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ATARLEDA. ca Adultery—Statutory Provisions a a Glance tn Ravi Kumar ube Dev erat has 00 defini infact snot psi. Coty i atonal aes cn of fie wane ny dfinuon a i ogre ca ever be sen oh rae ee ‘Act oferty is very sojecuive—varying with ine place and persons, THs “Hind Mariage Re, TOS Sections 13 14) and 10 incated when we tough eal Iya cometares and caves. Spectal Marriage Act TSP Sections (1a) & 23(1)a) ‘Voliniary sexual intercourse | Divorce ‘with anoer afer mariage | jit vas highly reprehensible. He used (abuse and asa his wife, and on he insted upon sexual imercouse with hori the presence of two treatened that if she refused the men would old her down. Whea she ough the window, te men followed her tthe instance ofthe sand Pars! Mariage and Divorce et 1938 Sections 32() and 34 Adultery by the defendant | Divorce flr mariage. Suit 1 be | jaca fled_within- two. years of | Separation et back by bet hi. spite of al thi, the wife Was Held no toe any elit onthe ground of crcl. 10 Mana, a husand shoud beat his wie only wih «ope or split sotto bones ae broken the proces power sea change in the aude of the cos, and acts pf physical Dissoltion of Maslin ‘Marriages Ae, 1939 Section 26)0) No! ect rence 10 | Der ‘ey byt tan as! St romeo to ing as imo BE fn saben, a ops of adultery mi Ground avaiable only. to wile ial separation owiedse th usa ga hes a ay dagpoved A aly SPR Ace i by GROVER Jn Gurdev Ran» Sarwan Singhe crcl hs © ade ee Aa fear to social conditions a they exist nthe present dy, and not Sections (0) and 22 | Respondent's adutery | piven or ju 10 he rigid tenes of Man and wer law giver of bygone as Provisions positon of ervey as a ground for matinonial reli, v2, under te various personal laws is discussed Blow Law the Hindy Marriage Act 1985 as amended by the Masiage Laws Ac, 1976, cruelty isa ground for diverce aswel as for judicial 2 Section 13) states tat a mariage nay be solved on the the eter party has after the solemmistion of the marriage, tested ‘with cruelty" Port 1976 culty was ely ground for judicial ‘Another significant change Brough bout by the 1976 Amendment ature and conduct are infinitely dverse—what it considered erly 058 ‘Was not so construed a few decades back, and cts which ay cs ely today might be 0 regarded afer few yeas. As apy remarked by 1! (B) Cavenry “ - concept of cruelty has been enlarged. Earlier, it was con to ‘such tie ae ee lt an is 9 9 8 eri anaras anty R: A ear i Sa a A,

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