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Chapter 2

Heat conduction equation

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 1 School of Mechanical Engineering


Chapter 1

2.1 Introduction 3 page

2.2 One dimensional heat conduction equation

2.3 General heat conduction equation 5 page

2.4 Boundary and initial conditions 9 page

2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems 15 page

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 2 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.1 Introduction
1. Description of heat conduction equation
2. Discussion of boundary condition
Ex) Steady vs. Transient Heat Transfer
Time = 2 pm Time = 5 pm Time = 2 pm Time = 5 pm

15℃ 7℃ 15℃ 7℃ 15℃ 7℃ 12℃ 9℃

Q1 Q2  Q1 

Q1 Q2  Q1

(a) Steady (b) Transient (Unsteady)

※ steady state: The temperature does not vary with time

One dimensional system:
Temperature gradients exist along a single coordinate system, and heat transfer
occurs exclusively in that direction

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 3 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.1 Introduction

Coordinate system

z z
P( x, y, z ) P( r,  , )
P( r,  , z ) 
z y
y y

x x

(a) Rectangular (b) Cylindrical (c) Spherical

coordinates coordinates coordinates

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 4 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.3 General heat conduction equation

General heat conduction equation

Energy balance: Ein  Eg  Eout  Est

Qx Qy Qz  Eg Qxdx Qydy Qzdz  Est

Qzdz Q ydy
Rate equations:
T Qx
Qx  kdydz  
, Qxx  Qx  dx
E g dz x x
Q x  
Est Q xdx Q y  kdxdz , Q yy  Q y  y dy
y y
T Qz
Q y dy Qz  kdxdy  
, Qzz  Qz  dz
dx z z
Q z 
E g  gdxdydz
 , E st = (CdxdydzT )
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 5 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.3 General heat conduction equation
Substituting and rearranging
  T    T    T  
 k    k    k   g
  (CT )
x  x  y  y  z  z  t

Or in the vector form

 (kT )  g  (CT )

For constant properties k, ρ, C

 : thermal diffusivity, m2 /sec
 T  T  T g 1 T
2 2 2
 2 2   , where:
x 2
y z k  t  C : thermal capacitance

Materials of large α(large k and/or low ρC) will respond quickly to changes in
their thermal environment, while materials of small α will respond more
sluggishly, taking longer to reach a new equilibrium state

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 6 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.3 General heat conduction equation

General heat conduction equation in other coordinates

- Cylindrical coordinate:
r x  r cos  , y  r sin  , z  z
dz dr
1   T  1   T    T   T
 kr  2 k   k   g   C
y r r  r  r     z  z  t
x d

- Spherical coordinate:

x  r sin  cos  , y  r sin  sin  , z  cos

r 1   2 T  1   T  1  T  T
 kr   k   k sin   g
  C
r2 r  r  r2 sin2      r2 sin  
  t


Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 7 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.3 General heat conduction equation

3D heat conduction equation

  T    T    T  T
k   k   k   g   C
x  x  y  y  z  z  t

(1) Steady-state: 0
  T    T    T 
k   k   k   g  0
x  x  y  y  z  z 

(2) Steady-state, no heat generation:  T  0 , g=

 0
  T    T    T 
k   k   k 0
x  x  y  y  z  z 
(3) 1D, transient, constant conductivity: x o n ly ,  0 , k  co n st.
 2T T
k 2  g   C
x t

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 8 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.4 Boundary and initial conditions
Specified temperature boundary condition, (Dirichlet boundary condition)

T1 T(x,t) T2
x  0 : T (0, t )  T1
x  L : T ( L, t )  T2
0 L x

Specified heat flux boundary condition, (Neumann boundary condition)

Energy balance:
0 q 0  q cond q 0  0 ( insulated )
T T
q 0   k
q0 qcond x x0
x x0

x0 Continue
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 9 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.4 Boundary and initial conditions
Convection boundary condition
Energy balance:
T , h
L qconv  qcond
h(T  T )  k
q conv q cond x x0


Generalized boundary condition

Energy balance on the considered surface which may involve convection, radiation,
and specified heat flux simultaneously.

 Heat transfer   Heat transfer 

 to the surface    from the surface 
   
 in all modes   in all modes 
   

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 10 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.4 Boundary and initial conditions
Ex 2.1
A long copper bar of rectangular cross section, whose width w is much greater than its
thickness L, is maintained in contact with a heat sink at its lower surface, and the
temperature throughout the bar is approximately equal to that of the heat sink, T0.
Suddenly, an electric current is passed through the bar and an air stream of temperature
T∞ is passed over the top surface, while the bottom surface continues to be maintained
at T0. Obtain the differential equation and the boundary and initial conditions that could
be solved to determine the temperature as a function of position and time in the bar.


1. Given Cooper bar initially in thermal equilibrium with a heat sink is suddenly
heated by passage of an electric current.

2. Find Differential equation and boundary and initial conditions needed to

determine temperature as a function of position and time within the bar.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 11 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.4 Boundary and initial conditions
3. Schematic C opper bar ( k ,  )
T ( x, y, z, t )  T ( x, t ) z
A ir
T , h
A ir w
T , h
T (L, t)
q 
L x
T 0  T ( 0 .t )

4. Assumption 1. Since the bar is long and w × L, side effects are negligible
2. Heat transfer within the bar is one dimensional in the x direction
3. There is an uniform volumetric heat generation
4. All properties are constant

5. Properties
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 12 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.4 Boundary and initial conditions
6. Solve
The temperature distribution is governed by the heat conduction for the one-
dimensional and constant property conditions of the present problem

  T    T    T  T
 k    k    k   g
   C
x  x  y  y  z  z  t

 2T g 1 T T T k
 2   , (   0,   )
x k  t y  z C

The temperature of bottom surface is maintained at a value of T0

T (0, t )  T0

The convection heat transfer B,C is appropriate for the top surface

k  h[T ( L, t )  T ]
x xL

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 13 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.4 Boundary and initial conditions

Before the change in conditions, the bar is initially at a uniform temperature T0

T ( x, 0)  T0

7. Comment
- The heat sink at x = 0 could be maintained by exposing the surface to an ice
bath or by attaching it to a cold plane
- The temperature of the top surface T(L, t) will change with time. This
temperature is an unknown and may be obtained after finding T(x, t)

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 14 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

Ex 2.2
Consider the base plate of a 1200 W household iron that has a thickness of L = 0.5 cm,
base area of A = 300 cm2, and thermal conductivity of k = 15 W/m·K. The inner surface
of the base plate is subjected to uniform heat flux generated by the resistance heaters
inside, and the outer surface loses heat to the surroundings at T∞ = 20℃ by convection.
Taking the convection heat transfer coefficient to be h = 80 W/m2·K and disregarding
heat loss by radiation. Obtain an expression for the variation of temperature in the base
plate, and evaluate the temperatures at the inner and the outer surfaces.


1. Given The inner surface of the base plate is subjected to uniform heat flux and
the outer surface losses heat by convection

q0  1200W, A=300m 2 , L  0.5cm, T  20 o C, h = 80 W/m 2 o C

2. Find Differential equation and temperatures at the inner and the outer surfaces

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 15 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

3. Schematic

Resistance heater 1200 W

Base plate Q g  1200 W Q cond Qconv
k = 15 W/m o C T  20 C
300 cm2 h  80 W/m2 o C
h  80 W/m2 o C A  300 cm2
x T  20 C k = 15 W/m o C

4. Assumption 1. Steady-state and All properties are constant.

2. Heat transfer is one dimensional in the x-direction.
3. There is no heat generation in the base plate and radiation is negligible.
4. The upper part of the iron is well insulated.

5. Properties The thermal conductivity of household iron: k = 15 W/m  o C

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 16 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

6. Solve
Inner surface of the base plate is subjected to uniform heat flux as

Q 0 1200 W
q0   2
 40, 000 W/m 2
Abase 0.03 m

Heat conduction equation

0 0 0
  T    T    T  T 0
k  k  k   g   C
x  x  y  y  z  z  t

  T   T T
k   0, 
y z
 0  1-D
x  x 
g  0  No heat generation
=0  Steady-state
 2  0 ( since k is const. and x only )
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 17 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

At x = 0,
dT qcond
q0  40,000  k q0
dx x 0
x 0
At x = L,
 h(T x L
 T ) qcond qconv
x L

The general solution of the differential eq. is xL

T ( x )  C1 x  C 2

Applying boundary condition

dT (0) q
k  q0   kC1 =q0  C1   0
dx k
dT (L)
k  h[T (L)  T ]   kC1  h[(C1L  C2 )  T ]
Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 18 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

Substituting and solving for C2

C1k q q
C2  T   C1 L  T  0  0 L
h h k
So, general solution is

 Lx 1
T ( x)  C1 x  C2  T  q0   
 k h
Temperature is
 L 1  0.005 m 1 
T (0)  T  q0     20 o C  (40,000 W/m2 )  o
 2o 
 k h  15 W/m C 80 W/m C
 533 o C
 1 40, 000 W/m 2
T ( L )  T  q0  0    20 C 

 h 80 W/m 2 o C
 520 o C

7. Comment

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 19 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

Ex 2.3
The temperature distribution across a wall 1-m-thick at a certain instant of time is
given as
T  900  300 x  50x2 ( o C)

Determine the rate of heat transfer entering the wall (x=0) and the rate of change of
energy stored in the wall.


1. Given Temperature distribution T(x) at an instant of time t in a one-dimensional

wall with uniform heat generation
g  1,000 W/m 3 , A  10 m 2 , L  1 m

2. Find - Heat rate entering, qin (x = 0), the wall

- The rate of change of energy storage in the wall, E st

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 20 School of Mechanical Engineering

2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

3. Schematic

E g
qin qout

0 x
L 1 m

4. Assumption 1. One-dimensional conduction in the x - direction

2. Isotropic medium with constant properties
3. Uniform internal heat generation, g  W/m3 

5. Properties - The conductivity of a wall: k = 40 W/m  o C

- The density of a wall:   1,600 kg/m

- The heat capacity of a wall: C  4 kJ/kg  K

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 21 School of Mechanical Engineering
2.5 Solution of Steady One-dimensional Heat Conduction Problems

6. Solve
Since heat is conducted through the solid wall, we can apply the Fourier’s Law of
Conduction to this problem,

Q in  Q cond (0)   kA  (40)(10)( 300  100 x x 0 ) Qin Qcond
x x 0

 120 kW x 0
Also the rate of change of energy storage in the wall may be determined by using an
energy balance to the wall
E in  E g  E out  E st
E g
E st  E in  gAL
  E out
 120  1000  10  1  160 Est
  30 kW
7. Comment
Fourier’s law can always be used to compute the conduction heat rate from knowledge
of the temperature distribution.

Multi Energy Transport (MET) Lab. 22 School of Mechanical Engineering

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