Anxiety and The Five Phases GER

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Anxiety and the five phases GER

Thesis on the completion of training in Chinese medicine

at a training center in Northern
Course III (2003/2004)
By Dr. Betty Regh-Melcher
Hamburg 2004
My husband, who has always supported me in this training

Hundreds of Birds dog image by Ding Nanyu (1547-1628)

The birds symbolize the cheerful and
serene spirit Shen. terror scares the birds
and they fly away. Including the Shen is
scattered from fright. (Chinese parable
by Larre / Rochat 1996, p. 96 and Splash
2000 p.104)
Ding Nanyu Xiuning from the province, Anhui was a painter of the Ming
Dynasty. He painted people, landscapes and Buddhist statues in the style he
followed Zhenming Wen, Qiu Ying Song and Yuan Dynasty and the.
Source: http://www.das-klassische / inc / selection page%%%
20the% 20Tusche 20Einzel 20Gesamt/Gesamtauswahl 20aller%%%
20Tuschestuecke/100 20Voegel.htm
1.Introduction ............................................... .......................................
........... .................. 5
2nd Fear ............................................... .. ...........................................
....... ...................... 8
2.1. What is
anxiety ?............................................ .. ...............................................
... ....... 8
2.2. Anxiety
disorders .............................................. ... ...........................................
....... .. 10
2.3. hammer model of chronic
anxiety ........................................... .. ................ 12
2.4. Causes of
anxiety ............................................. .. .............................................. 
2.5. Effects of fear and
terror ........................................... .. ............................ 18
3rd Psychological aspects of fear in the phases of
change ............................... 21
3.1. Change phase
timber ............................................. ... .......................................... 22
3.2. Change phase
fire ............................................. ... ......................................... 23
3.3. Change phase
earth ............................................. ... .......................................... 28
3.4. ................................................ Change metal
phase ....................................... 31
3.5. Conversion phase
water ............................................. ... ...................................... 33
4th Riemann's basic forms of
fear ........................................... ... ............................ 37
4.1. A cosmic
model ............................................. .. ......................................... 37
4.2. Formation of the four personality
structures .......................................... .... ....... 39
4.3. The basic forms of fear and the natural
order .................................... 43
4.4. A comparison of personality disorders with the hammer
Personality types according to
Riemann ............................................. .. ...................... 45
5th Summary ............................................... .. .....................................
............. 48
6th Bibliography ............................................... .. .................................
............... 50
1st Introduction
About 10 years ago, I came without warning in a severe personal
crisis. Everything seemed so idyllic from the outside: I was 40 years old, had
a nice husband and two children guessed well that filled my life. My
professional life I had been frozen for the children and lack of opportunities
for child-friendly part-time work. I worked engaged in voluntary work and
was popular in the community, I had a lot of friends and a few really good
Suddenly and seemingly without reason I got panic attacks. I felt a strong
fear, my heart was beating wildly and I felt like to faint. At night (between 1-
2 clock, maximum time liver), I was awakened by panic attacks regularly. I
dared not to drive a car and pulled me back from my friends.
The family doctor could start with the symptoms of palpitations and the
associated fear nothing and advised me beta blockers. Two different
Cardiologists were my heart is totally healthy. One explanation for the rapid
heart beat, they did not. have one of the two Cardiologists, after all, took the
time to me to suggest cautiously that a little physical training to Strengthen
rather than weaken the heart and could that beta-blockers are contra-
Fortunately, I followed a recommendation and came to a private general
practitioner and psychotherapy. He said I should try it once with martial arts
and I decided on Kung Fu. Over time it became apparent that was behind my
panic attacks, rage that I had not previously acknowledged. Some Sandbags
had to suffer.
After I reorganized my life a bit, the panic attacks went away quickly and
never appeared again. Now and then I notice a little heart beating, then I
know I must pay more attention to me.
I oriented myself professionally, got home for Therapy review, and decided
on what Chinese medicine and acupuncture.
Here I learned that fear is associated in Chinese medicine for the phase
change of water. For my experience, I found there is no suitable
explanation. Professor Hu, with whom I spoke about it, thought it could
maybe be a problem in the gall bladder , have passed so in the wood. I was
curious to know more information about anxiety in the phases of
Sigmund Freud has since the beginning of the 20th Century, our
understanding of anxiety and anxiety disorders changed. Psychology and
psychotherapy have since given more opportunities for treatment, as is usual
before that time. However, it is not become easier for individuals to exercise
their fears or to show. Fear seems to be in our Western society that of the
emotions that you can show the least. Easy it is to be weak, not assertive,
not stamped hard working and so on.
This fear is a determining factor in our competitive society. Most are afraid to
just not be the pressure to perform (MvGorkom 2003). For some time many
of the growing fear of losing their jobs. Linked to the fear that is keeping the
social status can not. Many are afraid of the unknown, of death, to the future
with threats of environmental degradation, was terrorism, the struggle for
resources, fear of not finding solutions to problems, etc. .. Besides the big
fears there are many "small" anxieties of everyday life, fear of talking to the
boss, colleagues, fear of the next test, afraid to show his weaknesses, fear of
loneliness, etc. ..
Consciously or unconsciously, the media play with these fears and we often
pretend that there is a solution for everything. Our youth are educated in the
feasibility delusion. The harder it is for individuals to admit that it is not a
solution for everything and that there may even be correct to feel scared.
After I learned about the Chinese medicine, to me is the question: Are there
parallels between the psychology that has developed with Freud since the
turn of the century and the Chinese medicine, as taught for centuries?
In China it is as common in our Western society, to show his feelings only
weakened or not. For this reason, the Chinese have accumulated centuries of
experience to deal with repressed feelings and somatisierte with their
medicine. The treatment of physical ailments affected the psyche of this
principle of treatment in China is already very old and integrated into
medicine (v.Gorkom 2003).  Hammer calls the classical Chinese medicine
psychosomatic medicine (2002 p.97) "With early diagnosis it is possible
identify much of what was known as ... 'somatoform disorders', and to
treat." (Hammer 2002 P.98)
possibilities of diagnosis and treatment, we have seen in "anxiety disorders",
Western and Chinese? What similarities are there? What What theoretical and
practical ways can Western therapy found that at - as van Gorkom
(2003) suggests - the one in the treatment The physical symptoms of anxiety
to be treated with acupuncture and the other to increase the therapeutic
success or secured by the patient by the therapist through psychological
discussions will be Accompanied?
These are the questions I would like to pursue in my work to get to my office
to Facilitate Access to these problems. Especially Leon Hammer (2002) has
detailed in his book "Psychology & Chinese Medicine" deals with. For each
phase of change he Described has a fear that, strictly speaking, for any
disharmony of yin excess, Yin, Yang-Yang deficiency and excess in each
phase of. change in the chapter "Psychological aspects of anxiety in the
phases of change" I go to a closer.
In the book "basic forms of Fear" describe the psycho-analyst Fritz
Riemann personality structures. four "Based on the fundamental anxieties of
human existence - the author - a character client, gran ting ... readers of all
layers of insight in psychoanalytic practice his . Basic forms - schizoid,
depressive, compulsive and hysterical personalities - are an integral part of
psychology become. " (Blurb on the book Riemann  1998).
The author sees these personality structures as aspects of a holistic image of
man, he has Sun similar to the Chinese medicine a holistic approach.
"The four personality structures are initially normal structures with certain
accents. ... Will the emphasis be pronounced one-sidedness ,..."( Riemann
1998, p.17), only then they become neurotic (and psychotic) types, search
as psychotherapy and depth psychology as Schizoidie, depression, obsessive-
compulsive neurosis and hysteria "classified." Riemann Describes in his
typing, not just clinically ill patients, but the whole spectrum of healthy to
slightly neurotic to the psychotic personality.
Psychotic patients will be treated in Europe rather rare with Chinese
medicine; interesting for us are the gray areas with first or latent
symptoms. Chapter 4 addresses these four basic personality structures and
their fears in the context of a model of five phases. .. (The childhood
development, leading to the expression of the personalities, the author is
especially dear He Describes in great detail and clearly the most it will go
here like me. They will find themselves in the descriptions Unfortunately, this
can in this work only be taken very reduced, wondering now I recommend
reading the original.)
In addition to the above of course, other authors on the subject of fear in the
phases of change "have been thinking. Their reflections Provide important
information, and will, where possible, incorporated into the work. A claim to
completeness in this thesis is not. My main points I have selected quite
subjectively in their own life experience and enthusiasm.
2nd Fear
2.1.Was is anxiety?
Judging by this question, there are many books in a kaleidoscope of facets
that represent all part of the comprehensive concept of fear. Below I've
compiled some of them.
Basically, fear is the first time a physiological body's response to threats of
body, mind and / or soul. "Fear is one of the basic human experience. As a
normal fear it has alarm function from real external threats and to initiate
activities to eliminate the danger (real fear). " (p. 1250 Naturopathic practice
today) "Reasonable Fear makes it easier for people to prepare themselves to
practice and rehearse before he can act better, and helps him enough to be
cautious in potentially dangerous situations." (Merck Manual 2000 p. 1830)
may "fear grips the entire people, it is always psychic and physical events ...
afraid to be uncomfortable, distressing, disabling, painful - but not always a
need for anxiety treatment, some fears are motivating and can enhance
performance on And Thus important element of the solution. be.
" (Naturopathic practice today S. 1250)
Fear leads "to intense and unpleasant feeling of threat, Accompanied by
vegetative symptoms examined as palpitations, difficulty breathing, sweating
(sweaty hands), muscle tremors, nausea, involuntary stool and urine,
dizziness and the feeling of impending faint (so-called psychic anxiety
equivalents). " (Naturopathic practice today S. 1250)
Hammer defines fear as "... a sense of threat, especially a fearsome threat,
without that person would be able to say what she believe to be
threatened .... For those concerned it is very real, no matter Whether the
observer from the outside appears illogical. "(Hammer 2002, p. 356)  His
definition differs from the others in that aspect of her life support, the fear is
Not Necessary to involve. It Relates Primarily to the pathological fear.
Riemann has a very individual understanding of fear. Any anxiety varies from
person to person, everyone lives and experiences his own fear. "This our
personal fear" (Riemann 1998 p.9) depends on our individual history, of our
special environment, our socio-cultural contexts and our investment with
Which We come to the world.
Both the Merck Manual and Hammer 2000 distinguish anxiety and fear. "The
former is a reaction to to unreal or imagined danger. Fear, the Chinese say,
is an emotion that descends to the kidneys, while fear is an emotion that
rises to the heart . ' (Hammer  2002, p. 356) fear is an "in emotions, physical
symptoms and behavior expressed in response to a coming from outside, as
searchable recognized risk anxiety is an unpleasant emotional state, their
causes are often .. less clear, " (Merck Manual 2000 S.1830) Riemann (1998
p.19) Expressly waives differentiation of anxiety and fear. He justified that
the differences were not mandatory and does not always apparent,
searchable as those mentioned by him in terms of death anxiety and fear of
"Anxiety can arise suddenly, as if in a panic or develop gradually over many
minutes, hours or days you can last a few minutes or for years, .. A period of
time suggests to anxiety disorder" (Merck Manual 2000 p. 1831)
"Fear is a complex phenomenon that the categories> acutely after, 'and' can
classify chronic." (Hammer  2002, p. 356) Other distinctions are Appropriate
and pathological fear, anxiety and fear, fear and anxiety, fear and panic,
anxiety and panic disorders and Chinese medicine, the fear and terror
in kong jing.
"The two possible responses to acute fear wants to> struggle <and> escape
<as described ... struggle is an autonomous reaction of the sympathetic
nervous system, escape reaction of the parasympathetic nervous
system ..." (Hammer  2002, p. 356) After Hammer Corresponds to the
nervous system of the kidney Jing (Hammer 2002 P.98)
The Chinese know the fear "Kong" and the horror of "jing". For this
distinction, they have two models. One is the model of the five emotions that
are associated with the phases of change and the other is the model of the
seven passions. are composed The passions of the five emotions and two
others, the grief and the shock. The seven passions may act as exogenous
pathogenic factors.
The Chinese order the fear "Kong" as an emotion to the kidney. "Kong" is
created as a natural "expression of life" of the kidney (Lorenzen 2000, p.
150). "The letter (for kong) Applies has the heart radical, as the center for all
the feelings of; about the beating of a tool (L. Wieger, 11 F), the strong heart
palpitations, the one affects when threatening situation fall into. '(Lorenzen
2000, p. 150) This form of anxiety is the preservation of life, it has nothing
abnormal. It comes close to what others define as normal or reasonable fear.
The shock "jing" the other hand seems from outside the kidney one on, "the
characters we have down the horse, about the image of an authority with a
rod next to a subordinate, depicted as sheep, the mouth keeps respectful,
and the terror of a horse Which is superior is Confronted with something and
rears (Wilder, no 735). "(Lorenzen 2000, p. 154) "terror is a Yang-reaction
on an emotional level and can, like the grief with other feelings Occur
together. " (Splash  2000, p. 104) The shock "jing" and too much to fear
" Kong "have the power to cause harm pathological to humans.
The transition from normal to pathological fear is sliding. "Compared with the
Necessary and reasonable fears, the abnormal fear is an escalating, became
independent fear paralyzes the physical and mental functions and with the
development of strategies in the way (" helpless "fear) ". "The pathological
anxiety differs from normal anxiety by its intensity, its duration and its"
inappropriateness "of the current threat situation. It also can arise
completely detached from external conditions, they can break out suddenly
(eg as a panic attack) or continuously exist. " (Naturopathic practice today S.
is always "a sign of life, it is an indication that the parties concerned the
strength and power has not Fear, illness to contend with his (Shi of the
Chinese in medicine, a> powerful <confirmation a> and powerful <disease).
" (Hammer 2002, p. 356)
2.2. Anxiety disorders
If anxiety lasts for a long time for no apparent reason, the sets suggest to
anxiety disorder. (Merck Manual 2000 p. 1831) "Approximately 2-4% of the
population suffer (in phases), in anxiety disorder that usually from the
OCCURS age of 30th " (Naturopathic practice today 2000 p. 1250) "Anxiety
disorders are more common than any other group of psychiatric disorders.
However, they are often not recognized and treated
accordingly." (Merck  Manual 2000 S.1830)
Anxiety disorders, as modern psychology and psychiatry describe who come
to some extent already in the Nei Jing Ling Shu, Chapter 22 provides: "If the
disease (Yang Kuang,) is in development concepts, the patient is depressed
and feel suddenly be He has anxiety, (which usually set in excessive worry
and hunger can be traced back to the.) "(after a translation by Schmidt,
Anxiety disorders are expressed in a variety of mental disorders, which i will
describe briefly below. These disorders include panic attacks and panic
disorders. Symptoms of a panic attack may include chest pain and
discomfort, Würgegefühl, dizziness, unsteady feeling faint, the, fear , fear of
going crazy or losing control, feeling of unreality, of alienation, or altered
perception of the environment, flushing, chills, nausea or stomach pain,
numbness or tingling, heart palpitations or racing heart, shortness of breath
or choking, sweating and trembling (Merck Manual S.1832).
Characteristic of a panic disorder "are recurring, severe anxiety attacks,
and for no apparent reason erupt unpredictably, the anxiety attack usually
lasts only minutes, with the victims fear massive," "mad to die or need
to." (Naturopathic practice today, 2000 p. 1251). Often heart anxiety
symptoms are important, the Hyperventilationstetanie often
happens. "Typically, developed after the first attacks a pronounced fear of
the next attack (" fear of fear ")" (naturopathic practice today, 2000, p. 1251
The phobic disorders "include fears, persistent, unrealistic, yet extremely
strong, the contrast to the undirected fear of panic disorder to to to external
stimulus or external situation addressed in the but." Merck Manual 2000
p. 1833) These fears are ( agoraphobia = fear of vast spaces,
the claustrophobia = fear of confined spaces,social phobia, anxiety on
that is, the connection with people or situations occurring in people with
blushing, fear of public speaking, etc. .. ) fear (infections, and specific
phobias examined as fear of spiders or other animals.
A compulsive disorder is "Characterized by recurrent, unwanted, intrusive
ideas, impulses or images, scary, hateful, horrible experience to be dumb as
a (fixed idea, obsessions) and an urge to do something triggers to do that
the obsessive thoughts Resulting discomfort to relieve (compulsion). "(Merck
Manual 2000 p. 1836)
The post-traumatic stress disorder Arises as a consequence of a stressful
event involving serious injury, death or death of others. While this situation
one feels tremendous anxiety, helplessness and horror, this trauma is always
behind the form of flashbacks or nightmares experienced in ( Merck Manual
2000 S.1837).
As generalized anxiety disorder defined the Merck Manual (2000 p.
1838) "strong, more than six months almost daily occurring anxiety and
fears about through a series of activities and events ."..." The anxiety and
fears are so pronounced that they ... are hard to control is indicative of the
continuing free-floating anxiety, the fear that is not related to a Particular
object or situation. "(naturopathic practice today, 2000, p. 1251)
If you look at the symptoms of anxiety disorders that are not listed here are
all looking at, you can often find an assignment to China's changing
phases. Even at the western collection of symptoms of panic attacks and
panic disorders, there is at least one assignment for each symptom to a
conversion phase:
 Chest pain and discomfort: Liver Qi congestion - Wood
 Würgegefühl: Globe hystericus mucus problems of wood or earth
 Dizziness, unsteady feelings, powerlessness: liver or the heart-blood
disorder - wood or fire
 afraid to die: water problem
 , Mad to be scared or losing control: fire or metal problem
 Feeling of unreality, alienation of or changes in perception in the area:
Shen disturbance - fire
 Hot flash: Liver-Yang rising - Wood
 Shiver: Yang deficiency - usually in water or soil
 Nausea and stomach pain: Earth-Problem
 Numbness and tingling, blood deficiency, wood, fire or soil problem
 Palpitations or tachycardia: liver or heart-Yin deficiency, Liver-Yang
rising - wood or fire
 Shortness of breath or choking: metal-fire-or water-issues
 Sweating: metal problem
 Tremor: water problem
Similar things can be worked out for the symptoms of panic disorders,
phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, and
generalized anxiety disorder. Thus we have as therapists of Chinese medicine
even approaches to the treatment of patients.
In the treatment of patients with anxiety disorders, one should note that
often there is a needle phobia (naturopathic practice today 2000 p.
1253). This could be advice from Splash (2000) follow, the sensitive patients
and for children, laser acupuncture as a gentle method for proposing, or you
use very thin needles and renounce the search for the targeted Deqi (Splash
2000 p.219 ).
2.3. hammer model of chronic anxiety
Hammer has its own model for chronic anxiety developed a. In his model,
chronic anxiety experienced by patients when they are restricted in their
physical, mental and spiritual development or threatened (ontogenetic
developmental model = model). He calls it the "threat of their becoming
" (Hammer 2002 S.359). In it, he does agree with Riemann. "Any
development, each maturity stage is associated with fear ... fear leads to
overcoming maturation and growing up," maturation steps, including the
commission fears "(Riemann 1998 p.9) must be mastered in order to get
ahead in life.
The maturation steps and the associated fears in over 10 categories
divided hammer.
2.3.1. First, he called the fear of the unknown, you shall at each transition
from one stage of development in the. next This form of anxiety is very
common and most natural and inevitable.
An unhealthy version of this fear arise, "a situation is facing the one with the
personality organization contrary to his. If" (Hammer 2002 S.359) This
is Hammer the following example: A person with kidney yin deficiency
expects from its environment hostility ; friendly (unknown to him) yesterday
put him in acute anxiety.
The fear of the unknown, Particularly before death as the major unknown is a
fear that the energies of the conversion phase is controlled by .
water Developmentally, people were suffering from chronic anxiety - have
already damaged in the womb - especially at night scared. After Hammer's
experience, many of those affected survived an abortion attempt in the
womb. So they had it even before her birth, fearing for their lives.
2.3.2. Separation anxiety
The second fear is the fear of separation a special form of fear of the
unknown. It plays a major role metal phase transformation, because the
sharp metal separated: that is with any process, # in which it is about
holding on and letting go, important because the ability to let go of the metal
charge. In the course of life about 10 divisions play a role Particularly
I. Separation: mitosis
"This auspicious beginning stage draw in the energies of the water, the fate
and I think this where the metal support. " (Hammer 2002 p. 360). This
period may cause neurological disorders and brain failures of small and large
species, with unforeseeable consequences.
Second separation: birth (and the direct time thereafter)
At this event are to hammer the transformation phases
and involved ground water. The water is the energy for the transition of
the essence to life and survival. The Earth provides the energy for the
abandonment of the old bond and the taking of vital new links to the parent
or caregiver. If these bonds are not designed in harmony, can lead to lifelong
III. Separation: self-enforcement - The No-stage
From birth to the child's growing self-confidence. How well it can develop
depends on the benevolent reaction of the parents. If the child's self up to
the age of four (including the terrible twos) is strongly suppressed to, are
the water-energy , responsible for the development, life-long damage in
circumstances. This results in a fear developed from enforcement personnel
or own aggression. The parties expect because of their poor early
experiences with self-enforcement is always a potential humiliation. In many
everyday situations where they are then put to a direct observation of
exposed, can lead to anxiety, eg in oral examinations, public appearances,
etc. As can be another variant of these fears are born of guilt, leading to a
passive-aggressive behavior. The reason for this behavior lies in the fear of
the disapproval of the mere fact that one is> <. (Sorry that I am in the
The child's ego is suppressed not only by brutal parents. On the contrary,
especially the over anxious mothers (and fathers) give the child no room for
development and essential experience. (See also Riemann depressive
During this time, wood is the transformation phase is active. Saying no is
the metal timber supports in the .. If the water-damaged energy, follows
on the nutritional cycle, damage to the wood conversion phase. The section
on the effects of a liver-yang deficiency Describes the passive-aggressive
disorder detail.
Electra Oedipus complex: IV separation
According to Freud, this complex is defined as a competition of the child with
same-sex parent for the love and attention of the other parent.
As for slogans today are the castration anxiety of the boy and the girl's fear
of the loss of mother love. During this time, may develop fears of rejection or
low levels of self-esteem when parents can not adequately deal with the
problems of their children .
In this "Oedipal" phase energy brings the fire for the first time in the
foreground. "Energies of the heart to feel and to express the energies The of
the heart sac (pericardium) protect and supply the energy for all restitutive
(restorative) maneuvers that people develop in order to avoid fear.
" (Hammer 2002 p. 366) In this time goes byRiemann, the
hysterical personality.
V. Separation: foster parents
During a successful development, the child looks at some point so-called
surrogate parents, expand the embossed by the parents of the world and
enrich. Most are the educators, teachers, leaders of youth camps and the
like. In this phase, the metal in the earth . ActiveHybrid The metal
supports letting go from the known, the earth supports the new bond. Failing
that, the school may experience anxiety.
VI.Trennung: relationships with peers
Starting in the prepubescent the loyalties of adults are transferred to their
peers. "The need for authority and recognition is no longer within the world
of adults, but a peer group met within." (Hammer 2002 p. 367). this phase
grow in the directed energy to self-assertion of the wood .
Hammer explains that the young people in his group seeks a soul mate of the
same sex. This friendship is particularly important in regard to the sound
development of sympathy, empathy and forgiveness for later life.
The main fear, the phase can arise in this is the "fear of separation from the
soul mate that provoked by the family is." (Hammer 2002 p. 368)
Separation VII: Transfer of authority to oneself
In this phase, the authority is not transferred to others, but themselves are
thinking and feeling on growing self-awareness of own values
determined. During this time, a fear of their own autonomy, however,
arise. Now the energies of all phases of change at work, but particularly
those of metal for the release and that of thetimber to the self-
enforcement . Nourished, the bond to one's self from the earth change
phase .
Separation VIII: love for others
After man has passed through all these developments, he is the genuine love
for others be able to grow now. "Love is the unconditional acceptance of
another human being in a relationship, and the willingness to forgive is
marked, caring intimacy of." (Hammer 2002 S.370) Without a healthy self-
love would be the man incapable of love to live one. This kind of love is all in
the stage of life lived before, in which one starts a family, children wound up
and the most important year in the professional life spent.
The energy of the earth in this phase is the most important. Usually this
energy is consumed during this time, very strongly, so that little energy new
growth will then be available for. The fear, the time may arise during this,
the fear of "his own self to the conventions and the survival of the race for
ever to lose in the service."(Hammer 2002 p. 371)
. IX separation: study of the self
This phase usually includes the previously mentioned work and family phase
or runs parallel to it. It is the way of intellectual and spiritual growth and
exploration of his own subconscious. "The creative process does create risks,
but the alternative would mean depression and death." (Hammer 2002 p.
371) If this new path is reached the energy of fire in these years, its peak.
X. Separation: The Big Goodbye
This is the time in which the metal -l energies us to let go and empower new
record. The metal needs for or "the inspiration of the fire s and the
momentum of the wood . Does the fire completely burned the wood, "we
can" to us in later years, the pure, contemplative energies of the metal
"surrender. (Hammer 2002 p. 372) "We have reached the penultimate point
of our existence, in which only one fear remains, namely," the fear of death,
the great unknown. "The powers of water to support us ... ... and the big
farewell at the reunion with God and the cosmos. " (Hammer 2002 p.
372). Because of our Western society for this transition is little room exists
in, the Phases Energy, the nature of spiritual growth has made available to
us, most people are not used by, the spirit remains restless until death.
2.3.3. pretense
The anxiety and adjustment is associated with deception, is to hammer the
most common after the fear of the unknown and the fear of
separation. Pretending is a defensive pattern, Hammer calls it
restitutive. Pretending to be necessary if the true self and low estimated risk
of that, it could be discovered and rejected. The energies of all phases of
change are effective, the energy of the pericardium coordinate other
phases of transformation.
Causes for the feint maneuvers are too strong pressure to adapt in baby and
toddler years, so un-or under-developed true self. The weak self-confidence
is created by ignoring the early childhood through constant self-mothering or
permanent breach of the small (est) child. Feigning is mostly unconscious,
"and also the cause of the fear is not conscious." (Hammer 2002 p.373) .
2.3.4. Suppressed excitement
People who have learned early in life that positive emotion is dangerous,
therefore suppress this feeling excitement. Reasons may or superstitious
nature or "bad faith" to be religious. Instead, for example, of suppressed joy
people experience many such moments in a feeling of fear. Fritz Perls , the
father of Gestalt therapy, according to Hammer widespread fear was the first
to recognize this. The energies of the pericardium used in this case, only
the heart- energy in order to suppress the feelings.
2.3.5. a comforting feeling
Paradoxically, fear can be a comforting feeling, that is for the people who will
give birth to an anxiety-ridden mother grew up after. Because they fear the
same thing and mother meant that she felt fear as comforting . Earth-and
heart -energies are involved here. A long absence of fear calls forth deep
2.3.6. Magic tricks
Obsessive thinking or magical thinking can lead to brooding, unpleasant
emotions or experiences as a magic talisman against new misfortune to be
used in the. Disturbed earth energies and the pericardium are involved.
2.3.7. guilt feelings as a talisman
A to 6th related form of anxiety are feelings of guilt rather than fear. As long
as a person has feelings of guilt, he does not feel the fear as from the wrath
of important people or from destruction by the gods. Since one of the reason
for the wrath of the gods never know, people feel guilt for any sins
committed, which were previously purged with offerings. In the great faiths
of our time and superstition still exist these feelings. Clearly, this works with
guilt, especially in fundamentalist-oriented beliefs.
2.3.8. Existential Angst
"Fear is in this context is a healthy emotion that we in ourselves and in the
external environment can lead to events that would remain unnoticed
otherwise." ( Hammer 2002 p. 376 The events can be vital for us but it is
very unpleasant, they consciously perceive). Here are the " fire -energies of
the creative energies of the intelligence and defense pericardium in this
interplay of knowledge and consciousness is. " It may be all to the many
environmental problems, think before that exist in our world, and the
unpleasant feelings that can cause them to think that.
2.3.9. fear as a motivating force
People who have not managed to transfer the authority in their youth on the
outside of themselves, need the fear of authorities as a driving force in their
lives. They never take full responsibility for their actions, but never
experience the satisfaction that can provide a separate, large capacity one.
2.3.10. fear as a way of life
Especially in the 60's it was well advanced, to get to know one's own fears
and they tell all and sundry. Sun was the sharing of resources between the
main fear human contact to make hammer out the Woody Allen films a
contemporary expression of this attitude as a. In reality prevents this kind of
dealing with anxiety the appropriate dissemination of it.
The phases of change involved in anxiety as a means to contact the earth ,
and the metal , the expansion and separation of bonds contributing
to. "When fear is used as a form of expression, play the energies of
the fire 's role. " (Hammer 2002 p.377)
In Hammer's model of chronic anxiety fear, many interactions between the
phases of change and mentioned. The following overview can be seen that
any phase change occurs several times:
 Fear of the unknown: water -issues
 Separation anxiety: metal -problem
Separation anxiety in the course of life:
1. Mitosis: water and metal
2. Birth: water and earth
3. Saying no: metal in the wood
4. Time of the first parent-detachment (Oedipus / Elektra
complex): Fire
5. Surrogate parents, letting go from the known: metal in
the earth
6. Relationships with peers: Wood
7. Authority found itself in: all phases of change, especially metal,
wood and earth
8. Love for others: Earth
9. Self-examination: Fire
10. Farewell to life: metal, fire, wood, water
 Pretense: pericardium ( heart ) coordinates all phases of change
 Suppressed excitement: heart, fire
 Anxiety than comfort: Earth and Fire
 Magic tricks, guilt: earth , fire
 Existential fear: fire
 Fear as a way of life: earth, fire, metal
Leaders in this list is the conversion stage fire: It is mentioned nine times,
next the world comes with eight, six and then the metal with wood and
water, each with five nominations.
2.4. causes of anxiety
In addition to the "natural" causes of anxiety, such as threats of body and
mind can by physical conditions such as hyperthyroidism or anxiety caused
by drug abuse. The use of corticosteroids can lead to anxiety. ( Merck
Manual 2000 S.1830).
After Hammer is known in the classic Chinese model five causes of anxiety
( Hammer 2002, p.356-358 ). The following are summarized, symptoms,
treatment and point selection was made by Hammer Covered:
First Cause: A combination of weak constitution and sudden shock,
- Symptoms: palpitations, restlessness, disturbed sleep of dreams, anorexia
- It affects primarily the heart, pulse: fine and weak, normal tongue
- Therapy: Heart and Shen soothe by stimulating the circulation of the heart-
- Points: BL-15 Xinshu, CV-14 Juque, Shenmen HT-7, PC-PC-6, PC-7 Daling,
Second reason: lack of heart blood by blood loss and / or chronic illness,
 Symptoms: worsening of memory and concentration, heart
palpitations, pallor, drowsiness, dizziness, blurred vision
 Diagnosis: heart blood affects less the heart-qi,
 Therapy: building blood, Blood, strengthen the heart-
 Points: BL-20 Pishu, BL-21 Weishu, ST-36 Zusanli, BL-17 Geshu,
Third cause: a deficiency caused by excess of yin fire,
 Symptoms: heart palpitations, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, tinnitus,
 Diagnosis: Yin deficiency of heart and kidney, often with simultaneous
blood deficiency
 Treatment: strengthen kidney, heat derived from the heart, soothe the
 Points: BL-14 Jueyinshu, BL-23 Shenshu, Ni 3 Taixi and the
aforementioned heart-points
Fourth Cause: retention of harmful liquids in the interior due to a defect in
Spleen and kidney,
 Symptoms: heart palpitations, fullness in the chest and upper
abdomen, fatigue, cough with mucus, thirst without desire to drink
 Therapy: spleen - kidney and strengthening Yang
 Points: BL-20 Pishu, ST-36 Zusanli, Qihai CV-6, CV-17 and BL-22
Shanzhon Sanjiaoshu to regulate the water of the three Jiao
Fifth Cause: internal phlegm-fire,
 resulting from long-term accumulation of moisture, fire caused by
spleen-yang deficiency and excessive heat as a result of a long-term
stagnation in the liver and gall bladder by repressed emotions,
substance abuse (caffeine, alcohol, drugs) and long-term illness,
 Symptoms: heart palpitations, irritability, anger, obsessions, and
excessive dreaming, possibly even schizophrenia and epilepsy,
 Therapy and points:
 Phlegm: ST-40 Fenglong, CV-22 Tiantu
 Eliminate heat: GB-34 Yanglingquan, Xingjian LIV-2
 Removal of mucus and heat from the lung: BL-13 Feishu, Lu 5 Chize
 Elimination of heat and / or mucus from the heart: BL-14 Jueyinshu,
HT-8 Shaofu, PC-8 Laogong, Ximen PC-4, SI 3 Houxi,
 in addition ear acupuncture,
The causes of fear under Chinese model can therefore also be in different
phases of transformation. Here they are again at a glance:
First combination of a weak constitution and sudden horror:
Fire -Problem
Second deficiency of heart blood by blood loss and / or chronic illness:
Fire -Problem
3rd of surplus fire durchYin deficiency: fire and water -issues
4th retention of harmful liquids in the interior due to a defect in the spleen
and kidney:
Soil and water problems
5th Affairs phlegm-fire, resulting from long-term problem and spleen-liver-Qi
Stagnation: earth and wood -Problem
In this list is missing the conversion phase metal. According to Hammer
(2002 p.125 ), however, lung dysfunction, fear start creating a well.
2.5. Effects of fear and fright
Both in Chinese and in Western medicine, there are complex ideas about how
the various forms of anxiety effect in the body. The function of water and fire
districts are particularly affected.
Fear and the functional circuits of water and fire
Nei Jing Su Wen chapter 5: "The emotional expression of the water is the
fear of fear. Fear can damage the kidneys, but think about the
winds." ( p.153 quoted by Lorenzen 2000 ) "Excessive anxiety causes Dis-
stress and dysfunction." (Merck Manual 2000 S.1830 )
Physiologically rises to the kidney qi. In order to protect the body, the kidney
qi reacts with fear, by the transformation phase wood activated to give the
heart-qi the momentum for full use. In the Western imagination is an
adrenaline rush, and now the powerful beating heart provides energy for
flight or defense available.
Sudden terror requires an immediate response of nervous and circulatory
system, especially the autonomic nervous system is working at full speed
and increases the performance of the heart dramatically. In response to
a jing -terror opportunities to the Chinese idea two described below:
1st Kidney-Qi sinks to bottom. The kidney no longer controls the body
openings. This leads to uncontrolled urination and "ship" in two
senses. " Jing (here = Schreck, dA) is always something pathological that
one happens and deepest hurt can go to to. " ( Lorenzen 2000 p.154 ) Nei
Jing Su Wen, Kap.39 : "Anxiety and fear cause the Jing (essence here =, dA)
retreats that. If Jing recedes, creating a closure (blockage) in the upper
heater, so to the Qi down) must return to (and in the lower heater causes
swelling. Qi is now trapped and can not circulate, can finally seal the pores of
cold, and the Qi is now completely enclosed and can not move. " ( quoted by
Lorenzen 2000, p. 151 )
Qi accumulates not only in the lower, but also in the upper burner. This
kidney is the communication between top and bottom or between the heart
and interrupted. By the stagnation of qi in the chest caused heart palpitations
and sensations, "the accumulation of yin in the lower regions of the body
leading to edema, and incontinence ..." (Splash 2000 p.107)
Conversely, anxiety may arise if the communication of the heart and kidneys
is disrupted. This is possible, for example if a liver qi stagnation middle
burner blocks. ( Splash 2000 S.306 ).
2nd A fright ( jing ) can dispel the Shen. Plopper ( 2000 p.104 ) and Larre /
Rochat (1996 p.96 ) spoke of a very graphic comparison of China: the
branches of a tree sitting birds. The terror scares the birds and they fly
away. The birds symbolize the cheerful and serene spirit Shen. By Shen is
the shock scatters. The harmonious flow of Qi is lost. The axis of life fire,
water, or more precisely the shao-yin-axis (heart-kidney) can be
interrupted. Nei Jing Su Wen Kap.39 "shock cut the heart that it is based on,
his spirit (Shen, dA) can never turn aside, and his thoughts can not do
anything on. And this leads to a chaos of qi. " ( translation by W. Schmidt,
p.218 )
Intense emotions such as fear or sudden shock-like joy damage the heart,
because they also include the small intestine associated with the part of the
nervous system under attack ( Hammer 2000 p. 122 ). The Nei Jing Ling Shu
Chapter 8 is yet another reason: "due to a waste of the mind and the
volatilizing. fear fear, nervousness, and retreats are thought to damage the
spirit and the heart houses the mind indeed." ( translation by W. Schmidt
P.69 ) Conversely, heart and pericardium - excessive fear lead
discords (Hammer 2002 p. 125)
And chronic anxiety harm the kidney: it rises slowly from the surface into the
depths, while is first Tai-Yang-damaged area of the (BL-SI), then followed by
the kidney. "The fear of walking through the Luo and divergent meridians
and through the lower orbits of the bladder - Kidney Meridian.
And" ( Hammer 2002, p.122 ) Chronic fear damage to hammer the Kidney-
Yang also in connection with deep sadness. Deep-seated sadness damages
the kidney-yin, because they lack the tears suppressed by water
balance. This leads to dryness, drought turns into fire, which leads to
nervous tension, anxiety and exhaustion of the kidney-Yin.
A loss of fluids can by a Yang deficiency of the kidney to "cold" Fear of the
heart lead (Splash 2000 S.306)
The Nei Jing Ling Shu, Chapter 8 (translation by W. Schmidt, p.69 ) says the
problem of chronic anxiety, "A long time derivative of anxiety leads to a
violation of the regenerating Qi, and in such a case, it stabbing pain in the
bones and their bodies will point to cold (because of bleeding, d.Ü.) and weak
and (unintentional, d.Ü.) seeds excretion. " This existential fear, "which goes
to the kidneys, probably particularly in war and disaster trauma is of great
importance to be before.
The body is a slow adaptation of the endocrine system in constant
fear. According to Western ideas, the first line of the adrenal gland made
in. Hammer sees a similarity between the functions of the kidney-yang, or
the Ming-Men with those of the adrenal medulla. Both provide the body with
vitality and activate the metabolism, recently, by the connection to the
thyroid gland does not. And according to Yin Hammer does the kidney similar
to the adrenal cortex, helps to reduce inflammation and regulate both the
water balance. The adrenal cortex is
with the pituitary gland in connection that controls the entire endocrine
system. So there are kidney-Yin and Kidney Yang, which must cope with the
effects of chronic anxiety.
Fear not only weakens the kidneys, conversely favored the emergence of a
kidney weakness of fear ( Hammer 2002 p.125 ).
Anxiety and functional circuit wood
Nei Jing Su Wen Chapter 22: "If it is in liver disease is a deficiency, one is
blind, and you can hear more not.. This caused anxiety in the patient under
persecution and attack fears (suffering is meant here is not paranoia , note
on the OB. W. Schmidt, p. 144 ) symptoms in the ear is a void in the gall
bladder due to. ( Larre / Rochat 1996 p.104 )
Anxiety can arise because " hun not yin and blood of the liver is sufficiently
nourished. " ( Splash 2000 p. 306 ) If liver and gall bladder too weak to
power of "hun" in the power of analysis and consideration of expressing that
is perceived as a kind of fear. ( Larre / Rochat 1996 p.104 ) The individual is
hesitant, fearful, and dares not to opt out.
Also "a lack of liver-qi leads to the emotion of fear." ( Nei Jing Ling Shu
chapter 8 translation by W. Schmidt, Page 69 The liver is weak, it can no
longer communicate between kidney-Yin and Heart-Yin maintain).
Missing the feeling of fear, the reason is in an abundance of the gall
bladder. Such a lack of fear can be life threatening, because man is not more
vigilant and not recognize danger. ( Larre / Rochat 1996 p.105 )
Anxiety and functional circuit ground
Kidney Yang deficiency, the fear caused by warming, the spleen does not
lead to more and spleen-yang deficiency ( Splash 2000 p. 306 ).
Another aspect of spleen injury brings Rochat into the discussion, here it
refers to the Nei Jing Su Wen Kap.21: . When a person falls while bone or
injured muscles, it is the moment of falling a sensation of fear, the blood and
fluid in the kidneys (Yin) is present. Simultaneously the body uses for the
physical balancing kidney and liver energy, liver and kidney are thus doubly
burdened. The result is a liver-blood deficiency and Qi rises rapidly up to the
upper burner. Along the way, violated the Qi of the spleen. ( Larre / Rochat
1996 p.96 ) A further aspect it adds to Page 99 for: When the heart was
weakened by fear, fire is the heart incapable of the Earth (sheng ) to produce
the spleen and the spleen is weak.
- Rochat ( Larre / Rochat 1996 p.94 ) quotes two passages from the Nei
Jing , the emergence of fear through the stomach to illustrate the problems:
1st Nei Jing Ling Shu Chapter 10 : Penetrates Transverse Meridian Qi in the
stomach, then fear arises from wood instruments, so scared out of the area
of the controlling function of the circle of wood.
2nd Nei Jing Su Wen Kap.23 "the five climatic conditions ... The stomach
produces fumes ... it creates belching and vomiting, which leads to. anxiety
disorders" Rochat said the fear so that the stomach and the upper heater the
heart is not supported and so the mind is damaged. Also, splash it looks like
this: may cause fear, because a weak stomach, heart and therefore the
" Shen "is no longer sufficient diet ( Splash 2000 p. 306 ). And "Is the mind
damaged, it can cause anxiety are wild-looking ..." ( Nei Jing Ling Shu
chapter 8 translation by W. Schmidt, Page 69 )
Anxiety and functional circuit metal
Pulmonary dysfunction can create fear (Hammer 2002 p. 125) . Namely, if
the qi is blocked in its flow, the kidney or the lung Qi and not take everything
to lead, creating fear, reflected for example in asthma refers.
Panic ( jing kong ) can damage the lungs, so that they no longer dominates
the Qi and the rhythm of the circulation is disturbed. This is the heart
hurt. ( Nei Jing Su Wen Chapter 21, after Larre / Rochat 1996, p. 96 )
In summary, it can be said that involving the physiology of fear that is, all
phases of change with, but especially the Yin shares of transformation
phases, namely kidney, liver, heart, pericardium, spleen and lungs. When
Yang's shares of the conversion phase the bladder, gall bladder, stomach,
small intestine and triple heater are affected.
I still find worth mentioning that mutual gain (vegetative) and psychological
symptoms of anxiety through the western psychology is well documented
physical. The fear is physically felt by the patient as perceived risk, further
intensified the anxiety, which in turn increases the physical symptoms. The
result is a fear circuit. (Natural Healing Today 2000 p. 1251)
3rd psychological aspects of fear in the phases of change
In addition to the physiological aspect now to the psychological and
psychosomatic aspects of Chinese and Western perspective are identified.
The kidney associated with anxiety changed by the influence of the other
phases of transformation. Lorenzen describes this in his band "change phase
of water" (2000 p.153 ). Hammer maps in his book "Psychology & Chinese
Medicine" (2002 ) the zang fu phase of transformation to Four different fears,
according to a respective yin and yang excess or deficiency.
3.1. change phase wood
The wood looks scared Lorenzen : "The dynamics of the reaction is reduced,
one is anxious, despondent, and has not the courage to defend (against
violence and fear of dogs) in the positive sense, but a strong wood and also
take courage confront the fear. " He proposes that the Ke-cycle: "wood-
anxiety with the metal point on the Liver channel (Le 4 )..." to treat. In the
context of psychotherapy favors Lorenzen for wood fear a "behavioral
therapy." ( Lorenzen 2000 p.153 )
Liver disharmonies show quite generally in tension. "Both the body and
psyche have been strained, with the tension in the lower (body) concentrated
area." (Hammer 2002 p.207 ) The person concerned keeps trying to escape
from prison this fails, however, leading to repeated failures and attacks out
of desperation. Behind these unsuccessful attempts before the fear is a
feeling of hopelessness. Pain caused by emotional or physical punishment
can be "temporary, but life-saving cause a wine in which tension between
striving to be and the fear of being built, which is able to solve. This
discharge the voltage, the ... personality through fear of rejection or
humiliation, but associate. " ( Hammer 2002 p.206 )
Anxiety in liver-Yin (personality: withdrawal is impossible)
"Fear is all caused by what the liver-yin deficiency suffering from man as a
threat to his focused I experienced territorial. Even the slightest suspicion
that someone might try to subject him to be, in his desire to fight to
pay ...." ( Hammer 2002 p. 210 ) often is such a person in a constant state
of readiness. He believes a suppressive tendency can be seen in all
relationships. This leads to the feeling, to be pursued. In older age it is a
paranoid psychosis (paranoia) are produced. This reflects the fear of
restriction from the outside, as Riemann describes the schizoid people for.
Anxiety in liver-Yin surplus (with the personality: Eternal withdrawal)
"Any situation in which it is necessary to fight, or be aggressive to other
external show of force out against people with liver-Yin surplus to fear ... the
biggest fear aggression caused his own aggressiveness against them ... itself
it is acceptable to these people, if not desirable. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 214)
Anxiety in liver-yang-deficiency "(personality: passive-aggressive)
"Anxiety can take different forms, once the ability is self-enforcement to
suppress -. In the first section contains the fear of all direct self-assertion or
aggression ... because ... (the man) .. a decrease in fear," ( Hammer 2002
p.220 Such degradation occurs, for example by people like parents or
teachers who really should strengthen instead repeatedly reject.
but) Hammer cites the following fears: direct confrontation with the public
such as public speaking, oral tests, work under observation. "
- Excuse me, I'm on the world! - These people could be written on
forehead. Because they can not defend themselves directly, they develop a
special kind of "passive resistance". This resistance is evident in "maneuvers,
all pursuing only one goal: to frustrate opponents and weaken so that it no
longer directly against the offender may proceed." ( Hammer 2002 p.
220 ) Hammer plastic are many examples of badness: accidents, the
possession of the enemy destroy randomly (eg total loss of Papa's car)
delays, the publishing of articles, truancy, stealing, lying ...
Maliciousness feel for the persons concerned but also for the perpetrator
badly not only it can be a vicious circle created: from the bad feeling is the
belief to be poor, which in turn again guilt, shame and fear to the exposed-
being. According to Hammer (2002, p. 221 ). is this category of the liver
yang deficiency in his practice the most common type of deficiency-
state described here is reminiscent of the depressive personality type, as
it Riemann imagine.
Anxiety in liver yang excess "(personality: Always aggressive)
These people always seem aggressive. "If people with liver yang excess is
not to assert their head, they show signs of agitation .... Below the surface is
hidden from it in many cases overwhelming, real fear, agitation feeds
them ... We have not with happy, but people driven to do with. " ( Hammer
2002 p. 225/226 ) Consider the points of the second world war marked by
people who build their little house of fear "with the" example, work, work
over play. In my circle there is someone who has fled from East Germany as
a two-year and still seems to be on the run. Tours should be completed in
double quick time, all activities are completed in constant agitation and only
rarely is there a moment of silence.
3.2. change phase fire
"Fire Fear: The panic is in the face written, the Shen is rebellion and acts at
random and hectic, palpitations dominated (fear of fire and of insanity);
positive sense, in however a strong fire clarity and transparency in a
seemingly hopeless situation bring! " ( Lorenzen 2000, p. 153 ) for the
treatment of fire-scared of the Ke cycle selectsLorenzen Kidney point on the
fire channel (He 3, SI-2). Psychotherapeutic treatment is the form of depth
psychology oriented therapy recommended in, of therapy, the "Canned" goes
to. ( Lorenzen 2000, p. 153 )
Anxiety in Heart-Yin deficiency (personality: the unimaginative bureaucrat)
Anxiety occurs here more in the form of free-floating anxiety in a
what hammer the loss of control of this excitement in connection brings. This
fear is especially after that to the fore when early development stages were
not completed satisfactorily. ( Hammer 2002 p. 238 ) fear may be in the
form of psychosomatic disorders also express.
"Fear, in conjunction with the many variants of the Oedipus / Electra complex
occur, which have to do with the creative forces of love .... This area also
those fears, the boys as" castration anxiety "and in girls than Fear of loss of
love and protection of the mother are known. In all subsequent development
phases, in which romantic relationships play a role, the heart-yin is at risk,
as evidenced in the form of a fear of rejection. Fear will always occur, when
those forces that go on a person to another, on a conscious or unconscious
level, are effective.
Phobias are against any kind of emotional opening, the joy and pleasurable
sensations associated with. In certain situations, it may lead to agoraphobia,
particularly when the separation aspect of the earth's energy is affected as
well. "( Hammer 2002 p.239 )
Fears can arise even in midlife, "when the person from the ordinary (but in
his day but very satisfying) family and career is torn out of life." ( Hammer
2002 p.239 ) These concerns relate to the future and the death lying
there. "Tremendous fears are released as soon as the safety, well-known
mediates, the unfathomable unknowns be abandoned in favor of needs. The
term" crisis "is a huge understatement when it comes to fear is that this
transition devastating dimensions justify finding times." ( Hammer 2002
p.240 ) In this phase of life is the man on its own, because in our Western
world no longer exists rites, the transition from this life phase into the next
accompany and support.
Fear of heart-yin excess (personality: agitation and restlessness)
People with heart yin excess take much more of their inner and outer
environment than others. Therefore they are always afraid of going crazy,
and they have also afraid to act crazy to others. For these reasons, they
avoid the proximity of other people. "This avoidance behavior may take
phobic dimensions." ( Hammer 2002 p.249 )
Fear of heart-Yang deficiency (Figure: unrealized ideas)
"Because of the inability to express has many creative thoughts and feelings
successful ... the person concerned about a lot of unfocused energy he
experienced as potentially disorganizing force in his life and frightened
him. ... Situations" expression require "and organize all the experiments, the
heart-yang from the outside or from within, that it can form an efficient ego
structure cause also fear, because such attempts are associated with
repeated failure. expression can always feel the threat and cause anxiety.
One other cause of anxiety, the Fritz Perls describes are the excitement and
high energy level, for various reasons, can not be achieved in a safe,
satisfying way.
People with phobias react with heart-Yang-deficit situations in which a
consistent, structured expression of thoughts and feelings is necessary and
expected. Teaching, public speaking or music performances lead to stage
fright. In extreme cases, people feel an aversion, in under his own name
known to give according to their public, as they are afraid even to pronounce
correctly the name can not own. "( Hammer 2002 p. 255)
Depending on the available water energy can lead to depression. If the slide
into mental illness Psychotic, this form of psychosis (Involutionsspychose)
with ideas of worthlessness and an increased sense of guilt is connected.
Fear of heart-yang excess (personality: the compulsive communicator)
Fear comes when pressure, must communicate to the inner can not be
met. The fear is even more pronounced, the more energy erupt wants
suppressed, "which sometimes may assume proportions overwhelming. The
term impulse of this force can sometimes lead to restrictive acting situations
or places unbearable perceived to be relative and, yes, there may be a
preform of agoraphobia are .. " ( Hammer 2002 p.258 ) In humans, the
promising performances offer at first, but then the quality sags, can I play a
problem. The parties then fooled - often unconscious - others and yourself
This simulation goes hand in hand with the fear of being discovered
to.Especially in mid-life can be high expectations and knowledge, not much
or mediocre reached only to have created a greater depression. ( Hammer
2002 p.259 )
"To the outside world to control his money, has the fire in its various officials
and ministers, who" all the world affairs , "represented." ( Lorenzen 1998
p.9 ) The pericardium, the energies of wood, earth, metal and water and
adjust volume, so that no more energy than is taken .... that flows with the
pericardium-Yin ... help energy storage to protect, for supply lines and
maintains the balance between input and output. To us well and feel in order
to survive the most important, we need people to distinguish between, that
we being safe can share inside us, and those which we are making can trust
no. This is true especially in moments of excess before, such as when we fall
in love, to be without consideration if we are from the spiritual kinship with
other overwhelmed and are open and deep-seated fear of isolation we feel
the . ( Hammer 2002 p. 266 )
"The object of the pericardium-energy, and the heart to nourish both Shen
and protect ... the energies of the pericardium serve as the interface
between the communicating I am a human being and that of another man.
You are responsible to the successful establishment of human for
relationships, the quality and quantity of contact with the outside world, the
individual development stimulates. " ( Hammer 2002 p.261 ) The
pericardium protects the heart and has meaning making of the contact you
wish to properly assess the. Does he the cause of the visitor as serious and
sincere, he opens the gate and lets the guest into the inner rooms of the
Heart Emperor. "( Lorenzen 1998 p.9 ) "free rein to let our feelings or
emotions to withhold that decides the Ministerial Fire, represented by the Xin
Bao Luo (pericardium, author's note) and funded by the liver through the Jue
Yin axis. " (Lorenzen 1998 p.1  1 ) The pericardium is particularly the
emotions of pleasure and joy in the interior "to cultivate and bring to the
outside right quantities." ( Lorenzen 1998, p. 10 )
"While heart energies ensure that that the children at home and in foreign
lands, in kindergarten and in the playground of new people attracted to both
feel, is developing her self with great speed. At the same time develop the
pericardium energy, the more sophisticated psychological strategies and the
management of complex relationships allow it. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 264 )
"Offers a direct communication is not sufficient security, to develop indirect
forms of contact." ( Hammer 2002 p.262 ) These are designed to protect the
heart. It is intended to restore environmental conditions under which the
"continuous, secure contact with other significant people." can be
maintained. This man developed various strategies. "Tactics of the energy
system pericardium, the survival of an organism ... by" ENSURE "contact
are: introjection, identification, projection, regression, Ungeschehenmachen,
reversal into its opposite, turns against the self, denial, and the more
sophisticated forms such as exclusion , reaction formation, rationalization,
intellectualization and sublimation. " ( Hammer 2002 p.262 )
Anxiety in the pericardium-Yin
A deficiency of yin pericardium is reflected in a lack of authenticity of the
person concerned. Psychologists call this the "as if" personality. " It is
characterized by an excessive concern about being accepted by others. "Such
people are easily exploited because they do price please and be accepted by
everyone ... conscious and unconscious deception is an important part of that
character." ( Hammer 2002 p.267 ) The hypomanic behavior and the
aggressive, fast and incidentals losing speech reflected in a desperate
attempt to resist, make contact and maintain. "( Hammer 2002 p. 269 )
"Seductive young woman whose self-esteem by the indifference of the father
has been damaged over the, feels fear when someone enough to get at them
is close to their uncertainty notice can be. Anxiety occurs so on if there is a
risk that the deception revealed is. Almost as often "manifests fear," when
the rising, yearning heart, the energy to break down barriers threaten
intimacy protected against. " ( Hammer 2002 p.271 ) In the period of
incipient love affairs is particularly problematic.
When developing a phobia, it is the fear of open spaces. In psychology
(see Riemann ) corresponds to this character of the hysterical personality.
Anxiety in excess of the pericardium-energy
Affected suppress their heart energies, they can not open her heart and get a
"closed heart" or a "cold heart". "For a person with an excess of yin
pericardium is love ... a very painful experience," ( Hammer 2002 p. 272 )
"Since they lack intimacy, they feel empty and isolated." ( Hammer 2002 p.
269 ) "Her unusually successful restitution maneuvers are barriers to
intimacy and lead to isolation and ultimately an existential fear of deep
alienation." ( Hammer 2002 p.271 )
Unlike the heart-yin deficiency type they suffer from a phobia of enclosed
spaces. "The fear of falling is also a dysfunction of the pericardium-yin as
being related to." ( Hammer 2002 p. 274 )
Anxiety in the pericardium-yang deficiency or surplus
If it affected .. "again and again fail to even" sell ", Sun is slowly a fear,
because man a deficit to the pericardium-Yang looks to be exposed to
situations in which this type of assertiveness .. . unnecessary. " ( Hammer
2002 p. 278 /  279 ) He is unable to perform intended so that it is successful
in its objectives.
A person with an excess of pericardial Yang gets scared when he is in life, in
which the content more important than the external form. For example, in
large institutions efficient employees on the basis of seniority in decision-
making positions carried on. There, they feel overwhelmed, because they are
not personal or political competence to fill the professional. Fear some people
also feel that others are dependent on suddenly, are not as fussy as they
themselves act. A psychosis, which may be developed, "by compulsive
behavior and an intense feeling of emptiness" sign. ( Hammer 2002 p.
278/280 )
Small intestine
The tasks of the small intestine are separated absorb and
transform. Hammer says it is Yang-functions "because the work has a good
functional heat necessary for is." ( Hammer 2002 p.283 ) disharmonies arise
mainly because of a lack or excess of Yang in the functional circuit.
Anxiety in the small intestine-Yang deficiency
"A person to whom it is a lack of energy small intestine, has trouble thinking
of feelings of others and a sense of other ideas to separate you." ( Hammer
2002 p.283 ) These people are disoriented and suffering from constant and
characteristic confusion, uncertainty and fear which she falls into. Hammer
describes the case of a 64-year-old artist with the words: "Fear was her
trademark ... you sort mechanism has evidently does not have enough
strength to them all the most mundane activities to assist with, for example,
when it was a shoe from one to . different " ( Hammer 2002 p. 285 ) "These
people sometimes talk in my sleep and complain of palpitations, heat and
ringing in the ears, they can suffer from epilepsy and schizophrenia, at the
same time if there is mucus in the heart." ( Hammer 2002 p. 284 )
Anxiety in the small intestine Yang surplus
These differences judge people too much like a black-and-white, they can not
perceive subtle differences and no compromise. They emphasize too much on
analysis and rely solely on reason. Hammer does not mention any form of
Triple Burner:
Its main functions are "distribution, integration, balance and
homeostasis." ( Hammer 2002 p. 286 ) The San Jiao is "closely at the
contact with the outside world and relationships involved again. ... This is his
part in the interpersonal relationships so essential for the integrity of borders
an important role." ( Hammer 2002 p. 288 )
"The San Jiao dominated ... the necessary social relations of everyday life ...
the ability to absorb contact," Small Talk maintain "to be in a group of well-
feeling, are qualities that a healthy San Jiao need. A healthy Burner shows a
man who, polite, friendly and helpful is open. It shows itself in the property,
no to strangers reach out fear and in a group to interact distrust without ...
The " outer barrier "(Wai Guan) may reflect the contact with the outside
manufacturer to prevent as well. Whether we like it or open protect us, which
decides the Ministerial Fire, represented by the San Jiao and supported by
the gall bladder of the Shao Yang axis. " ( Lorenzen 1998 p.9)
A deficiency in the Triple Burner is in the personality as a lack of integrity
dar. Hammer distinction is not yin or yang deficiency, but speaks only of a
general deficiency. "The prototype is a man who, poorly integrated and
poorly coordinated acts of balance, the substantial power fluctuations at is,
perception problems, and whose interpersonal relationships are severely
disrupted, especially on there, where the exchange of heat and the strength
the bond required. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 289 ) Hammer describes a case from
his practice: a patient who "was afraid of itself" because the one he was very
violent, convinced the other was inside a sensible, be gentle man (Hammer
2002 p.290 ).
3.3. change phase earth
"The main task of the Earth-Yin (spleen) is to build bonds as well as in the
initial training of borders while the sub-Yang (stomach) line for the
maturation of boundaries and separation is the first in charge." ( Hammer
2002 p. 292 ) "The force of gravity is a centripetal force, the nature of the
binding energy of our existence is." (Hammer 2002 p. 293 )
When a child comes to the world, it has little soil, the soil must first
functional circuit develop. This child is the earth energy from the
environment depend on, especially the energy of Mother Earth plays a big
role. Hammer (2002 p. 294 ) even goes so far that he claimed the potential
for a healthy ego development be placed in the womb already. "The
confidence and self esteem (I'm attention worth), the relatively consistent,
positive initiative and response of the earth mother in relation to their
offspring from these first encounters an adult, a run to a signature that has
basically only by a live long acting different experience for better or worse
can be changed. Trust in the mother is paradoxically the condition that it can
people believe that they bind to other safely extend this and its
developmental fate as adults can meet this. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 293 )
After Lorenzen (2000 p.153 ) therapist takes the Earth-anxiety with a
sympathetic systemic approaches. The fear of the earth manifests itself in
the fact that the circle of ideas around in, "compulsive obsession and
paranoia spread (fear of people, agoraphobia), positive sense, in however a
strong ground reflection, a solution of the fear are through! " ( Lorenzen
2000 p.153 ) Here he differs from Hammer , the nature of fear in the
pericardium, this area (see above).
Anxiety at the lack of earth-Yin
Hammer ( 2002 p. 296 ) believes that a lack of earth-Yin in the womb or in
the first phase will be applied after birth. As intrauterine disorders can occur,
for example: diseases such as placental problems, trauma during pregnancy
or unwanted pregnancies with and without interruption attempts. Their
effects are the emerging people with serious psychological problems for
which all later problems with ties to other people express
themselves. Hammer describes schizophrenia as the most severe problem,
less serious, he cites the development of a schizoid personality. Disorders,
the babies or small children to act on, such as the loss of the mother in this
time "," can the formation of an "oral character" lead. Accordingly, the
described fears those severe personality disorders are ascribed.
"The fear of the schizophrenic is the fear of annihilation." ( Hammer 2002
S.302/303 ) This fear is caused by the loss of boundaries between reality and
inner perceptions and the loss of equilibrium between internal energies of the
body and the external mechanisms that normally control these energy
sources ... " ( Hammer 2002 p.299) This leads to a loss of ego boundaries,
the things inside and outside of the human acts of will, confused. The best
example of this is cast, many schizophrenics hear. Therefore eligible for the
schizophrenics on "death threats from all directions" ( Hammer 2002 p.299 ),
but they are especially threatening when they seem to come from outside.
"Dreams of schizophrenics are in fact waking dreams or night terrors
unconscious. Nachtangst is defined as a nightmare from the dreamer but the
awakened being made but fear - remains. This night fears reflect the loss of
boundaries between conscious and between inside and outside - and the
resulting loss of control, fear to panic out of. " ( Hammer 2002 p.299 )
In paranoid schizophrenia, that schizophrenia with delusions of persecution,
in addition to the change phase change phase, the earth is water
affected. Water sets the limits that can not build up the weak soil. Thus, the
boundaries between the interior and exterior of the people are indeed better
structured, but it reversed: the interior is projected to the outside and the
outside as were seen in the interior.
The schizoid personality disorder may have a shortage of natural gas and
water energy during or shortly after pregnancy caused by. People with this
disorder characterized hammer as indifferent to their fellow human beings,
indifferent to praise, criticism and the feelings of others. There are no
friendly or affectionate feelings for others.Often these people are loners. Fear
describes in this context does not hammer.
The "oral" personality develops when a child is separated too early from the
person who has experienced as the caring. Such people can not care for
themselves and always need someone who is there for them. Through
maturation processes can occur a positive development. It can emerge from
it but also a compulsion neurosis or a borderline personality who is between
oral and schizophrenic character.
An "oral" person has difficulty digesting thoughts, "he quickly feels
overwhelmed by information. Furthermore, it turns on him a taste for
obsessive, but relatively chaotic concern. ( Hammer 2002 p. 311 )
Fear wears the central question of the survival in itself. It is because man
lives in constant expectation, of losing the support needed. Because his self-
centeredness the needs of the support usually can not perceive by,
Supporting feels the often ambivalent, and the risk of leaving is constantly in
the air. ( Hammer 2002 S.313 )
Another fear may occur when oral "people characterized their needs with
sweets in large quantities to satisfy." Spleen and pancreas can not cope and
respond to a fluctuating sugar levels. If the sugar level then too low
(hypoglycemia), which leads to anxiety, in addition to lethargy, poor
concentration, fatigue, dizziness and weakness."With gradual differences, we
are almost all affected." ( Hammer 2002 p. 311 )
Anxiety in excess of earth-Yin
An excess of yin energy earth hammer out loud to a narcissistic personality
disorder. Very often true for the individual child, the natural boundary in the
belief on the left, they were the center of the universe. Enormous anxieties
arise when these children are large enough, to recognize that there are
increasing difference between their fantasies and the reality of their skills is
one. In order to continue to feel powerful, they can develop enormous
capabilities in the manipulation of others. "Every form of fear can cause this
responsibility, and thus all those unspeakable, complicated interpersonal
machinations whose only goal is to escape this fear ... You do it mostly in
those people who are not ready, their needs give priority to cause enormous
feelings of guilt. You develop a clingy behavior that at best "describe can be
sticky," as ...", ( Hammer 2002 p. 318 ) a specific variant of a mucus
problem of the spleen.
Anxiety in Earth-Yang deficiency
Disharmony in the earth's Yang energy lead to separation problems. With a
shortage of earth-Yang creates separation anxiety. Most childhood, the
children in the earliest not exposed to the hazards of the environment. You
have so little contact with peers or adults. At first glance, the similarity to the
development of narcissism."Unlike narcissistic children, these children do not
necessarily very spoiled. Your sense of inadequacy is due mostly to a lack of
experience rather than from a psychological" censure "of a lack of
expectations is rooted in these children ... ... cling in fear of the unknown ...
If these people are strong enough to do so, they often develop obsessions
and phobias, fear for their control, taking the school phobia is the earliest
and most striking ... Often, these people are schizoid remain distant and
avoid contact with other people. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 321 )
Anxiety in Earth-Yang-excess
An excess of yang earth arises when children are well supplied at the
beginning of her life though, so their water, earth and wood phases could
develop entirely for energy, they are thrown out of the nest early,
however. The motto of these children is: "Hart or perish." They live with
behavior patterns that they will further protect against psychological injury
by itself give enormous power. "Fear is near, tenderness and heat caused by,
while depression rarely in response to a setback in the quest for power takes
place. The thought processes are compulsive, where power constantly
recurring theme is a." ( Hammer 2002 p. 324 ) describes Hammer The very
interesting personal experiences from his childhood and youth. He grew up in
New York in an area on the lower middle class, the predominantly Irish and
Italian families lived in. The mothers had their children usually only up to the
age of two and a half years of contact, they provided during this time but
good. Then the children put a life on the streets and in gangs. In most cases
the mothers were given either a child at a time or died at birth and the
children were raised by the siblings, the gang was taken up. The Italian
children remained in the family by a family-organized gangs and other family
gangs for dominance in the street fighting.
Hammer ( 2002 S.325/326 ) tells this, also from personal experience, a kind
of "modern Robin Hood." This boy worked as a shoeshine boy and soon
controlled all shoe shine parlors in the neighborhood. Thanks to a
photographic memory and a special mathematical talents, he was later in the
betting business very successfully.With 40 years he was rich. He himself was
not violent and financially generous to less fortunate people who are not
threatened his power. In the end he was raised by his mother and his
brother, whom he obviously did not trust enough to all the "empire" to be
brought. Apart from the clear identification of an earth-Yang-excess seems to
me this story as a remarkable illustration of the American dream from rags to
3.4. change phase metal
Lorenzen describes the metal-anxiety this way: "Fear constricted chest the
and triggers involuntary evacuations of (fear of failure, of ghosts, test
anxiety) in the positive sense, but also a strong metal by European forces
and building a strong defense ( structure) to overcome the fear!. " For
acupuncture treatment to Choose the fire point in the metal, because metal
controls the fire. Metal fears need behavioral therapy. ( Lorenzen 2000
p.153 )
In the development from child to young people is, according to Hammer
(2002 S.330/331 ) aged 8 to 10 years the effect of the metal phase. healthy
development in this age, a loosen the family relationship and with the help of
metal energy can When young people enter into new bonds outside the
family. Are forming ties with foster parents, such as teachers, recreation
leaders, spare siblings, playmates, etc..
Special mention hammer the "cronyism", a comradely relationship with a
same age and same-sex person. The heyday of this kind of relationship be
between 14 and 15 years. Through this development, the adolescents are
beginning to recognize that he is not alone with its problems, but that other
similar or like he just think and feel. As a result, compassion and empathy to
grow. The healthy function of the Yin-metal phase is a "low-key, centripedal
quality of the relationship gives strength." ( Hammer 2002 p. 332 ) also
developed the adolescents in this time, a trust, one's own inner authority to
rely on themselves and less dependent on external authority to be
Hammer describes the puberty under Phases aspects: "At this development
phase of change are all involved: The water gives the courage to expose
themselves to unknown, the wood is the direction from which, fire provides
expression and earth for compassion metal. The Yang energies of the
energies provide the momentum space to conquer new, but the yin of the
metal, provided they are available, ensure that you remain so long at a job
until completion has found reasonable one. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 335 )
The healthy function of the metal-Yang describes Hammer as centrifugal,
"they support the expansion and separation and help tend to adhere to the
thoughts and opinions and emotions and people give up too." ( Hammer
2002 p. 333 )
Anxiety in lung yin deficiency (Figure: inability to form relationships)
"For people who does not age-appropriate bonds to build could start from,
fear always occurs when the desire for a new relationship experience or at
the beginning of a new relationship are. Situations that position of strength
and authority or practices require one the sanctioned legal privilege question
in or constitute, lead to conflicts and fears. Because they are relatively
incapable, however, feelings maintain strong, an intense feeling of fear does
not even arise, but it expresses itself in physical symptoms, avoidance
behavior or unmotivated Irritiertsein from. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 340 )
Anxiety in lung yin excess (personality dominant and possessive)
"Fear does the presence of persons in which the limits of the intrusiveness of
the person concerned true, in view also. We with excess of severe yin energy
to do have one here to check the loss of the other primarily as about
depression and as much as the disturbing emotion of fear not know. " These
people are .. "primarily concerned with themselves in and make great
demands on the attention and vitality of others." ( Hammer 2002 p. 345 )
Anxiety in lung-Yang deficiency (personality: energy)
"In contrast to the character with Yin-surplus, which focused intensity holds
with, keeps a man Yang deficiency firmly, because he does not let go can.
One explanation would be that the metal-Yang is not strong enough to
Kidney Yang, what is the deal with the existential "fear of the unknown" is
responsible for feeding, too. " (Hammer 2002 p. 347 ) So it is primarily the
energy inability to let go. Such people are "not able people, thoughts and
views to let go and cling to the known." Accordingly connect to fear when
they well-known familiar situations or people have to leave. "The most
common response to new is resistance and fear, which is essentially a by-
product of struggle and conflict with a pressure the world is constantly. Occur
avoidance behavior, such as apparent school phobia, and the further
development of agoraphobia and social phobia in. You can both social and
cognitive areas in debilitating impact. " ( Hammer 2002 S.348 ) The loss of
the familiar can - especially at a young age - a kind of depression cause, by
the flatness of affect and agitated boredom marked "a" is. ( Hammer 2002 p.
349 ) also letting go of grief is difficult, injuries and humiliation by others can
be forgiven just difficult. These people are often life-long family support to
rely on natural processes of development are progressing only slowly, for
many it will take place barely. Therefore arise in this context often incestuous
relationships. Hammer cites a study about men who abuse their
daughters. These men are usually isolated loners who never "vestigial ties to
their family of origin have also developed about." ( Hammer 2002 p. 349 )
Anxiety in lung-yang excess (personality: let yourself):
"Fear comes in intimate situations, in which the person is not the
intemperate, aimless wanderer can be as energetic in keeping with his
program." ( Hammer 2002 p. 350/351 ) "phobias regarding confined spaces
are predictable ..." ( Hammer 2002 p. 352 )
3.5. change phase of water
Lorenzen (2000 p. 153) describes the water-fear, "trembling, panic, freezing
cold, you are paralyzed (fear of water and in the dark) sense, but also a
strong positive water reduce the fear and deliberately influence! In" "Water
fears of a deep psychological need-oriented therapy, which to the" Canned
"goes, that is directly Jing-Shen-axis affect." ( Lorenzen 2002, p. 153)
"The energies of the kidney-Yin ... play a crucial role in the management of
fear, which to us with a deeply touching separation - death is probably the
most dramatic and separation - is connected." ( Hammer 2002 p. 16)
"The heat of the kidney-Yang controls the water by the other parts of the
body so wet> <. Kidney-Yin is the water itself, however important the
kidney-Yin for the whole body has what is clear when one considering that
man more than 80% consists of water and an essential part of every
metabolic process is water. The functions of the body systems are the kidney
depends, above all if a system is revised. This explains that the kidneys Yin
energies to those counts, the age as the first fail. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 157 )
"The ability of soil to capture and phase separation depends on the
motivating power of the kidney fire (= kidney-yang) from. At a spiritual level
drive reflected this as motivation and will power ... From the beginning,
giving it (the kidney fire) of the 'life force' the 'force' and the 'living will' the
'will'. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 160 ) "The Kidney Qi is the dynamic, kinetic
energies of desedimentation at the contact point between kidney yin and
kidney yang." ( Hammer 2002 p. 162 )
"A component of the energy of the Kidney Yang mediated by forward
movement is the proper study of the future ... In our time the 'prophetic
<talent especially in front of science fiction writers pronounced, where our
scientific age in the general was made better than their counterparts in
earlier times. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 161 )
Anxiety in disharmony of the Kidneys
In addition to the differentiation of hammer do I run here also those
of splash on with. Hammer differs as before in kidney yin deficiency and
excess, and in kidney-yang deficiency and excess. Additionally
takes hammer here, a further differentiation. When Kidney Yin deficiency, he
distinguishes personality disorders with intact and damaged central nervous
system and renal disorders with excess yin dominance of the right and left
Splash (2000 p.32) differentiates three types of response of renal fear: the
Yin-deficiency type, the Yang-deficiency type, and the Qi-deficiency type of
Disharmony pattern of Kidney Yin
The Yin-deficiency type of anxiety shows because of the Yin Yang one-
character, that is, patients respond to these, run-and-take of escape their
fear. "The fear is targeted and can be expressed as a phobia." ( Splash 2000
p.35) patients with yin deficiency of fear can blind fear "develop" and react
with activism. Liver or heart-Yang can beat up after themselves and
effervescence, irritability and stress or vertigo show in ( Splash 2000 p.35 ).
Splat adds his description of vegetative symptoms in somatic: hot feet, rapid
exhaustion, which may already have a Jing deficiency displays, heat signs in
the upper body (red cheeks), heat of the five faces, reddened, dry or cracked
tongue, rapid pulse ( Splash 2000 p.36 ).
Hammer is different in more detail. It differs Kidney Yin deficiency with intact
and disturbed central nervous system.
Kidney Yin deficiency with intact central nervous system (personality: the
brutal competitor)
"A man whose kidney-yin has a genetic deficiency identified, not with human
values and ethical principles, is an extreme case of his fellow human beings
as raw and brutal .... assessed in his philosophy is to kill - whether in literally
or figuratively - before he killed himself. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 169 ) "This
existential attitude is always fear associated with the often aggressive poses
masked a however, and with other people in the area unpleasant feeling of
Eingeschüchtertseins evokes a. The excessive display of will and enthusiasm
is as compensatory form of a Yang-excess values to factor in, the deficiency
balance is the yin. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 171 ) As an example he mentions the
brutal contractor, ethics in dealing with nature and fellow man does not know
its own laws and accepted only.
"For people with a constitutionally-related kidney yin deficiency need calls
each for friendship, affection and tender feelings of another person fear out
against. The fear is easy created by, because kindness is experienced to
disarm attempt as. Personality is the expectation of an attack organized
around. The phobia that most often occurs in this group is the fear of any
kind of intimacy, the tenderness comes into play. " However, risk does not
provoke fear, "but a vast, seemingly a desirable sense of excitement. This
excitement can sometimes only relatively pleasant emotion be the one that
people admit such." ( Hammer 2002 p. 172 ) This arousal component is weak
in heat due to yin deficiency. It recalls the adrenaline junkies who are always
looking for another new kick by always expose themselves to new danger,
and apparently enjoy it.
People with the above-described anxiety tend to have a feeling of total
isolation and constant threat. This may pose a psychosis is associated with
delusions, which is itself a threat to the external world and yet only a
projection of their own, brutal view of life is.
Kidney Yin deficiency with disorders of the central nervous system:
Hammer (2002, p. 174/175) is convinced that the following issues with
constitutionally related disorders of the central nervous system are
explained: learning disabilities, inability to use abstract concepts,
schizophrenia, autism and mental Zurückgebliebensein.
Anxiety in kidney yin excess (personality: proud of the superior brain)
Hammer divided individuals with kidney yin excess in those with a dominance
of the left and right brain:
"Dominance of the left brain," This man glorifies the logical, rational powers
of reason and excludes other knowledge from all modalities ... Relationships
are clearly defined, from logic and reason prescribed rules of conduct ... for
these people, death is a finality . There is nothing beyond death there, the
death price avoided any order. Our heroic, life-saving medicine with intensive
care is the ultimate expression of this materialistic, existential attitude ...
Fear always occurs when the person suffers from problems with is the logic
of the escape, or if he is in a situation, irrational action to determine the
seems. It tends to social situations that encourage spontaneity and in which
he could lose control over his emotions which, phobic to respond ...
" ( Hammer 2002 p. 179/180 )
"Dominance of the right brain: glorifies the skills of the right hemisphere.
Intuitive This knowledge, or supernatural forces are man for him the only
way to know ... anxiety provoking all situations in which reason and logic are
important especially everything. This man is before such situations with fear
in response to which other of his regular routine ... and in demand.
" ( Hammer 2002 p. 179/180 )
Disharmony pattern of Kidney Yang
The Yang-deficiency type of anxiety points to splash a psychological dynamic
that is dominated by cold: the patient appears rigid, paralyzed by cold,
emotions such as frozen. The fears are diffuse and the patient feels them
helpless. Out of fear, many patients do not respond in time, in this case, the
anxiety even to the phase transformation of wood effect and slow the
momentum of the wood ( Splash 2000 p.32 ).
Vegetative-somatic symptoms are cold in the whole body, especially in the
lower half, very typical: cold feet, lumbar cold and / or painful, frequent
urination, urine bright and clear, little thirst, pale skin color, tongue: pale,
thin, whitish coating, pulse: slow ( Splash 2000 p.32 ).
Anxiety in Kidney Yang deficiency (personality: a lack of energy) to hammer
"Fear causes a person with kidney yang deficiency every situation out at
where he is a very persistent, aggressive energy-hugging behavior or the
assumption will be able to expect responsibility. It may, with fear on people
react to itself a success have registered or to bring about changes to the
situation of the self-sense of achievement grant could be a him ... The fear of
failure, a success trigger can be smaller than before, enough to form
described by fear to cause the. This deep-seated feeling of inadequacy is
associated with life in fear. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 185 )
Anxiety in kidney yang excess (personality: will and drive)
"In the extreme case is similar to a person with a kidney yang excess of a
human dynamo, who in his own activity, his enormous driving forces
completely may fail to spend, the other in the frenzy of pulls and no pity for
those familiar with that at speed not to step can keep .... The result is a
selfish, self centered, self-possessed, unbearably arrogant personality, to be
the center of the world understands itself and centers of all other self
extinguishes. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 185 ) These types can in a society of real
tyrants and to magnify God himself. Hammer gives the example of Hitler.
"Situation is provoked, each demonstrating the strong desire for power,
especially after power over others, at times slowed down or stifled. People
with kidney yang excess phobic reaction to all situations ... in which of them
expected or required to be scared , is inactive or passive, or to behave in the
routine of other insert. " (Hammer 2002 p. 185 )
Disharmony pattern of Kidney Qi
Kidney Qi deficiency after splash :
If kidney qi deficiency , it is to sink the Qi. This manifests itself in problems
of the three lower body openings vagina, urethra and anus, it can lead to
incontinence. The patients are scared and left to their fear, they feel
abandoned by their "flooded ... the fear is groundless, diffuse and all-
encompassing" ( Splash 2000 p.38 ) . Those affected can accept no help
because the Qi is too weak to "listen to something" ( Splash 2000
p.38 ). Vegetative-somatic symptoms are under the sign of physical
weakness, as is the pulse, the tongue is limp and pale, with increasing Qi
deficiency can occur cold characters.
Fear for kidney qi deficiency (personality: a lack of confidence) to hammer
"A man whom a deficiency of Kidney Qi suffers, lacks confidence and
qualities, confidence presuppose such reverence, humility, acceptance and
devotion. The antithesis of trust is fear, and this fear leads to the providing
the life be long does everything in order not honestly scared to have to
recognize this. This is about people who are afraid be 'and an authentic
confrontation with strong, immediate feelings out of the way to go, because
they have faith in the the silent force within themselves and in others lack ...
The need for intimacy can not be satisfied ... .... Instead lives "man" in the
inner conflict between desire and fear, with a sense of deadness is often
associated ... The primary source for this lack of confidence is ... however, an
unfortunate experience early in life and not so much a congenital kidney qi
deficiency. " ( Hammer 2002 p. 193 )
Often, Hammer met people in his practice, by a daring demonstration will
alleviate this fear. Moreover, this fear can manifest itself in general
malaise. This can be triggered any interpersonal relationship through trust,
faith, authenticity, and requires the direct confrontation, especially when
doing the intimate feelings could come to the fore.
"When people are scared inside her in where it balance and a sense of limits
and no lack of access to their 'dark side <find, there is always some risk that
they will actually be violent." ( Hammer 2002 p. 194 )
Anxiety in Kidney Qi surplus (personality: rigid and conformist)
"People with kidney qi surplus are intelligent, motivated people who for
various reasons with esoteric teachings are concerned, what can go so far
that she and the other people just from this perspective can consider her
life ..." These people may periods of "exuberant reverence with a state of
mental and emotional paralysis" alternating if their ego and self-confidence is
underdeveloped and they also fear. ( Hammer 2002 p. 196 )
Hammer distinguishes the Yin-type, the more "angelic" passive and at peace,
and the Yang-type that tends to the more fanatical. "Fear and situations call
out people who" question, or that reject faith. "This fear can support the
group (of fellow believers, Anm.dA) are mitigated by. With a phobia react
with human kidney Qi surplus people a close family relationship to their
posts. These people can (namely) strong negative emotional reactions trigger
more easily, such as anger and fear, that emotion, that is not their delusional
dogma, the endless love for all calls can be reconciled, ... In each case,
members of a spontaneous, emotional contact with close avoided.
" ( Hammer 2002 p. 196 ) This Yang-type encountered, according
to hammer very often in the media.
How could you find, can be even at three authors ( Lorenzen,
hammer and splash ) Quantity information about various forms of fear in the
phases of change find one. In the following chapter and in the summary, I
would like these descriptions of the fear once again become scarce and then
with Western notions of Riemann connect them.
4th Riemann basic forms of fear
4.1. A cosmic model
Riemann model of basic human fears and created a basic weaves, the model
that he compares with Earth-Sun ( Riemann 1998 p.11-15 ). In the following
I would like to introduce this model. The key points in the model are earth-
1. The earth orbits the sun (revolution)
2. The earth rotates on its axis (rotation)
This work
 gravity as the cohesive force (centripetal) and
 The centrifugal force than the width urging force (Centrifugal)
These four pulses revolution, rotation, centripetal and centrifugal - must be
in balance. Only a balance of forces guarantees order, or face destruction
and chaos.
 The earth would no longer revolve around the sun, they would not
behave more like a planet but want to be even as the sun and may be
lost in the vastness of the universe go;
 were on the ground their own rotation, they would like a moon to the
satellites of the sun and shone only on one side, one side would burn,
cool the other side;
 the Earth would have no gravity (centripetal) more, they would burst
chaotic, and it also collide with other parts in space;
 possess the earth is not a centrifugal force (centrifugal) more,
everything would be frozen and crushed or the earth were moved
passively from its orbit.
Riemann sees man as part of this solar system and thus subject to the same
laws. It transmits these laws into the Psychological and interprets them as

The motion of the Earth around the Sun (revolution) the exposure to people,
open to the world, life and other people confidence to integrate into human
society, to limit its own will in favor of others, personal relationships. This
requirement is actually the basic idea of Confucianism, the Chinese society
form a decisive influence to this day.
The rotation of the earth (rotation) the exposure of people to be a unique
individual beings and to be (individuation).
The force of gravity (centripetal) the exposure of humans to strive for the
The centrifugal force (centrifugal) the exposure of people to always be ready
to transform themselves, develop themselves alive
Each of these demands can trigger anxiety in humans:

The requirement to integrate into the world to become involved on others

leads to fear, I have to lose to be dependent, to give up too much of
The requirement to be a unique individual triggers the fear of being too
unique to be distinguished from the others too, not to belong, to be lonely or
The demand for change leads to fear of impermanence,
The demand for duration, however, promotes fear, by rules, regulations and
needs to be fixed and not free.
Formulated Riemann (1998 p.15) the four basic forms of fear:

the fear of self-giving, as I experienced loss and addiction;

the fear of individuation, as insecurity and isolation experienced;
the fear of change, as transience and uncertainty experienced;
the fear of necessity, as finality and lack of freedom experienced.
All sorts of fears are ultimately accessible versions of these four basic fears
and hang out with the four pulses (claims) together "(Riemann 1998, p. 15)
The fears and demands are part of our existence, they complement and
contradict each other in pairs, the first contradiction is...: we are to "both we
ourselves, as we add in on individual relationships" (Riemann 1998, p. 12),
the second, we should also strive for permanence and change, we can only
will we even if we, as part of a community. feel, we can only continue to walk
when we got to know the duration. A child may, for example, develop
healthy only when it receives a permanent grant.

In this interplay, the same rules apply as in the solar system: if all forces are
present and equally important, man experiences mental and emotional
health. This balance is not static, ideally it is made again and again. In the
course of our development from birth through to old people we have many
stages at which dominates one or the other force. the healthy development is
disturbed, we get also for longer out of balance. For each of the predominant
basic form of anxiety can develop a mental illness, as described in the forms
of Schizoidie, depression, obsessional neurosis or hysteria.

"He will not be impaired in its development in general deal with the fears and
overcome them ... perhaps the hardest burden are fears that are
experienced early in childhood, in an age when the child developed no
defenses against them could. " (Riemann 1998, p. 16). Exceed the fears of
the individual differences in tolerance limit, this leads to mental illness.In
healthy adults this may be additional circumstances such as disasters, war or
other threats to life case. Unlike the child of the adult but has a wider
repertoire of "possible answers and counter-forces against fear" (Riemann
1998, p. 17) In particular, can he understand where their fear is, a child is at
the mercy of his fear helpless, often without to understand them. It is above
all the childhood that shaped the man and his fears crucial. Even in this time,
the personalities, as presented in the above described types. Riemann has,
therefore, the childhood story of each type described in detail.

4.2. Formation of the four personality structures

The four personality types that can develop, I shall refer to Rieman represent
ajar, summarized:

Too much self-rotation, not enough revolution:

This leads to the schizoid personality type. He has the desire for freedom and
independence. He is afraid of everything, "which threatens to limit its
freedom and independence." (Riemann 1998 p.30) Constitutionally, these
people are very sensitive and very sensitive.

In the development history, insecurity shows in the first phase after the birth
of the child. Often there are unwanted children. Their mothers feel
overwhelmed because they themselves are too young or too immature.Often
reasons for a schizoid development, a highly demanding environment at
home, too many stimuli, changing caregivers, less sensitive mothers, break
into the world of the very small child or an extremely unstable environment
situations. "We can only suggest that the generations that came in the early
days of the war frequently ... schizoid traits including: their dislike of family
ties, the tendency to form groups and mass events where they experience
themselves as belonging and yet remain anonymous and the non-binding
nature of the relationship of the sexes "(Riemann 1998 p.39) ... but also the
overall environmental situation of Western man has an effect
schizoidisierend: the world gives us less and less security, despite all the
comfort we feel more vulnerable, we be overstimulated, developing our
knowledge can be in us a sense of existential menace of (Riemann 1998

"The positive aspects of schizoid people are above all in sovereign autonomy
and independence, the courage to be himself, to the autonomy of the
individual. Schizoid man of stature can trigger large swings, pioneers and
leaders of his ... understand some of it also, as to be .... as philosophers,
they are often abstract thinker who live far away ... "(Riemann 1998, p.
56/57) These are also the attributes of a personality change phase of water
can be awarded. (Lorenzen 2000 p.205) "The archetype of the water is the
philosopher who seeks relentlessly for the truth (Lorenzen 2000 p.43). Also
Beinfield / Korngold (1991) described the philosopher as the archetype of the
water. The goal of the philosopher's wisdom. On the way a person is
accepted as a whole and not be judged by looking at good and evil.

Riemann mentions a number of physical symptoms that can occur with heavy
loads and unresolved conflicts. Above all, the sense organs and the organs of
the contact and exchanges are concerned, namely the skin and
breathing. Asthma and eczema, which sometimes occur very early belong
here, as well as circulatory disorders, psoriasis, and excessive sweating.
(Riemann 1998 p.47). These symptoms provide the therapist of Chinese
medicine is a good orientation.

Too much rotation of a larger center, too little self-rotation (rotation)

This corresponds to the depressive type. It is driven by longing for closeness

and security, for supersession in the community. He's afraid to fall out of the
shelteredness, anxiety, an independent I to be, even fear of loss can
occur. Constitutionally, such a person is liable to cozy-feeling warm

Developmentally, this type is characterized by disturbances in the infant

phase (6 months to 2 years), eg by means of mothers who allow too little
childish impulses of self-development, or emotionally cold mothers who do
not respond to the emotions of their child and are incapable of the child
affection to show. As a survival strategy that adapts to the children were
aware of the wishes of parents and thus learn not to feel his own desires and

The evasion of individuation is the adult paid dearly. The depressed have to

hope that their wishes and expectations are met by others because he does
not dare to live them yourself (Riemann 1998, p. 63). "The conflicts
Depressive express themselves physically preferably made in disorders of the
host wing," in Disorders of the pharynx, tonsils, esophagus, stomach, and in
obesity and anorexia, weakness of memory (passive-aggressive behaviors),
learning difficulties, tiredness and lethargy.(Riemann 1998 S.65/66) Nowhere
is the trust depressives zuzulangen because they already have fear of not
success and rejection by others.Anxiety and fear avoidance are always on

A healthy person with depression strikes characterized by empathy and a

willingness to take on his fellow man. It can be very caring, helpful and
understanding. In his emotional relationships he is very
affectionate."Patience and skill are the main income virtues ..."( Riemann
1998 p.104) as a counterweight to develop the depressed humor. Moreover,
we find him often at a great religion. "The healthy man with depressive
impacts may, in its religious fervor and a large depth of reach, which often
allows mystical experiences. The death he experienced as most likely to
salvation ..." (Riemann 1998 p.102).

The description of the depression is close to the characterization of a fire

personality. "A healthy fire on the emotional level gives a warmth that makes
everyone feel at ease and is in good hands." (Lorenzen 1998 p.7) "Attributes
of a healthy fire are ... devotion, openness and joy in social contact. To
indulge a loved one in his presence inspired, and be merry, shows the power
of fire energy ...." (Lorenzen 1998 p.9) The element of fire is responsible for
the relationship of man to his environment, according to the manufacture of
contact, for candor and laughter, the longing for merger. (Lorenzen 1998

"If the fire is out of balance, may lack the emotional heat, or to pay a
constant desire for emotional closeness." (Lorenzen 1998 p.12) "Either show
the love then consuming to surrender or cool, aloof, with no warmth.
Extinguished If the fire completely, resulting loneliness, abandonment,
feelings, and finally despair.'s Attachment to others is lost, as is the
feeling to be part of a whole. " (Lorenzen 1998, p. 12/13)

Chinese view is reflected in the personality traits of schizoid and depressive,

the fire-water axis. The Depressive tendency in his lyricism and his wish to
merge the Fire personality, schizoid in his sobriety, his serenity and his
desire for distance to water personality.

Schizoid and depressive clearly show the two poles of an antithesis."Does the
depression near: safety and security, so the schizoid: Threat and restriction
of self-sufficiency, meaning the distance schizoid: security and independence,
the threat and depressed being left alone." (Riemann 1998, p. 61)

Too little centrifugal force, too much gravity:

This will describe the compulsive person. The compulsive personality feels a

strong desire for permanence and security. She's afraid of change and the
unknown. Constitutionally, this personality with a lively, motor-aggressive,
sexually and generally expansive investment is provided, it is emphasized
headstrong and independent.

Developmentally, the disturbances start at the ending phase, the "no" phase
of the child. Between 2 and 4 years too strong a hold is expected to rules,
the lively pulse of the child to be suppressed as well, mostly, without the
child gets an explanation beyond ". You must not" Especially too rigorous,
the natural development of the child is not adapted toilet training has a
negative effect. Siblings births during this time are problematic, the siblings
are seen as rivals already aware. Due to the constant restriction of its lively
impulses, the child is confused in his feelings and tries to suppress it. The
disturbances are too strong, the adults live with a compulsive need for
security on quality. In order to experience security, (he) will find it
constraints, that is, action sequences that fulfill such an exaggerated need
for cleanliness, and fall into fear when they are not able to exercise these
constraints. In addition, they torment themselves and their environment with
the utmost concern for perfection in everything they do. In addition, these
people feel dependent on the opinion of others. "This one does not." "What
people will say ..."are typical statements. (Riemann 1998 p.143)
backgrounds of all these constraints is the shunning of the living impulses,
who have these people in to the aggressive, emotional and sexual impulses
that make life interesting and colorful. In early childhood they have learned
to suppress these impulses.

Habits and cherished rituals take even a little obsessive in itself, but are not
opposed to compulsive acts perceived as painful. It is part of our lives that
we create ceremonies, orders and rules of conduct. If they lose their
meaning, however, and they only exist as an external form, one can speak of
coercion (Riemann 1998, p. 146). "The healthy person with a compulsive
structural units is characterized by stability, carrying capacity, endurance and
sense of duty ... With his consistency, drive and tenacity, his responsibility
and his keen sense of reality he can achieve great solidarity, accuracy,
reliability, durability and cleanliness. - and the metaphorical moral sense -.
among his virtues in the sense he is more reserved, but permanently ...
" (Riemann 1998, p. 154)

The metal elements of the Chinese personality theory is the type of the
next. "The moral behavior of the phase transformation of metal (the lungs)
is" Yi "sense of duty and justice, in accordance with the predetermined value
system." (Lorenzen 1994 p.127, 129) The body-soul "Po 'lives in the lungs,
which belongs to the metal, it prevails over the flesh, the instinct, the
instinctive behavior (Lorenzen 1994, p. 160.166), so the pulses
of compulsive personality structure were given as a constitution. In the
conversion phase metal is about to integrate new or reject, to draw
boundaries to structure Recorded and gain clarity.

Too little gravity, too much centrifugal force;

This leads to hysterical personality. This is living with the desire for change,
for growth and change. She is afraid of life, stability and
routine.Constitutionally, were her liveliness and responsiveness in the
emotional, great spontaneity is strong urge to communicate and often put an
innate charm in the cradle.

Developmentally, begins the hysterical development between 4-6. Of

age.During this time the child has been a lot of experience with the
environment behind them that have brought him new skills and behavioral
options. It grows slowly into the adult world and must learn to recognize the
reality and deal with it. But it has to give up their own magical dream world
with unlimited possibilities. Now it needs adult role models, where it will be
based in its further development, role models who show him a positive
world. Especially the same-sex parent plays a significant role.

Does the child remains in a chaotic or unstructured environment, in a world

that did not appear to be desirable, it's development still uncertain, since the
models are missing. This leads to an unstable self-esteem, which can be
shaken by criticism very quickly. Therefore, the child keeps trying and often
with great ingenuity, create situations in which it receives confirmation of his
weak ego. These can range from people who like to stand at the center, to
the narcissistic lead I-love personality. The reality is too demanding,
hysterical trying to pull themselves with excuses, illogical arguments,
escapism and phobias from the affair.

Reasons for lack of role models can be parents unhappy marriages, parents
who are dissatisfied with their life, mentally ill parents, parents who use their
children as a replacement partner and parents with unclear gender roles. In
the latter, children often have difficulties to develop their own gender is a
positive attitude. (Riemann 1998, p. 173-179)

"A healthy person with hysterical structure shares is a risk taker,

adventurous, always ready to tackle something new, it is elastic, plastic,
lively, often sparkling and exciting, lively and spontaneous ..." with him is
always something going on, "and he loves all beginnings and is fully
optimistic vision of life expectancy ... he is stronger in the stimulus-set and
bring something-in-course than in the persistence and patient
implementation of planned .... just his impatience, his curiosity and
serenity ... it can see and take some chances to see a different make or do
not mean this ... a limit would be. " (Riemann 1998, p. 198)

A healthy person with hysterical proportions in many respects corresponds to

a phase characterized by the conversion of wood personality. The wood is
associated with the ability to set an impulse to put something in motion, as
expressed above Riemann. The wood "is the guiding impetus for all other
institutions ... The liver makes plans and develops strategies" (Lorenzen
1992 p. 35) The mental and emotional aspect of the wood, the spirit-soul
"Hun" is. "It shapes the character and personality of an individual, in
particular its representation to the outside ... through creativity, imagination
and intuition." (Lorenzen 1992 p.98)

4.3. The basic forms of fear and the natural order

One assigns to the four basic types of Riemann China's transformation

phases, so lacking at first glance, the transformation phase earth. The earth
is present in all other phases of transformation. It acts on the other phases
of change, by organizing with their ability in healthy people of harmonizing
the balance between the phases and makes the bonds between people, as
described Hammer (2002) and Lorenzen (1996 p.135).

Here, the Chinese model of the natural order that places the earth in the
middle and ordering the other phases of change around it. Maciocia called it
the cosmic sequence (Maciocia 1997 p.26). The Earth as the center shows
the fundamental importance of the spleen and stomach as the root of the
Post-Heaven Qi and as a source of qi and blood (Maciocia 1997 p.27). It
nourishes all the organs, the earth as a symbol of motherhood and "mother
earth" the human fetus nourishes tires for adults.

Graphics: The natural order and Riemann's personality types

When a man healthy aspects of all four personality types according to

Riemann can unite, then he has found his center. Lorenzen cited in his book
to change phase earth is a beautiful example from China: The emperor
travels at the beginning of his term to the corresponding season in the four
corners of his kingdom:

It begins when he travels to the east in spring, summer, he traveled further

south in the fall and winter to the west to the north. "The recovery in the
middle (Ming Tang) signaled the completion of this unification process, now
he was in

practice match between heaven and earth from his position as Huang Di
(Yellow Emperor). "Only after the transits of all four directions, the earth with
their" hold together integrative force "connect the whole thing and.
(Lorenzen (1996, p. 126) This would be the basic forms of fear as stations of
life to see that you traveled through successively in order to find its center.

The two axes of fire-ground water and wood-earth metal are each connected
through the earth in the middle. Fire and water, and wood and metal are
thereby constitute two poles which are only the vertices of a compound
approach on which the opposites can complement.

The personality structures for Riemann are rarely found in pure

culture.Instead, mix in most people, the properties of different types in
different proportions. So you can imagine on these two axes, a convergence
of the two opposite poles toward the center by which the extremes of a
character expression are reduced. When a character gets overweight, the
imbalance balanced by the opposing center of gravity and be balanced.

Disorders of the middle earth disturbing, always the balance of the

surrounding elements. The harmony may not be made reliable and that the
bonds can not be maintained. The transformation phase earth is extremely
important for the development of man. Especially a child is dependent on
outside energy sources on Earth. Chinese medicine and Western psychology
are agreed that the basis for healthy people are in a strong middle, that is
also a healthy child development.

4.4. A comparison of personality disorders according to Hammer, the

personality types according to Riemann

Since Hammer has made in his description of fear in the changing phases
differentiated distinctions that go psychologically very in depth, I would dare
to attempt to deal with the personality types of Riemann relationship, where
similarities exist. And I shall fear the hammer after the corresponding
Riemann assign personality types.

Personality Disorder

by Hammer

Personality disorder according to Riemann


Change phase wood

Liver-Yin deficiency: fear of restriction


Liver-Yin surplus fear of their own aggression


Liver Yang Deficiency: passive-aggressive behavior


Liver Yang surplus constantly irritated or aggressive

Schizoid, compulsive and

Change phase fire

Heart-Yin deficiency: unimaginative bureaucrat, fear of rejection


Heart-Yin surplus agitation, fear, mad

Heart-Yang deficiency: unrealized ideas


Heart-Yang surplus compulsive communicator


Pericardium-Yin deficiency: as-if personality


Pericardium-Yin surplus fear of love, cold heart


Pericardium-Yang deficiency: fear of too little assertiveness


Pericardium Yang surplus external form of important


Small intestine-Yang deficiency: sorry, no sorting, we fear

Midgut Yang surplus borderline Persönlickeit reason overvalued


Deficiency in the San Jiao: Lack of integrity


Change phase earth

Earth-Yin deficiency: a) fear of annihilation

b) Oral personality
a) Schizoid

b) Depressed

Earth-Yin surplus narcissistic personality


Earth-Yang deficiency: separation anxiety

Compulsive or schizoid

Earth-Yang surplus too soon become out of the nest, hungry for power, fear
of love


Metal phase transformation

Hammer: centripetal force

Lung-Yin deficiency: inability to form relationships, avoidance behavior


Lung-Yin surplus dominant personality


Lung Yang deficiency: lack of energy


Lung-yang surplus go with the flow


Conversion phase water

Kidney Yin deficiency with intact CNS: brutal competitor, fear of love


Kidney Yin deficiency in damaged central nervous system: learning

disabilities, autism ...

Kidney Yin surplus left brain dominant: Reason glorified


Kidney Yin-surplus, dominant right brain: fear of routine


Kidney Yang deficiency: lack of energy, fear of failure


Kidney Yang surplus human dynamo, a) fear of limitation -

b) need power over others -

c) egotistical, self-centered -

a) Hysterical

b) forced confinement

c) Schizoid

Kidney-Qi deficiency: no confidence


Kidney Qi surplus or esoteric fanatic



There are, therefore, in four phases of change, the trends of schizoid,

depressive, compulsive, or hysterical character, namely, fire, earth, metal
and water.

The transformation phase wood is the exception: here, alternate the

depressive and schizoid tendencies. The liver-yin deficiency and liver yang
excess, both the tendency for schizoid, the liver-Yin and excess of liver yang
deficiency have a tendency to depression.

Just to describe patterns of disharmony in the wood was noted that those are
of liver-yin deficiency and liver yang excess very similar, as well as those of
liver-Yin and excess liver-yang deficiency. It is clear that deficiency of Yin
Yang are with a relative excess is associated and vice versa. This is
consistent with the assignment to depressive and schizoid personality types.

In the remaining four phases of change that is not true for Hammers
descriptions. The distribution of the Riemann personality types shows in the
other four phases of change no repeating pattern, except the already
mentioned fact that occur in the patterns of disharmony each conversion
phase, all types.

5. Summary

The links between anxiety and the Chinese transformation phases were
considered in this work from different angles. Questions were Western and
Chinese perspectives together and connections are made.

In the chapter anxiety disorders was made to the effect of allowing the
symptoms of anxiety, are found in western descriptions, applicable in the
diagnosis of Chinese medicine. The example of panic disorder has been
shown that the symptoms can come from all phases of transformation.

Hammers model of chronic anxiety "was presented. In it the author describes

the interactions between the phases of change and a particular form of
anxiety, chronic anxiety. Most often occurred while the conversion phase of
fire in the foreground.

In the chapter "Causes of anxiety" some Western and Chinese discoveries

were presented. According to a Chinese model are the causes of anxiety
disorders in the changing phases of wood, fire, earth and water.

The chapter "Effects of fear and terror," explained the Chinese and to some
extent the Western physiology of fear. The results showed that fear and
terror to all phases of change and influence they can take affect. In
particular, the viscera or the Yin-Shares phase of transformation are

The next chapter deals with "psychological aspects of fear in the phases of
change." This differentiation of fears of yin deficiency, yin-excess, Yang-Yang
deficiency and excess was introduced to the phases of change according to
Hammer. Hammer reflected in the changing phases of wood, metal and
water, only the viscera, in the conversion phase fire he also describes fears
for disharmonies of the Fu organs (small intestine, San Jiao) in the
conversion phase earth it comes from the earth's energy and no distinction
according to Zang and Fu. The descriptions of the anxiety and psychological
backgrounds produce a first cross-connection between Western psychology
and psychotherapy to Chinese medicine.They provide an opportunity to draw
from the rich experience of a psychiatrist, psychotherapist and Chinese

Views are complemented by the experience of Lorenzen and splash.Lorenzen

defined fears, which are colored by the influence of the phases of change,
splash, focuses on the transformation phase and water is different here to
Yin, Yang and Qi Deficiency Deficiency of the kidney.

In the following chapters I have a Western model of basic fears

explained. The author Fritz Riemann has developed a personality typology of
four structures, each associated with a basic fear and incorporated them into
a cosmic model. Riemann has described each of his personalities to a
comprehensive child development and possible interference of this
development. He proposed the thesis that man is spiritual equilibrium, where
it has a share of each of these types in themselves. The more, one or
another of these types, the more the man moved towards the pathological.

I brought these basic forms of anxiety with the basic types of the phases of
change in name. In addition I have tried to transfer the balance idea of
Riemann on the natural order of the phases of change, which is arranged
around the Earth. Also, I have tried to find similarities between hammer and
Riemann's description of the fears. While there are many similarities, read it,
however, work out a common structure.

Overall, my guess is that fear is not limited to the change phase of water,
but also occurs in other phases of change in a variety of interaction has
confirmed. It was found that there is a wide range of fears, which explores
the Western psychology has been about 100 years. In the context of growing
awareness of Chinese medicine in Europe and America are concerned the
first time, Western writers trying to integrate these concerns in the Chinese

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