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MARUTI SUZUKT A ed 38S 209 toon Tea ede Eel Mees Recommend ME ——— = es ea wae ae ae oe can oo ae ma a ae as [Changes in inventories of finished pools, works progres and * [Sas sam 90 = om us = = A a ca a a ate a oa a Thies —,, mm saste| —— aa femme =m a0 a sa = aa apes arena a a a im 2a ar comets a eae sere ee coed to « en cv | ——— ‘| rs = 28 za = [TRS = = . ” = facia eeie ‘Wutanpeioian aceon 5 i ; A lait : = : a : ae rm = as “ om Fa TT Ta a a7 ae a a Saka ae 21 cyanored eset} 2 Statement of St me Assets and Liabilities frorar LIABILITIES ENR in mttion sateen senomaansony |" rns Undid cry SETS roger, pian an euipnent Taga TORT Capital work in gross BS range assets 80 inane ase Investments TERT Loans 2 te Fn ses 3 ‘er non-arren ses Tas [rota non-current assets ns [current assets Tovenoris BT Finan ase Invesenens 387 Trade rcsvabies 2 Cash and bank balances Eo Loans 12 thera ass ca ‘Current tx ses Net) ae Ore arent asses 352 frat current assets 3am froraL Asser. wr Jeourry ano trapm-ries Jesu Equity sare capil TH rhe equity B57 frota equi aT Jeiaities PNon-currenttabiivies Financia ibis he Finacial ibis Be Provisions a7 Defited x aie (Ne) 586 Orbe non-eurent abies TE feta non-ewerent abies 3367 rent abies Financia ibis Barrowi ane Tae yates W367 ‘ie nancial abies or Provisions S67 Cent x ines ore Oe urn biliies Tes frota cureenHabitties T2560 Tsar wae ‘Unaudited Standalone Cash Flow Statement — September, | September, na | ae oan om Open A paar ae saa | — aa SS ee ae a ee = a aerest income (621)) (630) fissures (8 od aoe aaa aR ATT a 7 ge ate ea ne 3a Fava ganar seme niin a east] 133 Enitarss rroietnenta 3 t aaa ce avi oe 7s Seating rai itr Woking Cpt Sige i ann rma Woking Cpa nese She a oo aT TH H Ftnceaaiicnieteneccartaoss rex} —ar -eeeaaran iors 70] — mh cee eae eae 8] — ato cee can a aa a Face ican ae fanaa Eo vas} aan Faces cantar owas | “a Fcaeldesa|inaetone aon aa tissue cet a soba aS oar ee Tas] ieeaetinet she foot ae oa) aan — 2 Heienelnoeer pete eT eee na ee a ft Eset fon Opi Aca a0 [oa Fane ae Taio] Ba] Ga] was [ca nw os inane ea Pane paced ne satanic Fever eti rerse ness] aesen Par pace aie is a fan oy a aE iH is esc rar sale amit] — aa Poets pu ha a aso] Ti fence a im preted st i a rome eg Ac Tene] a Fao hom Parada To omnes era eee RET 3330 —as9 carat ran —a ee Ties — aa catia faa — sa] Cas om) aig ara] aon Tha a TT — [Geant oak eqrats arte bar aiieyar a z Shani ca eahainis aed over af Tae isha aa apa om Saeorae = Famer Boa St a perianal TE i ne a aT fer N\ [[2/ chanerea \% {recount [Notes to Statement of Standalone Unaudited Fi ial Results forthe quarter and half yeur ended 30th September, 2019: 1 The above results were reviewed by the Audit Committe and approved by the Board of Directors in their mesting held on 24th October, 2019. The limited review, as required under Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, has been completed by the Statutory Auditors and expressed an unmodified opinion on the aforessid results, 2 Effective April 1, 2019, the Company adopted Ind AS 116 "Leases", applied to all lease contracts existing on April 1, 2019 using the modified retrospective method slong withthe transition option to recognise Right-ofUse asset (ROU) at an amount equal to the lease liaitty. Accordingly, comparatives forthe quater and half year ended Septernber 30,2018 and year ended March 31, 2019 have not been retrospectively adjusted. The effect ofthis adoption is not material onthe profit and earnings per shate forthe quarter and half year ended September 30, 2019, 3 The Standalone Cash Flow Statement for the half year ended September 30, 2018 is approved by the Board of Directors ofthe Company but ‘nes not been subjected 10 review by the Statutory Auditors 4 The Company is primarily inthe business of manufacturing, purchase and sale of Motor Vehicles, Components and Spare Parts (*Automobiles". The oer activities ofthe Company comprise facilitation of Pre-Owned Car Sales, Pleet Management and Cat Financing, ‘The income from these activites isnot material in financial terms but such activities contribute significantly in generating demand forthe products ofthe Company. Accordingly there are no reportable segments. On 20th September 2019, the Government of India vide the Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordinance 2019, inserted Section L1SBAA inthe Income Tax Act, 1961, which provides domestic companies an option to pay Income tax at reduced rate effetive 1 April 2019, subject to czriin conditions, The tax expenses for the quarter and half year ended 30 September, 2019 have been provided for at reduced ax rate, For and on behalf of the Board of Directors ‘New Delhi {= (come, 2th October, 2019 \eX [MARUTE SUZUKI INDIA LINITTED Gane Waar eae Yea end a aN a0 ‘ih ashe ane ae To} i ear waeea pota (Sen ren og Ya a ea A Tp Tan Coop cee asp Ta mas i x) ra eae oH ST OT NR i ilo asses Prope la pene Tsep0| —__ ene aoe 157 Frtanen-crzent ae sisi | —ss3a0 Fanci wee “nde nesinbie Hep] 208 er Snail ae So Te ter ene ms 3579 5a xu dae cai 731 7a [rot xsi tao] aoe [patios aul bien ber nil abs 3 Defend ui sa 7 Other aerate Hailes T.097 rea [Fett nn-crrent is Sr TE Fm Hai Berwin ra Te Tnde pein Tae a7 ie ins bie 3368 Tae Provisions ea 7a Cet Tinie es ena FOTAT LIABILITIES oa | Te = fOTAL HOUT AND sires as] f wt, iin ot y | eres 2, zr ee = == — feces ee — a oe eee — see — ana == sel ecre ner roel sere estar oan wt reer eee ae sees ere Ffascesiiersar wot nal oma Taarn isco oes wats are Tress] is re ISTE Frese eres Teel deren posion rte deen ai cen ae Ca nese is Opening Ae in sani perigee Sat fi fou vig nares useio] __easro} Perms to: pce of mi 5] ceeds fin ala ape de = = eres nse oT rat ae Tap] aa pes ha fe tl asi] Us Cot si) ving te ae 1s sen sh rtngs a rr mec “sia 5 otf de a ae Tas] aes Colm | nding Aten a ‘asexs| im = Notes ta Statement of Consolidated Una New Delhi (: Stents | | L hes of a 2th Octaber, 2019 Wy 5Y ited Financial Reval fo the quarter and half yearend 30h September, 2019 ‘The above resus were reviewed by the Avdit Comite and approved by the Board of Directors in ther meeting held on 24th Octobe. 2019 Te limited eviews requted under Regulation 33 ofthe SEB (Uisting Obligntions and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, has been compleed by the Statutory Audios and expressed an waned opinion onthe afresai esl “The Conslidaed financial results includ the els of the Company, 2 susie, 1 associates and 2 joint ventures. The Company sogeter with subse i een feet the Group. the previous year, the Group ad ote o publish consolidated nae reslteon an annul bass Accordingly, de conoidted franca resis fr the quer a hal year ended Sepemibe 30, 2018 an Cash Flow Statement fr the half year ended September 30,2018 are approved bythe Boe of Dien ofthe Company bu havent been subjected 0 review by the Sutter Autor. festive Api 1, 2019, the Group adopted Id AS 116 “Leases, applied tal ease contracts esting on Api 1, 2019 sing the modied respective method along vith the transition option to recognise Righ-fUse asset (ROU) at an mount equal othe ee ability ‘Accordingly, comparative othe quar an half year ended September 30,2018 and year ended March 31,2019 hae not been ‘especialy adjusted. The eet ofthis adoption isnot mteial on the profit ae erings pr Shire forthe quarter and hal yar ended September 30,2019 ‘The Group primarily nthe busines of manufacturing, purchase and sale of Motor Vehicles, Components and Spare Pars (Automates) The ater activities ofthe Group compre facilitation of Pre-Owned Ct Sas, Feet Management and Car Financing The Income tom thee atv sot mtr in rani terms but ch ative contnbute sigan in geneting demand forthe prodots ofthe Group. Accordingly thee ate na reportable segments. (On 20th Sepember2019, he Goverment of Inia vide the Taxation Laws (Amendment) Ordnance 201, inserted Section 11SBA inthe Income Tat Act, 1961 hich provides domestic companies an option to py Income tae a ecuced ate fei | Api 2019, subject to eran conditions. The wax expeses forthe quarter and haf year ended 30 September, 2019 have ben provided fr a reduced tox ae

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