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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Learner Instructions 1
(Report on recruitment and selection processes)

Submission details

Students Name SM

Student ID
Assessor’s Name
Assessment Date/s

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective

You must demonstrate your ability to analyse the policy and procedures of existing
recruitment and selection processes for an organisation and to identify and apply the
relevant legislation underpinning these recruitment and selection processes.

Assessment description

Healthcare United is a healthcare provider and currently employs 1,500 Healthcare

professionals with two sites in Victoria and NSW. They recently developed a new
strategic plan that involves opening another office in Hobart. Part of their HR plan is
to employ 500 workers in three stages.
You will need to write a report that compares the 2000 Healthcare United recruitment
and selection guidelines against the newly developed 2010 Healthcare United
recruitment and selection policy and relevant legislation.
You also need to recommend changes necessary to improve procedures and the
overall process, based on current research.
You will be given copies of 2000 Healthcare United recruitment guidelines and the
2010 Healthcare United recruitment and selection policy.
Your report needs to cite relevant legislation and address the following key areas for
each procedure:
● timeframes
● personnel involved

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

● documentation
● training
● monitoring and evaluation.


1. Analyse the 2000 Healthcare United Recruitment and Selection Guidelines

addressing key areas for each procedure against the current 2010 Healthcare
United Recruitment and Selection Policy and relevant legislation.
2. Identify and discuss key areas for each procedure that need revising because
they are:
a. contrary to 2010 policy
b. outdated compared to current research and practice
c. do not comply with current legislation.
3. List your recommendations for revising key areas of the 2000 Guidelines.
4. Write a hard copy of your report of no more than 3,000 words and, if necessary,
attach relevant supporting documents.


You must provide:

● a hard copy of your written report and any supporting documents to your

Your assessor will be looking for the following in your report.

● an executive summary covering off the key findings and recommendations
● an analysis of the following key areas for each procedure in terms of the 2010
Healthcare United Recruitment and Selection Policy, the relevant legislation
underpinning each procedure and current research:
○ time frames
○ personnel
○ documentation
○ training and support
○ monitoring and evaluation.
● Procedures to be analysed:

○ vacant position analysis

○ position description
○ advertisement
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

○ shortlist
○ interview preparation
○ interview applicant
○ reference check
○ job offer
● evidence and referenced sources, e.g. reading reference materials, internet
research and direct research (contacting and interviewing organisations) that
support your analysis
● conclusion discussing overall process
● a list of your recommendations to revise the 2000 Healthcare United
Recruitment and Selection Guidelines
● a logical, formatted structure with an introduction, body and conclusion or with
clear headings for each section.

Executive Summary

This report is based on the 2000 and 2010 Healthcare United Recruitment and
Selection guidelines for the recruitment, induction and selection procedures of the
applicant. The proper conducted analysis helps the recruitment and selection
procedures. This helps the company to get the exact person suitable for the required
job. Moreover, the company carries out the interview and selection procedures for
getting the exact applicants.

Assessment 1

Recruitment and selection procedure


This report is based on the information with comparison of 2000 Health care United
Recruitment making with 2010 Healthcare United recruitment. The healthcare
company tries to seek the best professionals in the healthcare. These come from the
backgrounds of candidates that have skills and interest on the working (eld. The

recruitment procedures are mainly based upon the candidate's interpersonal skills
and performance. There are many procedures conducted at the time of interview in
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

order to select the right candidates for the perfect performance of the work. There
are certain selection policy and key areas for each procedure. They are time frames,
training, documentation, evaluation and monitoring. These procedures are analyzed
on the short list, vacant position, advertisement of the vacant seats, interview
applicant, position description of the job and many more. These procedures help to
recruit the perfect candidates based on the recruitment and selection policy. 2010
Health Care United Recruitment and Selection Policy are based upon the relevant
legislation that is made by FW Act and WHS Act. The firm mainly follow three steps
which are recruitment, selection and induction.

1. 2010 Healthcare United Recruitment and Selection Policy:

The health care united recruitment is the position in which the workers are
appointed on the basis of professionals’ health care. Health care United
Recruitment aims to become the number one position in health care in
Australia. Moreover, the professional employees roughly about 1400 widely
carrying out the health care policy. There are certain problems based on 2000
recruitment and selection policy in health care. Now the improve procedures
and modification helps the company to get better in the 2010 recruitment
and selection policy. There are certain key areas that need to focus at the
time of improving the procedures and modification. These are analysis made
on the vacant position, involvement in the personal, supports and training,
timeframe estimation and exact documentation. These procedures are based
on title recruitment and selection policy of 2010. In the analysis of vacant
position, this responsibility is on manager for the exact person selection
based on skills and following the selection of policy.

2. Analyze the 2000 Health Care United Recruitment and Selection Guidelines
addressing with the selection procedure of 2010 policy and legislation:

Time Frames:
Time frames are the basic thing for estimation of the selection procedure.
This provides a framework continuing of the procedures of about 4 to 5 days.
These procedures are followed by the policy of 2010. This time frame is
carried out for the maximum of 4 to 5 weeks depending upon the selection of
the candidate. This time frame is focused by the selection committee
of the company. This is the first procedure made by the Healthcare
United recruitment. This time frame is based on the vacant position of the

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

candidates. Time frames completely depend upon the applicant's

performing at the time of interview.

In the personal part, both the health care united recruitment of
human resources and managers are involved. The main responsibility are
carried out by the human resource team. After the human resources
intervening for the interview, manager looks out into the matter. The final
research is made by the manager of the company. Moreover, the manager
looks into the personal involvement in order to properly completion of the
interview process. Human resource person also plays a vital role on the
selection of the right candidates. From the H.R selection, the
managers execute the role properly and check the candidates based on the
working of the company.

A proper documentation is provided to the right candidate after the selection
for the required position. This documentation belong all the necessary
documents required by the company a7er recruiting. It includes items such as
advertising copy, description of the position, name of the search or
the questioning paper of the interview members. In the documentation
parts also includes with things related to the candidates. These are reference
letter, resumes, reference check notes, working samples and
questionnaires. Moreover, the documentation contains all the
documents that are required at the time of hiring from the
management. This documentation provides the exact framework for the
duty performed in the copy. This belongs as relevant information that are
useful for the applicant in the future use. The documentation is very
much valuable for both the applicant and management of the
firm. This documentation provides farm evidence to the candidates
at the time of joining in the organization. This helps in providing the
search of the relevant information that are required at the time of interview.
The documentation provides a relevant data at the time of admission
in college and school. The documentation is arranged in the
organized manner at the time of interview. Documentation provides the
candidates to execute the planning of data properly at the time of necessity.

Training and support:

The training and support are the vital parts at the time of selection and
recruitment. Different manager provides over and support for the human
source at the time of procedure. The procedure is based on guidelines of
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

2000 healthcare united recruitment. In the training, there depend certain

procedures that are used in the proper execution of the training. These
depend on the right skills attitude and knowledge that are required at the
time of achieving the objectives. The exact selection depends on the right
candidates for the suitable position. The recruitment procedures can be
done both internally and externally. In the internal recruitment process
depends on the recruitment formed inside the company. In the
external recruitment depends on the people that are recruited from outside
the firm. Training are based on the on and on the job performance of the
workers. The proper training and support encourage the employee to
perform their duty on the skills and performance. This is the responsibility of
training department of the firm, to guide and train the workers on the basis of
skills and development. The professional training helps to develop and build
the career of the employee.

Monitoring and evaluation:

The monitoring and evaluation helps in recruiting the employee based on the
performance. In the evaluation, there are information that can be
understood by the employee. The proper monitoring helps to judge the
employee based on that evaluation is made. Evaluation acts as a
tool that is used in the particular areas to improve the performance of
the workers. This monitoring helps in making of exact procedures at
the time of recruitment of the applicants. This monitoring and
evaluation helps to judge the person based on their performance. In the
2000 Health care recruitment Unit has tried to improve the
selection and interview procedures. From the 2010 Health care Recruitment
has improved their working procedure at the time of selection of right
applicant based on the right job. The manager of the company tries
to carry out the monitoring policy after the working of human
resources. Moreover, the proper monitoring policy helps to judge the
candidates based on the interpersonal skills and training. This helps to
highlight on the main working and performance of the candidate.
In many company, the monitoring is mentioned clearly at the time of daily
performance of the employee

3. Discussing the key areas of each procedure:

Vacant Position Analysis:

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

The vacant position analysis is based on the contrary for the policy of 2010. In
this analysis the responsibility is shifted upon the manager from the human
resource level. The recruitment and the selection procedure are made on the
exact vacancy of the applicants. In the 2000 policy, it has not clearly
mentioned about the analysis of the vacant position. In the year of 2010
policy, there is a huge procedures made on the vacancy of the employment.
Moreover, the vacant position analysis creates a huge demand on the
recruitment procedure. This position is properly controlled by the manager, in
order to execute the right person for the right position. Moreover, the exact
person is known by the managers of the firm. This is not based on the current
legislation of the vacant position. The managers of the organisation know
interview and selection process and helps in the recruitment process.

Position description:
The description of the position is very important at the time of vacancy. The
hiring manager usually selects the applicants on the existing position. The
manager knows the description of the job and determines the exact position
of the person that is applicants. The proper job design helps in getting the
exact working of the firm. The position description depends on determining
the accountability and the task required at the time of requirements.

The advertisement is the vital things at the time of selection and recruitment
of the applicants. These help the applicants to know the exact description of
the work given. There are many advertisement option that includes with
social media, flex printing, advertisement in newspaper and websites. The
advertisement provides the main information about the company's
requirement. These will help the candidate to get the right person for
the exact job for the firm.

The main process of shortlist is made by th manager of the company. The
applicants are being shortlisted based on the selection procedure. Short
listings are also made by the company selection committee of the firm. The
shortlist is the procedures that are enlist the applicant outcomes for the final
selection. The committee offered the short listing list based on the merits of
the candidates.

Interview Preparation:
The interview committee and manager provide the interview preparation that
is formed for the applicants. The preparations of the interview are based on
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

the merits of the applicants. Committee forms the interview

preparation properly to select the required candidates for the job.

Job offers:
This is the final steps that are performed by the company. The job offers are
made by the selection committee for the final candidates. Job offers are
formed with a company policy based on le6er, to carry out the company rules
and regulations.

interview Applicant:
The interview and selection is conducted on the applicant by the selection
committee of the firm. Moreover, applicants play the crucial role at the
time of selection for interview. The interview and selection are based on the
merits of the

Reference check:
The selection of the right candidates comes with the references of
some persons for the particular applicants. This helps the committee to get
the candidate based on the merits or skills. The exact reference helps in
getting the suitable person for the job.

Evidences supporting the analysis:

The exact evidence helps in supporting the framework for the selection and
interviews of the candidate. This belongs to the internet research, reading
references material and direct research. This evidence helps to
support the analysis that is based on selection and recruitment
procedures. This evidence helps in getting the relevant information for the
selection of the candidate that are based on interviews.
In the evidence there are certain key areas that the company works on
especially 2010 Health care United Recruitment and Selection Policy. This
evidence depends on the time frames, documentation, training and support,
personnel, monitoring and evaluation. This procedure and current resources
are made on the documentation on that requires a high evident data of
the applicants. Moreover, there are certain procedures there is analysis
based on evidences. These are shortlist, vacant position analysis,
advertisement, position description, reference checking, preparation of the
interviews and interview applicant. The accumulation of the evidence helps to
get the relevant data of the selection and interview procedures.
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Moreover, these evidences also help the applicants the get the exact
information of the collection of data. This collected evidences in different
procedures helps to bring out the bigger outcome for the applicants. The
candidates can easily keep the evidence as a proof at the time of
requirements. This evidence provides exact information that are
required at the time of investigation of selection policy. This gathering of
evidence is beneficial for both the applicants as well as for the selection

In any organisation, Employees are the main pillar to run up a company. For
that it is important to analyzed the resource of those potential employees.
The HR department is responsible to notice and make assessment of the
interview process. It should be a major ma6er for any organisation that by
doing the interview, HR department can judge the value of any candidate
before recruiting them. By having a potential and skilled staff, a company can
bene(t themselves in terms of huge revenue.
The selection process should be more flexible to encourage employees
exposing their original talent.

It has been concluded that the proper selection and recruitment procedures
needs to carried out. In 2000 Healthcare United Recruitment and selection
Policy had lower selection procedures for interview of the candidate. In 2010
Healthcare United Recruitment Board has made be6er procedures for the
selection of applicants. In this report there are certain research work
carried out at the time of interview and selection process.
Moreover, the procedures are made on the shortlist, advertisement,
vacant position analysis, reference check. It has been concluded that the right
candidates are formed by the exact selection and interview process. This
helps the selection committee to get the exact person for the right job.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Learner Instructions 2
(Recruitment and selection consultation)

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective

You must demonstrate your ability to analyse the recruitment and selection needs of
a business, develop a plan and recruitment and selection systems and processes to
meet these needs and train staff to implement them.

Assessment description

Many small businesses lack well developed recruitment and selection systems. The
resulting poor staffing decisions can cost businesses time and money and lead to
worker frustration.
Your role is to work as a consultant to a small business. You will need to identify a
small business, a business with which you are familiar or a business agreed with your
assessor and conduct research into that business’ human resources needs (for both
now and in the future). You will then develop and implement a plan to address the
recruitment and selection needs of the business.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes


1. Identify and select a small business as the subject for your project, and submit
brief business profile in the format provided.

Business Profile for……………………………………………

Area Description
product and/or services Mansfield Park Private Hospital

clients Citizen and non-citizen, in-patient and

human resources Manager/Supervisor
HR Manager/ Recruitment specialist
Operations Manager
location Mansfield Park
future direction Expands day surgery unit

2. Survey key stakeholders (relevant positions in the small business) and identify
the HR needs of the business for the next 12 months. You must provide:
○ the survey instrument used to identify current and future HR needs
○ atleast two completed surveys
○ conclusion from surveys about current and future HR needs
3. Develop a human resources (HR) plan to address the HR needs of the
organisation and have the plan approved by the business manager and your
assessor before proceeding further.
Note: HR plan must include: identification of needs or gaps, identification of key
stakeholders and specialists, current status of human resources, recruitment
and selection processes, and recommendations for improvements.
4. Develop job descriptions (using the templete below).

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Position description template

Position title: Nursing Unit Manager Position, Day Surgery Dept (Full
Position reports to: Brooke Sullivan

Qualifications – essential
- Minimum 5 years perioperative nursing experience-tertiary university
- Familiar with private health fund contracts and accreditation standards
- Current first aid cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification must be
current at time of employment
- Experience in a management or leadership role in a private
- Ability to work as part of a multidisciplinary team to deliver a
highstandard of a care to patients and work with limited supervision
- Must have the ability to successfully complete a criminal history check
- Ability to hold a baseline security clearance

Key objectives
1. lead, manage, direct and support the nursing care team to ensure that
high standard care is delivered along with efficient and effective
healthcare in line with policies and procedures

2. Maintain practice within framework established by legislation, national

and state policy

3. Understand, comply with and adhere to mains and park private

hospital OH&S policies and work practices.

4.Ensure compliance according national standards and achievement of


Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Key position functions

1. The unit manager provides supervision and coordination of the
overall clinical and administrative staff of the unit ensure the delivery of
safe and competent nursing care and provide for the safety and well-
being of nursing and midwifery staff, patients, residents and visitors.

2. Ensuring the delivery of safe and competent nursing care

3. Provide for the safety and well-being of all nursing and midwife staff
including patients, residents and visitors

4. Manual handling such as patient transfers, repositioning patients, use

of lifting machines, pushing trolley, wheelchairs, patient services, etc.

5. To act as a professional role model and mentor

Key selection criteria
1. As per Mansfield Park private hospital’s performance management
2. Excellent written and verbal communication skills and ability to use
ranges of softwares applications.
3. All team members are accountable for key result areas to assist the
organisation to meet their strategic goals and intent. Team members
will be required to work with all stakeholders and support each other
for community to receive services that are innovative, excellent and
high standard quality.
4. All task are undertaken in a proficient and timely manner including
demonstrate use of innovative in an undertaking design need to tasks.
5. Working knowledge of positions within the section and Mansfield Park
private hospital overall our developed to provide support and
assistance as required basis

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

OHS requirement
1. Act in accordance with the NSW WHS Act 2011, WHS Regulation 2012
and the WHS Management System.
2. Contribute to workplace safety and reduction of workplace injuries.
3. And your team members, clients, patients, residents and visitors our
save and accurately report any incidents, hazards and near misses in
a timely and professional manner.
4. Respond, relay and demonstrate information regarding emergency
codes and support team member to respond appropriately to codes in
the event of fire or other emergency
5. Responsible for the safe management of equipment, this includes
using equipment with standard operating guidelines, conducting
appropriate preventative maintenance and not using unsafe
Terms and conditions of employment:
Unless more generous provisions are provided in this letter or in the
attached schedule, the terms and conditions of your employment will be
to set out in the nurses and midwives NSW public health sector EBA
201tt-2020 and applicable legislations. This includes but isn’t limited to
the national employment standards in the fair work act 2009. The
additiional terms and conditions set out in the attached schedule will
also apply to your employment.

5. Develop an advertising policy and procedure, including checklist, which

complies with organisational, legal and policy requirements.
6. Develop a selection policy and procedure, including checklists, that complies
with organisational, legal and policy requirements for:
a. external reference checking
b. providing offers of employment (including advice about salary, terms and
conditions, probation).
7. Review the procedures with key stakeholders and your assessor before
8. Facilitate and evaluate some training on at least two of the procedures
developed using the training evaluation form provided.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Preferably verbal discussion with the referee, so a phone call is most efficient. If the
applicant has submitted a written reference, located the contact details for the refree
to be able to contact them direct as discussing one-on-one about the applicant’s work
performance proves to be the most informative way.

Standard references feedback template:

- They are happy to proceed and answer questions as a referee for the applicant
- The referee had personally observed the candidate performing work duties.
- Verify the candidate’s length of employment, position title and reason of leaving
- Detail 2 positive and negative aspects of the candidate’s behaviour and work

Training evaluation form

Task description Not Yet

1. Providing Quality patient Care YES
2. Educating Patients and Families YES
3. Evolving professionally and continuing education YES
4. Able to engage with workplace YES
5. Manner and attitude according to guidline YES

Method of delivery (please circle):

1. presentation e.g. lecture
2. workshop e.g. classroom
3. one-to-one instruction
4. online interactive
5. other (please specify).

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Rate the training:

unsatisfactory !
Was sufficient time allowed for session? 1 2 3 4 5
Were there adequate resources? 1 2 3 4 5
Was method of delivery engaging? 1 2 3 4 5
Was instruction clear? 1 2 3 4 5
Was sufficient time allowed for discussion? 1 2 3 4 5
Were supporting documents useful? 1 2 3 4 5

What further training is needed with this task?

It is used as exposure to patients as learning from experience is better as for

professional job in within years. .................................................................................








Are there any other areas/tasks that you would like training for? Please specify:

Yes, in the terms of engaging with patients with more empathy, care and
learning the necessary equipment that will be uselul to complete and help the
job for future work. .......................................................................................................







Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Are you interested in conducting training in any areas? Please specify.

Yes, I’m interested mostly to share my knowledge and experience in the field
directly. ..........................................................................................................................









You must provide:

● a brief business profile that outlines:

○ product and/or services ○ location

○ clients ○ future direction
○ human resources
● survey report
● HR plan
● position descriptions
● advertising and selection policies
● advertising, external reference checks, offers of employment procedures,
including checklists
● training evaluations for two procedures.

Your assessor will be looking for the following in your survey report:
● a summary of existing HR processes including policies and procedures
● a well-designed survey instrument that identifies current and future HR needs
● completed survey instruments
● conclusion from surveys regarding current and future HR needs.

Your assessor will be looking for the following in the HR plan:

● key areas that need to be addressed

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

● signed endorsement of the plan by the business manager

● identification of key policies and procedures to be developed
● job descriptions.

Your assessor will be looking for the following in the policy and procedures:
● at least three procedures related to recruitment and selection (these can be
improvements on existing procedures, or new procedures)
● each procedure to include: purpose, policy, step-by-step instructions and
● procedures must comply with legal and organisational requirements.

Your assessor will be looking for the following in the training evaluations:
● suitability of tasks covered
● effective methods of training delivery
● effective supporting documentation.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Learner Instructions 3
(Induction process project)

Submission details

Students Name SM

Student ID
Assessor’s Name
Assessment Date/s

The Assessment Task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to
this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.
Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below
for details.

Performance objective

You must demonstrate your ability to research and develop a set of guidelines for an
induction program that complies with, and addresses, the induction policy and
procedures of your subject organisation.

Assessment description

Research, develop and write a set of guidelines for a one-day induction program at
your organisation, an organisation with which you are familiar or an organisation
approved by your assessor. Your guidelines need to reflect current research and
comply with relevant legislation.
The induction guidelines need to include:
● induction program
● training methods and support
● overseeing of probationary employees.

Research may include examination of existing induction processes, documents,

interviewing organisations, consulting experienced Human Resource personnel or
managers, reading reference materials and internet research.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes


1. Conduct research on induction procedures and program content and prepare a

draft policies and procedures for each stage of induction process that suit the
organisation and comply with relevant legislation. Your draft must include:
a. policy statement
b. objectives
c. program outline
d. procedures
e. documents
2. Obtain feedback from participants and relevant managers on induction process
and make refinements to induction policies and procedures where necessary.
3. Write final copy of guidelines following format stated in the following


Your assessor will be looking for guidelines that are complete, clearly written in plain
English with all sources correctly referenced using in-text referencing or footnotes
and a bibliography. They must be presented in the form of a bound document and
adhere closely to the following format.

Format for guidelines:

● Title page
● Contents
● Introduction:

○ brief organisation profile

○ induction policy statement and objectives.
● Induction program:

○ program outline with session titles, facilitators, location, times, methods of

○ induction toolkit contents checklist
○ induction process checklist
○ evaluation form.
● Induction training and support:

○ objectives based on organisational policy

○ training tasks
○ list of staff and methods for training staff
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

○ checklists for facilitating training

○ training evaluation form.
● Overseeing of probationary employees:

○ objectives based on organisational policy

○ probation procedure
○ checklist for procedure
○ probation process evaluation form.
● Appendix:

○ templates
○ sample documentation
○ bibliography.


Induction Process Project


In recent business environment, it is very important to take elective measures

in order to increase the efficiency and the productivity of an organisation. It is
known that the employees are one of the critical success factors of an
organisation. The human resource can electively influence the performance of
an organisation. Thus it is very important to take elective measures in order to
manage the human resource in a corporation. The induction programme is
one of the elective tools for managing the human resource in an
organisation. The induction programme is basically a process that is
used for welcoming new employees in the company and they can be
prepared for their roles and responsibilities in the organisation. The main aim
of this assignment is to assess and present the induction programme that is
taken in one of the departmental chain stores in Australia, Target Australia.

Brief Organization Profile:

Target Australia Pty Ltd is one of the departmental store chains in Australia
that is owned by the Wesfarmers group. There are many stores of the
company all over Australia. It basically operates 125 target country stores
and 183 target stores in Australia. The national store support office is located
is North Geelong in Victoria. The organisation was opened first by Alex and
George Lindsay in Geelong selling furnishings, fabrics and dress and now it
has expend to various products such as electronics, electrical products,
home wares, toys, cosmetics and clothing. After the successful, the store
expanded in other regions as well. Target Australia is one of the prominent
organisations in Australia at present with the chain stores all over the country.
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

In case of retail stores it is very important that the employees are provided
elective induction programme for efficiently catering to the needs of the
consumers. Thus the induction programme that needs to be undertaken in
the organisation can be discussed here.

1. Induction Policy Statement and Objectives:

The organisation is committed in inducing all the volunteers and the
employees to integrate electively within the organisation and the programme
can help in smooth integration of the employees in their roles in order to be
competent operationally. The induction policy should be well planned. The
induction programme should help the employees in learning about the
organisation and their culture. The main purpose or the objective of the
induction programme is to help the employees in smoothly making transitions
in the organisation.

Induction Program:

The induction programme can be very elective for increasing the efficiency of
the employees within the organisation. The induction programme can be
used for the training and development. It is known that the employees should
have knowledge regarding the health and safety measures within an
organisation and thus it should be included in the training programme
as well. In case of retail or any service industry, the satisfaction of the
consumers should be taken into consideration and thus appropriate training
programme in that context should be presented. The OHS (Occupational
Safety and Health) regulations provided by the Australian government needs
to be considered and training should be provided to the employees.
It is known that the employee recruitment is only the beginning of the
employee and organisational relationship. Thus the induction
programme is very important for maintaining a long-term relationship
with the employees. The induction programme usually spreads over a few

2. Program Outline with Session Titles, Facilitators, Location, Times,

Methods of Delivery:

The induction programme should be carefully planned for

welcoming the new employees in the organisation and for making smooth
transition of the employees within the organisation. The induction
programme can be divided into multiple sessions for the employees.

The induction programme sessions can be presented here.

Session 1 - Introduction session: In the first session the employees

should be introduced within the organisation. In the first session
the introduction and welcoming of all the employees would be conducted.
In this session the information regarding the organisation and its past
achievements can be discussed. The employees can also share their
feelings in terms of joining the organisation. In this session the goals,
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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objectives, missions and the visions of the company should be shared with
the employees.

Session 2 - Organisational Culture and Structure: In the second session the

training should be given on the structure and the culture of the organisation.
In the second session, the rules & regulations that are followed in the
organisation. The ethical code of conduct should be communicated with the
employees along with the policies of the company. The roles and
responsibilities of the employees within the organisation should be
discussed in this session.

Session 3 - Dealing with Customers: In the third session, the employees

should be trained in terms of dealing with the consumers. In the
service industry, the satisfaction of the consumers is very important
and thus the knowledge of the products and services and how to deal
with the consumers should be provided to the employees

Session 4 - Health and Safety Training: in the fourth training session, the
health and safety measure training should be provided to the employees. The
employees need to be educated regarding the existing policies of the
company for the health and safety measures.

Each session for induction will be conducted within the

organisation and the facilitators will the managers of the company. The
entire induction programme will last for one month. The method that will be
used for the delivery of the training programme will include direct
communication as well as written guidelines. The employees can
be communicated with the help of charts and diagrams and
presentations as well.

3. Induction Toolkit Contents Checklist:

It is known that the preparation of the employees for the first day and for
beyond is one of the significant activities conducted by an organisation. The
employees should be helped in making smooth transition in the organisation
and thus induction toolkit can be used for increasing the efficiency and the
effectiveness of the process. The induction toolkit basically offers the hints
and tips staff induction. In the induction toolkit the following guidelines will be
provided. These are:

⁃ Induction policy

⁃ induction process map

⁃ Induction guidelines

⁃ Hints and tips for successful induction

⁃ ‘Must do’ activities for the new staff

⁃ Organisational structure

⁃ Welcome booklet

⁃ Projectors, chair, and DVD players

4. Induction Process Checklist to Evaluation Form:

In the following section the induction process checklist is provided for the
evaluation of the employees.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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⁃ Introduction: the introduction of the employees within the organisation.

⁃ General information: provisioning of information to the employees

regarding the organisation.

⁃ Communication of the aims and objectives: the aims and objectives of

the organisation should be communicated

⁃ Code of conduct: educating the employees regarding the codes of


⁃ Health and safety: educating on the accident reporting procedures, first

aid locations, medical facilities, fault and hazard reporting
procedures, safe working practices, etc. They should meet the safety
representatives of the organisation.

⁃ Awareness of protocols and procedures: HR procedures and

policies, departmental objectives and priorities, local protocols
and procedures interrelation to the job roles and responsibilities.

⁃ Review Induction: the progress and the performance of the

induction programme needs to be reviewed.

Here the evaluation form template can be provided here.

During The First Few Weeks/Months Of Starting Work:

1. Please rate the following aspects of your induction, by ticking the
appropriate response:

Good Adequate Unsatisfactory

First day of works arrangement
Provisioning of infromation by area/
Introduction to the area/department
and its process (including safety and
Introduction to the responsibilities
and the duties
Introduction to main procedures of
the organisation

2. Provide your opinion regarding the induction programme that is undertaken

by the organisation.

3. Is there any aspect of the day-to-day operations that needs to be explored

or discussed?

4. Do you need any additional training that has not been

covered yet by the organisation?

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

5. Are there any further information and events on various topics issues that
you think needs to be covered in the induction process?

Induction Training And Support:

Training and support is one of the significant part of the induction

programme. In the induction programme the employees are given the
required training in order to integrate smoothly in the organisation
so that they can perform electively and maximise the benefits of the

Objectives Based On Organisational Policy:

It is very important that the induction programme should be based on the

overall objectives of the company. That means the induction programme
should be aligned with the goals of the company. The main objective of the
company is to maintain harmony within the organisation and providing
high quality service to the consumers. One of the aims of the company
is to increase the market share of the company in the industry and thus
induction programmes should take that into consideration as well.

Training Tasks:

There are various tasks that can be given during the training period. The
employees can be asked to perform trial provision of service with the staff.
Afterwards they can perform similar task with the actual consumers
where they serve the customers. So the training task can be given to the
employees during the induction programme.

List of Staff And Methods For Training Staff:

The staff members included in the induction programme will be the poor
manager, the human resource manager and other experienced staff
members of the organisation. There are various methods that can be used
for training the employees or the staff. The company can employ hands-on
training to the employees. They can be coached regarding the processes and
demonstrations can be presented as well.

Checklists for Facilitating Training:

In order to facilitate the training, the checklist of facilitating training cans be

given here

Training Checklist Check

Schedule of the training

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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Material requirement for training

Availability of the trainers
Selection of time and date of the
facility for the training

Training Evaluation Form:

Now the training evaluation form can be presented as well.


There was clear definition of the
objectives of the training
The communication and interaction
process was effective
The materials and the tools used in the
training were helpful
The training provided here was helpful

The time was sufficient for the training

The process of training was effective

Q1. What were the things that you like about the training?

Q2. What are the improvements that can be incorporated in the training?

Q3. Please give us your opinion or feedback about the training.

Overseeing of Probationary Employees:

The probation is the main function for ensuring that the employees
understand that their roles and responsibilities within the company. The
employees should be kept in a probation period for one month and then their
performance should be evaluated and decision needs to be made.

Probation Procedure:

The probation process includes the performance review of the employees for
the month. During the probation period each and every employee should be
assessed using fair and consistent framework. After the probation
period is over the organisation need to take decisions, whether the
employees will be confirmed for their appointment or not.

Checklist for Procedure:

In the following table the probation procedure checklist can be provided

Probation Checklist Check

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Schedule of the probation (duration)

The establishment of standards for
the employees
Impact of not meeting the standards
The probationers involved in the
Written report of probation

Probation Process Evaluation Form:

Here the probation evaluation form can be provided as well


There was clear definition of the
objectives of the probation
The measure taken for the process or
performance evaluation were effective
The methods used for probation were
The employees were provided clear
guidelines in terms of probation
The methods used for evaluation
included unbiased measures
There was clear communication with the
Q1. Were you given the information regarding the probation process?
Q2. Did you know the performance standards that need to be achieved during the
probation period?
Q3. Are there any issues that you faced in terms of the policy of probation?



Healthcare United 2010

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Healthcare United aims to be the number one provider of Healthcare professionals in


Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

Healthcare United is an organisation that currently employs 1500 Healthcare

professionals with two sites, in Victoria and NSW and seeks to expand its operations
and open another office in Hobart.
As an organisation our vision is to provide:
● the best qualified and trained human resources available for clients
● up-to-date technology in all services for both clients and staff
● innovative best practices and procedures from both inside and outside the
● best facilities and procedures in a competitive environment.

To address the future needs of the organisation, Healthcare United aims to recruit a
further 500 of the best possible healthcare professionals available, in three stages,
over the next five years.
Key tenets of our recruitment and selection policy are:
● managers will assume major responsibility for the recruitment and selection of
staff, the training of required personnel and supporting documentation
● HR department will support managers in this role
● timeframe for recruitment and selection will be two to three weeks maximum
● position analysis will be conducted on all vacant or new positions
● all vacant and new positions will be advertised internally and externally for ten
working days unless special exemptions apply and be advertised online and in
leading national newspapers
● special exemptions to internal recruitment must be approved by the general
● all interviews must be conducted by a trained selection panel
● selection of staff is subject to reference checks conducted by the manager
● Healthcare United is an equal opportunity employer.

Healthcare United 2000

Recruitment and Selection Guidelines

Policy statement:
Healthcare United is an organisation that seeks to employ the best possible
healthcare professionals. It is an equal opportunity employer.

The purpose of the recruitment and selection process is to ensure that Healthcare
United has the best possible human resources available to effectively provide its

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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The Healthcare United recruitment and selection process has been developed in line
with organisational strategies, relevant legislation and best practice recruitment.

Recruitment and selection process

The recruitment and selection process involves the following procedures:
1. Vacant position analysis
2. Position description
3. Advertisement
4. Short-list applicants
5. Interview preparation
6. Interview applicants
7. Reference check
8. Job offer
9. Feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

1. Vacant position analysis

When a position becomes vacant it is important to analyse the position to determine
whether it is still required.

Estimated timeframe: Two to three days.
When a position becomes vacant the following procedure must be completed.

1. Manager notifies HR about vacant position and requests ‘permission for
position form’.
2. Manager completes their section of ‘permission to recruit form’ stating reasons
why position needs to be filled and submits it to HR department.
3. Position needs analysis conducted by HR department who them completes rest
of ‘permission to recruit form’.
Note: HR may need to question manager about position.
4. Completed ‘permission to recruit form’ to be approved by senior management.
5. Once permission is obtained then HR department explore implications, options,
legislative and award requirements.

2. Position description
A position description is an important prerequisite to successful recruitment and
Estimated development and validation timeframe: three to five days.
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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1. Position descriptions are developed by HR department using a position
description template and include:
a. position title
b. key objective
c. qualifications required
d. WHS component
e. terms.
Note: HR may consult with manager about position description if necessary.
2. Senior management to sign off on position description.

3. Advertisement
Healthcare United’s advertising policy: unless there is special authorisation from
senior management, all positions must first be advertised internally for a minimum of
ten working days in the HU newsletter before being advertised externally for a period
of ten working days.
The newsletter is distributed via the intranet every Friday morning and hard copies
are also placed on noticeboards in offices and lunchrooms.
Timeframe: 20–25 working days.

1. HR department creates advertisement for HU newsletter on intranet.
2. HR sends advertisement to publications department to post on the intranet.
3. HR creates advertisement for authorised external print media.
4. After advertisement has been posted internally for ten working days, HR
organises for external print media.

4. Short-list applicants
Short-listing is a process of elimination. However, Healthcare United requires that all
internal applicants be interviewed.
Timeframe: Five days minimum.

1. Administration staff to collate all resumes and give to HR department.
2. HR to read over position description and advertisements.
3. HR to read each external applicant’s résumé and divide them into ‘yes’, ‘no’ and
‘maybe’ piles.
4. HR to then reread ‘yes’ and ‘maybe’ resumes and complete short-list chart for
external applicants.
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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5. HR reads all internal applications and completes the short-list chart.

6. HR then collates all documentation from internal applicants and shortlisted
external applicants.
7. HR organises administration staff to send all external applicants not short-listed
a standard letter by post.

5. Interview preparation
Healthcare United uses the interviewing selection technique with interviews being
conducted at head office only. Where possible, Healthcare United requires a
selection panel of two HR personnel and a representative from the related
department to interview applicants.
Timeframe: interview preparation one to two days.

1. HR requests administration staff at head office to organise:
a. comfortable and quiet location
b. food and beverages for interview panel
c. interview schedule.
2. HR to organise interview documentation which includes:
a. position description
b. resumes for each shortlisted candidate
c. consent to check and release police record form
d. standard interview questions for HR members of interview panel
e. interview assessment forms for interviewers
f. use checklist for documentation.
3. HR organises interview panel: two members of HR department and one staff
member from the job-related department with one of the HR members being
the chairperson.
Note: It is preferable that the staff member from the job-related department is
4. Chairperson (HR) chooses and advises the staff member of their role as
‘expert’ and requests that they think of three job-related interview questions.

6. Interview applicants
Interviews are to be conducted only at head office. Interviews are to be 30 minutes in
duration with a five-minute break in between. No more than 12 interviews should be
conducted in a day.
Timeframe: scheduled interviews one to two days depending on number of
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

1. Chairperson greets candidate and makes introductions.
2. Chairperson opens interview.
3. HR members of panel ask applicant a series of standard interview questions.
4. Staff member from job-related department asks three questions.
5. Chairperson asks applicant if they have any questions.
6. Chairperson informs the candidate of the process.
7. Panel thank candidate for attending.
8. Panel complete interview assessment.
9. Panel select applicant.
10. Gain approval from senior management – subject to reference check.

7. Reference check
Reference checks are an important part of the selection process. Healthcare United
reference checks must be conducted on both internal and external applicants by the
HR department.
Timeframe: one to two days depending on number of applicants.

1. Phone workplace of applicant and speak to manager/referee.
2. Introduce self, organisation and purpose of call.
3. Ask standard questions about applicant’s knowledge and skills.
4. Ask about applicant’s personality.
5. Ask manager for their opinion of applicant’s standard of work.
6. Ask manager if there have been any problems with applicant.
7. Discuss references with other HR person on interview panel.

8. Job offer
Job offer needs to be made immediately after Reference check.
Timeframe: one to five days.

1. HR department organise written contract to be drawn up with terms and
2. Administration to post employee contract to applicant.
3. Upon receipt of signed contract HR post new employee advice about induction
Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

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BSBHRM506 Manage recruitment selection and induction processes

9. Feedback to unsuccessful applicants

Healthcare United requires all unsuccessful internal applicants to be provided
feedback in individual meetings with a member of the HR department.
Timeframe: one to two days depending on number of applicants.

1. HR department ask administration to schedule 30-minute meeting with each
unsuccessful internal applicant.
2. HR department representative to conduct feedback meetings with unsuccessful
internal applicants.
3. HR department representative to phone unsuccessful external applicants and
offer feedback.
4. HR department to file hard copies of notes about unsuccessful applicants.

Version: 2.2

Implemented: March 2020

To be reviewed: March 2021

Responsibility: Head trainer

© The Wales Institute Pty Ltd

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