Tusiime Nursery and Primary School: Holiday Package 01 Subject: English Language Class: Primary Seven 2020

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P.O.Box 71262 TABATA SEGEREA DAR ES SALAAM; TEL: 2807780; Fax: 0736 60 13 84
www.tusiime.com: Email: info@tusiimeschool.com: School Motto:Education is a panacea


Pupil’s Name ________________________________________ Stream___________

Sub-section I (30 Marks)
Use the correct form of the words in the brackets to complete the sentences.
1. Donald _____________________ a suit if he gets money. (buy)
2. She _________________________ a bag when I met her. (carry)
3. Having _________________, I ran to the washroom. (to awake up)
4. The ________________ side in the debate was not active. (oppose)
5. One needs ____________________ to enter into a classroom. (permit)
6. Every man has a ______________________ of a woman to marry. (choose)
7. The ______________________ into the stadium was closed. (enter)
8. My ______________________ from to this school cost me a lot of money. (admit)
9. That oldman __________________ his head on a weekly basis. (shave)
10. Joseph visist his aunt ______________________. (month)

Complete the following sentences with the most correct words.

11. The late chief of our village died _________________T.B.
12. Adorabella _______________ go to the hospital tommow.
13. ____________________ big car is this?

14. Mr. Datius went to America, ________________________?
15. Jerome found the book __________________ got lost
16. Daniel passed the test highly and so _______________ Irona.
17. Both Anna __________________ Gerald visited the sick.
18. No sooner had the teacher arrived _________________ we stated writing.

Construct a sentence using the followings.

19. Advice
20. Advise

Arrange the following words in their alphabetical order.

21. basin, basis, basic, basing
22. phrase primary, primitive, premature
Give the opposites of the underlined words in the following sentences.
23. Our school head boy is rude.

24. They hurriedly went off the stage


Write down the full forms of the following abbreviations.

25. % _________________________________________________________________
26. P.S.V __________________________________________________________________
27. TANESCO ______________________________________________________________

Give one word for the underlined group of words.

28. She has taken her shoes to a person who repairs shoes.

29. A group of people worshiping in church was addressed by the pastor.
30. My uncle has gone to visit the place where animals are slaughtered for meat.

Re – write the sentences as instructed in brackets.
31. Jordan said, “We went to school yesterday.”
(Re – write in reported speech)
32. She is very intelligent but she has not passed the test.
(Re – write using: …. Nevertheless ….)
33. Mr. Danda teaches Geography. Mr. Emmanuel also teaches Geography.
(Re – write using: ….. as ….. well as …..)

34. If I go to town, I’ll buy a new phone.

(Begin: If I went ……………………)
35. They have constructed houses.
(Re – write by beginning: houses)
36. Dionese is clever. Shamte is not clever.
(Use: ……………….. Than ……………….)

37. Ahmed bought a car. It is made of metal. The car is still new. It is from Japan. It is black
in colour.
(Re – write as one sentence without using ‘which’ and ‘and’

38. Brian is bright. David is brighter.

(Join the sentences using: ………. Not as ………….)

39. James is a doctor. James is a teacher. (Join using: ….. both …….)
40. The river is very wide, we can not swim across it. (Use: ……. so …… that …….)
41. Deborah needs tea, ___________________________?
(Re – write and supply a question tag)
42. “The teachers has been imprisoned. We reported him to the police yesterday.
(Join the sentences using ……. whom ….……)
43. After taking breakfast, we ran to school. (Begin: Having ………………)
44. Winifrida loves reading story books. (use; …………… used to ………………)

45. Kalaba is very poor. Kalaba has bought a nice house.

(Join the sentence using: …………. Despite ……………..)

46. Abdul is a very lazy boy. He finishes the class works in time.
(Begin: in spite …………………………………)

47. She doesn’t like dodging have work.

(Re – write the sentence using ……….. dislike …….)
48. My father went to school. He went there to meet the head teacher.
(Join the sentence using: ……………. So as ………………)
49. Spare the rod ___________________ ( complete the proverb)
50. That is the lady. Her husband had an accident.
(Join the sentences using : …………… whose ……………..)

51. Read the passage and answer questions about it in full sentences.

The ostrich is a very interesting bird. It is the largest bird in the world. It can grow to the height
of 2700 millimeters. That is taller than any man on earth.

Although it has wings, it does not fly. It used its wings to balance itself as it runs. Its egg
weighs about two kilograms. This is about forty – five times the weight of a hen’s egg.
When an ostrich senses danger, it lies down and stretches its neck flat on the ground in order
to look around without being seen by its enemy. When really frightened, it will get up and run
very fast. It can run faster than the fastest horse.
The ostrich does not always run away from danger. If it has eggs or chicks in its home, it can
act bravely and do anything in order to protect them. It is said that when an ostrich sees fire
near its home, it runs very fast to the river in order to damp itself with water. Then it flaps its
wings in order to spray the area around its home with water so that the fire does not reach its
eggs or chicks.

(a) Which is the largest bird in the world?

(b) According to the story, is there any man on earth taller than an ostrich?
(c) Does the ostrich fly?
(d) What does the ostrich use its wings for?
(e) What is the weight of an ostrich’s egg?
(f) What does an ostrich do when it senses danger?
(g) Write the title of the passage.
(h) How tall is an ostrich?
(i) What will the ostrich do when it gets frightened?
(j) What are the young ones of the ostrich called?

52. Zainab and Hassan met at school one morning. This is their conversation – study it and
answer questions about it correctly.

Zainab: Hi, Hassan. You look tired and sad. What is the matter?
Hassan: I have just come from the District Hospital, Zainabu.

Zainab : Oh, I see! Who is sick?

Hassan : My friend, Mfaume, and his family had an accident yesterday.

Zainab : I am sorry Hassan. How are they? I hope none of them is badly hurt.
Hassan: I wish that was the situation, but it is worse than you think. Mfaume has lost both
his parents and his younger sister, too.

Zainab: Oh, my god! I am sure Mfaume is in a lot of pain and grief.

Hassan: He is not even aware of it. He is still unconscious at the hospital.

Zainab : Poor boy! What kind of accident was that?

Hassan: It was a road accident. Their car collided with an oncoming daladala bus. It was
Zainab: Will you pass my condolences to Mfaume, please?

Hassan: Thanks. I will do so.


(a) How many pupils are in the dialogue?


(b) Where did these pupils meet?


(c) Who looked tired and sad?


(d) Whose friend had an accident?


(e) Who died in the accident?


(f) In which hospital is Mfaume?


(g) Name the kind of accident Mfaume’s family got involved in.


(h) Why is Mfaume not aware of his parents’ death?


(i) Give the opposites of these words used in the dialogue.

(i) Unconscious
(ii) Worse

53. The graph below shows the means of travel used by p.6 of Serengeti primary school.
Study it and answer the questions that follow in full sentences.

Number of pupils


(a) What does the graph show?

(b) How many means of travel are shown on the graph?
(c) How many children travel by bus?
(d) Which means of travel is mostly used?
(e) How many children are in this class?

(f) To which school do these children go?
(g) Which means of travel is not used by any pupil?
(h) Which is the least used travel means?
(i) How many pupils use the taxi?
(j) Why do you think most pupils go to school on foot?

Fill in the blanks using the words given below.

Distance, stood, caught, hungry, crying, myself, answer, jumped, morning, saw

It was early in the ________________ when I heard quite in a _______________ an

extraordinary sound like the cry of a dog, ____________ at the top of its voice;
yoyoyoyoyoyoooo! Then I _______________ silently wondering. What could it be? I asked
_________________ but there was no one to give me an _______________________.
Suddenly, I _________________ a horse being chased by an angry and _______________
lion. Immediately, the lion ___________________ onto the horse and __________________
it in the neck. It threw it on the ground and tore it into pieces.

55. The sentences below are in wrong order. Re – arrange them to tell a story about meetings
in school

(a) In my opinion, meetings help pupils to share views.

(b) What is the use of these meetings?
(c) Meetings also make pupils confident speakers.
(d) Lastly meetings help pupils to solve problems.
(e) There are many answers to this question.
(f) Pupils in most schools hold meetings.
(g) These views are very important.

(h) In the end pupils live together peacefully.
(i) With confidence they become great speakers.
(j) They are held every term.



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