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4/14/2019 https://fiveseasonsmedicine.


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“True health happens when the body is aligned with spirit.” —Jane Barthelemy

At some time in their life every living person has experienced a beautiful feeling of truth, joy, and completeness
in their body. The opposite is when we experience “dis-ease”, which represents a separation or a “dis-integration”
in the union of body and spirit.

What is Transformational Healing?

Transformational healing is connecting

to silence to create balance. It requires
becoming extremely quiet and listening
to the body’s innate intelligence,
to invite gentle shifts that align it to
spirit, back to its original blueprint of
health. You could call it a marriage
between Heaven and Earth. It has also
been described as a feeling of coming
home. The power of transformational
healing comes from silence, from
listening, and allowing the wisdom of
the body to shine. Privacy - Terms
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In the West, five is the number of love.

Five is symbolized by Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of love, beauty, and fertility, along with Venus, her Roman
sister. Five is the ancient ruler of life, love, light, unity, and wholeness. It is the marriage between Heaven and

Five represents a leap between the physical and the spiritual. It’s about creating something completely different
and new, grasping what we can’t be sure exists. Five is about using ingenuity, bending the laws in surprising new
ways, evolving and transforming.

Why Five Seasons?

Seasons are the phases turning as the Earth revolves around the Sun. Our calendar year is marked into four
seasons by the cardinal points, solstice and equinox. In Chinese Medicine, the Five Elements are a basis for
understanding all of life. Chinese philosophy sees the year as having five seasons. This is done in order to unify
the seasons with the five elements. The fifth season is brief, just a few weeks between Summer and Autumn. It is
what we call Indian Summer. Every season has an element. The fifth season represents the Earth element, and
coming home.

“Jane put me fully at ease when I arrived and explained how we would proceed. I felt right away I could trust her
and her abilities as a practitioner. As we began, she told me the links she found. When she worked, I felt an
immediate shift in my body to a feeling of deep pure health, pure wellness. As she continued I noticed my body
was letting go even more and I experienced an even deeper sense of release. It has stayed with me and to this day
I still carry that as a cellular memory. Thank you Jane, so much." Kathleen Spike

How many places in Nature can you find the number FIVE?
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Jane Barthelemy, CBP, CRM, DRM, LAP, MBA is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, Licensed Accunect
practitioner, Certified 3rd degree Reiki Master, Certified MogaDao Qigong Guide, MogaDao Sacred Sexuality
Instructor, MBA, and a lifetime practitioner of Tibetan Trika Yoga meditation for over 40 years. Jane lives and
practices in Santa Fe, NM, and does remote treatments anywhere. Contact Jane

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