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Chapter 2

Science, Technology, and Society and the

Human Condition

Lesson 1: The Human Flourishing in Terms of Science and Technology

This chapter focuses about how science, technology, and the society affect, contributes, and most
importantly, sustain the lives of humans and how these things interact with human condition. Moreover, it
explores the ways technologies have transformed how we perceive the body, time, space, and our environment.
Human beings used science and technology to make advances to achieve social ambitions and personal
fulfillments. Society applauds the advancement scientific technology has made in recent years in various fields,
such as medicine, energy, and communication. While humankind profits in many ways from this technology, a
few voices are heard cautioning society to consider the implications of these developments. The first lesson in
this chapter discusses all about human flourishing in terms of science and technology and its significance.

It has been implemented the we, human beings, are the most superior being because we can rationalize
and think things. Human beings are supposed to describe, to comprise all members belonging to the 'Homo
sapiens' race: person, man, woman or child. The definition of the human being is a universal one, each of us
considering the term 'human' as the one who lives on Earth, characterized by distinctive features such as superb
mental development and the power of articulate speech.
Dearest Ma’am Dean Trivinio,

We are the 2nd year students in your department. It has come to light that with you and our other
professors’ recent uploading of the online requirements for their respective subjects, we were overwhelmed by
how many the said requirements are. The University Student Council has said that each subject requires one
final requirement that covers all lectures for the students to comply and have a passing grade.

We know that this program, unlike any other programs, is harder. The requirements that you have sent to
us are very much heavy. There are other subjects that also sent many requirements all of which are mentally
draining. Some of us have no gadgets (laptop and cellphone) to use, no stable internet connection (Although the
CONAHS SC has promised that students who have no internet will be given load to comply) and not mentally
prepared for this to happen. In line with this, we are not just students in our home. We are also doing our
responsibilities in the house which can be very strenuous. Moreover, we are still worried in what’s happening in
our country. As we all know, the numbers of cases of people having COVID-19 is increasing and we are scared.
1 month of deadline is not enough to fully finish all the said requirements. We know that this isn’t anyone’s
fault for the pandemic to happen that has caused us months of unfinished school works.

We decided to raise our concerns directly to you first instead of going to the student council or to the
upper class in hopes of having an agreement to consider giving us only one requirement per subject. Some
students from the other department have raised their voices directly to the upper class instead to their respective
department first. We are not like that. We want to have a peaceful and respectful agreement with the CONAHS
faculty. We know that this is a lot to ask, but this is for everyone’s sake. We don’t want you to think that this is
just an escape for us to not comply, but we just want to ease everyone’s workload so that the both parties will
not stress much about this issue.

We are hoping for your kind consideration.

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