Class - 7 Chapter - 1 Civics. Reinforcement

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Delhi Public School Khanna

Subject-Social Science
Chapter-1 (Equality in Democracy)
Civics (Reinforcement)
Date: May 5, 2020

Read the chapter, listen to the videos again and answer the following.

1. Define Democracy. Describe in two points how Democracy functioned

in Ancient Greek Cities.

2. Mention two ways in which the Indian government tries to implement

equality. Give two examples of each.

4. Fill in the blanks:

a. ________________ started the Civil Rights Movement in the US.
b._____________ or _________ have been segregated from the society
as they belong to lower classes.

Note: 1.Do it in your notebook or any other old register, diary or even on
loose sheets. Keep it safe so that I can check later.
2. Write both the questions and answers. Also mention the date.
3. Do not post in the group
4. Complete the worksheet under the supervision of your parents.

Note: Reinforcement of chapter 1 (Geography) ‘Environment’ on


2.Read the chapter minutely over and over again before the reinforcement

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