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DJIA 20650.21 g 0.06% NASDAQ 5894.68 g 0.29% NIKKEI 18983.23 À 0.39% STOXX 600 379.29 g 0.49% BRENT 53.12 g 0.41% GOLD 1250.80 À 0.28% EURO 1.0664 À 0.08%

Blast in Russian Subway Kills 10 Rule Fight

What’s Expected
News In Senate
Business & Finance

T esla has overtaken

Ford as the No. 2 U.S.
On Judge
auto maker by stock-market BY BYRON TAU
value, with a market cap of
about $47.5 billion. A1
WAS H I N GT O N — S e n a te
 North Korea was linked Democrats have enough votes
to the hacking group to mount a filibuster that
blamed for a multimillion- would block consideration
dollar cyberattack on Ban- of President Donald Trump’s
gladesh’s central bank. B1 nominee to the Supreme
Court, setting up a fight over
 An Apple supplier raised
the chamber’s rules that could
the prospect of a patent

reshape the way the institu-

fight after Apple said it
tion considers future nomi-
would stop using the Brit-
nees to the court.
ish firm’s technology. B1
Forty-one Senate Demo-
 France’s Schneider crats said they would vote
agreed to sell its DTN data- “no” on a procedural motion
software unit to TBG, a Swiss later this week that is needed
private holding company, in to end debate and bring
a $900 million deal. B3 Judge Neil Gorsuch’s nomina-
tion to a final vote. That is
 Reckitt Benckiser said it
enough to halt the nomination
had started a strategic re-
from advancing and sets up a
view of its French’s food
EXPLOSION: President Vladimir Putin said it was too early to identify the cause of the incident in St. Petersburg, but didn’t rule out terrorism. A3 major fight in a body where
business, which could be
Republicans control 52 seats
valued at up to $4 billion. B3
but need 60 votes to end de-
 Deutsche Bank is shuffling bate on the nomination.

Tesla Value Speeds by Ford

executives while it searches The Senate Judiciary Com-
for a new CFO and reshapes mittee advanced Judge Gor-
its global businesses. B5 such on Monday on a straight
party-line vote, clearing the
 U.S. companies are trying
way for him to be considered
to stop employees from bor-
rowing money from their re- Electric-vehicle firm U.S. market has plateaued af- by the full Senate. Republicans
Electric Shock ter seven years of growth. control 11 seats on the 20-
tirement accounts. B5 drives its market cap Ford and Tesla market values since Tesla’s IPO, in billions Wall Street has soured on member panel, and Democrats
 Ultra Petroleum’s CEO is above Detroit maker’s; blue-chip auto stocks as dis- control nine.
set to receive about $35 mil- $60B counts to sell cars soar and in- As of Monday, three Demo-
lion in stock when the firm an industry transition ventories balloon, fearful that crats have said they would
emerges from bankruptcy. B5 established players are headed support confirming Judge Gor-
BY TIM HIGGINS $47.49 into prolonged downturns that such. A fourth, Sen. Michael
 German lender HSH re- 40
AND CHRISTINA ROGERS billion* have long plagued the boom- Bennet of Colorado, said he
ceived offers from Apollo Ford and-bust car business. Please see COURT page A6
Global Management and $45
Elon Musk has steered past 20 Tesla is among the few
China’s HNA Group. B7 billion*
Henry Ford in the minds of companies showing the poten-
investors, the latest sign that tial to defy that cycle. Its sales

the auto industry is undergo-
0 *Based on prices during early Monday trading
of electric cars, while rela- Iraq’s Travel
ing a seismic shift. tively modest, have skyrock-
Tesla Inc., the upstart Sili-
con Valley electric-car maker
2010 ’11
Source: FactSet
’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17
eted in a period when low gas-
oline prices have sunk demand
Ban Reprieve
 Senate Democrats have run by Mr. Musk, has over- for other electric vehicles. On
enough votes to mount a taken Ford Motor Co., the au- midday, above the Michigan $298.52 at 4 p.m. Sunday, the company said its Why Trump went against
filibuster that would block tomotive pioneer that is ex- company’s $45 billion, accord- The latest gains at Tesla global sales rose 69% in the his instincts and grudgingly
consideration of Trump’s actly 100 years older, as the ing to FactSet. The next mile- were achieved as the broader first quarter, putting the car agreed to remove it from a
Supreme Court nomi- second-largest U.S. auto maker stone for the California auto auto industry delivered disap- Please see TESLA page A2 list of restricted countries
nee, setting up a fight over by stock-market value. maker is General Motors Co., pointing March sales results,
the chamber’s rules. A1 Tesla’s market capitaliza- valued at roughly $51 billion. reinforcing widespread inves-  Safer, high-tech cars cost A6
tion stood at $47.49 billion at Shares in Tesla rose 7.3 to tor concern that the profitable more to insure........................... B1
 A blast tore through a
subway train in the Rus-
sian city of St. Petersburg,
killing 10 people and injur-
ing dozens more. A3
 Trump adviser Kushner
made a surprise visit to
Baghdad to receive mili-
tary briefings on the fight A shift to watered-down voting power at tech firms hurts shareholder democracy and leaves investors vulnerable, some say
against Islamic State. A3
BY MAUREEN FARRELL investors got one vote for every 10 About 15% of the tech companies 10 votes per share, while Class A
 Trump can draw money held by the two co-founders. that went public in the U.S. between shares sold to the public have one
from his business empire as Companies that go public on the Their viselike grip on the disap- 2012 and 2016, including Facebook vote per share. Snap has three
its trustees see fit without New York Stock Exchange usually pearing-message app is an extreme Inc., Fitbit Inc. and Twilio Inc., did classes of shares.
disclosing it publicly, accord- celebrate by ringing the opening example of a growing power grab so with at least two classes of stock, The tech industry’s use of so-
ing to his revised trust. A6 bell from a balcony crowded with by technology companies when they up from 8% between 2007 and 2011, called supervoting shares has
 The Supreme Court will executives and employees. Snap Inc. go public. according to data compiled by Uni- climbed so much in the past five
consider whether firms can had only two: co-founders Evan Those companies are structuring versity of Florida finance professor years that it is roughly in line with
be sued by foreigners in U.S. Spiegel and Bobby Murphy, who their IPOs so that founders and ex- Jay Ritter. IPOs as a whole. The percentage of
courts for alleged violations control about 90% of the voting ecutives wind up with far more That ownership structure makes it newly public tech companies with
of international law. A7 power in Snapchat’s parent. votes than actual shares. The exag- possible for companies to assign dif- supervoting shares is likely to climb
Snap was the first major com- gerated voting power gives those ferent voting rights to different even higher if the market for new
 Trump welcomed Egyp- pany since at least 2000 to do an few shareholders dominance over all groups of shareholders, as Facebook offerings continues to rebound and
tian leader Sisi, as the U.S. initial public offering in the U.S. corporate decisions, ranging from did in its IPO in 2012. Class B shares corporate executives are embold-
shifts the focus of its ties that gave new shareholders no vot- the election of directors to whether held by Chief Executive Mark Zucker- ened by the successful stock-market
with Cairo from human ing rights whatsoever, and earlier to sell the company someday. berg and other early investors have Please see TECH page A8
rights to security matters. A4
 A U.N. report blasted
Australia over its treat-
ment of indigenous people,
Braking Bad: Vandals Lay Waste Crisis
citing “deeply disturbing”
levels of racism. A4
To China’s Share Bikes Deepens
 South Africa’s credit rat-
i i i In South
ing was downgraded to Pranksters are having a free ride with Africa

“junk” amid an accelerating

drumbeat of calls for Presi- bicycles that don’t require docking stations DOWNGRADE:
dent Zuma to resign. A4 South Africa’s credit
BY TREFOR MOSS wheelers on Chinese streets rating was cut to
during the past year. The junk by S&P Global

Inside SHANGHAI—They’ve been hugely popular bikes cost just

stripped bare, thrown in a handful of U.S. cents to rent
dumpsters, hung in trees, set per hour after users sign up,
Ratings following the
ouster of a popular
finance minister, and
CAPITAL on fire, wrenched out of usually putting down a deposit amid growing calls
shape, tossed in canals, flung of between $15 and $45. for President Jacob
JOURNAL A2 under cars and piled Unlike programs in Zuma to resign. Left,
Tribalism in mangled heaps
outside of town.
the U.S. and Europe,
however, these bikes
protesters in Pretoria
rallying against
Spreads in D.C. In one video, a
young man trundles
don’t have docking
stations—bikes can be
corruption. A4
to the riverfront in left anywhere and
the northern city of renters use smart-
CONTENTS Markets...................... B8
Business News...... B3 Opinion.............. A10-11 Tianjin and flips one phone apps to unlock
casually into the wa- their built-in locks.
Capital Journal...... A2
Crossword.............. A12
Heard on Street.... B8
Technology............... B4
U.S. News............. A6-7
Weather................... A12
ter. In others, a pack
of children vandalize
London and New
York, where bikes can
In Google Data Battle, Location Matters
Life & Arts......... A9,12 World News....... A2-4
them with delight, be picked up or BY JACOB GERSHMAN communications stored over- “legal investigations support”
€3.20; CHF5.50; £2.00; and an old woman dropped off only at seas off-limits to prosecutors— team is responsible for finding
U.S. Military (Eur.) $2.20 A share bike
bludgeons hers with in China docking stations, have Google and the U.S. Justice even if there is probable cause and disclosing matching re-
a hammer. about 23,000 share Department are clashing in to suspect the data contains ev- cords, often taking weeks to
The moral of this story: If bikes between them. Shanghai courtrooms across the country idence of a crime. complete a single request, ac-
you’re somehow reincarnated alone has half a million—and over the government’s power Law-enforcement authorities cording to the company.
as a share bike, pray you don’t the sheer number of bikes, to compel the company to turn send Google thousands of re- Until a few months ago,
end up in China. their often isolated and hap- over emails and other personal quests a year for user data in Google turned over data de-
More than two dozen bike- hazard parking locations, and data sought in criminal probes. probes ranging from investiga- manded in warrants regardless
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones & share startups have put mil- the age-old scourges of thiev- The tensions deepened after tions of human trafficking and of where content was stored to
Company. All Rights Reserved
lions of cheery-hued yellow, ery, petty vandalism and gen- a landmark court ruling last child pornography to terrorism comply with a 1986 federal
blue, green or orange two- Please see BIKES page A8 year declaring private online and white-collar cases. Google’s Please see GOOGLE page A2
A2 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Tribalism Spreads in Trump’s Washington

president,” says Republican ited government experience. can get things done, even if ers in the Senate: Ted Cruz, Sens. Heidi Heitkamp of
Rep. Tom Cole of Oklahoma, Administration officials’ that means accepting com- Mike Lee, Rand Paul. Mr. North Dakota, Joe Manchin
a Washington veteran. “He loyalty is more to their pres- promises. Trump has spent the past of West Virginia and Joe
didn’t create them. He ident than to the party that Mr. Cole estimates that, few days sniping at the Free- Donnelly of Indiana, for ex-
walked into it.” Indeed, the runs Congress, and many while this group had com- dom Caucus, and its mem- ample, have said they would
divides may be signs of a po- Capitol Hill Republicans ap- prised about 70 of the bers are firing back in return. back Judge Gorsuch for the
litical and ideological re- pear to feel limited loyalty in House’s 237 Republicans, Never-Trump Demo- Supreme Court, while a big
CAPITAL JOURNAL alignment under way. return. That was illustrated the health-bill episode actu- crats. On the other side of majority of their colleagues
GERALD F. SEIB A new health-care bill was in the health debacle. ally has drawn in more the aisle are some Demo- go the other way.
choked off by ideological di- Mr. Trump’s own loyalty is members alarmed by that crats who appear deter- The chances of such Dem-
visions among Republicans, largely to his voters outside failure. He estimates its size mined not to cooperate with ocrats working with the

he problem in Wash- while Democrats are split- Washington. And those vot- now as 100 or more. This Mr. Trump on anything. The White House are “completely
ington is no longer ting over whether to force a ers are standing with him. group also is well repre- precise number is hard to dependent on what the issue
simply paralyzing par- blowup in the Senate rules in The Journal’s Dante Chinni sented in the Senate. tell, but Sen. Bernie Sanders is,” says Ms. Heitkamp. “The
tisanship. The danger at the an attempt to stop Supreme often gives voice to the feel- question is whether the well
moment is that the capital Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. ings of such Democrats; on is too poisoned to get any-
could be sliding into a kind A similar fate may await Friday he defended Trump thing done. I think the an-
of tribalism. coming efforts at tax reform
The polarizing nature of Mr. Trump and his voters while calling the swer to that is no.”
The fights over health and infrastructure spending presidency is fueling this trend. president a “fraud.” In fact, the Senate’s com-
care and a new Supreme unless the White House finds Intense anti-Trump feel- bination of governing Repub-
Court justice a way to blur the lines to ings at the Democratic grass licans and Democrats willing
suggest that form a governing coalition roots are fueling such incli- to work with them form the
the divides across them. dug deep into Gallup’s presi- Freedom Caucus Repub- nations. Republicans are likeliest path to legislative
aren’t simply For now, think of the dential job-approval numbers licans. This is a group that, pointing to a speech last achievement amid a tribal
between Re- capital as divided among for February and March and at its core, consists of about week by new party Chairman Washington. Democratic
publicans five tribes: found that, even as Mr. 40 of the House’s most con- Tom Perez in which he told a Sens. Heitkamp, Manchin,
and Demo- The Trump Tribe. This Trump’s approval ratings servative Republicans. (The rally that Democratic pro- Mark Warner and Claire Mc-
crats. Instead, there are group is made up of the slumped nationally, they ac- exact number isn’t clear testers feel Mr. Trump Caskill, and Republicans Bob
schisms within the parties, president, his advisers and tually went up in the work- and shifts around a bit.) “didn’t win the election.” Corker, John McCain, Rob
and in some cases schisms his wider administration. The ing-class and Appalachian They are the people who Maybe-Sometimes- Portman and Lamar Alexan-
within the schisms. president is essentially an in- counties that form his base. stood in the way of the bill Trump Democrats. These der—they are the kinds of
The polarizing nature of dependent force who won of- Governing Republicans. to repeal and replace are moderate to conserva- people who hold the key.
President Donald Trump and fice with limited support These are Republicans who Obamacare because they tive Democrats, many from It may be impossible for
his presidency is fueling this from his Republican Party’s think that, after waiting thought it didn’t sufficiently states the president won, them to prevent a standoff
trend, though the roots run leaders, and who now is sur- years to gain full control of adhere to their principles. who are willing to work over a Supreme Court nomi-
deeper. “Most of these fault rounded in the White House the government, it’s essen- The Freedom Caucus has with the Trump administra- nee, but a tax overhaul
lines, in my view, predate the largely by people with lim- tial the party show that it in the past found sympathiz- tion on selected issues. looms as the next big test.

GOOGLE tors told a U.S. magistrate

judge in San Francisco that the
company had wrongly withheld
“volumes of data” and has
device without Apple’s help.
While both disputes are ex-
amples of a major tech com-
pany throwing down the gaunt-
Continued from Page One “frustrated ongoing efforts to let to prosecutors, the privacy Continued from Page One
statute that created safeguards locate the perpetrators.” concerns in Google’s legal fight maker on the path to meet its
over electronic communica- Google, in turn, asked the are more opaque, said Ameri- goal of 50,000 deliveries in the
tions and established disclo- judge to quash the warrant and can University law professor first half.
sure procedures. possibly “investigate the gov- Jennifer Daskal, who special- GM launched its Chevrolet
Google, a unit of Alphabet ernment’s conduct” in the dis- izes in national-security law. Bolt in January with none of
Inc., changed its policy last pute, saying it’s sought “dili- Google has likened the gov- the fanfare Tesla’s coming
year when a New York federal gently and in good faith” to ernment’s demands to requir- Model 3 received; and the
appeals court became the high- comply with its obligations. ing a U.S.-based hotel chain to 3,000 Bolts sold through March


est judicial body to rule that The law in question is the hand over a customer’s suitcase indicate that the battery-pow-
data on foreign servers is be- Stored Communications Act, a located in a foreign hotel. ered Chevrolet will struggle to
yond the reach of warrants. pre-internet age statute autho- But Google’s customers be more than a niche car.
That case was brought by rizing the government to com- don’t know where their data is Tesla shares, which had al-
Microsoft Corp., which sought pel the disclosure of electronic stored, as a federal magistrate ready received a vote of confi-
to quash a search warrant in a records with a judge-approved judge in Philadelphia observed. dence last week with Chinese
drug-trafficking probe seeking warrant based on probable Data is dispersed across data tech company Tencent Holdings
data in Ireland. cause. centers. An email with an at- Ltd. revealing it had taken a 5%
Within hours after the ruling tachment can be located in the stake, were boosted by the auto
by the Second U.S. Circuit country and abroad simultane- maker’s vehicle sales record. A Tesla Model S 90D at a showroom in South Korea.
Court of Appeals, Google halted ously. That’s because, as The changing of the guard
the processing of all search
The tensions Google’s lawyers said in court reflects a growing belief Ford has over 20 times the has surged more than 50%
warrants. Coordinating with deepened after a documents, a file can be split that internal-combustion en- annual revenue, billions of dol- since the company acquired
hundreds of employees, the into “smaller chunks” and gines will eventually be re- lars in profit and sells millions SolarCity Corp. in November.
company quickly developed
landmark court stored in separate servers. placed by electric motors as of cars each year. It isn’t The acquisition was part of
tools to identify and filter out ruling last year. Lawyers for Google and the primary power source for standing still under Chief Ex- Mr. Musk’s vision to have un-
data stored overseas, Google other tech companies say it automobiles. It is the latest ecutive Mark Fields, promising der one roof a company that
said in court documents. isn’t just customer privacy at threat to Detroit’s once-domi- to deliver self-driving cars by could offer customers solar
Weeks later in August, issue. Turning over foreign nant stranglehold on personal 2021. It is buying and investing roof panels, battery storage
Google lifted the moratorium. It is a fight Google says it data risks an intrusion upon transportation, a role that in tech startups: It invested $1 units and electric-powered
But it no longer discloses tried to avoid. Court papers de- foreign sovereignty that could was diminished by Japanese billion in Argo AI, a company cars. It is a vision he high-
emails, videos, photos and scribe failed attempts at “con- provoke countermeasures, they car companies in the 1980s consisting of engineers from lighted in February when he
other data that it believes are structive dialogue” with the have argued. and is now being challenged the autonomous-vehicle pro- removed the word “Motors”
stored overseas. The company Justice Department. In a brief supporting by Silicon Valley’s technologi- grams of Uber Technologies from Tesla’s official name.
has the support of other tech- In the wire-fraud case in San Google’s position, Microsoft cal might. Inc. and Alphabet Inc. Mr. Musk is betting that a
nology companies, including Francisco, Google said in court and Apple said the govern- While Mr. Ford’s Model T Ford is coming off one of less-expensive Model 3 will
Microsoft, Yahoo Inc., Apple papers that its data-location ment’s position “invites foreign ushered in a wave of afford- its most profitable periods in help Tesla evolve from a lux-
Inc. and Inc. tools enabled it to disclose nations to reciprocate by like- able mobility for the middle history, after a restructuring ury-car maker into one with
Google’s tighter lid on data more emails it could now con- wise demanding that local of- class, Mr. Musk is promising effort led by former Chief Ex- mass-market appeal. He is
has angered federal prosecu- firm were domestically stored. fices of U.S. technology compa- the same with the coming ecutive Alan Mulally that elim- aiming to make 500,000 vehi-
tors, who say the tech company Prosecutors say Google is still nies turn over U.S. citizens’ Model 3. It is a sleek, comput- inated brands, closed plants cles next year, a projection
is impeding investigations. holding back email attach- private communications stored erized $35,000 sedan that can and streamlined the com- doubted by some of his big-
“When any provider refuses ments, calendar data and pho- on U.S. soil.” drive nearly the distance from pany’s global operations. gest supporters.
to follow court orders, investi- tos that could be important ev- The Justice Department, for New York City to Washington, Under Mr. Fields, who took Still, Morgan Stanley autos
gations are jeopardized, and idence. There hasn’t been any its part, says Congress never D.C., on a single charge. over Ford in 2014, the company analyst Adam Jonas has a price
sometimes end unsuccessfully,” ruling in this case yet. intended to create such an in- Tesla is a bet that Mr. has benefited from strong truck target of $305 a share for Tesla,
said Justice Department The fight in some ways vestigative impediment. “Be- Musk—who is 45 years old, demand but struggled to per- estimating the added value
spokesman Peter Carr. “The echoes Apple’s confrontation cause Google’s data moves the same age as Mr. Ford was suade investors that brighter could come from a ride-hailing
Justice Department is holding with the Justice Department across its global network auto- in 1908 when he released the days are ahead, particularly as service that Mr. Musk has
Google to its legal obligation.” last year over whether the matically and does not persist Model T—can reshape trans- important markets plateau. He hinted will work with future ve-
In at least one case, involv- company could be forced to un- in any one geographic loca- portation not only with elec- has proposed a number of ways hicles. “Tesla is distinctively
ing a warrant in a wire-fraud lock a terrorist’s iPhone. The tion,” the government told a tric vehicles, but with cars to reshape Ford, but his vision positioned to commercialize an
probe, the government has standoff ended after the gov- Wisconsin federal court in that drive themselves. is weighed down by a century- app-based, on-demand mobility
asked a court to hold Google in ernment said it bought a March, “the Microsoft decision Some investors believe old business model that will be service,” Mr. Jonas wrote in a
contempt. In January, prosecu- phone-hacking tool to crack the renders such data inaccessible.” Tesla is better positioned than expensive to reshape. note to investors.
auto makers and tech giants Ford is forecasting leaner Some old-timers disagree.
by taking bold steps to bring results for 2017, further con- “Its market cap is based on
New Airline Employees Are Set for Takeoff advanced self-driving technol-
ogy to the roadway.
firming Wall Street’s view that
traditional car makers are still
hype and promises versus sub-
stance,” said David Cole, an
“Other auto makers really too exposed to the auto indus- outspoken supporter and in-
have to make this transition to try’s boom-bust cycles. vestor in Detroit auto makers,
electric and autonomous, and “We do not run our business and chairman emeritus of the
it’s almost like twice as hard based on day-to-day stock Center for Automotive Re-
for them to get there than it is changes,” Ford said Monday. search in Ann Arbor, Mich.
for Tesla,” said Tasha Keeney, “What we are doing is focusing
an analyst for ARK Invest, our business on what drives THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
which owns shares in Tesla, GM value creation, which is profit- Europe Edition ISSN 0921-99
and Toyota Motor Corp. able growth, minimizing risk The News Building, 1 London Bridge Street,
London, SE1 9GF
Tesla remains a shaky bet. and delivering strong returns.”
The 13-year-old company is Ford’s market value is Thorold Barker, Editor, Europe
Grainne McCarthy, Senior News Editor, Europe
unprofitable, deeply indebted roughly the same as it was in Cicely K. Dyson, News Editor, Europe
and delivered just 76,000 cars late 2010, when a newly public Darren Everson, International Editions Editor
last year. Its Autopilot mode is Tesla was valued at less than Joseph C. Sternberg, Editorial Page Editor
untested as a fully autono- $2 billion. Ford’s stock has
Anna Foot, Advertising Sales
mous feature and has raised fluctuated since then, while Jacky Lo, Circulation Sales
safety concerns. Tesla’s has risen steadily and Andrew Robinson, Communications
Jonathan Wright, Commercial Partnerships

Katie Vanneck-Smith,

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | A3

Blast in St. Petersburg Subway Kills 10
One explosive device has been spared the large-
scale terror attacks that have
disarmed at another hit Moscow in the past two
station; Putin considers decades.
Russia faces a simmering
terrorism ‘above all’ insurgency in the volatile
North Caucasus region, al-
BY NATHAN HODGE though terror attacks have be-
AND JAMES MARSON come less common in the rest
of Russia. Security officials
MOSCOW—Russian officials have warned of the danger of
opened a criminal probe into thousands of Russian citizens
what they said was a terrorist fighting in the Middle East on
attack Monday, after a blast on the side of Islamic State. Rus-
a St. Petersburg subway train sia sent its military into Syria
killed 10 people and injured in fall 2015 in support of Pres-
dozens more, and another ex- ident Bashar al-Assad, helping

plosive device was disarmed. to turn the tide in a conflict
“Naturally, we always con- that has now raged for six
sider all options—both domes- years.
tic and criminal, and above all In 2015, a bomb brought
actions of a terrorist nature,” down a Russian passenger jet
said Russian President Vladi- bound for St. Petersburg in
mir Putin, who was in St. Pe- Egypt. An affiliate of Islamic
tersburg to attend a media fo- State claimed credit for the
rum. attack.
Russia’s Investigative Com- Twin attacks hit a train sta-
mittee, the main federal inves- tion and a bus in the southern
tigative authority, said it had city of Volgograd in December
opened a criminal probe. Blast victims lying near a subway train hit by an explosion at the Technology Institute station in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Monday. 2012, killing more than 30
The blast early afternoon people. The attacks were the
Monday stunned the normally of a subway train bent outward Officials said an explosive U.S. condemned “today’s repre- ing the wounded to be treated deadliest Russia had seen
peaceful city, the country’s sec- by the blast. device was found and dis- hensible attack.” and evacuated quickly, said a since a suicide attack in the
ond-largest with around five Seven people died at the armed at a separate subway Authorities closed down all spokeswoman for the Investi- arrival hall of Moscow’s Do-
million inhabitants. St. Peters- scene, one in an ambulance station. St. Petersburg’s subway sta- gative Committee. Subway ser- modedovo International Air-
burg, known as the country’s and two on arrival at the hos- U.S. President Donald tions after the blast. Officials vice was partially restarted port killed 37 people in Janu-
cultural capital, is considered pital, Russian Health Minister Trump, commenting on the said more than three dozen late on Monday evening. ary 2011.
its most European city for its Veronika Skvortsova said in blast, said: “Terrible. Terrible ambulances raced to help vic- Much of Russia’s elite, in- Moscow’s subway system
elegant facades and relaxed at- televised comments. She said thing. Happening all over the tims after the blast, which oc- cluding Mr. Putin, hails from has been a target twice in re-
mosphere. 47 people had been injured, six world. Absolutely a terrible curred between Sennaya Plosh- St. Petersburg. cent years. In 2010, suicide
State television showed first of whom are in serious condi- thing.” Mr. Trump made the chad, or Haymarket Square, a The former czarist capital bombers, one of them the
responders arriving on the tion. remarks to reporters in re- busy downtown subway station was a site of terror attacks teenage widow of an Islamist
platform at Technology Insti- Unnamed witnesses on state sponse to a question at the that connects three lines, and more than a century ago, in- leader from the North Cauca-
tute station and treating ap- television described a bright start of a meeting in the White Technology Institute station. cluding the assassination of sus, killed 40 and wounded 90
parent victims. Videos posted flash followed by smoke and a House’s State Dining Room in The subway driver carried Czar Alexander II. But the in the Moscow metro. In 2004,
on social media and broadcast smell of burning. One said he Washington. on to Technology Institute sta- 300-year-old city, popular an explosion in the Moscow
on television showed smoke in- crawled out of the window of State Department spokes- tion, preventing a greater with tourists for its architec- subway killed 40 people and
side the station and the doors the subway car. man Mark Toner later said the number of casualties by allow- ture, theaters and museums, wounded 134.

Trump Son-in-Law Visits Iraq for Anti-ISIS Briefing

BY GORDON LUBOLD Last month, Mr. Kushner But, according to numerous
made, for a White House offi- U.S. officials, the strategy may

BAGHDAD—President Don- cial, a rare appearance at the largely resemble the old one,
ald Trump’s senior adviser and Pentagon, where he met Saudi initiated under President Ba-
son-in-law Jared Kushner Arabia’s Deputy Crown Prince rack Obama, with tweaks and
made a surprise visit to Bagh- and Minister of Defense Mo- additions in the margins, U.S.
dad on Monday to meet U.S. hammed bin Salman during officials said.
and Iraqi officials and to re- his meeting with Defense Sec- Gen. Dunford said he in-
ceive military briefings on the retary Jim Mattis. vited Messrs. Kushner and
fight against Islamic State. He has also been influential Bossert to join him on the trip
Mr. Kushner is the first with his father-in-law on is- some weeks ago so they could
member of Mr. Trump’s inner sues pertaining to Mexico and see the work troops are doing
circle to visit Iraq, currently other countries, and he has here, since they will be part of
engaged in a fight to drive the been given broad authority by the decision on strategy.
militant group from Mosul his father-in-law to attempt to “I think anyone who’s in-
and other areas. He was in- broker a peace deal between volved in the discussion on
vited here by the chairman of Israel and the Palestinians. where we go strategically—
the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mr. Kushner, a multimilli- having good situational
Gen. Joe Dunford, who is ionaire businessman and de- awareness about what’s hap-
meeting with U.S. and Iraqi veloper interested in how pening tactically and hear it
commanders and troops. technology can reform organi- first hand and unfiltered, how
The visit comes as the zations, launched an innova- our advisers assess the Iraqi
Trump administration is as- tion office for the White Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, far right, meets with a delegation including Gen. Joe Dunford, security forces, both the op-
sessing the U.S. strategy to House last week that intends chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, center, and Jared Kushner, to his right. portunities and the chal-
combat Islamic State in Iraq, to help reform government. lenges—will feed into some-
Syria and elsewhere. Mr. Kushner didn’t speak Bossert, a former administra- of the strategy to fight the what it might be. body’s strategic view,” Gen.
Mr. Kushner, 36, a new- with reporters on the trip to tion official under President group. Mr. Trump signaled No plan has emerged, and it Dunford told reporters travel-
comer to foreign-policy is- Iraq, his first ever here, which George W. Bush who is serving during the campaign and now falls to Mr. Mattis and ing with him on a military jet.
sues, has taken an active was preceded by an overnight as Mr. Trump’s homeland se- since assuming office that he Gen. Dunford to come up with The new strategy, or a re-
role as an adviser to Mr. stay at a U.S. military base in curity adviser. had a plan to accelerate the a new strategy. Gen. Dunford finement of it, may include ad-
Trump on national security Germany. Mr. Mattis and Gen. Dun- fight against Islamic State, declined to discuss what the ditional U.S. troops for both
and foreign policy. He is accompanied by Tom ford are completing a review offering no details about new strategy would look like. Iraq and Syria.


South Africa
Credit Rating
Sinks to Junk
S&P move comes as to reduce its deficit. Friday’s
dismissal of Mr. Gigaba’s prede-
calls mount for Zuma cessor, Pravin Gordhan,
to step down amid prompted a revolt in the ruling
African National Congress and


outcry over shake-up a selloff in the rand currency as
well as South African banking
“We are not a bunch of wild
JOHANNESBURG—South Af- gunmen running amok, gung-
rica’s credit rating was down- ho into Treasury to do differ-
graded to junk status for the ent things. We are going to
first time in almost two de- maintain the programs that
cades amid an accelerating are being implemented,” Mr.
drumbeat of calls for President Gigaba told reporters.
Jacob Zuma to step down. These assurances appeared
S&P Global Ratings on Mon- to have little impact on S&P’s
day cut South Africa’s foreign- assessment.
currency credit rating by one “Divisions in the ANC-led
notch, to double-B-plus, be- government that have led to
coming the first major ratings changes in the executive lead- Protesters rallied against President Jacob Zuma and his cabinet shuffle outside the South African National Treasury in Pretoria on Monday.
firm since 2000 to determine ership, including the finance
that the debt of Africa’s most- minister, have put policy con- zational interests, but seems around…values of leaders who president remained holed up five other opposition parties
developed economy was no tinuity at risk,” the agency to be driven by an agenda will not be greedy and try to with Mr. Zuma and the rest of called on their supporters to
longer investment grade. The said. “This has increased the based on vested interests,” Mr. rob the people of this country, the ANC leadership at the take to the streets on Friday in
firm also lowered its local-cur- likelihood that economic Motlanthe told Bloomberg or leaders who will not be cor- party’s headquarters in Johan- protest against Mr. Zuma. They
rency rating to triple-B-minus growth and fiscal outcomes News. rupt,” Mr. Ramaphosa could be nesburg. Since Friday’s cabinet said they would take legal ac-
from triple-B. could suffer.” Hours earlier, the recording heard telling attendees of a shuffle, the party has failed to tion against the speaker of Par-
The downgrades up the ante The ANC did little Monday to of a speech by Deputy Presi- charity event on Saturday. reach consensus on the presi- liament should she refuse to
for Friday, when Moody’s In- hide the divisions cited by S&P. dent Cyril Ramaphosa was The remarks differed widely dent’s future. convene a special session to
vestors Service, which cur- Kgalema Motlanthe, who was leaked to the media, in which from those published on the The opposition was quick to consider a no-confidence mo-
rently rates South Africa two South Africa’s president from he lashed out against Mr. official government website. A react to S&P’s ratings action. tion against the president. The
notches above junk, is expected September 2008 to May 2009, Gordhan’s dismissal and prom- spokesman for Mr. Ramaphosa “This downgrade will result in National Assembly is on recess
to release its assessment of became the latest senior party ised to turn around Africa’s didn’t comment on the speech, higher government borrowing until early May.
country’s creditworthiness. official to demand Mr. Zuma re- most prominent liberation but pointed to a statement of costs, less money for basic “Opposition party leaders
They are also a rebuke to the sign. movement. the event’s organizers that services, and less job creating are united in their call for
new finance minister, Malusi “He doesn’t come across as “This is a task that we in- confirmed its authenticity. investment,” said Mmusi Zuma to go,” they said. “The
Gigaba, who hours before S&P’s someone who thinks about tend to take forward this While Mr. Ramaphosa’s re- Maimane, leader of the Demo- choice South Africans must
statement was released insisted what is in the national inter- year…as we seek to unite the marks were making the rounds cratic Alliance. make is: Zuma or South Africa.
the government would continue ests or what is in the organi- African National Congress on social media, the deputy Also on Monday, the DA and The two cannot coexist.”

For Black Boxes, a Holding Pattern U.N. Slams Australia

BY ANDY PASZTOR On Indigenous Rights
Three years after Malaysia BY ROB TAYLOR One in four prison inmates
Airlines Flight 370’s unre- is of indigenous heritage, a
solved disappearance sparked CANBERRA, Australia—The statistic Ms. Tauli-Corpuz said
efforts to implement new top United Nations envoy on was “simply astounding.”
flight-data recorder technol- indigenous rights criticized In a February report to Par-
ogy, the global aviation com- Australia for “deeply disturb- liament, Prime Minister Mal-
munity is deadlocked over the ing” levels of racism and urged colm Turnbull said his govern-
best way to ensure investiga- the country to embrace a ment was failing to close the
tors will have timely access to treaty that would recognize its gap between indigenous and
vital clues in future crashes. indigenous people as its first other Australians in six of
Technical, marketing and ju- inhabitants, a move she said seven priority areas, including
risdictional disputes—pitting would help combat prejudice. health and unemployment.
Boeing Co. and U.S. regulators Australia’s indigenous peo- Community leaders for Aus-
against Airbus SE and Euro- ple make up less than 3% of tralia’s 460,000 Aboriginal and
pean authorities—have blocked the 24 million population, but Torres Strait Islander people
consensus over prospective suffer higher rates of impris- have for years called for consti-

changes to today’s black boxes onment, domestic violence and tutional recognition and a
that help unravel accidents. unemployment, according to treaty to reduce discrimination.
The most prominent dis- government data. While the Australian gov-
agreement involves deployable “I have found the preva- ernment has supported a ref-
recorders, devices designed to lence of racism against Ab- erendum on a constitutional
capture real-time flight data original and Torres Strait Is- change to recognize its indige-
and cockpit conversations, just lander Peoples deeply nous people, it hasn’t backed a
as damage-resistant black-box disturbing,” Victoria Tauli- formal treaty over concerns it
recorders do. Malaysia Airlines ground staff worked on aircraft at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in January. Corpuz, the U.N. special rap- could open up legal challenges
But while conventional black porteur on indigenous rights, over compensation and prop-
boxes are intended to be recov- Progress in adopting de- ered status-quo black-box tech- Airline trade groups, regu- said in a report ending her 15- erty rights. Mr. Turnbull has
ered from wreckage, the alter- ployable systems has been nology as acceptable. Agency of- lators and leaders of the day visit. “This manifests itself said a formal treaty could fur-
native devices, already used in a slow, with U.S. and European ficials point out that in nearly United Nations agency that in different ways, ranging ther stoke divisions over rec-
broad range of military jets and regulators watching to see every jetliner accident stretch- sets global-safety standards, from public stereotyped por- onciliation and make constitu-
helicopters world-wide, are de- whether the other side takes ing back decades, including the the International Civil Aviation trayals of them as violent tional change even harder.
signed to be jettisoned automat- action to benefit either Boeing 2009 midocean crash of an Air Organization, worked to over- criminals, welfare profiteers Australia is the only former
ically before impact and to float. or Airbus at the other’s ex- France Airbus A330 that killed come public concerns. Ac- and poor parents and to dis- British colony not to have a
Airbus and other proponents pense. Equipment changes will 228 people, conventional black knowledging that new options crimination in the administra- formal treaty with indigenous
say that supplementing current take at least several years to boxes ultimately were recovered. were essential, experts spelled tion of justice.” inhabitants.
systems with deployable tech- show up, and they are expected Supporters of deployable out various potential solu-
nology would lead to easier to affect only new jetliners devices counter that those tions, publicly debated their
searches, with features includ- rolling off assembly lines. searches were often protracted merits and tried to persuade
ing built-in emergency trans- The rivals say they don’t affairs. plane makers and equipment
mitters that can pinpoint loca- compete on safety matters, but, Airbus, which considers de- suppliers to embrace them.
tions on the surface of water. in this instance, each company ployable recorders a market- After some hiccups, indus-
In the opposing camp, Boe- has quietly pressured suppliers ing advantage, intends eventu- try and the ICAO agreed on
ing’s position is that the de- and government agencies to ally to install them widely on steps to track aircraft more
ployable technology is unnec- embrace their view, people fa- newly manufactured jets. Out- closely, especially when they

essary partly because there are miliar with the details said. side experts said continued fly over large expanses of wa-
so few crashes of big jets, and The result, these people say, maneuvering over the issue ter or remote polar regions.
the recorders are expensive to has impeded the initial sense has complicated those plans. But to help future investiga-
maintain and potentially haz- of urgency among regulators. The standoff wasn’t what was tors, industry and government
ardous if ejected by mistake. “Governments and interna- envisioned after the predawn officials world-wide are consid-
The disagreement has played tional organizations are moving tragedy of March 8, 2014, when ering a different option, which
out in various forums, both in mighty slowly,” said Alan Diehl, Flight 370 and the 239 people on doesn’t involve hunting for and
public and private. Federal a former military and commer- board bound for Beijing from retrieving recorders: streaming
Aviation Administration offi- cial accident investigator. “The Kuala Lumpur dropped off radar some flight data to the ground
cials say it is hard to justify public perception is, ‘Why can’t and continued flying for hours via satellites.
the costs of deployable record- we have the solution now?’ ” without any communication —Robert Wall
ers versus the safety benefits. Historically, the FAA consid- from the cockpit. contributed to this article. Protesters at an indigenous rally in Brisbane in January.

EGYPT Mr. Trump is seeking to boost ago amid a dispute over the coun- sides said would end a dispute of the 2015 agreement. and for jobless Spanish to 4.09
the Pentagon’s budget while cut- tries’ wartime past, will return to over Japan’s atonement for the —Alastair Gale million from 4.13 million.
Trump Welcomes Sisi ting State Department spending. Seoul Tuesday to bolster coordina- so-called comfort-women sys- —Paul Hannon
As U.S. Resets Ties Egypt is one of the largest re- tion in dealing with North Korea, tem. The deal became unpopular EUROZONE
cipients of U.S. military and foreign Japan said. in South Korea. OLYMPICS
President Donald Trump wel- aid, getting about $1.5 billion a Japanese Foreign Minister Fu- Following the deal, Japan said Italy, Spain Help Drive
comed visiting Egyptian President year. The U.S. budget blueprint mio Kishida said Tokyo is also it expected South Korea to re- Improved Jobs Picture NHL Pulls Out
Abdel Fattah Al Sisi to the White doesn’t guarantee aid to Egypt, sending its ambassador back to move a statue of a comfort
House, as the administration shifts and State Department officials prepare for a new government woman built by a civic group Declines in the number of peo- The National Hockey League
the focus of its relationship with have said aid to every country, ex- in South Korea. outside the Japanese Embassy ple without work in Italy and Spain won’t play in the Winter Olympics
Cairo away from human rights and cept Israel, is under review. Tokyo and Seoul frequently in Seoul in 2011. However, that drove a drop in the eurozone’s un- in Pyeongchang, South Korea next
toward security. —Felicia Schwartz clash over the legacies of Japan’s statue remains in place, and at employment rate in February. year, league officials said. After
“We agree on so many things,” 35-year colonization of the Ko- the end of 2016, activists built The European Union’s statis- months of negotiations with the
Mr. Trump said during the Egyp- JAPAN rean Peninsula through 1945. One an identical statue outside the tics agency said the unemploy- International Olympic Committee,
tian leader’s first official visit to of the most contentious issues is Japanese consulate in South Ko- ment rate fell to 9.5% from 9.6% the league said because most of
Washington. “You have a great Tokyo’s Ambassador the use of Korean women by the rea’s second city of Busan. in January, its lowest level since its clubs oppose taking a break
friend and ally in the United States To Return to Seoul Japanese military as forced sex Japan recalled its ambassador, May 2009. The number of peo- from the season to participate in
and in me.” Mr. Sisi said Egypt will workers during that time. Yasumasa Nagamine, in early ple without work fell by 140,000, the Games, it will not release its
be a “strong partner” in confront- Japan’s ambassador to South In late 2015, the two coun- January, saying the installation of as the figure for Italians dropped players for the tournament.
ing terrorism. Korea, withdrawn three months tries reached a deal that both the Busan statue was a violation to 2.98 million from 3.06 million —Matthew Futterman
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | A5

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A6 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Why Trump Spared Iraq From Travel Ban
Pressed by Baghdad, not perpetrators of it.” The
spokesman, Ahmed Jamal,
U.S. security officials said conversations with other
moved president to U.S. officials over Iraq’s inclu-
sion in the ban continued for
override his instincts weeks.
Mr. Trump’s national-secu-
President Donald Trump’s rity team mostly stayed out of
national-security team had the headlines, but Messrs. Til-
many reasons to be wary of lerson, Mattis and Kelly all
his travel ban aimed at seven were frequent visitors to the
majority-Muslim nations, even Oval Office. Each made his
though it followed through on case to the president for re-
a signature campaign pledge. vamping the travel ban.
Mr. Tillerson, in other dis-
By Tamer El-Ghobashy, cussions, and others argued
Peter Nicholas, that Iraq didn’t belong on the
Felicia Schwartz list chiefly because it wasn’t a
and Ben Kesling state sponsor of terror, it had
a functioning U.S. embassy
They had been left out of and it had been routinely shar-
the deliberations; there were ing security intelligence with
concerns the executive order the U.S. since 2008.


couldn’t pass muster legally; In addition, Mr. Trump’s ra-
and they disagreed with some tionale for the ban was to al-
of its provisions—above all the low time to upgrade the vet-
inclusion of Iraq, a key ally in ting of travelers, but Iraqis
the fight against Islamic State, were already relatively easy to
among countries whose citi- authenticate because they had
zens were temporarily denied to submit to biometric docu-
entry in a bid to prevent ter- mentation to get passports.
rorists from coming to the U.S. The proposed new travel
When federal-court rulings ban omitted Iraq, although
put the executive order on Baghdad agreed to implement
hold in February, the national- enhanced travel documents
security team saw an opportu- Mr. Trump with Mr. Abadi. The first ban halted travel to the U.S. by Iraqi interpreters, whose safety was crucial to the U.S. military. and accept the return of any
nity to test their collective citizens deported from the U.S.
clout, and Iraq’s leaders to Trump while they prodded dent who proved willing to lis- Minister Haider al-Abadi the clined to overrule him and re- Mr. Trump wasn’t happy
make their case. him toward action. ten, even defer, to advisers next day, while also struggling instate the ban. with the idea of changing the
In meetings in Baghdad, Ultimately, Mr. Trump ac- pushing a different line, yet to learn the full scope of the The day of the appellate order. The day before he
Washington and Munich, offi- cepted changes to his travel one who remained confident ban. ruling, Messrs. Trump and agreed to it, he had a heated
cials including Defense Secre- order, including leaving Iraq in his own instincts. “The impact of the Execu- Abadi spoke by phone for conversation with his general
tary Jim Mattis, Secretary of out of it. For the first time in Mr. Trump signed the exec- tive Order will be felt dispro- about 15 minutes. Mr. Abadi counsel, Don McGahn, in the
State Rex Tillerson and his short period in office, Mr. utive order just one week into portionately here,” Mr. Silli- brought up the executive or- Oval Office over what the
Homeland Security Secretary Trump moved from his pre- his presidency. It barred Syr- man cabled the State der at the end of the conversa- president saw as a watering
John Kelly talked through the ferred option to something ian refugees indefinitely and Department. He said Iraqi leg- tion, according to a person fa- down of his order, according
travel ban and laid down argu- less sweeping. Yet he immedi- suspended all immigration for islators and military officers miliar with the call, telling Mr. to people familiar with the
ments for a significantly re- ately complained to his staff 90 days from “terror prone” were baffled by the inclusion Trump the restriction on matter.
vised one that could address that a replacement order was Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia, Su- of Iraq, and warned “it would travel by Iraqis would under- Mr. Trump signed the re-
Mr. Trump’s terrorism con- “watered down.” dan, Libya, and Syria. The increase resentment of the mine the shared goal of a se- vised order in the Oval Office
cerns but align better with na- One of many unknowns of seven had been singled out for U.S. throughout the Muslim cure and prosperous Iraq. on March 6. There were no re-
tional-security strategy and the Trump administration is special treatment by Congress world.” A spokesman for Iraqi For- porters present. The only
stand up in court. how a president with no gov- and the Obama administration, A week after the signing, eign Minister Ibrahim Jaffari photo documenting the mo-
Throughout the process, erning experience, and in par- imposing stricter rules on cer- the federal district judge in a said Mr. Jaffari told the U.S. ment was taken by press sec-
they kept private their discus- ticular no military or foreign- tain foreigners looking to Washington state suit blocked ambassador shortly after the retary Sean Spicer.
sions, both with Iraqi leaders affairs experience, would come to the U.S. implementation of the order travel order that Iraq “does —Laura Meckler, Aruna
and with the mercurial new interact with advisers steeped U.S. Ambassador to Iraq nationwide. About a week not understand the reason be- Viswanatha, Michael C.
president, so as not to ratchet in such matters. The story of Douglas Silliman spent hours later, a federal appeals-court hind such a decision, and Bender and Gordon Lubold
up public pressure on Mr. the travel ban shows a presi- on the phone with Iraqi Prime panel in San Francisco de- Iraqis are victims of terrorism, contributed to this article.

President Can Tap His Trust Privately

BY REBECCA BALLHAUS cipal to Donald J. Trump at his interest surrounding the presi- whether Mr. Trump had with-
request, as the Trustees deem dent and his business. drawn money from his trust
President Donald Trump can necessary for his maintenance, “It removes one safeguard and didn’t respond to a ques-
draw money from his business support or uninsured medical from there being a disburse- tion about whether the presi-
empire as its trustees see fit expenses, or as the Trustees ment to the president that dent would disclose such

without disclosing it publicly, otherwise deem appropriate.” could coincide with or be re- transfers.
according to a revised version The trustees who would be lated to something that he “The entire point of setting
of his trust, a change that eth- responsible for making those does in his official capacity as it up is that somebody can
ics experts said blurs the lines decisions are Donald Trump the president of the United withdraw money,” Mr. Spicer
between the Trump Organiza- Jr., the president’s eldest son, said.
tion and his administration. and Allen Weisselberg, the The trust document, signed
Mr. Trump said before his longtime chief financial officer Feb. 10, also stipulates that
inauguration that he would put of the Trump Organization.
The trust doesn’t the trustees won’t report to
his assets into a trust and re- The trust doesn’t require require that any such the president any details
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch at a Senate hearing on March 22. linquish control of his busi- that any such transfer of funds about the trust’s “holdings
nesses to his two adult sons, in be publicly disclosed. While
transfer of funds be and sources of income.” But

COURT Mr. Graham was part of a

group of senators who bro-
kered a deal to avert a similar
showdown over court nomi-
an effort to avoid conflicts of
interest during his presidency.
Ethics experts criticized the
arrangement, in which Mr.
such a transfer likely would
show up on Mr. Trump’s per-
sonal financial disclosure, he
doesn’t have to release one
publicly disclosed. the president’s other adult
son, Eric Trump, who serves
as an adviser to the trust
though not a trustee, told
Continued from Page One nees. Then, like now, Senate Trump would retain ownership until 2018 and the White States,” said Bryson Morgan, a Forbes in an interview last
wouldn’t block consideration Republicans were threatening of the business, arguing the House hasn’t said whether he political law attorney with month that he would provide
of his home-state judge but to change the Senate rules, in nation’s first purely private- will do so in his first year in Caplin and Drysdale. periodic updates to his father
hasn’t said how he would vote that case to confirm former sector president hadn’t taken office, as recent past presi- The Trump Organization on “the bottom line, profitabil-
on the nomination itself. President George W. Bush’s ju- adequate steps to distance dents have done. Also, trans- didn’t respond to requests to ity reports and stuff like that.”
The Republican majority dicial nominees. himself from his company. fers likely would show up in comment on the changes, When the president an-
has the power to change the But the 14 senators—seven According to a revised ver- aggregate form, obscuring the which were reported Monday nounced his plan to place his
Senate rules to eliminate the from each party—reached an sion of the trust released by timing of the cash influx. by ProPublica. assets in a trust in January, he
60-vote requirement on Su- agreement under which some the General Services Adminis- Ethics experts said the new In Monday’s briefing, White said his adult sons would run
preme Court nominees—a rule of Mr. Bush’s nominees were tration, “The Trustees shall provision in the trust raises House press secretary Sean his business and that “they’re
change known in the Senate as confirmed with Democratic distribute net income or prin- questions about conflicts of Spicer said he was unsure not going to discuss it with me.”
the “nuclear option.” support in exchange for a
Longtime senators of both promise to avoid future rules
parties decried what they saw
as an inevitable move toward
Democrats portrayed their
Across America, It’s Time to Play Ball
a rules change, even if they stance against Judge Gorsuch
disagreed with the events as a matter of principle, saying
leading up it. too much was at stake in his
Democrats say that in re- nomination to vote for him.
fusing last year to even con- “I cannot vote solely to pro-
sider Judge Merrick Garland, tect an institution when the
former President Barack rights of hardworking Ameri-
Obama’s pick for the current cans are at risk. Because I fear
court vacancy, Republicans hit that the Senate I would be de-
a new low in obstructionism fending no longer exists,” said
and violated the clear intent of Sen. Patrick Leahy, a Vermont
the Constitution, which gives Democrat and a 42-year vet-
presidents the right to pick eran of the Senate.
Supreme Court justices. A procedural vote on Judge
Republicans have said Dem- Gorsuch is expected on Thurs-
ocrats opened the door to end- day, and if he fails to get the
ing the filibuster for Supreme 60 votes to advance, Republi-
Court picks when they ended cans are expected to seek to
it for cabinet appointees and vote to change Senate rules, a
lower-court nominations in move that requires 51 votes,
2013. and advance the nomination
In the meantime, Democrats that way. A final vote in the
are under intense pressure Senate to confirm the nominee
from liberal activists not to is expected Friday.
yield on any of Mr. Trump’s “What I can tell you is that
agenda, while Republicans are Neil Gorsuch will be confirmed
eager to deliver a win for the this week. How that happens

new president. really depends on our Demo-

“This will be the last person cratic friends,” said Senate Re-
that will be subject to a fili- publican leader Mitch McCon-
buster,” said Sen. Lindsey Gra- nell on Sunday on NBC.
ham, a South Carolina Repub- Both parties say they don’t
lican, at Monday’s want to tamper with the tradi-
hearing. “The Senate tradi- tional use of filibuster in legis-
tions are going to change over lation in the Senate—though a
this man.” similar rules change could be OPENING DAY: Members of the Boston Red Sox stand for the national anthem before their opener against the Pittsburgh Pirates at
More than a decade ago, employed at some point. Boston’s Fenway Park. The major-league season began with three games on Sunday; the first traditional slate of games was Monday.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | A7


Justices to Weigh Rift Over Confederate Icons

Foreigners’ Suits Moves to eliminate
symbols marking Civil

Against Firms War’s losing side meet

growing resistance
a constructive partner with
WASHINGTON—The Su- the U.S. in preventing terrorist In the recent battles over
preme Court agreed to con- financing. Civil War iconography, support-
sider whether corporations “The bank did not cause ers of Confederate monuments,
can be sued by foreign individ- plaintiffs’ injuries, and there is statues and flags are fighting
uals in U.S. courts for alleged no basis under international back.
violations of international law, law or the Supreme Court’s After the city council in
including giving aid to terror- [Alien Tort Statute] decisions Charlottesville, Va., voted 3-2 in
ists. to reinstate these dismissed February to remove an eques-
The high court on Monday claims,” the bank said in a trian statue of Confederate Gen.
said it would review an appeal statement. Robert E. Lee, preservationist
by citizens of Israel and other The high court has waded groups and individuals filed a
nations who filed U.S. lawsuits into the same issue previously complaint in circuit court in
against Jordan-based Arab but never has fully resolved le- March saying the city violated
Bank, alleging it provided fi- gal questions about corporate state law and seeking an injunc-
nancial services to terrorist liability. tion to block the statue being
organizations and terrorist In a 2013 ruling that threw moved. It is the latest fight in
front groups posing as chari- out international-law claims an increasingly contentious
ties. against Royal Dutch Shell struggle in Southern communi-
The plaintiffs are victims PLC, the Supreme Court ties over whether symbols of
who were injured or captured sharply limited lawsuits the region’s secessionist past
in attacks, or family members against companies under the should stay or go.
of victims who were injured or Alien Tort Statute, but it “You can’t erase history,”
killed. They are seeking dam- didn’t foreclose corporate lia- said Thomas Strain Jr., national
ages for attacks that took bility altogether. commander-in-chief of the Sons
place in the West Bank and Lawyers for the plaintiffs in of Confederate Veterans, a na-
Gaza during a 10-year span be- the Arab Bank case said they tional heritage group with
ginning in 1995. They say the are representing about 6,000 about 33,000 members, that
case has connections to the people affected by terrorist at- had its Virginia chapter join the
U.S. because Arab Bank oper- tacks in Israel and the Pales- legal challenge. “At some point,


ated a branch in New York tinian territories. the citizens are going to stand
that was accused of knowingly “This decision has impor- up.”
processing transactions in aid tant implications for the fight So far this year, controver-
of terrorists. against global terrorism. Dis- sies have continued—or new
The victims brought claims arming clients from their right ones have erupted—in all 11 for-
under the federal Alien Tort to bring civil lawsuits is a vic- mer Confederate states over
Statute, a 1789 law passed by tory for terrorist financiers,” how to remember the Civil
the first U.S. Congress. The said Michael Elsner of the law War’s losing side. These days,
law allows foreign citizens to firm Motley Rice, one of the removal efforts are meeting
file U.S. lawsuits based on al- lawyers for the victims. stiff resistance in city halls, leg-
leged violations of “the law of The justices will hear the islatures and courtrooms from
nations or a treaty of the case in their new term, which groups arguing the Confederate A statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Va.
United States.” begins in October. It will likely flags, markers and emblems
A federal appeals court, be among the early notable honor the South’s past, not rac- alted Confederate flags. The statue of Confederate Lt. Gen. Confederate monuments should
however, ruled in 2015 that business cases for Judge Neil ism, segregation or slavery. massacre launched efforts by Nathan Bedford Forrest, the be removed from public land.
the bank couldn’t be sued be- Gorsuch, President Donald “Momentum slowed and it’s politicians and activists against onetime grand wizard of the Ku Not all efforts to remove
cause corporations can’t be Trump’s Supreme Court nomi- moving forward in a very local- the flag with retailers like Wal- Klux Klan, as well as the graves Confederate imagery have
held liable under the statute. nee, who is expected to re- ized way now, in college towns Mart Stores Inc. and Ama- of the general and his wife, failed. Last year, Louisville, Ky.,
The Supreme Court will re- ceive Senate confirmation and large cities,” said Ethan Inc. stopping the sale from a city park. after a brief legal challenge,
view that ruling. later this week. Kytle, an associate professor at of merchandise depicting the “People are realizing it’s just moved a 70-foot-tall Confeder-
Fresno State University who re- rebels’ battle emblem. South part of history and should be ate monument near the Univer-
searches Confederate remem- Carolina’s then Republican Gov. left alone,” said Lee Millar, re- sity of Louisville to the small
brance in Charleston, S.C., and Nikki Haley, now U.S. ambassa- gional spokesman for the Ten- town of Brandenburg, Ky., about
elsewhere. dor to the United Nations, nessee Sons of Confederate Vet- 45 miles to the southeast.
During the Jim Crow era, worked with the state legisla- erans in the Memphis area. New Orleans Mayor Mitch
Confederate statues and monu- ture to have a Confederate bat- In Alabama, the state Senate Landrieu is preparing to remove
ments were put up across the tle flag flying in front of the in March passed a bill called the three rebel monuments, includ-
South. Streets were named for state capitol taken down. Alabama Memorial Preservation ing one to Gen. Lee, as soon as
rebel generals and the familiar possible, after overcoming legal
Confederate battle emblem— challenges. The city prevailed
the “Southern Cross”—was
placed on several state flags.
Struggle over symbols of South’s secessionist most recently in March, when
the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of
But beginning with the civil- past grows increasingly contentious. Appeals in New Orleans ruled it

rights movement, Confederate has authority to remove monu-

imagery—especially the battle ments. Opponents have vowed
emblem, which was used by to appeal and pursue other legal
segregationists as a rallying But since then, supporters of Act that would prohibit moving challenges, and a state legisla-
banner—has been challenged. In Confederate imagery have been or changing monuments or pub- tor has introduced a bill to pro-
diverse urban areas of the countering such moves with in- lic markers that have stood for hibit removing such monu-
South like Atlanta, many Con- creasing success by pushing for over 20 years. The state House ments.
federate street names have dis- monument protections in con- is considering the measure. Meanwhile, in Charlottes-
appeared and rebel flags are servative-dominated legisla- Having introduced a similar ville, home to the University of
rarely seen. tures and filing challenges in bill last year, state Sen. Gerald Virginia, the city council and its
In other areas, however, sup- court. They lobbied successfully Allen, a Republican from Tusca- opponents are preparing for a
port for Confederate symbols in the Mississippi legislature loosa, said this year it appears long legal fight.
remains strong. against efforts to remove the headed for passage. Confeder- “We have to come to grips
In 2015, removing rebel sym- Confederate battle emblem ate monuments might offend with our past,” said Kathy Gal-
The Supreme Court agrees to consider whether citizens of Israel bols from public spaces gained from the state flag. some people, but “you can’t vin, a councilwoman who voted
and other nations can sue Jordan-based Arab Bank in the U.S. traction following the shooting In Tennessee, a state histori- whitewash history,” he said. against removing the statue,
of nine African-American cal commission in October re- Democratic state Sen. Hank but supported a move to drop

churchgoers in Charleston, S.C., jected an attempt by the Mem- Sanders, who opposed the mea- the names of Confederate lead-
by a white supremacist who ex- phis city council to move the sure, said that he believes all ers from two city parks.


What Ivanka Trump,

Kushner Pay for Rent
bornly high” rate, and a small
share of borrowers are unable to
buy homes due to high levels of
student debt, according to a new
Manufacturing Maintains Momentum
report from the Federal Reserve BY BEN LEUBSDORF
Ivanka Trump and Jared Kush- Bank of New York.
ner, President Donald Trump’s The report offers a mixed as- Activity in the U.S. manu-
daughter and her White House sessment on the effect of stu- facturing sector expanded at a
adviser husband, are paying dent debt on the economy. Stu- healthy pace in March, while
$15,000 a month to rent their dent debt, which has more than factories are facing rising raw-
new home in Washington’s fash- doubled over the past decade to material costs that could lift
ionable Kalorama neighborhood $1.3 trillion, has risen partly due broader inflation.
from its billionaire owner, accord- to an increase in the number of The Institute for Supply Man-
ing to newly filed documents. Americans attending college. agement on Monday said its in-
The documents, filed by the That has led to higher incomes dex of factory activity fell to 57.2
landlord with the District of Co- and, in turn, positioned many in March from 57.7 in February,
lumbia housing department, Americans to buy homes. which had been the strongest
present the first concrete finan- But a significant minority of reading since August 2014. De-

cial information about the rental borrowers are defaulting on their spite the downshift, the gauge
agreement between the couple student loans and in turn harm- marked a seventh consecutive
and the home’s owner, a Chilean ing their credit and ability to pur- month of industrial expansion.
magnate whose company is em- chase homes, the report shows. “It’s often all about attitude
broiled in a dispute with the U.S. —Josh Mitchell rather than fundamentals,”
government over a mine poten- said Bradley Holcomb, who
tially worth billions of dollars. CALIFORNIA oversees the ISM survey. “The
The rent is in line with that prospects of lower tax rates
paid for similar luxury properties Wildlife Managers and reduced encumbrances
in the area, according to local Reduce Abalone Catch from regulation are helping to
brokers. The owner, Andrónico Luk- drive this system.” An employee worked at Pewag Inc.’s chain-manufacturing facility in Pueblo, Colo., last month.
sic, bought the house after the No- California wildlife managers One highlight in Monday’s
vember election and paid $5.5 mil- have sharply reduced the report: The index tracking see, but people are comment- The U.S. factory sector has including output from utilities
lion for the six-bedroom property. amount of red abalone that div- prices paid by companies for ing on it for sure.” been on the upswing after a and mines, rose 0.4% on the
“This was an arm’s-length ers can catch this year because their raw materials rose to its Other details were upbeat. rough patch in 2015 and early year in February.
transaction at a market price,” ocean conditions have prompted highest level since May 2011. While indexes for new orders 2016, when falling oil prices More broadly, data on U.S.
said Hope Hicks, a spokes- extensive starvation in abalone Broad U.S. inflation gauges and production pulled back in squeezed energy firms and a consumer and business confi-
woman for the White House, stocks. April and November have have firmed in recent months, March, the employment index strong dollar depressed de- dence has outpaced hard data
Ms. Trump and Mr. Kushner. been removed from this year’s and the Federal Reserve’s pre- rose to its highest level since mand for U.S. products by on economic activity in recent
—Mark Maremont fishing calendar for the mollusks. ferred price gauge in February June 2011. The index tracking making them more expensive months.
and James V. Grimaldi Red abalone is highly sought exceeded the central bank’s 2% new export orders hit its high- for foreign customers. Some forecasters expect
after by California divers allowed annual target for the first time est level since November 2013, The rebound in actual pro- stronger growth because of
ECONOMY to catch for sport only in waters in nearly five years. signaling stronger global duction has been less dramatic tax cuts and other policy
north of San Francisco. More than has been the growth. than the surge in sentiment. changes under the Trump ad-
Student Debt Damps The annual abalone catch al- norm in recent years, “compa- Among 18 industries Manufacturing production was ministration, but the timing
Homeownership Rates lowed per diver will be reduced nies are seemingly feeling they tracked in Monday’s report, 17 up 1.3% in February from a and details remain uncertain.
to 12 from 18 to reduce this can pass prices along” to their reported growth during March year earlier, according to Fed- The government will re-
Americans continue to default year’s harvest by 25%. customers, Mr. Holcomb said. and one said there was no eral Reserve data. lease its initial estimate of
on student loans at a “stub- —Associated Press He added, “We’ll watch and change in conditions. Total industrial production, first-quarter GDP on April 28.
A8 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


TECH Doubling Up
Percentage of companies that
went public with more than
Continued from Page One one class of shares
debuts so far this year, includ- 20%
ing Snap. Technology companies
Investment bankers and Non-tech companies
lawyers expect that the vast 15
majority of the highest-valued
companies that are now private
would use some form of dual- 10
class structure if they decide to
go public. The most valuable
companies include Uber Tech- 5
nologies Inc., Palantir Technol-
ogies Inc. and Airbnb Inc.
On Friday, Snap shares 0
closed at $22.53, up a third 1990 2000 ’10
from their $17-a-share offering Note: Figures are five-year rolling averages
price March 1, valuing the five- Source: University of Florida Prof. Jay Ritter
year-old company at about $27 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

billion. Snap raised $3.9 billion

in the IPO, according to Dea- Evan Spiegel, chief executive of
logic. Snap declined to com- Snap Inc., center, and Bobby
ment on why Messrs. Spiegel Murphy, the firm’s chief
and Murphy were the only em- technology officer, left, ring the
ployees on the NYSE balcony opening bell at the New York
when the stock began trading. Stock Exchange during the
In the first quarter, there company’s initial public offering
were 29 IPOs of U.S.-listed last month.
companies, up from nine a year
earlier. Just four of the IPOs in kling has raised $95 million pany’s IPO in 2012. 70% of the total voting power. In 1940, the NYSE limited the and Murphy also don’t want to
the latest quarter were by tech from venture-capital investors Google now sells a nonvot- Some investors have com- use of multiple classes of stock. be pushed to accept a takeover
companies, according to Dea- since its launch in 2009. ing class of stock, and Face- plained that his huge voting Some companies responded offer, which would eliminate
logic, and 2016 was the slowest “There’s an element of: book plans to issue nonvoting stake has made it difficult for by listing their shares on the chance to build Snap for
year for tech IPOs since the fi- ‘We’ll take money from com- stock. The companies have said another leader to emerge and other exchanges, and the NYSE the long term.
nancial crisis. mon shareholders, but we’re different types of stock help take Zynga in a new direction. made a few exceptions to its In mid-October, Snap offi-
Since Snap’s stock sale, not accountable to them,’ ” Mr. executives manage for the long Frank Gibeau, Zynga’s chief own curbs. Ford Motor Co. cials held a meeting to initiate
though, investment bankers MacInnis said. run, rather than worry about executive since March 2016, went public in 1956 in what the IPO process, the people
and lawyers who work with It is hard for investors to re- appeasing investors who are said in February that the was then the largest IPO ever. said. Snap’s investment bank-
tech companies said they have sist promising tech IPOs even if fixated on short-term gains. company has “made signifi- The sale gave the Ford family ers, from securities firms that
been fielding phone calls from that means they will wind up Spencer Rascoff, chief exec- cant progress this year in our control far in excess of its fi- included Morgan Stanley and
closely held companies that are with little or no voice at the utive of Zillow Group Inc., turnaround.” nancial stake, and the struc- Goldman Sachs Group Inc.,
considering going public and company. “As a firm, we much which has three classes of News Corp, the owner of ture is still in place. were told to arrive at one of
are eager to explore similar prefer shareholder-friendly stock, wrote in a LinkedIn post The Wall Street Journal’s par- The advent of corporate Snap’s warehouses in Venice,
share-class structures. management teams and boards in 2015 that supervoting shares ent, Dow Jones & Co., has two raiders in the 1980s led to a re- Calif., in any vehicle but a black
with good corporate gover- should assuage private-com- classes of shares, which allow surgence in supervoting shares car and without suits to ensure
nance,” said Dan Ernst, a senior pany CEOs who are wary about Executive Chairman Rupert as companies sought to protect that word of the meeting
Watered down analyst at asset manager Welch going public. “There is a way to Murdoch and his family to themselves from unwanted wouldn’t leak.
The shift troubles some in- Capital Partners LLC in New have the benefits of being pub- maintain greater influence over takeovers. The NYSE sought to
vestors, corporate-governance York. “But if you’re dogmatic, lic while keeping a company the media company. abandon its policy, but the Se-
advocates and even Silicon you won’t get a chance to par- quick to move and focused on Class A shares that make up curities and Exchange Commis- No one says no to
Valley executives. They said ticipate in Facebook or Google.” the long term,” he wrote. about two-thirds of News sion put forth a rule that would
watered-down voting power Numerous academic studies Corp’s equity base have no have prohibited dual-class
hurts shareholder democracy show no statistical difference voting power, while Mr. Mur- shares. It was invalidated by an Snap told the dozens of in-
and leaves those investors Winner-take-all between the stock-price perfor- doch and his family trust hold appeals court. vestment bankers at the meet-
vulnerable. mance of companies with su- about 39% of the Class B vot- By the time Google went ing that it wanted the IPO to
“It reduces the role of a
culture pervoting shares and those ing shares. public in 2004, the dual-class include only nonvoting shares,
board member to that of an ad- Vivek Wadhwa, a distin- without, according to Mr. Rit- structure was widely accepted people familiar with the meet-
viser who works at the behest guished fellow at Carnegie Mel- ter, the Florida finance profes- by stock exchanges, investors ing said. No one raised objec-
or pleasure of the founder,” lon University’s College of En- sor. His own study came to a A century of and regulators, including the tions or questions about the
said Mark Lonergan, founder gineering, said the “winner- similar conclusion. NYSE. Google’s debut encour- plan, a sign that the bankers
and managing partner of exec- take-all” culture in which a few Zynga Inc. founder Mark
supervotes aged other tech companies to believed few prospective inves-
utive-search firm Lonergan tech companies emerge as Pincus held a class of shares Supervoting shares have do the same. tors would balk.
Partners in Redwood City, Calif. hugely profitable from among a with 70 votes per share when been around for more than a In a prospectus, Google At a lunch meeting with po-
The Council of Institutional far-larger number that fail en- the videogame company went century and began to prolifer- cited media companies such as tential IPO investors in New
Investors, which represents courages investors to give tech public in 2011. Its share price ate in the 1920s. Dodge Broth- Dow Jones, then a stand-alone York in late February, Mr. Spie-
large pension funds and other executives more leeway. fell from $10 to about $3 as ers Inc., the auto maker that company, and New York Times gel and Snap’s chief financial
shareholders, has proposed As a result, “CEOs in Silicon Zynga’s user base declined. later became part of Chrysler, Co. and said their separate officer and chief strategy offi-
barring Snap from stock-mar- Valley now have God com- Mr. Pincus is Zynga’s chair- raised more than $100 million classes of shares made it possi- cer were asked mostly about
ket indexes such as the S&P plexes,” he said. man and has been its chief ex- in an offering that limited the ble to concentrate on “core, the company’s growth pros-
500 because the company’s Google parent Alphabet Inc. ecutive twice. He still holds voting power of new investors. long-term interest in serious pects and ability to ward off
structure “will undermine the and Facebook have gained news coverage, despite fluctua- competition, according to peo-
quality and confidence of pub- nearly $800 billion in com- tions in quarterly results.” ple who went to the meeting.
lic shareholders in the market.” bined stock-market value since More Controlling Lately, a wave of share- Snap’s near-absolute con-
Snap could become eligible their initial public offerings. Al- Snap's largest shareholders have far more voting power than those holder activism, driven occa- trol by Messrs. Spiegel and
to join the S&P 500 after the phabet shares are up nearly at Facebook and Google's parent, Alphabet. sionally by investors like bil- Murphy and their decision to
company is profitable for four 1,900% since their debut in Change since IPO: lionaire Carl Icahn, has helped sell shares with no voting
quarters in a row. Analysts and 2004, while Facebook is up Company / Founders Year Percentage of votes held Stock price prompt some companies to power came up only in a small
investors don’t expect that to nearly 300%, trouncing the and/or executives of IPO Percentage of shares held S&P 500 consider creating new classes number of private meetings
happen for at least two years. overall stock market. of shares as protection. with potential investors, the
Officials at S&P Dow Jones When Google went public, Snap 2017 90.5 33% Long before Snap went pub- people said.
Indices, which manages the co-founders Sergey Brin and Evan Spiegel, lic, Messrs. Spiegel and Mur- A person familiar with the
stock benchmark, have said Larry Page and CEO Eric Bobby Murphy 38.4 -1% phy were intent on keeping as initial public offering said he
they would consider Snap’s Schmidt held 33% of the inter- much control of the company knows of only one investment
corporate governance as part net search giant’s shares and Facebook 2012 274%
as possible, according to peo- fund that could have bought
of their overall review. 38% of the voting power. Mr. 57.6 ple familiar with the matter. Snap shares but decided not to
Matt MacInnis, chief execu- Brin is now Alphabet’s presi- Zuckerberg 27.6 81% Mr. Spiegel is chief executive, because of the 90.5% voting
tive of Inkling Systems Inc., dent, Mr. Page is chief execu- and Mr. Murphy is chief tech- stake held by the two co-found-
based in San Francisco, has tive and Mr. Schmidt is execu- nology officer. ers, who hold 38.4% of the
qualms about creating two tive chairman. Alphabet 2004 37.6 1,893% They wanted to decide what company’s shares.
Sergey Brin, Larry
classes of stock but wouldn’t Facebook’s Mr. Zuckerberg 117% Snap should do and which Snap got orders for more
Page, Eric Schmidt 33.3
rule it out if the labor-manage- held 28% of the shares and 58% products to create whether or than 10 times as many shares
ment software company even- of the voting power at the time Note: Percentage changes in stock prices and S&P 500 are as of Friday's close. not anyone else agreed, the as the number that were for
tually decides to go public. In- of the social-networking com- Sources: the companies (votes, shares); FactSet (change) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. people said. Messrs. Spiegel sale in the IPO.

BIKES The bright yellow, single-

gear bikes from Ofo, another
of the nation’s largest opera-
tors, cost under $60 apiece,
$400 each to build; users un-
lock them by scanning a QR
code on the bike with their
smartphone. They are bristling
countryside shops.
A man in Chengdu was ar-
rested last month after being
caught red-handed, sur-
cal media reported.
In January, hundreds of
shared bikes were found
dumped in a huge pile in the
free of charge.
“It’s a lot of fun,” Li said.
Sometimes they mix it up by
locking bikes together, Li said,
Continued from Page One making them relatively unat- with security measures, includ- rounded by the dismantled southern city of Shenzhen by or by removing locks and
eral mischief-making have led tractive to thieves, said Chief ing GPS tracking and an alarm parts of numerous shared unknown saboteurs. In other swapping them, baffling the
many to meet grisly fates. Operating Officer Zhang Yanqi. system. That makes Mobike’s bikes. Stealing the bikes and locations, ranks of bikes have next user when the code they
The abuse has become so But their locks are simple and loss rate “negligible,” said reselling them whole was too had their brake lines severed. are given doesn’t work.
widespread that several hun- security is rudimentary, a spokesman Martin Reidy. unsubtle, the man told police, Vandals have also taken to Authorities, until now gen-
dred Good Samaritans across strategy Mr. Zhang said helps Nevertheless, tech-savvy local media said, so he was scratching off Ofo bikes’ ID erally supportive of the pro-
the country have taken up the keep costs low. Users receive a thieves have begun producing breaking the bikes down and codes, making locked bikes grams, are starting to get fed
cause. “I can’t bear to see this code for a bike’s combination fake QR codes for Mobikes and jumbling the parts together to unusable. up with the snarls of parked
behavior,” said 26-year-old lock after inputting the bike’s sticking them over the genuine form new ones. Some of the vandalism is share bikes blocking streets
Sun Shiyue, who works for a ID number into the Ofo app. codes. When users scan the bo- Some people are so fond of just old-fashioned mischief. Li, and intersections.
unit of Coca-Cola Co. in Ofo has lost 1% of its bikes gus codes they end up, in some the bikes they have taken to a 12-year-old Shanghai mid- A vendor at Beijing’s
Shanghai by day, and patrols since it launched in September cases, transferring money to hoarding them, so one is al- dle-school student, and his Bawangfen long-distance bus
his neighborhood by night 2015—a small share but still a the scammers. Two men in the ways handy. It is common to friends have a game: seeing station said thousands of
with a flashlight looking for large number; Ofo is set to coastal cities of Ningbo and see bikes stashed inside offices, how many Ofo bikes they can shared bikes routinely block
damaged or misused bikes have 20 million bikes on the Fuzhou were charged with or cached in stairwells. In Feb- unlock by exploiting a weak- buses from entering or leaving
from Mobike, one of China’s street by the end of 2017, Mr. committing such a fraud in ruary, two Beijing nurses were ness in the company’s system. the station. “It causes argu-
largest bike-share programs. Zhang said. March, state media reported. arrested for allegedly locking People often neglect to jumble ments and even fights,” said
He reports problems via the Mobike, Ofo’s orange rival, Bikes stolen from various up shared bikes with their own up the lock’s combination at the vendor, who gave only his
Mobike app, moves badly has taken a different tack: Its programs—and repainted— locks, for which they spent five the end of their ride, enabling surname, Yan. “The city sent a
parked bikes and tapes a small higher-end bicycles cost up to have turned up for sale in days locked up themselves, lo- someone to flip open the lock guy to maintain order, but he
notice—which he made him- does nothing.”
self—to the bike’s saddle re- Some local governments
buking the previous user for Biking Bonanza have impounded thousands of
irresponsible behavior. Use of China’s shared bike bikes, and Shanghai authorities
“They are the prey, and I services is growing fast. warned bike companies not to
am the hunter,” he said of the put any more on the streets.
saboteurs. 120 million users Mobike and Ofo both said they
Before China began opening are working with authorities to
up in the late 1970s, bicycles iron out these troubles.
conferred prestige. They were 80 Mr. Sun, the Good Samari-
one of the four status symbols tan, said bike sharing had
Chinese newlyweds aspired to 60 brought too big an improve-
own—the others being a ment to urban China to be fa-
watch, a radio and a sewing 40 tally punctured by crooks or
machine. Bicycles lost their vandals. He said he thinks
glow to cars as China’s econ- 20 China will eventually learn to
omy took off, but as traffic and love its bikes once more, add-

congestion became a problem, 0 ing, “Mobike is part of my
bikes became trendy again. 2015 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19 life now.”
In recent months, investors Forecasts —Junya Qian
have plowed $1 billion into Chi- Source: BigData Research and Kersten Zhang
nese bike-share companies. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. A mass of sabotaged shared bikes near a park in Shenzhen in southern China. contributed to this article.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | A9


When Can My Child Mow the Lawn?

Chores boost confidence and teach many lessons; a guide to appropriate tasks children can master by age


Assigning new jobs for children
as they mature will develop their
work ethic, says Gregg Murset,
chief executive of BusyKid, a chore
and allowance tracking app based
in Scottsdale, Ariz. “The most im-
portant thing is to challenge
them,” he says. “Once they have
some proficiency you need to
make them stretch to do the next
Mr. Murset, a father of six chil-
dren ages 10 to 20, believes par-
ents should teach children to do
housework when they’re young, no
matter if it yields imperfect re-
sults. “Even though it’s easier to
just clean the toilet by yourself
and be done with it, you have to
take the long view and realize that
these fundamental life skills are so
important,” he says.
Michael Eisenberg, a financial For age 5 and under, pick up the toys, clean the bedroom and comb their hair. By age 16 to 18, teens can do laundry, grocery shop and car maintenance.
advisor in Encino, Calif., and mem-
ber of the American Institute of
CPA’s National Financial Literacy
Commission, recommends attach-
ing an allowance. “At earlier ages,
it instills within children the real-
ity that you do something and you
get paid for it,” he says.
Here are some housework and
personal-finance matters that chil-
dren can master, by age.

5 and Under: Grasp the Basics

Parents should teach children to
pick up their toys and clean their


bedroom. Hygiene rituals, including
brushing teeth and combing hair,
can also be assigned as daily jobs.
“You need to get young children
started on these basics so they will
be able to graduate to more impor-
tant tasks,” says Mr. Murset.
Instead of an allowance at this
age, show children how to put
coins into a piggy bank.

6 to 9: Find New Challenges

Assigning essential tasks like fill- Teens, 13 to 15, can wash the windows, clean the garage and mow the lawn. Chores for ages 10 to 12 include making lunch and taking out the trash.
ing the dog bowls with food and
water and operating household their own decisions are effective and even investing. Children can harder tasks, you’re becoming bet- the stuff that they’re actually go-
appliances like the vacuum and confidence boosters, Mr. Murset buy a few shares of companies ter adept taking on those chal- ing to need in the next few years
dishwasher help build maturity, says. Taking out the trash and that make products they’re inter- lenges and accomplishing them— of their life, when they’re adults,”
responsibility and motor skills. walking the garbage and recycling ested in, such as toy, candy or en- that’s the character development says Mr. Murset. “Have them do
Families should introduce an al- cans to and from the curb require tertainment companies. piece.” their own laundry and cook their
lowance at this stage and visit a manipulating awkward items and Given the rise of electronic own dinner once a week.”
bank together. “Let them watch a offer a taste of independence, he 13 to 15: Build Ambition banking, few children will grow up Other adult errands, like gro-
teller take the money, do a deposit says. So does making their school “Teens now need to do the big watching their parents tackle bills cery shopping and taking the car
and see how much they have in lunches. “They can decide what’s stuff, like mow the lawn and wash each month with a stack of paper for an oil change or emissions
their account,” says Mr. Eisenberg. in their lunch, and figure out the windows and cars, making sure statements and a checkbook. Sit- testing, help them better articulate
Parents can also offer to match a when and how to get it done,” he there are no spots on them,” says ting with your teenager as you pay their needs to strangers, he says.
child’s savings to help reach a says. Mr. Murset. “The ability to get a bills online introduces how house- “And if you have a teen with an at-
goal, like buying a toy. The incen- As chores increase in sophisti- job done all the way is a really holds manage finances, and how titude problem, send them to the
tive mirrors adult retirement sav- cation and are completed success- good skill to have.” much everything costs, Mr. Eisen- DMV, that’s even better,” Mr. Mur-
ings programs. fully, allowances should rise, too, New and more challenging tasks berg says. set says.
Mr. Eisenberg says. Parents should help keep teenagers motivated, he At this stage, Mr. Eisenberg
10 to 12: Offer Choices help children designate their earn- says. “A work ethic has to be de- 16 to 18: Time to Grow Up wants teenagers to get a summer
Chores that let children make ings between spending, savings veloped over time, and as you get “This is when you start piling on job outside the home.

YOUR HEALTH | By Sumathi Reddy


BEVERLY MCCORMICK gets a man, director of the melanoma re-
full-body exam for skin cancer ev- search program at Oregon Health
ery six months. With blond hair, & Science University’s Knight Can-
freckles and light skin, she’s not cer Institute in Portland.
taking any chances. Dr. Leachman was one of the
Ms. McCormick, a 64-year-old two first authors on the perspec-
manager in the financial-services tive piece. Because there isn’t a
department at the Christ Hospital high concentration of dermatolo-
in Cincinnati, says that over the gists in every part of the country,
years her dermatologist has re- she said, it makes sense for pri-
moved a squamous cell carci- mary-care physicians also to per-
noma—a type of skin cancer—as form exams. But to do so, insur-
well as numerous precancerous le- ance coverage is necessary, she
sions. said.
“This isn’t one of those preven- Some experts say the criteria
tive services like mammograms or set forth in the Melanoma Man-
pap smears that are always cov- agement article don’t go far
ered by insurance,” she said. Most enough.
of the cost goes toward her high- “I recommend that every adult
deductible insurance plan. have an annual skin examination,”
Melanoma accounts for the ma- said Elizabeth Hale, a clinical asso-
jority of skin cancer-related deaths ciate professor of dermatology at
and is the fifth most common in- New York University Langone
vasive cancer in men and the sev- Medical Center and senior vice

enth in women. In the U.S., there president of the Skin Cancer Foun-
is no national consensus on who dation, which also recommends
should be screened for melanoma Some doctors say individuals at high risk for skin cancer should have one head-to-toe exam a year. annual screenings for everyone.
or how often, so insurance cover- Dr. Hale recommends that indi-
age varies. guidelines to help individuals de- often will be tested for skin can- noma or a history of indoor tan- viduals with risk factors such as
Currently, most patients who termine whether they should get cer. ning and blistering sunburns. Fi- indoor tanning, light skin, freckles
get regular exams, like Ms. McCor- regular total-body skin exams. In the Melanoma Management nally, an annual exam is or atypical moles get two scans a
mick, consult a dermatologist on Such tests usually entail a 10- article, the experts recommend an recommended for individuals with year. “What makes skin cancer so
their own initiative. But some ex- to-20-minute head-to-toe examina- annual total body skin exam for a broad array of physical features, unique is early detection is possi-
perts say screening for melanoma tion in which a health professional people between the ages of 35 and such as light skin; blonde or red ble and so critical,” she said.
should be more widespread and studies the size, shape, color and 75 with one or more risk factors. hair; lots of freckles; severely sun- The average five-year survival
accessible. In a perspective piece borders of moles, including in Such factors include previous damaged skin; 40 or more moles; rate is as high as 98% for mela-
published last week in the journal hard-to-spot places such as the cases of melanoma, a mutation in or two or more atypical moles. noma caught at an early stage, but
Melanoma Management, more scalp, under fingernails, behind a melanoma gene or a compro- “It’s probably one of the most drops to about 18% once it is stage
than 50 dermatologists and skin- the ears and even in the iris of the mised immune system. Other risk cost-effective screenings you can four, or has spread to other or-
cancer experts called for uniform eyes. Any suspicious-looking moles factors: a family history of mela- think about.” said Sancy Leach- gans.
A10 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

In France, Extreme
The Other French Radical Is the New Mainstream
ou wouldn’t know from the heavy media come by taxing firms that employ robots.
coverage of Marine Le Pen, but the Na- The problem for Mr. Hamon is that voters as- France’s weakness Alongside her visceral contempt for
against challenges to immigrants, Ms. Le Pen’s Mélenchon-
tional Front leader isn’t the only radical sociate him with President François Hollande’s di-
its democratic instincts like allegiance to Vladimir Putin and
outsider threatening the sastrous tenure, which began in is being exposed as the campaign to get France out of the EU
French political establishment Socialist voters are 2012 with a march to the hard country wobbles to- are well known. At full blast, Mr. Mélen-
in this month’s presidential abandoning the party for left and ended with modest at- ward the first round of chon reviles money, finance, America
election campaign. The other tempts at pro-growth reforms. its presidential election and Angela Merkel. He insists French
is independent hard-left candi- a hard-left alternative. Socialist voters who liked the EYE ON
on April 23. workers are treated like “parasitic en-
date Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who reform half are now supporting By John
The latest evidence cumbrances” and has accused workers
over the weekend overtook the Mr. Macron, while the party’s for concern came last migrating to France of trying to “steal
center-left Socialists in the polls. base sees Mr. Mélenchon as the authentic voice week when far-left can- their bread.”
Mr. Mélenchon is in striking distance of dis- of the left. Why support Mélenchon-lite in Mr. didate Jean-Luc Mélen- Together, the two extremist leaders
placing the center-right’s François Fillon in third Hamon if you can get the real thing? chon finished first in a poll to find the do not form an axis but a notional Re-
politician the French would most desire jection Front that melds class warfare,
place, not far behind the two frontrunners, Ms. Le France’s leftist grandees are urging the two
“to play an important role in the fu- prejudice and anti-Western instincts.
Pen and the independent centrist Emmanuel Ma- men to merge campaigns in the hope of making ture.” He leaped ahead of Emmanuel Even assuming they are shut out of the
cron. If enough Socialist voters abandon their it to the runoff, likely against Ms. Le Pen, but Mr. Macron, the clear favorite in general presidency, there is a symbiosis in
party’s candidate, Benoît Hamon, Mr. Mélenchon Mélenchon has so far resisted. It isn’t clear whom polls on the presidential race, and their attitudes that would underpin
might make it to the second round in May. his voters would support in case Mr. Mélenchon widely distanced Marine Le Pen of the the French staple of antireformist
The 65-year-old spent 35 years in the Social- is eliminated in the first round. Mr. Mélenchon so extreme right. street warfare certain to greet a Ma-
ist Party before leaving in 2008 to launch his loathes Ms. Le Pen that he refuses to mention her At age 65, Mr. Mélenchon has built a cron presidency—and its planned
own movement, which he calls “Unbowed by name, yet the two see eye-to-eye on many eco- career out of continued excess and rage. changes in labor-market and education
France.” Mr. Mélenchon makes Bernie Sanders nomic questions. He wants France out of NATO and out policies. Such demonstrations are fer-
look like American Senator Ted Cruz, and his Like Ms. Le Pen, Mr. Mélenchon wants to see of the European Union. He prefers a tile ground for anarchistic gangs, some
partnership with Russia and a French with ties to extremism, and the vio-
campaign platform would undo even the mod- Paris form an alliance with Vladimir Putin and
constitution rewritten exclusively by lence they often bring.
est pro-growth reforms enacted in France over Bashar Assad. He wants to pull the country out people who have never held national of-
the past decade while adding a raft of new stat- of NATO, and he views the European Union as fice. Writ smaller, Mr. Mélenchon makes
ist measures. a “neoliberal” vehicle designed to oppress Big Rock Candy Mountain promises of a Voters head to the left and
These include raising the minimum wage by French workers. Voters who back such a plat- sixth week of annual vacation and limit-
15% to €1,300 ($1,386) a month after taxes; form might prefer to hold their noses and vote ing work on Sundays. right fringes as scandal
shortening the workweek to 32 hours from 35, for Ms. Le Pen in a runoff instead of supporting At the same time, there is no current and economic malaise
and lowering the retirement age to 60 from 62. a reformer like Mr. Macron. public-opinion survey that doesn’t proj-
Mr. Mélenchon would slap a 100% tax on anyone France isn’t the only country where the tradi- ect Mr. Macron, a former Socialist eco- sap support for centrists.
earning 20 times the median income, or about tional center-left party is either jumping further nomics minister and self-proclaimed
€33,000 a month. For bad measure, he vows a to the left or falling off a political cliff, or both. “progressive,” as the expected victor
against Ms. Le Pen in the final round of Some critics see the hardline candi-
€273 billion splurge in stimulus spending, public Support for Britain’s Labour Party has plum-
voting May 7. dates sharpening their vocabularies. In
works and “green” projects. meted under the leadership of ’60s-style radical Friends of France grasp the trouble. February, a major Jewish organization
Mr. Hamon, his rival for the left-wing vote, Jeremy Corbyn, and the center-left Labor Party As Italy’s former prime minister, Ro- refused to invite either Ms. Le Pen or
calls these proposals irresponsible. But Mr. fell apart in last month’s election in the Nether- mano Prodi, commented last month: Mr. Mélenchon to its annual dinner, a
Hamon, a former education minister, isn’t all lands, supplanted by the Greens and the far-left “You often ask yourself—where has national political event, saying the two
that moderate himself. He won the Socialist D66 party. France gone?” “convey hatred.”
nomination after thumping the party’s reform The collapse of Europe’s center-left is as im- To a considerable measure, the an- Last week, a reporter in a televised
wing, led by former Prime Minister Manuel portant a story as the rise of the far-right. In swer is into an imploding, grotesque face-to-face with Ms. Le Pen asked her
Valls. Mr. Hamon would also shorten the work- France it is another reason not to rule out a Le political universe. The country’s ex- if there wasn’t a foul odor escaping
week, and he wants to fund a universal basic in- Pen victory next month. tremist candidates at the right and left from under the detoxified, “polished
now outweigh the combined voter pro- surface of the National Front.”
jections for the mainstream Gaullists He referred to four incidents, includ-
The U.K. Boom That Debt Built and Socialists, which have provided
France with presidents since 1981.
ing one involving a National Front mu-
nicipal councilman. In his town, home

A poll over the weekend found that to many Roma, the councilman said
ritain’s financial watchdog on Monday in overall personal debt and credit-card debt Mr. Mélenchon (15%) and Ms. Le Pen their unpaid rent could be offset by hir-
proposed new regulations on credit- have hit levels not seen since 2005—more than (24%)—extremists with no use for each ing dentists “who would recuperate
card issuers to bail out overindebted 10% on a rolling 12-month basis each month other—would notionally outrun by a 39 their gold teeth and replace them with
consumers. No prizes for for the former and nearly 10% to 30.5 margin the combined first-round metal ones.”
guessing how successful more Now regulators worry for the latter. Household con- score of the Socialist Benoît Hamon After calling the reporter “a hood-
rules will prove in rowing sumption has pumped up eco- (11.5%) and the Republican François Fil- lum,” Ms. Le Pen told the TV audience
against the current of Brit-
about the effects of nomic growth since last lon (19%). that a local party disciplinary body
ain’s monetary policy. growth bought on credit. year’s Brexit vote despite Alain Minc, an advisor to presidents would review the remark. The town’s
and now a Macron-backer, dismisses the mayor soon announced he had turned
The Financial Conduct Au- skittish business investment. Mélenchon factor as “talent, showman- the incident over to the regional state
thority (FCA) wants to require Consumption is crucial to ship—nothing to do with basics.” Still, a prosecutor’s office.
banks to waive fees and interest for household growth but it’s only sustainable when it’s part poll last week showed the French believ- Mr. Mélenchon increasingly sees
borrowers overwhelmed by credit-card debt. of a virtuous circle of business investment and ing that Mr. Mélenchon is the candidate himself as making it to the presidential
Around 3.3 million Brits have gone 18 months rising wages, not merely rising debt. most likely to increase, without specify- runoff round. Rather than as a candi-
paying more interest and fees than principal on This isn’t the kind of economic “recovery” ing how, their buying power. date of fear and disruption—a weekend
their credit-card balances, according to the Britain’s central bankers thought they’d get These scores ultimately emphasize poll said 63% of the French were scared
FCA’s new definition of “persistent debt.” The when they spent a decade trying to prop up how the extreme left and right, moving of him—he insisted, “I’m becoming a re-
FCA wants card issuers to prod such debtors business investment with ultralow interest into terrain formerly occupied by the assuring figure.”
to repay faster, or ultimately give them a break rates. And no one should think that rules to traditional parties, have been legiti- Reality makes that an awful but un-
mized since the last presidential elec- nerving joke. In a country gripped by
on their repayments. ease the burden on Britain’s most heavily in-
tion in 2012. The causes? Scandal, loss multiple tensions, and uncertain pros-
Think of this as an attempt to treat Britain’s debted households will make the economy any of identity, economic failure, and the pects for relieving them, the leaders of
debt hangover before the patient has stopped safer if a bout of rising unemployment or weak responses to terrorism and Is- the far right and left are tightening
drinking. Over the past year the growth rates slower wage growth hits. lamic radicalism at home that have France’s confrontational screws, and
characterized politics in François Hol- with that, providing a threat of violence
lande’s France. from its extremes.
The Truth About the China Trade Shock
hen President Trump hosts Chinese exposed sectors is comparable—or even
President Xi Jinping this week at lower—than the risk to workers in non-traded
Mar-a-Lago, trade will be high on the sectors and that these risks have not increased Should We Tax Robots as We Do Workers?
agenda. If Mr. Trump hopes to during the period of more in-
Regarding Andy Kessler’s “Bill imposes more taxes and regulations.
come away a winner, he’ll need New evidence shows that tense competition with Chi- Gates vs. the Robots” (op-ed, March This will drive out still more manu-
the right objectives. That imports made firms and nese imports.” 28): Bill Gates has suggested that we facturers and further reduce factory
means focusing on China’s A second recent study— tax the robots in proportion to the employment. This demonstrates the
mercantilist practices without workers more competitive. “Firm Reorganization, Chi- jobs they displace. It isn’t clear if this heavy propensity to use taxation
jeopardizing the benefits of nese Imports, and US Manu- is intended to compensate for the lost and tax breaks as a solution to too
mutual trade and investment. facturing Employment” by income taxes no longer paid by the many problems while remaining
Support for this policy comes from two recent Columbia Ph.D. candidate Ildikó Magyari—looks workers who were replaced or to dis- blind to the damage caused. All too
economic studies that debunk the claim that im- at the impact of Chinese imports on U.S. compa- courage the use of robots. Given the often higher taxes lead to lower tax
ports from China—particularly after its acces- nies. It finds that trade with China reduced consistency of robots’ output and revenue as business and industry
their ability to function in dangerous are demotivated.
sion to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in costs and allowed firms to expand “their total
and unpleasant environments, they WALTER S. CICIORA, PH.D.
2001—have hollowed out large areas of the U.S. manufacturing employment in industries in may still be a better choice in many Southport, Conn.
and made Americans worse off. which the US has a comparative advantage rela- circumstances. The calculation of a
The two new papers address the work of MIT tive to China, even as specific” parts of the “robot tax” will be complex and will Mr. Kessler rallies around the bless-
economist David Autor and co-authors David same company got smaller. constantly change as the robots take ing of robotics in the form of comput-
Dorn and Gordon Hanson, who have published Although Chinese imports may mean job losses on more and more functions. Likely a ers, the internet and Microsoft. And so
several papers on Chinese imports. Their much- in one part of the company, Mr. Magyari writes, whole new Washington building will it should be. But robotics have a down-
quoted study, “The China Syndrome: Local La- “these losses were more than offset by gains in be needed, filled with bureaucrats cal- side in human impact that Mr. Kessler
bor Market Effects of Import Competition in the employment within the same firms. Contrary to culating the robot tax and imposing skims over. Robotics has led to much of
United States,” looked at 722 geographic areas conventional wisdom, firms exposed to greater more regulations on American indus- the unemployment in the Rust Belt.
from 1990-2000 and 2000-2007. It found that Chinese imports created more manufacturing and try. Some categories of employment Donald Trump campaigned to restore
will increase. How far will this go? the Rust Belt and to “bring back the
“rising imports cause higher unemployment, nonmanufacturing jobs than non-exposed firms.”
What about washing machines and jobs.” But the robots have the jobs.
lower labor force participation, and reduced Somewhere David Ricardo is smiling. dishwashers? Those jobs used to be What does that mean for the people
wages in local labor markets that house import- Both studies conclude that competition from done by humans. who are no longer useful? They are in
competing manufacturing industries.” China increased the value of U.S. workers. As Rather than making American in- need, and America’s Republican presi-
Jonathan Rothwell, senior economist at Gal- Ms. Magyari notes, using Census Bureau data, dustry more competitive by reduc- dent has come to help those people.
lup and a visiting scholar at George Washington companies that faced competition and reorga- ing business- and corporate-income LINDSAY RALPHS
University Institute of Public Policy, studied the nized, expanded employment “by 2 percent taxes and regulations, this approach Oakland, Calif.
effects of China trade on the same areas during more per year as they hired more (i) production
the same two time periods. His findings, pub- workers in manufacturing, whom they paid
lished in “Cutting the Losses: Reassessing the higher wages, and (ii) in services complemen- Dutch Face a More Universal Refugee Concern
Costs of Import Competition to Workers and tary to high-skilled and high-tech manufactur-
Leon de Winter’s suggestion that Thanks to the collapse of Ameri-
Communities,” are different because his meth- ing, such as R&D, design, engineering, and
Dutch citizens want “immigrants can influence in stabilizing the
odology is different. headquarters services.” [to] practice tolerance, work and Middle East and the subsequent
The Autor team compared changes across An import surge does hurt some workers in study hard, and teach their children refugee crisis that resulted, we
the two time periods, but Mr. Rothwell analyzed some industries, and the Chinese surge after its to be proud and contributing mem- may soon find out how much that
the two time periods separately. He did this to entry into the World Trade Organization was bers of this society” seems like a tolerance has frayed, not only in
account for macroeconomic trends, which were bigger than most. But the evidence suggests reasonable set of expectations for the Netherlands but throughout
not the same in both times for all places. For that its impact was also a net benefit to many their newly arrived neighbors (“Im- Europe.
example, the boom followed by a bust U.S. workers and firms, and that’s without tak- migration, Welfare and the Nervous TOM O’HARE
in places like San Jose, California shows a ing into account the benefit to consumers from Dutch,” op-ed, March 14). Charlestown, R.I.
downturn in the second period compared to the lower prices for clothing and other daily goods. The question is what should gov-
ernments do when immigrants ar-
first but that had little to do with China. In any event that surge is now over and the U.S. Letters intended for publication should
rive from war-torn countries that be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
Mr. Rothwell’s results show that foreign economy has adjusted. are breeding grounds for terrorists, of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
competition did not affect workers in manufac- Mr. Trump is right to press Mr. Xi on intel- and European host countries begin or emailed to Please
turing any more than domestic factors like au- lectual property and cyber theft, high tariffs, to pay a heavy price for those who include your city and state. All letters
tomation, bad management or right-to-work, favoritism to “national champions” and other choose not to assimilate and in are subject to editing, and unpublished
low-tax states. The economist finds “the risk of bad practices. He shouldn’t worry about trade some cases bite the generous hand letters can be neither acknowledged nor
layoff and unemployment to workers in trade- in general or the size of the trade deficit. that feeds them.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | A11


How to Make U.S. Tax Reform Bipartisan

By Jason Furman now uses dynamic scoring in as- spending. The goal should be to

sessing major tax changes. But expand investment meaningfully in
he implosion of the Re- the frameworks put out last year America’s roads, bridges, railways
publican health-care bill by the Trump campaign and and airports. It could be funded
shows the limits of what House Republicans do not pass with a mandatory one-time tax—
one party alone can do the test. They would add trillions say, of 15%—on unrepatriated for-
in Washington. Tax re- of dollars to the deficit while pro- eign earnings as part of the transi-
form will be even trickier, since it viding, respectively, 50.8% and tion to the new international tax
touches a larger fraction of the 99.6% of their benefits to the top system. Both tax reform and infra-
economy and threatens more pow- 1%, according to the Tax Policy structure would be good for
erful vested interests. The only Center. growth—and pairing them has
hope for seriously revamping • Focus on business taxes only. been a staple of Democratic and
America’s inefficient business-tax This is where the largest economic Republican proposals alike in re-
system to unlock stronger eco- gains from tax reform can be cent years.
nomic growth is a bipartisan ap- found. In part that’s because com- Following these five steps is
proach, but it will require a course panies can and do move across the way to enact genuine, durable
correction by President Trump. borders in search of lower taxes, tax reform. If Republicans work
Here are five important steps to while individuals are much less alone, they might be able to pass

building a sensible tax reform: likely to do so. a temporary tax cut through the
For a reformed system to work, reconciliation process, which re-
all large companies should have to quires only 51 votes in the Senate.
Focus on fixing the badly file under the corporate tax code, But the rules of reconciliation
as President George W. Bush’s tax- mean that the tax cut would sun-
broken corporate-tax reform commission proposed. ments in countries like Germany cash flow. This would allow busi- set after a decade. That would
system, and commit Small businesses should have their or the U.K., which already tax nesses to expense their invest- only add a new layer of uncer-
rates left alone but could be American companies doing busi- ments fully while disallowing in- tainty on top of America’s ineffi-
to no loss of revenue. helped in other ways—for in- ness there at over 19%. But on in- terest deductions—effectively like cient tax system, while swelling
stance, with more-generous tax vestments in low-tax countries like a consumption tax. At the same the budget deficit.
breaks for research or employer Ireland, which has a corporate rate time, eliminate as many loopholes Real tax reform would create
• Commit to revenue neutrality benefits. of 12.5%, American firms would as possible and lower the tax rate winners and losers, making it al-
and distributional neutrality, as in • For overseas business income, pay the difference. Profits re- as far as possible. These reforms most impossible to pass with only
the 1986 tax reform. In other adopt something like a “minimum ported in tax havens like the Cay- would make the tax system neu- one party. Republican majorities
words, a bipartisan plan would fo- tax.” The current system, which man Islands could end up facing tral toward investing in different are relatively slim, and vested in-
cus on making the tax system taxes American companies on nearly the full 19%. types of assets, as well as neutral terests trying to sink the legisla-
more efficient, without cutting the their repatriated earnings at the This is a less elegant solution to between financing with debt or tion would need to pick off only
revenue raised or shifting the bur- regular rate of 35%, is badly bro- taxing international income than with equity. three GOP senators or 22 repre-
den in any direction. This would ken. It raises little or no revenue the House Republican plan of How low could rates drop? Clos- sentatives. An easier path would
not require a change in rhetoric. while imposing substantial distor- shifting to a territorial system ing loopholes and moving to an in- be to write a bipartisan bill and
House Speaker Paul Ryan has al- tions, such as giving firms an in- with a border adjustment. But the ternational minimum tax would aim for the support of 30 Demo-
ready said tax reform should be centive to stash money overseas GOP proposal comes with serious provide some revenue. If the goal crats in the Senate and 100 in the
revenue-neutral, and Treasury Sec- permanently. side effects: large movements in is revenue neutrality, then getting House. That could be doable, but
retary Steven Mnuchin has said A minimum tax instead would the currency, shifts in asset prices, the rate down to 28% might be only if President Trump is open to
that there will be “no absolute tax apply to all overseas earnings at and the potential to start a trade possible. But the 15% or 20% rate changing his approach.
cut for the upper class.” some intermediate rate—President war. A minimum tax would avoid proposed by the Trump campaign
Any specific legislation should Obama proposed 19% and Republi- all of those. and House Republicans, respec- Mr. Furman, a senior fellow at
be judged against these bench- can Sen. Rob Portman supported a • For domestic business income, tively, would be impossible without the Peterson Institute for Interna-
marks by the nonpartisan analysts lower rate. Earnings could then be adopt something along the lines of massively raising the deficit. tional Economics, was chairman of
at the Joint Committee on Taxa- repatriated tax-free. A minimum the House Republican proposal. • Incorporate into the bill a real the White House Council of Eco-
tion, a group that incidentally tax would not apply to invest- Shift from taxing profits to taxing plan for public infrastructure nomic Advisers, 2013-17.

Who Wins When Foreign Firms Comply With U.S. Tax Laws?
By Nigel Green (subtracting IRS enforcement client accounts looking for Ameri- spent by Bank of Nova Scotia passed when massive compliance

costs) may be closer to $200 mil- can “indicia.” Although there is no alone as of 2013. practices sprang up, offering their
ecently I launched the Cam- lion a year and possibly as low as official figure for the cumulative Mr. Byrnes cites KPMG and Del- services and advising that repeal of
paign to Repeal Fatca—the $100 million. world-wide cost, the magnitude can oitte estimates that more than the law wasn’t in the cards. “Fatca
Foreign Account Tax Compli- That isn’t enough to fund the be extrapolated from piecemeal dis- 250,000 foreign financial institu- is here to stay,” experts from
ance Act. The 2010 law, which pur- federal government for more than closures by banks and the compa- tions are affected by Fatca, with KPMG, Deloitte, Ernst & Young and
ports to track down tax cheats half an hour. It is far less than was nies selling them services. These costs for some of the larger ones PricewaterhouseCoopers rushed to
hiding money abroad, forces for- expected at Fatca’s enactment, expenses, as Mr. Byrnes writes, are reaching more than $200 million. pontificate.
eign banks and other financial in- since the law was scored as bring- “staggering.” The representative of Banco Bilbao As a businessman, I have no ob-
stitutions to disclose Americans’ ing in $800 million a year. Except- Vizcaya Argentaria, a large Spanish jection to anyone offering profes-
accounts to the Internal Revenue ing penalties, writes Mr. Byrnes, bank, said in a paper released in sional expertise. But non-Americans
Service. Fatca could “soon cost more money Soon the Foreign Account 2014 that compliance costs could accountants who pooh-pooh the no-
Threatened with U.S. sanctions if than it brings in.” range from $8.5 million for a local tion that Fatca could be repealed
they don’t comply, banks around That meager gain must be Tax Compliance Act will entity to $850 million for a global often have little insight into Ameri-
the world have rushed to submit to weighed against the law’s costs. cost more to enforce than one. The British government esti- can politics. What lies behind the
Fatca. Foreign governments have Fatca adds one more onerous and mated the aggregate initial costs to smug posture of inevitability other
hastened to abrogate their domes- expensive reporting obligation for it recovers in taxes. U.K. financial institutions at $1.1 than making sure vulnerable clients
tic privacy laws. Fatca, it seems, American taxpayers who hold any billion to $1.9 billion, with a con- maintain a proper Stockholm syn-
has been a big success. But who re- asset abroad. It largely duplicates tinuing cost of $60 million to $100 drome docility?
ally benefits? existing mandates, notably the Re- In 2014 Thomson Reuters sur- million a year. Fatca was not subjected to a
Not the U.S. budget. The IRS port of Foreign Banks and Foreign veyed some 300 financial institu- Thus there are plausible projec- cost-benefit analysis before it was
claimed last October that Fatca Accounts, and the penalties for er- tions, 27% of which expected their tions that the law’s aggregate enacted, but the results are now in.
has helped it to collect $10 billion ror are draconian. The Tax Founda- annual Fatca compliance costs of global cost is anywhere from $60 As a revenue tool for the public
since 2009 from “taxpayers com- tion estimated in 2016 that comply- between $100,000 and $1 million. billion to $170 billion. That money purse, the law is a failure. Instead
ing back into compliance.” But that ing with Fatca each year takes The same year, The Wall Street comes out of the pockets of con- it offers a windfall of corporate
figure lumps in penalties for filing almost 4.5 million hours and costs Journal reported that Canada’s five sumers, depositors and perhaps welfare for the compliance indus-
deficiencies and money from all $166 million. biggest banks collectively had shareholders. tries. That’s no reason to keep it.
offshore enforcement programs. But the really big boodle goes to spent about 750 million Canadian There’s no question where this
William H. Byrnes, a law professor the accounting, law and software dollars (US$693.5 million) on ini- money goes—not to the U.S. gov- Mr. Green is founder and CEO of
at Texas A&M, believes the actual firms that help foreign financial in- tial Fatca compliance expenses. ernment but to the bottom line of deVere Group, a world-wide finan-
net recovery attributable to Fatca stitutions sift through millions of That included some C$100 million the vendors. Fatca had barely cial consultancy.

President Trump and the Plutocrat’s Hubris

By Joseph Epstein cleaned up in real estate, so why that, as I grew older, began to get on volved in any complicated transac- Deal,” nor do I plan to do so during

shouldn’t he know about health care, my nerves. What, I would ask my fa- tion. Confidence helps, to be sure. this life, but I should imagine that
n the petit-bourgeois, confi- immigration, life in the inner cities? ther, is better to argue with? How But making a wad in real estate, the heart of any effective negotia-
dently philistine milieu in which Or if he doesn’t know, no reason the success was achieved, what went mail order or auto sales doesn’t im- tion is finding common interests
I grew up, plutocratic values why with a bit of quick study he into it, who suffered because of it? part any special advantage in un- among those at the bargaining table.
held a firm purchase. When the men can’t find out enough to put every- By success my father meant finan- derstanding the complexities of In business, the paramount common
gathered in the living room after thing in order. cial success. The money game was health care, African-American cul- interest is obvious: money, profit all
dinner, money talked—those who My father was a moderately suc- the real one, and not the least satis- ture or foreign policy—as Mr. round. In politics, it turns out, much
had found the greatest financial suc- cessful businessman—for a kid who fying thing about it was the tidy Trump and his billionaire-laden more is usually entailed.
cess tended to dominate the conver- never finished high school, an im- means of keeping score: How much, cabinet are discovering. In government, unlike business,
sation. Since Lou Riskin had made a mensely successful one—but too in hard cash, did one come out with many things cannot be delegated.
killing in the mail-order business, well-mannered to wish to dominate in the end? Careful study may be sufficient for
the assumption was that he had these living-room discussions. Yet I am someone who finds it diffi- It’s now obvious financial determining where to build a new
penetrating things to say on the he had no argument with the un- cult to think about money for more success does not easily hotel, but an understanding of var-
subject of urban renewal. Saul derlying rules of the game. As an than two minutes at a time. I rather ied, often subtle human motives is
Levine had run the most successful adolescent, I heard several of his envy those who have earned enough transfer into other realms. required to compose and pass a
Buick agency in the city, therefore business homilies: If you work for a money to sit out forever from the complex piece of legislation.
definitely worth listening to him man for a dollar an hour, always financial wars, but I don’t envy That financial success doesn’t
hold forth on welfare. give him two dollars worth of ef- them sufficiently to drop the things President Trump’s first weeks in easily, or always, transfer into other
When I hear Donald Trump talk, I fort; you make your money not in that interest me more in order to office demonstrate the hubris of the realms is now obvious. Let’s hope
think of how much at home he selling, but in buying right; you emulate them. Moneymaking seems plutocrat. The defeats began with that the evidence on display during
would have felt in those living can’t argue with success. a useful skill, but not much more. his releasing an immigration order the early days of his administration
rooms. The guy’s a multibillionaire, That last bit was the only one I’ve known too many ninnies who neither well thought out nor even will soon humble even so arrogant a
seem to have mastered it to be in quite legal. He obviously didn’t in- man as America’s new president.
thrall myself. vestigate thoroughly the men he Donald Trump and those who sup-
A strong argument can be made hired for key positions in his cam- port him ought to think about argu-
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY that, contra Trump, success in busi- paign (Paul Manafort) or his admin- ing with success, at least as the plu-
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson ness is too narrow to transfer to istration (Mike Flynn). On health tocrats construe it.
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp other realms. Orderly thought is care, he evidently had no notion of
Gerard Baker William Lewis needed for success of any kind. So, the variety of views within his newly Mr. Epstein’s books include “Fro-
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher too, the clarity to get outside one- adopted party. zen in Time: Twenty Stories” and
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: self to grasp the larger forces in- I’ve not read “The Art of the “Wind Sprints: Shorter Essays.”
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Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; Kara-Murza in “Answering the tempt to shape political events in- the Soviet Politburo did not store
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; Kremlin’s Challenge,” an essay from side Russia, neither should they en- their money in Western banks, send
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
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DJ Media Group: providing safe harbor for their illicit invest in luxurious real estate in
Almar Latour, Publisher; There is a growing appreciation in gains. For the many striking paral- Western countries. Those who rule
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Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; nothing will change until Mr. Putin’s the current regime in Russia—from ways expected of third-world dicta-
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head regime is replaced by a democratic political prisoners to media censor- torships, but choose the freedoms
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: government. ship—there is also a crucial differ- and protections of the West when it
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dertaken by Russian citizens alone. dissenters and engaging in anti- their ill-gotten money.
A12 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



The Improbable Prince

A new biography reveals unexpected quirks; from a passion for Monty Python to the game-changing role of Camilla


1970, Prince Charles met with

President Richard Nixon in the
Oval Office. Nixon’s advice to wait
watchfully in the wings before be-
coming king didn’t sit well with
the 21-year-old heir apparent.
“To be just a presence would be
fatal,” Charles wrote in his diary,
railing at the notion of “saying
meaningless niceties.”
The account, from a biography
out April 4, reveals a young man
“who didn’t want to spend his life
cutting ribbons,” says the author,
Sally Bedell Smith. Although the
Prince of Wales has devoted con-
siderable time to fox hunting, gar-
dening and painting watercolors,
he “is absolutely driven by this
sense that he has to accomplish all
sorts of things,” Mrs. Smith says. The book reveals the prince was pressured to marry Diana, left with princes
In “Prince Charles: The Passions William and Harry, by his father. Above, author Sally Bedell Smith.
and Paradoxes of an Improbable
Life,” Mrs. Smith decodes a very paralyzed by in- ents preoccupied by their duties,
private public figure whose de- decision—and Charles turned to his grandmother
cades of philanthropy have re- impervious to for affection. “The first part of his
ceived less tabloid coverage than advice. “Proba- life was completely dictated by”
his romances and occasional bly one flaw is Charles’s father, Prince Philip, Mrs.
gaffes. Overshadowed by his daz- his unwilling- Smith says. “He went to schools
zling first wife, Lady Diana Spen- ness to listen to that he hated and went into the
cer, Charles ultimately was re- other points of Navy as he was commanded to
deemed by his second, Camilla view,” Mrs. do.”
Parker Bowles, whom he wed in Smith says. Although a stickler for protocol
2005. “The game-changer in his “He’s very stub- with a sharp temper, Charles has
life was marrying Camilla,” Mrs. born when it mellowed over time, Mrs. Smith
Smith says. comes to pushing his point of says. A Monty Python fan, he has a
Paradoxes dot the life of a man view.” self-deprecating sense of humor
who moves in rarified circles but Mrs. Smith first crossed paths and sustains a good-natured ri-
is most at ease in the countryside, with Prince Charles in 1991 at a valry with his sister Anne, the
where he spends hours weeding conditions before the Industrial out,” she says, citing one person polo match in England. Among the Princess Royal, to tally the most
and tending to hedges. If he hadn’t Revolution. Charles doesn’t like who served Charles’s mother, seven biographies she has written appearances every year.
been born into the royal family, computers and replies to emails Queen Elizabeth II, for almost 20 are lives of Queen Elizabeth II, as The heir apparent since the age
“he would have been a farmer,” with fountain-penned energetic years before going to work for the well as Diana, the Princess of of three, Charles has waited a re-
Mrs. Smith says. scrawls known in England as his Prince of Wales. The employee Wales, who died in 1997. cord stretch of time to become
In the early 1990s, Charles ad- “black spider” memos. found the shift “a total shock to Charles’s life is improbable, king. Queen Elizabeth, who will be
vocated to “radically modernize” The 68-year-old prince does the system,” according to Mrs. Mrs. Smith says, because it follows 91 this month, is Britain’s longest-
the monarchy, in part by slimming know how to use a smart phone Smith. “He said, ‘In the whole time a jagged arc compared with his reigning sovereign. Mrs. Smith de-
down the royal payroll. But the and to text, Mrs. Smith says, a I worked for the Queen, she never mother’s smooth grooming for the scribes how as a boy, Charles
fervent modernizer also is an un- concession largely to communicate called me on the weekend. And the throne. Charles “was caught be- watched his 27-year-old mother
apologetic luddite, who bought with his staff. There has been first weekend I worked for Prince tween the modern world and the practice for her coronation, walk-
property in Romania’s Transylva- churn among employees because Charles, he called me five times.’ ” world of his parents, his mother in ing around the nursery wearing a
nia in part to experience life in the energetic royal “wears people The exacting prince can seem particular,” she says. With his par- bejeweled crown.

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
-15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Down 34 Wrestling match
-10 participants
13 14 15 16
1 Worked for
Riga -5
Glasgow chicken feed 36 Pub fixture
Moscow 17 18 19
C p h g
Copenhagen 5 2 Sighs, e.g. 39 Sierra Club
10 20 21 22 23 3 Visits overnight founder
D bli
Dublin 15
Berlin 24 25 26 27 4 NHL great 40 ___ Plaines
A d
Amsterdam arsaw
Warsaw 20
Bobby 41 Fleshy yellowish
25 28 29 30 31
Prague 30 5 Ballroom dance fruits
Brussels kf
Frankfurt e
35 32 33 34 35 36 37 from Brazil 42 Popular
Paris Munich
i h 6 Neopagan Upper East Side
38 39 40
V Warm practitioner restaurant closed
d 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 in 2011
Cold 7 Cologne cry
43 Carry on
Bucharest Stationary 48 49 50 51 52 53 8 Mawkish
drivel 46 Not yet captured
54 55 56 57 58
Showers 47 Barry Levinson
Rome t b
9 Pair for Arctic
59 60 61
hikers film that won
d d the Best Picture
62 63 64 65 66 10 Studio with a Oscar
Pegasus logo
Al i
Algiers Athens
67 68 69 49 Off-premise
Tunis Snow 11 Starkly simple hosp. worker
70 71 72
12 Blows a gasket 51 Complete
15 Wow ’em at the 53 Past, present
Ice STICK TO YOUR GUNS | By Daniel Hamm comedy club and future
Global Forecasts City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W City
Hi Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 31 ___ avis 58 Position on the 18 Répondez ___ 55 Drink brand with
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Mexican moolah 32 Police trap fairway vous plaît a lizard logo
Geneva 16 6 sh 16 5 c Ottawa 7 1 sn 10 1 pc
t...t’storms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow; Hanoi 27 20 c 28 22 c Paris 17 7 c 16 5 c 59 “Hamilton” prop
6 Funny folks 35 Place for a 23 Netanyahu is its 56 Singapore sling
Havana 32 20 s 32 19 s Philadelphia 22 11 t 19 10 s PM
Today Tomorrow Hong Kong 25 21 s 26 21 s Phoenix 27 14 s 29 15 s 10 Place for a price circuit board 60 Put a bow in ingredient
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Honolulu 29 22 pc 29 22 s Pittsburgh 16 6 sh 19 11 pc 37 Stop indicator 61 Curry of TV 26 “The Barber of 57 “Love Story”
Amsterdam 15 6 pc 11 6 c Houston 31 16 s 25 10 s Port-au-Prince 34 22 pc 35 23 pc 13 Crowd scene
38 Rural news Seville” writer Erich
Anchorage 9 4 r 10 4 c Istanbul 17 11 c 17 9 c Portland, Ore. 16 7 c 16 9 sh participant
property 62 Singer DiFranco composer 64 30-Across
Athens 19 12 pc 19 12 t Jakarta 32 23 t 31 25 t Rio de Janeiro 31 22 s 33 23 s
14 App stand-ins
Atlanta 27 16 pc 23 9 t Johannesburg 27 13 s 28 15 s Riyadh 29 15 s 29 16 s
41 Oomph 63 Ready for battle, 27 Whiskey built it
Baghdad 23 11 s 27 12 s Kansas City 13 5 r 11 3 r Rome 19 8 t 19 8 t 16 Feel sorry about distiller’s need
Baltimore 24 10 t 20 12 s Las Vegas 22 10 s 24 13 pc Salt Lake City 9 0 pc 15 5 pc 44 Haleakala like the other 65 Artist
Bangkok 33 26 c 34 26 t Lima 27 22 pc 27 22 pc San Diego 20 13 pc 24 13 s 17 Institution with National Park long Across 29 “What’s the Lichtenstein
Beijing 21 11 c 19 9 pc London 15 5 c 13 6 c San Francisco 20 11 pc 21 12 pc Post graduates? location answers? ___?” (“Who
Berlin 15 6 pc 13 5 sh Los Angeles 24 13 s 27 13 s San Juan 29 24 sh 29 24 sh 66 “Moonlight”
19 Believer’s suffix 67 Horror director cares?”) Oscar winner
Bogota 21 8 r 22 8 pc Madrid 22 6 s 20 6 pc Santiago 25 10 pc 27 11 s 45 Dill pickle
Boise 13 5 pc 20 9 pc Manila 32 25 s 33 25 s Santo Domingo 31 21 pc 31 22 pc 20 Major retail quarter Craven 33 1960s war zone Mahershala
Boston 6 3 r 8 3 s Melbourne 24 12 pc 24 12 pc Sao Paulo 28 18 c 29 21 pc
Brussels 16 5 c 13 4 c Mexico City 29 10 s 30 13 s Seattle 15 8 c 15 8 r
jeweler 48 Away from the 68 Embarrassment
for a fielder Previous Puzzle’s Solution
Buenos Aires 26 16 c 27 12 s Miami 31 24 s 31 24 pc Seoul 19 9 pc 15 10 r 21 Pen name wind C H T A L E A P S F
Cairo 29 16 s 31 19 s Milan 22 10 pc 20 9 pc Shanghai 20 16 pc 21 16 c 69 Aquarium R O E S A G R E E E
Calgary 9 -3 s 12 2 pc Minneapolis 15 3 c 12 1 pc Singapore 31 25 pc 31 25 t 22 Belt settings 50 Car freshener T W I
Caracas 32 26 s 32 25 pc Monterrey 37 15 pc 27 10 pc Stockholm 13 3 pc 10 2 sh scent buildup S L A
24 Some CTA trains P L O T S B I N
Charlotte 27 12 s 24 11 t Montreal 5 2 r 10 1 pc Sydney 21 17 sh 21 17 pc
52 Right away, to 70 Booming jet of R E D O N O I S E L E
Chicago 15 4 pc 7 2 r Moscow 7 2 pc 10 4 c Taipei 26 16 s 27 19 s 25 Burglar deterrent the past E V I L P R O D S I R E
Dallas 29 11 s 21 9 s Mumbai 32 24 pc 32 23 pc Tehran 12 4 c 16 5 s a nurse G O R E P O L L S C L O G
Denver 5 -5 sn 12 -3 s Nashville 26 14 pc 25 6 t Tel Aviv 26 18 s 29 14 s 28 Out of juice 54 Georgia site of 71 Long-haired I K E D E F O E A L D A
Detroit 13 4 c 10 5 r New Delhi 38 22 pc 37 23 t Tokyo 15 10 s 18 13 pc
30 Builder of FDR’s “Little terrier breed T E N D N Y M P H
Dubai 30 24 s 29 22 s New Orleans 29 20 s 27 13 t Toronto 15 3 r 11 4 pc S A I D S O B O O Z E S
Dublin 11 4 pc 11 4 c New York City 16 9 r 17 8 s Vancouver 14 7 c 12 7 r 64-Down White House” 72 Property claims C L O S E O R D E R D R I L L
Edinburgh 12 5 pc 12 4 c Omaha 14 5 c 14 1 r Washington, D.C. 26 12 t 22 13 s A O N E R O OM Y N O L A
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Frankfurt 17 6 pc 16 5 c Orlando 33 20 pc 34 20 c Zurich 14 4 sh 15 4 c M E S A S E E T O S N A P


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© 2017 Dow Jones & Company. All Rights Reserved. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | B1

Euro vs. Dollar 1.0664 À 0.08% FTSE 100 7282.69 g 0.55% Gold 1250.80 À 0.28% WTI crude 50.24 g 0.71% German Bund yield 0.278% 10-Year Treasury yield 2.351%

North Korean Link Found to Theft Apple

Digital records show an internet address belonging
to North Korea’s state-owned
ers, according to Kaspersky.
The hackers failed to re-
link to a computer internet service provider. move computer-log files on a
with North Korean Security experts have long server used by the group, and
suspected the hacking group, these digital records show the
internet address
known as Lazarus, was backed server briefly connecting to
by North Korea, but that as- another computer in North Ko-

BY ROBERT MCMILLAN sessment hinged on a 2014 rea, said Vitaly Kamluk, a re-
Federal Bureau of Investigation searcher with Kaspersky.

A newly discovered digital claim that one Lazarus hack— North Korea has “very little
clue links the hacking group the compromise of Sony Pic- presence on the internet, and
blamed for a multimillion-dol- tures Entertainment in 2014— the chances that this is just a
lar cyberattack on Bangla- was conducted by North Korea. random connection are ex-
desh’s central bank to a com- Although The Wall Street tremely small,” Mr. Kamluk said. BY STU WOO
puter in North Korea, Journal reported last month As with most developments
according to the Russian cy- that the FBI is pursuing a in the shadowy world of com- Bangladesh Bank’s account at the New York Fed was attacked. LONDON—A small but criti-
bersecurity company Kasper- criminal case linking North Ko- puter intrusions, this latest cal Apple Inc. supplier here is
sky Lab ZAO. rea to Lazarus’s activity, the piece of evidence isn’t conclu- spectively, the Lazarus group into computer networks and raising the prospect of a pat-
Kaspersky announced Mon- agency hasn’t provided any sive. It is technically possible, has been active since at least lurk undetected for months be- ent fight with the smartphone
day at its security conference public evidence to substantiate for example, for someone to 2009 and recently has targeted fore attacking, the security ex- giant after Apple said it would
on the Caribbean island of St. the alleged North Korean link. hack the North Korean com- banks in Europe and the U.S., perts said. The Lazarus group stop using its technology to
Maarten that its researchers Multiple calls to the North puter and connect it to the Mr. Kamluk said. Lazarus is a is suspected of stealing $81 process graphics in its iPhones
had obtained digital records Korean mission to the United Lazarus server to throw off in- name given to a group of the million from Bangladesh Bank’s and other devices.
showing a European server Nations went unanswered. vestigators, Mr. Kamluk said. hackers by security research- account at the Federal Reserve Shares of Imagination
used by the group to launch its The newly discovered evi- Although the attacks against ers. Often, as with the Bangla- Bank of New York last year af- Technologies Group PLC fell
attacks exchanged data in Jan- dence came from a rare techni- Sony and Bangladesh Bank oc- desh central-bank hack, the ter initiating fraudulent orders as much as 70% in London
uary with a computer that had cal error by the Lazarus hack- curred in 2014 and 2016, re- Lazarus hackers quietly break asking for nearly $1 billion. trading after it disclosed that
Apple—its biggest customer—
would stop using Imagination

The Dollar
technology in the graphics
processing units in its devices
within 15 months to two years.

Gets Its
Graphics processing units,
or GPUs, are computer chips
that power videos and other

Flow Back
animations on smartphones,
computers and other gadgets.
Imagination runs its business
based on intellectual prop-

—Almost erty, designing and selling

basic blueprints for GPUs,
but not manufacturing the
A global shortage of dol- chips itself.
lars that distorted the Imagination said Monday
money markets for the past that Apple told the company it
two years is easing, even as was working on a “separate,
the Federal Reserve is trying independent” design. Imagina-
to tighten monetary policy. tion said it believed it would
The money markets are be “extremely challenging” to
the plumbing of the financial design a brand-new GPU archi-
system, and they sprang a tecture “without infringing its
leak in 2015 intellectual property rights.”
when banks Imagination licenses its
began to technology to Apple, which
limit bal- pays it royalties. Imagination
ance sheet- said it was in talks with Apple

intensive ac- about an alternative licensing

tivities to and royalty arrangement.
STREETWISE satisfy new An Apple spokeswoman de-
JAMES regulatory clined to comment. An Imagi-
MACKINTOSH require- nation spokesman said the
ments. The Housing crowds the shoreline in Clovelly, a suburb of Sydney, Australia, where the median home price reached $821,000 last year. company was at the beginning
shortage of of a process with Apple.

Housing Bubbles Resist Controls

dollars was made even worse Imagination’s technology
by restrictions introduced has been a key component of
last fall on money-market Apple products for years, in-
funds, as these “shadow cluding its phones, tablets,
banks” are used by Japanese BY ROB TAYLOR the year through March 31, iPods and watches. Apple last
and European banks to fi- AND RACHEL PANNETT Raising the Roof much of it in the past six year said it held discussions
nance themselves overnight months, according to an analy- with Imagination about ac-
Home prices are soaring again in China dominates foreign buying
in dollars. SYDNEY—From Australia to sis by data company CoreLogic quiring the chip supplier but
Australia's capital cities... in at least one major market.
Dollar shortages are now Canada, authorities are learn- released on Monday. didn’t plan on making an offer.
going away, helped by expec- ing a hard lesson in their ef- Residential property price index, Foreign property buyers in New The median house price in The chip designer had a
tations that U.S. regulation forts to curb the foreign change from a year earlier South Wales, share of value* Sydney hit $821,000 last year, market value of about £760
will be relaxed, the success money flooding their property 5%
according to Demographia, a million (about $950 million)
Indonesia China
of overseas banks in finding markets: Deterrents quickly U.S. think tank. It said the fig- when markets closed Friday,
1.7% 77%
alternative sources of fi- lose their punch. 4 ure, equivalent to 12.2 times before the Apple disclosure.
nance and greater appetite In recent years, regulators U.S. the average annual wage, The news Monday reduced its
from investors to pick up in several countries have 3 made Sydney the world’s sec- market capitalization to less
what looks like free money raised taxes on residential 2 ond-most-expensive city after than £300 million as of Mon-
left lying around by the real-estate purchases, re- Hong Kong on a house-price- day afternoon in London.
global financial system. quired banks to demand big- 1 to-income ratio. “The biggest risk to Imagi-
The lack of stress in the ger down payments and taxed Demand in Melbourne is nation’s business model was
dollar money markets was empty homes—to little long- driving up the valuations of realized this morning,” said
evident Friday when the term avail. –1 plots of land for housing by Roger Phillips, an analyst for
quarter ended: More or less Now they are trying again. 2014 ’15 ’16 $7,500 a week, said Giles Bray, Investec Bank. He had fore-
nothing happened. Australian regulators on a local mortgage broker. cast Apple would account for
*October 2016-January 2017. Figures don’t add up to 100 because of rounding.
Contrast that with Decem- Friday ordered banks to limit Sydney is the capital of New South Wales. Developers are now build- 50% to 60% of Imagination’s
ber, when there was a rush the flow of interest-only Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics (index); Credit Suisse (foreign buyers) ing 300-square-foot apart- revenue this year and said
for dollars as foreign banks loans—a villain in the U.S. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ments—roughly one-third the other customers might not
tried to dress up their bal- subprime mortgage crisis—to area of the average new Amer- sign deals with Imagination
ance sheets to meet regula- 30% of new loans from about gage brokers were inappropri- to blunt a price rise that has ican unit—with 8-foot ceiling until it resolves its situation
tory demands, and the cost 40% now and to restrict loans ately promoting interest-only resumed after the last crack- heights to pack in more units. with Apple.
of the standard hedging in- to people making small down loans. New South Wales state, down that started in late 2014. In the past three years, for- The blow to Imagination
strument, the cross-currency payments. The country’s cor- home to Sydney, is consider- House prices in Sydney and eigners have bought thou- has been the second shock to
basis swap, soared. The extra porate regulator said on Mon- ing a further property-tax rise Melbourne, the nation’s two sands of these apartments Britain’s semiconductor indus-
payment—on top of already day it was investigating for foreigners. biggest cities, rose by about sight unseen. “They are poorly try, which is small but has an
stressed levels—meant those whether lenders and mort- The moves are an attempt 19% and 16%. respectively, in Please see BUBBLE page B2 outsize global influence, in
willing to supply dollars less than a year.
could earn much more by In July, Japanese technol-
holding Japanese T-bills and
hedging the yen risk than by
buying U.S. T-bills, even
though Japanese interest
Safer, High-Tech Cars Cost More to Insure ogy giant SoftBank Group
Corp. agreed to acquire Cam-
bridge, England-based ARM
Holdings PLC, which designs
rates are negative. BY CHRISTINA ROGERS be more than five times that stead, it went up.” Volkswagen can add thousands of dollars the basic blueprints for more
The easing of money-mar- AND LESLIE SCISM of conventional parts. And AG declined to comment on to the price of a new car and than 95% of the world’s smart-
ket stress this year has al- the equipment is often lo- Mr. Woods’s experience but deliver significantly higher phone chips.
most halved the cost of New cars loaded with high- cated in bumpers, fenders and said it was “proud to offer ad- margins than other options.
cross-currency basis for Jap- tech crash-prevention gear are external mirrors—the very vanced-safety technology sys- At present, though, only a
anese borrowers of dollars,
and the change at quarter-
end on Friday was minuscule.
having a perverse effect on
car-insurance costs: They are
spots that tend to get hit in a
crash. Insurance companies,
unwilling to shoulder all
tems on our vehicles.” fraction of buyers opt for the
technology, often known as
“advanced driver assistance
The Bank of Japan’s deci- Safety features such as au- the pain, are passing some of systems,” or ADAS. As a result,
sion to soak up some excess tonomous braking and systems the cost to buyers.
Premiums reflect the replacement parts are dispro-
yen liquidity helped, reduc- to prevent drivers from drift- Jeff Woods, a professor in expense of repairing portionately expensive.

ing the pressure on Japa- ing out of their lanes are in- Illinois, recently bought a About 14% of vehicles sold
nese banks to find yield in creasingly available on vehi- 2017 Volkswagen Passat to
sensors when driver- in the 2016 model-year were
the U.S. cles rolling off assembly replace a two-year-old assisted cars crash. equipped with collision-miti-
But the flow of dollars lines. Auto companies and model. It was loaded with so- gation technology, according
around the system is work- third-party researchers say called active safety equip- to Some in-
ing better elsewhere, too. these features help prevent ment. So he wasn’t expecting surers estimate 25% to 50% of
The cross-currency basis
against euros has also al-
crashes and are building
blocks to self-driving cars. But
his State Farm insurance-pol-
icy premiums to jump 20% to
Mr. Woods ended up nego-
tiating a price reduction with
all vehicles on the road will
have to have forward-collision-
most halved, taking it back progress comes with a price. $1,200 a year. State Farm. prevention systems before ac- BEST-PAYING
to where it was a year ago.
The extra cost over Treasury
Enabling the safety tech
are cameras, sensors, micro-
“I was told by the car deal-
ership all the technology
Insurance sticker shock is a
blow to auto makers looking
cident rates decline enough to
offset higher repair costs.
yields of swapping fixed for processors and other hard- would improve the cost of in- to increase adoption of high- It now costs $166 to fix a
Please see STREET page B2 ware whose repair costs can surance,” Mr. Woods said. “In- tech safety packages, which Please see SAFETY page B2 FINANCE & MARKETS, B5
B2 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in today’s edition. Articles on regional page inserts aren’t cited in these indexes.

A GrabTaxi ...................... B4 Mylan...........................B4

ABB ............................. B3 Gunvor Group..............B5 N
Airbnb..........................A8 H News Corp...................A8
Airbus Group...............A4 Hagens Berman Sobol New York Times.........A8
Alphabet................A2,A8 Shapiro......................B4 P
Apollo Global HNA Group..................B7
Management.............B7 Palantir Technologies.A8
Home Depot................B5
Apple...........................B1 Q
HSH Nordbank............B7
Arab Bank...................A7 Qualcomm...................B1
Archer Daniels
Midland.....................B5 Imagination
Technologies Group..B1 Reckitt Benckiser
B Group...................B3,B8
Inkling Systems..........A8
Barclays.......................B8 Rockwell Automation.B3
Boeing.........................A4 K
Bunge .......................... B5 Kraft Heinz ................. B8


Schneider Electric.......B3
C L Siemens.......................B3
Cargill..........................B5 Lloyds Banking Group B8 Snap............................A1
D Lonergan Partners......A8 SoftBank Group..........B1
Deutsche Bank............B5 Louis Dreyfus T
F Tencent Holdings........A2
M Tesla............................A1
Facebook ..................... A1
Magna International...B4 Twilio...........................A1
Malaysian Airline U
Fitbit ........................... A1 Uber Technologies.A8,B4
Mead Johnson Newly built homes in Sydney earlier this year. House prices in the city were up 19% for the year through March 31.
Ford Motor............A1,A8 Nutrition..................B3 Ultra Petroleum..........B5

G Microsoft.....................B4 Z In 2010, when Australian vance and that it was there- seem to be working. Web
General Motors...........A1 Morgan Stanley..........A8 Zillow Group...............A8 prices last rose sharply, the fore better to clean up after- searches in China for Vancou-
Goldman Sachs GroupA8 Movement Mortgage..B5 Zynga .......................... A8 Reserve Bank of Australia ward rather than try to ver properties dropped 37% in
tightened policy to cool down influence their growth. Now, December compared with a

INDEX TO PEOPLE Continued from the prior page

built and lack light,” Mr. Bray
markets. But lately the central
bank has been keeping rates at
a record low 1.5% to aid an
regulators generally believe
they need to act as risks rise.
Some places that have been
year earlier, according to Ju-, an online real-estate
portal aimed at Chinese home
B Jordan Jacobs.............B4 Oliphant, Grant...........B4 The gains are testing the economy that is still strug- favorites for Chinese investors seekers.
Brin, Sergey................A8 Joshi, Dixit..................B5 P limits of government measures gling to adjust at the end of a in recent years—including But policy makers worry
Buben, Don..................B5 K Page, Larry..................A8
aimed at preventing housing long mining boom. London, and, most recently, about whether cooling mea-
bubbles from developing in Australia narrowly avoided New York—are rolling out pol- sures might just shift demand
C Kalanick, Travis...........B4 Phillips, Roger.............B1
Kang, Steve.................B2
cities around the world. a recession last year—defined icies that discourage foreign from one jurisdiction to an-
Carr, Peter...................A2 R The frothiness is driven by as two consecutive quarters of purchasers. other. Chinese buyer interest
Chapados, Nicolas.......B4 Karatzas, Basil............B7
Rascoff, Spencer.........A8 ultralow interest rates at cen- negative growth—as it re- Canada has tightened hous- has been rising in the Seattle
Keeney, Tasha.............A2
D Ritchie, Garth ............. B5 tral banks that spur investors bounded in the three months ing-financing rules numerous region since Vancouver’s tax-
M-O to hunt for returns in tangible through December from a sur- times since mid-2008 to curb policy changes were intro-
Delisle, Tim.................B4 S
Mattis, Jim.................A6 assets. Chinese investors are prise contraction in the third excesses. In Canada’s hottest duced in August, brokers said.
E Schenck, Marcus.........B5
Mühlen, Alexander von also driving the phenomenon. quarter. The central bank market, Vancouver, British Co- Auckland overtook Toronto
Ernst, Dan...................A8 zur.............................B5 Schmidt, Eric .............. A8 The concern: Foreign, spec- meets again on Tuesday and is lumbia, the government last as the world’s “hottest” city
G Morgan, Bryson..........A6 W ulative investors are making widely expected to keep rates year introduced a new resi- for luxury real estate in 2015,
Moridi, Reza................B4 properties unaffordable for lo- unchanged. dential-property tax on outsid- partly because of New Zea-
Gibeau, Frank..............A8 Watford, Michael........B5
Murdoch, Rupert.........A8
Weissenberg, Allen....A6
cal residents and adding eco- Before the 2007-2008 fi- ers and imposed a separate land’s relatively open-door
I-J Murphy, Bobby ........... A1 nomic risk because these buy- nancial crisis, many policy vacancy tax on properties left policies to foreign investment,
Icahn, Carl...................A8 Musk, Elon ............ A1,A2 Z ers are more likely to flee in a makers thought asset bubbles unoccupied. according to a Christie’s Inter-
Jonas, Adam...............A2 Ocko, Matt..................B4 Zuckerberg, Mark.......A1 downturn. couldn’t be detected in ad- Vancouver’s latest efforts national Real Estate survey.

SAFETY collision with a vehicle loaded

with safety gear.
Bumpers, fenders, grilles
and side mirrors fitted with
while at the wheel. Miles drive
by Americans rose 2.8% to a
record 3.2 trillion in 2016, ac-
cording to the Federal High-
Long told investors in March,
explaining why the severity of
claims is increasing. The Bos-
ton-based company, among the
Continued from the prior page safety sensors often cost more way Administration. That in- 10 largest car insurers, has
conventional left mirror on a to fix because of the need to crease was far outpaced by a been raising rates by an aver-
2015 Mercedes-Benz ML350, recalibrate software and the 6% surge in motor-vehicle age annual 9% since late last
according to Allstate Corp., limited availability of replace- deaths in the period. year.
but the repair bill balloons to ment parts, said Susanna “We are nowhere near an


$925 for that mirror with col- Gotsch, lead analyst for CCC inflection point,” Allstate
lision-avoidance technology. A
tech-equipped mirror on a
Information Services, which
provides software to collision-
High-tech collision- Corp. spokesman Justin Hern-
don said. Even after an aver-
Lexus RX 350 is $840, more repair shops, insurers and the prevention systems age 7% increase in 2016
than double the $390 for a
mirror without the tech.
automotive industry.
State Farm in October
help avert crashes but “there is really no other place
for premiums to go but up,” he
An industry alliance repre- raised Illinois insurance rates cost a lot to repair. said.
senting a dozen auto manufac- 5.9%, the largest such jump The National Highway Traf-
turers declined to comment on since 2003. In addition to the fic Safety Administration esti- Cars on U.S. Highway 101 in Los Angeles.
repair costs. Several auto mak- need to fund costly repairs of mated more than 90% of all
ers said safety is a prior- safety tech, the company is Industrywide, the average crashes are caused by human tems to earn its Top Safety fers breaks for car buyers
ity, and while new parts are also factoring in trends such annual car-insurance premium error. Pick awards, and 22 auto mak- who get features such as au-
expensive at first, the price as more miles driven and dis- increased 14% since 2014 to Studies conducted by the ers have pledged to make this tomatic-braking systems or
tends to fall over time. tracted driving, a company $990, according to an estimate Insurance Institute for High- safety feature standard by adaptive headlights. Liberty
Owners of ADAS-equipped spokeswoman said. by the Insurance Information way Safety, a nonprofit funded 2022. Mutual also offers some dis-
cars aren’t the only ones pay- Car-crash fatalities are in- Institute. by the insurance indus- Car makers are trying to counts.
ing. Liability insurance is ris- creasing as people spend more “Safer vehicles are more ex- try, show a 50% reduction in keep the size of claims down. Roads need to get far safer,
ing, too: A driver of a basic car time on the road and attempt pensive to repair,” Liberty Mu- rear-end crashes by cars Subaru Corp. locates traffic- however, for insurance in-
may be liable for damages in a to multitask with smartphones tual Chief Executive David equipped with automatic brak- detection gear in areas that creases to reverse. “The indus-
ing. are less exposed in common try is seeing, unfortunately,
ADVERTISEMENT Industry groups and regula- crashes, such as behind the the additional cost of repairs,
tors are pressuring auto mak- windshield. but not yet the full benefit of
The Mart ers to make standard features
that hand over more decision-
Some insurers are experi-
menting with discounts.
their potential reduction in
frequency,” says Ms. Gotsch of
making to the car. The IIHS Hartford Financial Services CCC, the software provider.
BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY requires vehicles to have op- Group Inc. is piloting a pro- “The next several years are
tional automatic-braking sys- gram in a few states that of- going to be challenging.”

Money Markets Less Stressed 10-year U.S. swap spreads*

The international shortage of dollars has eased, 0.2 percentage point
the extra cost above Treasurys of swapping fixed
for floating rates has dropped, and banks are more 0.1
willing to lend to each other. But money markets
are not yet back to normal. 0

Yen cross-currency basis swaps*

–0.2 percentage point

More expensive to –0.2

–0.3 hedge dollars into 2015 ’16 ’17
yen as basis drops
Three-month dollar Libor-OIS spread†
–0.5 0.4 percentage point

–0.6 0.3

–0.7 0.2

–0.8 0.1

–0.9 0
2015 ’16 ’17 2015 ’16 ’17

*Through 4:10 p.m. BST Monday †Spread of London Interbank Offered Rate above overnight indexed swaps. Data through Friday
Source: Thomson Reuters THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

STREET banks loosening their purse

strings and becoming more
willing to lend to clients. “I
taking the other side of swap
spreads and cross-currency
basis swaps, helping reduce
Continued from the prior page have banks calling up and the distortions.
floating interest rates—used saying they’re going to allo- Moving back toward what
for hundreds of billions of cate me more balance sheet,” used to count as normal
dollars of corporate deals a said one big fixed-income in- functioning in money mar-
year and known as the swap vestor. kets should be good for in-
spread—is almost back to Steve Kang, U.S. rates vestors, reducing the risk of
normal after two years of strategist at Citigroup, says the system blowing a leak as
Businesses being deeply negative. Even
the willingness of banks to
there is a lot of uncertainty
about regulatory changes
the Fed raises interest rates.
The flip side for those
For Sale. lend to each other has im- promised by the new White worrying about rate in-
à As with all investments, Save Up To 60% proved: The spread between House, but adds: “Arguably, creases is that the Fed un-
appropriate advice should First & Business Advertise in The Mart. Libor borrowing costs and we’ve reached the peak regu- derstands this, too, and the
INTERNATIONAL Call +44 (0) 203 207 2124 risk-free overnight indexed lation point in terms of the Fed’s surely more likely to
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binding contract. à (800) 435-8776 All this fits with anecdotal banks will be more willing to dollar shortages elsewhere in
evidence of investment pick up the free money by the world.
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | B3


Mustard Maker Looks for Buyer
Reckitt Benckiser shopping around a food busi-
ness: Danone SA of France last
starts strategic review
To Sell of French’s food unit;
week put its Stonyfield or-
ganic-yogurt unit up for sale,
seeking to clear the biggest
higher margins prized
antitrust hurdle to its $10.4
billion acquisition of White-
Wave Foods Co.
BY BEN DUMMETT On Friday, Reckitt disclosed
AND NOEMIE BISSERBE French’s mustard is up for in its annual report that the
sale. board cut Mr. Kapoor’s pay
French power-equipment Reckitt Benckiser Group last year after a scandal at the


supplier Schneider Electric PLC, the British owner of company’s South Korean busi-
SE agreed Monday to sell its America’s best-selling mustard ness, in which scores of people
U.S.-based data-software busi- as well as Durex condoms and were killed and hundreds were
ness DTN to TBG AG, a Swit- Lysol disinfectants, said it had left with permanent lung dam-
zerland-based private holding started a strategic review of age by a humidifier disinfec-
company, in a deal valued at its food business. The com- tant between 2001 and 2011.
$900 million. pany is considering all options Mr. Kapoor received total
The transaction comes a for the unit as it seeks to close pay of £14.6 million last year,
day after The Wall Street its $16.6 billion takeover of compared with £25.5 million
Journal reported that Schnei- baby-food maker Mead John- in 2015, a figure that made
der, whose major competitors son Nutrition Co. him one of the highest-paid
include ABB Ltd., Rockwell The French’s unit, which bosses in the FTSE 100 that
Automation Inc. and Siemens also includes Frank’s RedHot year. His 2015 pay package
AG, was nearing a deal to sell pepper sauces and Cattlemen’s stoked a rebellion among some
its DTN division. barbecue sauces, generated The French’s food business could be valued at up to $4 billion, according to bankers and analysts. shareholders, with 18% of in-
Schneider acquired DTN, £411 million ($516 million) of vestors voting against last
which distributes real-time the company’s overall revenue sumer-goods giants re-evalu- markets. Reckitt Chief Execu- pany,” the person said, adding year’s pay policy.
weather information to farm- of £9.89 billion in 2016. ate their slower-growing pack- tive Rakesh Kapoor lost out to that its value to a private-eq- Reckitt’s remuneration
ers and other customers, as Reckitt didn’t provide further aged-food businesses and Bayer AG in a bidding war for uity buyer would be limited panel said Mr. Kapoor would
part of its €1.4 billion ($1.5 bil- detail except to say the unit move toward higher-margin Merck & Co.’s consumer busi- because of Reckitt’s lean man- have been entitled to a further
lion) acquisition in 2011 of was no longer considered core. health and household goods. ness in 2014. agement of the business. £14 million in bonus and share
Spain’s Telvent. But in Octo- Bankers and analysts esti- Investors for years have been Reckitt already has financ- French’s is already managed rewards had the committee
ber, Schneider announced a mated that the food unit could encouraging Unilever to sell ing lined up for the Mead separately from the rest of not decided to “exercise dis-
strategic review of the busi- be valued at $2.5 billion to $4 underperforming businesses. Johnson purchase and doesn’t Reckitt Benckiser’s business, cretion” to curb his pay.
ness and decided against try- billion. Reckitt’s acquisition of see it as a primary motivation which largely focuses on —Ben Dummett
ing to build a subscription- Unilever PLC is in the mid- Mead Johnson would nearly for selling the French’s busi- cleaning products, over-the- and Ian Walker
based business as a new dle of its own review of its double the size of its con- ness, a person familiar with counter remedies and brands contributed to this article.
source of revenue. portfolio after snubbing a $143 sumer-health business and the situation said. such as K-Y lubricants and
The deal allows Schneider, billion bid by Kraft Heinz Co. push the Slough, England, “Its main value would be as Veet hair-removal cream.  Heard: Kraft Heinz might not
which is based near Paris, to Both reviews come as con- company deeper into emerging a sale to another food com- This is a busy time for be the best match. ............... B8
recover the bulk of what it
paid to acquire Telvent while

Fox News Is Sued in Sex-Harassment Claim

retaining a large part of its
operations. Schneider said it
plans to use net proceeds from
the transaction to buy back
about €1 billion of its shares BY JOE FLINT network retaliated against her sexual relations with him is News and 21st Century Fox de- would be retaliated against by
over two years. further when she refused to total nonsense,” Ms. Estrich clined to comment. 21st Cen- those who reported to him.”
The expected sale also comes Fox News contributor Julie join other on-air Fox News tal- said. tury Fox and Wall Street Jour- Still, she alleges, she com-
as the French multinational’s Roginsky filed a lawsuit alleg- ent in defending Mr. Ailes af- Mr. Ailes resigned from Fox nal parent News Corp share plained to Mr. Shine and hu-
overall strategy is showing ing she was sexually harassed ter a sexual-harassment suit News last July in the midst of common ownership. man-resources executive Su-
signs of paying off. In February, by the cable-television net- was filed against him by for- Ms. Roginsky, who last ap- zanne Scott about her
it reported 24% growth in an- work’s former chairman, mer anchor Gretchen Carlson. peared on Fox News this past situation in a meeting last No-
nual net profit, attributing the
strength to a combination of or-
Roger Ailes, and that he and
other executives retaliated
Ms. Roginsky’s suit names
as defendants Mr. Ailes, Fox
Contributor accuses Saturday, has the same attor-
ney as Ms. Carlson, who set-
vember. She claims they didn’t
investigate the matter or ad-
ganic growth, cost controls and when she rejected his un- News and Bill Shine, the net- Roger Ailes, the tled her case for $20 million. vise her to cooperate with the
improving margins.
TBG, which is acquiring
wanted sexual advances.
The gender-discrimination
work’s current co-president.
In a written statement, a
former chairman of In her suit, Ms. Roginsky
says she was never advised
company probe into Mr. Ailes’s
DTN, doesn’t have a website, suit, filed Monday in New York lawyer for Mr. Ailes, Susan Es- the cable network. that Fox News had a policy Ms. Roginsky’s suit adds to
and a spokesman for the com- state court, claims Mr. Ailes trich, denied the allegations, prohibiting sexual harassment mounting legal and workplace
pany couldn’t immediately be repeatedly harassed her and describing Ms. Roginsky’s and wasn’t made aware “of drama at Fox News. In a No-
reached for comment. The Zu- that because she refused to characterizations of her meet- any reporting mechanism or vember regulatory filing, 21st
rich-based firm is described as engage in a sexual relationship ings with Mr. Ailes as “total a probe by parent company policy prohibiting retaliation Century Fox said it had costs
a family office focused on in- with him, she didn’t receive a hogwash” and an attempt at 21st Century Fox into claims against those who complained of about $35 million in the
vesting in buyouts of indus- promised promotion to host “character assassination.” he harassed multiple women. about sexual harassment.” quarter ended in September
trial products and services the afternoon show “The “The idea that Mr. Ailes He has denied all such alle- She said she also feared related to “settlements of
companies, according the Five.” would pressure Ms. Roginsky gations. coming forward, because, pending and potential litiga-
Swiss Private Equity & Corpo- Ms. Roginsky alleges the or any other women to have Representatives of Fox “those who crossed [Mr. Ailes] tions” related to Mr. Ailes.
rate Finance Association web-
site. It invests in companies in
Europe and the U.S., taking eq-
uity stakes ranging in size
from €20 million to €200 mil-
lion, according to the website.
J. Crew’s Creative Director Lyons to Leave Firm
The acquisition of DTN, BY KHADEEJA SAFDAR pany said Monday. She won’t private-equity firms with the
which is based in Minneapolis, be replaced and her duties will support of Mr. Drexler.
Minn., gives TBG ownership of J. Crew Group Inc.’s long- be given to other members of In December, S&P Global
the Progressive Farmer maga- time creative director Jenna Mr. Drexler’s team. Somsack Ratings warned the company’s
zine, a storied U.S. agricultural Lyons is leaving the embattled Sikhounmuong, head of capital structure was unsus-
periodical founded in 1886. apparel retailer, which has women’s design, will be pro- tainable. J. Crew sued its lend-
That operation, though, is only been struggling with weak moted to chief design officer ers in February, attempting to

a small part of DTN’s business. sales and a heavy debt load. and report to Mr. Drexler. prevent them from blocking
It also collects and electroni- Ms. Lyons has been with Ms. Lyons couldn’t immedi- the company’s transfer of in-
cally transmits weather infor- the company for 26 years and ately be reached for comment. tellectual property to an off-
mation to farmers, primarily is the No. 2 executive to CEO In a press release she said, “I shore subsidiary and out of
in the U.S. on a subscription Mickey Drexler. She is often am excited about the next their grasp.
basis, to help them determine credited as the creative force chapter for J. Crew as well as J. Crew Group, which in-
the best time to plant certain behind the brand’s signature the opportunity for other cre- cludes the Madewell chain, re-
crops. Other customers that looks, pairing casual pieces ative leaders within the organ- cently reported a loss of $23.5
depend on up-to-date weather with formal wear. She was po- ization to step up and take on million as revenue fell 3% to
information are as varied as sitioned as the brand’s aspira- new responsibilities.” $2.43 billion in the fiscal year
airlines and professional golf tional spokesmodel, and the The retailer and its inves- ended Jan. 28.
associations. company featured Jenna’s tors have been gearing up to “We have taken important
DTN offers a similar service Picks of must-have pieces on battle over a potential restruc- steps to improve our perfor-
for refined fuel aimed at the its website. turing of its roughly $2 billion mance and are confident that
energy sector. Traders also sub- Ms. Lyons will serve as a in debt. The company was the team in place will continue
scribe to the company’s com- consultant until her contract taken private in 2011 in a lev- these efforts,” Mr. Drexler said
modity-market data service. Jenna Lyons posed at Café Boulud in Toronto in 2015. expires in December, the com- eraged buyout by a group of in Monday’s release

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B4 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Canada Aims to
Become AI Player
BY DANIELA HERNANDEZ ridi, the minister of research,
AND DAVID GEORGE-COSH innovation and science for On-
Canada wants to be an arti- At an event last week with
ficial-intelligence hotbed. Mr. Trudeau, Ford Motor Co.
Don Walker, chief executive unveiled plans to invest C$500
of Canadian auto-parts giant million to hire 400 engineers
Magna International Inc. from BlackBerry Ltd.’s mobil-
hosted a number of the coun- ity-solutions unit to help de-
try’s leading executives, scien- velop internet-connected vehi-
tists and politicians, including cles and create a new
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, research-and-development
at his summer home in July to center in Ottawa.
mull ways Canada could move The irony, according to Ca-
past its reliance on natural-re- nadian academics, is that basic
source exports. Artificial intel- research that has enabled

ligence was at the top of the technologies such as speech

list, according to several at- recognition on smartphones
tendees. and computer-vision systems
In March, in part thanks to in self-driving cars traces its
those discussions, the Cana- roots, in part, to Canadian uni-
dian government said it would versities. But U.S. companies
dedicate $125 million Canadian like Alphabet Inc.’s Google, Mi-
dollars (US$94 million) in crosoft Corp., Facebook Inc.
funding toward developing AI and Inc. have
A self-driving Uber car crossing the Ninth Street Bridge in downtown Pittsburgh last year. Uber has had a number of setbacks lately. in Montreal, Toronto and Ed- reaped the financial benefits,

Uber Hits Another Pothole

monton—cities with top uni- they say.
versities. Among the reasons academ-
The initiative, known as the ics and entrepreneurs cite: the
Pan-Canadian AI Strategy, is loss of top AI researchers to
one pillar—along with research- U.S. companies, a dearth of in-
and-development-friendly tax vestors, plus a long history of
Self-driving program A spokesman for Uber said transparent about its work- other high-tech companies. He policies and entrepreneur-men- Canadian startups moving to
the company hadn’t seen the force. added that drunken-driving torship programs—of an effort the U.S. to gain traction.
encounters snag as memorandum. In Pittsburgh, Uber has set incidents dropped 18% in by academics, business leaders
Pittsburgh presses “Uber is proud to have put up what it calls its Advanced Uber’s first year. and government officials to
Pittsburgh on the self-driving Technologies Center. “Its mis- Mr. Peduto, an early fan of boost Canada’s capabilities in
firm to give back more map, an effort that included sion: To make self-driving Ubers Uber, said he has become in- AI.
AI is expected to have
creating hundreds of tech jobs a reality,” according to a release creasingly disillusioned in the The goal is to ensure Can- a global economic
BY IANTHE JEANNE DUGAN and investing hundreds of mil- published in September, when past year. ada can compete with coun-
AND GREG BENSINGER lions of dollars,” he said. “We Uber began offering customers He said Uber fought to en- tries like the U.S. and China as
impact topping
hope to continue to have a pos- rides in self-driving Volvos, sure Pittsburgh wouldn’t im- the push to commercialize AI billions of dollars.
PITTSBURGH—A pilot pro- itive presence in Pittsburgh by with a human in the driver’s pose a tax on ride-sharing, did ramps up and the race to hire
gram that allowed Uber Tech- supporting the local economy seat ready to intervene when a U-turn on offering free ser- artificial-intelligence experts
nologies Inc. to launch its and community.” needed. vice during the pilot program, becomes increasingly competi-
first self-driving cars in this The Pittsburgh mayor’s in- The company has and didn’t participate in some tive world-wide. Already, the The first investment the
former steel town has hit a tervention highlights a hired about 700 people, in- civic causes. efforts are luring venture-capi- pan-Canadian initiative made
road bump. broader clash as transporta- cluding more than 40 engi- For instance, Pittsburgh talists from the U.S. to address that was with the
It isn’t about regulation, tion companies test new tech- neers from Carnegie Mellon sought to join with Uber to As swooning commodity newly launched Vector Insti-
which steered Uber’s driverless nology on public roads in a University’s National Robot- win a Smart City Challenge, prices and a volatile housing tute; two other institutes are
program out of San Fran- race to roll out driverless cars. ics Engineering Center. which grants cities federal market threaten to weigh on in the works.
cisco. Nor is it about safety, It marks the latest challenge “The mayor is rightly con- money for developing high- the country’s economy, Mr. The Toronto-based organi-
which last month led the ride- for Uber, which has been buf- cerned about what the rela- tech transportation systems. It Trudeau has made investing in zation is aimed at luring top
hailing company to temporar- feted by charges of sexism and tionship is between companies suggested that Uber sponsor a high-quality jobs, notably in minds in the field and develop-
ily suspend its self-driv- sexual harassment (the com- that are coming to leverage program that would allow low- the tech sector, a priority for ing new ways of incorporating
ing testing after an accident pany is investigating them), an our assets—universities, roads income seniors to have free his government. AI into self-driving cars, bank-
in Arizona. embarrassing video of Chief and so forth—and those com- access to health-care providers Canada’s technology sector ing and medicine, among other
Here, some top officials Executive Travis Kalanick be- munities they are benefiting and help build a driverless-car accounted for just 7% of the applications, according to Vec-
say Uber isn’t giving back rating a driver (Mr. Kalanick from,” said Grant Oliphant, test track. country’s economy in 2015, ac- tor co-founder Jordan Jacobs.
enough to the community. apologized), and a lawsuit president of the $1.52 billion “They walked away from cording to a report published Vector is funded by C$170
“If they are going to be in- from rival Alphabet Inc. alleg- Heinz Endowments, a philan- both,” Mr. Peduto said. Pitts- by the Brookfield Institute for million—about C$40 million
volved in economic disruption, ing that Uber stole corporate thropic arm of the ketchup burgh lost the competition Innovation + Entrepreneurship from Pan-Canadian AI Strat-
they have a moral obligation to secrets for its self-driving car conglomerate. “It is in some and the $50 million prize. last year, below the country’s egy, plus provincial govern-
society,” said Mayor Bill Peduto. development. (Uber says it will ways a modern expression of Uber, a private company mining, manufacturing and ment and corporate money—
“In a partnership, it’s not just be vindicated.) the old-fashioned expectation valued at nearly $70 billion, real-estate sectors. and will offer salaries compet-
what we can do for them.” Last week, Uber published of corporate citizenship.” believes self-driving vehicles AI is expected to have a itive with industry wages,
Mr. Peduto, a Democrat, data about its workforce, say- Uber has been well received will curb costs and limit acci- global economic impact top- while supporting research col-
said he plans to seek Uber’s ing women made up just 15% by many residents and busi- dents caused by human error. ping billions of dollars as it laborations with local compa-
signature on a memorandum of its technical team, but 36% ness leaders. The technology might be nec- moves into industries like nies and academics, Mr. Jacobs
of understanding demanding of all employees. Brian Kennedy, senior vice essary to help Uber one day be transportation, health care, fi- said.
better work conditions for Uber released the report in president for the Pittsburgh profitable by eliminating the nancial services and cyberse- Startup incubators and
Uber drivers, services to some the wake of criticism from Technology Council, a trade cost of paying drivers and curity. business-mentorship programs
elderly residents, and im- civil-rights groups that had group, said Uber’s project seek an initial public offering “We want to be at the fore- focused on AI have sprouted
provements in fuel efficiency. called for Uber to be more has made it easier to draw of stock. front of that,” said Reza Mo- across Canada.


Festival Struggles to Find Its Groove

BY HANNAH KARP Even as the music-festival and take the stage. weekend, depending on ameni-

business booms, Fyre’s strug- More established festivals ties. Between 6,000 and 7,000
To promote a new music gles highlight the difficulty of owned by promotion giants people are expected to come
festival this spring in the Ba- getting such an event off the such as Live Nation Entertain- for each of the festival’s two
hamas, an assortment of bi- ground. ment Inc. and AEG, by con- weekends, according to people
kini-clad supermodels in De- Interest in high-end, desti- trast, usually pay much familiar with the matter.
cember began appearing in nation festivals has soared re- smaller advances. The delayed artist pay-
beach photos on Instagram, cently thanks to successes General admission prices ments and miscommunication
with tags mentioning the Fyre such as Anschutz Entertain- for the Fyre Festival are sig- were due in part to their ini-
Festival, billed as “the cultural ment Group’s classic rock- nificantly more than tickets tial focus on building the elab-
experience of the decade.” themed Desert Trip event last for events produced by Live orate infrastructure needed to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, shown last week.
The festival is slated to year. The event in Indio, Calif., Nation and other big promot- host the festival in the Exuma

start in less than a month, but where the more known ers. Cays, a 365-island archipelago
some involved are worried Coachella festival is also held, Fyre’s creative director, in the Bahamas, people close
there might be trouble in par- is the company’s highest- Mark Musters, said the festival to the festival said. The pro-
adise. grossing and most profitable is aimed at millennials and is moters also lacked festival ex-
Its organizers missed a se- event to date, according to intended to “capture those In- perience, struggling to field GRAB patients as part of an illegal
ries of deadlines to make ad- people familiar with the mat- stagram moments” in an “off- additional requests from art- scheme to secure sales.
vance payments to performers. ter. line experience.” ists and managers, the people Ride Service Buys The lawsuit, which is seeking
Last week, some artists still But festivals typically are Mr. Abrahao, the DJ, said it said. Indonesia’s Kudo class-action status, is the latest
hadn’t been paid what they unprofitable in their early was the first public event to Artists were paid out of the fallout from patient anger over
were owed based on the terms years, industry executives which he could invite his pri- pockets of Fyre Media’s co- Ride-hailing company Grab the cost of EpiPens, the lifesav-
of their contracts, according to said, and face greater upfront vate-event clients, “really founders: Billy McFarland, a said it was acquiring the Indone- ing allergy treatments whose
people familiar with the mat- costs because musicians’ rep- wealthy people who don’t computer programmer and en- sian e-commerce company Kudo price Mylan has raised nearly
ter, but the event’s promoters resentatives typically demand come to clubs.” trepreneur, and rapper Ja for an undisclosed sum, and said 550% to $609 for a two-pack.
in recent days made progress first-year festivals pay at least The Fyre Festival is to take Rule, according to people close that it hopes to expand its on- A spokeswoman for Mylan
in catching up with payments, 50% of their fee just to put place over two weekends, the to the event. The two men are line payments network in the said the company was starting
and in some cases have paid their clients’ names on the last in April and the first in seeking outside investment to country. to review the lawsuit and didn’t
acts in full. bill, and 100% of their fee be- May, and cost $1,500 to pay for festival costs and have Grab’s acquisition of Kudo have an immediate comment.
And some fans who bought fore they travel to the event $250,000 a person for one held discussions with potential paves the way for the Singa- The complaint was filed in
tickets—which include accom- investors, including Comcast pore-based company to expand federal court in Seattle by the
modations and private air Corp.’s Comcast Ventures, but its offerings beyond ride-hailing Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro
transportation from Miami— haven’t closed a deal with any services, by moving into online LLP law firm on behalf of three
have been nervous as the fes- of them, these people added. payments and e-commerce in In- EpiPen patients. It follows a sim-
tival’s “concierge” team has Still, Fyre expects it will donesia. ilar such pricing lawsuit that the
been slow to provide them turn a slight profit this year, Kudo allows customers with- firm filed in January against
with logistical details. and has been gradually raising out access to traditional banking drug companies that make insu-
The festival, which is pro- ticket prices in order to do so, services to shop online. lin.
moted by Fyre Media Inc., so people close to the festival The ride-hailing company said The latest lawsuit alleged
far has 35 acts on the bill, in- said. it plans to invest $700 million in Mylan violated a federal racke-

cluding Blink-182 and Beto General-admission tickets Indonesia over the next four teering statute and various
Abrahao, a DJ who specializes sold out within weeks of the years to help develop the coun- states’ consumer-protection laws
in producing ’70s and ’80s December announcement, said try’s digital economy. by raising the EpiPen’s list price
rock remixes for clients that a person close to the event, —Dan Strumpf in order to give a share of the
include Middle Eastern and thanks not just to the super- proceeds to pharmacy-benefit
European royalty. models but to 400 other en- MYLAN managers, or PBMs, and ensure
A Fyre spokeswoman said tertainers—from football play- the device was available for sale
“artists have been paid ac- ers to comedians—who all Drugmaker Faces to patients. PBMs manage phar-
cording to terms.” As for the posted on social media the Another EpiPen Suit macy benefits for employers and
ticket holders, the spokes- same mysterious burnt-orange insurers, and can influence which
woman said it confirmed all color tile with the hashtag Mylan NV was hit Monday drugs are covered by placing
guests’ charter flight times Mark Hoppus, left, and Travis Barker of Blink-182 on stage. The #FyreFestival, reaching 500 with a lawsuit alleging the drug them on preferred lists.
late last week. band will perform at the Fyre Festival in the Bahamas this spring. million viewers in 24 hours. company overcharged EpiPen —Jonathan D. Rockoff
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | B5


Firms Aim to Curb 401(k) Loans

Employers hope to employees the option to con-

Loans and Leaks tribute—via payroll deduc-

stave off growing As 401(k)-style plans have taken a greater role in Americans’ retirement savings, tions—to an emergency sav-
trend of early pillaging ‘leakage’ of plan assets through unpaid loans and early withdrawals has emerged ings account linked to its
as a costly problem that saps savings. 401(k) plan. The company
of retirement savings plans to offer its clients the
Assets in 401(k)-style Percentage of eligible Median and average dollar feature this summer.
BY ANNE TERGESEN retirement plans 401(k) participants amounts of 401(k) loans A typical 401(k) account of-
with loans outstanding fers participants several ways
to tap their savings before re-
$8 trillion 22% $10,000
American companies are tirement.
trying to stop employees from $7.03 trillion Average loan balance On average, about 30% to
21 Median loan balance
raiding their 401(k)s, in an at- 8,000 40% of people leaving jobs
CFO Marcus Schenck will move. tempt to ensure that older 20
elect to cash out their ac-
workers can afford to retire 6,000 $7,780 counts and pay taxes and often

Deutsche and make room for younger,

less-expensive hires.
Employers of all types—
4 19 20%
penalties rather than leave the
money or transfer it to an-
other tax-advantaged retire-

from Home Depot Inc. to a 2 $4,239
ment plan, according to re-
mortgage lender—are taking 2,000 cordkeepers and economists.
steps to warn workers of the Most plans also allow peo-

Shuffles financial implications of bor-

rowing from their retirement
accounts and pulling the
1998 ’02 ’06 ’10 ’14 ’16
1996 ’00 ’05 ’10 ’14
1998 ’02 ’06 ’10 ’14
ple to pull out their savings—
after paying taxes and typi-
cally a penalty—for reasons

Executives money out when they leave

Tapping or pocketing re-
Sources: Investment Company Institute; Employee Benefit Research Institute

quiring workers who initiate a Home Depot in recent years


Mr. Buben said, adding that

including buying a home, pre-
venting foreclosure, and pay-
ing medical bills and college
BY JENNY STRASBURG tirement funds early, known in 401(k) loan to consult with a launched several initiatives some borrowers reduce their expenses, something relatively
the industry as leakage, financial counselor first, at the aimed at “getting people out 401(k) contributions while re- few participants do annually.
Deutsche Bank AG is shuf- threatens to reduce the wealth company’s expense. of the habit of going from one paying their loans. These are known as hardship
fling more executives while it in U.S. retirement accounts by “We want them to stop [401(k)] loan to the next,” says Other companies are taking distributions and the em-
searches for a new chief finan- about 25% when the lost an- looking at their 401(k) like a director of benefits Don Bu- different steps, including en- ployee must demonstrate an
cial officer and reshapes nual savings are compounded cash register,” said Chief Ex- ben. couraging new employees to “immediate and heavy finan-
global businesses for the sec- over 30 years, according to an ecutive Casey Crawford. Move- The home-improvement roll existing retirement sav- cial need,” according to the In-
ond time in 18 months. analysis by economists at Bos- ment Mortgage aims to help chain recently started making ings from former employers’ ternal Revenue Service.
The lender’s group trea- ton College’s Center for Retire- employees get “a game plan in employees wait at least 90 plans into their 401(k) plans. Employees can also gener-
surer since 2009, Alexan- ment Research. place,” he said. days after paying off one Some are preventing employ- ally choose to borrow up to
der von zur Mühlen, will leave “Employers have done a lot Employees who grew accus- 401(k) loan before initiating ees from borrowing money the half of their 401(k) balance or
that post and return to the in- to encourage people to save in tomed to borrowing from their another. Workers are also en- employer contributed, and $50,000, whichever is less,
vestment bank, where he pre- 401(k) plans, such as automat- 401(k)s during the recession couraged to pay off their others are helping employees without having to state a rea-
viously worked, according to ically enrolling them. But are tempted by the rising bal- 401(k) loan balances early. amass emergency savings or son.
people familiar with the mat- there is a growing recognition ances in these types of plans, Since 2014, the total num- tap funds other than their About one fifth of 401(k)
ter. that if the money isn’t staying which currently hold $7 tril- ber of outstanding loans at 401(k)s. participants with access to
The move, to be announced in the system, the objective of lion, up from $4.2 trillion in Home Depot has declined by Redner’s Markets Inc., 401(k) loans take them, ac-
as soon as this week, means helping employees reach their 2009, experts say. 17%, the company said. which operates grocery and cording to the Investment
Mr. von zur Mühlen will con- retirement goals isn’t being “People are getting state- When applying for a 401(k) convenience stores in Mary- Company Institute, a mutual-
tinue working for current CFO met,” says Lori Lucas, defined- ments telling them they have loan online, Home Depot em- land, Delaware and Pennsylva- fund industry trade group.
Marcus Schenck, who will co- contribution practice leader at $5,000 in this account and ployees automatically get a nia, is offering a low-cost loan While most 401(k) borrowers
head a newly recombined in- investment-consulting firm they are asking themselves, pop-up notice that includes an outside the 401(k) plan as an repay themselves with inter-
vestment bank once a new Callan Associates Inc. ‘How can I get my hands on estimate of how much the loan alternative for borrowers. est, about 10% default on
CFO is named. Movement Mortgage LLC, this money?’” said Rob Austin, would reduce the employee’s ABG Retirement Plan Ser- about $5 billion a year, says
The investment bank, a Fort Mill, S.C.-based mort- director of retirement research savings by retirement age. vices, a Peoria, Ill., 401(k) re- Olivia Mitchell, an economist
Deutsche Bank’s largest divi- gage lender with 4,200 em- at Aon Hewitt, a human-re- “Most people don’t realize cordkeeper and administrator, at the University of Pennsylva-
sion, is being restructured to ployees, this year started re- sources consulting firm. the impact of taking a loan,” plans to soon start offering its nia’s Wharton School.
encompass the trading unit

that was split from the deal-
advisory and transaction-
banking businesses in late
Plans are being drawn up LOUIS DREYFUS Dreyfus was in line with the pre- to end a blockade, officials said
for new, adjacent offices to be vious year at 81 million metric Monday.
constructed for the invest- Profit Rose in 2016 tons. About a week ago, an armed
ment-bank co-heads, Mr. Despite Grain Surplus The financial results of the group blocked a pipeline trans-
Schenck and current markets dominant agricultural trading porting oil from Sharara, which
chief Garth Ritchie, on the Agricultural commodities houses—Archer Daniels Midland pumps about 200,000 barrels a
fourth floor of Deutsche trader Louis Dreyfus Co. BV re- Co., Bunge Ltd., Cargill and day—nearly a third of the coun-
Bank’s London headquarters, ported a rise in 2016 income on Dreyfus—have suffered in recent try’s production at the time—in
people with knowledge of the Monday despite another year of years from three consecutive Libya’s Western Sahara. The
plans say. That floor is home ample supplies of grain. large global grain crops, but gunmen were protesting arrears
to a reduced European stock- The Switzerland-based, pri- there are signs of improvement. in wages for protecting the area.

trading business. vately held company reported Last week, Cargill, the largest Following talks with the au-
net income, group share, of of the four, said that quarterly thorities, the militia has agreed
$305 million for 2016, up from net income in the period ended to reopen the facility, officials
The investment bank $211 million the previous year.
The total was well below the
Feb. 28 rose 42% to $650 mil-
lion. —Sarah Mcfarlane
with the National Oil Co. said.
The return of Sharara’s pro-
is narrowing its client 2014 net-income level of $648 duction is a setback for the Or-
roster while trying to million.
“Oversupply, market shocks,
Sugar cane is harvested at a Dreyfus farm in 2012.
ganization of the Petroleum Ex-
porting Countries, which is
recover market share. geopolitical dynamics and ad- Oil Trader Earns Less seeking to scale back output to
verse weather conditions were billion in 2015, when it finished LIBYA boost prices. The effort has also
some of the difficulties that the Profits slipped last year at divesting itself of its Russian as- been hindered by resurgent U.S.
agribusiness industry had to Gunvor Group after asset sales sets in a move to diversify. Output of Crude production.
Mr. von zur Mühlen previ- face during 2016,” said Chief Ex- provided a one-time boost to The firm said the 2016 under- Restarts at Key Field Futures for Brent, the inter-
ously was a senior European ecutive Officer Gonzalo Ramírez the firm’s results in 2015. lying profit increased from the national benchmark grade of oil,
debt capital-markets and de- Martiarena. The privately held oil-trading previous year, but it didn’t dis- Production has resumed at closed down 41 cents a barrel, or
rivatives banker at Deutsche The volume of grain and firm said that net profit was close figures. Libya’s largest oil field after au- 0.8%, at $53.12.
Bank. His fate as the longtime other products shipped by Louis $312 million, down from $1.25 —Sarah Mcfarlane thorities convinced a local militia —Benoit Faucon
treasurer has been a subject of
speculation inside and outside
Deutsche Bank because some
co-workers and investors saw
him as a potential successor to
Mr. Schenck as CFO, according
Energy’s Best-Paying Job? CEO of Bankrupt Firm
to people close to the bank. A When Ultra Petroleum Natural gas prices closed at higher or lower depending on have filed for bankruptcy pro-
Deutsche Bank spokeswoman Corp. emerges from bank- $3.19 per million British ther- how the company’s stock tection since 2014, when a
declined to comment on his ruptcy protection in coming mal units on Friday, twice the trades. global glut of crude caused en-
behalf. weeks, as expected, the natu- price that pushed Ultra into The situation shows how ergy prices to collapse. Those
Deutsche Bank’s new trea- ral gas producer’s chief execu- bankruptcy but down about timing and the ability to hang companies, which include oil
surer will come from the mar- tive is on track to be rewarded 19% from their year-end highs. on can be everything in the oil and gas producers, pipeline
kets division: Dixit Joshi is with roughly $35 million of its Jerry Winchester, CEO of industry. Investors in compa- operators and oil-field-service
moving into the job after over- stock, more than 10 times his Seventy Seven Energy Inc., nies that sought bankruptcy providers, collectively re-

seeing fixed-income sales annual compensation in recent was awarded 440,000 shares protection last year when en- ported about $118 billion of
globally since late 2015, ac- years. in August, valued at about ergy prices were at their low- debt, according to law firm
cording to people familiar Michael Watford, the CEO, $6.6 million, when the drilling est levels caught the rebound Haynes and Boone LLP.
with the pending move. Dis- and other employees are shar- contractor emerged from and have generally fared bet- Executives aren’t the only
cussions about the plans were ing 7.5% of Ultra’s new shares, bankruptcy protection, accord- ones benefiting. Creditors of
earlier reported by eFinancial- a fairly typical cut awarded to ing to securities filings. bankrupt energy companies

Careers. managers of companies The shares immediately are doing much better than
Mr. Joshi’s departure from emerging from bankruptcy climbed from their initial price they were a year ago.
global markets is the latest ex- protection to incentivize them of $15, and on Dec. 13 made a While many of last year’s
ample of change in client-fac- to stick around. Companies huge leap above $40 when ri- bankruptcy filers have yet to
ing roles in the investment usually issue new stock when Ultra CEO Michael Watford val Patterson-UTI Energy Inc. Approximate award in stock Mr. emerge from bankruptcy pro-
bank. Deutsche Bank is still they emerge from bankruptcy, announced a deal to buy Sev- Watford is on track to receive tection, the average recovery
narrowing its client roster replacing the old shares. that size to exist after bank- enty Seven for $1.76 billion. rate for debtholders in eight
while trying to win back mar- What’s unusual in Ultra’s ruptcy. It resulted largely from Seventy Seven representa- that have is about 41%, up
ket share it has lost in key ar- case is the size of the pie from gas prices roughly doubling tives didn't respond to re- from the 21% of value they re-
eas. which that slice is coming: The from a year ago. Ultra filed for quests for comment. ter, compared with those in- covered in 2015’s bankrupt-
A number of employees, in- company’s postbankruptcy eq- bankruptcy protection in April As for Ultra, some of the vested in companies that suc- cies, according to Moody’s In-
cluding some in the invest- uity value has been set at last year after low gas prices shares due to be distributed to cumbed to the oil bust early vestors Service. Historically,
ment bank and trading divi- about $4 billion, meaning that pushed its earnings relative to executives are subject to vest- on and grappled with prices the average recovery in energy
sion, have been discussed as its employees are due some debt below thresholds spelled ing schedules, and the num- that kept plunging even after producer bankruptcies is
potential CFO candidates, but $300 million of stock, 40% of out in agreements with credi- bers may change subject to they had filed. about 59%, according to
people close to the bank say it to be doled out the day its tors. pending litigation. The values More than 250 U.S. and Ca- Moody’s, which tracks only
Deutsche Bank executives have new shares are launched, ac- Mr. Watford declined to also might swing significantly nadian oil-and-gas companies large cases.
signaled that an external hire cording to court filings and comment through a spokes-
is more likely. people familiar with the mat- woman. Ultra has said it ex-
The latest investment-bank
overhaul has stoked fresh con-
ter. The rest would be distrib-
uted at the discretion of its
pects to emerge from bank-
ruptcy by mid-April. In 2015,
cerns among investors and an- board. before the company filed for
alysts about distractions from “In a surprising number of bankruptcy, Mr. Watford re- [ Search by company, category or country at ]
management changes and the cases, the most lucrative job in ceived compensation valued at
depth of experience atop some the oil-and-gas industry in the $3.06 million. NAV —%RETURN—
businesses, people close to the last year is a senior executive Similar scenarios are play-
n Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd - Tel No: 65-6835-8866
bank say. at a bankrupt company,” said ing out among producers of Fax No: 65-6835 8865, Website:, Email:
Deutsche Bank executives Brian Williams, managing di- oil, which also is fetching CAM-GTF Limited OT OT MUS 03/24 USD 310782.95 2.6 7.3 -2.1
have said they are confident rector at investment banking about twice what it did early
the revamped strategy an- and restructuring advisory last year, and at companies Data as shown is for information purposes only. No offer is being made by
Morningstar, Ltd. or this publication. Funds shown aren’t registered with the
For information about listing your funds,
nounced last month is the firm Carl Marks Advisors. that provide drilling and other U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and aren’t available for sale to United
States citizens and/or residents except as noted. Prices are in local currencies.
please contact: Freda Fung tel: +852 2831
right one. It is rare for an equity pot services to energy producers. All performance figures are calculated using the most recent prices available. 2504; email:
B6 | Tuesday, April 4, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Nikkei 225 Index STOXX 600 Index S&P 500 Index Data as of 4 p.m. New York time
Last Year ago
18983.23 s 73.97, or 0.39% Year-to-date t 0.69% 379.29 t 1.85, or 0.49% Year-to-date s 4.94% 2358.84 t 3.88, or 0.16% Trailing P/E ratio * 24.75 23.82
High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 19633.75 14952.02 High, low, open and close for each 52-wk high/low 381.14 308.75 High, low, open and close for each P/E estimate * 18.28 17.49
trading day of the past three months. All-time high 38915.87 12/29/89 trading day of the past three months. All-time high 414.06 4/15/15 trading day of the past three months. Dividend yield 1.97 2.20
All-time high: 2395.96, 03/01/17

* P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.

20000 385 2390

19500 375 2350

19000 365 2310

18500 355 2270

Session high
DOWN UP 65-day moving average
18000 345 2230

Session open Close

65-day moving average 65-day moving average
Close Open

17500 335 2190

Session low
Bars measure the point change from session's open
17000 325 2150
Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar.

International Stock Indexes Data as of 4 p.m. New York time Global government bonds
Latest 52-Week Range YTD Latest, month-ago and year-ago yields and spreads over or under U.S. Treasurys on benchmark two-year
Region/Country Index Close NetChg % chg Low Close High % chg and 10-year government bonds around the world. Data as of 3 p.m. ET
World The Global Dow 2685.06 –7.11 –0.26 2193.75 • 2720.47 6.2 Country/ Spread Over Treasurys, in basis points Yield
MSCI EAFE 1787.99 –4.99 –0.28 1471.88 • 1956.39 4.2 Coupon Maturity, in years Yield Latest Previous Month Ago Year ago Previous Month ago Year ago
MSCI EM USD 963.82 5.45 0.57 691.21 • 1044.05 21.4 5.250 Australia 2 1.752 51.8 50.4 52.4 122.1 1.758 1.833 1.957
4.750 10 2.687 33.9 31.6 33.5 76.6 2.702 2.815 2.537
Americas DJ Americas 568.86 –0.95 –0.17 480.90 • 577.65 5.3
3.000 Belgium 2 -178.9 -178.2 -185.0 -116.5 -0.528 -0.541 -0.429
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 65156.72 172.65 0.27 47873.65 • 69487.58 8.2
0.800 10 0.820 -152.9 -154.7 -167.5 -139.6 0.839 0.805 0.376
Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15576.05 28.30 0.18 13217.17 • 15943.09 1.9
0.000 France 2 -0.504 -173.8 -172.4 -179.7 -117.1 -0.470 -0.488 -0.435
Mexico IPC All-Share 48803.39 261.83 0.54 43902.25 • 49523.94 6.9
0.250 10 0.951 -139.7 -142.7 -153.0 -130.2 0.959 0.950 0.470
Chile Santiago IPSA 3698.63 6.28 0.17 2998.64 • 3764.58 14.8
0.000 Germany 2 -0.803 -203.7 -199.6 -212.3 -120.7 -0.742 -0.813 -0.471
U.S. DJIA 20650.21 –13.01 –0.06 17063.08 • 21169.11 4.5
0.250 10 0.278 -207.0 -205.7 -212.8 -163.6 0.329 0.352 0.135
Nasdaq Composite 5894.68 –17.06 –0.29 4574.25 • 5928.93 9.5
0.300 Italy 2 -0.077 -131.1 -131.5 -135.8 -76.0 -0.061 -0.049 -0.024
S&P 500 2358.84 –3.88 –0.16 1991.68 • 2400.98 5.4
1.250 10 2.144 -20.5 -24.3 -37.6 -54.9 2.143 2.104 1.223
CBOE Volatility 12.44 0.07 0.57 9.97 • 26.72 –11.4
0.100 Japan 2 -0.167 -140.1 -144.7 -159.4 -95.4 -0.193 -0.285 -0.218
EMEA Stoxx Europe 600 379.29 –1.85 –0.49 308.75 • 381.14 4.9 0.100 10 0.075 -227.3 -231.7 -240.6 -183.4 0.069 0.074 -0.062
Stoxx Europe 50 3145.86 –14.83 –0.47 2626.52 • 3174.79 4.5 4.000 Netherlands 2 -0.759 -199.3 -196.6 -209.7 -122.1 -0.712 -0.788 -0.485
Austria ATX 2844.90 16.11 0.57 1981.93 • 2867.67 8.6 0.750 10 0.539 -180.9 -180.9 -187.7 -155.2 0.577 0.603 0.220
Belgium Bel-20 3800.44 –16.58 –0.43 3127.94 • 3823.19 5.4 4.450 Portugal 2 -0.166 -140.0 -139.9 -132.4 -50.1 -0.145 -0.015 0.235
France CAC 40 5085.91 –36.60 –0.71 3955.98 • 5132.93 4.6 2.875 10 3.565 121.7 126.0 143.1 96.2 3.645 3.911 2.733
Germany DAX 12257.20 –55.67 –0.45 9214.10 • 12375.58 6.8 2.750 Spain 2 -0.219 -145.3 -144.0 -161.1 -72.6 -0.186 -0.302 0.010
Greece ATG 667.32 1.26 0.19 517.10 • 674.97 3.7 1.500 10 1.637 -71.1 -74.0 -88.1 -40.2 1.645 1.599 1.370
Hungary BUX 31788.40 154.14 0.49 25126.36 • 34334.92 –0.7 4.250 Sweden 2 -0.606 -184.0 -186.5 -190.3 -138.1 -0.611 -0.594 -0.645
Israel Tel Aviv 1394.65 –1.36 –0.10 1372.23 • 1504.42 –5.2 1.000 10 0.593 -175.5 -178.5 -178.8 -101.1 0.601 0.692 0.760
Italy FTSE MIB 20242.88 –250.06 –1.22 15017.42 • 20540.39 5.2 1.750 U.K. 2 0.109 -112.5 -112.5 -121.6 -30.7 0.129 0.093 0.429
Netherlands AEX 513.45 –3.09 –0.60 409.23 • 518.88 6.3 4.250 10 1.066 -128.3 -124.4 -129.6 -36.0 1.142 1.184 1.411
Poland WIG 58636.31 725.00 1.25 42812.99 • 60631.65 13.3 1.250 U.S. 2 1.234 ... ... ... ... 1.254 1.309 0.736
Russia RTS Index 1122.98 9.22 0.83 839.62 • 1196.99 –2.5 2.250 10 2.348 ... ... ... ... 2.386 2.480 1.772
Spain IBEX 35 10325.30 –137.60 –1.32 7579.80 • 10462.90 10.4
Sweden SX All Share 558.53 –4.41 –0.78 443.66 • 564.93 4.5 Commodities Prices of futures contracts with the most open interest 3:30 p.m. New York time
Switzerland Swiss Market 8633.86 –25.03 –0.29 7475.54 • 8710.26 5.0 EXCHANGE LEGEND: CBOT: Chicago Board of Trade; CME: Chicago Mercantile Exchange; ICE-US: ICE Futures U.S.; MDEX: Bursa Malaysia
South Africa Johannesburg All Share 52457.76 401.70 0.77 48935.90 • 54704.22 3.6 Derivatives Berhad; TCE: Tokyo Commodity Exchange; COMEX: Commodity Exchange; LME: London Metal Exchange;
NYMEX: New York Mercantile Exchange; ICE-EU: ICE Futures Europe. *Data as of 3/31/2017
Turkey BIST 100 88669.47 –277.93 –0.31 70426.16 • 91497.00 13.5
One-Day Change Year Year
U.K. FTSE 100 7282.69 –40.23 –0.55 5788.74 • 7447.00 2.0 Commodity Exchange Last price Net Percentage high low
367.25 3.00 0.82% 387.25 354.25
Asia-Pacific DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1555.71 8.14 0.53 1308.52 • 1570.38 9.3 Corn (cents/bu.) CBOT
Soybeans (cents/bu.) 939.50 -6.50 -0.69% 1,088.25 937.25
Australia S&P/ASX 200 5872.70 7.80 0.13 4924.40 • 5896.20 3.7
Wheat (cents/bu.)
CBOT 428.00 1.50 0.35 477.00 416.25
China Shanghai Composite 3222.51 … Closed 2806.91 • 3282.92 3.8
Live cattle (cents/lb.) CME 110.675 -0.200 -0.18 114.200 103.150
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24261.48 149.89 0.62 19694.33 • 24593.12 10.3
Cocoa ($/ton) ICE-US 2,099 4 0.19 2,273 1,869
India S&P BSE Sensex 29910.22 289.72 0.98 24673.84 • 29910.22 12.3
Coffee (cents/lb.) ICE-US 137.70 -1.60 -1.15 159.30 136.20
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 18983.23 73.97 0.39 14952.02 • 19633.75 –0.7
Sugar (cents/lb.) ICE-US 16.48 -0.28 -1.67 21.21 16.47
Singapore Straits Times 3187.51 12.40 0.39 2729.85 • 3187.51 10.6
Cotton (cents/lb.) ICE-US 75.48 -1.85 -2.39 79.46 71.55
South Korea Kospi 2167.51 7.28 0.34 1925.24 • 2178.38 7.0 Robusta coffee ($/ton) ICE-EU 2151.00 2.00 0.09 2,279.00 2,093.00
Taiwan Weighted 9811.52 … Closed 8053.69 • 9972.49 6.0
Copper ($/lb.) COMEX 2.6060 -0.0465 -1.75 2.8360 2.4800
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group Gold ($/troy oz.) COMEX 1254.20 3.00 0.24 1,268.10 1,152.20
Silver ($/troy oz.) COMEX 18.220 -0.036 -0.20 18.540 16.000
Currencies London close on April 3 Aluminum ($/mt)* LME 1,954.50 -5.50 -0.28 1,960.00 1,688.50
Tin ($/mt)* LME 20,000.00 -50.00 -0.25 21,225.00 18,760.00
Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs. major U.S. trading partners US$vs,
Mon YTDchg Copper ($/mt)* LME 5,865.50 -15.50 -0.26 6,156.00 5,518.00
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Lead ($/mt)* LME 2,319.00 -30.50 -1.30 2,445.00 2,022.00
Europe Zinc ($/mt)* LME 2,802.00 -46.50 -1.63 2,958.50 2,555.00
Bulgaria lev 0.5447 1.8358 –1.2 Nickel ($/mt)* LME 9,955.00 -55.00 -0.55 11,095.00 9,430.00
10 WSJ Dollar index
0.1436 6.966 –2.9
Croatia kuna Rubber (Y.01/ton) TCE 245.00 ... unch. n.a. n.a.
sYen Euro zone euro 1.0664 0.9378 –1.4
0 Palm oil (MYR/mt) MDEX 2663.00 17.00 0.64 3068.00 2642.00
Czech Rep. koruna-b 0.0394 25.370 –1.2
s Euro Denmark krone 0.1434 6.9747 –1.3 Crude oil ($/bbl.) NYMEX 50.34 -0.26 -0.51 57.50 47.01
–10 0.003455 289.42 –1.7
Hungary forint NY Harbor ULSD ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.5671 -0.0075 -0.48 1.7770 1.4825
Iceland krona 0.008783 113.85 0.8 RBOB gasoline ($/gal.) NYMEX 1.6964 -0.0066 -0.39 1.9065 1.5824
–20 Norway krone 0.1164 8.5894 –0.6
0.2511 3.9831 –4.9
Natural gas ($/mmBtu) NYMEX 3.134 -0.056 -1.76 3.5070 2.7370
2016 2017 Poland zloty
Russia ruble-d 0.01775 56.327 –8.1 Brent crude ($/bbl.) ICE-EU 53.23 -0.30 -0.56 59.89 50.00
US$vs, US$vs,
YTDchg YTDchg Sweden krona 0.1117 8.9551 –1.7 Gas oil ($/ton) ICE-EU 473.75 1.50 0.32 526.50 448.00
Mon Mon
Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Switzerland franc 0.9977 1.0023 –1.6
Turkey lira 0.2743 3.6452 3.5 Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group
Americas Hong Kong dollar 0.1287 7.7711 0.2
Ukraine hryvnia 0.0370 27.0000 –0.3
Argentina peso-a 0.0648 15.4363 –2.7
India rupee
Indonesia rupiah
U.K. pound 1.2488 0.8008 –1.1 Cross rates London close on Apr 3
Brazil real 0.3208 3.1173 –4.2 Middle East/Africa
Japan yen 0.009013 110.95 –5.2
Canada dollar 0.7465 1.3396 –0.3 USD GBP CHF JPY HKD EUR CDN AUD
Kazakhstan tenge 0.003192 313.33 –6.1 Bahrain dinar 2.6532 0.3769 –0.1
Chile peso 0.001519 658.20 –1.7 Australia 1.3161 1.6433 1.3129 0.0119 0.1693 1.4032 0.9825 ...
Macau pataca 0.1249 8.0055 1.1 Egypt pound-a 0.0552 18.1320 –0.003
Colombia peso 0.0003488 2866.86 –4.5 Canada 1.3396 1.6728 1.3365 0.0121 0.1724 1.4284 ... 1.0180
Malaysia ringgit-c 0.2259 4.4275 –1.3 Israel shekel 0.2749 3.6373 –5.5
Ecuador US dollar-f 1 1 unch
New Zealand dollar 0.6997 1.4292 –1.0 Kuwait dinar 3.2781 0.3051 –0.2 Euro 0.9378 1.1711 0.9356 0.0085 0.1207 ... 0.7001 0.7126
Mexico peso-a 0.0534 18.7387 –9.6
Pakistan rupee 0.0095 104.800 0.4 Oman sul rial 2.5968 0.3851 0.03 Hong Kong 7.7711 9.7053 7.7540 0.0700 ... 8.2867 5.8012 5.9052
Peru sol 0.3080 3.2465 –3.2
Philippines peso 0.0199 50.234 1.3 Qatar rial 0.2747 3.641 0.02 Japan 110.9510 138.5500 110.6900 ... 14.2760 118.3100 82.8300 84.3200
Uruguay peso-e 0.0351 28.520 –2.8
Singapore dollar 0.7157 1.3973 –3.5 Saudi Arabia riyal 0.2666 3.7505 –0.01 1.0023 1.2517 ... 0.0090 0.1290 1.0689 0.7482 0.7617
Venezuela bolivar 0.100150 9.99 –0.1 Switzerland
South Korea won 0.0008940 1118.56 –7.4 South Africa rand 0.0732 13.6648 –0.2
U.K. 0.8008 ... 0.7989 0.0072 0.1030 0.8540 0.5978 0.6085
Asia-Pacific Sri Lanka rupee 0.0065794 151.99 2.4 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD % Chg
0.7598 1.3161 –5.2 Taiwan dollar 0.03289 30.400 U.S. ... 1.2488 0.9977 0.0090 0.1287 1.0664 0.7465 0.7598
Australia dollar –6.3 WSJ Dollar Index 90.40 0.02 0.02 –2.73
China yuan 0.1451 6.8913 –0.8 Thailand baht 0.02909 34.380 –4.0 Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group Source: Tullett Prebon

Key Rates Top Stock Listings 4 p.m. New York time

Latest 52 wks ago % YTD% % YTD% % YTD%
Libor Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Cur Stock Sym Last Chg Chg Asia Titans 50
One month 0.98333% 0.44020% ¥ TakedaPharm 4502 5249.00 0.38 8.56 £ RoyDtchShell A RDSA 2076.00 -0.95 -7.42 Last: 153.04 s 0.64, or 0.42% YTD s 8.6%
Three month 1.14983 0.63010 Asia Titans HK$ TencentHoldings 0700 225.20 1.08 18.71 € SAP SAP 91.91 -0.08 10.99
Six month 1.42628 0.90410 HK$ AIAGroup 1299 49.40 0.82 12.91 ¥ TokioMarineHldg 8766 4700.00 0.09 -2.00 € Sanofi SAN 84.48 -0.17 9.86 High 155
One year 1.80261 1.22150 68.32 -0.45 3.34
¥ AstellasPharma 4503 1492.00 1.77 -8.10 ¥ ToyotaMtr 7203 6046.00 0.07 -12.10 € SchneiderElectric SU Close 150
Euro Libor AU$ AustNZBk ANZ 31.97 0.47 5.10 AU$ Wesfarmers WES 45.10 0.07 7.02 € Siemens SIE 127.60 -0.62 9.25 Low t
One month -0.39500% -0.33214% AU$ BHP BHP 24.00 -0.17 -4.23 AU$ WestpacBanking WBC 35.21 0.43 8.01 CHF Syngenta SYNN 446.00 0.88 10.81
Three month -0.36071 -0.25114 10.39 -0.91 17.80 50–day 140
HK$ BankofChina 3988 3.80 -1.55 10.47 AU$ Woolworths WOW 26.67 0.64 10.66 € Telefonica TEF
moving average
Six month -0.25229 -0.13600 HK$ CKHutchison 0001 95.45 -0.16 8.59 € Total FP 46.97 -0.95 -2.64 135
One year -0.12614 -0.01529 HK$ CNOOC 0883 9.30 0.22 -4.12 Stoxx 50 CHF UBSGroup UBSG 15.80 -1.43 -0.94
Euribor AU$ CSL CSL 126.23 0.72 25.71 € Unilever UNA 46.46 -0.24 18.78
CHF ABB ABBN 23.29 -0.60 8.43
One month -0.37200% -0.33900% ¥ Canon 7751 3509.00 1.09 6.49 £ Unilever ULVR 3922.00 -0.44 19.12 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
€ ASMLHolding ASML 123.65 -0.60 15.94
Three month -0.33000 -0.24600 ¥ CentralJapanRwy 9022 18120 -0.11 -5.77 € Vinci DG 74.46 0.22 15.09 Jan. Feb. Mar.
€ AXA CS 23.93 -1.36 -0.25
Six month -0.24300 -0.13200 HK$ ChinaConstructnBk 0939 6.32 1.12 5.86 £ VodafoneGroup VOD 206.65 -0.70 3.40
€ AirLiquide AI 106.95 -0.14 1.23
One year -0.11100 -0.00100 HK$ ChinaLifeInsurance 2628 23.95 0.42 18.56 CHF ZurichInsurance ZURN 262.20 -1.94 -6.49
Yen Libor HK$ ChinaMobile 0941 85.95 1.06 4.56

AB InBev
ABI 103.35
2.78 DJIA Stoxx 50
One month -0.00029% -0.06571% HK$ ChinaPetro&Chem 0386 6.32 0.32 14.91 £ AstraZeneca AZN 4910.00 -0.05 10.65 Last: 3145.86 t 14.83, or 0.47% YTD s 4.5%
Three month 0.02164 -0.00457 AU$ CmwlthBkAust CBA 86.39 0.56 4.83 € BASF BAS 93.05 0.14 5.37
$ AmericanExpress AXP 78.59 -0.66 6.09
Six month 0.04229 0.02264 ¥ EastJapanRailway 9020 9721.00 0.28 -3.75 € BNP Paribas BNP 61.22 -1.94 1.11
$ Apple AAPL 143.71 0.03 24.08 3175
One year 0.14429 0.10286 ¥ Fanuc 6954 22875 0.24 15.44 £ BT Group BT.A 316.00 -0.69 -13.87
$ Boeing BA 176.68 -0.10 13.49
$ Caterpillar CAT 92.28 -0.52 -0.50 3100
Offer Bid ¥ Hitachi 6501 603.70 0.20 -4.48 € BancoBilVizAr BBVA 6.95 -4.46 8.29
TW$ Hon Hai Precisn 2317 91.00 -0.44 8.08 $ Chevron CVX 107.80 0.40 -8.42 3025
Eurodollars € BancoSantander SAN 5.64 -1.74 13.83
¥ HondaMotor 7267 3351.00 ... -1.87 $ CiscoSystems CSCO 33.58 -0.65 11.12
One month 1.1000% 1.0000% £ Barclays BARC 221.45 -1.62 -0.90 2950
KRW HyundaiMtr 005380 156500 -0.63 7.19 $ Coca-Cola KO 42.42 -0.05 2.32
Three month 1.3000 1.2000 € Bayer BAYN 107.80 -0.23 8.75
HK$ Ind&Comml 1398 5.11 0.59 9.89 $ Disney DIS 113.24 -0.13 8.65
Six month 1.4000 1.3000 £ BP BP. 456.10 -0.32 -10.50
$ DuPont DD 79.68 -0.81 8.56
One year 1.7500 1.6500 ¥ JapanTobacco 2914 3622.00 0.11 -5.78 £ BritishAmTob BATS 5290.00 -0.19 14.47 2800
¥ KDDI 2878.50 -1.49 -2.74
$ ExxonMobil XOM 82.08 0.09 -9.06
Latest 52 wks ago 9433 € Daimler DAI 68.45 -1.08 -3.21 $ GeneralElec GE 29.88 0.27 -5.44 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
¥ Mitsubishi 8058 2366.00 -1.64 -4.98 € DeutscheTelekom DTE 16.40 -0.15 0.28 $ Jan. Feb. Mar.
Prime rates GoldmanSachs GS 229.03 -0.30 -4.35
¥ MitsubishiElectric 6503 1610.00 0.81 -1.20 £ Diageo DGE 2279.00 -0.20 8.01 $
U.S. 4.00% 3.50% HomeDepot HD 146.65 -0.12 9.37
¥ MitsubishiUFJFin 8306 694.30 -0.77 -3.60 € ENI ENI 15.12 -1.50 -2.26 $
Canada 2.70 2.70 Intel INTC 36.16 0.25 -0.30
1611.00 -0.09 0.25 1657.00
Hong Kong
Mizuho Fin
8411 201.10 -1.42 -4.15
HSBC Hldgs
HSBA 646.60
-0.15 6.08 $
-0.66 -1.57 $
Dow Jones Industrial Average P/E: 21
¥ NTTDoCoMo 9437 2622.50 1.16 -1.52 € INGGroep INGA 13.98 -1.31 4.60 $ J&J JNJ 124.75 0.16 8.28 Last: 20650.21 t 13.01, or 0.06% YTD s 4.5%
Policy rates
ECB 0.00% 0.00%
AU$ NatAustBnk NAB 33.45 0.33 9.06 £ ImperialBrands IMB 3866.50 -0.01 9.15 $ McDonalds MCD 129.65 0.03 6.51
Britain 0.25 0.50
¥ NipponTeleg 9432 4833.00 1.70 -1.61 € IntesaSanpaolo ISP 2.51 -1.57 3.30 $ Merck MRK 63.48 -0.09 7.83 21100
Switzerland 0.50 0.50
¥ NissanMotor 7201 1071.00 -0.23 -8.89 € LVMHMoetHennessy MC 204.05 -0.87 12.49 $ Microsoft MSFT 65.55 -0.47 5.49
¥ Panasonic 6752 1271.00 1.03 6.85 £ LloydsBankingGroup LLOY 66.03 -0.44 5.63 $ Nike NKE 55.56 -0.31 9.31
Australia 1.50 2.00
HK$ PingAnInsofChina 2318 43.30 -0.46 11.60 € LOreal OR 179.50 -0.36 3.52 $ Pfizer PFE 34.24 0.09 5.42
U.S. discount 1.50 1.00 19800
Fed-funds target 0.75-1.00 0.25-0.50
$ RelianceIndsGDR RIGD 42.60 5.71 35.02 £ NationalGrid NG. 1009.00 -0.44 6.03 $ Procter&Gamble PG 89.69 -0.18 6.67
Call money 2.75 2.25
KRW SamsungElectronics 005930 2072000 0.58 14.98 CHF Nestle NESN 76.75 -0.13 5.07 $ 3M MMM 190.72 -0.32 6.80 19150
¥ Seven&I Hldgs 3382 4454.00 2.11 0.02 CHF Novartis NOVN 74.35 ... 0.34 $ Travelers TRV 120.39 -0.12 -1.66
Overnight repurchase rates 18500
U.S. 0.84% 0.48%
¥ SoftBankGroup 9984 7883.00 0.27 1.52 DKK NovoNordiskB NOVO-B 238.90 -0.25 -6.20 $ UnitedTech UTX 111.95 -0.23 2.13
Euro zone n.a. n.a.
¥ Sony 6758 3664.00 -2.71 11.88 £ Prudential PRU 1653.00 -1.96 1.57 $ UnitedHealth UNH 165.58 0.96 3.46 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 3 10 17 24 31
¥ Sumitomo Mitsui 8316 4015.00 -0.74 -9.98 £ ReckittBenckiser RB. 7256.00 -0.41 5.37 $ Visa V 89.38 0.57 14.56 Jan. Feb. Mar.
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group, SIX HK$ SunHngKaiPrp 0016 115.30 0.96 17.65 £ RioTinto RIO 3186.50 -0.72 0.89 $ Verizon VZ 49.19 0.89 -7.86 Note: Price-to-earnings ratios are for trailing 12 months
Financial Information, Tullett TW$ TaiwanSemiMfg 2330 189.00 -1.31 4.13 CHF RocheHldgctf ROG 256.20 0.16 10.15 $ Wal-Mart WMT 71.84 -0.33 3.94 Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; Birinyi Associates
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Tuesday, April 4, 2017 | B7


A Twist for Yuan as Leaders Meet German

Chinese currency is up petitors, as a cheaper currency to swap their savings into a

about 1% against the

dollar, diluting Trump’s
tends to make a country’s ex-
ports more attractive.
“Ultimately the weakening
currency that isn’t eroding in
value, such as the dollar.
In periods when the yuan is
argument over trade
of [the yuan] against the bas-
ket of currencies helps them
achieve the objective of export
declining against the dollar,
the People’s Bank of China
tends to hold the index stable,
Buy Offers
BY SAUMYA VAISHAMPAYAN competitiveness and reflation highlighting its steadiness as BY WILLIAM WILKES
in the economy while at the evidence it isn’t deliberately AND COSTAS PARIS
Moves in China’s currency same time avoiding that nega- devaluing the currency, mar-
may have given the country a tive spillover effect,” said Ro- ket participants say. FRANKFURT—The race to
competitive edge against many land Mieth, emerging-markets When the yuan lost 4.4% sell HSH Nordbank AG picked
of its trading partners this portfolio manager for Pacific against the dollar in the last up speed after Apollo Global
year, but there is one notable Investment Management Co. six months of 2016, the CFETS Management LLC and China’s


exception: the U.S. in Singapore. index slipped only 0.2%, HNA Group made offers for
The twist comes ahead of In late 2015, the People’s prompting an unidentified of- the state-owned German bank.
this week’s meeting between Bank of China introduced the ficial to write that the yuan HSH Nordbank faces liqui-
President Donald Trump and index, compiled by the China “continued to remain generally dation if it can’t find a buyer
his Chinese counterpart, Xi Foreign Exchange Trading Sys- stable against a basket of cur- after the European Commis-
Jinping, in which trade and tem, as it fought to loosen the rencies” in a widely noted ar- sion last year ordered its own-
exchange rates are set to top yuan’s connection to the dollar ticle posted on the CFETS ers, the federal states of Ham-
the agenda. Mr. Trump has re- and struggled to tamp down website. burg and Schleswig-Holstein,
peatedly accused China of Donald Trump has accused China of keeping the yuan’s value low. expectations of further depre- By contrast, when the yuan to sell their combined 85%
keeping the yuan’s value artifi- ciation after a surprise devalu- is strengthening against the stake in the bank.
cially low, among other al- tion more than a year ago. Donald Trump. Still, the yuan’s ation earlier that year. In De- dollar, the central bank tends The privatization must be
leged unfair practices that he Yet while the yuan has been rise against the U.S. dollar is cember 2016, the central bank to let the index fall by not let- completed by February 2018,
and other critics have said broadly weakening in 2017, it much smaller than those increased the number of cur- ting the yuan rise as much as the European Commission has
contribute to a ballooning U.S. has gained about 1% against notched by other currencies. rencies in the basket to 24 other currencies, as is happen- said. Taxpayers in northern
trade deficit with China. the U.S. dollar, the currency The yen has advanced 4.9% from 13. ing now. Germany face multibillion-euro
The yuan is down 2% this with the biggest weighting in and the won has surged 8.2% Analysts have said the in- For much of the year, the losses if a suitable buyer can’t
year against a basket of cur- the index. That is consistent against the dollar this year. dex was created in part to yuan’s value against the dollar be found.
rencies that includes the U.S. with the dollar’s pullback That means that even stem fears about declines in has been higher in offshore HNA Group and Apollo
dollar, Japanese yen, South Ko- against a range of currencies though the charge China is de- the currency, which tend to markets, where it trades more Global Management made in-
rean won and Australian dol- from the Mexican peso to the liberately weakening the yuan lead to capital outflows, fur- freely, than in domestic mar- dicative offers for the bank
lar, according to an index pub- yen as investors temper their against the dollar now carries ther destabilizing it. When kets, suggesting that broader ahead of a Friday deadline, ac-
lished by a branch of China’s expectations for fiscal stimu- less weight, the country might Chinese residents and compa- market expectations of yuan cording to people familiar with
central bank. The index is at lus and large-scale infrastruc- be gaining a relative edge in nies expect the yuan to depreciation have receded for the matter. They didn’t say how
its lowest since its introduc- ture spending under President trade against some of its com- weaken, they are more eager now. much the investors bid for the
troubled bank, which last week
said it had loan loss provisions

Weakness in Automotive Sector Weighs on Stocks of €2 billion ($2.13 billion) be-

cause of soured shipping loans.
The bidders were earlier re-
ported by Bloomberg.
BY RIVA GOLD markets. decliners in the S&P 500, fall- said its chief executive was step- While the offer details
AND GUNJAN BANERJI Tepid car sales were the lat- ing 0.4% by late afternoon, af- ping down, the latest manage- weren’t known, the cost to ac-
est source of concern for inves- ter several leading car makers ment reshuffle for Spain’s most quire the bank could fall
U.S. stocks kicked off the sec- tors, who have bet heavily in posted sales declines in troubled major bank. sharply as the February 2018
ond quarter with declines Mon- recent months on signs of an March. Shares of General Mo- The yield on the 10-year U.S. deadline draws nearer.
day. Automotive stocks were acceleration in U.S. economic tors fell 3.2% and Ford Motor Treasury note fell to 2.351%, Basil Karatzas, founder of
some of the biggest losers. growth and hopes for corpo- lost 1.9%. Parts supplier according to Tradeweb, from Karatzas Marine Advisors &
The S&P 500 fell 0.2% after rate-friendly policies from the O’Reilly Automotive fell 4.7% 2.396% Friday. Yields fall as Co. in New York, said the

posting its biggest quarterly Trump administration. by late afternoon. prices rise. bank’s portfolio would proba-
gain since 2015 There’s “still some skepti- The slip in auto sales came As investors continue to an- bly have to be parceled into
MONDAY’S on Friday. The cism about the overall health as a gauge of U.S. factory-sector alyze economic data, several different sizes in order for the
MARKETS Dow Jones In- of the U.S. economy and the health showed the manufactur- said they will also maintain fo- states to get the best price for
dustrial Aver- health of the global economy. ing sector expanding in March cus on the outlook for U.S. taxpayers.
age shed 13.01 When you get data that con- for a seventh consecutive policy, including a potential The global shipping crisis is
points, or less than 0.1%, to firms that skepticism, you see month, with rising costs for tax overhaul and a summit also complicating the process,
20650.21 and the Nasdaq Com- markets react negatively,” said raw materials that could boost later this week between U.S. however, with banks world-
posite fell 0.3%. Willie Delwiche, investment inflation, according to the Insti- President Donald Trump and wide struggling to unload bad
The Stoxx Europe 600 strategist at Baird. tute for Supply Management. his Chinese counterpart Xi shipping loans and shipping
slipped 0.5% to 379.29 follow- Consumer discretionary In Europe, Banco Popular Jinping that could shed light Shares of Banco Popular companies scrapping worth-
ing modest advances in Asian stocks were among the biggest Español fel1 10% after the lender on prospects for trade. Español tumbled 10%. less vessels.


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House Divided The Daily Shot

— a chart-by-chart briefing
on markets and economics —
The U.S. housing rebound has helped drive the economic recovery that began in 2009, yet indicators of its health are mixed. sent to their email
Home builders are catching up with the S&P 500 after a long lag, and supply is in line with long-run averages. But home prices each morning. Subscribe at
are running well ahead of wage growth, a function of soft housing starts and the limited number of new houses coming to
market, while mortgage rates have risen the most in four years. What will coming months bring?

Percentage change since 2015 U.S. monthly supply of houses, seasonally adjusted House prices vs. earnings (May 1996=100)

30% PulteGroup 12 months 225

S&P 500 U.S. purchase-only
house price index
20 Home Builders ETF 10 200
Toll Brothers
D.R. Horton
10 8 175

0 6 Average 150
–10 4 125 hourly earnings*

–20 2 100

*Production and nonsupervisory

Recessions Recessions employees, total private
–30 0 75
2016 2017 1963 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 1996 2000 ’10

New privately owned housing units started, New one-family homes for sale per 30-year mortgage rate
three-month moving average 10,000 U.S. civilians

2000 units 30 units 5.0%

1500 4.5

1000 4.0

500 3.5

Recessions Recessions
0 0 3.0
2000 ’10 1963 ’70 ’80 ’90 2000 ’10 2012 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17

Source: FactSet (change since 2015); U.S. Census Bureau (new homes for sale, housing starts, supply of houses); U.S. Federal Housing Finance Agency (prices vs. earnings); Freddie Mac (30-year mortgage rate) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


U.K. Credit-Card Revenue at Risk OVERHEARD The Danger

Lurking at
British regulators may charges than they repay. The computer systems at
Charged Up
take a chunk out of the
credit-card industry’s reve-
nues, just as the debt cycle
Each customer pays around
£2.50 ($3.14) for £1 of debt
repaid, the FCA says.
Total outstanding
the U.S. Internal Revenue Ser-
vice made headlines for all
the wrong reasons in recent
China Banks
U.K. credit-card debt
looks ripe for a rise in de- The FCA wants banks to years. The veil of stability over
faults. intervene earlier, encourage £70 billion Whatever one’s political in- the Chinese economy is
For Barclays, Royal Bank people to pay down this debt terpretation of lost emails masking some worrying real-
of Scotland and Lloyds quickly, or stop charging and crashed hard drives ities at its banks.
Banking Group—which has them interest and come up 65 might have been, there is Earnings for China’s major
just acquired a big U.K. with a repayment plan. also an economic angle that banks ticked up last year as
credit card book from Bank The body says that in the should enrage liberals and they doled out piles of new
of America Merrill Lynch— first few years, this could 60 conservatives alike: The IRS loans. A rise in corporate
this will likely prove painful. save consumers between spends a tremendous amount profits overall, driven by
£310 million and £1.3 billion. of money on information surging factory-gate prices

That would be a hit to the 55 technology. The Tax Prof Blog in China, might suggest wor-
industry’s revenues. Credit- 2005 ’10 points out that $37,051 is ries about banks’ loan books
Regulators worry card balances in the U.K. last spent on IT for the average should ease further. Beijing
Note: £1 = $1.25
about the level of debt year averaged £62 billion, of Source: British Bankers' Association Treasury Department em- has been pushing ahead with
which 57% was interest bear- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. ployee, of which the IRS is a plans to cut overcapacity in
held on credit cards ing, according to data from big part, compared with less major industries like mining
at least 18 months. the British Bankers’ Associa- resents about 5% of group banks look likely to curtail than $5,000 per employee in and steelmaking, another
tion. revenues. Lloyds doesn’t re- consumer lending, which the private sector. helpful sign.
At an annual interest rate port its card income sepa- could be a drag on the econ- The International Associa- Beneath the surface, all is
of 20%, in line with that of rately. omy. tion of IT Asset Managers es- not so well. Even though the
The proposed changes many credit cards, that Consumers in the U.K. Credit-card profits have timates that the IRS could balance of nonperforming
came about because the would put annual industry have relied more heavily on been helped in recent years save a whopping $31,000 per loans remained stable last
U.K.’s Financial Conduct Au- interest income at about £7 credit cards to fund spend- by very low default rates, employee annually. Translated year at China’s big and mid-
thority, whose role includes billion—a little more than ing following 2016’s Brexit but the rising inflation rate into the typical $9,118 that size banks, their return on
safeguarding consumers’ in- five times the top end of es- vote, which has kept the is now expected to put pres- most Americans send each assets and equity continued
terests, is concerned about timated consumer savings. economy humming. However, sure on real incomes in the year to the IRS, that is to fade as credit costs—a
the high level of debt held Credit-card income is sig- fast growth in consumer U.K., while interest rates are 281,000 taxpayers’ contribu- measure of banks’ impair-
on credit cards for 18 nificant for U.K. banks. Cards lending has led the Bank of likely to start rising. tions to the federal budget ment charges—rose to their
months or longer. bring in nearly 30% of Bar- England to review credit Losing these revenues as eaten up by waste in the highest in six years.
More than three million clays’s U.K. revenues and standards and to focus on the credit cycle turns will agency tasked with collecting There is likely more of
people in the U.K. have card nearly 10% of group reve- consumer risks in 2017’s likely give the card industry their taxes. this to come. For now, major
debt that costs them more nues. banking stress test. Add in a bloody nose. pain from souring corporate
each month in interest and At RBS, card income rep- the FCA’s measures and —Paul J. Davies debt seems at bay as Chinese
companies’ cash flows
grow—rising a whopping 9%

These Condiments Aren’t a Great Combination Food for Thought

Operating margin before
last year. But corporate debt
balances are growing even
faster at 13%, according to
French’s Foods is up for Reckitt’s operations, which as shares in the wider panding its ketchup busi- exceptional items Deutsche Bank analysts. The
sale, and Kraft Heinz is on center on hygiene brands Reckitt group. Unlike Uni- ness. A private-equity buyer moment there is a pullback
Reckitt Benckiser Food
the hunt for acquisitions. But such as Lysol and over-the- lever’s food business, wouldn’t have to contend in the broader economy,
30% Kraft Heinz
the respective U.S. mustard counter drugs. French’s isn't noticeably un- with the risk that regulators debts will get tougher to ser-
and ketchup leaders aren’t French’s would be small derperforming. see a merger as a consumer- vice and pay off. There are
the perfect match they might change for Kraft Heinz, Organic growth of 5% last unfriendly stitch-up. already signs that debt is
sound. which withdrew a $143 bil- year was better than the The other problem, per- spinning further out of con-
Reckitt Benckiser on lion offer for Reckitt’s peer group’s overall 3% rate. haps counterintuitively, is trol.
Monday announced a “stra- Unilever after the Anglo- But there are major obsta- French’s high operating mar- Investors seem overjoyed
tegic review” of its food Dutch group mounted a more cles to this speculated com- gin, which was close to 29% with apparent improvements
business, which includes the spirited defense of its stand- bination. One concerns anti- last year. Kraft Heinz, which in Chinese companies’ finan-
French’s and Frank’s RedHot alone strategy than the U.S. trust issues: French’s and has earned a reputation for cial health. Chinese bank
brands. The U.K.-listed con- condiments giant expected. Heinz have started to com- aggressive cost cutting since stocks are up an average of
sumer group is eager to raise French’s made an adjusted pete for each other’s lunch it came under the control of 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 10% this year, and are at last
cash, having announced the operating profit of £118 mil- over the past two years. Warren Buffett and Brazilian Sources: S&P Capital IQ, FactSet trading, on average, close to
$17.9 billion acquisition of lion ($148 million) last year, French’s lost market share in private-equity investor 3G, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. their book value. If China’s
nutrition group Mead John- which would make the unit mustard to a new product made a 27% adjusted operat- economy runs into any trou-
son in February, and there worth £2.2 billion if the food from Heinz in 2015, only to ing margin over the period. get their teeth into a flabbier ble, this resurgence could
isn’t much overlap between business changed hands at regain it last year; all the If the model is to buy and business. prove to have flimsy founda-
French’s and the rest of the same valuation multiple while it has focused on ex- find savings, they need to —Stephen Wilmot tions. —Anjani Trivedi

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