MIDTERM EXAM Technology-In-Developing-Oneself-Essay

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Enriquez, Hope Trinity B.

Sec 8

In this ever-changing competitive era, competency and skills are so much needed in every
activity of our society. For our daily routine in life, we work, we develop and we interact with
every single piece of technology that surrounds us. The innovative and knowledgeable era of
21st century, our life depends on the machineries, computers, smartphones, internet and more
technology advancement that people could continue to create and develop. Technology has an
integral part in everyone's life. Aside from making all chores, job and activities easier and more
convenient, it has an immense impact that made huge changes throughout history. Not all the
people but majority of the population really depends on technology to the point that it has
become a part of them, and sometimes, it even become their life too.
People rely on modernization that is brought to us by technology, we get along with the
innovation that makes people change their lifestyle, it is either for good and betterment of oneself
or for worst where technology control their actions and loss self-control. There are
considerations that technology can be hard to learn. Despite the fact that it is somehow
complicated to operate and use, at some point, it is quite expensive. The essence of technology
and the way it helps people disregards the hard part of adapting to changes and being on its
mainstream. In developing oneself, these innovations and newly developed technological devices
bring us satisfaction and happiness as a wellbeing. We all benefit from every change and we all
feel satisfied for having various technology because of the updates that appears to be eye-
pleasing, very helpful and futuristic, that seems new to our environment and we do not feel being
left out by the generation. We benefit from these inventions because our life is surrounded by
high technology which affects us more in a positive way. Upon contemplating the ever-changing
race of innovation in this era, the advantages of technology in development of oneself is that we
tend to be more productive and informative. It allows us to check updates through online
sources, this somehow, makes people to be a critical thinker in terms of distinguishing a
legitimate source from a fake one and such. We mindfully use social media platforms to spread
information to people. People become more aware of his surrounding and what is happening not
just within his area but also all over the world because of having an internet access. As a person,
we communicate a lot and technology helps us to grow as a good communicator, to develop our
communication skills because of its function to keep people in touch with others using instant
messaging. People communicate conveniently in a matter of short period of time results to better
understanding in reason of having a proper communication and continuous conversation.
Technology connects people, it not just improves oneself but also build connections. It unites
interests, relationships and the world through its value and usage. Upon adapting to changes, it
also improves a person's skill in operating devices in workplace and even for everyday survival.
But despite of all the aforementioned advantages, there are also disadvantages on the other hand.
Living in 21st century with full of technology, it affects people to grow dependent so much on it
when it is out of control. Talking about generations, it is a bit hard for the elders to adapt to
changes, but above all, technology have an advantage in development of oneself. There will
always be a change through innovation and we all see it as an opportunity for our living.

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