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QUÝ zI – 2018
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cùng với Lộ trình được biên soạn bởi IELTS Planet để đạt
được kết quả tốt nhất nha!
OPINION........................................................................................................................... 3
DISCUSSION.................................................................................................................. 38
PROBLEM & SOLUTIONS............................................................................................57
TWO-PART QUESTION................................................................................................61

1. Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned
because of the negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Currently, many companies tend to choose children as their target market to advertise
their products. While some advertisers argue that these advertisements are informative, I
personally believe that this marketing strategy negatively affects youngsters and their
On the one hand, there are some reasons to believe that advertisements aimed at children
contain useful information. Firstly, thanks to commercials, parents may be aware of the
products that are useful for their children. For example, some nutritious brands of milk
are widely advertised on TV, which parents can consider buying for their children if they
are confused by the wide variety of brands available in the market. Secondly, since
advertisements often have creative contents in order to get people’s attention, children
can be interested in this marketing industry if they are exposed to advertisements
regularly. As a result, they may work as an innovative advertiser when they grow up.
On the other hand, I believe that choosing children as the target market to introduce
products is harmful to both these individuals and their parents. As the young are
inexperienced, they may fully believe that the information in advertisements is true. If
they are attracted by these exaggerated commercials, they will be likely to insist their
parents to buy them products which are unnecessary and sometimes even unhealthy. For
instance, we can easily find advertisements of different brands of instant noodles and soft
drinks either on TV or on the internet, and these consumer goods are often known as
unhealthy. If they are advertised in an attractive way, youngsters will put pressure on
their parents to buy these things.
In conclusion, while some people believe that advertisements aimed at children are
useful, I would argue that this method of advertising has adverse effects on both
inexperienced youngsters and their parents.

2. Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but
to give practical training that is beneficial to society. Do you agree or disagree?
It is generally accepted that universities are the very places where students can obtain
profound knowledge of the fields they are following, and that both theoretical knowledge
and practical experience are essential for their future career. However, there is some
controversy among people about whether or not universities should place less emphasis
on theoretical knowledge and more on practical training throughout their courses .In fact,
this issue is in itself a very complex one, and therefore should be taken into consideration
To begin with, nobody can argue that the acquisition of theoretical knowledge is very
crucial, since this is the basis of practical training. In other words, students must have a
good grasp of a subject before practising it in reality. Without basic knowledge, students
may become unfamiliar with the subject, so they may run into difficulty when undergoing
practical training. In addition, not all subjects can be taught by practical experiences, such
as History or Mathematics.
However, it should be borne in mind that empirical research also plays a vital role in
students' success at universities, as the ultimate aim of studying is to serve people's lives
more and more efficiently. By way of illustration, job market always has a tendency to
seek for people having more practical experience than those who only excel at theoretical
knowledge. Besides, practical training is a very effective way to get useful experience
that sometimes cannot be learnt from books. For example, students majoring in medicine
must attend some practical training so that they can know more clearly about the real
human body, thus leading to a slighter chance of making mistakes when they have to
implement genuine operations in the future.
Taking everything into account, I strongly believe that both theoretical and empirical
knowledge can bring about many great benefits. Therefore, it is important that
universities should provide a well-balanced education attaching equal importance to both
theory and practical training.

3. In many countries, women are able to join the armed forces now on the equal
basis of men. However, some people think only men should be members of the army,
navy and air force. Do you agree or disagree?
Since the dawn of the time, women have been playing a crucial role in the civilisation
and development of mankind. It is clear that women can play a vital role in various
defence forces so the writer of this statement thinks that they are a blessing for their
To commence with, women will be a boon to the force. To be clear, the world has
realised that women are equally capable as men in both mentally and physically abilities.
As women are blessed with intellectual and cognitive skills, they can use these invaluable
skills in the force. In addition to this, as we know, women are already serving in the
various  other physically demanding job sectors  such as  white collar and blue collar
worker. It is unwise to select them in this job sector. More importantly, women are
naturally less aggressive and peace makers and these qualities are blessing for the force
and once they come to leadership these helps to reduce conflict among the nations.
Further, women are already part of the police department and they have proved that they
are capable of doing adventures and riskier jobs. To cite an example, women leaders such
as Queen Isabella, Victoria and the like ruled vast spectrum of power.
On the other hand, women have some physiological barriers in joining the defence force.
To make it clear, since women have to give birth to the child and nurture them, they need
maternity leave for that. If women are in the force, it would be impossible for them to get
leave at the time of war. Apart from that, many retrogressive people argue that women's
primary function is to prepare food and look after children and husband so they should
not opt to go for a job.
To conclude, in this advanced era, women have been working in every realm and they
have proved that they can contribute a lot to the society so they should take in defence

4. In many counties, more and more women have full-time jobs as men. There is a
logic that they should share the housework equally with men. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
People have different views about whether or not men and women should have equal
responsibilities for household chores. From my point of view, I believe that household
work should be allocated equally for both husbands and wives.
There are many reasons why husbands and wives should share domestic
responsibilities.Traditional gender roles are gradually changing; women need to go to
work instead of staying at home to bring up their children in the past. For example,
besides the workload they have to take in the office, women are also responsibilities for
the housework. Thus, the burden put on their shoulder is even more than before. When
the working women are forced to do all the housework without any help, it has a very
negative effect on their mental and physical well-being.
When couples share the responsibilities of domestic life, they set a good example for
their children. Children raise in such families will learn the value of empathy and they
will share the responsibilities with their respective partners when they grow up. Besides,
sharing the chores will make the couples closer in their relationship, resulting in
improving the quality of their marital life. For instance, after dinner, husbands can do
clean floor while wives can do washing dishes.
In conclusion, I think that working couples should be encouraged to share the
responsibilities of their daily life. It is one of the important things to keep happy in their

5. Nowadays leisure industry products and modern gadgets are widely used by
young people. The use of these products reduces the young generations creativity.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
The popularity of exciting products and advanced devices has skyrocketed among
adolescents in the last decade. Majority of people believe that using these gizmos can
decrease the level of youth’s innovation. Others think juveniles who utilize these
productions have a more creative mind than other teenagers. From my perspective, I have
bipolar attitudes towards this viewpoint.
On the one hand, excessively using new technologies such as smartphones and video
games can waste people’s free time instead of consuming their time to innovate and
create new products. Statistics show that 80 percent of teenagers spend at least 25 hours
each week on using their cellphone, watching TV or playing games. This adolescents live
in a fictitious world of their own and often have trouble building relationships with
others. They can’t imagine an existence without their gadgets and get panic attacks if
they don’t have access to their machines. In other words, these people will find it difficult
to survive if they would be in a world where there is no internet or smartphone.
On the other hand, new gadgets and modern tools are leverages to enhance the young not
only to experience an unreal world without any limitation and boundary but also to
unleash their creativity. These devices can provide vital supporting tools for the creative
process. For instance, designing and editing software such as Photoshop allow their users
to push the boundaries and create original, artistic photos. Moreover, they inspire
adolescents to devise more innovative inventions. According to Sina Naderi researcher at
the University of Cambridge, playing particular games can improve imaginations of
In conclusion, recent tools can have positive and negative impacts on youngsters’
creativeness. I strongly agree with the notion that these affects are depended on both how
much time the young spend on these devices and why youthful people use these gizmos.

6. Scientists believe computers will become more intelligent than human beings.
Some people think the development will have a positive impact. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
In today’s world, the technology has improved significantly. Many technological devices
have been invented in order to help humans in a work place and home. One of a prevalent
is the invention of computers. Some people think that with the innovative computer,
human lives have better improvements much more than before. I believe with this
viewpoint even though there are some drawbacks arising from the over-reliance on
On the one hand, the computers have many merits to human lives for a number of
reasons. Firstly, innovative computers can help human lives to become very simpler and
convenient. Many complicated work can be done effectively and quickly by computer
programs. Analyzing advanced data and organizing complicated information can be taken
by these tools. Secondly, all human errors from work can be eliminated by using
computers. Computers can do work much more accurate and productive than people.
Advanced software these days can solve human mistakes within a very short time. Lastly,
these high-tech machines can save a lot of time for people. Workers can do work in a
better way which is much faster than doing it manually. Without the improvement of
computers, it could be very difficult to deal with all advanced data and complicated work.
On the other hand, there are many drawbacks of using smart computers. First and
foremost, if people use computers to do all their work such as calculating, integrating and
translating, it will have negative effects on human capabilities. With overuse computers,
people will be unable to do complicated skills anymore. Moreover, nowadays people tend
to be more dependent on technological devices. Using the analyzing gadgets such
computers excessively, it can cause to unable to do some skills. Consequently, intelligent
computers will become more independent and control humans instead in the future.
In conclusion, in my opinion, I do believe that computers do a great service to societies
and mankind. The advantages of innovative computers are very abundant. Without the
development of smart computers, it will be very hard for humans to go back to do all
work manually.

7. Some people think that instead of preventing the climate change we should find
ways to live with it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
In today's world, the use of computers is ever increasing.It is one of the most important
things in human life. It became a common part of modern society. Scientists think that it
will become smarter than human. Some people discover that it is a positive trend, but
others have a negative attitude towards this dependency on computers. This essay will
discuss the benefits and drawbacks of such a measure.
One of the main beneficial developments of computers is that it made life easier and
more convenient for everybody. For example, it is comfortable to sit at home and do
research on the internet with your computer. Your computer is open 24 hours a day,
unlike a library or office. In addition, computer technology can connect workers in
different countries. Workers can communicate via email, online networks, and video
conferencing. It gives people to save their time and money. Computers have automated
the offices, education, banking, even the advancement of treatment and crime detection
were possible due to the powerful computer technology. These examples make it clear
that it is a positive increase in human life.
On the other hand, this development has its disadvantages. It can lead to the loss of the
balance in society. For instance, offices will be disappearing in the future and virtual
online offices may replace them. Therefore, people will become very lazy which is
crucial to the way in which human develop without socialisation skills. They move
toward the creation of higher unemployment. That's way there will appear two groups:
humans and computer technologies.
To conclude, it is the beneficial development for human life, however, it impacts badly as
well. I strongly believe that there are many advantages in the way of development and we
should take advantages of it. We have made the computers and as human, we will control

8. Aircraft uses more fuel than cars and produces more pollution. Some people
suggest the non-essential use of aircraft like international travel should be
discouraged. Do you agree or disagree?
Although some people argue that discouraging the use of international aircraft will reduce
the negative effects on environment. I disagree that the use of aircraft to travel long
distances will influence more to nature and use more fuel than other vehicles.
It is widely accepted that the aircrafts are more effective in transporting in terms of time
and capability. First, this mean needs less time to reach the destination for the passengers.
Airplanes can transport people as well as goods at high speed, so less time is needed,
especially for destinations that are far. Besides, an airplane can carry up to hundreds of
people and produces at the same time. As a result, its efficiency is more significant than
the other types of transportation including cars and motorbikes.
Moreover, air transport is a profitable industry, which can boost the development of the
country. Due to its convenience, more and more people choose this mean to travel.
Therefore, airlines can generate greater revenue from running this industry. For example,
the national airlines of Vietnam has grown significantly in recent years with greater profit
earned. As a result, the government can get more money for the state budget from tax
paid by the airlines. This amount of money is essential to improve the quality of various
public services that are closely related to the life of people.
In conclusion, it is unjustifiable to say that the use of air transportation should be limited.
Instead, I believe that this way of travelling brings more benefits than harms.

9. In modern life, it is no longer necessary to use animals as food and in other
products like clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Recently, the vast developments have made more options available for people to
produce food, make clothes and develop new medicines. Thus, it has been suggested that
living without exploiting animals for these purposes can be realized in the modern world.
However, although I fully agree with this statement, it seems that there is still a long way
to go before humans stop exploiting animals.
It is true that advances in technology give humans potentials to create whatever
essential to them through synthesis. For instance, food proteins and cloth fabrics can be
produced and made through artificially combining and orientating basic chemical
elements. Even most medicines can be developed in the same way. As a result, human
beings rely less on animals for food and clothing than they did in the past and more
importantly, many diseases such as small pox and malaria which were once fatal to health
are eliminated by synthesized vaccines, not antibodies extracted from animals. As seen
above, it is clear that human would have no problems to survive or even thrive without
exploiting animals.
However, despite that humans possess almost every technology allowing them to stop
using animals, the long history of mankind dominating animals makes it hard for humans
to let them go. Since the advent of human civilization, animals have been recognized as
sources of food and cloth, hard labors and most recently, experimental subjects in
medical research. With such a long history, humans have developed a deep-rooted
thought that animals are meant to be taken advantage of and thus most of us take
exploiting animals for granted. Although there has been a raise in the public awareness
that as creatures in nature, animals share the same right as humans, it is unfortunate that
using animals for food, clothing and medicine is still prevalent in the modern world.
Because of this, more efforts and time are still needed to change the people’s view
towards animals.
In conclusion, technological advancements have given us abilities to stop exploiting
animals for food, clothing and medicine. However, the deep-rooted thought that animals
would never share the same right as humans would likely require a long time to be
changed. Before that, animals are still likely to be exploited by human beings.

10.  Some people say that there is no need to provide international aid by
governments because they already suffer from unemployment and homeless
problems in their own country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is a big concern for many people that it is not a compulsory responsibility of their
government to provide international aid to other countries owing to the fact that they have
some obstacles in their home country. In my opinion, I would like to stay in middle
ground of this debate.
Firstly, one important aspect of a government is to invest money in their own country
instead of giving wealth to other countries. In fact, it is true that when the unemployment
rate is high in a country and people of this country need better economic structure, they
would not support that their governments supply aid and money to other poor countries.
Naturally, they would expect their own problems to be sorted out first. For instance, if
any government invests money for the constructions of many new organisations like
factories and health departments in their homeland, there will be more chances of
development of country and high opportunities to control on unemployment.
Another important thing for any country’s government is to provide homes and some
other facilities to homeless people rather than lending money to other countries because
in this way the economy would be better than before in that country. If any government
has extra money firstly they should focus on compulsory needs of their own country after
that it can be provided as the international aid to other countries.
However, we live in a single globe and when people in some parts of the world are
starving, many others have opulent resources. Sharing among nations can ensure a better
world. The economic structure of the present world would never allow a country to
ensure 100% employment and houses for people to live in. there will always be homeless
people and jobless youth even in developed countries. So considering these, a rich nation
should always help the poor nations in need. Don’t we help people with our resources and
money when we still have a scarcity of these? Similarly, a comparatively rich country
should always raise the helping hand to the poor nations. The sharing of wealth will
eliminate more pressing problems in poor nations and thus in return they would also help
in other ways. For example, rich countries like the USA invest in research facilities in
many Asian countries and in return they can have meritorious scientists living and
working for them and better business understanding.
In conclusion, the government of a country should first fulfil the necessity of its own
citizens. To a certain extent, they should share their extra wealth to poor countries as the
international aid that can be helpful for both of the countries.

11. University students always focus on one specialist subject, but some people think
universities should encourage their students to study a range of subjects in addition
to their own subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Whether it is necessary for college students to study a number of subjects or one subject
only is a controversial issue. I believe that one should consider his/her personal interests
and employers’ requirements when deciding the number of subjects to learn.
It is true that acquiring a wider range of skills and knowledge is beneficial to students
aiming at fields of professions related to interpersonal communication. These types of
jobs emphasise the ability to communicate with other people effectively either to sell
products or to manage human resources. For example, if a marketing student is familiar
with psychology and various subjects that may interest target customers, it will give
him/her a significant competitive edge when selling products.
On the other hand, for subjects that require learners’ commitment for many years,
students need to focus on one area of specialism. Only in this way, they can concentrate
their efforts on a specific area and seek to become professionals. This types of
professions are normally related to science, which are nowadays increasingly in need of
qualified personnel. If there are job vacancies for researchers of biochemistry, whether
job applicants studied accounting is not a matter of importance.
Students aiming at other common careers should acquire a certain range of knowledge
while still giving importance to their majors. For majority of college students, it is
beneficial to be a little of both specialist and generalist. That means, instead of doing
everything mediocre or just providing employers service in one particular field, one
should possess acceptable depth of experience in one area and also some knowledge
about related subjects. This makes them more competitive.
In conclusion, I believe students can decide on the number of subjects with their own
career interests and personal needs taken into account.

12. Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every
subject.Do you agree or disagree?
In my opinion, men and women should have the same educational opportunities.
However, I do not agree with the idea of accepting equal proportions of each gender in
every university subject.
Having the same number of men and women on all degree courses is simply unrealistic.
Student numbers on any course depend on the applications that the institution receives. If
a university decided to fill courses with equal numbers of males and females, it would
need enough applicants of each gender. In reality, many courses are more popular with
one gender than the other, and it would not be practical to aim for equal proportions. For
example, nursing courses tend to attract more female applicants, and it would be difficult
to fill these courses if fifty per cent of the places needed to go to males.
Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be unfair
to base admission to university courses on gender. Universities should continue to select
the best candidates for each course according to their qualifications. In this way, both
men and women have the same opportunities, and applicants know that they will be
successful if they work hard to achieve good grades at school. If a female student is the
best candidate for a place on a course, it is surely wrong to reject her in favour of a male
student with lower grades or fewer qualifications.
In conclusion, the selection of university students should be based on merit, and it would
be both impractical and unfair to change to a selection procedure based on gender.

13. Nuclear energy is a better choice for meeting increasing demand. Do you agree
or disagree?
As a result of the environment problems which is resulted from the traditional
dependence on fossil fuels, some countries have invested an alternative energy sources.
Although there are some dangers in this new approach, I personally agree that its benefits
outweigh the drawbacks.
On the one hand, there are certainly some negative consequences of increasing reliance
on alternative energy sources. The chief among this is that the safety of nuclear power is
a considerable question. Because of lacking technological development, too much
uncertainty exists in unclear area. The incidents happens in Fukushima in Japan reminds
the public of the dangers of nuclear plants. The poisonous and radioactive emissions
produced by the explosion not only killed many people, but also left a legacy of cancer
death in the future. Another energy source, wind power, is criticized for different reasons.
For example, many local communities oppose the installation of wind farms because they
may affect the landscape and create too much noise from its generators.
On the other hand, there are several benefits to building more nuclear stations. Firstly,
nuclear power is relatively sustainable energy source, meaning that it can be used to
produce electricity without wasting limited natural resources likes coal or gas. Secondly,
green power station are eco-friendly and do not contribute to air pollution, which is the
biggest concern of nations worldwide. As there is no carbon emission, problem of climate
change and poor air quality can be tackled by increasing use of alternative sources.
Consequently, many countries are now considering nuclear power as a solution to high
oil or gas, increasing demand of electricity, and worries about pollution and climate
In conclusion, despite of many risks can happen by using this alternative sources, I firmly
believe that its advantages overcome the shortcomings as some reasons mentioned above.

14. Countries with a long average working time are more economically successful
than those countries which do not have a long working time. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
In some countries, the average working hours are relatively longer than those in other
countries. This practice is obviously based on the assumption that the harder work, the
more prosperous economy. However, I doubt it truly.
The holders of this view may think that investing more time in work contributes
to more production, hence helping create more wealth. It is true that there is a
direct link between how long a worker works and the outcome. For example, 10 hours
of manufacture in a factory can achieve double production of 5 hours. However, it is not
production but productivity that is responsible for economic success. In developing
countries like China or India, the respective GDP cannot be said low in the world, but the
average figure is relatively lower than developed countries such as USA and UK.
Prolonging working time actually imposes some incidental negative effects on a
country’s economy. The first one is the potential growing health
care cost because fatigue tends to harm the employees’ health, therefore leading to
more consumption of medical resources. In addition to economic loss, the workers’
decreasing satisfaction to their workplace due to being coerced to extend their working
time is another consideration if we believe that workers’ emotional wellbeing can affect
their productivity. Absenteeism and sick leave are reported by many employers to be the
two most counterproductive factors.
In conclusion, I personally cannot agree with the view
given and my evidence is that economic long-term prosperity is not determined
by production, and therefore lengthening working hours does not necessarily
sustainably boost economy. The additional supporting ideas include possible building
up medical expense and diminishing contentment to work. 

15. Many people believe that countries should produce food for all population eats
and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
It is sometimes argued that providing all kinds of food for citizens and reducing
importing food as much as possible are the countries’ responsibility. However, I totally
disagree with this idea, and I believe that this is a significant deterrent to countries’
On the one hand, it is simply impossible for a nation to produce all food for their citizens.
Obviously, there are a variety of plants that just grow up on some particular areas. For
example, wet rice is just planted in Asian countries or Brazil where there are many rivers,
lakes that can supply water resources for its growth, and of course it would find it
difficult to adapt severe climate in Africa in which even people are dying every year due
to a scarcity of freshwater. Therefore, this is the best demonstration for governments to
import necessary foods to meet their citizens’ demands.
In addition, there are several reasons for authorities to decide to import food. Firstly,
importing food is considered as the most effective way to diversify the number of goods
on the countries’ domestic markets. This will lead to various choices for consumers, and
certainly encourages a well-being life for people. Secondly, many foreign products mean
that domestic markets will be really competitive that will force local manufacturers to
improve their production practices to compete with others. As the result, customers will
benefits from numerous high-quality goods on the markets.
In conclusion, producing all food for its citizens is an impossible duty for a country’s
agriculture industry. In my opinion, importing food should be encouraged because of
many significant benefits it brings to countries’ citizens.

16. Some people believe that in order to give opportunities to new generation
companies should encourage high level employees who are older than 55 to retire.
Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Whether senior employees who are over 55 years old should be encouraged to take a
retirement or not has aroused a contentious issue among concerning people. Despite the
argument of some advocators that senior workers should be retired, it is my personal
perspective that they are by no means inessential. The reasons for it are twofold.
Initially, senior employees, with their working experience, are necessary to strengthen the
thriving development of companies. Indeed, on the ground of undergoing many years
commitment in career, people cultivate and deepen their understanding about the specific
field such as market segment, marketing strategies and competitions of the organisations
they work for. Meanwhile, the young who may perform innovatively and dynamic
working style, however, are seen deficiencies of true experience and need to seek for
judicious advice from the elder. In other words, lacking such experienced people may put
companies in jeopardies. Let‘s take Samsung electronic corporation as a typical example,
no sooner did the company dismiss their contract with senior generations to replace by
younger ones than they witness a considerable deterioration in their competitiveness.
Further and even more significantly, a soon retirement causes several social problems.
Firstly, the sooner citizens take retirement, the bigger tax burden to existing worker.
Irrefutably, when inhabitants are no longer working, they demand social welfare to
survive, resulting in more major expenditure from government’s spending. Additionally,
these days, thanks to the development of sciences and technologies, senior people could
reduce pressure by applying modern methodologies to work. Besides, with better
nutrition, employees at age of 55 are strong enough to be in charge of their positions.
By the way of conclusion, I once again reaffirm my opinion that organisations should
continue hiring senior employees since it takes both companies’ stabilisation and social
concern into consideration. Only by co-operating between the experience of the old with
the creativity of the young, do organisation and society keep stable development.

17. Some people think that strong tradition can civilize a country and the
government should subsidize musicians, artists, actors and drama companies. Do
you agree or disagree with the opinion?
People have different views about the funding of creative artists. While some people
disagree with the idea of government support for artists, I believe that money for art
projects should come from both governments and other sources.
Some art projects definitely require help from the state. In the UK, there are many works
of art in public spaces, such as streets or squares in city centres. In Liverpool, for
example, there are several new statues and sculptures in the docks area of the city, which
has been redeveloped recently. These artworks represent culture, heritage and history.
They serve to educate people about the city, and act as landmarks or talking points for
visitors and tourists. Governments and local councils should pay creative artists to
produce this kind of art, because without their funding our cities would be much less
interesting and attractive.
On the other hand, I can understand the arguments against government funding for art.
The main reason for this view is that governments have more important concerns. For
example, state budgets need to be spent on education, healthcare, infrastructure and
security, among other areas. These public services are vital for a country to function
properly, whereas the work of creative artists, even in public places, is a luxury. Another
reason for this opinion is that artists do a job like any other professional, and they should
therefore earn their own money by selling their work.
In conclusion, there are good reasons why artists should rely on alternative sources of
financial support, but in my opinion government help is sometimes necessary.


18. The professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers should be paid
more than the sports and entertainment personalities. Do you agree or disagree?
The great Mahatma Gandhi says," No job is smaller in this world". However, In the real
life, the income and wages are considered as one of the factors that categorized numerous
professions practiced in the society. Many intellectuals believe that the professional
profiles like doctors and teachers should be paid higher than the celebrities, who belong
to the entertainment industry. My inclination discord with the statement supporting the
belief of justified remuneration based on the complexity of work and nature of income
involved with the industry.
Universally, professional jobs are considered to be highly secured jobs in the market, and
which is why most of the parents guide their kids to adopt those professions for their
bright future. To illustrate, doctors and teachers get regular income during their working
tenure as well as in their retirement period in a form of pension whereas celebrities don't
get any such social securities.Moreover, the salaries those are drawn by professionals
remain steadily increasing in nature. There would be hardly any fall of income registered
for these type of profession. For instance, Even in the time of inflation, people never stop
to hire services of teachers and doctors. Whilst people will hold control in their
recreational activities which in turn affect the income of people associated with the
entertainment industry.
On the other hand, the income of athletes and actors solely depends on their performance
and consistency. So, their source of income always remains fluctuating rather constant,
unlike other sophisticated professions. For example, Mike Tyson was the great boxing
world champion but his one defeat dug his grave and alienated him. Lastly, The public
expectations to these performers always keep them on their toe to deliver a pure form of
innovation in their show ever. Hence, to gain it they put lots of efforts in fine-tuning of
their skills. To exemplify, Priyanka Chopra, a great leading Bollywood actress, who has
performed a role of Mary Kom in her biopic, has taken an extensive physical training to
look alike a boxer.
To conclude, every profession has its own important role to play in the society. However,
the complexity of the tasks and uncertainty of income should be considered before going
judgemental about the compensation of any profession.

19. In many countries traditional foods are being replaced by international fast
food.This is a negative effect on both families and societies. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
Foreign fast food has become a prevalent product among consumers in numerous places
around the world. Opinions diverge greatly on the negativity of this type of food and I
believe its favorable impacts, which would be analyzed below, are eclipsed by the
harmful ones
On the one hand, hast food plays a significant role in aiding modern while collar and blue
collar workers to keep pace with the hustle and bustle which traditional food fails to do,
in comparison with the huge amount of time and effort, sometimes elaborateness to
prepare Vietnamese dishes, occupied individuals can stop by any fast food stands such as
Mc Donald on the street and enjoy a delicious meal within a few minutes. On the societal
level, due to the rapid expansion of fast food producers, Pizza Express for example,
retailers come into operation at an unprecedented rate, which creates thousands of job
opportunities for the locals. This eventually makes most use of the idle workforce,
helping to diminish the national unemployment rate
On the other hand, I am inclined to the thought that the adverse effects of fast food are
rather worrying. Initially, the consumption of such meals is disadvantageous too human
health in the long run. Unfortunately, the shortcomings of eating pizza and hamburgers
on a regular basis might be obesity or diabetes due to the high dosage of sugar and fat
these products contain. besides, the rise in the use of fast food might result in over-
dependence which causes cooking skills' deterioration. Especially in the scenario of
Asian countries, Vietnam, for example, society often values the roles of women in their
kitchen skills. Depending too much on ready-made dishes might be a detriment to this
special set of skills
In conclusion, although it is impossible to set aside the positive aspects of overseas ready
meals, I still suppose that their pitfalls should be paid more attention to

20. Some people think pollution and damage of environment are resulted from a
country developing and becoming richer, which this is hard to be avoided. To what
extent do you agree or disagree?
Environmental problems and pollutions are often considered to be the direct result of a
country’s development. Industrialization, growing number of factories, people’s
capability of purchasing more cars and electronic device etc. are often related to the
economic condition and growth of a nation. However, I do not agree that pollution and
other environmental problems are caused only because of the economic growth of a
country and that this cannot be avoided.
First, it does not take an expert to understand that pollution and environmental problems
are more prominent in poor countries than that of rich countries. Air, sound and water
pollutions in countries like India and Bangladesh are far dangerous than that of developed
countries like Australia, Canada and the UK. Furthermore, the number of factories does
not represent the amount of pollution it causes. For instance, recent researches have made
it clear that only a few garments factories in a country like Bangladesh cause far more
damage to the air and water resources than hundreds of bigger industries do in the United
Second, economic development does not mean that a country will have industries and
factories all over the country. Proper planning and inspection from the government can
ensure the minimal emission of gas and other toxic elements into the water and air. So
even if the industrialization is imminent for the development of a country, it does not
mean that we will have no way to minimize the pollution and environmental issues. For
instance, industrialization does not cause as much deforestation as it is caused by human
greed and lack of inspection and law in many countries.
In conclusion, I would agree that development and industrialization affect the
environment negatively to some extent but this is not the prime factor in polluting our
environment. We still have time and lot of options to reduce the pollution and
environmental problems to make the world a better place for the future generation.

21. Although it is a freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be
made illegal as the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or
disagree? What’s your opinion?
Recent decades have witnessed an upsurge in the consumption of tobacco, raising many
questions of health hazards. However, I disagree with their illegalization of tobacco
despite some related health problems.
On the one hand, it is true that regular consumption of nicotine from cigarettes could
cause many health hazards. The nicotine substance and other addictive chemicals
released from tobacco could make users more sensitive to many serious diseases such as
diabetes and lung cancer, which is invariably associated with the decline in their life
expectancy. Moreover, the surrounding people of smokers, usually known as passive
smokers, also have to face with higher risks of such diseases than the smokers suffer.
On the other hand, the tobacco prohibition could culminate in some negative
consequences. First, tobacco is proved to be the main source of an excise tax, accounting
for the large proportion of total national revenue in both developed and developing
nations. In fact, the legislation of tobacco prohibition has contributed to a fall by 5% in
Singapore’s GDP, lessening capital investments in many public sectors. In addition, ban
on cigarettes actually is instrumental in the creation of drug cartels. This is implied that
the criminalization of tobacco would force users to use other alternative drugs such as
marijuana and heroin, which demands a higher degree of drug supply than ever and also
leads to more health problems than tobacco.
In conclusion, the prohibition of cigarettes should not be imposed due to some negative
consequences pertaining to decrease in national capital and increase in the consumption
of other drugs. However, users should be aware of many health problems and restrict the
consumption for the long-term benefits.

22. Some people believe government should spend money on building train and
subway lines to reduce traffic congestion. Others think that building more and
wider roads is the better way to reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and
give your opinion.
Traffic congestion has become the bane of citizens in many parts of the world. In order to
mitigate this problem, some suggest that public transportation, such as trains and subway
lines should be constructed. Meanwhile, others are firm in their belief that building wider
roads makes more sense. Both of these methods will be analysed below.

On the one hand, building trains is an effective method to improve traffic condition.
There are compelling evidences to support the investment in public transportation. In
countries where subway systems are up to standard, the number of private vehicles that
participate in traffic is small, city dwellers can save hours of delay and also thousands of
dollars on traveling expenses. That is not to mention a significant number of gallons of
fuel saved, which means slowing down the exploitation of natural resources.

There are, however, others who express doubts on this approach. Their suggestion is that
a better way to alleviate traffic jam is to make bigger road systems. The undeniable fact is
that in many developing countries today, roads are narrow and in a desperate state of
disrepair, which greatly obstruct the travels to their destinations. Someone’s small
accidents, a flat tyre for example, can bring traffic to a halt, which is a commonly-seen
problem in roads that have only two lanes.

To conclude, both methods discussed above provide sustained relief on our roadways;
however, it is my opinion that the method to build trains and subway makes more sense
in terms of environmental protection.


23. International community should ensure that all countries must immediately
reduce the use of fossil fuels (e.g. natural gas and petrol oil) in order to protect
natural environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Increasing consumptions of fossil fuels have resulted in the emission of the greenhouse
gas which is one of the causes of issues relating to environmental damage in recent years.
Therefore, some people suggest that all countries should take actions urgently to lessen
the usage of the harmful energy. From my personal view, I agree with the statement to
some extent.
It cannot be denied that fossil fuel is one of the major contributors to global warming and
climate change. Indeed, the burning of oil and coal produces tonnes of carbon dioxide per
year, and it is one of the greenhouse gases that enhance radioactive forcing and contribute
to global warming. The rise in temperature of the Earth has associated with numerous of
adverse effects such as melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low-lying areas and rise to
the sea level. Also, fossil fuels are generally considered to be non-renewable resources
because they take millions of years to form. If the utilisation of mineral fuels is not
reduced and controlled, it could be exhausted and people may soon run short of fossil
fuels while scientists have not found an alternative energy source. As a result, the price of
fossil fuels has also increased greatly which could lead countries to fall into a fuel war.
However, there might be some concerns about the reduction of mineral fuels utilisation.
One among of them is that the approach will lead to failure to maintain well-balanced
social order. In fact, manufacture industry, transportation and even home heating require
powers, which are generated through fossil fuels. Accordingly, detrimental consequences
might impact to the development of the entire the world if we cut down the use of fossil
fuel immediately. More than that, some alternative powers such as nuclear, solar and
wind power have not been applied widely due to reasons like climate condition, high cost
or safety requirement. It could take scientist many years developing these energies to be
perfect substitutes for fossil fuel.
In conclusion, in order to tackle environment problems and avoid the growing scarcity of
natural energy in the future, the reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels should be
considered and planned purposefully and gradually

24. Employers should give at least four weeks holiday a year to their employees to
make them have a better performance at work. To what extent do you agree or
People have different opinions over the minimum leave entitlements of an employee, and
some of them suggest at least 28 days per year for the increasing productivity at work.
Based on the existing stardard of total leave including holiday and vacation of 25 days
per year, I do not think few more days off would significantly improve the performance
of workers except for some regions in which workers are only allowed to have fewer than
10 days annually.
On the one hand, in countries that have already granted about 20-25 days off annually for
workers, the government should not increase the leave entitlement. First, a small increase
of 2 or 3 days in total leave would not significantly change the current performance of
workers. In special case that workers are facing with detrimental health issues, they are
still able to apply for further entitlement. Second, the total leave entitlement for
employees have been carefully researched on the basis of 5 working days per week
before the suggestion of government on total leave. This means that the suggested rate is
suitable for most working adults at the moment. Thus, I do not think that governments or
companies should grant few more days for their residents’ or workers’ leave.
On the other hand, there are still some countries where the workers are excessively
exploited and are allowed to have fewer than 10 days off annually, including public
holidays and vacations. In this case, I believe that the government intervention in
required leave entitlement for employees is necessary. The heavy workload and lack of
time for personal interest easily cause depression for working individuals. For instance,
an usual employee has to work intensively up to 15 hours every day regardless of
weekends in Japan and South Korea while he or she only has 3-4 hours for daily sleep.
As a result, this triggers an rapidly increasing rate of suicide among the young workers in
these countries. Therefore, there should be legal provision for extra private leave in such
countries as well as the strict management over implications of the law.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the increase in leave entitlement should only be
encouraged in countries where employers have fewer than 10 days off per year in total.

25.  The best way for children to learn team spirit is through team sports at school.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Opinions differ to as whether team sports are the most efficient mean to help young
children develop team spirit at school. I do not agree with this idea since there are still
several group activities that can foster team spirit among children.
On the one hand, the unique benefits of team sports on the improvement of group utility
in children. The most significant contribution of sports is the sense of fair play is most
effectively learned and formed through team sports. By actively engaging in team sports,
children will realize that they should respect the rules of the game, their friends who can
also be their competitors during the game, and viewers. Utilizing drugs or cause harms
for opponents before the game to enhance perfomance is not acceptable in sports. This
refers to a broader sense of competition in life that children need to show great diligence
in schoolwork and future job in order to achieve success rather than commit illegal or
immoral act.
On the other hand, there are some other group works that allow children to build team
spirit. One possible activity might be making presentation in groups. Such activity
requires young students to increase social and academic interaction simultaenouly and be
responsible for thoroughly understading the all parts of their work, resuilting in the
increasing awareness of essential individual’s contribution to the group work. Another
useful activity could be employed to foster team utility in children is volunteering. This
helps children to form a sense of supporting team members to finish their work
successfully as a group. Also, the good cooperation between members would induce the
feeling of pride and belonging together in a team.
In conclusion, I believe that schools could utilize several other activities to encourage
team utility among children rather than exclusively offer team sports.

26. Taking care of children is perhaps the most important thing for a country. It is
suggested that all mothers and fathers should be required to take childcare
programs to become good parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
How to take care of children is a frequent topic of discussion in most countries. In China,
young parents have little experience of caring children because most of these young
adults have no brother or sister so they have no chance to care for children.
Consequently, many mothers and fathers tend to take parenting training courses. In this
essay, this trend will be identified as a positive development in most cases, although it
could inevitably cause some problems.
Receiving parenting courses will benefit not only young children and individual families
but also society as a whole. Firstly,childhood is the significant stage of a human being.
In this stage, children develop their personality, character and talents. Without proper
guidance, they cannot fully fulfil their potential, or even worse — they may go astray.
Parents are children's first and the most important teachers so that they need to be
equipped with proper knowledge and skills of childcare in order to be qualified to instruct
children. Furthermore, a country's brighter and better future depends on children.
Therefore, young parents should be well prepared to nurture their sons or daughters.
However, some people argue that many young parents, especially those living in
developing countries are too busy to attend childcare training courses. Another concern is
that some parents cannot afford such courses. Nevertheless, they fail to take into
consideration the fact that some measures can be taken to solve these problems
effectively. Initially, rather than attend parenting courses in class, mothers and fathers can
receive schooling through the Internet at home. In addition, the government should
allocate a sum of budget to support those parents who cannot afford these training
courses because this is no longer a problem for individual families but for society as a
To conclude, taking the childcare training courses has a positive effect on individual
families as well as countries. In order to create a bright future, parents should participate
in childcare courses which could be funded by the government.

27. Research shows that overeating is as harmful as smoking. Therefore, advertising
for food products should be banned in the same way as for cigarettes in many
countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Many people think that the overconsumption of food can cause similar damage to human
health like smoking so the governments should impose a ban on the advertising of both
some food items and cigarette. While the former view is well-founded, I still believe that
it is unreasonable to prohibit all forms of advertising of some certain food products.
On the one hand, it is understandable why many people argue that the excessive
consumption of food is a grave detriment to people’s health conditions like smoking
is.First, excessive food intake increase body fat, which negatively affects human’s health
and potentially results in obesity. Overeating and sedentary lifestyle of many individuals
are principal causes for the fact that the number of obese people has increased at
unprecedented rates in recent years, gradually putting human‘s life at risk. Second,
consuming a large amount of unhealthy food such as fast food or processed food on
regular basis often carries more potential health risks. Specifically, this could heighten
the danger of having numerous health-related problems such as blood pressure of high
cholesterol, gradually deteriorating people’s well-being.
On the other hand , I still believe that governments should not implement prohibition of
advertisements for some certain food items. Advertising is an effective way that most
food manufacturers use to promote their products in order to approach prospective
customers.If their commercials underwent a prohibitive order by law, their profits would
decline significantly without publicity materials, pushing those companies to the verge of
bankruptcy. This would lead to a rise in the unemployment rate and negatively affect the
national economic expansion. Additionally, prohibiting the advertising of certain items is
an obvious disadvantage for consumers a they will not be well-informed about the
products they really want to purchase.
In conclusion, while overeating exerts several negative effects on human’s health
conditions, the governments should not impose a ban on the advertisements of some
certain foodstuffs

28. Children can learn effectively from watching television. Therefore children
should be encouraged to watch television regularly both at home and at school. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
There are currently a variety of valuable programmes on television for the children. The
young people are likely to accumulate much more knowledge through watching
television. However, this does not mean that the young should view television shows at
school and home alike will now be explained.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that a vast number of television channels are thought to
be highly meaningful and knowledgeable for the young to study. These sitcoms, ranging
from the scientific discovery to the social life, make a remarkable contribution to a
treasure of wisdom of a child. By sitting in front of a screen, not only may the children
feel ecstatic and excited, but they also have the understanding of rewarding lessons that
have not ever been taught at school. For example, my younger brother, a five grade pupil,
once told me that the educational shows on the television enhance his enlightenment as
well as widen his horizon. This enables him to arouse his curiosity and creativity
Despite the above arguments, I believe that the television should merely be harnessed for
relaxing at home rather than at school. If viewing televisual programmes is prevalent in
the classrooms, the pupils will easily be distracted as they may conceive the colorful
images which they have just seen at break time. This results in misunderstanding their
teacher’s lectures, and in turn, getting poor grades. Moreover, schools are known as an
area with a range of severely strict discipline, but apparently,it’s relatively difficult to
control every individual students not to cause the distractions.
In conclusion, I do not argue that the young people should observe what the television
programmes are shown at school although they include an abundant and precious
resource of knowledge.

29. Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children
to do whatever they want. Some people think that this is not a good parenting. Do
you agree or disagree?
It is true that some parents are overly permissive and tend to spoil their children. In my
opinion, this is not a good parenting style, and it can have a range of negative long-term
If parents want to raise respectful and well-behaved children, I believe that a certain
amount of discipline is necessary. Having worked with children myself, I have learnt that
clear expectations and boundaries are necessary, and it is important to be able to say ‘no’
to children when they misbehave or try to push against these boundaries. This is the only
way to help young people to regulate their desires and develop self-control. In my view,
parents who do the opposite and constantly give in to their children’s demands, are
actually doing more harm than good. They are failing their children rather than being
kind to them.
The children of indulgent or lenient parents are likely to grow up with several negative
personality traits. The first and most obvious danger is that these children will become
self-centred adults who show little consideration for the feelings or needs of others. One
consequence of such an attitude could be that these adults are unable to work successfully
in teams with other colleagues. A second negative trait in such people could be
impulsiveness. A person who has never lived with any boundaries is likely to lack the
patience to carefully consider options before making decisions. This may lead, for
example, to compulsive shopping, unwise financial decisions, or even criminal activity.
In conclusion, parents should help their children to develop self-control and respect for
others, and I do not believe that the permissive parenting style supports this objective.

30. Students at schools and universities learn far more from lessons with teachers
than from other sources (such as the Internet and television). To what extent do you
agree or disagree?
The technology has brought unprecedented opportunities for learners providing enormous
sources, for instance the Internet and television. Notwithstanding the learning
opportunities provided by the Internet and television, students still learn much more from
the conventional lessons with teachers beyond any shred of doubt.
It goes without saying that the technology has declared a new dawn in education. To give
an illustration of what I mean, let’s look at the case of internet. The cutting-edge
technology can provide students with millions of information pertaining to their study
topics in the blink of an eye. Students can straight go to YouTube and can find many
learning materials, for example. Apart from that, there are multitudes of educational sites
that can play paramount role in learning. Coupled with the Internet, television invokes the
evidence that these sources can contribute to learning. Students can get many lessons
from television’s educational programs.
In contrast, teachers contribute more to students’ academic and overall development than
any other sources. First of all, teachers can tailor their lessons according to the students’
level of understanding which is impossible for the Internet and television. Let it be
clarified. Students likely come from different backdrop and inherently different from one
another, and eventually they do not belong to same intelligence. A teacher can group the
students and then illustrate a concept in details without complexities what the different
groups of students need to know. This is to say, teachers can match their lessons
according to different types of students. Another key point to remember is that teachers
can also deliver moral lessons that could change students’ lives radically.
Based on above discussion, it could easily be concluded that students can learn far more
from lessons provided by teachers than any other sources, specially the Internet and
television. No other sources’ lessons can outweigh the lessons of teachers, I think.

31. Although more and more people read the news on the Internet, newspaper will
remain the most important source of news for the majority of people. Do you agree
or disagree?
Some people believe that despite the spreading popularity of the online media, traditional
newspaper will still hold the most vital position among news readers. In my opinion, this
idea is rather absurd as the Internet has become increasingly dominant due to the benefits
it offers.
The first thing that attracts people to reading news on the online sources is their easy
access. With the presence of the Internet around almost every corner of the world, people
with a portable device such as a mobile phone can access huge storage of news. In fact,
latest events, for example IS Terrorist attacks, would be updated immediately on CNN or
New York Times. By contrast, with prolonging procedures including editing and printing,
traditional newspaper might not be able to compete with the Internet in terms of the
updating speed.
Another benefit with which the Internet can, from my point of view, take over the
position of printed newspaper is the new experience it brings to readers. One limitation of
newspaper is that it cannot convey visual messages to the people who read news on a
regular basis. Meanwhile, non-stop progress of the technology industry has unfolded the
possibility to upload videos and voice records on various online websites. For instance,
soccer fans these days can rewatch their favorite matches anytime they want with only a
laptop connected to the Internet, which a mere paper cannot do.
In conclusion, I disagree that printed newspaper would continue to be the most crucial
source of information because more and more people will be drawn to use the Internet.

32. Prison is the common way in most countries to solve the problem of crime.
However, a more effective solution is to provide people a better education. Do you
agree or disagree?
Despite the popularity of prison sentences as the way to control illegalities,
improvements on education have gained social endorsement as a means to eliminate the
problem from its root. In my opinion, I disagree that education is the better one as it is
rather impossible to compare these two methods’ effectiveness owing to their distinct
On the one hand, the reasons why prisons are of indispensable necessity for social
security are varied. They are the place to keep people who have broken the law
contained, ensuring the safety of other citizens. Especially, dangerous criminals such as
murderers or rapists have to be imprisoned for their heinous actions. Furthermore, severe
prison sentences act as a deterrent against crimes. Knowing there might be a chance of
getting caught and condemned to jail, which also means losing freedom and living a
miserable life in a cell, ones who are having the intention of committing illegalities
would reconsider going down the path.
On the other hand, education serves as a remedy for the origin of crimes. Education
contributes greatly to heighten people’s intellect and to form a civilized society. With
access to better educational services, citizens would be well-informed about the damage
that committing crimes would cause to their community and themselves, which
eventually leads to the decline in crime rates. Additionally, the possession of certain
qualifications through fundamental education like vocational training could secure a
person’s stable life, which would dispel any ideas of committing crimes.
In conclusion, I believe there is no absolute way to deduce whether imprisonment
policies or better education would take the dominant role in dealing with crimes as they
both tackle the problem just in different ways.

33. A government's role is only to provide defense capability and urban
infrastructure (road, water supplies...). All other services (education, health, social
security) should be provided by private groups or individuals in the community. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?
The division of responsibility of government and private groups or individuals in the
community is controversial. Some people claim that defense and urban infrastructures are
the mere duty of government and all other services should be the task of private groups or
individuals. However, others are of the belief of opposing idea. I totally agree with the
latter view.
First, government is the unique organization which has authority of defense capacity and
infrastructures. It is likely that the security of a nation is crucial, and if regulated by
companies, the top secrete can be revealed and the destiny of a country can be put in
jeopardy. However, hardly can the transparency be achieved if only government is totally
responsible for defense issue. In addition, infrastructures such as road, water supplies
require a huge amount of investment; therefore, private groups or individuals can little
afford or achieve the common standard. Nevertheless, despite government's efforts, it
takes ages for them to complete the construction of a big road in a place, let alone to
industrialize the whole nation. Vietnam is a typical example of a country in which
government is stagnating in upgrading infrastructure. In other words, the intervention of
private groups especially funding is indispensable to quicken the process of renovating
the infrastructures.

Second, health, education and social security are of personal choice. It is partly true that
on the basic of individual demand, some might want to pursuit highest educations
whereas others are satisfied with only university degree. With people having high
income, regular check-ups are important to them, but are unnecessary to others who
suffer the lower income. However, to develop a country each person should be granted to
equitable chance of education and health. With citizens having knowledge and strong
heath, a nation can enjoy high quality labor. Furthermore, residents cannot fairly enjoy
these services in case that private organizations are exclusively in charge. Because of the
aim at profit, education could be commercialized and health insurance becomes too
costly for people. That explains why until now those exists prevalently the mushrooming
of public schools and free public health insurance in many countries.
To sum up, the responsibility of government is greater than that of private groups or
individuals in all fields, including defense, urban infrastructures and other services.

1. Music play an important role in society, others think it is simply a form of
entertainment for individuals. Discuss both and give your opinion.
Music is an important form of enjoyment.  It addresses our psychological, mental and
spiritual needs.  Many people may be hard to imagine how a musician is crazy about
music.  As far as I can see, apart from providing pleasure, music has many beneficial
effects on individuals’ performances.

On one hand, some argue that music is only a form of enjoyment, for modern music,
especially pop music, is a medium of commercial companies whose original purpose is to
make profits by entertaining consumers. For instance, karaoke bars, concerts, and even
the pub are the public places where people listen to music just for fun or to relax
themselves by paying money. In other words, what pop music bring to listeners are no
more than excitements, exclusive from other practical purposes like spirit-level
enlightenment or self-reflection.

On the other hand, many others believe that to a broader extent, the power of music is far
beyond just pleasing people, and its another main social role is of connecting people.
When people go to a musical concert, they are with those people who share their musical
tastes. Together, they feel the emotions and thoughts that the music evokes. These
common feelings easily turn into mutual understanding and respecting, thus
strengthening ties among friends, as well as eliminating the gap between different social
classes. To add to it, music improves concentration. Students can concentrate better if
light music is played in the background because it kills the other disturbing noises.

To sum up, music is not just for entertainment. As a form of art, music has enriched
individuals’ life in many aspects including promoting our mental, emotional
development, and positive personalities.

2. Some people think museums should be enjoyable places to attract and entertain
young people. Others however think the purpose of museums is for education rather
than entertainment. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
People have different views about the role and function of museums. In my opinion,
museums can and should be both entertaining and educational.
On the one hand, it can be argued that the main role of a museum is to entertain.
Museums are tourist attractions, and their aim is to exhibit a collection of interesting
objects that many people will want to see. The average visitor may become bored if he or
she has to read or listen to too much educational content, so museums often put more of
an emphasis on enjoyment rather than learning. This type of museum is designed to be
visually spectacular, and may have interactive activities or even games as part of its
On the other hand, some people argue that museums should focus on education. The aim
of any exhibition should be to teach visitors something that they did not previously know.
Usually this means that the history behind the museum’s exhibits needs to be explained,
and this can be done in various ways. Some museums employ professional guides to talk
to their visitors, while other museums offer headsets so that visitors can listen to detailed
commentary about the exhibition. In this way, museums can play an important role in
teaching people about history, culture, science and many other aspects of life.
In conclusion, it seems to me that a good museum should be able to offer an interesting,
enjoyable and educational experience so that people can have fun and learn something at
the same time.

3. Some people think that the government should ban dangerous sports, but others
think people should be free to do whatever sport activities they choose. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
While some people argue that extreme sports should be banned, others believe that they
have the right to join sport activities they love. In my opinion, it is better to allow players
to do whatever sports they want.
On the one hand, there are two main reasons why some people call for the authorities to
prohibit adventure sports. The first reason might relate to the level of danger. If players
who participate in these kinds of adventure sport have insufficient skills and ability
performing these sports, their risks of injury will be higher. They might be severely
injured, sometimes may become physically handicapped. Furthermore, in extreme cases,
these sports may cause death of a person. Another reason is that these sports not only
make participants at risks, but spectators can be seriously injured, especially in car races.
For instance, if a Formula 1 car crashes, drivers may not escape unharmed and there is
also a chance that a bouncing tyre or debris will fly into the crowd. Therefore, it is
understandable why people object to extreme sports.
On the other hand, I strongly believe that people should be free to take part in their
favorite sports, regardless of how dangerous these sports actually are. First,
psychologically speaking, players will become more successful if they have the right to
join adventure sports they love. Since when they are keen on playing dangerous sports,
they would put all of their effort into it. As a result, they can have opportunities to
develop their talents and passion - important factors contributing to the success of a
person. Second, by playing extreme sports, participants can gain the ability to stay
centered. Some studies reveal that individuals who regularly perform feats such as
jumping out of an airplane actually change the chemical makeup of their mind. When this
happens, they become more capable of staying calm and centered during stressful
situations. In other words, extreme sports can make the rest of their life easier to manage.
In conclusion, although risks related to extreme sports are unavoidable, I believe that
people have the freedom to assume whatever risk they choose as long as they love these
sports and have enough skills performing the sports.

4. Some people believe that many people who work for creative arts such as
painting, theater and music should be supported financially by the government,
while others think the creative artists should be supported by other sources instead.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
People have different views about the funding of creative artists. While some people
disagree with the idea of government support for artists, I believe that money for art
projects should come from both governments and other sources.
Some art projects definitely require help from the state. In the UK, there are many works
of art in public spaces, such as streets or squares in city centres. In Liverpool, for
example, there are several new statues and sculptures in the docks area of the city, which
has been redeveloped recently. These artworks represent culture, heritage and history.
They serve to educate people about the city, and act as landmarks or talking points for
visitors and tourists. Governments and local councils should pay creative artists to
produce this kind of art, because without their funding our cities would be much less
interesting and attractive.
On the other hand, I can understand the arguments against government funding for art.
The main reason for this view is that governments have more important concerns. For
example, state budgets need to be spent on education, healthcare, infrastructure and
security, among other areas. These public services are vital for a country to function
properly, whereas the work of creative artists, even in public places, is a luxury. Another
reason for this opinion is that artists do a job like any other professional, and they should
therefore earn their own money by selling their work.
In conclusion, there are good reasons why artists should rely on alternative sources of
financial support, but in my opinion government help is sometimes necessary.

5. Some people think that in order to continue improving the quality of high school
education, students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers,
while others assume this could result in the loss of respect and discipline in the
classroom. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Finding ways to improve educational quality is often one of the top priorities in every
education system. In some cultures, high school students are encouraged to give their
opinions about teachers, but I believe that this can also give rise to lack of respect and
discipline in the classroom.
On the one hand, it is true that feedback from learners may contribute to an improvement
in educational quality. In many cases, the level of comprehension of students relies very
much not on the content of the lesson but on the way teachers conduct it. If, for example,
the class is slow, it will be ineffective for teachers to teach too fast so that most students
fail to retain the information. Without the comments of students, it would be difficult to
know whether the speed of the lesson is appropriate for the class, which may eventually
impair the quality of the lesson.
However, there are several drawbacks of allowing students to make comments and
criticism on their teachers. Firstly, teachers can be vulnerable to the negative words of
students. Many will feel that their efforts in delivering the lesson deserve praise rather
than criticism or any form of feedback. This idea is commonly shared by teachers in the
education systems of many Asian countries. Secondly, the classroom may be in chaos
due to massive numbers of comments. Opinions vary from students to students, and it
would be impractical for teachers to work out a way of teaching that can satisfy all
In conclusion, it seems to me that encouraging high school students to comment about
their teachers does not necessarily mean an improvement in education quality.

6. Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those who need it in
their local community. Others, however, prefer to give the money to national and
international charitable organizations. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Today poverty is still on full display anywhere in the world, even from the sparkling and
vibrant streets of Los Angeles, or to the less glamorous district of Mumbai city. In the
fight against poverty, help is at hand. However, a bone of contention remains whether
people should directly support the underprivileged or give their donations to charities.
This essay will look at this issue from both perspectives.
There are clearly justifications for why some funders would rather help the poor by
themselves. First of all, help is given instantly as there is no paperwork, no collection, no
delivery involved. It would also mean that no money is lost into the pockets of corrupt
government officials. Second of all, it has been found that a considerable number of
recipients of aid programs spend money on children’s education or healthcare, rather than
alcohol or cigarettes. Therefore, development can be easily promoted.
However, the idea of giving cash directly to the poor is also treated with skepticism by
many people who otherwise suggest that money or any other type of donation should be
given to charity organisations. Their main argument is that for the people whose lives
have always been devoid of material possessions or money, knowing how to manage the
financial aids is out of the question. There are many cases that poor people use the money
to start businesses; however, bankruptcy is imminent due to their lack of knowledge
regarding financial management. For this reason, charities, which can distribute the funds
in a more effective way, prove their prominent roles in improving living standards of the
To conclude, I am inclined to think that giving money to charities is a better way to end
poverty as it deals with deeper causes of the issue in the long run.

7. There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and
other goods. Parents argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that
the advertisements provide useful information. Discuss both views and give your
own opinion.
Advertisements are ubiquitous nowadays and especially advertising targeting children
who are considered vulnerable target by companies. As a result, many parents are
worried about this phenomenon. However, some advertisers claim that they provide
beneficial information to children. In the following paragraphs I intend to discuss both
sides of the argument.
Admittedly, in sensitive areas such as the toy industry, some censorship should be there
to limit children’s access to excess advertisement. Because children under a certain age
lack abilities to make wise judgment as to what they really want. They are attracted by
colourful pictures on advertisement and swayed by misleading information. So they
pester their parents to buy those things and this can upset the budget of many families.
Even the advertisements of fast foods are bad for children. Children cannot understand
that the slim-trim models advertising Mac Donalds burgers hardly ever eat such foods
themselves. They are attracted to fast foods and these are very detrimental for their
On the other hand, advertisements also provide beneficial information also. For example,
the advert of Colgate toothpaste which tells that we should brush our teeth twice daily is
good for children. Then there are ads about health drinks such as Complan and Bournvita
which are good for children. Furthermore, advertisement also conveys positive attitudes
towards life. For instance, the advertising slogan of Nike— “impossible is nothing” is
very motivating. In fact, it is advertisement that presents television audiences and
newspaper readers with first-hand information and boosts the economy of a country. It
also informs people of the availability of new commodities and their working. Without
advertisement, we would not have known that we have so many choices.
To put it in a nutshell I pen down saying that, it is imperative that regulations be imposed
on advertisers which make false claims. However, advertisement is indispensable in this
highly competitive market and produces much more positive effects than negative ones to
the society as a whole.

8. Some people believe that the best way to improve public health is by increasing
the number of sports facilities. Others think that this has little effect and other
measures are required. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
There are those who claim that the best way to uplift public health is through adding
more sports facilities. However, others say that this would produce few effects on public
health and that other alternatives are needed. These views will now be discussed and I
will give my opinion at the end of the essay.
Some people believe that having a lot of sports facilities is the best way to improve public
health. They think that with the availability of these recreational facilities will shift the
attention of people from doing drugs and/or other detrimental vices to sports, which is
also a form of exercise. In our community, for instance, members of the local council in
cooperation with youth sector proposed the constitution of a gymnasium was finished
early last year. It became the venue for different events not only within our community
but also the neighbouring community. Since the construction of the sports facility, the
local health station reported a significant decrease in clinic visit of the locals.
On the other hand, other people think sports facilities will have a little effect on public
health and that other measures are needed. They believe that there are activities that are
more effective and more important, health programs for example. For them, having an
activity that everyone can participate in is more effective than building more sports
facilities. Perhaps activities, like conducting a daily exercise or helping the local health
department in locating ill people within the community, would be a greater help. As for
my experience, I was once a volunteer in our health station wherein we do look for
people in the community needing health attention and we refer them to the municipal
health office for evaluation and treatment.
In conclusion, I think both views are of great help in improving public health. We, the
residents, to the best of our ability should cooperate and help our community leaders in
improving public health.

9. Some people say that everyone can create art, but others think only those who are
talented or have special skills can create art. Discuss both views and give your own
It is true that art plays an important role in most societies. Some feel that it can be
produced by anyone, while others believe only talented individuals can do so. Although I
agree that everyone can express themselves creatively, I tend to agree more with the latter
and will explain my view below.
I concede that everyone can use art, and an obvious reason for this is that we all have
imaginations and most of us have had some art training at school. When we were young,
we were, more often than not, taught how to paint, draw and write, in turn giving us the
basic tools to communicate in these mediums. What this means is that we, broadly
speaking, have the capacity to be creative if we choose to. A case in point is my sister
Sally, a trained accountant, as she enjoyed pottery at school. As such, she now makes
clay mugs as a hobby, which is why, although she would not call it art, she feels that she
can express herself in her pieces.
Nevertheless, I believe that only gifted people can produce art of a high quality. The main
justification for this is that, in my view, true art requires unique vision. Picasso, for
example, perhaps the most famous artist of the twentieth century, was arguably the
founder of modernism, introducing the world to a new way of looking at things with
cubism. This, certainly, is not something that anyone can learn to do. By combining
training with talent like this, these gifted artists are invariably able to use a canvas or a
screen to capture the world around them, leading to not only innovative art but also
ultimately creating work that moves and inspires us.
Overall, it is my view that, while all of us can use art to express ourselves, only truly
talented individuals create real art.

10. People think having more TV channels is good because they will have more
choices, while others think it is not good because programs' quality is lower. Discuss
both views and give your own opinion.
Television is dominating as the best source of amusement in this high-tech era. Presently,
some people assert that the availability of a wide range of channels is lucrative to
entertain and keep people updated with every sector of life for the betterment. By
contrast, the quality of programs has to undergo inferiority. Here, I would like to account
for both sides with my own perception.
There are manifold points to support the former view. First and foremost, the presence of
a large number of channels serves everyone with their desired programs. For example,
children and young people are fond of watching cartoons, action movies, reality shows,
educational, sports and cooking programs respectively. Where as adults and grey
generation have tendency to watch the news and the religious, political and cultural
programs. Hence, an umpteen channels comprising abundance of programs are essential
to satisfy the needs and wishes of people. Besides this, people do not get bored while
watching the television under the presence of various programs. On the contrary, others
have conflicting arguments.
They think that a massive number of channels has adverse effect on the superiority of
programs. To be specific, there is a stiff competition among channel broadcasters to gain
widespread prevalence. As a result, they not only exaggerate the programs by adding
spice but also manipulate to make them more entertaining. Thus, the originality of
programs is being defaced by the telecasting authorities. All of above, every channel
wants to introduce something different than other but, in fact, most of the channels fail to
show the quality in their programs.
From my notion, both aspects have their own significance. The excessive number of
channels may have some negative impacts on superiority of the programs. However, the
existence of channels in an enormous numbers plays a terrific role to contend people
from top to bottom.
To recapitulate, the extraordinary services of television deserve a huge appreciation. The
Media broadcasters must think about inserting more purity and originality to get the best
outcome of channels.

11. Some people think that governments should do more to make their citizens have
a healthy diet. Others, however, believe that individuals should be responsible for
their own diet and health. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.
An increasing concern for many governments around the world is the declining health of
their citizens due to a poor diet. While some people believe governments should be
responsible for improving the health of their nation, others believe it is up to the
individual. This essay will examine both sides of the argument.
There is no doubt that individuals must take some responsibility for their diet and health.
The argument to support this is the fact that adults have free will and make their own
choices about what they eat and the exercise that they do. Children are also becoming less
healthy. However, their parents are the ones who provide their evening meals so it is their
responsibility to ensure these meals are nutritious and encourage them to avoid junk food
and sugary snacks during the day.
Despite these arguments, there is also a case for advocating the intervention of the state.
People these days often have little choice but to depend on fast food or ready meals that
are high in sugar, salt and fat due to the pressures of work. Governments could regulate
the ingredients of such food. Some governments also spend huge amounts of tax money
on treating health problems of their citizens in hospitals. It would be logical to spend this
on preventative measures such as campaigns to encourage exercise and a good diet.
Having considered both sides of the issue, I would argue that although individuals must
take ultimate responsibility for what they eat, governments also have a role to play as
only they can regulate the food supply, which openly encourages a poor diet. It is only
through this combination that we can improve people’s health.

12. Some scientists believe intelligent life forms may exist in other planets and some
want to send messages to the space to contact with these life forms. But other
scientists believe it is a bad idea and it could be dangerous. Discuss both ideas and
give your own opinion.
With advancement of societal technology, certain scientists work for looking for other
intelligent life forms who may not exist on the earth such as aliens. While some people
argue that contacting with them is likely to bring danger to human. Therefore, the essay
aims to critically discuss both views and come up with my own opinion.
That a number of researchers try to find other planets’ living species has to be admitted
that pursing that curiosity is one of mankind’s nature. Additionally, by exchanging ideas
with aliens about historical progression and academic discussion and so on, mankind’s
world has the opportunity to make immense progress in modern technology by giving
inspirations to scientists for pushing the frontiers of science which may solve particular
thorny issues such as environmental pollution. On the other hand, as far as some
researchers are concerned, it lays a solid foundation for people to possess an improved
quality of life who live on other planets in order to avoid diseases and disasters brought
by serve atmosphere pollution and doomsday respectively.
While, simultaneously, others claim that touching with aliens probably breaks seemingly
peaceful earth and brings unexpected danger. Firstly, it is likely that being greedy,
exploitative and violent, aliens are searching for somewhere to harvest for water,
minerals and fuel, contributing to meeting unprecedented risk by telling them the man’s
existence. Furthermore, people know nothing of extraterrestrial intelligence intentions
and capabilities so it is impossible to predict whether they will be benign or hostile. For
example, earthlings will may be slaughtered and enslaved as colonized countries in the
past time.
From a personal perspective, earthlings can try to search for other unique life forms in
various planets, but without promising to guarantee human’s lives, it would not better
send messages to aliens and disturb their daily lives.

13. Some people believe that the country development benefits from the high-
educated university students. However some people think that the large amount of
young people in university only leads to high unemployment graduates. Discuss both
views and give your own opinion.
People have different views about university education. Some believe that it is very
beneficial for the nation if majority of the youngsters go for higher education. However,
others opine that tertiary education does not guarantee jobs and therefore leads to
unemployment. This essay shall discuss both views before reaching a conclusion.
Those who say that higher education is not needed, feel that education has little influence
on finding a job. To begin with, the competition for jobs is increasingly tough since there
are more and more job seekers. Definitely, no matter what level education a person
receives, he or she has to go to find a job finally, facing some competition. Therefore, the
earlier one goes to find a position, the better for a person. Furthermore, they think people
can acquire the technique through work instead of school. In other words, school
education does not provide practical technique for factories. Finally, they feel that after
university education, the expectations of job seekers also escalate and they do not like to
settle for low-paid jobs. Consequently, many degree holders are unemployed and many
jobs are there which have no workers.
 On the other hand, there are those who contend that it is necessary for individuals to
receive as much education as possible before they go to work. Firstly, college or
university education plays a key role in the development of individuals. Secondly,
education will definitely enhance the competition for work. The more education one
receives, the more opportunities for jobs he will have. For instance, more companies are
recruiting new employees with a bachelor or master degree recently since the
employment is very hard-to-get, with today’s financial crisis. Last but not least, receiving
more education will widen one's horizons. Some of them, maybe, set up their own
business, creating a new approach to unemployment.
To conclude, it is definitely advantageous for any country if its youth attains university
education. The problem of unemployment will not arise if they are made to realize that all
work is good and that university education is not just for getting jobs; it has many other
advantages which shape the overall personality of a person.

14. Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure of big companies. Some people
think it is unreliable and there are some other better methods. Discuss and give your
own opinion.
Interview has been regularly utilized for applicant assessment during employment
process. While some people suggest that this method is subjective, others believe that
there are several better alternative methods to gain candidate information. In my opinion,
interview should not be used exclusively, but be supported by different methods.
On the one hand, interview are losing its credibility because of the following reasons.
First, the employers tend to use a set of specific questions in a standardize format, and
thus candidates tend to rely on the repeated answers shared on the Internet even though
their opinion is inconsistent with the answers. As a result, such answers are memorized
and no longer provide unbiased information about the applicants. Second, hiring
decisions mainly rely on the assumptions or impressions of managers, which is relatively
subjective. If the mood of interviewers is not good on interviewing day, this might also
distort the recruiters’ decicions. Also, other factors such as physical appearance, tone of
voice, and time of the day can impact the interview.
On the other hand, alternative methods should be employed to bring more objective and
precise predictions on prospective employees. One possible method is to provide tests
such as specialization tests and simulation tests, and after each test, the candidate will
receive a score. This score will reflect the specialized knowledge, practical experiences,
flexible reaction and reasoning of interviewees. Furthermore, after observing the test
score, the recruiter might offer internship for potential candidates. During the internship,
the employers are more likely to collect useful information about applicants and give
precise assessment on their capability.
In conclusion, it seems to me that the combination of interviews and more objective
methods such as tests and internship would faciliate recruiters in choosing suitable

15. Some people think charity organizations should help people in great need
wherever they live. However, others think they should help people in their own
country. Discuss both opinions and give your own idea.
In this time of financial crisis charities play an increasingly important role in helping
people in need. My clear view is that we need charities that support the vulnerable and
less well-off in society both at home and abroad and it would be a mistake to restrict
charities to providing assistance in their own country.
The main reason why some people argue charities should be restricted to a national level
is financial. Most countries now face severe economic pressure and are unable to provide
help to those most in need at home. This has led to the creation of an underclass is society
made up of homeless people who often sleep on the streets and also rely on food banks to
eat. Therefore it is argued that it would be a waste for charities to help people abroad
when they can more effectively help people in their own community by providing help in
the form of housing, food and even healthcare.
There is, however, a stronger argument for saying that charities should also help on an
international level. This is because there are certain humanitarian crises that demand
action from charitable organisations and NGOs, wherever they may be based. A good
example of this is when a country suffers from a natural disaster such as an earthquake.
In this case the host country is often unable to deal with the immediate consequences of
the disaster and, for example, thousands of people might die needlessly through lack of
water or blankets to keep them warm. This is a time when charities have both means and
expertise to make a real difference in saving lives.
In conclusion I would say there is perhaps some reason for saying that charities should
focus their efforts on helping the less well-off in their own society but this does not mean
they should not act internationally too.

16. Some people think they have right to use as much freshwater as they want,
others believegovernments should tightly control the use of fresh water as it is
limited resource.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
I think that people should be permitted to use as much water as they want and that the
government should not strictly control the supply of this precious commodity.
Many people believe that the use of water should be restricted in some way. There can be
little doubt that there is a limited supply of fresh water, although some parts of the world
feel this more acutely than others. Rising populations in parts of the world where fresh
water is already severely limited might lead governments to the conclusion that they
should impose restrictions on how water should be used and how much of it each person
should be permitted to use.
Whilst I can see that this argument has a certain logic, I think that strict government
controls are not the answer. First of all, in many countries certain regions are frequently
favoured over others, often depending on where politicians come from. If a government
is granted too much control over water supplies, a region might not be given the water it
needs as a result. Secondly, governments can already influence how much water people
use through pricing. If water supplies are low and demand high, governments can simply
allow the price to rise to reflect this. If necessary, governments can make special
payments to people, e.g. the elderly, if they have trouble with their water bills. If prices
rise, this could also encourage businesses to look for new sources of water (e.g. by using
desalination plants) or find ways of using it more efficiently.
In conclusion, I believe that governments should ensure that all citizens have sufficient
access to fresh water and price it – or allow it to be priced – according to supply and
Source: Mark Griffiths (IELTS examiner)

17. Some people think that job satisfaction is more important than job security.
Others think that people cannot expect to enjoy a job and having a permanent job is
more important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
People have a different views about whether we choose a firmed occupation or pleasured
job. As my point of view, I believe that both of views have its distinctive merits as will be
discussed shortly.
On the one hand, it is obvious that people who are satisfied themselves will find more
motivative on their working-environment. To be more specific, a job with excellent rate
of wage, good insurance and generous retirement package is considered more attractive
than these of tedious in treating staffs in company. Therefore, job candidates may have
happier sense in their lives and consequently increasing their loyalty as well as
responsibility to their work, which is also more important to the companies. Moreover,
individuals feel pleasured through the senses of achievement which they received from
work and this kind of feeling could encourage people to work harder, which will
contribute t the whole society in the long-term.
On the other hand, there are strong reasons why holding down a same job for a long time
appeals to many adults. First, people would benefit from better job prospect, which
include promotion opportunities and pay rise, if they stayed in a job a long turn. As
experience and commitment are both taken into consideration when a company decides
who to promote or to dismiss, those who work longer for an organization stand a higher
chance of moving up the ladder and earning a more lucrative living. In addition, in some
cases, individuals working in a permanent job that suits either their skill or personality, so
it turns out that they become less ambitious to search for another jobs.
In conclusion, I firmly argue that either job satisfaction or a decent job will have its own
benefits that people should take into consideration for some factors as mentioned above

18. Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other
countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all
the information can be seen at TV and the internet. Discuss both opinions and give
your own opinion.
Tourism and information technology are boon companion nowadays, because promotion
if popular tourist places on e-media is burgeoning in different ways. However, some
people firmly adhere to visit the actual landscape to get contemplative beliefs about the
place. We have lightning speed of communication today which facilitate us real-time
images of alluring destination worldwide, that’s why there is a debate as to whether we
should visit the country, or explore it on electronic source of information. I intend to
discuss both views followed by my opinion.
On one side of the coin, travelling abroad is expensive than earlier so, it is not worthy to
everyone’s pocket while internet and television are blessings for those who cannot afford
such international tours. Along this, they can know about history and ancient monuments
while sitting at home without any extra burden. Moreover, user interfaces of cellphones,
computers and televisions are so fascinating that it can give real experience of actual
views of location. For instance, 360 degree view and street view options of google maps
website which depicts high definition pictures around popular places.
On the other side, a vacation of a week to abroad can rejuvenate you for months. Let’s
take travelling to a nation under consideration. Firstly, we cannot know and enjoy a
country only by surfing on internet indeed we need to roam around different cities, try
local food and interact with native people can leave deep imprint of a country in our
mind, along this patronage we get from indigenous people is most wonderful experience.
Secondly, natural asset of a country like mountains, forests, lakes of a country ever entice
travelers to visit that nation. Moreover, certain regions of country have unique
environment than others, these attracts more tourist, and thus whole economy of that
region is depending on tourism industry. To cite an example, south western state of India,
Goa is popular among tourist only for multifarious beaches and warm weather.
To conclude with my opinion, not only because I am fond of travelling but also eager to
know about geography of different cities I prefer to take a trip than a couch.

19. Some people believe the purpose of education is to prepare people to be useful
members for society. Others say that the purpose of education is to achieve personal
ambitions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
What education serves for has become a controversial issue recently. Some people
believe that education can act as a bridge between individuals and their ambitions, while
others insist that education can make them valuable and worthy to the society. For me,
both views have their own validity.
For some people, those who receive enough education are more likely to accomplish their
own goals. First, schooling is able to assist students to arm themselves with knowledge.
In order to achieve their ambitions, it is essential to have a solid professional knowledge
system, which would let them feel comfortable when they cope with professional
problems. Also, education can help people achieve their dreams by expanding their social
networks and enhancing their personal connections because school is a ideal place to
make new friends. People always say that in life, it is not about what you know, but who
you know. This means networking is a key to success, especially during the lowest low.
In the 1990s, with the assistance of Bill Gates, Steve Jobs rescued the Apple Inc, so that
we are now able to get access to all the Apple products. Therefore, with a stronger social
bond, people are more likely to get help from friends; thus, achieving their ambitions.
So much for the personal ambitions, other people believe that making a contribution to
the society is also a purpose of education. As our country develops, a roaming number of
well-educated graduates is needed to make up for the shortage of talents, especially in
some remote areas. Therefore, universities should shoulder this responsibility. Several
years ago, a targeted-area students’ program was launched at Chongqing Medical
University in order to improve medical conditions in rural areas. After their four-year
undergraduate program, students would be assigned to a certain village or a small town to
work. Those well-educated individuals would provide villagers with more advanced
treatments and medical equipment, so local residents do not need to travel to major cities
to get cured.
For my perspective, these two opinions are not paradoxical, and they can serve for our
lives together. Being useful to the society does not mean that people cannot achieve their
own goals, instead, in most situations, fulfilling our dreams also can make us valuable to
the society.

1. Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st century and
sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates. What problems are associated
with this and what are some possible solutions?
Global warming and increasing sea level are the top concerns which pose the life-and-
death challenges for human races throughout the century. This essay will discuss several
associated effects and suggest some solutions to tackle this issue.
It cannot deniable that humans and creatures are under several fatal risks of the rise of
greenhouse effect and sea level. To begin with, the most obvious consequence is natural
disaster. Recent years, there is a significant growth in the number of natural catastrophic
such as drought, earthquake and tornado. Especially, flood and tsunami occur more
frequently as a result of the ocean surface rise. The negative impact above goes hand in
hand with the large variety of creatures on the verge of extinction. It is impossible for
many species to adapt to the climate change and suffer natural disasters. For example, the
worse situation of thaw in Southern pole is gradually destroying the living space of the
bear inhabiting here, which welcome this animal to endangered list. Finally, the survival
of humans is under alarming threats as never before. The world steadily turns into an
insecure place and life becomes a struggle due to severe weather and potential perils.
Followed these above influences, measures for this issue are presented below. The first
and foremost step is restricting gas emissions and exhaust fumes which are the major
factors resulting in greenhouse effect. As long as the earth’s temperature is controlled, the
situation of ice melt will be partly prevented, which retards the speed of sea level rise.
Besides, it is eligible for humans to develop plans to adapt environment. For instance,
facilities must be designed to sustain in face of nature catastrophic. Additionally, saving
water from now on is also the core strategy which saves people from the dark future.
In conclusion, the world obviously is suffering the massive influences of global warming.
However, it is my firm conviction that if steps are implemented efficiently, there is no
doubt that our planet has been ever the safe and worth-living place.

2. The internet has transformed the way information is shared and consumed, but it
has also created problems that did not exist before. What are the most serious
problems associated with the internet and what solutions can you suggest?
There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionised communication and information-
sharing in the same way that the telegraph and the television did before it. However,
societies have had to cope with unanticipated new problems, including crimes which
traditional laws are powerless to prevent. This essay will address some of the illegal acts
enabled by the internet and propose solutions.
To begin with, the global scale of the internet means that national laws are no longer
adequate to control what happens online. Take restrictions on legal reporting, for
example. In some countries, the media is prohibited from revealing details of a
defendant’s past in case this prejudices a fair trial. However, such restrictions are no
longer enforceable now that information may be freely published in other countries and
accessed by all. The only solution here, it seems, is to adopt global standards. Since the
internet traverses national borders, the flow of information can only be controlled if all
nations agree on what can and cannot be shared.
Another problem concerns anonymity, as internet users can easily conceal their identity
and even impersonate others. Many crimes such as identity theft and child abuse result
from the ease with which criminals can operate anonymously online. Some have
proposed a system of online identification, similar to a passport, which would allow all
internet users to be verified and traced. I believe this idea should be explored further,
though there are clearly concerns about the security of those who use the internet to
protest against oppressive regimes.
In conclusion, the only long-term solution to the problem of internet crime is greater
international cooperation. Since the problem is global is scale, the solution must also be
global. A new agency of the United Nations should be created to tackle the problems
described here.


3. People living in large cities face several problems. What are these problems?
Should governments encourage people to move to smaller town?
The problems associated with city life are a major topic of concern in modern society. I
believe that traffic congestion and air pollution are two of the greatest issues, and it is
imperative that the authorities motivate citizens to move to suburban areas and satellite
People living in metropolitans often have to deal with traffic jams and low air quality.
The former problem is caused by a high traffic density, which results from a large
number of private vehicles. In Hanoi, for example, there are millions of motorbikes and
cars, which leads to the issue that traffic jams occur every day in the peak hours. The
latter problem is the consequence of a great amount of industrial fumes produced by
factories located in the city. A clear illustration of this is the case of Vinataba tobacco
manufacturing in Hai Phong city, in which tens of thousands of citizens of Hai Phong are
suffering from a variety of respiratory problems related to air contamination.
I am of the opinion that citizens should be encouraged to relocate to the suburbs and
satellite cities. This can solve the two aforementioned problems simultaneously. If people
move away from metropolitans, the population density in these cities will be decreased,
leading to a lower number of private vehicles. This means that traffic congestion may be
properly addressed. Urban-rural migration is also likely to result in the relocation of
manufacturing plants from city centers to the outskirts, because these plants may move
along with their workers to the new places. The air quality in the city, as a consequence,
may be improved
In conclusion, I am firmly convinced that the most prevalent problems that citizens of
metropolitans often face and traffic congestion and the degradation of air quality. To
solve these problems, people should be motivated to migrate to the outskirts and satellite
Source: Tu Pham – IPP IELTS

4. In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to
find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will
cause to the individual and the society? What measures can be taken to address this
Nowadays, increasing numbers of young people all around the world have being out of
school and jobless. This situation poses great pressure on both individuals and society
The unemployed young people are suffering from various kinds of problems caused by
the joblessness. They are depressed by the stress of looking for jobs. Nobody, especially
the young people, favor living their lives idly, thus they have to consistently improve
their employable skills and keep on looking for jobs. However, the depressed global
economy makes tougher and more tortuous their road of getting hired. Moreover, they are
more likely to involve in physical problems, such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease,
due to long hours sitting and lack of exercises. Also, psychological illness may find their
way to them because the young job seekers are usually accompanied with anxiety
For the society as a whole, youth joblessness would impair the balance of the society.
The crime rates, to some extent, linked with the unemployment rate, will soar if
unemployment cannot be well-controlled. In order to survive, some jobless young people
may take the risk in getting some income illegally, for instance stealing, robbery,
gambling as smuggling. Also, they may blindly commit crimes just for releasing their
resentment towards the society. What's more, the sustainable development of the society
would be negatively affected. The high youth joblessness is not the result of too many
population but the disfunctional human resource markets which, if not handled properly
and instantly, would result in chaos in various areas in the nation
In my point of view, several actions may be effective to this scenario. Firstly, the
authorities should invest more money in education and technique skills training to ensure
that the young people are armed with the knowledge and skills that employers want.
Secondly, the rigid human resource markets should get rid of any old regulations which
may discourage employers from hiring young people. And finally, the authorities should
lower requirements of opening small business and encourage people to run their own
stores. All in all, high youth joblessness acts like plague to both individuals and societies.
Actions must be taken to help young people get employed.

1. Today there is a great increase in anti-social behavior and lack of respect to
others. What are the causes of this? What can be done to reduce it?
The widespread problem of anti-social behaviours and disrespectful attitudes towards
others has long been a major topic of concern in society. Some of the major culprits of
this problem will be discussed before the most important solutions are drawn.
Reasons for this alarming situation vary. In some cases, people may hold an anti-social
attitude or disrespect others because they live in an environment where violence and
discrimination are the norms. For example, children of sexist parents in rural families in
Vietnam, irrespective of their gender, show a worrying tendency of disrespecting women.
In some other cases, it is the lack of parental guidance that is to blame. As modern
parents are becoming increasingly busy with their jobs, they may have the proclivity to
be indifferent to children education. When there is no one to help young children
distinguish between the good and the bad, ill-mannered attitudes may emerge and
develop among them without being controlled.
A number of definite actions could be taken to mitigate the problem. On the national
level, the first obvious solution is to reduce violence and discrimination. As this would be
a massive act, the all voters and legislators should be responsible. Together, they could
call for stricter enforcement of the laws on violent and discriminatory acts to deter them
from happening. In addition, on the nuclear-family level, parents must not underestimate
the significance of their guidance for children. If they notice any signs of an anti-social or
insolent manner in children, they must provide them with negative evaluations of these
signs. At the same time, parents could also educate their children about social manners by
instilling a pro-social sense in them. These actions, albeit small, could have a strong
influence on children when they mature.
To conclude, it is clear that violence, discrimination and the indifference of parents to
children education are the major catalysts for increase in anti-social behaviours and
disrespect for others. Strong measures, such as stringent law enforcement on violent and
discriminatory acts, must be taken to alleviate this distressing situation

2. The private motor vehicle has greatly improved individual freedom of movement.
Moreover,the automobile has become a status symbol. Yet the use of private motor
vehicles has contributed to some of today’s most serious problems. How can the use
of private motor vehicles be reduced?
The wheel is considered by many as the greatest invention in human history and the
motor vehicles that we use these days is the main reason we live in the industrial age. The
ease of transportation and freedom to move goods from one place to another is the main
driving factor for a modern era. Yet, the use of private vehicles endangers the
environment to a great extent and leads to many serious problems including sound and air
pollution, accident, congestions on roads and many more. There are many steps we can
take to reduce the number of private motor vehicles running on roads to ensure the safety
of the environment and to make the world livable for the upcoming generations.
First of all, improving the public transportation system would encourage people to use
those instead of relying on their private cars. People mostly buy private cars to have a
comfortable commuting experience though maintaining private cars is far more
expensive. If the public transportation facility is improved, many people would reduce
using their private vehicles.
Secondly, traffic rules should be more strictly imposed and practised so that people can’t
use private cars if there are less than 3 passengers in the car. This rule is applied in many
cities and thus they have successfully reduced the number of private cars running on their
roads. For goods transportation, water and railway should be used. Usually, water and rail
transports can carry a great more amount of products than the road vehicles and that
should be strictly followed. Then, individual awareness is required to reduce the use of
private cars. People tend to use their cars even for a small distance. Walking and cycling
should be promoted so that people rely on their cars less and thus pollute the environment
less. Finally, the ownership of cars should be restricted based on the number of family
members, the number of vehicles a single family can purchase and based on their gross

In conclusion, the private motor vehicles have great advantages but they severely pollute
the environment. Hence their usages should be reduced by promoting public
transportations, making laws strict, increasing fuel price and by creating awareness
among mass people.

3. Today's parents spend too little time staying with their children and use television
to make their children keep quiet. Explain the reason and results by using your
relevant experience.
In some of the modern families, it is not rare to see children spend time in front of the
television. Television is seen as a shortcut to make them quiet. There are several reasons
behind this phenomenon, but parents should be fully aware that television can actually be
very detrimental if it becomes the center of attention without time limit.

The reason that often arises is the busy parents or perhaps it is more appropriate to say
that the parents are uninformed and know nothing about the dangers of television for
children. In the circumstances when parents are busy with their work, for example, in
families experiencing financial constraints, the parents usually do not pay attention to
their children so well. Nevertheless, even in the affluent family, without the knowledge of
the importance of childcare, parents tend to show a lack of attention in children. When
parents let children do anything they want, they will turn to the only thing that they find
interesting, and in many families, this is the television in the living room.

Television offers a wide range of interesting programs interspersed with a few ads.
However, not all broadcast or programs on television are suitable for young audiences.
Any program that contains adult content, nudity, violence, and crimes can give bad
influence on the child’s psychology. One time, my cousin kicked the back door to enter
his house, without any reason, and as a result the door was totally destroyed and broken.
When he was interrogated by his parents, he said he learned it from a movie scene on TV
and thought it was a cool thing to enter the house that way. From this example, it is clear
that parents’ presence is essential so that television can be the beginning of discussion
and communication between parents and children.

In conclusion, television is a medium that needs to be filtered by parents in its usage.

Poor parental supervision is the main cause why children watch television all the time. It
is not wise to let children linger in front of the television without supervision. Whatever
the case, it is always a good idea for children to have other activities as complements to
watching television.

4. Charities and organizations always give special names to particular days such as
'National Children's Day' and 'National Non-smoking Day'. What are the causes of
these particular days? How effective are they?
Charities and organisations are formed to help the needy sections of society. Generally
they are NPOs or non-profit organisations. Nowadays it has been seen that they set up a
number of days like ‘Mother’s Day’ and ‘No Smoking Day’. In this essay I shall discuss
the causes and effects of this phenomenon.
The main reason why these NPOs do so is to raise funds for their working. This is very
essential because for every activity they do to help others, they need money and other
resources. When they publicise their activities, they get people’s attention and so people
contribute whole - heartedly. Sometimes, in times of calamities, they need a lot of funds
and manual help. They need voluntary workers. For example, recently in Ladakh, a
cloud-burst caused havoc. So many people lost their lives and there was so much damage
of property. The Rotary Club and Jaycee Club of my hometown sent many volunteers to
The government alone cannot be at all places. Because of such organisations people get
timely help and a lot of burden is eased from the government’s shoulders. When these
organisations name special days, it brings people together. With more activities
opened and more days named, more and more people will focus their attention and will
put their time and energy and will realise the importance of doing for others. As a
consequence, community spirit increases in society. As it is nowadays, people are getting
self-centred and alienated from each other. So, such days are the need of the day.
Such days keep our youth in touch with our culture and traditions. With the exposure to
global culture, youth today are forgetting their traditions. To establish some days may
help the young people understand the importance of such events. Such days also increase
awareness of offering help selflessly. Hence, some virtuous habit may pass from one
generation to the other. Finally, such days deter people from bad habits. For e.g. on
National No Smoking Day, people are made aware about the harmful effects of smoking.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that, charities and NPOs publicise their
activities because they need funds and they name certain days so that people come
together and celebrate and realize the importance of their culture and tradition

5. Throughout the history, people dream to build a perfect society while they
haven't agreed how the ideal society would be like. What is the most important
element you think to make a perfect society? How do people do to achieve an ideal
People have different views about what and how society can be ideal. I think there are
some significant factors that lead to the perfection of society, and people need to act to
build an exemplar society.
A perfect society can be associated with various elements. Firstly, a standard society is
where all people have access to relevant education in order to seek for a good job that
suits them most. Because education gives people knowledge and skills, those with
qualifications are more likely to work easily. This helps to decrease the unemployment
rate and contributes to a wealthier society. Secondly, people's health should be one of the
top priorities of both governments and citizens. Since science and technology are well-
developed in this modern world, it is possible for people to come up with new remedies
for uncured diseases. Additionally, a place where homeless people are provided with
accommodation and underprivileged children have opportunities to go to school normally
is worth looking for.
However, feasible measures need to be taken to make a favourable society become more
realistic. The government can run several campaigns to raise public awareness about the
importance of education. For instance, many educational talks aimed at students studying
at school by motivational speakers are held annually by the local council, which can
encourage and keep youngsters motivated to pursue their chosen career path. Besides,
individuals are responsible for paying enough taxes to the governments. This allows the
authorities to spend money on key sectors such as education, healthcare, public transport
and infrastructure. New and strict laws also need to be introduced by the bodies to control
offenders who are threatened to residents' lives, ones that commit crimes should be
heavily fined to deter others.
In conclusion, I believe that an ideal society can be gained if both governments and
individuals put much their effort together in creating a greater life.

6. With the development of technology and science, some people believe that there is
no great value of artists such as musicians and painters. What are the things artists
can do but the scientist cannot? Why should we encourage the art area?
It is true that science and technology, nowadays, have benefitted the whole world in all
aspects. Albeit it is undoubted that various technological and scientific developments
have tremedously enhanced our lifestyle, but i firmly believe that art, cultural and
traditions still play an essential roles in out lives.
There are so many things that artists can teach us in the field that scientists have failed to.
To begin with, there are concepts such as feelings, emotions and inspiration that comes
from arts, whereas science and technology cannot offer them due to its focus on
practicality. For example, an audience can indirectly experience and have a feeling of
melody from listening to bethoven's pieces which was composed while he was suffering
from unfortunate events. In contrast, science cannot offer this because it is unable to
deliver such feeling. Additionally, a piece of abstract art has no meaning in science but
has great stories to tell when we consider it an art. In the world of arts, beauty matter in
and of themselves whereas in science, the only true measure is whether it works or not.
Arts offer us a spritual look of life while scientist teaches us just an opposite.
Since the arts brings a lot of benefits to us so I argue that it must and should be
encouraged to some extents. Enjoying arts promotes the habit of self-reflection. If you
walk into the art gallery, attend to a concert or even just stay to read a book, you almost
certainly begin to think about your inner value. For me, this is an invaluable lesson in life
because if we begin to reflect about ourselves, we begin not to just become more human,
but also consider the lies of other too. Moreover, creative people can boost us
emotionally and change our feeling. For example, a lot of Mozart's fans would love to
listen to his music pieces because they feel relieves and motivated, so music can controls
our emotions and switch them in a positive ways.
In conclusion, there is no denying the fact that science and technology have great value in
our life, but in term of arts, it can teaches us many aspects of life that the former cannot

7. Economic progress is one way to measure the success of one country, while some
people think there are other factors. What other factors should be considered?
Within these factors, do you think anyone is more important than the others?
Among the number of factors in evaluating the success of a country, education and health
care systems are proved to be equally important as economic growth. Personally, I
believe that none of them are more crucial than others.
There are several reasons why education is a contributing element in the success of a
society. Firstly, when people have a chance to access education, they are much more
likely to find a job, meaning that they can make a living without resorting to robbery or
theft, for example. Secondly, efforts to improve research and development activities will
be hampered if there is a shortage of students enrolling in academic courses. Finally, one
of the main goals of education is to improve people’s general awareness, which is the
major difference among underdeveloped, developing and developed countries.
Equally important, a good healthcare system also plays an important role in measuring
how great a country is. Obviously, a healthy population can make great contributions to
the development of the country, and it would be impossible to expect the same thing in
regions where people are suffering from health problems and diseases. To illustrate, fatal
diseases such as HIV and malaria are destroying African communities, militating against
economic development and efforts in improving education quality in these areas.
Therefore, providing vaccines, drugs and medical treatments to cure people should be
given an equal consideration as education and economic growth.
In conclusion, I believe that each of three factors mentioned above makes different
contributions when judging the success of a country, and there will be no scale that can
indicate which one is more important than others.

8. Animal species are becoming extinct due to human activities on land and in the
sea. What are the reasons and solutions?

The extinction of many terrestrial animals and marine creatures is attributed to activities
of human. This belief stems from deforestation and industrialization, which can be
addressed by stricter punishment and the advancement of technology to treat waste.
There are many reasons why the increase in endangered animals number is to blame for
human activities. On land, the deforestation is on the rise to make room for more living
space. Additionally, temperature rising because of the emission of CO2 from factories or
daily activities is also the principal culprit of forest fires. For those reasons, many animals
whose habitat is forest are put on the brink of extinction due to habitat destruction. With
marine ecosystem, toxic sewage is dumped from manufacturing plants or households into
the sea, so water degradation is inevitable. For example, Formosa – a steel producing
company – released liquid waste into the sea in the center of Vietnam last year, killing
thousands of tonnes of fishes.
Some effective measures need to be taken to increase animal preservation. Firstly,
government can implement more severe punishment for any activities threatening the
green lung of our planet, which is home for many animals on land. If heavy fine or even
prison sentence is applied for devastating behaviors such as deforesting, the life of
endangered animals dwelling there will be conserved. Secondly, we should invest more
money in upgrading pollution treatment system to clean sewage before dumping it into
rivers or oceans. For example, household sewage need to be purified to eradicate oil or
poisons which may contaminate a part of ocean by a cutting-edge machine before being
discharged to protect marine ecosystem.
In conclusion, the danger of wildlife on land or in sea stems from irresponsible activities
of people, and several measures need to be done to mitigate its cumulative effects.

9. The number of people who are at risk of serious health problems due to being
overweight is increasing. What is the reason for the growth in overweight people in
society? How can this problem be solved?
Over the last few years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of overweight
people in the world. This can be attributed to unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical
activity. Obesity is a major health problem. It is a risk factor for diabetes, stroke and heart
Excessive consumption of junk foods is the number one cause of obesity. Junk or fast
foods are rich in calories and unhealthy fats. When we consume more calories than our
body can burn, it will convert the excess calories into fat. As a result people who
consume calorie rich foods on a regular basis gain weight. Late night dinners are another
cause of weight gain. When we have a heavy meal immediately before going to bed, the
body does not get an opportunity to burn it. Our sedentary lifestyle is also to blame. Most
of us have jobs that allow us to spend our entire day in a chair. This lack of physical
activity reduces our requirement for calories. Still, we are consuming more calories than
we need.
Limiting the consumption of calories and making physical activity an important part of
your routine is the only way to combat obesity. Our bodies are designed to move. When
we exercise, we not only burn the excess calories but also reduce our risk for a variety of
illnesses like diabetes and heart disease. We need to make proper changes to our eating
habits too. We must make a conscious effort to stay away from fatty foods. We must also
ensure that we are having low calorie healthy meals at regular intervals.
To conclude, while it is true that the number of obese people is on the rise this problem
can be tackled by making appropriate changes to our lifestyle and eating habits.

10. In many countries, governments are spending a large amount of money on
improving internet access. Why is it happening and do you think it is the most
appropriate use of government money?

A huge proportion of national budget is allocated to providing people with easier access
to the Internet. There are several reasons for such spending and, in my view, this is not
the most suitable way to use state money.
The government understand how the Internet benefits the lives of their citizens and also
the limitation of access to the network in a number of places across their countries. The
Internet has proven powerful in dispensing educational services and general knowledge
about all aspects of life, not to mention the fact that it could facilitate communication
between even continents. There is no arguing why governments pay much heed to the
development of the network, just as to boost the overall quality of life for their people.
Additionally, perhaps the inaccessibility of the Internet in many areas, especially
disadvantaged ones for which mountainous villages in Vietnam could be brought up as a
prime example, has the government draw a conclusion to pour their money into
improving the Internet.
Much as those analyzed points above, I still believe large financial spending on such a
field could, sometimes, be seen as unproductive or even counter-productive. In fact, only
half of the world population has Internet connection; and even if the government were
able to expand the network, it would be, I believe, hardly reachable for the rest of the
world for the time being. The result would not be equivalent to the enormous amount of
governmental funding. Instead, there are some other areas that authorities could invest in
as a pre-requisite complement before supplying a widespread network. Constructing
schools and deploying qualified teachers to areas that are used to the absence of the
Internet and are unaware of the benefits it might offer could be more promising.
In conclusion, there are two main explanations for governments’ special attention to
improving the Internet access; and I think this is not the most optimal way to spend


11. In recent years, the family structure and the role of its members are gradually
changing. What kinds of changes can occur? Do you think these changes are
positive and negative?
It is true that these days the family structure has considerably shifted, and the changing
roles of men and women in the family has become increasingly similar. There are several
new forms of family composition, and in my opinion, these developments are not always
In the past, nuclear families where parents and their offspring living together under one
roof used to be prevalent. However, there is now a huge trend towards single-parent
families due to more marriages ending in divorce, while the increase in cohabiting couple
families and stepfamilies is probably a result of cohabitation and remarriage becoming
much more acceptable. In addition, the number of single-mother families has increased as
many mothers want to have children without getting married. In terms of changing
parental roles in a family, there has been a rise in the number of stay-at-home dads in
recent years when it has become normal for women to gain qualifications and pursue
their own career path. This is in sharp contrast to about half a decade ago when men were
breadwinners and women were in charge of household chores in their families.
In my view, the changes described above could have both positive and negative
consequences. On the one hand, due to the lack of emotional attachment and legal
binding, non-traditional households such as stepfamilies and cohabiting parents are more
prone to breaking down. Consequently, children of these families are more likely to be
involved in antisocial behaviors while their parent may experience feelings of loneliness
and worry. On the other hand, the changes in the roles of members in the family could be
seen as progress because women are not put under pressure to sacrifice their own careers
to assume childcare and domestic responsibilities.
In conclusion, I believe that the changes in the roles of family members and the family
structure are both positive and negative.  


12. Many people leave school with a negative attitude towards learning. What are
the reasons? How can we encourage young people to study?
An increasing number of school leavers are currently having a negative attitude towards
studying. This problem is caused by some factors, and it should be tackled by some
effective solutions.
There are some reasons why young people who leave school dislike learning. Firstly, the
school curriculum is usually too demanding. Apart from attending lectures, students are
also required to complete a large number of assignments and group projects, so they
might feel stressed and exhausted after studying intensely. Gradually, they are against
learning. Secondly, students often have to learn many unnecessary subjects that do not
provide any benefits for their future. For example, when studying History, learners must
memorise events in the past although they cannot apply this sort of knowledge into
earning money later on. As a result, high school education might be considered a waste of
Fortunately, some measures could be taken to prevent this problem. The first solution
would be to make lessons more interesting. For instance, visual aids such as video clips
should be added in order to attract learners’ attention. Therefore, studying would become
a hobby rather than an obligation, and students would have greater motivation to learn.
Secondly, lessons that are not necessary should be cut down, and schools should only
provide knowledge that students can apply in their future career. When the number of
non-essential subjects is reduced and the school syllabus becomes more practical,
learners would really see the benefits of education.
In conclusion, school leavers tend to have a negative attitude towards learning because of
some reasons, and solutions should be produced soon to tackle this issue.

13. In recent years, the family situation and role of its members are changing. What
kind of changes can occur? Do you think these changes are positive or negative?
The changes of family structure and family roles have become a major topic of concern
in modern society. Some of the main changes will be identified, before an evaluation on
whether this is a positive or negative trend is made.
A few drastic changes could be observed in families today. The most obvious one is the
decreased size of an average family in society. In Vietnam, for example, a majority of
extended families of three generations or more living under the same roof have been
transformed into nuclear families with only parents and children. In addition, there is also
a significant change in terms of the roles of the father and the mother in a family. The
responsibility of males as the sole breadwinner of the family has now been shared with
their partners, and now women have equal working opportunities compared with their
male counterparts. Accordingly, household duties are also shared equally between the
two sexes.
I contend that this new family structure is without doubt beneficial for all families. As
regards the smaller family size, each family member could benefit from an increased
sense of freedom. For instance, parents have more time for themselves now, compared
with the situation in the past when they had to bear the responsibility for taking care of
both grandparents and children. With respect to the change in family roles, women may
reap the benefit of having their own career and thus financial freedom. Men also gain
from this change since they have been freed from the financial pressure of being the only
source of income in the family. 
To conclude, the most apparent changes in today’s families include reduced family size
and shouldered financial and household responsibility of men and women. All the
existing data has provided a concrete foundation that these changes are beneficial for all
members of the family.

1. Young people are often influenced in their behavior and situations by others at
the same age. This is called “peer pressure”. Do the advantages outweigh the
People are all surrounded by others – their peers who have experiences and interests
similar to then. They also have to make several decisions every day and are influenced by
each other’s choices and behaviors. Peer pressure can be both, positive as well as
negative but mostly it is positive.
On the positive side, peers set plenty of good examples for each other. If peers are
committed doing well in school or doing their best in a sport then they can influence
those around them to be more goal-oriented, too. Secondly, peers who are kind and loyal
can influence others to build these qualities in themselves. What is more, peers can help
each other make decisions such as what courses to take and even how to handle a family
argument. Peers often give each other good advice. Peers might get each other involved
in clubs, sports, or religious groups. One’s world would be far less rich without peers to
encourage or to offer moral support when one needs it most.
On the negative side sometimes, peers may pressurize each other into doing something
wrong, such as shoplifting, taking drugs or drinking or taking dangerous risks when
driving a car. Nearly everyone ends up in a sticky peer pressure situation at some point.
Young people are going through a lot of stress in their life as it is the time when the most
crucial decisions of life have to be taken such as pursuing a career or choosing a life
partner. It is very easy at such times to succumb to negative peer pressure.
In conclusion, I believe that, peer pressure is inevitable and it can be positive as well as
negative. However, if parents teach their children how to handle negative peer pressure, it
can be largely positive.

2. In many countries, people decide to have children at a later age than in the past.
What are the reasons? Do advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?
Many people currently decide not to have babies when they are young and wait until they
get older instead. There are some reasons for this tendency, and it could have some
impacts on family life as well as society.
To begin with, there are several reasons why a number of individuals want to have
children later in their life. Firstly, this choice allows them to have more time to enjoy life
when they are young. For instance, it is easier for a young couple to travel when they do
not have a baby to nurture. Secondly, people who are at the early stage of their career
usually have lower income compared to when they are older. Therefore, many people
decide to start raising a family after having accumulated enough money to ensure a better
life for their children.
However, this tendency might bring about some negative effects on both family life and
society. The first impact is that having children later will cause a significant age gap
between two generations. This makes it harder for parents to understand and
communicate with their offspring. Additionally, if people give birth when they are too
old, the babies being born might be less physically healthy. This might adversely affect
the quality of the future workforce if too many people decide to follow this trend.
In conclusion, there are some reasons why many people prefer to have children later in
their life, and this tendency can result in some negative impacts on both family life and

3. In some countries, the widespread use of the Internet has given people more
freedom to work or study at home, instead of travelling to work or college. Do the
advantages outweigh disadvantages?
Thanks to the technology development, people nowadays may feel more freedom at
home instead of going to work of college by using the Internet. Although this brings both
pros and cons, I would argue that people should go to work or college rather than just
stay at home and use the Internet instead.
On the one hand, the option of staying at home to work and study by using the Internet is
attractive for several reasons. First of all, this means that people will have a flexible
schedule. For example, if a student gets sick, he or she can easily learn from a distance
through e-learning method, where all that is needed is a computer or smartphone with the
Internet connected. Secondly, people do not have to travel to the office or school so that
they can save more time and avoid traffic dangers. Finally, learning and working from
home gives people more privacy and comfort to be creative. Therefore, they might study
and work more efficiently
On the other hand, I believe that it is more beneficial for people to go to work or college.
It is evident that people might lose social skills when they work or study at home. Going
to the office or college, everyone can experience interacting with many types of people in
society, which brings experiences and soft skills such as team work, communication, or
time management skill. In addition, working and studying from home may lead to
narrowing personal relationships between colleagues or classmates because they have no
opportunity to meet, talk, or go out. Besides, workers and students can be attracted by
many kinds of entertainment at home like computer games or television shows, which
obviously affects the productivity.
In conclusion, although working and studying at home by using the Internet has
advantages and disadvantages, it seems to me that people should still go to the workplace
or college to work or study.

4. In the past, people used to travel to see the difference from their home country.
However, the sceneries in places around the world seem similar nowadays. What are
the causes of these similarities? Do you think that the advantages of this similarity
outweigh the disadvantages?
Traveling abroad gives people opportunities to explore more about the world, however,
the differences between all corners of the world are getting smaller due to many reasons.
I personally think that the detrimental effects of this trend outweigh its benefits.
There are several reasons for the similarities between countries. The first point to note is
the resemblances in architecture, which is mainly caused by the assimilation for a very
long time. For instance, Vietnam, a country in South East Asia, used to be a colony of
China, France, and America for thousands of years. This has resulted in the existence of
many French-styled buildings as well as those with Chinese style. Additionally,
globalization and integration can also be considered as the cause of the appearance of
skyscrapers, café shops, and restaurants, which are similar views that we can find in
downtown areas in all big cities around the world. To demonstrate, KFC and McDonald’s
chains can be seen in most parts of the world.
It can be clearly seen that this trend is accompanied with many negative aspects. First of
all, every nation has their own cultural identities, which is our ancestor’s most treasurable
heritage. Cultural globalization will gradually destroy the cultural diversity of each
country. Also, this trend will also make global tourism pointless and boring since all
places are becoming the same, tourists will be no longer interested in visiting other
countries. Second, the damage that globalization has done to the environment. To
integrate, each country has to develop, industrialize to compete with others. This
economic competition will consequently lead to environmental pollution because of the
building of factories and high-rise buildings. Moreover, in the process of globalization,
we produce a large number of advanced technologies, which are mostly imported from
abroad. This will likely to make people rely on foreign technology and not put efforts in
learning and researching.
In conclusion, the increase of similarities globally is caused by many factors and in my
opinion, it brings more benefits than drawbacks.

5. Most countries want to improve standard of living through economic
development, however, others think social value is lost as a result. Do you think the
advantages of economic development outweigh the disadvantages?
Nowadays the majority of countries target on a strong economy in order to improve the
life quality whereas some people believe that such approach can lead to disappearance of
important social values.
To be begin with, country economy is an essential aspect as it is still a clear indicator of
the development level including the living conditions. It means that sustainable economy
which includes well-organized labor market, a variety of industries including processing,
stability of the currency and able to obtain the maximum profit from all of this and not
only is effective way to create the suitable conditions for every individual. In other words
the more money a country has, the better the residents live. The clear example of this can
be such countries like Singapore, Switzerland and Norway which are in the top 10 rich
countries and at the same time have the highest life quality.
Nevertheless, certain part of society opine that inculcating such living status may results
in the humiliation of social values by imitating others culture and attitudes blindly. To
exemplify, some people refuse to accept the current trends including economic, stating
that such development will lead to the society imbalance and such human values as
kindness, honesty and sincerity will remain on the sidelines. What is more, as they claim
such way of development can increase the rate of divorces, crimes especially financial
and so on.
Personally, I think that even the fastest growing economy in no way can detrimentally
affect the values of society. On the contrary, it will motivate them to progress and
succeed in the world of high competition. Thus, people can provide themselves with high
standards of living.
To sum up, the economic development has more pros than cons in terms of advanced
living standards and people should not afraid of such step as it doesn’t affect on social
values negatively .It may be certain stereotype but no more.

6. In many cities, planners have separated schools, homes, shops, offices in specific
areas which were widely separated from each other. Do you think advantages of this
policy overweigh disadvantages to the city residents?
Today, many city developers always try to consider each part of the city for individual
purpose. While some locations might be appropriate for education, the other one can be
suitable to be residential areas. I personally agree with this method, although it might
have had some drawbacks.
On the one hand, considering this plan by the city planners can have some negative
consequences. One is that it can enhance traffic congestion inside of cities. For instance,
those students living in peripheral areas have to travel several kilometres each day to
reach their school, being mainly constructed in the central of cities; therefore, the number
of commuters may escalate dramatically. Another reason behind it is that people living in
rural areas have less access to appropriate facilities. For example, if they like to purchase
furniture for their home, they cannot find them in the small retailers near their home.
They have to spend hundreds of dollars for their transportation, while dwellers living in
sprawling cities have a better access to these items.
On the other hand, having this plan in urban areas, I believe that it will avoid
overpopulation in specific locations. One important factor is that the more factories are
moved to suburb areas, the more workers prefer to live near them, instead of living in the
central of cities. In particular, in Tehran, the capital city of Iran, had not the government
permitted large companies to have a function in the centre, more citizens would have
moved to live in the countryside, leading them to faceless the overpopulation problems.
Furthermore, it can decrease the level of pollution in cities. Obviously, the more shops or
offices operate in cities, the more they pollute the environment. As a result, in many
countries, governments have considered specific regions for these markets. In this case,
in Vancouver, the government of BC has considered a huge place for shops near the
airport, which is located outside of the metropolitan zone. This will reduce the pollution
caused by these businesses far significantly.
In conclusion, although some may agree that each region should not be allocated for
specific purposes, I completely agree with it. This not only can reduce the density of
population but the amount of pollution in the central areas of urban.

7. In many countries today, people buy a range of household goods ( television,
microwave, oven and rice cookers). Is it a positive or negative development?
In contemporary society, most families are capable to afford home appliances such as
television, microwave, oven and so on. It is generally accepted that those technological
goods have brought great convenience to our life although they do generate negative
effects on environment.
In terms of merits of using domestic appliances, the most obvious is that people’s quality
of life has been boosted. Take TV as an example; watching TV is a preferable means of
relaxation for people to spend their leisure time and release stress, with amusing
programs, entertainment news as well as soap operas shown on the screen. Another case
is that the application of microwave, oven and rock cookers in the kitchen saves
housewives from heavy housework and even assists them in cooking delicious meals
efficiently. Furthermore, consumers’ demands for electric appliances stimulate the
development of manufacturing industries, which creates more job opportunities and bring
the government increasing tax revenue.
However, it must be admitted that the worldwide use of household appliances inevitably
contributes to environmental degradation. To commence with, in an attempt to maintain
these devices function, a great amount of electricity has to be consumed, which is largely
generated from fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. In the long run, the scarcity of
natural resources will become a tough issue for human beings. In addition, harmful gas
emission is another big concern. As a matter of fact, in the use of fridge and air
conditions, Freon (a kind of chemical gas) is emitted into air, leading to the destruction of
ozone layer.
In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, it is a positive development that people can
purchase various electric appliances. However, environment-friendly technology should
be adopted in its production to protect environment.


8. An increasing number of people change their career and place of residence
several times in their lives. Is it a positive or negative development?
It is true that, these days, there are more and more people choose to not settle down in
one place but move to many locations to have new workplaces and accommodation.
From my perspective, I firmly believe that this tendency could have both positive and
negative development for many people in all around the world.
On the one hand, there are several potential problems may occur when people change
their job and residential places. The most important thing is that citizens may have to
spend a significant amount of time to get harmonized with new living conditions in the
new neighborhood, which can have some disadvantages such as high rate of crimes,
social disorders, or weather differences. Moreover, in some cases, people have to find a
new job and face up with unemployment sometime, which might lead to the difficulty for
people to pay for some fundamental demand like education, accommodation and
transportation. Last but not least, when switching a career, people will lack of
experienced time and have to make more effort to get promoted as well as balance work
and life.
On the other hand, it is true to say that relocating to a new place and changing the career
can help people have many beneficial things. First of all, human will have opportunity to
get access to new living standards such as higher educational conditions, much more
high-quality services and more stable political situations. For example, some people
choose to immigrate to an affluent country that they can approach economic and cultural
development, enhance their knowledge and assure the brightest future for their children.
Not stopping at this point, numerous citizens are inclined to move other country which
enables them to find high-paid jobs and get promotion, gain higher position in their
career path due to the fact that people might have felt that their current jobs are not in
accordance with their passions and satisfactions.
In conclusion, many advantages and disadvantages can be outlined from the fact that an
increase in number of people resettle in other living places and have career changes.

9. Some people think that good health is very important to every person, so medical
service should not be run by profit-making companies. Do the advantages of private
health care outweigh the disadvantages.
It is believed that the key to lead a happy life is to possess a good health, so healthcare
services should be provided by private hospitals or clinics rather than public ones.
Despite some positive impacts, I think that the domination of private medical services
brings about more adverse effects
On the one hand, patients themselves benefit much from the policy of running profit-
making medical service. The initial point is that doctors and nurses in private ones cater
for patients more carefully and meticulously. Patients do not have to pass a long waiting
list before being medically examined and diagnosed. Also, private hospitals can offer
more specialized care and treatment and an excellent doctor-to-patient ratio. Another
argument is this trend can also lead to a higher-quality healthcare service. In order to
compete with others to make more profit, those money-makers will employ well-
qualified doctors and apply cutting-edge medical equipment, and therefore, patients can
make a quicker recovery from ailments or severe diseases.
On the other hand, I would argue that the aforementioned advantages are overshadowed
by disadvantages. There still exist some immoral private hospitals or clinics that are
driven by the incentives to gain money rather than save people’s life. The employment of
unskilled doctors or careless nurses reduces their spending on salaries, but it may either
put patients’ health in danger or even deprive their lives. For example, the Today News
program on TV informed many circumstances dying after minor operations due to over-
dosed anesthesia in some clinics. In addition, the private healthcare centres are often
accused of overcharging, so patients living in poverty are incapable of paying for this
exorbitant fee. If medical care is all run by non-public companies, many people have to
live with diseases.

In conclusion, albeit positive to some extent, the domination of private hospitals has more
negative consequences.

10. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of playing sports and participating in
physical exercises.
Since the beginning of human history, sports have become an integral part of our life.
Although there are many benefits that can be obtained by playing sports and doing
physical exercises, one should always pay attention to all the risks involved in such
It is not an exaggeration to say that playing sports is one of the best ways people can
maintain and improve their health. There are countless empirical evidences and academic
researches that link one’s participation in sports and the improvement of his or her
general well-being. Not only being physically active can help people burn fat, boost their
immune system but also prevent heart diseases and other major illnesses. Secondly, while
playing sports, people can communicate and interact with each other, thus, improve their
social life. This is the reason why many schools incorporate sports into their teaching
program so that students can develop their social skills and relationships. These elements
are believed to be vital for a child’s development in the future.
Nevertheless, playing sports and other physical activities contain many dangerous risks,
especially the risk of injury. Without competent knowledge and professional guidance,
sport players are prone to harm themselves during their games and training sessions. It is
thus recommended that people should seek helps and advices from other experienced
sports persons at the early stage when they start involving in physical activities.
In conclusion, sports and physical activities can undoubtedly bring many advantages to
people’s general welfare, especially their health and social life. Nonetheless, to
effectively reap the most of these benefits, one should pay attention to the risks of injuries
in sports and have adequate prevention countermeasures.
Source: http://lang-

11. Many people believe that having a fixed punishment for all crimes is more
efficient. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a fixed punishment?
In today's world, crime is the major problem which is being faced by all the nations and
in spite, of several efforts, it's rate is increasing unceasingly. Nowadays, many people
firmly believe that there should be one definitive penance for all the offences. On the
contrary, some are not in favour of this notion. Therefore, in this essay, I will shed some
light on the pros and cons of this ideology followed by my own opinion in the end of it.
To embark upon, the substantial benefit of it is that it will certainly dwindle the time
taken in giving the judgement. It is no exaggeration to state that there are innumerable
number of cases are hanging in air in the court's of every country and state. It is simply
due to the infinite time period consumed in the court proceedings. In fact, I can give an
excellent example of my own nation India where more than ten lack of cases are pending
in Supreme court alone which is lamentable. Because of this delay, huge number of
innocent people are waiting in prisons for their hearing to start and are bound to live a
very wretched life.
In contrast, the considerable drawback of this kind of judiciary system is that the justice
done will no longer be fair. Allow me to elaborate this statement by presenting a
hypothetical situation where an individual has brutally murdered someone and there is
another men that has stolen some money from someone's purse. Now, is it justified to
give them the indistinguishable sentence. As, a murderer is liable to to be imprisoned for
at least ten years. On the other hand, to announce such rigorous penalty for a thief would
be absolutely cruel and inhuman.
Conspicuously, I would like to mention assertively that all human beings are different
and thus commit sundry sins. Though, it appears quite tempting at hurried glance to
implement one penance for all criminals due to its time saving approach and feasibility.
Nonetheless, it would be inequitable to look at everyone with the same prospective and to
give them all the identical punishment. I am of the opinion that the downsides of this idea
far outweigh any positive repercussions and also it is inevitably against the humanity.

12. Public transport could be made free of charge. Are there more advantages or
disadvantages to this change?
Most large cities today boast numerous public transit options, available to residents for a
fee. Whether providing these options free of charge is a positive thing is often a highly
debated topic. I argue that felt making public transportation available free of charge
ramifies more advantages than disadvantages. This will be proven by looking at how a
free public transportation system encourages more environmentally friendly living and
provides accessibility to low-income individuals.
For one, encouraging people to use public transportation through fare elimination has
many benefits to the environment. For example, as more people use a city’s public transit
system, the congestion that city experiences on the road is greatly reduced. Having fewer
vehicles on the road in turn reduces a city’s overall carbon footprint immensely. Thus, the
benefit to removing public transportation fares can be seen.
In addition to this, allowing people to use a city’s transportation services without charge
can be exceptionally helpful to low-income residents. For instance, any city that employs
this change would empower its people with the ability to live and work in entirely
different parts of a city, regardless of their economical situation. This would thus
heighten a low-income earner’s chances of gaining financial ground. As this example
shows, privileging a city’s people with free transit service boasts more benefits than
After analyzing the above, it is clear that removing the fare charged to public transit
passengers has more pros than cons. This alternative should be considered as a future
growth option for emerging cities.

13. Nowadays, young people admire stars though they often do not set a good
example. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
The admiration young people hold for celebrities is not a new phenomenon.  Throughout
history, youths have been inspired by people with outstanding athletic ability.  It is
argued that this admiration brings with it more positive than negative
issues/ramifications.  This will be proven by looking at how sports figures both instill
inspiration and teach life lessons to young people.
Firstly, celebrities often display extremely developed skills, which can help to spur young
people towards a life full of physically active.  For instance, school children are often
driven to exercise in an attempt to become/emulate superstars, such as Novak Djokovic,
Ronaldo and Messi. As this additional exercise is good for their health, it is difficult to
argue that the inspiration celebrities bestow/leave upon young people is entirely a bad
thing.  Thus, this shows that the admiration people hold for sports stars has positive
Although the negative character figures/traits of many sports celebrities are often called
into question, it is felt the public mistakes professional athletes make can act as good
morality lessons for young people.  A good image of this occurred when Canadian runner
Ben Johnson dishonorably lost an Olympic gold medal due to steroid use.  This incident
showed young people around the world that drug use is a shameful practice.  As this
example illustrates/is shown, often the public errors athletes commit can act as good
lessons for adolescents.
After looking at the above, it is felt to hold athletes in esteem does not bring with it
entirely negative consequences.  It is assumed the historical admiration people will
retain/retain for sports stars is not going to change into the foreseeable future.

14. Some people think that good health is a basic human need, so the medical service
should not be run by profit-making companies. Do you think the disadvantages of
the private health care outweigh the advantages?
Good healthcare service is a fundamental need for every citizen in a country and when
this sector is run by money making private organisations, it is clear that the government
provided health care service is not up to mark and need improvements. I believe that
when the healthcare service is owned and run by some bunch of money-makers, mass
people would suffer to a great extent and this policy has far more demerits than few
advantages it offers.
First, when government incapable of providing sufficient treatment and hospital facilities,
the healthcare sector is then turning into a profitable business sector for many private
organisations. Those private organisations’ main objective is to make money and thus
only rich citizens can accommodate their treatment. Since the government does not have
any control over the treatment facilities of these hospitals and healthcare centres, they
charge people as much as they like. Thus they make the overall health care system
expensive in a country.
Second, the private healthcare centres are often accused of overcharging and wrong
treatment and yet they are not punished for the misdeed they conduct. Many people opine
that private healthcare centres and hospitals are far neater and clean and have more
qualified doctors. However, should not those doctors be treating in public hospitals
instead of making money? Thus the professional ethics of doctors are ruined by their
practice in private hospitals. Furthermore, the government collects a huge amount of tax
from its citizens and should be obliged to provide health care services to people for free
rather than letting private hospitals loot people.
In conclusion, a better environment and more doctors and nurses in private hospitals are
often considered as the great advantages for the patients.  However, the amount they
charge for treatment is outrageous and mass people cannot afford that. The government
should ensure proper healthcare facilities for all of its citizens and quality public health
care service is a better solution than allowing private companies control this important
sector whose sole objective is to make profits.

15. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of
technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships that
people make? Has this been a positive or negative development?
It is true that new technologies have had an influence on communication between people.
Technology has affected relationships in various ways, and in my opinion there are both
positive and negative effects.
Technology has had an impact on relationships in business, education and social life.
Firstly, telephones and the Internet allow business people in different countries to interact
without ever meeting each other. Secondly, services like Skype create new possibilities
for relationships between students and teachers. For example, a student can now take
video lessons with a teacher in a different city or country. Finally, many people use social
networks, like Facebook, to make new friends and find people who share common
interests, and they interact through their computers rather than face to face.
On the one hand, these developments can be extremely positive. Cooperation between
people in different countries was much more difficult when communication was limited
to written letters or telegrams. Nowadays, interactions by email, phone or video are
almost as good as face-to-face meetings, and many of us benefit from these interactions,
either in work or social contexts. On the other hand, the availability of new
communication technologies can also have the result of isolating people and discouraging
real interaction. For example, many young people choose to make friends online rather
than mixing with their peers in the real world, and these ‘virtual’ relationships are a poor
substitute for real friendships.
In conclusion, technology has certainly revolutionised communication between people,
but not all of the outcomes of this revolution have been positive.

16. Some experts believe that is better for children to begin learning a foreign
language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this
outweigh the disadvantages?
Traditionally, children begin studying foreign languages at secondary school. Many
individual schools or educationalists have recommended to study foreign languages at an
earlier stage. However this policy may bring some advantages along with some
disadvantages. This essay will further discuss whether extending foreign language study
to the primary stages is beneficial and if disadvantages may occur in the later stages.
Obviously young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. Their
brains are programmed to learn their mother tongue which also facilitates learning
another language. At a young age, children are enthusiastic to explore and to learn new
things. The primary time table should allow more frequent shorter sessions for
maintaining learner's enthusiasm and progress. Acquiring foreign languages can also help
them to understand other cultures.
However, there are some disadvantages. Primary school teachers may not have the
necessary language skills or they are not well trained for that particular languages. If any
language specialist is called then the flexibility of sessions is diminished. Primary
language teaching needs to be standardised, so that secondary schools do not face
problems in their intake. Failing to undoes the earlier gains. In some situations, it would
become very stressful to the child when he has to learn three languages i.e. native
languages and foreign languages. Some researchers have shown from their studies that
such children have difficulties in deciding which language to speak and may end up
learning nothing,
In conclusion, a standardised policy can be adopted at primary schools which can also
benefit society culturally and economically. Young children's grasping power can make
these benefits more achievable.

17. In many countries nowadays, young single people no longer stay with their
parents until they are married, but leave to study or work somewhere else. Do you
think this trend has more advantages or disadvantages?
Over the past few years, there has been an increasing trend of adolescents staying away
from home and parents to another place for the purpose of getting a good qualification or
employment. There are various pros and cons of this trend which are elaborated in this
On the one hand, I believe there are certain positive effects on the juveniles who choose
to study or work away from their residence. Firstly, it helps the young ones to become
more independent when the parents are not around them for spoon feeding. Moreover,
they are able to make decisions by themselves that makes them more confident.
Secondly, the experience of living far from home makes the children more responsible at
a very young age. For instance, a person doing a job will know how to carry out the
expenses and to save the money, when he is not living with parents. Finally, experiencing
the different phases of life and learning from them can be possible when one is living
away from his family.
On the other hand, the negative sides of this trend should not be ignored. Becoming
independent and leaving parents for the career might cause the children to become
emotionless and they may not feel the love that develops while living with parents.
Furthermore, some of them can feel lonely and homesick that hinders their success for
which they might be struggling.
In conclusion, considering both the aspects of living away from home for personal
reasons, the advantages of this drift far outweigh the disadvantages.

18. Too much emphasis is placed on going university for academic study. People
should be encouraged to do vocational training, because there is a lack of qualified
tradespeople such as electricians or plumbers. To what extent do you agree or
It goes without saying that society always needs a skilled workforce to function.
Employees of different professions contribute differently to the thriving of the
community, and therefore I disagree with the statement that vocational courses should be
given any more weight than before.

The fact that many people deem it more important to take tertiary education than a
vocational training program has resulted in a shortage of qualified workers. It is
universally accepted that knowledge and qualifications gained from university can help
one to have a head start over other candidates when it comes to job hunting. In Vietnam,
for instance, a majority of high school graduates are content to spend four to five years
more studying at a university with the hope for a bright career ahead. This results in a
lack of skilled manual workers such as plumbers and electricians in society.

However, if we encourage more people to become blue-collar workers, then there will be
a shortage of while-collar workers who may otherwise create more wealth for society.
For example, fewer engineers would mean lower productivity; a dearth of scientists may
inhibit scientific discoveries which can provide us with a better life in the future. In
contrast, those doing blue-collar jobs may face redundancy when too many applicants
compete for the same position. An unbalanced workforce might, therefore, hold society
back from development in the long term.

In conclusion, the workforce will adjust itself to cater for the need of the community, so
there is no need to direct young people to follow a particular career path.



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