
- The teacher manages the class.
- The teacher checks the students’ attendance list.
Apperception and motivation :
- The Teacher shows a big picture that illustrates the topic of the chapter to be
- The teacher asks students what activities are in the picture

While activities
 Exploration
In exploration activities, the teacher:
 Students are asked to display the instructions given by the teacher or heard from
the tape/CD together (for the begin, the teacher can give an example in
demonstrating the instructions given)
Listen to the instructions and follow them..
 Borrow a pencil from a friend in front of you.
 Touch your friend’s Book
 Take your bag
 Raise your hand
 Open your book
 Sit on chair
 Give your book to your friend
 Shake your hands
 The teacher says the basic command and askes the students to follow the action

 Elaboration
In elabotarion activities, teacher :
 Students are asked to answer instructions given by the teacher or heard from
tape/CD (students can do this activity individually)
- Introduce your friend

 Students are asked to color the pictures based on instructions from the teacher
or tape/CD (during this activity, the teacher control students and observe
whether students color the picture correctly)
Blue for the Cap
Red for the clothe
Black for the pant
Brown for the shoes
 Confirmation
In the confirmation activity, Teacher:
 The teacher asks questions about things students don’t know yet
 The teacher and students ask each other questions and answer to correct
misunderstandings, provide reinforcement and inference.
Post Activities :
 The teacher randomly assigns students to demonstrate the instructions
 The teacher assesses the work of students in answering the instructions and
coloring a picture
VI. Resource/Teaching Media
Media : Book, recording, Picture
Source : English for Elementary 3th Grade
VII. Evaluation

 (Responding)
1. Listen to the instructions and follow them..
Teacher: Borrow a pencil from a friend in front of you.
Touch your friend’s Book
Give your book to your friend
Student: (Do the instructions)

 (Responding)

2. Listen to the sentences and answer them.

Teacher: Introduce your friend.
Student: (introduce his/her friend)

 (Test )
3. Listen to the speaker and Color
the pictures.
Blue for the Clothes
Red for the Cap
Black for the shoes
Brown for the pants
Black for the hair

VIII. Assessment


No. Aspect Criteria Score
1. Concept * correct 4
* Mosly Correct 3
* Some Correct 2
* uncorrect 1

Criteria Score
Correct answer and respond 10
Wrong answer and respond 0

Palu, …………………2020

Teacher Headmaster

( ) ( )

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