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Assignment 1

Name: Peni Qativi

ID: 20190001139
Year: 2019
1a. Identify the provisions and key legal compliance requirements of delivering
and managing human resource services in an organization.

 Personnel
 Generalist
 Call Centre
 Outsourced
 Centres of Excellence

Personnel - The traditional approach to HR and the most common strategy. HR serves as an
employee advocate. A strong emphasis on managing centralized transactions including
payroll and benefits. HR is "reactive" with little outreach, change management or the use of
generalists.[ CITATION DrJ \l 1033 ]

Generalist - A decentralized approach that attempts to provide "different" services that fit the
unique needs of the business unit or local facility. It relies primarily on the generalist to
deliver most HR services. Centralized HR serves primarily as support staff for generalists,
and aggregators of standardized transactions.[ CITATION DrJ \l 1033 ]

Call Centre - The call several models generally evolve from either the personnel or the
business partner strategy. Its primary focus is shifting the answering of basic HR questions to
a centralized HR unit. The call center staff is cheaper and is continually available during
working hours.[ CITATION DrJ \l 1033 ]

Outsourced - To free up a senior HR management and generalist’s time and to increase HR's
strategic impact, HR managers identify the different HR functions that provide us with no
competitive advantage. These functions are then outsourced to vendors with superior
capabilities. The net result is that HR managers now have increased bandwidth because they
have fewer "average" things to worry about. With less functions and responsibilities to
oversee, HR managers can focus on the relatively narrow areas within HR that have a
realistic chance of having a strategic impact.[ CITATION DrJ \l 1033 ]
Centers of Excellence - Because generalists only have the opportunity to solve "local"
problems, they must often bring in outside consultants to help them solve advanced or unique
HR problems. Centers for excellence brings the expensive outside consulting inside in order
to directly solve the " most difficult 20%" of the current HR problems. By utilizing internal
consultants, the knowledge gained after the problem is solved remains within the corporation
(which increases the likelihood that solutions are shared). Inside consultants are presumed to
be more successful because they understand the culture and how to get things done within the
organization. Some organizations couple the centers of excellent model with the call center
model so that the net result is better and cheaper answers at the low end and higher-quality
solutions for the more difficult higher-end HR problems. The self-service model differs from
other technology-based strategies (the fact-based and the e-HR model) in that it uses
technology just for answering simple questions and completing basic transactions.[ CITATION
DrJ \l 1033 ]
1b. Describe the code of conduct of your organization or any business
organization you know of. State the importance of code of conduct.
Hershey Company Code of Conduct
It provides an overview of the laws, regulations and company policies that apply to them and
the work they do, but it does more than that. It builds upon their shared values. That’s why
they count on every employee and Board member to follow their Code and make decisions
that will preserve the trust that others have placed in the Directors. They expect nothing less
from their business partners, including their consultants, distributors, co-manufacturers and
suppliers, as well as their subsidiaries and joint venture partners—they understand the
responsibility they must communicate with them about their high standards of integrity and
cannot ask them to violate any of their values and operating principles. The Company’s code
is a great resource, but it doesn’t cover every situation one may face on the job, so it’s
important to use good judgment in everything you do and to ask for help if you’re ever
unsure about the right course of action.[ CITATION htt \l 1033 ]
Importance of Code of Conduct
Code of conduct is a central guide and reference for employees in supporting day-to-day
decision making. A well written code clarifies organization’s mission, values and principles,
linking them with standards of professional conduct. The code should be used as a reference
for day to day business related to ethics within the organization.[ CITATION 15Se \l 1033 ]

1c. Briefly explain how human resource strategies and planning processes are
linked to the business strategic and operational plans.
What Is Strategic Planning?

The purpose of strategic planning is out figure out what a company wants to do and why it is
in business
What Is the Strategic Planning Process?

Businesses typically look three to five years ahead when formulating a strategic plan, and the
process results in a document that articulates the company's vision, mission, big-picture goals
and the broad strategies it will use to reach those goals. This planning document is intended
to guide leadership in its decision-making.

A key part of strategic planning is assessing the company's resources. It's easy for any
company to dream big and have stratospheric ambitions, but what the company can
realistically achieve is limited by the number and type of resources it has at its disposal. For
most businesses, those resources fall into three main categories:

Technology resources: This includes all the equipment, processes and infrastructure the
business uses to create the products and services that it brings to market.
Human resources: This resource comprises the people whose talents, skills and personal
characteristics the business can use to accomplish its strategic goals. While technology and
money are important assets, human resources are the most important, because technology and
money need people to manage them.

As you can see, human resources are an integral part of any strategic plan. If the business
does not have the right skills and talent in place to achieve its goals, then the strategic plan
will fail due to a lack of knowledge and manpower. Similarly, if talent is acquired and
deployed without reference to the company's strategic goals, then you're going to end up with
a lot of people doing jobs that don't add value to the business, and which don't move the
company closer to where it wants to be.
What Is Human Resource Strategic Planning?

The purpose of human resource planning is investigating the future and decide what skills,
knowledge and competencies the business is going to need in one, three- or five-years’ time
to meet its strategic goals. For example, if the company is currently outsourcing its marketing
function but intends to bring this function in-house, then an obvious early strategy is to
recruit a full marketing team, from a senior manager all the way down to a junior marketing
associate or intern.

Relationship Between Human Resource Planning and Business Strategy:

Strategic planning and human resources planning basically have a symbiotic relationship, in
that each function is dependent on the other. Here are some examples of how the relationship
works in practice:

Impact assessments

When leaders start developing a strategic plan, they will liaise with different department
heads to see how the proposed business strategies might affect them. The human resources
planning team will figure out the financial impact of the initiative based on the recruiting,
training and retention strategies that may be necessary to support the plan. If the initiative
involves downsizing, for example, then human resources managers must look at the various
options for decreasing the labor supply through dismissals, retirements, transfers out of the
department, sabbaticals and voluntary quitting.
Invariably, there will be a time cost associated with a new initiative. It's up to HR to feedback
how long it will take to hire or upskill permanent staff members and whether the company
can work with contractors in the interim. This helps senior leaders develop a timescale for the
new initiative.

Executing the plan

As soon as a strategic initiative receives the green light, the human resources team must ready
the company's employees for the changes that are about to ensue. This might include
changing people's job descriptions, moving people between job units, policy making,
motivation strategies, developing training programs, and pinpointing and eliminating labor
shortages through recruitment and outsourcing.[ CITATION Jay19 \l 1033 ]
1d. Briefly describe performance and contract management.
Performance management is the process of creating a work environment or setting in which
people are enabled to perform to the best of their abilities. Performance management is a
whole work system that begins when a job is defined as needed. It ends when an employee
leaves your organization.[ CITATION Sus19 \l 1033 ]
Performance management is a shared understanding about how individuals contribute to an
organization's goals. An effective performance management and appraisals process focuses
on aligning your workforce, building competencies, improving employee performance and
development, and driving better business results.
Contract management is the process of managing contract creation, execution and analysis to
maximize operational and financial performance at an organization, all while reducing
financial risk. Organizations encounter an ever-increasing amount of pressure to reduce costs
and improve company performance.[ CITATION Rya13 \l 1033 ]
Contract management, sometimes referred to as contract administration, refers to
the processes and procedures that companies may implement to manage the negotiation,
execution, performance, modification and termination of contracts with various parties
including customers, vendors, distributors and contractors.[ CITATION Ala13 \l 1033 ]

1e. Explain how feedback is used to modify the delivery of human resource
Feedback is critical to improving performance. ... Not only is it important for managers to
provide feedback to employees regularly, but employees should offer their managers
periodic feedback as well. Doing so helps everyone improve and succeed in their
job performance. Feedback is way of assessment of work done or processes and is an integral
part of the HR department. Feedback is a way to understand the needs, requirements,
performances etc. of employees in an organization.[ CITATION htt1 \l 1033 ]
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