Effect of Heat Shock On Cellular Functions Differing in Thermoresistance

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J. therm. Biol. Vol. 15, No. 2, pp. 141-148, 1990 0306-4565/90 $3.00 + 0.

Printed in Great Britain Pergamon Press pie


Komarov Botanical Insitute of the Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Leningrad, Russia

(Receit'ed 21 January 1989; accepted in ret'isedform 8 July 1989)

Abstract--l. The dependence of the elevation of thermoresistance of three cell functions on the heat
hardening temperature (heat shock) has been studied using Tradescantia albiflora leaves.
2. The maximum enhancement of thermoresistance of the streaming of cytoplasm, phototaxis of
chloroplasts (thermolabile functions), plasmolises (thermostable function) occurs, after a 30-min harden-
ing, at 35, 36 and 48:C respectively. The maximum enhancement of thermoresistance of these functions
occurs after a 180-min hardening, at 38, 36 and 38C respectively.
3. The convergence in temperature giving the maximum hardening of differing thermostability
functions, under lengthening exposure to heat, is shown to be due to variability in their ability to repair
during hardening at superoptimal temperatures. During 180-rain hardening, repair was most pronounced
for the streaming of cytoplasm, pronounced for phototaxis of chloroplasts, while it was totally absent in
the case of the protoplast plasmolysis.
4. For the understanding of the mechanism of heat hardening it is important to take into account that,
when hardening duration is too short for repair to be accomplished, the dosage of heat required for the
elevation of thermostability of thermoresistant functions is higher than that for thermolabile functions.

Key Word lndex--Tradescantia alb![tora, heat hardening, heat shock, thermoresistance, repair of heat
injury, cytoplasmic streaming, phototaxis of chloroplast, plasmolysis.

INTRODUCTION The history of the problem is as follows. It was

found in our laboratory that, for the same rise in
Heat hardening, discovered in our laboratory on thermoresistance of cytoplasmic streaming, in four
plant cells over 30 yr ago (Alexandrov, 1956) and in cereals differing in heat-tolerance and in the ther-
later publications called an "acquired thermotoler- moresistance of cell functions, the temperature re-
ance", has attracted attention of a great number quired for hardening was higher the more
of scientists during the recent decade. However, thermostable the cereals were. The temperature of a
physico--chemical mechanisms for reactive elevation 5-min heating required to arrest the protoplasmic
of cell resistance remain unknown. This is mainly due streaming in the cells of Dactylis glomerata was 44'C,
to the lack of a detailed cytophysiological character- in Phragmites communis was 46~C, in Panicum mili-
isation of the process, important both from a theoret- aceum was 48.Y>C, and Eleusine indica was 49~C. The
ical and a practical point of view. Work on heat temperature of an 18-h hardening that is needed to
hardening reports concern increases or decreases in increase thermostability of the protoplasmic stream-
thermoresistance of a cell as a whole. In reality, the ing by I~C for these cereals was 30, 36, 40 and 40=C,
investigators deal with thermoresistance of a certain respectively (Alexandrov and Feldman, 1958). The
cell function. In cell cultures it is usually a capacity question arises whether various hardening tem-
for reproduction, cloning. Various functions not con- peratures are needed for the development of an
nected with cell division are also used, e.g. photosyn- equal thermoresistance in the cell functions differ-
thesis, resistance to penetration of a dye into the cell. ing in thermostability. To answer the question,
The streaming of cytoplasm on protoplast plasmo- Barabalchuk (1969) in our laboratory hardened
lysis in hypertonic solutions are often chosen as leaves of Tradescantiafluminensis for 3 h at different
suitable criteria for the thermoresistance of plant temperatures and determined thermoresistance in-
cells. Phototaxis of chloroplasts also appeared to be crease of the thermolabile functions: cytoplasmic
convenient index, it is far from being clear whether streaming and phototaxis of chloroplasts, and ther-
different functions behave similarly while both ac- mostable functions: ability for plasmolysis and
quiring the hardened state and also after its loss. The retention of antocyan in the vacuole. The results
literature on heat shock or heat hardening even obtained have shown that the rise in thermostability
though it is complex, contains little on the compari- of all the four functions starts and reaches its maxi-
son of the heat shock effect on different cell functions. mum at a similar temperature for a 3 h hardening:
The aim of the present paper is to compare the 28-30 and 38~,0 C respectively, however, with the
effect of the temperature and duration of heat rise in the hardening temperature, a reduction of the
hardening on plant cell functions differing in hardening effect takes place in the thermolabile func-
thermostability. tions at temperatures significantly lower than for the

142 V. YA ALEXANDRO',~'I al.

thermostable functions. This occurs because the ther- Determination of the heat resistance ¢~l chloroplast
molabile functions are being suppressed in the pro- phototaxis.
cess of hardening itself. On the basis of these data Influence of heat shock on the phototaxis of
Barabalchuk concluded that "'reactive elevation of chloroplasts was studied by making use of a negative
cellular thermoresistance results from a general reac- phototaxis, i.e. transition of the chloroplasts from an
tion of a cell, which leads to an appearance of the epistroph location which they take under a weak
agents or conditions that simultaneously stabilize illumination to the parastroph location to which they
various intracell protein systems, irrespectively of pass in a normal cell under a bright light action. This
their original thermoresistance'" (pp. 1030-1031). translocation was registered using photoelement and
However, several years ago similar experiments were microammeter by enhancement of transmission
performed in our laboratory by Zavadskaya and through the leaf of blue light which is absorbed by the
Antropova, though not with a 3-h--but with a chloroplasts. The experiments were performed by a
30-min--hardening, using leaves of Commelina slightly modified method of Lomagin et al. (1966).
a/ricana. These experiments gave opposite results. The extent of phototaxis of chloroplasts was calcu-
In the present paper, effect of 30-rain and 3-h-hard- lated according to the equation
ening on two thermolabile functions--cytoplasmic A × 100
streaming and phototaxis of chloroplasts, and on a Ph. ehl.-- 100
thermostable function---ability of a protoplast to
respond by plasmolysis to the action of hypertonic where
solution, that is, ability of protoplasmic membranes
B is a light transmission through a leaf following
to prevent penetration of a plasmolytic into the
a weak illumination (50 Ix) expressed in divisions
vacuole, was investigated.
of microammetre;
A is the same but after 10 rain exposure of the
MATERIALS AND METHODS leaf to a bright light (25,000 Ix).
Object and mode O( hardening Following hardening, a test heating was carried out
Experiments were performed on the leaves of for 5min at 42C. In non-hardened leaves such
Tradescantia albiflora Kunth growing in the green heating inhibits chloroplast phototaxis by 80-90%.
house of the Botanical Institute of the U.S.S.R. In the case of the cytoplasmic streaming and plasmo-
Academy of Sciences under natural illumination and lysis the hardening effect was estimated as a difference
at temperature of 18-25 :C. The leaves of the 3rd45th between thermostability of hardened and non-
levels from the top that had completed their growth hardened halves of leaves and expressed in degrees
were taken for the experiments. The leaves were cut Celsius. Tbermoresistance of chloroplast phototaxis
along the midrib into the halves, one of which was was determined by extent of inhibition of this func-
placed into a humid chamber at room temperature tion, following a 5-min test heating at 42°C; therefore
(20--23 C) and served as a control, the other was the hardening effect was estimated as a difference
heated in a thermostated humid chamber at a given between phototaxis values of hardened and non-
temperature kept with a precision of _+0.1 C. The hardened halves of leaves: Ph.chl. h - Ph.chl. c. All
duration of the hardening was 30 min in one series of determinations of the chloroplast phototaxis heat
experiments and 3 h in the other. resistance are the means from 6 experiments.
Determination o[ the heat resistance of cytoplasmic Determination of the repair from heat damage of three
streaming and ability for plasmoO.sis .(unctions
To estimate thermostability of the cytoplasmic In the principal experiments evaluation of thermo-
streaming, the control and hardened halves of the stability of the three functions was performed
leaves were cut into pieces 7 × 4 mm in size. Test immediately after short-term 5-min beatings which
heating was performed in water for 5 min, immedi- determined their primary thermoresistance with mini-
ately after the hardening exposure or 24 h later. mum complications induced by destructive post.effect
hnmediately after the test heating a piece of leaf was and repair properties of the cell. In control non-hard-
infiltrated with water and examined under a micro- ened cells the 5-rain heating completely supressed
scope (objective water immersion - 7 0 ×, aperture cytoplasmic streaming at 45.5°C, chloroplast photo-
--1.23, ocular ....5 × ). The minimal heating tempera- taxis--at 45"-C, plasmolysis--at 60.5:'C. In the experi-
ture that completely inhibited spherosome movement ments on determination of repair of heat shock
in epidermal cells served as a measure of thermoresis- suppressed functions, the test heating was performed
tance. A temperature interval between the beatings 24 h after the heat shock.
was 0.4' C. To estimate thermoresistance of the ther-
mostable function--ability to plasmolysis, the pieces RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
were infiltrated with 0.8 M glycerol immediately after
the 5-min test heating and 10-15 min later they were Figure ! shows the temperature dependence of the
examined under microscope. The minimal tempera- effect of hardening of the thermolabile function,
ture of a 5-rain heating after which no more than 5 cytoplasmic streaming and thermostable plasmolysis
plasmolysed cells were observed in the piece served as on the leaves Commelina afrieana L. Determination
a measure of thermoresistance of this function. All of the heat resistance of hardened and non-hardened
determinations of the heat resistance of cytoplasmic leaf halves was carried out immediately after the
streaming and plasmolysis are the means from 12 termination of hardening. Contrary to Barabalehuk's
experiments. data, the onset and the end of the rise of the curve of
Effect of heat shock on cellular functions differing in thermoresistance 143

o o 2



0.4 '-

0 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54

Fig. I. Effect of a 30-min hardening on cytoplasmic streaming (I) and plasmolysis (2) of the epidermal
cells from Commelina africana leaves as a function of hardening temperature. Abscissa: temperature of
hardening; ordinate: a difference between thermoresistance of the cytoplasmic streaming and plasmolysis
in hardened and control cells.

temperature-dependent effect of hardening for the i.e, at 41-44°C. However, the hardening of plasmoly-
thermolabile function occurs at a temperature about sis starts at a temperature, several degrees higher than
10°C lower than that for the thermostable function. at which a thermoresistance of the thermolabile
Figure 2 shows the dependence of a hardening functions starts to rise.
effect of three cell functions on temperature for a 3-h The curves depicting a 30-min hardening have a
hardening. The result is similar to that described by different form (Fig. 3). In accordance with the data
Barabalchuk, when using Tradescantia flumensis. obtained using Commelina africana (Fig. 1) the opti-
Maximum increase in thermoresistance of the cyto- mum temperature of hardening for plasmolysis ap-
plasmic streaming and of the plasmolysis occurs at peared to be 13° higher than that for the streaming
the same temperature--38°C; however, after the 3h- of cytoplasm and 12°C higher than that for chloro-
heating, the streaming stops at 41°C, and plasmolysis plast phototaxis. The optimum temperatures of the
is suppressed at 47°C. Optimum temperature of hardening of the three functions were 48, 35 and
chloroplast phototaxis hardening is somewhat lower. 36°C, respectively. The maximum rise in thermoresis-
Effect of the plasmolysis hardening can be also found tance of plasmolysis following 30 min hardening was
after the heatings, that completely inhibit both the registered at a temperature 6 '~ higher than that which
cytoplasmic streaming and chloroplast phototaxis completely suppressed the streaming of cytoplasm

2.4 - 60 • o
2.0 - 50 e/ /

1.6 - 40 2

°C 1.2- 30 x 3

0.8 - 20

0.4 - 10
i I 3

0 I- 0
28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46

Fig. 2 Effect of a 3-h hardening on cytoplasmic streaming (1), chloroplast phototaxis (2) and plasmolysis
(3) of Tradescantia albiflora leaves as a function of hardening temperature. Abscissa: temperature of
hardening; ordinate: left--cytoplasmic streaming and plasmolysis: a difference between thermostability of
hardened and control cells. Right--hardening effect of chloroplast phototaxis: Ph.chl. h - Ph.chl.c, see text.
Arrows indicate minimum temperature which arrests the streaming of cytoplasm (I) and plasmolysis (3)
after 3-h heating.
144 V. YA. ALEXANDROVet al.

2o I
2.4 -- 30

x x

1.6 - 20

1.2 --

0.8 -- 10 x

2 1
0.4 -

0 - 0 I I I I I
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52

Fig. 3. The same as in Fig. 2, but with 30-min hardening.

and chloroplast phototaxis. On the other hand, the the level of their thermostability, can be discounted
temperature of a 30-min hardening, that gives the by considering the 30 min hardening experiments.
maximum rise in thermoresistance of cytoplasmic In order that the reasons underlying the differences
streaming and of chloroplast phototaxis is not suf- in the results of 30-rain and 3-h hardenings can be
ficient for the thermoresistance of the plasmolysis to understood, the way in which changing the depen-
be affected; this requires a hardening temperature dence of the effect on hardening temperature at
6-7°C higher. The idea that the hardening is a general different exposure periods should be examined
reaction of a cell in which, concomitantly, resistance for each cell function studied. Figure 4 gives the
of the cellular functions increases independently of curves of the plasmolysis hardening. The maximum




o x

°C 1.6-


1 A

o l I I I I l I I I l
34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52
Fig. 4. Effect of hardenin$ on plasmolysis of T. albiflora leaf cells in dependence on temperature of a
30-rain (I) and 3-h (2) hardening. Absc/~: unnperature of hardening; ordinate: a difference between
thermostability of plasmolysis in ~ and control cells. Arrows indicate the minimal temperature
at which ab. plasmolysis inhibited after 30-min (I) and 3-h (2) heating.
Effect of heat shock on cellular functions differing in thermoresistance 145

hardening effect is reached after 3h at 38°C (curve 2).

If the hardening effect is achieved as a response to
some shift from normal in the cellular state, which
needs a certain heat shock dose then to obtain the
same dose, with exposure to heat being shortened
from 3 h to 30 min, a higher temperature will be 1.6 •
required. In full accordance with this, the curve for
the hardening response shifted sharply to the right
(curve 1) for the 30min hardening. This simple =C 1.2
consideration, however, cannot be applied to two 1 2
thermolabile functions, for they respond quite differ-
ently to the shortening of hardening duration from 0.8
3 h to 30 min. Figure 5 depicts curves obtained for
chloroplast phototaxis. The optimum temperature of
the hardening effect is attained after 3-h and 30-min 0.4 -- ~ i 2f
exposure at the same temperature, 36~C; but the
hardening effect after the short exposure is less O I I I = , •
pronounced. Cytoplasmic streaming responded to the 32 34 36 3a 40 42
changes in duration of hardening in an even more "c
paradoxal manner. The optimum temperature of the Fig. 6. Effect of hardening on cytoplasmic streaming of the
hardening effect was lower for the shorter period of cells from T. albiflora leaves in dependence on temperature
heating (Fig. 6). Once again, the level of the harden- of 30-min (1) and 3-h (2) hardening. Abscissa: temperature
ing effect after a 30-min exposure was lower than of hardening; ordinate: a difference between thermoresis-
after a 3 h exposure. To provide a plausible hypoth- tance of cytoplasmic streaming in hardened and non-
esis to explain these apparently conflicting results the hardened cells. Arrows indicate minimal temperature at
present experimental data must be carefully consid- which the streaming of cytoplasm stops after 30-min (I) and
ered. Figure 3 shows that a significantly increased 3-h (2) heating.
thermostability of the cytoplasmic streaming and
chloroplast phototaxis, can be seen in the cell after perature need to be lowered in the case of plasmolysis,
30 min at temperatures as low as 3Y~C. These condi- elevated in the case of protoplasmic streaming and be
tions are, however, quite insufficient for enhancement unaltered in the case of chlorophyll phototaxis?
of thermostability of plasmolysis. Hardening of this To answer the question, it is necessary to consider
function can be elicited only by a hardening temper- ability of cells to repair heat injury. Restoration of
ature 8-9 C higher. If a rise in thermoresistance of a function, complete or partial, may occur not only
cellular function requires a hardening factor to shift after heating has stopped, but also during the action
the functional state from normal by a certain value, of heat. This phenomenon was called a reparatory
then this may explain why more intensive heating is adaptation (Alexandrov, 1956, 1964, 1979). Thus, for
needed for a 30-min hardening of the thermostable example, if Campanula persifolia leaf is exposed to
plasmolysis than for the same effect in the more 41°C, cytoplasmic streaming in the epidermal cells
heat-sensitive cytoplasmic streaming and chloroplast stops after about 40 min, however, it resumes 1.5-2 h
phototaxis. However, this point does not explain the later and continues for several hours, after which it
divergence in behaviour of these three functions on dies away, this time irreversibly. The ability of the
moving from 30-rain to 3-h hardening exposure. cytoplasmic streaming to repair during inhibiting
Why, in order to get the same hardening effect after action of heating is very well expressed in the cells of
an increase of hardening time does the hardening tern- Tradescantia albiflora. Unfortunately, it is difficult to
measure the cytoplasmic streaming in this organism
because in the normal cells some spherosomes move
60 x quickly, others more slowly, and some do not move
at all. The following observation on behaviour of the
cytoplasm in Tradescantia leaves placed into water at
380C can be made. After 30 min heating the move-
ment of the spherosomes sharply slows down, after
90rain movement ceases completely, but after
2O 180 min the spherosomes move quickly. Thus, at
38°C movement is inhibited much more strongly after
O a 30-min exposure than after a 180-min one. Then, it
is clear why in order to get the same shift from
l x normal for cytoplasmic streaming, the temperature of
I I I 1 I I I a 180-min hardening should be higher than that of a
30 32 34 36 38 40 42
30-rain hardening (Fig. 6).
"c The case with chloroplast phototaxis is less compli-
Fig. 5. Effect of hardening of chloroplast phototaxis of T. cated as we can measure precisely alteration in a
albiflora cells as a function of temperature of 30-min (i) and paraenchyme cell of the ability to respond with a
3-h (2) hardening. Abscissa: temperature of hardening; negative chloroplast phototaxis to intensive illumin-
ordinate: hardening effect on chloroplast phototaxis: ation during various exposures to the same super-
Ph.chl.- Ph.chlc, see text. optimal temperature. The data are presented in Fig. 7.
TB 15.'2--D
146 V YA. ALEXANI)ROVet al.

hardening effect is reached at a significantly lower
80 temperature (Fig. 4). it can be concluded that this
function is incapable of repairing a heat-induced shift
from normal, at least during action of heat. It is
60 1 ° known that in damaged cells some functions, after
their suppression, are capable of restoration, while
the others are injured irreversibly (Alexandrov. 1979.
This it could be that being heat-damaged during
the process of hardening, the three functions of
Tradescantia cells studied show different repair ca-
3 pacities. Comparison of the dependence of hardening
0 l I I l l I effect on temperature immediately after hardening
o 30 60 90 12o 1so 18o
with that 24 h later provides support for that sugges-
Fig. 7. Influence of duration of heating at 37~C (1), 38~C (2) tion. Figure 8 shows such two curves for 30-min
and 40°C (3) on the level of chloroplast phototaxis in the hardening of the cytoplasmic streaming. When the
cells of T. albiflora. Abscissa: duration of heating (min); thermostability increase is determined immediately
ordinate: chloroplast phototaxis after hardening (curve I). the optimum effect ( I . T C
increase) is attained at 35 C. No increase is seen in
Measurements of chloroplast phototaxis values were thermostability 38 C or at higher temperatures. This
carried out 30, 90 and 180 min after the beginning of is owing to a strong suppression of the function
the leaves exposure to a given temperature. At a during the process of hardening by itself. Hardening
temperature of 40°C this function is rapidly sup- for 30min inhibited the streaming completely at
pressed and after 3 h chloroplasts lose completely 4 2 C . If the effect of 30 min hardening on the ther-
their ability to respond to a strong light, apparently mostability of cytoplasmic streaming is estimated
making no resistance to an injuring action of heating. after 24 h, the optimum temperature for hardening
During heating at 37 and 38°C, inhibitory effect of was between 41~t4 C. This is because the hardened
heating developed rapidly within the first half hour, leaves at the room temperature were able to restore
chloroplast phototaxis value diminishes by 45 and the cytoplasmic streaming that was inhibited by
65%, respectively. However, after this time, in spite hardening at 42 C and higher temperatures.
of continued heating, no further lowering of chloro- An important conclusion can be drawn from
plast phototaxis occurs, while a tendency to some Fig. 8. The lack of a hardening effect after a 30-min
increase of this function can be noticed. Repair of hardening at 41 C and its appearance after 24-h
chloroplast phototaxis is weaker than that for cyto- exposure to room temperature does not suggest that
plasmic streaming, but the level of suppression of this the development of tolerance requires time. It ap-
function after 30min and 180rain of heating is pears, that time is needed for the repair of cytoplas-
approximately the same. This makes it clear why the mic streaming which has been inhibited by the
same hardening temperature is required to get an hardening itself. If hardening at 35 C is considered,
optimal effect of hardening of chloroplast phototaxis the hardening effect is found to diminish in 24 h.
after 30-min and 180-rain exposure (Fig. 5). From the Figure 9 shows two similar curves for the effect
results showing that, with a change from 30- to of 3-h hardening dose on cytoplasmic streaming. The
180-min hardening for plasmolysis, the maximum difference between hardening temperature optimum


1.6 "f°\

/ \' I \'

0.8 I ~ o

0.4 -

0 ° I I ~""~" b ° t [ [ I
32 54 36 38 40 42 44 46 48
Fig. 8. Effect of 30-rain hardening of the cytoplasmic streaming in the cells of T. albiflora leaves in
dependence on temperature o f hardening, thermostability being recorded irnmediatcly (1) and over 24 h
(2) after hardening. A b ~ s s a : tempetntture of hardeningq ordimtte: a difference between thermoresistance
of the streaming in hardened and non-hardet~ cells. Arrows indicate minimal temperature of a 30-rain
heating stopping cytoplasmic streaming immediately after heating.
Effect of heat shock on cellular functions differing in thermoresistance 147



°C 1.2


0 I I I I I / I
f I I I
32 34 38 40 42 44 46 48

Fig. 9. The same as in Fig. 8, but after 3-h hardening.

for a 30 min hardening dose estimated from the the former case and 8°C in the latter one. Figure 10
results recorded immediately and those estimated also demonstrates that values of acquired thermore-
24h later was 8°C (43-35°), but at a 3-h hardening sistance for chloroplast phototaxis, when recorded
the difference was smaller, 4°C (42-38 °). This occurs 24 h later, are in all cases from 34°C, significantly
because during a 3-h hardening, a cell has passed higher (curve 2) than those recorded immediately
a part of the repair process within the period of after hardening (curve 1). To explain this phe-
hardening. nomenon, additional experiments are needed.
Analogous experiments on the hardening of Figure 11 shows the dependence of a 3-h hardening
chloroplast phototaxis show similar influence on of plasmolysis on hardening temperature being eval-
acquisition of thermoresistance after a 24-h period uated immediately and 24h after the hardening.
between hardening and recording of the results. Comparison of these data with the data from Figs
However, if we compare the behaviour of chloroplast 9-11 clearly demonstrates that the hardened leaf
phototaxis (Fig. 10) to that of cytoplasmic streaming halves which had been placed into a humid chamber
(Fig. 8) after 30-min hardening, the ability to repair at room temperature for 24 h show no sign of repair
damage reparation is weaker in chloroplast photo- of plasmolysis function. It is clear why repair of the
taxis than in cytoplasmic streaming. The shift in the suppressed plasmolysis is impossible. The potential
hardening optimum after 24 h is only 2°C (38-36 °) in

100 -

80 -
1.2 --
x °C 0.8 / "~~ ~_ ~~

40 x 2 0.4

20 O,

0 I I I I I 1 I
34 36 38 40 42 44 46
1 I I I I I I J
30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 Fig. l 1. Effect of 3-h hardening on plasmolysis in T.
"c albiflora cells in dependence on temperature of hardening,
thermostability being determined immediately (I) and over
Fig. 10. Effect of 30-rain hardening on chloroplast photo- 24 h (2) after hardening. Abscissa: temperature of harden-
taxis of T. albiflora leaves as a function of temperature, ing; ordinate: difference between thermoresistance of plas-
thermostability being determined immediately (l) and over molysis in hardened and non-hardened cells. Arrow
24 h after hardening (2). Abscissa: hardening temperature; indicates minimal temperature of 3-h heating suppressing
ordinate: hardening effect Ph.chl h - Ph.chlc, see text. plasmolysis.
148 V. YA. ALEXANDROVet al.

for restoration of a suppressed function is set not only appearance of heat shock proteins. This is supported
by the extent of the shift from normal of the function by the data of Hall, 1983; Alexandrov, 1985; Xiao
itself, but also by the value of shift from normal of and Mascarenhas, 1985; Landry and Lamarche,
the cell as a whole. Plasmolysis is very thermostable 1985; Carper et al., 1987 and many others. To explain
so to impair it, a high heating dose is required such physico-chemical basis of the capacity of cells to
that the cell, as a whole, appeared to be seriously increase resistance, in response to the action of
damaged. superoptimal heating or other damaging agents, re-
Therefore, the lack of repair of heat injury in quires further cytophysiological work.
plasmolysis, the repair of chloroplast phototaxis and
even the more pronounced ability of cytoplasmic
streaming to recover from thermal injury were ob- REFERENCES
served both during heating and after its termination. Alexandrov V. Ya. (1964) The problem of autoregulation in
These results fully explain the difference found in cytology. II. The reparatory capacity of cells. Tsiwlogia
reaction of the three functions under study to the 6, 133-151.
increase in hardening from 30 min to 3 h. To obtain Alexandrov V. Ya. (1965) Cytophysiological analysis of
the maximum increase in thermostability, the harden- thermoresistance of plant ceils and some problems of
ing temperature should be lowered from 48 to 38:C cytology. Bot. Zh. 41,939-961.
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three functions under study, in response to a change of the increase of cell resistance as reaction to high
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the conclusions given suggest that the reaction of the Barabalchuk K. A. (1969) Response of thermolabile and
cell to heat shock presents a combination of separate thermostable functions of plant ceils to the action of heat
reactions of its components which differ in ther- hardening. Tsitologia II, 1021-1032.
mostability and capacity for repair. It is possible, Carper S. W., Duffy Y. Y. and Gerner E. W. (1987). Heat
shock proteins in thermotolerance and other cellular
however, that the matter is more complicated still.
processes. Cancer Res. 47, 5249-5255.
It cannot be excluded that in response to a stress Hall B. G. (1983) Yeast thermotolerance does not require
a situation in the cell is induced, which stabilizes protein synthesis. J. Bact. 156, 1363-1365.
protein molecules and their complexes. However, in Landry Y. and Lamarehe S. (1985) IntraceUular calcium
order to increase the stability of a given cellular mediates heat shock induction of proteins and their
function, some change from its normal state is needed motoxicity but not thermotolerance. Cold Spring Harbour
and only then the function becomes susceptible to Symp. Quant. Biol., 114, "Heat shock" Abstracts. New
stabilization. A mechanism for acquisition of in- York.
creased stability induced by heat shock (and as it Lomagin A. G., Antropova T. A. and Scminikhina L. V.
(I 966) Phototaxis of chloroplasts as a criterion of viability
is known heating may be replaced by a number of leaf parenchyma. Planta 71, 119-124
of other agents (see Alexandrov, 1985) is at present Xiao C.-M. and Mascarenhas Y. P. (1985) High
time completely unknown. There are many reasons temperature-induced thermotolerance in pollen tubes of
to doubt that a simple casual relationship exists Tradescantia and heat-shock proteins. Plant Physiol. 78,
between acquisition of elevated thermostability and 887-890.

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