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Technology is becoming a part in our daily life, we cannot deny that the
importance of technology is undeniable due to the fact that today’s dynamic
world ,life without technology is meaningless because it has a major goal of
making tasks easier to accomplish in a short time as well in resolving many of
humanity’s problems. All generations use it for a variety of reasons youth as an
example, who represent the majority of the Moroccan society, use it day –to-
day for educational purposes to create relationship networking with others
.Technology has given us many benefits to our society however, it can be used
as a double-edged sword and promotes negative outcome for instance youth’s
addiction , distraction ,time waste , social isolation ,lack of privacy , a higher
consumption of energy and more .
The use of technology by youth in Morocco has become a social phenomenon
that must be viewed from youngers perspective since they are more frequent
users of technology in our Moroccan society. This phenomenon must be
analyzed from two main points a theoretical part that will include different
points to discuss and a practical part which is the most important part of this


a- The technological devices most commonly used by Moroccan teenagers:
Over the years, technology has transformed our world and daily lives to a
new level. Humanity has created amazing devices putting useful information at
our fingertip at any time and at any place. Due to the quick development in our
Moroccan society, youth have become addicted users of technology. It has
turned to an important item of their life. Young generation cannot live without
technology since they are the category that is most heavily involved with using
it because of the benefits that provide for them. Unlike the old generation,
Moroccan youth has been raised with modern technology alongside with them
not like the old generation such as their parents who didn’t have the chance
to use these devices like youth do in their day-to-day life, youth, who
represent the most constant users of technology in our society, utilize specific
electronic devices constantly .
It has been known well that the majority of Moroccan youths use laptops
especially since we know the fact that there is a big difference between
laptops and other devices and start talking about laptop. To our knowledge
,laptop is considered as a notebook,(is portable computer)differ on desktop
that youth can easily take with them in different surroundings at any time.
Apart from that, laptop is a medium device and meant to be used on the go, it
has a battery that can be either removable or integrated that can stay for
hours depending on the price of each laptop which allows youth to use it for
educational purposes or to amuse themselves ,laptops also involve a power
adapter that allows them to use power from an outlet and recharges the
battery. Most laptops have various ports ,for instance, HDMI port the most
familiar one for connecting to tv’s or to external monitors, VGA port The great
granddad of video outputs that dates all the way back to 1987 but still exists in
any monitor or projector, USB 3.0 port that allow users to plug their mice
,keyboard, USB headset or their external hard drive and an audio jack. Modern
laptops also incorporate a wireless networking adapter port as well, allowing
users like youth to access the Internet without requiring any wires.
Since we talked about laptop, smartphone is also the most used device by the
young generation talking about smartphone, a smartphone is a small device
that you can easily take with you anywhere you go sometimes called a cellular
A smartphone is a mobile phone that includes advanced functionality beyond
making phone calls and sending text messages. Most smartphones have the
capability to display photos, play videos, check and send e-mail, and surf the
Web. Modern smartphones, such as the iPhone and Android based phones can
run third-party applications, which provides limitless functionality.
While smartphones were initially used mostly by business users, they have
become a common choice for consumers as well. Thanks to advancements in
technology, modern smartphones are smaller and cheaper than earlier
devices. Users also have a much wider range of smartphones to choose from
than before. While the RIM Blackberry dominated the smartphone market for
many years, other manufacturers like Apple, HTC, and Samsung now offer a
wide variety of smartphone options as well. This increase in smartphone
availability has led to a corresponding decline in the usage of standard PDAs,
which do not include phone capabilities.
Since smartphones have a wide range of functionality, they require advanced
software, similar to a computer operating system. The smartphone software
handles phone calls, runs applications, and provides configuration options for
the user. Most smartphones include a USB connection, which allows users to
sync data with their computers and update their smartphone software.

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