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“The song of sparrows”, is a character arc
transformation film, which narrates the life of
protagonist Kareem, and his behavior changes in the film.
This film can be divided into four subdivided clauses, in
terms of Kareem's behavior change
1)in the first quator of the film Karim works as an
ostrich caretaker and takes care of them with humility,
and pureness ,in the present scenario the people who
live outside the capitalistic world live with the same
mindset of him, especially in the villages and towns who
do agriculture and raise cattle, these are the people who
are not effected by any money quenching greed or want
change their lifestyle overnight, but people are losing
this type of mindset day by day.
2)in the next clause ,his ostrich runs away from farm ,his
daughter loses her hearing aid and as a result he loses
his job.then in the search of job he goes to the city for
a job and gets a job as a mobile taxi driver, and takes
rides of many business men who are making lot of money
overnight and finally he ends up in collecting the old
scrap from the junkyard and is in intension to sell those
to get money, in the present scenario many people are in
constant loops of getting money to pay for something,
which price are decided by some corporate companies for
example many corporate companies actually select only few
of the farm harvest ,and leaves the produce of other
farmers ,then those farmers will not get any value for
their produce and finally will go to some other corporate
companies for loan ,they give loan with some heftysome
interest and finally the farmer can't pay the debt and
finally decides to go cities, this is becoming an endless
3)in the next clause he gets the job as the delivery
person, and also, he wants his fish which is in the
reservoir near his home to be sold to make more money, he
is slowing driving himself into capitalism, quench of
money he slowly loses his connection with his family, in
the present scenario Youth of many countries ,are going
to get job in many foreign countries for better money and
leaving their families once in 4-5 years which slowly
reduces the attachment with the families. We are just
heard of sheep who are ready to do what rich people
wants us to do directly or indirectly.
4)Kareem meets with an accident and is restricted to take
rest, he then calms downs to understand what is his change
of behavior, and goes into introspect himself, in the
present scenario the people who think about their behavior
are dwindling ,they change from pureness develop attitude
to resist the world evils get influenced by certain type
of lifestyle which corporates wants us to be, and finally
everyone will realize their greed at least in the end of
their life.

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