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Drained and Undrained Conditions

• Drained condition occurs when there is no change

in pore water pressure due to external loading.
• In a drained condition, the pore water can drain out
of the soil easily, causing volumetric strains in the
Undrained and Drained soil.
Shear Strength • Undrained condition occurs when the pore water
is unable to drain out of the soil.
• In an undrained condition, the rate of loading is
Lecture No. 11 much quicker than the rate at which the pore water
is able to drain out of the soil.
October 22, 2002 • As a result, most of the external loading is taken by
the pore water, resulting in an increase in the pore
water pressure.
• The tendency of soil to change volume is suppressed
during undrained loading.

Drained and Undrained Conditions (Continued..) Drained and Undrained Conditions (Continued..)

• The existence of either a drained or an undrained

condition in a soil depends on:
– The soil type (e.g. fine-grained or coarse-grained)
– Geological formation (fissures, sand layers in clays, etc.)
– Rate of loading
• For a rate of loading associated with a normal
construction activity, saturated coarse-grained Drained Condition Undrained Condition
soils (e.g. sands and gravels) experience drained
conditions and saturated fine-grained soils (e.g. • A soil with a tendency to compress during drained loading will
silts and clays) experience undrained conditions. exhibit an increase in pore water pressure during undrained
• If the rate of loading is fast enough (e.g. during an loading, resulting in a decrease in effective stress.
earthquake), even coarse-grained soils can • A soil with a tendency to expand or dilate during drained
loading will exhibit a decrease in pore water pressure during
experience undrained loading, often resulting in undrained loading, resulting in an increase in effective stress.
3 4
Undrained Shear Strength Undrained Shear Strength (Continued..)
Higher effective
• The shear strength of a fine-grained soil under • Unlike the critical confining stresses
undrained condition is called the undrained state angle of τ φ’cs
shear strength and is denoted by su. friction, the su2
• su is the radius of the Mohr’s Circle of Total Stress: undrained shear su1
Effective Stress Circle strength is not a
(σ1 )f − (σ 3 )f (σ1′ )f − (σ ′3 )f τ φ’cs fundamental soil
su = = σ
2 2 su parameter.
(σ 3 )f (σ 1 )f • Its value depends on
• The undrained shear
the values of the
strength depends only σ, σ’ Lower effective φ’cs
effective confining
on the initial void confining stresses
ratio or the initial
(σ ′3 )f (σ 1′ )f stresses.
u • An increase in effective confining stresses causes
water content of the Total Stress Circle
a decrease in void ratio and an increase in
soil. [Note that the horizontal tangent to the undrained shear strength as shown in the figure
two circles is NOT a failure envelope.] 5 above. 6

Undrained Shear Strength (Continued..) TSA and ESA

• The Atterberg limits • TSA stands for Total Stress Analysis.
(Liquid Limit and Plastic
Limit) define the range of 1.0 • A TSA uses undrained shear strength (su) for
undrained shear strengths the analysis of soil strength and soil stability
for a fine-grained plastic problems.
soil. • TSA derives its name from the fact that su value
• At its Liquid Limit (i.e. for a fine-grained soil can be obtained using total
Liquidity Index IL = 1), a stresses (see description and figure on page 5).
clay has su approximately 1.5 150 log(su) • ESA stands for Effective Stress Analysis.
kPa kPa
equal to 1.5 kPa. • An ESA uses critical state angle of friction (φ’cs)
• At its Plastic Limit (i.e. IL = 0), a clay has su for the analysis of soil strength and soil stability
approximately equal to 150 kPa. problems.
• Therefore, approximate estimate of su can be
obtained by knowing the water content of the soil.
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Undrained or Drained? Direct Shear Test
• When designing a • It involves shearing a
geotechnical soil sample along a
structure, both
undrained and
horizontal slip plane.
drained conditions • Vertical force is applied
must be considered through a metal platen
to determine which resting on top of the
one is more critical.
soil sample.
• For an excavated
slope, the long- • Horizontal force is
term or drained applied using a motor
condition is more for displacement
critical because the • On the other hand, for an
embankment, the short-term or control or by weights
drained strength of
soil is lower than its undrained condition is more critical through a pulley for
undrained strength. because the undrained strength of soil load control.
is lower than its drained strength.
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Direct Shear Test (Continued..) Unconfined Compression Test

• Most direct shear tests are conducted using • This test subjects the soil to
displacement control because it facilitates an axial compressive load
measurement of both the peak and the critical between two platens as Dial Proving
shear stresses. shown in the picture. Gauge Ring
• When load control is used, it is not possible to • There is no confinement of
obtain data beyond the peak shear stress. the sample in the radial
• In a displacement control test, the load is direction.
measured using a load cell or a proving ring. • The load is recorded using a Sample
• The horizontal and vertical displacements of the proving ring or a load cell
top half of the shear box are recorded using dial and the axial deformation of
gauges to obtain shear and volumetric strains. the soil sample is recorded
• Due to poor drainage control, a direct shear test is using a dial gauge.
not used for obtaining undrained shear strength. • Loading is applied manually Lever
by turning a lever.
11 12
Unconfined Compression Test (Continued..) Conventional Triaxial Test
σ1 τ φ’cs • A conventional triaxial test is
widely used for obtaining
Proving Ring
su shear strength parameters
σ3 σ1 for a variety of soil types.
σ3 = 0 σ3 = 0 Effective Stress Circle • A typical triaxial apparatus is
(not determined in UC test) shown in the picture. Triaxial Cell
σ1 −∆u Total Stress Circle • The essential components
• Since there is no arrangement to control drainage, are:
the soil sample is sheared at a fast rate to ensure – A Reaction Loading Frame
undrained condition. – A Triaxial Cell for the application
of confining pressure
• Undrained shear strength of the soil sample is – A load measurement device
given by: (e.g. a proving ring) Loading Frame
su = 12 σ 1 – Deformation measurement
devices 14

Conventional Triaxial Test (Continued..) Conventional Triaxial Test (Continued..)

• The name Triaxial is • The soil sample is laterally confined by a
a misnomer since only membrane and radial stresses are applied by
two, not three, pressurizing water in the triaxial cell.
stresses can be • The axial stresses are applied by loading a plunger.
controlled – axial
stress and radial • If axial stress (σ1) is greater than radial stress
stress. (σ3), the sample is compressed vertically and the
test is called a Triaxial Compression Test.
• It involves subjecting
a cylindrical soil • If axial stress (σ1) is less than radial stress (σ3),
sample to controlled the sample is compressed radially and the test is
increases in axial called a Triaxial Extension Test.
stresses or axial • The flow of water in and out of the soil sample can
displacements and be controlled accurately and therefore, it is
radial stresses. possible to do both undrained and drained tests.
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Conventional Triaxial Test (Continued..) Consolidated Drained (CD) Test
• It is also possible to measure the pore water • The purpose of a CD test is to obtain drained shear
pressure in the soil sample due to an increase in strength parameter (φ’cs) for the analysis of long-
axial or radial stresses. term or drained loading of a soil mass.
• Therefore, it is possible to calculate the effective • The effective Young’s modulus E’ and shear
stresses in the soil sample. modulus G can also be obtained from a CD test.
• Depending on the drainage conditions, a triaxial • Since the soil is drained for the entire duration of
compression test can be of two types: the test, there is no change in the pore pressure
– Consolidated Drained (CD) Test value.
– Consolidated Undrained (CU) Test • Therefore, according to the Effective Stress
• Both the CD and the CU tests subject the soil Principle, the change in total stress is equal to
sample to initial consolidation to bring the change in effective stress.
effective stresses within the soil sample close to • Hence, the analysis of CD test results is done on
the field value. the basis of effective stresses.
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Consolidated Drained Test (Continued..) CD Triaxial Test – An Example

σ’1 = σ’3 + ∆σ’1 τ
φ’cs • The results of three CD triaxial tests on a soil at
failure are given in the table below. Estimate the
φ’cs value for the soil.
σ’ Test σ’3 σ’1 at failure
σ’3 σ’3 σ’1 No. (kPa) (kPa)
1 100 305
2 150 442
• Usually, three or more soil samples are tested at different values 3 200 593
of effective confining stress σ’3.
• Mohr’s circle of stress can be drawn for each of these tests – the [This example will be solved in the class.]
larger the value of σ’3, the larger the diameter of the circle.
• The common tangent to all the circles passing through
origin is the Coulomb’s failure line and its inclination with
respect to σ’-axis is the critical state angle of friction φ’cs for soil
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Consolidated Undrained Test Consolidated Undrained Test (Continued..)
σ’1 = σ1 - ∆u φ’cs Total Stress
• Both undrained (su) and drained (φ’cs) τ
su3 Circles
parameters can be obtained from a consolidated
undrained (CU) test. su1
• A CU test is conducted in a similar manner as a CD
test except that at the end of initial consolidation, σ, σ’
σ’3 σ’3 = σ3 - ∆u
the axial load or displacement is increased under σ’3 σ’1
undrained condition and the excess pore water σ’1
pressure is measured. Effective Stress Circles ∆u [Test 3]

• Plotting of Mohr’s circle of stress can be done using • Mohr’s circle of stress in terms of effective stresses
total stresses if only su values are required. can only be plotted if pore water pressure is
• If φ’cs value for the soil is required in addition to su measured during a test.
values, the Mohr’s circle of stress must be plotted • The excess pore water pressure is the horizontal
using effective stresses. offset between Mohr’s circles of effective stress
and total stress.
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CU Triaxial Test – An Example

• A CU triaxial test was conducted on a saturated
soil by isotropically consolidating the soil sample
using a cell pressure of 150 kPa and then
incrementally applying load on the plunger while
keeping the cell pressure constant. Failure was
observed when the stress exerted by the plunger
was 160 kPa and the pore water pressure
recorded was 54 kPa. Determine (a) su and (b)
φ’cs of the soil by plotting Mohr’s circles for total
and effective stresses.
[This example will be solved in the class.]


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