Ichong Vs Hernandez (Soriano)

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[Ichong vs Hernandez]/[1957] of the United Nations,1951 ed. pp.

29-32), and the

Declaration of Human Rights contains nothing
[J.Labrador] more than a mere recommendation, or a common
I. FACTS standard of achievement for all peoples and all
nations (Id. p. 39.) That such is the import of the
 RA 1180 is entitled “An Act to Regulate the Retail United Nations Charter aid of the Declaration of
Business”. The law sought to prohibit non-citizen Human Rights can be inferred from the fact that
persons and partnership, associations, or members of the United Nations Organization,
corporations whose capital not wholly owned by such as Norway and Denmark, prohibit
Filipinos in engaging in Retail Trade. foreigners from engaging in retail trade, and in
 Petitioner Lao Ichong, in behalf of other resident most nations of the world laws against
aliens or corporations affected, sought to declare foreigners engaged in domestic trade are
said law unconstitutional. adopted.
 Ichong cites several grounds such as violation of the
As to the Treat of Amity
equal protection clause, the subject of the act is not
reflected in the title, the act violates international The Treaty of Amity between the Republic of the
treaty obligations of the Philippines, as well as Philippines and the Republic of China of April 18, 1947 is
violating Article XIII Sec. 8 of the 1935 Constitution. also claimed to be violated by the law in question. All
 The Solicitor General and Fiscal of the City of that the treaty guarantees is equality of treatment to the
Manila argues that said law is a valid exercise of Chinese nationals "upon the same terms as the
police power to ensure economic survival, only one nationals of any other country." But the nationals of
subject was embraced in the title, no treaty China are not discriminated against because nationals of
obligations were violated, and that the form of all other countries, except those of the United States,
hereditary succession is the only one affected and who are granted special rights by the Constitution, are
not its value. all prohibited from engaging in the retail trade.
 Focusing on the aspect of International Law, Ichong
But even supposing that the law infringes upon the
argues that the law violates the UN Charter and the
said treaty, the treaty is always subject to
Declaration of Human Rights as well as the Treaty
qualification or amendment by a subsequent law and
of Amity Between the Philippines and the Republic
the same may never curtail or restrict the scope of
of China.
the police power of the State.
(To simplify: the SC kept repeating that Alien retailers
1. WON the law violates treaty obligations? (Main a.k.a chinese have more capital and profit from the retail
topic. The others are for Consti 1 & 2)? NO (MAIN businsess. The SC cites “instances” wherein chinese
TOPIC) but take note what SC said assuming the businessmen hoard products, manipulate prices, evade
law violates a treaty tax laws, and even bribe officials in order to get ahead in
the business. The negative things cited was used by the
2. WON the law violates equal protection clause? NO SC to justify the use of police power)
2. The above objectionable characteristics of the
3. WON the law violates due process? NO
exercise of the retail trade by the aliens, which are
III. RATIONALE actual and real, furnish sufficient grounds for
legislative classification of retail traders into
As to the UN Charter and UNDHR nationals and aliens.
1. The United Nations Charter imposes no strict or
legal obligations regarding the rights and Some may disagree with the wisdom of the
freedom of their subjects (Hans Kelsen, The Law legislature's classification. To this we answer, that
this is the prerogative of the law-making power.
Since the Court finds that the classification is actual,
real and reasonable, and all persons of one class
are treated alike, and as it cannot be said that the
classification is patently unreasonable and
unfounded, it is in duty bound to declare that the
legislature acted within its legitimate prerogative and
it cannot declare that the act transcends the limit of
equal protection established by the Constitution.

3. We are fully satis9ed upon a consideration of all the

facts and circumstances that the disputed law is not
the product of racial hostility, prejudice or
discrimination, but the expression of the legitimate
desire and determination of the people, thru their
authorized representatives, to free the nation from
the economic situation that has unfortunately been
saddled upon it rightly or wrongly, to its

The law is clearly in the interest of the public, any of

the national security itself, and indisputably falls
within the scope of police power, thru which and by
which the State insures its existence and security
and the supreme welfare of its citizens.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is GRANTED. The Court of
Appeals' Decision dated December 17, 2009 is
REVERSED and SET ASIDE. The Regional Trial Courts'
Decisions of November 23, 2001 and December 7, 2001


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