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I r Comolele Anaiysis of C,--;nVe:-Ler Cais AJiJS

ihe i:bso;"i:ers a:rarirze J.950zir S,i)r, 7"820;,b 0. iurd

GA.S ft o,/o
9l.2301; N, Calcuiate:
SO, 71 /j..
a") Cermpiete analysis of tlre brrmer gas
o b3
b) (% conversion of SO, to $0, in fi:e coriverler
I\i2 119.87
,J Wi of a 6C9/o H"SO. neecled tr: p;:orlirce a
So. 'l? a cor:centated 9002b I{?Se4 solution /irr
1At aa d) Wt of an 88% H,SO4 aciri needed to produce
120lo Oieum/tr
[-ct y = wt of 85% HrSOo solution formed
j, - I2.g(80) = y I tC32 = wL ai 4Oo/o H"SO* useC Waste
0.95% SO2
Sulfuric Acid
Prirnary Ar 7 Eza/, A2
91.2;!,6 lr2
H,SO4 Ba-la:rce: a) 60% Acid

Oa$ - +1032{9Sl80)=0.85y
1032) i ^,.^.,_* |.9Y':i9{ -*^.-"1 b) 88% Acid

y= 1892 kg/i00 motes Se free BG - | BURilER ls a,r.

ra* tnrrr^JX' I cor.rvrnlrn

-I' Bo ooo," *, '----|'


r') Wt of 8596 Actd/kg ra* S = tB92/620 2.g23 ANS

Pyriie B.Z9 % FeS2

l_ _ - a) 90% uonc. Acid

I,et z = wt of 596 oleurn fonnerl 1CC0 kg,hr 3 81 % S03 converter cas
z - 1032 = wt of g0%o H-SO. ar:id useC 81% Fe52 1 .B'{utbsoz
b) 12 96 Oleum

19% gangue

SO, Balarice: \q\a

0.9 (z - 1032) lsoigS) * :0gz = .c5 z + 95 z (80/98) Solulion: Basis: 100 moles dry,S{}r-{+ee Br:mer Cas
z = 3014.83 kgl100 moies f::O, fi.ee BG
'l) M't of 57o Oleurn /kg raw S = 30.t 4.83/ 6Z0 = 4.5 AN,S O, from atr = 84"44 x (2t/79r =.22.446
Example 6: l00O l€/1r $rntes arLalyzirrg gl9.o FeS,
and lgo/o For the RedcLon:
gangue js bumed in t:xcess
at to produci a burner . 4 FeS, + 11 O, = 2 FerO., + 8 SO,
orsar anaiysis af b-.84% SOr. 9.22o/o O,
, 2.92 8.03 1.46 s.84
and 84.44010 N,. Analysis of the cin'rjer: shows
B.2go,c,unbumei FeS, L:d : af ra SO, t"l. g_r., O, icr conversion oftseS, tO SO. - 2.2 44€, E.iJ3 - ii.72 = 4 696
from ttre bumer entei a catal-l,tic conierter _he..
SO. js oxidized to SO.. parlial orsat arra_11_s;s of For the Reacl.ion:
conl,erter gas shorvs 7"87i/, so,. l,rc acldjrjctc 4 FeS, +- 15 Or'.= 2FerO, + 8 SO,
:r3ccrda;r. ?-:r- iS s..rpj,rlierl ;;, ihi coi:i.et1ei. .j-he t.2522 4"696 0.6261 2.5045
conve rt:rga.rse S at_e dtet: sent lo ar: absorber w.here
.li:1rcl w';,.t l::-;, i;,-1,:s pllc:. Tii.l.r.i.r:_.-.ie ga: L,cn, Cinder ,A"na]vsisi \1ry' bti,

FeS, - (',v rlroies) 12C t 2(i.v a.l i

FerO- =, {1 .a6+.52611(}60j :137 "i 7b
!1i "'{?*

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