Evaluation of Guided Bone Regeneration and or Bone Grafts in The Treatment of Ligature-Induced Peri-Implantitis Defects

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Francisco H. Nociti, Jr, DDS, The goal of this study was to evaluate, morphometrically, hard-tissue healing
following the treatment of ligature-induced peri-implantitis defects in dogs and
Raul G. Caffesse, DDS, MS, Dr
Odont, Dr Dr hc guided bone regeneration and/or bone grafts. Five dogs were used, and the
Enilson A. Sallum, DDS, MS, PhD mandibular premolars were removed. Three months later, two titanium implants
Maria Ângela N. Machado, DDS, were installed on each side of the mandible, and after another 3 months, abutment
connection was performed. Following abutment connection, experimental peri-
Cristine M. Stefani, DDS, MS
Antonio Wilson Sallum, DDS, implantitis was induced by placing cotton ligatures in a submarginal position.
MS, PhD Ligatures and abutments were removed after 1 month and the bony defects were
randomly assigned to one of the following treatments: debridement (DE),
KEY WORDS debridement plus guided bone regeneration (GBR), debridement plus mineralized
bone graft (BG), and debridement plus guided bone regeneration associated with
mineralized bone graft (GBR/BG). The dogs were euthanatized after 5 months.
Bioabsorbable membrane
Bone grafting Morphometric analysis did not reveal significant differences among the treatments
neither with respect to the percentage of bone to implant contact (p 5 0.996) nor
to the bone area (p 5 0.946) within the limits of the threads of the implant. Within
Francisco H. Nociti, Jr, DDS, MS, PhD, is an
assistant professor; Enilson A. Sallum, DDS, the limits of this investigation, there is insufficient evidence to indicate that any of
MS, PhD, is an assistant professor; Christine the treatments presented an improved response in dealing with bony defects
M. Stefani is a PhD student d̊ Antonio Wilson resulting from peri-implantitis.
Sallum, DDS, MS, PhD, is chairman and
professor in the Department of Prosthodontics and
Periodontics, Division of Periodontics at the
School of Dentistry at Piracicabia, UNICAMP,
São Paulo, Brazil. Correspondence should be INTRODUCTION
addressed to Mr Francisco H. Nociti, Jr.
he long-term predictability ed.2 Current hypotheses associate bac-

Maria Ângela N. Machado, DDS, MS, PhD is
an assistant professor in the Department of of osseointegrated im- terial infection and/or biomechanical
Pathology at PUC-Parana, Curitiba. plants has been document- overload with etiologic factors of late
Raul G. Caffesse, DDS, MS, Dr Odont, Dr ed by longitudinal studies.1 implant failure.3,4 Progressive bone loss
Dr hc, is a distinguished professor and head of Nevertheless, a significant around functioning dental implants is
the Department of Stomatology, Division of number of early and late of special concern, since it may jeop-
Periodontics, UT-Dental Branch in Houston, Tex. complications have also been report- ardize the long-term prosthetic prog-

244 Vol. XXVI/No. Four/ 2000

Francisco H. Nociti, Jr. et al

Bone area (BA) and bone to implant contact (BC) within the limits of the 12 most
coronal threads of the implant: mean and standard deviation*
(%) (%)
DE 49.52 6 22.82 26.86 6 13.21
GBR 51.96 6 21.61 26.67 6 12.89
BG 55.74 6 21.06 28.12 6 23.38
GBR/BG 48.66 6 14.80 25.62 6 16.18
p 5 0.946 p 5 0.996
*DE, debridement; GBR/BG, debridement plus guided bone regeneration/mineralized
bone graft; GBR, debridement plus guided bone regeneration; BG, debridement plus min-
eralized bone graft.

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mineralized bone graft (Bio-Oss; Os- hydrochloride (250 mg/d) was estab-
teohealth) in dogs. lished for 3 weeks. Two weeks after
the beginning of the hygienic phase,
full-thickness flaps were elevated. The
Extractions and implant surgery abutments were removed and the
granulation tissue around the implants
Five mongrel dogs, 2–3 years old, were was carefully removed using teflon
used for the study. Under general an- hand curettes. The implant surface was
esthesia (0.5 mL/kg; 25% sodium thio- treated with an air-powder abrasive in-
FIGURE 1. Schematic illustration of the his-
tometric parameters evaluated. In each
pental solution), the mandibular sec- strument (Profi I; Dabi Atlante, Ribei-
thread (1 through 6) on each side of the im- ond, third, and fourth premolars (P2, rão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil) for 30 sec-
plant the percentage of bone area and bone P3, P4) were extracted bilaterally.
to implant contact were measured. (A) The onds. The defects were randomly as-
bone area within the limits of a thread of
Three months later, two screw-shaped signed to one of the following treat-
the implant. (B) The extension of bone to CP titanium implants with a rough ments: (1) debridement (DE); (2)
implant contact within the limits of a acid-etched surface (Napio System; Na-
thread. (C) The bone marrow spaces (Sen- debridement plus guided bone regen-
nerby et al.23).
pio, Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil), 8.5 mm eration (GBR; Bio-Gide); (3) debride-
in length and 3.75 mm in diameter, ment plus mineralized bone graft (BG;
were placed on each side of the man- Bio-Oss); and (4) debridement plus the
dible according to a standard proto- association of guided bone regenera-
nosis. Several procedures have been col.13 Three months following implant tion and bone graft (GBR/BG). The
described for the treatment of the in- placement, second-stage surgery was flaps were repositioned and the im-
flammatory component and the result- performed to expose the implants and plants were submerged and sutured.
ing bony defect associated with the in- connect transmucosal abutments. Systemic metronidazole administration
fection of the peri-implant mucosa, in-
Experimental phase was continued for the following week,
cluding antimicrobial therapy, resec-
and 0.12% chlorexidine gluconate
tive, or regenerative procedures.5–10 Two weeks after the abutment connec- spray was topically applied twice a
Optimal treatment of peri-implantitis tion, cotton ligatures were placed in a day for the next 5 months.
must include regeneration of the lost submarginal position around the abut-
bone that was in direct contact with the ments, and the dogs were fed with a Morphometric procedure
implant surface previously exposed to soft diet to promote plaque accumula- After 5 months, the animals were eu-
bacterial products. Studies using guid- tion. After 1 month of plaque accu- thanatized. Undecalcified sections
ed bone regeneration for the treatment mulation, a significant inflammation were prepared as previously de-
of peri-implantitis defects presented could be seen at the peri-implant tis- scribed.14 Subsequently, the sections
inconclusive results.6,7,9–12 Therefore, the sues and bone loss was radiographi- were stained by toluidine blue stain.
purpose of this study was to evaluate, cally detected. At this time, the liga- The percentage of bone to implant con-
by morphometric analysis, the hard- tures were removed, and a plaque-con- tact and bone area within the 12 most
tissue healing following treatment of trol regime was initiated (hygienic coronal threads of the implant, that is,
experimentally ligature-induced peri- phase) consisting of daily brushing 6 threads at each side of each implant,
implantitis defects using a bioabsorb- and topical application of 0.12% chlor- were measured using an image analy-
able membrane (Bio-Gide; Osteohealth hexidine digluconate. In addition, sys- sis system (KS 400 2.0; Kontron Ele-
Co, New York) and/or heterologous temic administration of metronidazole troniks, Muchen, Germany; Fig 1).

Journal of Oral Implantology 245


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FIGURE 2. Photomicrographs of ground sections of a submerged implant illustrating the formed bone around the six most coronal threads
of the implant. (A) Debridement group. (B) GBR group. (C) BG group. (D) GBR/BG group (310, toluidine blue).

246 Vol. XXVI/No. Four/ 2000

Francisco H. Nociti, Jr. et al

percentage of bone to implant contact

were significantly different following
the treatment modalities tested. The
number of longitudinal studies evalu-
ating different treatment options for
peri-implantitis bony defects is limited,
probably because the frequency of late
implant failures is relatively low. Many
different approaches to reduce clinical
evidence of inflammation at the peri-
FIGURE 3. Comparisons of the mean bone area among treatment. DE indicates debridement;
GBR, debridement plus guide bone regeneration; BG, debridement plus mineralized bone implant mucosa including have been
graft; GBR/BG, debridement plus guided bone regeneration and mineralized bone graft. tested: subgingival irrigation of the

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peri-implant area with antiseptic
agents,15 systemic antimicrobial treat-
ment,16 and, lately, controlled-delivery
devices for local application of tetra-
cycline.17 In this study, clinical signs of
peri-implantitis, that is, redness, ede-
ma, and suppuration, were reduced af-
ter using the combination of local and
systemic treatment, confirming previ-
ous studies.6
The use of regenerative procedures
to treat bone defects around implants
FIGURE 4. Comparisons of the mean bone contact to the implant surface among treatments. resulting from peri-implantitis has
DE indicates debridement; GBR, debridement plus guided bone regeneration; BG, debride-
ment plus mineralized bone graft; GBR/BG, debridement plus guided bone regeneration
been reported;5–7,9–12 however, the re-
and mineralized bone graft. sults have been inconclusive. This
study demonstrated that although
some degree of bone regrowth is pos-
Data analysis maintained until the end of the exper- sible after the treatment modalities that
imental period. have been tested, statistical differences
The experimental design used (com-
among them were not detected. Nev-
plete randomized block design) pro- Morphometric results
ertheless, the findings of this investi-
vided a total of 20 peri-implant defects
Intergroup analysis did not reveal sig- gation should be considered with cau-
(five implants per treatment group) for
nificant differences (p . 0.05) among tion. In any hypothesis-testing situa-
statistical analysis. One-way analysis
the treatments in neither the percent- tion, it is important to determine the
of variance (ANOVA; alpha 5 0.05)
age of bone to implant contact nor the probability of Type II error or, equiv-
was performed to test the hypothesis
bone area within the limits of the 12 alently, the power of the test. In this
that there were no differences between
most coronal threads of the implant study, although the biggest difference
the treatments considering the mean
(Table 1; Figs 2–4). the mean percent- among the treatments was only 8% and
percentage of bone to implant contact
age of bone to implant contact was 12% regarding bone contact to the im-
and bone area within the limits of the
26.86 6 13.21; 26.67 6 12.89; 28.12 6 plant and bone area, respectively, the
threads of the implants.
23.38; and 25.62 6 16.18 for DE, GBR, power of the performed test was below
RESULTS BG, and GBR/BG, respectively. Re- the desired power of 0.80 to disclose p
garding the bone area within the , 0.05, which means that the negative
Clinical observations
threads of the implant, the mean per- findings should be interpreted cau-
Clinical signs of peri-implant inflam- centage was 49.52 6 22.82; 51.96 6 tiously. In addition, because of ethical
mation, that is, redness and suppura- 21.61; 55.74 6 21.06; 48.65 6 14.80 for reasons, the number of animals used in
tion, were drastically reduced after 2 DE, GBR, BG, and GBR/BG, respec- the present study was not the ideal
weeks of plaque control and systemic tively. (around 20 animals) and resulted in a
antimicrobial administration. Exposure large standard deviation for some pa-
of the membrane was observed in two rameters, which also requires caution
sites (GBR/GB) 14 weeks after surgery. This study revealed that neither the when analyzing the results. The obser-
The regime of plaque control was amount of regenerated bone nor the vation of a reduced amount of reos-

Journal of Oral Implantology 247


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