7 8 Atty Barandon V Atty Ferrer NG V Atty Alar

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Rule 11.03. The Proper Language and and grave threats that Atty.

Barandon filed
Behavior against him.

Atty. Bonifacio Barandon v. Atty. Edwin Issue: WON Atty. Edwin Ferrer is guilty of
Ferrer, Sr. violation of Rule 11 of CPR.

Facts: Court:

Complainant Atty. Barandon filed a Yes. The Court ORDERS the suspension of
complaint-affidavit seeking disbarment, Atty. Edwin Z. Ferrer, Sr. from the practice
suspension from practice of law against of law for one (1) year.
respondent Atty. Ferrer, Sr.:
1) Filed a reply with opposition to motion to
dismiss that contained abusive, offensive, The practice of law is a privilege given to
and improper language which insinuated lawyers who meet the high standards of
that Atty. Barandon presented a falsified legal proficiency and morality. Any violation
document in court; of these standards exposes the lawyer to
administrative liability.
2) Atty. Ferrer filed a fabricated charge
against Atty. Barandon in Civil Case 7040
for alleged falsification of public document Though a lawyer’s language may be forceful
when the document allegedly falsified was a and emphatic, it should always be dignified
notarized document executed on February and respectful, befitting the dignity of the
23, 1994, at a date when Atty. Barandon legal profession. The use of intemperate
was not yet a lawyer nor was assigned in language and unkind ascriptions has no
Camarines Norte. The latter was not even a place in the dignity of judicial forum. Atty.
signatory to the document. Ferrer ought to have realized that this sort
of public behavior can only bring down the
3) At the courtroom, Atty. Ferrer, evidently legal profession in the public estimation and
drunk, threatened Atty. Barandon saying, erode public respect for it. Whatever moral
"Laban kung laban, patayan kung patayan, righteousness Atty. Ferrer had was negated
kasama ang lahat ng pamilya. Wala na by the way he chose to express his
palang magaling na abogado sa Camarines indignation.
Norte, ang abogado na rito ay mga taga-
Camarines Sur, umuwi na kayo sa
Camarines Sur, hindi kayo taga-rito." All lawyers should take heed that they are
licensed officers of the courts who are
4) Atty. Ferrer made his accusation of mandated to maintain the dignity of the legal
falsification of public document without profession, hence they must conduct
bothering to check the copy with the Office themselves honorably and fairly. Atty.
of the Clerk of Court; Ferrer’s display of improper attitude,
arrogance, misbehavior, and misconduct in
5) The Court had warned Atty. Ferrer in his the performance of his duties both as a
first disbarment case against repeating his lawyer and officer of the court, before the
unethical act; yet he faces a disbarment public and the court, was a patent
charge for sexual harassment of an office transgression of the very ethics that lawyers
secretary of the IBP Chapter in Camarines are sworn to uphold.
Norte; a related criminal case for acts of
lasciviousness; and criminal cases for libel
Johnny Ng v. Atty. Benjamin C. Alar

Facts: The MRMI contains insults and diatribes

against the NLRC, attacking both its moral
A complaint for disbarment was filed by and intellectual integrity, replete with implied
Johnny Ng against respondent. He alleges accusations of partiality, impropriety and
that he is one of the respondents in a labor lack of diligence. Respondent used
case at NLRC and respondent is the improper and offensive language in his
counsel for the complainant. The La pleadings that does not admit any
dismissed the complaint. The NLRC justification.
affirmed the decision of LA.
Issue: WON Atty. Benjamin Alar violated
Respondent filed a Motion for Rule 11 of CPR.
Reconsideration with Motion to Inhibit
(MRMI): Court:

“ xxx Commissioner Dinopol by his decision Yes. Respondent Atty. Benjamin C. Alar is

under consideration (as ponente [of] the GUILTY of violation of Canons 8 and 11 of
decision that he signed and caused his co- the Code of Professional Responsibility. He
commissioners in the First Division to sign) is imposed a fine of ₱5,000.00 with STERN
has shown great and irreparable WARNING that a repetition of the same or
impartiality, grave abuse of discretion and similar act in the future will be dealt with
ignorance of the law. He is a shame to the more severely.
NLRC and should not be allowed to have
anything to do with the instant case Rationale:
anymore… xxx”
It must be remembered that the language
Respondent Alar: contends that the instant vehicle does not run short of expressions
complaint only intends to harass him and to which are emphatic but respectful,
influence the result of the cases between convincing but not derogatory, illuminating
complainant and the workers in the but not offensive. A lawyer's language
different fora where they are pending; that should be forceful but dignified, emphatic
the Rules of Court/Code of Professional but respectful as befitting an advocate and
Responsibility does not apply to lawyers in keeping with the dignity of the legal
practicing at the NLRC, the latter not being profession. Submitting pleadings containing
a court; that LAs and NLRC Commissioners countless insults and diatribes against the
are not judges nor justices and the Code of NLRC and attacking both its moral and
Judicial Conduct similarly do not apply to intellectual integrity, hardly measures to the
them, not being part of the judiciary; and sobriety of speech demanded of a lawyer.
that the labor lawyers who are honestly and
conscientiously practicing before the NLRC The Court held that respondent became
and get paid on a contingent basis are unmindful of the fact that in addressing the
entitled to some latitude of righteous anger NLRC, he nonetheless remained a member
when they get cheated in their cases by of the Bar, an oath-bound servant of the
reason of corruption and collusion by the law, whose first duty is not to his client but
cheats from the other sectors who make to the administration of justice and whose
their lives and the lives of their constituents conduct ought to be and must be
miserable, with impunity, unlike lawyers for scrupulously observant of law and ethics.
the employers who get paid, win or lose,
and therefore have no reason to feel The language vehicle does not run short of
aggrieved. expressions, emphatic but respectful,
convincing but not derogatory, illuminating
but not offensive.

The language here in question, respondents

aver, "was the result of overenthusiasm." It
is but to repeat an old idea when we say
that enthusiasm, or even excess of it, is not
really bad. In fact, the one or the other is no
less a virtue, if channeled in the right
direction. However, it must be circumscribed
within the bounds of propriety and with due
regard for the proper place of courts in our
system of government.

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