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Larsen & Tout Limited © L&T Construction ae Snr, Soc ionarch, Peto 0.236 napa Marg ‘pur 302021, Raa OA Ref No: LATIELECINDFOCTP182/TECHIGANTRY20140063_Date:10"" Api 2014 To, Mis Electromech 812, Peal Bost Height "Netai Subhash Place, New Delhi-1 10094 Kind Attn: Mr, Sandesh fa (Regional Manager) Dear Sits, Sub: Let often (LO or Supp, Fapricaton recon, Instat and commissioning of 13T Gantry for WOFC CTP tad at Bhagapa Depot Ret:_Your final offer datec:21-3-14 and discussions held on the subjoct. with reference tothe captned subject and reference, we are please to inform our intention to place order on you towards Fabrication, Erection, Installaton and Commissioning of 21 ‘0 of 2T Fixed Gantry for ur WDFC CTP182 project at Bhagega Depot Price: ‘The total value ofthe contact wil be Rs.4,18,23,188l (Four Crores, Eighteen lakhs twenty three thousand one hundres and fity fie only inclusive of Excise Duty @ 10.3% , VAT @ 42.5% and Service taxes @ 12.20% Performance Bank Guarantee: ‘You shal arrange to submt the Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) for an ameunt of 5% of the total Contract Value wthin teen (15) days from the date of receipt of tis LOI, as per format stiached - Annexure-3 ‘The contact person from LAT for this order will be: Me. D._K. Chaudhary (Contact No (09798498908), WOFC Offee, Larsen and Toubro Limite, ath Fleer, SDC Monarch Building, 1-236, Amrapali Marg, Vaishali Nagar, Jalpur-202021 Please acknowledge receipt ofthis LOI and arrange to retum the duplicate copy of this LOL Guly signed by you as a toten of acceptance ofthe terms and conditions. Yours faithfully, Fort "I '& Toubro Limited, VN GOKHALE Project Director wore cTP 142 Encl: Annexure ~1- Terms & Condlions. ‘Annexure -2- Scape Matix ‘Annexure - 3 ~ Format of Performance Bank Guarantee ‘Annexure -4~ Fors of Advance Bank Guarantee sedate ont ermal tam Fhe 87 Chr 20018. ‘puted ice 1 ace are, 000) RO cnet stds ta a id Page tot? Larsen & Toubro Limited © L&T Construction ‘sem Oud Frag Cor Gar Patage 18? evn 25 ama io. is 236A ‘nour 32203 fant ‘Annexure-1 TERMS & CONDITIONS SCOPE OF WORK YENDOR ‘The siope of work shall include supply, fabrication, erection, instalaton and commissioning of xed steel gantres of 2 MT capacities (21 nos) as specified in the rawings and as per direction of engineer-i-charge. Prior to his you are aso required to fubmit the detailed Schedule of Program along withthe Ist of fols & tackles to be ‘engaged required to complete the work. Testa 2 ary Canali a, em epanard Tanti © thd Stone Sno id mathsny ewe Wa © Wark Progam: Stmicon oid Soe xr i oe Sotsaega sakes 4: Lf Equipment: Stison ott matin, eqs oe Sect as ita ea Se tea Sanu Pe Lol «. Syperenlnd opto: Syn epin Hsng e Cae SENOS sey in ean | tration of Gant pin tang 0 ro es nd st be eoeotsbeaccesrcecr tb coataay +: ting ri calm ie rin og aC va son SU ea bs gman fant Opin tii pia oe my Reet Sere A ec aarti te ns oe | ata hd: Opn oa edn of wt ty ein Sy Sn aoe ase a veg 1 pros Scorn epstin ough pdt ph ttn et See, oe a ttn frees Becton BEd la sta ot 1 Rope ees fant rig rt at i lt Assamby Supa & han of fot stony fr ach sy Sordi ee vt Spon Ces tv 0d nnn an Rosh dt om o. Ina Tsing: Tsing & coming of 2 of oy wth Sei eee eee recttn serene ume ©® L&T Construction ‘Wiestem Dedicated Fright Condor Gol trackocage 1 82 Shp, Soc nar, No 0736 Amana Mo, lou 303021, Ratan, WIA ‘Synchronited Testing: Testing & commissioning for synchronization of 21 oS of ganty. Bifurcated Synchronised testing: testing & commissioning for synchronization of 10 os. separately & 11 nos. separately Guarantee: Guarantee of 18 months from the date of commissioning and successtlesting Circuit Diagram: ELECTROMECH wil provide detailed cuit diagram of synchronised pane Communication Detalls: Submission of proper organization chart with Contact dela of all the parsons involved inthis work. Along with ane nodel ‘authority to communicate with ‘Transportation: Loading & Transporation of fabricated material to sit. Weighing: weighing of fabricated material rceived at ste. Unloading: Unloading of the fabricated material recoived at sit. Painting: 2 coats painting of golden yellow Enamel colour over 2 coats of primer. Misc. items: Providing & instaling all electrical & mechanical tems tke ‘motors, hobt assembly, wire ropes, cables etc ‘Templates: providing templates for fing the gantry’ othe foundation. ‘Tools & Tackles: Arrangement of cranes alongwith all major & minor toks, tackles, equipment etc. required for erection work at ste Taxes: Payment of Excise Duty, VATICST, Service Tax etc. ‘Templates for foundation: Templates fo xing the gantry to foundation. ‘Accommodation: Arrangement of accommodation of your staff working at our ste. LARSEN & TOUBRO h ‘Drawing: Supply of Fabrication drawing for 2T fied gantry complete. Inspection: Inspection of the fabrication work st ELECTROMECH'S work shop. ‘Open Storage Area: Arrangement of open Space for keeping the fabricated material at to, Covered storage: Storage area for keeping the electrical and mechanical tem at site ‘Security: Arangement of secu forthe received fabricated materia at st, Foundation works: Foundaton work for the gantry including placing of ‘Anchor / J Bolls in postion Electricity: Elect for basi ilumination i required at erection ste, ‘Spreatler Beam: Design and supply of spreader beam and holding clamps oda (ones Oe 6 ous ht hr tl 8 097 NDR arctan aid Page 3017 Lasan 8 Toubro timited © L&T Construction ‘an Bede Fight Cor ntact Potage 18? ‘Ghrber Soc Monarch, ‘oe in 6.236 Aap Mar, Spur 302021, Rajan, A |. Power Points: Providing Power points for elec connecion for every ‘entry. |. Tost Loads: Test loads for testing & commissioning of ganiries. (Test loads wil be of 27) k. Electricity for testing: Electric for testing & commissioning of Gantry, 2. PRICE, RATES & PAYMENT TERMS: 2.4 The contract price: ‘The Contract Price Is for the work of fabrication, supply, erection, instalation and test & commissioning of 21 nos fixed sloel ganties of 2 MT capacities as @ complete job and as ‘mentonedin the scope of work. The breakup of otal contact price is detaled a6 under Description ofwork [vom | 9!" | pate | Amountin Rs. ‘Supply & Fabrication of a 7" Sur wee | 21 | 14024 | 2ansx000 freon & Cormissang | Hs | — 21 —| 400900} ar. 00 Taporaion fe leretee |e 10.0, 900 txt Duty on Sep & Foicalon Pr 10.30% 09.486 (ST / VAT on Sippy & Febrcaton Part 250% 1000.61 Seni Taxon Erection & Tanepraton Part | 12.36% 498.08 Total Contact vale) 41823,85 2a vai “The Rates shal be vali and remain fm forthe entire duration ofthe contract as well as for the entre scope of work. No revision /aterations of unt rates shall be entertained on any account 23 Taxes, duties & statutory deductions: ‘The pice i inclusive of VAT, service Tax, Excise duly and any other duties, al incidental charges and all other local taxes, duties etc. Variation inthe prices is payable to the ELECTROMECH only on account of any Increase or modifeation due to statuiony changes. Income tar at prevaiing rate as applicable from time to time will be deducted from ELECTROMECH's bile as per Income Tax Act, and quoted rates shall be deemed 10, include this. LAT wil ssue necessary TDS certificate for such deductions. 2.4 Escalation: , an ® L&T Construction reo conte ‘toon Soc Monarch (eg pet Soares, “The rates incicated inthe schedule of items shall remain fim for the entire duration 2.5 Payment terms: 1 10% of the contract value will be pald by LAT against submission of Advance Bank Guarantee for 10% of contract val, . 80% of contract value will be released cn pro rata basis ater receiving fabricated material at site, within 30 days from the date of submission of ivoice and Certication by the Engineer in charge. 1. 10% of conract vale after erection and commissioning of al gant on pro rata bests 4, Retention money @ 5% of each invoice shall be retained by LAT which shall be payable win 90 days from the success Testing & commissioning ofthe work @. ELECTOMECH shal raise invoice on rronthly basis Le. more than 1 invoice In a ‘manth wi not be acceptable, 3. BANK GUARANTIES: 3.4 Performance Bank Guarantee (PEG): ‘Within titeen (15) days from the date of issue of LOL, ELECTROMECH shal submit Performance Bank Guarantee (PEG) for an amount equivalent to five parcent (5%) of total Contract Price as per format attached as Aneaxure-3. The PBG shall be feleased after the complation of contractual duration Le. 18 months trom the successful testing & commissioning of the work 3.4 Advance Bank Guarantee (ABG): LST shall pay mobilization advance @ 10 % of he contract value subject submission ‘of Advance Bank Guarantoo (ABG) of an equivalent amount in addiion to the ‘Submission fo PBG 88 mentioned in clause-3.1 2s por formal atlached as Aneaxure- tho advance. poymont would bo released within © poriod tity (30) dye of ‘submission of both Gs, 4, TIME OF COMPLETION ‘2. Time's the essence ofthis contract. The period of completion ofthe ene scope of ‘work vl be 3 months fom the date of recip ofthe LO! ». In case ELECTROMECH fails fo mest the target datos and inthe opinion of LAT, ELECTROMECH cannot make up the progress, then LAT reserves the right 10 ‘assign fll work or part fom ELECTROMECH's scope to other vendors as the case may be. © Mt Shall_ be clearly understood that LAT will not entertain eny claim from ELECTROMECH for any idle time compensation. <4. Mutually agreed constriction program may demand ELECTROMECH to work in single / double / tipo shits to Tull ELECTROMECH's obligation under ths sub- contract ‘eos, at Maron Monga P98, Ca -620 08. HOA ‘pd ie at Mowe hi ny naka” ST RO at onc ath nd Page Sof 17 igreameaonne © L&T Construction ‘em bedeated Fight Corer Sent Snow, Soc Monarch, bet 6.236 Arson Mos, Jap 302021, Ratan, A {8 Daly in completion of work for the wil atact liquidated damages as per cause 0.13 '5, STARING DATE OF WORK “The fatrication work shall commence Immediately after receipt of LOL 6. WARRANTY ELECTROMECH shal provide a comprehensive warranty for 18 months from the date ff commissioning the equipment at site against any manufacturing detects found ‘which may affect functioning of the equipment. The defects shal be rectified fre of ‘cost by ELECTROMECH and ensure smooth functioning ofthe equipment 7. INSURANCE ELECTROMECH shall tits own cost procure, maintain and arrange allinsurance’s 3s per the terme of this contract and law applicable foi and shall Keep tis insurance ‘ald during the period of operation of Contract. ‘The Insurances shalnter- ia include: , ELECTROMECH shall secure insurance forthe Plant and Machinery deployed at ‘our project site under Construction Plant and Machinery Policy and submits the ‘copy ofthe policy prior 9 mobilizing plant and equipment at ste b. ELECTROMECH shall submit proof of Workmen + Compensation Policy forall ‘feir workmen / supervisor and any other personnel whom ELECTROMECH wil, deploy a our Project site prior commencement of the work. . reurance covering loss / damage to the property 2nd equipment deployed by ELECTROMECH againt fire, tet, damages of, a the Job site 6. Group personnel acedents insurance covering ELECTOMEGH's employees, staff Third party Fabily Insurance as covered in Comprehensive insurance policy 8, GENERAL CONDITIONS ‘2. ELECTROMECH shall employ and ensure a presence of qualifed authorized representatives a ll times during execution ofthe work . ELECTROMECH shall nominate their Authorized Representative to correspond ‘wh LAT on all matters touching and conceming this Contract. Name, address and rrobile number of authorizes repracentalve shal bo provided to L&T within seven (7) days from the date of receipt ofthe LOL cc. L&T shall not be responsibi for any loss or damage to ELECTROMECH's men, Tratera, equipment, toole and. pants. for" any reason atiroutable 10 ELECTROMECH whatsoever, The ELECTROMECH's Insurance polices 5 per use 7 of this LOI deem to cater for all such losses! damages, if any feountered 4. The ELECTROMECH shal also be responsibe forthe payment of all leviestaxes ©’ StateCentral Governments andior any Statutory Body. The ELECTROMECH at is cast and Hs expense shall comply with all labor laws and Keep LAT indemnified ©‘ any claims, damages arising out ofthe ELECTROMECH non-compliances. rede, Rover on. Mangala P53 cans 620.08 POA ‘Merona Gc i ue i hay are Mone" NO a at ahd fk ind Page 60f19 gna 8 Tout utes ) LaT Construction Seen a conte eee ‘Shoo Se honor ‘lr 236 mapa Mag, Japa 302021, aan OA ‘8 All instruments to be used by RITES shall be calbrated as per relevant spectications 1. LAT shall have the right to reject any personlequipment deployed by the ELECTROMECK, if found unsuitable for ho projec. The ELECTROMECH shal replace such person andior equipment atthe earlest possible date of receipt of natfiation from L&T in this regards without any extra cost tothe LAT and without affecing the pregress of work. Decision of LAT in this regard shall be final and binding on ELECTROMECH, 19. The ELECTRONECH will not be enfiled to any caim of ding for man, manpower ‘and other resources during the operation of this contrac. hin. the case of ELECTROMECH ‘allure to perform the Contract in accordance wih the conditions of the Contract LAT wil have the right to terminate the ertke Contractor pat thereo! afer serving fourteen (14) day notice fo ELECTRONECH, |. Works shall be catiod out as per the instruction of LAT's Engines whose name willbe inbmated to ELECTROMECH separately by L&T. in-charge, INSPECTION OF WORKS LAT's representatives or Engineer-In-Charge will have full power and. authority 0 Inspect the works at any lime wherever in progress. on site or factory and ELECTROMECH thal afford or procure for Engineerin-Charge every fecilly and assistance to cary olf such inspection. ELECTROMECH shall a all mes during the sual working hours end all her times st wich reasonable notice ofthe intention of Enginer-in-Charge 0” hs representative (0 visit the works shall have been given, ELECTROMECH' representative duly accredited in wrtng, be present fr the purpose. 410, PROVISIONAL ACCEPTANCE Acceptance of sections of the works for purposes of usages by LET and payment for '8uch work or paris of work shal not constitute @ waiver of any portion of this contract and shall not be consttucted so as fo prevent the engineer from requiring replacement of Gefectve work that may become apparent after the said acceptance and also shall not fbsoWve ELECTROMECH of the obligations under tis contract. ls made clear that Such an acceptance does not indicate or denate or establish fo the fact of execution of that work or the cortract untl the work is completed in full accordance with the provisions ofthis contract. +11. SAFETY COMPLIANCE: ELECTROMECH shal at his own expenses arrange for necessary safely provision at site, wile erection and commissioning of Gants, ‘The folowing arrangements shal be in the scope of ELECTROMECH, 2, Every necessary precaution forthe safety ofthe workers at site and provide all the ‘stipulated personal protective equipment to the workmen. Incase of faiure to do $0, LAT reserve the right to either terminate the contract of comply to the ‘requirement and recover the cost fom ELECTROMECH @ cost + 20%. Fete ero atm P Ne 79st 60008. NEA ‘ete ote at as none a mb a5 0 Larsen a Tout Limited ® L&T Construction Ser ep conte ‘throw Soc Monarch eaeeeennes poe aces, See ey ee eer ae eee eat ee cee een St nan ecacon rang by LAT tte aa eee ee ee rtnan betta mabe inch teertnneg be ite Cea ere I anton en eas dred be ton oe ciate eel ial saeici al eel age as aad he eens oy eae ee ste ca eta erst ee serait cere upment sel poor cpr and ld ann or opecing Sonne o. ROWE anal ate vy Pre St salty Pn, Cer re er reece ert by be envoonantl aan Sept tl tata Sater Pan 12. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: In case ELECTROMECH Is unable to complete the works in total as per schedule fumished to LAT, then, bquidates damages wil be applicable @ 0.5% of the flal ‘contract value por week of delay, subject fo @ maximum of 5% ofthe contract value. 15, FORCE MAJEURE: Ir ether party is prevented forthe performance of is respective obigatons in whole or part thereat due to Force Majeure, such as act of God, war, insurecton, embargo, ‘Sabotage, explosions and epidemics, then the party who 1s prevented from the performance of obigation shall by notice of happening of any such event served within ‘even (7) days from the date of occurence of forced majeure shall suspend the performance of ts abigation. The partes would be excused of the nonperformance ‘during the period of such suspension Le fom the dale of occurence of Forosd majeure Up 10 cessation of Force Majeure. provided; however, such events mately and ‘adverse affect the affected Pays performance of ts obligations. Ir the force majeure event continues beyond a period of two month, the partes shal mutually decide further course of action tobe taken in regard to continuance of work. A ‘mutual settlement cannot be arrived at within a period of four months from the date of force majeure event ether party shal have the right to terminate the Contract itis epectieally agreed thatthe partes shall bear the cost anc losses If any on account of Forced Majeure event. No rights to cael and compensation forthe losses whatsoever wil acerue on any party even I such foreed majeure event resus o suspension and / or termination of Contract 14, TERMINATION / CANCELLATION: LAT shallbe ented to terminate the Contract ‘4. ELECTROMECH Abandons the Works or othenuise demonstrates the intention ‘ot to continue with performance ofits obligations under the Contract »b, Without any vail ressons/ustieaton, alu to proceed withthe Works Fae net arama oa pata PM ‘padres Oe a hase hry ors Moe Larsen & TouteoUnted : ‘area Ep) 18 construction I err ra ont Semen tes Sere eens er Seaton. 1 Becomes bankwpt of insolent, has @ receiving o° administration order ‘made against hin, compounds with his creditors, or cari on business under @ Feobver, rustes or manager for the benefit of his creditors of any acts done fr event occurs which (under appicable Laws) has a similar effect to any of ‘hese acts or events. 15, ARBITRATION: Dispute or diference whstsoever if arise betwoen Electromech & LAT with regard to or in relation to terms of contrac, efforts shall be made inthe fist place to settle it amicably. In ‘case o fare, such ciepule shall be relerod to “Arbiration” (arbrators agroed by LAT ‘and Elecromech mutualh). The Arbiration shall be in accordance with the Abivation & ‘Conciliation Act, 1996 tobe adjucicated by a panel of 3 Arbivaors of which one member ‘each would be appointed respectively by you and LAT. The decision arrived atthe ‘Aroitaton proceedings wl be final and birding on both the partes. The jurisdiction wil be tether in MumbaiChenna. 46. GOVERNING LAW ‘This Order shall be censtued in accontance with Laws of India and courts in (ChennaiiMumibal India shall have jursdicon, onan unt rans hat Moran MN. 972 er 20089 0A ‘edie 18 ase WM hata Same ames CoF PNA Larsen & Tout Limited [ar Conzrction| Uerern Bedeted eight Com Oni rack Patape- 182 ‘hoo, Soc nach, ‘eo 0236 Aapa) More, ‘pur 302 021, Ratan BIA Annexure:2- SCOPE MATRIX % a eave | Ua a Description of cy Scope | scape [aa Suit Fatiton ving te Fu ayo q 2 | eae | Saase™e ta wooroearewerobe 2 [Werk Pronram | Submecon ct ae Schau ote cont wat ae Saranac actin, on cpr ‘ rare ee ec fon we Equipment’s date of receipt of the LO! smmcatan | Smit cf pe rpnznin hw et an of 5 | Sommunieton | Seema mak Anes ane Saye nee @ | racaten [ato of 90 Gans eons mal wep 7 [wepeaten | potent tavtoxing oe «| tanmperiton | tear 8 Tarpon vad mario at © | womhing | waging ean mara cod tte 10 | Unading | unaig trai cn ate 11 | fating ot aan arty wt co of rar cox of eee con saat 12 | nen stomge Aven | open Spc twp eat mat ate q ‘2 | comtsoage | Soot eve tianrg esearcrdmedarcalion i | teary Seow re ct ete mal tate y r Frevting&rataig ocr & mechan oie ee “motors, hoist assembly, wire ropes, cables ec, 1 | tenptnn | proveng ents ert pny ot orn s_| Fenton wc forte gay ncn acing of esr : 17 | reumanion wore | Eoin st [ te | teccy | eats aint and ¢ ‘Arrangement of cranes along with all major & min tos, | 19 [Toole Tackies | ikl, equipment otc requred for erecton work at si sar unt omar Ro ta PN. 973 On 088 HOA ‘egtred ea aoe WN hr ost a 007 NO " Page 1008 ® L&T Construction eer ser ig oir Fei bas Amt ag recon Erecion of 2 08 of gare (caplet in lrespect) y re Rope Proming ktbingot Wreropetornoaeg te spreader beam | Scmaiy | Sob 8 station a eit ssombiy for och gary a Moist Assembly | ign Hot We Rope began eal Spreader Beam | Design and spey of soreader bean and hadng aps ¥ Power Points| Proving Powe pif elec ono for ve any Y “esos fr commision of aries (Test oad wil be of TestLonds | Ts opeced neurone doco) ‘ Beciiy for 2 | Beat Proving etic tasing&conisoning ot Gary Y 27 | maven Teng | sige cormeseira 7 rooney win atv | za |Symchronaed | Design & salon of aypchvonzaton lz veselewnty | yf ‘Testing Zt noe | pana (Set of eat savings too spp) zo | Syetonized | Tesing & commision sreenaton ores qi ‘esting “(+1t)_| seputey 811 ns seperately a 30 | Taxes ¥ excise Duty ¥ Payment ot cs Duty vaniest y Payment of VATICST | Sev. Tax ¥ Pamantt Serie T sccommodaton y ‘Seon Se it ruse Wt hn aonb ODOT NA Gann atc 8 ini Page at (hi ack Pactage= 18.2 Siro, Soc tach, Pet -236 Arana Mary. ‘eur 302071, Raastan NDA Larsen & Toubro Limited ) L&T Construction (ae Seated Frag Cor 8G Format LIPBRKORMANCE loner SCIVendor to ae & Too Lined, Construction Marat WHEREAS we have been informed that you, Mit LAT Consieton, THC, Landi, 5" Floor, Suen ond, OFF AntherKarla Road, Anders (E) Mant ~ 400093 (cnr refered to te "Company" have waded a ContceWoek OrderPurhase OrderLater of tet No, ated » Ms having i office at reposted by its _ Me (hese elered 10 a the “Conte” / Ven) for _ (ie erinon of te Orde) and in terms of the sid Coninev Wok OnarPurchuse One eter Intent, the Conc Ventor resid to fish you with « prince for dhe performance of the Works under the sid Contact Work OrdecPurchase OrdevLeser of Intent sil _ (ation th period of wait = iti 2 scsi em date or ity Be th end of he dfs nb si der te Min Cnc i he ane Iereineccoine, we ___(Nue ofthe Ha}. ving its ested ofcem ot aving 4 Br office among. ter places at — coven an agree with you a fallow: (tec fee toa the “Bank, do bby We hereby ude fo deme you and keep you inde to the extent of the mm of Ra. (Rupece_____ onl) om and agaist al ses ad damages tat may be cased 0 you o sued ‘by you inition he performace of he id Con Work OrdePurcaseOreriLeter off by ‘he Conair Venera aforesaid by eason of ny default o eis on hepa he Contractor Venor in de priomance ofthe sid Contac’ Werk OrderParchae OslrLeter of len, we Hall scondonlly without leur and fertwith on demand poy you 4 mim or same aot exceding RS (gees nly) at may te chine by you to be due fom the ContactorVendor as your les dor damage, os charges or expres. Notwithstanig saying othe sony, yur decison ato wheter he ContactoVendor hs made df or kfc eamnt aos 6 which you red by reson thot wll be Rng on wand we shal be eile ik to ea sour aims dr hese but wil ay he se ey on demand, emcee, without ny demo poet ‘enue ae od tea. 7 Cn =O. EA ‘gp once hae Hn ya ans ae Page t20f Gal acefacage 82 Snr, Soc nach, Pin 6.236 Amrapat Ma, ‘a 303021, Ratan A ‘Thi unrante sl e vald fom ede hereof a oni oe vada ‘temenion te pci of aly — th a specifi nd dt may Be up oh ed of he fab ering under he Main Contra) an comin tol ped nt ti elas you ie wring, Provided alysis garni al in wo event renin in foe ae the dy of _wikot juice to your claim claims risen and demandes from or ethnic ote to usm wing on of hei the sid date which wil Be enforceable apt wx twisted hat the sae i rare enforced fer the al dt, Shui ie acess to extend his puree ‘od he i ate on acount ofany extension of tine being gran the Contasor Vendor, we under Laren & Tout Limited ® L&T Construction ‘ese bd Fight Conor extend th pei of hi gurantee your equ lich ine a may be equed ‘You will ave flo Hheny witha aeting tis guranee Gorm time 1 Une wo vary any ofthe erm and andons ofthe snd Conraev Wok OnerPurchase OnSrLaterof Into extn tine of prormance ofthe works tare under oft postpone fr any tne of om Hine Io te ey of Your Hgts or powers aguas the ‘ConraciorVedor and citer tence offbeat to exfve any of the tems and conditions of the sid ‘Conse Work OnderPrcase OricLeter of Inet ad we sll ot be eet om our ability unde his aac by the execs of your aulence wih refrence mates ares oe by reason of any time Being ‘en the Contacto Vendor or ry other ocaraes 2 aon on Jour a any idlgence by You to the ContactorVendoro by ay vation or modesto ofthe sai Contact Work OnderPurchane Order Letr foto ay other at, mar o hing whoever. We sal not be elesed rom our clgaon hereunder by ny exes by you of our rg wih reference to the mates ars which ver lw woul, bt fo hit rovioe, hive te efit of reliting us, Provided alys nothing herein coined wil eng ourLtty (eapees_ony) os afiesi. eur beyond the ini of ‘Your ight to cover he fees aca! us inthe mane afore wil ot be ated oF mapeded by reason ofthe fit thatthe ConrateVesor as asd my dispute ope, andor any dpa or dpe re ending ef yor, bus out or bias) ‘This uname shal not be ated ay chang inthe eonton of the Conrail Vear or us nr sal ibe fected by any amalgamation rsherton hereof ote but wl be visto and enforceable aunt the stsoring renamed Company cr Concers ‘his urate sal come into free ote date of execaton of he Bak Guarana sal ot be revoked by whether eo icoming ino eo any ine daring ite caency witht your previous const in wring. (a obiaion under thi puree coming bliptins ad shall nt be snd, charged aad by ony argent, agreement bawen the Conpaay and the ComacarVendor oor our obigtions wil be Mfc by ny intermediate payment or setlmet of acount between the Company te Coat Ver inant rma opm Fe. 97, ra 2089 ‘got 16 ue Ws hylan a 00 BA 14 cnn ba cn itd Page of " ui ack Pactage 18 2 ‘ior Soc rar ‘xia 0236 Amapat Marg, ‘Sapur- 302001, aston, ROA All payments mde orto Be mide Dy wf 3 andr tis gusrase tall be mae fill Witoot ay Seo retricon or canton and without ddan fr fo cant of any cunecaim sen & Toubyo Limited ® L&T Construction ‘Water bed Fig oor ‘We ne th she Company sl eet nfs thi guaran agin a eat debe in the Best Instance wiht prose gst the Costner Vere nd twin my Scart ote uate tat ‘he Company may have fom the ComtactorVendee NOTWITHSTANDING snything conned Hercinbove our Jnilty ander his gure i resced wo Rs spss ly and tat thi gure sal ein fre fra pind of | 20 days fom he enya of hie earns afer whic al our eh nde x guaran shal be sedan -we all be releved and discharge roma ou ibis hr under ‘We are omy the amount or amounts demande by you under hie gurantee win a period of 24 hous of cit oy sof your demand “We ve the mcr power a ib ths Guat in your four under Renato ofthe Bos of Diets of the Bank dite 1/ Memorandum and Arce of Asocaon of te Barkan he undersigned as fll over 1 do so underPower of Atomey dated modo him bythe Bank “This Bank Grane sal be oven by nd intproted under he le of a. ‘avg wr aie ont Norpalam Pe e.97Chen 60 08 A eaten ce 9 tty bl Ham SODOOT NO Larsen & Toubro United : a7 Construction L&T Construction ‘Westen Basted Fight Cri Gal ac aciage= 182 Sion, Soc ktoarch, ero 758 Arapas Mg ‘Sar 30204, asian OA ‘Annexure-4— Advance BG Format Bank Guarantee No Date: Larsen & Toubr Limite, Construction Transportation infrastructure IC Mumbai WHEREAS we have been informed that you, Mic LAT Construction, THC, Landma, $° Flor, Si Road, OM AndietKusla Road, Ande (E) Munda’ 40009 (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) hhave awarded a ContractWork Order/Purchase OrderiLetter of Intent No. ‘dated to Mis. having its office at represented by its Mr (hereinafter referred to as the “Conlractor’ “Vendor, for (bef description ofthe order ) n terms ofthe aforesaid ContractWork ‘Srder Purchase OrderiLater of Intent. AND WHEREAS in terms of the said ContractWork Order/Purchase OrderiLetter of Intent, the Contractor'Vendor is required to obtain and furish a bank guarantee in your favour for mobilisation advance payment under the said ContractWork Order/Purchase OrderLetter of Intent In consideration of your having paid to the Contractor/Vendor a sum of Rs. /4Rupees ——____‘only) as and by way of Advance in terms of the said ContractWork OrderiPurchase Order/Letter of Intent and on our agreeing to furnish you with our guarantee in the manner hereinafter contained, we = “(Name of the Bank), having its registered office at ‘and having a Branch office among other places at (hereinafter referred to asthe "Bank’).do hereby covenant and agree with you as follows: We hereby undertake to indemnify you and keep you indemnified to the extent of the sum of Rs, Rupees ‘only) fom and against all losses and ‘damages that may be caused to you or suffered By you in relation to the advance payment made bby you to the Contractor/Vendor as aforesaid by reason of any default or defaults on the part of the Contractor/Vendor in due performance ofthe said Contracl'Work Order/Purchase OrderiLettor Of Intent, we shall unconditionally and without demur forthwith on demand pay to you a sum oF sums not exceeding in the total the said sum of | Rs. {Rupees nly) as may be claimed by you to be due ftom the Contractor Vendor 'a8 your losses andor damages, costs, charges or expenses. Notwithstanding anything tothe contrary, your decision as to whether the ContractonVendor has. made any such default of defaults and the amount or amounts to which you are ented by reason thereof wil be binding on us and we shall not be entitled to ask you to establish your calms under this guarantee but will pay the same on demand without any objection. ‘This quarantee shall continue and hold good unl itis released by you in wing after the GoniractorVender "has discharged all its obligations. under the sald” ContracWork Order/Purchase Order/Letter of Intent. ‘You will have fullest liberty without affecting this quarantee from time to time to vary any of the {terms and conditions of the said ContractWork Order/Purchase Order/Letter of Intent or extend time of performance of the same or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of your Tights of powers against the ContractorVendor and elthr to enforce oF forbear to enforee any of the terms and conditions ofthe said Conivact’Work Order/Purchase Order/Letter of Intent and we shal not be released from our habit under this quarantee by the exercise of your ibety th ‘est rae at Monta PM, 979, One 600 089, NOA ‘pen te i au a ns ht SF arcana tind Page 159617 {gsen 8 out te © L&T Construction Wiest Deceated Fight Cendor Gottac cage <1 82 ‘thor, SOc Noch, ‘oti 0736 Aap Marg, ‘pur 302021, Aastan, A reference to matters aforesaid or by reason of any time being given to the Contractor'Vendor or ‘any other forbearance, act of ofission on your part of any indulgence by you to the CConactoriVendor oF by any variation or modification ofthe said ContractWork Order/Purchase (OrderiLatter of Intent or any other act, matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for te provisions hereof have the effect of so releasing us from our labilty hereuncer Your right to recover the aforesaid amount from us in the manner aforesaid will not be affacted or suspended by reason of the fact that the ContractoriVendor has raised any dispute or disputes, _andior eny dispute or disputes are pending before any officer, tibunal or court or arbitrators). “This guarantee shal not be affected by any change in the consituion ofthe Contractor/Vendor or us nor shall t be affected by any amalgamation or absorption thereof or therewith bul will be _avallable to and enforceable against the absorbing or amalgamated Company or concer. “This guarantee shall come into force from the date of execution of the Bank Guarantee and shall not be ravoked by us whether before its coming into force or any time during its currency without ‘your previous consent in writing NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained hereinabove our liabiliy under this guarentee is resticted to Rs. {Rupees ‘only) and that this gvarantee shall be effective fom the date hereof and remain in ful effect until you receive full repayment of ‘the mobiization advance amount from the ContraciorVendor and we shall be released and discharged from all iabilties thereafter. ‘We are lable to pay the guaranteed amount or any part thereof under this guarantee only if the Company serves upon the Bank a written claim or demand at any time before receipt by the Company of full repayment of the mobilization advance amount from the ContractorVendor. Further we agree to pay the amount or amounts demanded by the Company under ths guarantee within @ period of 24 hours of receipt by the Bank of the demand made by the Company. ‘Our obigations under this guarantee shall be continuing obligations and shall not be satisfied, discharged or affected by any arrangement, agreement between the Company and the Contracior'Vendor nor will our obligations be affected by any intermediate payment or setlement ‘ef account between the Company and the Contractor/Vendor. ‘All payments made or to be made by us to you under this guarantee shall be made infu without ‘any setof, restriction or condition and without deduction for or on account of any counterclaim, We agree that the Company shall be entiled to enforce this guarantee against us as a principal debtor n the frst instance without proceeding against the Contracior/Vendor and notwithstanding ‘any security of other guarantee that the Company may have from the Contracton/Vendor. We have the necessary power to issue this Guarantee in your favour under Resolution of the Board af Directors of the Bank dated [ ]/ Memorandum and Articles of Assocation of the Bank ‘and tha undersigned has full power to do so under Power of Altomey dated {granted to him by the Bank ‘This Bank Guarantee shall be govemed by and interpreted under the laws cf India, NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained herein (2) Our ibility under the Bank Guarantee shall not exceed Re.__/ (Rupees. only) (&)__ This Bank Guarantee shall be valid upto (Dae of Val to be mentioned) and, Lniess @ Demand on the bank in wring on or boTore {Date of Val incluing ove month ‘Smad ot at ose hs hy sss na 60" We cnc td teint Page 160617 aren 8 Youbro Limited ® L&T Construction er py omte serene eters Ee eA an ism peri tobe mentioned) all your rights under this guarantee shall BPE BARA? ar ne SAH relieved and discharged from all our labiltes thereunder. Dated at this of 2008 Winess :1 (Signature) Signature Name Official address (Name) ‘Witness :2 Designation with Bank Stamp ‘Signature Name ‘Offkial address ‘sunt Roam ot haga PN 973, Cha 620062 ‘ipod ce Hom heh se 400" NO rt ate ened Page 170017

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