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BDC Assignment4

The objective of these question is to help you reading the book and focus on
important topics in Chapter 4
1. How do amplifiers differ from repeaters?

2. Describe three approaches to detecting errors, including how they work, the probability of
detecting an error, and any other benefits or limitations.

3. Briefly describe how even parity and odd parity work. Assuming Even Parity Required, What
would be the parity bit for the byte 0101010_?

4. Briefly describe how checksum works. Assuming the message equivalent decimal value
is 3160, What would be the checksum value be?

5. Calculate the hamming coded word for the data 011011001001

6. How does cyclical redundancy checking (CRC) work? Explain using an example of P=58 and G=8

7. Compare and contrast stop-and-wait ARQ and continuous ARQ.

8. Describe four types of noise. Which is likely to pose the greatest problem to network managers?

Exercise: Use Internet to find switch on market that handle 10GbE uplink
Also, look for an HP switch that handles 1GbE Giabit Copper with 16-20 ports in layer-2 ONLY
Show related snapshots (Product details & model name) of these two switches with some details about

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