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My Personal Milestones

Many years ago, stones set beside the road marked distances between towns. These stones,
called milestones, were indications of a traveler’s progress. Later, the meaning of the word milestone was
generalized to mean “a significant point in any journey or development.”

What might be some of the significant points along the path from where you are now to where you
hope to be in after 5 years? Record them on the numbered lines.

1. Pass all of my subjects.

2. Finish my thesis.

3. Graduate in Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.

4. Pass the board exam in only one take.

5. Find a job and company that can mold me as an Engineer.

6. Build a house for my family and buy anything they want.

7. Have my own business.

8. Travel around the world and make time for myself.

9. Save money for my future family.

10. Build my own family.

11. Work hard for them.

12. Have a successful career and happy life.

“Who Am I?” Questionnaire

“To begin with, I’ve found that there is no one else like me, anywhere- like snowflakes. No one else
feels completely the way I do. No one else sees things in the same scope as I do. So my first discovery
about myself is that I’m me.” (Quoted from a high school composition)

Fill out the following questionnaire. Please be as open and honest as possible, the questionnaire will be
kept confidential.

1. In general, school is a place to learn.

2. My best friend is so special.

3. The thing I like the best about my class is that they are really fun.

4. Something I’d like to tell my teacher is that we are not machines.

5. I don’t like people who don’t like me.

6. I’m at my best when I’m doing work that is challenging and takes me out my comfort zone.

7. Right now I feel tired and sleepy.

8. People I trust are the best persons to be with.

9. The best thing that could happen to me is to pass all of my subjects this semester.

10. When I don’t like something I’ve done, I go in to my room and overthink about it.

11. When I like something I’ve done, I dance secretly in my room.

12. When I’m proud of myself, I eat to celebrate my achievement.

13. I’m very happy that I met Kuya Clifford.

14. I wish my parents knew how much I love them.

15. Someday I hope I become the person I always wanted to be.

16. I would like to thank my parents for providing me everything I need.

17. Five adjectives that describe me are friendly, easy-going, funny, kind and loud.
Valuing Yourself

Self-acceptance is a specific stage in self-discovery that occurs whenever students are willing to
look at themselves objectively (with the help of an adult). When they do, they will realize that their strengths
far outweigh their weaknesses. Please reflect on these questions below and try to answer them honestly.

What three things do I like about myself?

The three things I like about myself are my positive attitude, my ability to make people laugh and I
have a good sense of humor.

What are my strengths?

My strengths are my ability to learn from mistakes and to not give up easily. But my true strengths
are my parents.

What can make me a better and stronger person?

I can make myself a better and stronger person by accepting my responsibility and have respect
for others.

What is the greatest lesson you have ever learned?

The greatest lesson I have ever learned was that good things don’t come easy. If you want to have
a good life with a successful career, emotional satisfaction and trustworthy friends you have to work hard
for it.

Describe yourself as a stranger might see you.

I would describe myself as bubbly and very nice. I enjoy cracking jokes. I don’t enjoy being sad or
angry all the time. I would also say that I’m adventurous and enjoy the outdoors.

Describe yourself as your best friend sees you

I think my best friend would describe me as a very funny and friendly person.

What makes you special?

Being myself makes me special.

Describe the qualities you most admire in someone you call a hero.

The qualities I most admire in someone I call a hero are their selflessness and bravery, to help
other people without expecting something in return.

Describe your favorite relative.

My favorite relative is my Tita Dada. She is always so kind and generous.

How do people know when you are upset?

People know when I’m upset when I’m not talking too much. When I’m just sitting around the
corner with my headset on my ears.

Describe your favorite teacher.

My favorite teacher is kind and very approachable.

When have you been wrongly accused?

Yes, yesterday, when my friend blamed me that I was the one who tied her bag in the chair.

What must a person do to be trusted?

If you want to be trusted, you must first believe in yourself, love yourself and validate the good in

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

If I could live anywhere in the world, it will be where my family is. I want to have a peaceful and
happy life with them.

What is the best movie you have ever seen?

The best movie I have ever seen is an Indian movie entitled “3 Idiots”.

What would you like to do, have, and accomplish?

I would like to do all the things I love. I would like to have a successful life and career. I would like
to accomplish all of my dreams.
Words That Describe Me

Circle the words that describe you. Add additional words.

Adaptive Respectful Complex

Self-Aware Calm Realistic

Tolerant Humble Cautious

Dependable Energetic Balanced

Intelligent Peculiar Cooperative

Fearless Clever Shy

Compassionate Creative Quiet

Hard Worker Confidant Attentive

Capable with Hands Thoughtful Hard to please

Other Words that describe you: Funny

Your Personal Identity

“Who are you?”

What is really important to you?

What really important to me is my family

because they provide protection, love and
guidance. They help me build my confidence and
my self-esteem.

My interest
I came from a simple yet happy family.

change as
often as the
changes in
but, what
Where have you come from?Family History

interest me s
the most is are you
music. I love most
listening to ed in?
music but I
don’t have
talent to it.

When my father died, I take on the responsibility

to protect my mother and sister.

Where have you taken on
responsibilities in your life?
A Portrait of Yourself

• The best thing(s) I ever did was (were) to believe in myself that I can do everything with my family and God on
my side.

• I wish I could lose my fear of losing someone I’m already attached to.

• I know I have the talent to dance but my body doesn’t agree with it.

• I enjoy people who are very funny and open-minded.

• I admire someone who has been through a lot and still keeps their head up..

• I feel most productive when I’m not hungry.

• I am motivated by my mother.

• I almost never make snap decisions.

• My idea of fun is when you are with your friends.

• School is exciting when you get to see your friends.

• The best advice I ever got was always take time to know yourself and don’t worry what other people think.

• The thing I value most is/are my family.

• If money were no object, I would be happy because I won’t have to worry much.

• It is easy for me to focus on doing things I love the most.

• My idea of a perfect life is to accept the fact that we all are imperfect.

• My best days are still ahead of me.

• My dream is to become a successful Civil Engineer.

• I always wanted to watch UAAP volleyball game live.

• I look forward to see and hug my father again.

• I spent too much time playing DOTA 2.

• The thing my friends like about me is that I’m very funny.

• When I try to change something I always remember that it won’t hurt me in the end.

• In a group I like to see the teamwork and determination of everyone.

• If I ever win a prize it will be for the people who stayed at my side even in my darkest hours.

Success Stories
Think about and write two or three of your success stories.

1. I remember the day when we won fifth place in math division hands on held at President Roxas,
Kidapawan City. My parents are so very proud of me and I am happy that I got to represent my elementary

2. This school year is my first time to join school organization or LSG officer. I feel proud of myself when
our first program which is CEIT freshmen day was a success. We were so happy because we knew that we
did our very best.

Why these success stories are important to you? What does this say about who you are and what’s important to

This success stories are important to me because it molds me as a person and made me realized
that I can do things like that. I can say that I’m a responsible and hard working person.
Changes in Our Lives

Think about an important change you made in your life.

1. Describe the change.

It is something to do with my personality or my perceptions in life.

2. What were you thinking going through the change?

I’m thinking that maybe I can be better than myself now.

3. How were you feeling before, during, and after you made the change?
Before, during and after I made the change, I felt so very proud and happy for myself.

Do you typically embrace or resist change?

I typically embrace change because change allow us learn new things and make us the

better version of ourselves.

My Lifeline – Important People and Experiences

Who are the important people that have helped shape who you are today?

The important people that have helped me shape the person I am today are my parents. I am forever

grateful to them for providing us things we need and molding us to be a better person.

What are the important life experiences that changed you in some way?

The important life experience that changed me in some way is the time when we helped someone in a small

way. It made me realized that we need to be grateful of the things that we have or what will come to us.

What have you taken forward into your life (attitudes, behaviors, beliefs)?

“Accept of what is, let go of what was, and have faith in your journey.”
“What If”

What would you do and why:

• What if you won a million dollars? What would you do with the windfall?

 If I win a million dollars, I would buy a house for my parents and help them with their
expenses because it’s my way of gratitude to them. I would use the money to put up my
own business to let my money grow more. I would look for the things that I could invest
in and sign up for insurance plans for my family. I want to travel abroad with my loved
ones. Lastly, I would donate some amount of money to charities.

• What if you could travel to any place in the world? Where would you go, why would you go there,
and who would you invite along?

 If I could travel to any place in the world, I would like to go to Malaysia and I would bring
my sister with me because it is where our Mother right now, working as a Domestic
Helper. I want to see, kiss and hug her. I also want to say that I missed her so much and
how much I loved her.

• What If you were granted three wishes? What would you wish for?

 If I were granted three wishes, my first wish would be the health and safety of my family.
Second would be my success in my career and in my life. My third and final wish is just
simple but hard to attain, I want to see a peaceful world. Though these wishes are hard to
achieve but I believe that with hard work and determination this wishes will come true.

• What if you had the power to give yourself a special ability? What talent or ability would you give
yourself and why?

 If I could give myself a talent or ability, I would choose the ability to play multiple musical
instruments. I have never been able to quite learn how to play an instrument. I think it
would be fantastic to have the talent to immediately have the ability to play beautifully
on any instrument of my choice.

• What if you had the chance to spend a day with anyone in the world? Who would you choose and

 If I had the chance to spend a day with anyone in the world, I would choose my deceased
father. I would take that opportunity to say how much I missed and loved him. We would
do some father-son things.
Two-Minute Spoken Word Poetry
myself Prepare a two-minute speech (Spoken Word Poetry) about yourself describing the
essence of your personal identity, “Who are you?” You can choose to share a personal story or an
interesting experience. You can talk about your family and career, or your goals and dreams.
“Si AKO”

Ako yung tipo ng tao

Na tahimik at walang kibo

Ngunit kapag nakilala mo ng lubusan

Ang ating samahan ay puro kasiyahan.

Ako yung taong masunurin

Maasahan sa anumang gawain

Masayahing anak ng aking ama’t ina

Mabait at makulit na kuya

Masipag na estudyante

Nag-aaral ng mabuti

Nais makapagtapos ng kolehiyo

Gusting maging isang inhinyero

Matapat na kaibigan

Laging maasahan

Sa kahit anong mang problema

Isang tawag lang, nariyan na.

Ako asasa

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