Visualzation Research

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Birth of a Star
Kleís is a Constellation, a cosmic being sworn to protect the cosmos. Although she is not
a well-known or powerful Constellation she strives to do her best to help keep the cosmos
running in order. She is always determined to do her job, even if doing so means doing the
tedious work no other Constellation has time for, such as creating new stars. Although tedious,
Kleís happily accepts the job at hand, ready to go with her celestial key, a powerful tool which
makes creating stars as simple as turning the key.

Media Research:

I will be creating an original design for the character Kleís. My plan is to give her a kind
of a celestial-like design in terms of color and form. Giving her colors of white and gold and
maybe a blue gradient of some sort to differentiate her from the background. As for the
environment, I plan on making it simply space. It’s going to be a very dark environment and lack
visual interest, so my plan is to make Kleís the focal point using contrasting colors between her
light colors, and the dark background of space. As for the inspiration for the style of the model I
plan on making it based on low poly models used in video games. I’m choosing this style as
there are many games that use a low poly model to convey the character they represent. Even
when the character has a more complex design, their design is translated over to the low poly
model with enough information to identify the model as that character. I also find this kind of
style interesting as it not only conveys the character, but almost gives it a kind of cute charm to it
due to the super deformed proportions, which I think fits Kleís’ positive character.

Base concept for

Kleís. Not final.

Image references found on the internet

for design and color.

Planned background

Video game character models that

use a low poly, super deformed
model to represent a character.

Aesthetic Focus:

For this project, I hope to create an interesting scene even with a bare environment. I
want to evoke the feeling of wonder as my character does something interesting in an
environment so dark and bare. To achieve this, I would need to create contrast between my
character and the environment. I plan to achieve this balance by using contrasting elements
between the dark, bare, and static background of space and the light, visually interesting, and
motion of my character.

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