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Prácticas Primaria Bilingual class


Once upon a time, a big and important part of the whole love and tenderness of the human
being was kidnapped by a foreigner and wicked elf. He put everything in a huge and bright
sphere which was pushed and compressed in a very small one. All in that sphere was pure
love: Illusion, fondness, generousity, righteous, mercy..

Those feelings were so powerful that they were filtering out the little ball and they were
spreading to inspire and connect people, expanding the true love feelings everywhere.

The Christmas Eve came, and a girl found the little and compressed ball.

- What a beautiful and special sphere!

- I don´t know what it is, but I will find a better place for it. It will light on the Christmas
tree in the city. – She thought.

And so she did. She looked at The Christmas tree in the city; it needed a top star on its peak.

Therefore, she put the small bright sphere on the top of the tree. The true love sphere was so
comfortable and welcome in that extraordinary tree that it floated and moreover, the true
love feelings expanded and spread across the space and time. They turned out the sky and
atmosphere sparkling, and wonderful, like a big bang of kindness. It illuminated the Christmas
sky, guiding the Three Wise Men to the lovely birth of a new nice Time.
Prácticas Primaria Bilingual class


Imagine three pictures to explain and transmit the story “A CHRISTMAS TALE”. Draw them and
use an artistic style like the ones you have learnt on previous classes.

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