Innovative Trends in The Automotive Industry

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prof. Ing. Milan Kováč, DrSc. global mobility. Major trends according to this
Technical University of Kosice study are [10],:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering  Given the growing pressures on fuel
Department of Materials and Technology consumption as the most pressing trend in the
Masiarska 74, 040 01 Košice automotive industry is considered to electric mobility.
Abstract  The increasing urbanization, city dwellers in
need of cars suited to their particular
The paper deals with the drivers of environment. Urban-oriented design is an
changes in the automotive industry over the next important trend for the future of the
decade. Defined as major trends: changes in automotive industry. Cities are trying to
customer demand in global markets, innovation, reduce pollution and congestion and replace
and product design, technology for lean and agile car ownership by car sharing.
manufacturing and supply chain development.  The growing importance of the financing and
Emphasizes innovation based on new materials, a leasing of cars, especially in emerging
wider application platforms, electrical mobility and markets.
communication technologies. It represents the  Connected car concepts are also on the
implementation of selected horizons of innovation. agenda of automobile. More and more
vehicles will continuously communicate with
Key words: Automotive industry, cars and the real and virtual world. This trend should
production systems innovation accelerate mobility and in particular to
reduce accidents.
The current innovative trends cars are well
known. [1], [2] type of going innovation, Experts agree that despite the final
continuous improvement in the parameters: a high irreversible return of electric vehicles on the scene
utilization of the space vehicle, the variability will be at least in the next decades dominated by
model, the utility value - performance, reliability, gasoline and diesel combustion engines. In many
fuel consumption and others. Innovation support to cases, work with electric motors, whether in the
provide specific new materials, electronics and form of hybrid, or will act as a generator of
design optimization using computer-based support. electricity. [3], [4],
Expansion is the emergence of innovation Electric vehicles are not new. They are
in support of active and passive safety car: antilock even older than cars running on petrol. The first
braking system, electronic stability, electronic electric vehicle appeared on the road in 1873,
brake-force distribution, emergency braking system gasoline-powered motor vehicle on a road and
assistantship, variants airbags, crumple zone body discovered about twelve years later.
strength and stiffness components, sensors for Hybrid cars have appeared much later. Japan gave
advising and other risks. the authorization for testing hybrid vehicles with
Then there are environmrntal oriented plug-in on the public roads in 2006. Then the
innovations which are affecting the reduction of Toyota Motor Corporation announced that it has
fuel consumption, reduce automobile emissions and developed a car with a Prius hybrid to allow
recyclability at the end of life, digitalization of charging directly from the mains.
vehicles observed in new equipment - navigation The current World Motor Show between
systems, communication via the Internet and called. innovations and concepts cars nearly equal
Intelligent elements (automatically responsive to proportion of cars with internal combustion engines
changes) and telematics - the use of the principle of and hybrids and electric vehicles. The situation in
satellite navigation for localization, path planning, the automobile market is much different. Prognosis
connection to communication networks, control in Fig. 1 shows that even the most developed in the
speed and distance, calling for help in emergencies U.S. automotive market will be 20 to 40 years
and others. dominated by internal combustion engines.
The automotive industry continues to face The slow market penetration of hybrids
environmental problems, increasing urbanization and electric vehicles has two causes:
and changes in consumer behaviour. It calls for a  Low energy density batteries. For
radical new approach to future mobility. According example, the advanced lithium-ion
to the 2012 KPMG study starts changing nature of batteries have an energy density of only
100 Wh / kg, which is 30 times less energy

Transfer inovácií 22/2012 2012

than gasoline - 3000Wh/kg. The obstacle renewable sources. This is the only way to
is the high cost of batteries. ensure sustainability.
 -The second reason is the competition for The findings from this year’s survey
internal combustion engines of innovation. suggest that future success is based on a number of
According to studies, can increase the key levers:
efficiency of combustion engines to reach Electro mobility will be a central part of future
30% by 2020 and up to 50% by 2030 (FIA power train design across both developed and
Foundation, "50 to 50: Global Fuel emerging markets, with great potential in the
Economy Initiative"). BRICs and especially in China. The biggest
Experts agree that the future of cars is based on challenge will be to identify the most promising
the sequence [11]: technology. According to the survey, fuel cell
 Increased efficiency of combustion technology has not yet realized its full potential,
engines - Hybrid technology - electric cars. although Daimler, Hyundai/Kia, Toyota and GM
are already very active in this area.
 Appendix - increasing the share of
alternative fuels. Innovative urban mobility concepts
 The hydrogen technology as the future of The industry has to move from vehicle-oriented to
sustainable mobility. human-oriented urban design and mobility
concepts. Among the more progressive OEMs are
 Electro mobility condition is that the Volkswagen with its car-sharing concept Quicar
electricity must be provided from
and the Audi Urban Future Initiative. BMW also

Fig. 1 Forecast of U.S. car sales by technology [2]

Fig. 2 Share of annual new e- vehicle registration by 2026 KPMG [1]

Transfer inovácií 22/2012 2012

combines car sharing and urban design with Drive intensify competition in established markets.
Now and its sub-brand BMWi. The lingering shadow of overcapacity and excess
Connected car solutions It is becoming production
increasingly important to connect the driver, the car Have to address excess production seriously. The
and the environment to make driving more BRIC markets already have immense overcapacity
comfortable and safer. To be effective, this and could also be heading for excess production as
technology needs a large take-up, so it may soon be a result of growing production volumes in other
available in most new cars. markets. Manufacturers have to get the right level
Service-orientation & e-financing solutions of capacity to cope with up- and downswings in
Besides more service-orientation there is likely to demand.
be a surge in innovative financing offerings, Trends For The Automotive Future in the U.S. [4]
particularly for e-components, with huge potential Probable Trends
in emerging countries.
2015: vehicle-to-vehicle communication for safety
Cooperation and alliances functions
Manufacturers cannot manage everything alone. 2017: 6% of all vehicles worldwide will have
Many advances in technology and services have Internet access
flowed from other industries. For example, the
2020: plug-in capability standard in about 10% of
mobility services concept is very different from the
traditional OEM model. Collaboration is the all new vehicles
obvious way to manage such change and brings a 2025: vehicles in part actively controlled by
number of additional benefits, including joint R&D roadside infrastructure
spending, access to new technologies and products, 2035: still more than 50% of all new vehicles have
new business models and the potential to pool risk combustion engine
and investments. Possible Trends
Growing strength of the emerging markets 2020: car-sharing membership increases 3% of all
In BAIC, SAIC, Chery and Geely, China provides people who use a car
four of the top ten predicted fastest growing 2030: electric vehicles more than 20% of all new
automotive companies, reflecting the country’s cars
enormous importance. Chinese automakers have
2030: electric systems replacing all mechanic
already started to grow overseas, which will
chassis systems in new vehicles

Fig. 3 The most important trends in the industry in the next 15 years
Source: KPMG’s 2012 Global Auto Executive Survey

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Plausible Trends reconfigurable moulding, injection molding,

2030: fully autonomous driving, driver out of the casting and other technologies.
loop Design and manufacturing process
2035: hydrogen as transportation fuel for 5% of all  Significant reduction in the design process of
new vehicles components and production preparation time
Moving automobile R & D by using new methods: Rapid Prototyping,
According to a study Foresight Vehicle Technology Rapid Tooling.
Roadmap [6] further innovation will be determined  Implementation of additional design changes
following car line: to production without increasing costs,
The development of engines and propulsion reducing cost of production tools.
technologies  High-tech manufacturing processes and
 Improving the combustion process: adaptive technology components, assembly and testing,
calibration, operation without cylinder cam, user support and methods of recycling and
variable compression, alternative fuel cycles regeneration.
and improved systems. Integrated production
 Optimisation of drive systems: systems that  Reduction in solid waste volumes,
use waste heat, innovations in gear, size approaching zero, the development of
reduction, intelligent support systems, recycling technologies, the possibilities for
catalysts with reduced dependence on precious reuse of waste materials in manufacturing and
metals, reducing the size of drives. energy production, sustainable production:
 Minimal maintenance: sensors, wear reducing consumption of materials, energy
compensation management, integrated and waste in the manufacturing process.
diagnostic systems, modelling and prediction Low-cost production increasing flexibility:
of failures. increasing reconfigurability,
 Improved lubricants, additives and filtration,  Electronic data interchange in the design,
coatings, materials, bearings, corrosion analysis, manufacturing, testing and operation,
inhibition and resistance to mechanical allowing an increase in quality,
violation, improved sealing and storage. competitiveness and customer orientation,
Construction and Materials standardization of virtual reality.
 Design techniques for the simulation of a  The transfer of innovation, particularly in
shock to the variable design based on virtual aerospace and military industry, system
technology. integration product - process information -
knowledge, information security, intellectual
 Smart materials increasing safety: passive and
property protection.
active materials in combination with control
systems. Highly efficient production
 Reconfigurability of the vehicle: to ensure  Flexible adaptable production equipment and
structural integrity, modular structure, and systems ready for rapid reconfiguration and
high-strength platform. optimal use of energy.
Technology of production  New hybrid production systems for
manufacturing, assembly and disassembly,
 Reduction in costs over the life cycle and
based on robotics and automation technology
environmental impact and reduce operating
for optimisation of tasks between humans and
and maintenance costs.
 Development and processing of new
materials: materials with the ability to shape  New technologies, high performance in terms
of production efficiency (volume, speed
memory materials with improved properties
processes), durability and accuracy. The new
(mass, stiffness, energy absorption), pre-
system architecture with construction
treated with durable materials without the
machinery adaptively based on mechatronic
need for coating, manufactured by injection
modules, multilayer and high efficient control
moulding at low pressure and the casting new
composite materials.
 Adaptive equipment and production systems
 Innovation in materials joining technologies
for optimal energy consumption. Flexible
without affecting the material properties,
adaptation of energy for high performance
preservation coating materials during the
machinery drives.
process and production without damaging,
staining system integrated into the tool,

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High-precision micro-manufacturing machines REFERENCES

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 Intelligent vehicle. Today, automotive 978-3-642-01252-5
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require innovative approaches in technology, environmental and human risks for permanent
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 Integrated business. It will seek to meet the
sophisticated consumer, develop and produce
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 Ecosystem. Consumers, regulatory and
environmental requirements are forcing the
automotive industry to expand into new
dimensions, which representatives of the
electrical mobility.


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