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tlt5,z s r-,ric t{l{i^.

1ii'I-r'r' SUl,iLi R :\ND iTS COiv'l](']lrj'iDS / 87

5.:, HOAsfiruG 0F lEtOhi P-fHlTEs

Solu.&on: Basis: 100 kg Pynte
Iron pr,rlres reler to rhe sullide ore n:ost commoniy burrred
for SO, rnarufacture. It consists primarill, cf jro! Sulllde (feSrl
sma1l amounts of meLa-llic sulfides and appreciable antounrs 01 AIR Burner Gas
totaliy jncombuslibie mateials. These inconnbustjble materja-ls ^,-o^
lcw 3500c
ue reported as GA.N'GLE in the a-r:alysis. 740 mm Hg 750 mm Hq
The following reacUons take piace ir the combustjon of BO% RH
*filiZt,^ 17 33% x'ss B U RhIER
+ 11 o, = 2 Fe,'o,+ B so, y'
Reacuon: 4 FeS,
fl SiAe .Reacijon:4 Fe.S, + 15 O, = 2FerO, + 8 -sO./ t--------- t cinder
1 L .1 10lo FeS,
As in the bumji:g of raw S, the tJ:reorelica-i O, and.o% excess Raw S
66.630/o FerO,
ajr have to be defined as Lo wheLher based on conversion of FeS, 85%o FeS,
2.670/o SA.
to SOz or SO. .,.,)r'
150/o $a;r$ue
19.6% gangue
'Iheo O, (FeS, to -qC,,) = Tctal rr:c;les FeS- x ),7/4
Theo O, {FeS, to SO.) = Total moles FeS, x I5/4

Dr:ring buming, the gangr-:e a;:d lhe ircn oxide goes to the N4c,ies FeS, = 85/t2a = 0'70833
cirrder. Unbur:red FeS^ rnay alsc be :;resefrt aiTFcsbibiy a smajl
arnount of the ciiva-leai oxide n:a-v a-lso be formed" The latter is Tkrec O, (FeS, to qO,) = 919!?l x (\t/4) = 1.948
.;-r.,o^ n' fFes to so;) = 0 70833 x (15/a) - 7- h,5b
small enough and mav be neglectrri ilr a ri,eli cperated'furnace-
Thus t}e rnain Sulfur cornpout-lcis in the cinder are SO" which ij"#o# ;'";' il Tllli " 2 656 -- 3 I i63
is absorbed on rhe cinder by rJre tnaFffi t r't o,-,-, air = 3 ll€ill x Qg/21 = 17'723
F.Sr_ - l'948) I 1'948] x lO0
a) o/oexcess O, (FeS, to SO, = [(3'1163
s) Catculations Based on P1'rite Ana-lysis = 59.97% ANS
Carngue Ba.l: 0'196 x Wt of 3inisl = 15
Example.3: $rrite Fine s conLarning E50/o FeS, and 15% g2ngue tVt oI cinder = 76.53
are charged to a bumer. An arralysis of *re c;lnder Wt of FeS, in cinder = 0'tiiIi76 53l = 8'503
shows I 1. 1 1plo FeS,, 66.6302'o FerO., 2.620/o SO. and
FeS, lost in the cinder = (E'503185J x 10tl = i0ozb ANS
. 19.670 gangue. Air js supplied lT.Z3a/o in excess b) Yo
(FeS, to SO") ar 25"C. 740 nrm FJg md S0?e Rli. Moles iSO, fo,med = 0 0255/'08 = 0'319"27
Il 8o/a of IJre SO-, fcrmed js absorbed in Lhe cjnder,
ca]c u la{ e: ln the reacuon:
a) o/o excess air(Fe-1, lc SO-) '1 FeS^ - ]5 u: -? .0796
F'Z?:-- 6 SO,
t-.] o,l
cf lltc I'eS. ;:zr=.ei iu.Sl ir', -ilrt ,:jr:rl::i-
. i596 o.sgso '31s2'v
c) C:-s:iL an.,ai-lvsis r-,i' iiit b,:;;ier
d) mt cl l;'.:me;- gas at 3511 f-: a,t,-l lfii tr:;':: l-j:'./ iv'Jrrles FeS. cotivill'€cl Lo SO, = :".'::-
1.<. ir-.i.rr:- = f).t,77'7

.".S0 +t.'ffia.,

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