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Alessandro Neri

University of Roma TRE, Applied Electronics Department

Via della vasca navale, 84. 00146 Roma, Italy

ABSTRACT optimality of the devised solutions. In particular the subject

of the paper will be the review of the mathematical properties
This paper presents a review of the main properties of the
of the Gauss-Laguerre CHFs, including the Dyadic Wavelets
Gauss-Laguerre Circular Harmonic Functions (CHF) particu-
that can be constructed starting from them, and some of the
larly useful in image processing applications like restoration
main applications that have been recently realized by the
enhancement, recognition and retrieval. In fact, adoption of
author and his collaborators in the fields of image restora-
representations based on this family of functions, allows to re-
tion and enhancement, [3],[4], edge extraction, [5],[6],[7],
duce the computational complexity of Bayesian detectors and
object recognition, [8], key points extraction, [9], and image
estimators. Applications to restoration and image retrieval are
indexing and retrieval, [10].
also discussed.
Index Terms— Gauss-Laguerre Circular harmonic Func-
tions, Image retrieval, Image indexing
Let x = [ x y ]T denote the cartesian coordinates of a point
1. INTRODUCTION of the image plane R2 , and [ ρ θ ]T the corresponding polar
coordinates. Then, given an image f (x) ∈ L2 ("2 , d2 x), let
Ability to efficiently co-create and share electronic media fp (r,θ ) = f (ξ1 + r cos θ,ξ 2 + r sin θ) be its representation
contents represents one major challenge of future internet. around the point ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 ) in polar coordinate space. Since
To fulfill user expectations while avoiding Digital Divide 2.0 fp is periodic w.r.t. θ, it can be decomposed into a Fourier
effects, induced by the inability to employ the new technolo- series: !
gies, low cost, simple to use, possibly automatic solutions for fp (r,θ ) = hn (r)ejnθ ,
all those basic operations like image and video acquisition, n
restoration, enhancement, indexing and retrieval, involved in "2π
the Networked Electronic Media chain have to be deployed 1
hn (r) = fp (r,θ )e−jnθ dθ, (1)
in the mid term. However, computational and storage com- 2π
plexities can be efficiently faced whenever we are able to 0

employ an unified mathematical framework for representing where (1) is the radial profile corresponding to the n-th cir-
the image and video contents and fulfill the above mentioned cular harmonic of f . We observe that every term of the series
tasks. Thus, this contribution explores the potentialities of is a Circular Harmonic Function, CHF, i.e., a bi-dimensional
hyper-complete image and video representations based on polar separable function ψn of the kind:
Circular Harmonic Functions (CHFS), [1], [2]. These kinds # $
of representations that are directly related to the Fouriers se- ψ rejθ = ψn (r,θ ) = hn (r) ejnθ .
ries expansion of images when represented in a polar domain,
in addition to many relevant mathematical properties, have The harmonic angular shape of ψn implies that it can be
the property of including in the basis set elements like edges, steered in any direction φ by simple multiplication by the
lines and corners, particularly relevant for the human visual complex factor e−jnφ , i.e., it is self-steerable, [11],[12]. In
system. Thus their adoption can reduce the effort paid by fact
the user in taking control of the technology still assuring the fp (r,θ − φ) = hn (r)ejnθ e−jnφ .

This work has been partially funded by the Radiolabs Consortium and By virtue of their harmonic angular shape, CHFs are in-
the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni. deed natural detectors for different classes of features: CHFs

978-1-4244-7287-1/10/$26.00 ©2010 IEEE 269 EUVIP2010

of order n=1 for example are tuned to edges, n = 2 to lines, n with
M - '
! (-2
= 3 to forks, etc.. -
- x − ξk --
Then, any image f ∈ L2 (") admits an orthogonal expan- γ = min -w - ,
x sk
2 m=1
sion under a Gaussian weighting function, V (r) = e−πr ,
complete over the entire plane, around a point ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 ), M " - '
! (-2
in terms of any isotropically scaled version of the set of or-
- x − ξk --
Γ= -w - dx.
thogonal Laguerre Gauss CHFs Lnk (ρ,θ ) defined as, [13]: m=1 Isk
The above property implies that the inner product between
% &1/2 two images f and g with expansion coefficients Dkn (ξm ) and
k! Ckn (ξm ), respectively, satisfies the following condition:
Lnk (r,θ ) = (−1)k 2(|n|+1)/2 π |n|/2
(|n| + k)!
γ 1 !!! n
'f (x), g(x)( ≤ Dk (ξm ) C̄kn (ξm ) ≤ 'f (x), g(x)(
|n| 2
r|n| Lk (2πr2 )e−πr ejnθ , (2) Γ Γ m n

where are the generalized Laguerre polynomials defined

Lnk where the overbar denotes the complex conjugate. The mag-
by the Rodrigues formula, [14]: nitude of the approximation error strictly depends on the ratio
γ/Γ, that can be a priori computed.
!k ' ( h −n t k In addition, it can be demonstrated that the following
n+k t t e ∂
Lnk (t) = (−1)h = k
(tk+n e−t ). property holds, [15], [4].
k − h h! k! ∂t
h=0 PROPERTY II. Every Gauss-Laguerre function of the n-
Using this basis the local expansion of f (x) around the th order Lk with n > 0 generates a dyadic Circular Har-
point ξ = (ξ1 , ξ2 ) is: monic Wavelet (CHW).
This means that every image f (x) can be represented by
' ( !! ' ( its continuos wavelet transform W
x−ξ |x − ξ| (n) [f ](b, α,σ ) where b, α
f (x)V = fˆkn (ξ, σ)Lnk , θ(x − ξ) ,
σ σ and σ are the parameters characterising the translated, rotated
n k (n)
(3) and scaled version of the mother wavelet Lk (x).
where V (ρ) = e−πρ is the Gaussian weighting window and It can be demonstrated that the self-steering property
σ is the spreading factor. In literature, the set of coefficients holds even for the LGT coefficients. Let us denote with
fk are referred to as the Laguerre Gauss Transform (LGT) of
n ˆ
f n
(x0 , σ) the LGT expansion of f (x) rotated by an angle α
α k

f (·) and are obtained from the latter by projection onto the around x 0 . Then the following property holds:
LG basis: fˆn (x0 , σ) = e−jnα fˆkn (x0 , σ). (5)
α k
) ' ( ' (*
x − ξ 1 |x − ξ|
fˆkn (ξ, σ) = f (x) V , Lnk , θ (x − ξ) . In addition, as shown in [4], the LGT coefficients a fˆkn of
σ σ σ the scaled-windowed function f (Sa (x)) V (Sa (x/σ)) can be
directly computed as a linear combination of the LGT coeffi-
The set {fˆkn (ξ, σ), k = 0, 1, 2, ...} describes the local behav-
cients fˆkn of the unscaled windowed function f (x)V (x/σ):
ior of the n-th angular harmonic of the image. Consequently,

for edges, lines, forks and crosses, the greatest part of the a ˆn
energy is respectively focused on the first, second, third and f k = B(a, n, k, l)fˆln , (6)
fourth harmonic. l=k

With reference to localization of complicated patterns, a where

rather relevant property is the following, [10]. . ' (l−k
PROPERTY I. Given an image f defined over a finite sup- l−k (n + l)!l! a−n−2k 1
B(a, n, k, l) = (−1) 1− 2 .
port I ⊂ "2 , a lattice Ξ = {ξm ∈ I, m = 1, ..., M }, and a (n + k)!k! (l − k)! a
set of scale factors {s1 , s2 , ..., sL }, the set of Gauss-Laguerre (7)
functions Relations (6, 5) can be folded in a unique expression, which
+ ' ( , collects the transformations of the LGT coefficients induced
1 (n) |x − ξm | by the action of rotation and scaling on the original function.
L , θ(x − ξm ) , m = 1, ..., M (4)
sk k sk Thus, denoting with aα fˆkn the LGT coefficients of the image
rotated by an angle α and scaled by a factor a, we have:
defines a Riesz basis for f . ∞
In particular, a ˆn
B(a, n, k, l)fˆln e−jnα . (8)
α fk =
!!! l=k
γ%f (x)%2 ≤ |fˆkn (ξm , sk ) |2 ≤ Γ%f (x)%2 ,
m n k
For the demonstration details we refer to [4].


Let {s1 , s2 , ..., sL } be a finite set of scale factors correspond-

ing to increasing resolutions. The set of complex images

zsk [b] = WL(1) [f ](b, α, sk ), k = 1, 2, ..., L (9)


yields the wavelet representation of f (x) in the multiscale

complex edge feature domain. Since the Fourier transform
of L0 is null in the origin, the recovery of f (x) may be
unstable when using a finite range of scales. Therefore, its (a) Original image (b) Enhanced image
reconstruction will also be based on a coarse approximation
obtained by a low pass zero order CHF filtering of the original Fig. 1. Original and enhanced image with γ1 = 1.2 and γ2 =
image. γ3 = γ4 = 0.9.
Let us denote with Hsk (ω) the frequency response of the
filter L0 and with H (0) (ω) the frequency response of the
filter L0 . Since, as demonstrated in [15] the Laguerre-Gauss and the enhancement concerns only the magnitude of the
CHWs, when ω 1 > 0, ω2 > 0, satisfy the stability condition complex edge image zsk (x). It is important to underline that
the unconditional enhancement of an image will amplify also
! the noise components thus resulting in non natural images.
0<A≤ |Hsk (ω)| ≤ B < ∞ , (10) To avoid this problem we propose to selectively sharpen the
k=1 edges on the basis of a restoration procedure inspired to the
given the coarse image approximation human visual system, and described below.
' ( When the observed image is affected by noise, restora-
1 (0) |x| tion may be substantially simplified by removing stochastic
fs0 (x) = f (x) ∗ L0 , θ(x) (11)
sk sk interaction between samples. As a matter of fact, spatial cor-
relation of edges is generally quite lower than correlation of
and the complex edge images
the original image. Therefore, detection and estimation can
% ' (&
1 (0) |x| be effectively performed by acting on the complex edge im-
zsk (x) = f (x) ∗ 1 − L0 , θ(x) ∗ ages zsk (x). At this aim, based on experimental evidence, we
s0 s0
' ( adopt for the first order statistics of zsk (x) a rather general
1 (1) |x| model constituted by a zero mean complex Gaussian mixture
L0 , θ(x) , (12)
sk sk with mixing parameters λki , i.e. a weighted sum of complex
with k = 1, 2, ..., L, the image f can be computed by means Gaussian distributions:
of the following expansion K
! 1 2
! pZ [zsk (x)] = λki N2 zsk (x), 0, RkZi (x) ,
f (x) = zsk (x) ∗ gsk (x) + fs0 (x), (13) i=1
where, z = [zR zI ]T denotes the 2D vector corresponding
where the reconstruction filters gsk (x) are defined in terms of to the complex number z = zR + jzI , N2 (z, µ, R) denotes
their Fourier transform as follows the Gaussian probability density function of a random bivari-
Hs∗k (ω) ate z with expectation µ and covariance matrix R. In addi-
Gsk (ω) = , k = 1, 2, . . . , L. (14) tion, we model the p.d.f. of the random variate ∆zsk (x), rep-
|Hsk (ω)| resenting the noise projection in the complex edge domain, as
a zero mean complex Gaussian mixture with mixing parame-
However we can enhance f (x) by selectively amplifying ters βjk , and covariance matrix RNk
the higher scales expansion coefficients. Formally, the en- Applying Bayes rule, the conditional expectation ẑsk of
hanced version f0(x) of f (x) is computed as follows: the complex edge image given the observation zsk is
L !! 1 2
! ẑsk (x) = wij zsk (x) RkZi (x)
f0(x) = z̃sk (x) ∗ gsk (x) + ys0 (x), (15)
j i

where 3 4−1
z̃sk (x) = γk zsk (x), (16) × RkNj (x) + RkZi (x) zsk (x), (17)

where where θ(x) is the phase of zsk (x).
By fact, the adaptive procedure acts as a surround inhibi-
βjk λki N2 [zsk , 0, RN
(x) + RkZi (x)]
wij [zsk (x)] = / / k k j
. tion terms that takes into account the context influence of the
k (x) + Rk (x)]
βj λi N2 [zsk , 0, RN j Zi surroundings of each point. The inhibition is large in textured
j j
areas, and small on flat regions thus leading to heaviest noise
Application of (17) requires the knowledge of the local suppression inside textures while sharpening contours. We
noise statistics. Considering that the complex edge image is observe that this inhibition has been also observed in the hu-
essentially a sample of a sparse random field, a simple Gaus- man visual system, being originated from the regions flanking
sian distribution can be successfully applied. Inspired to both the receptive field of an orientation selective neuron on both
parametric CFAR detectors and psychophysical and neuro- sides of the optimal stimulus for that neuron. The width of
physiological findings, we compute the noise variance as the the central region excluded from the computation of the back-
local average of the energy of the weighted complex edge im- ground statistics is equal to the width of the spatial support of
age on a neighbor of the current site. To avoid self masking the complex edge wavelet operator. By varying a, the inhibi-
the noise variance is set to the minimum of the average of the tion term can partially or completely suppress the sharpening
L2 norms of the complex edges computed on the sets given of textured areas.
by two half rings with centre in the current site and oriented With respect to the identification of the edge statistical
along the edge direction, with the exclusion of a narrow strip model we observe that object contours usually consist of long
of width 2a oriented along the edge, as illustrated in Fig. 2. and wide connected components of nonzero pixels, while tex-
ture edges, especially after surround inhibition, lead to rel-
atively short and thin components. Thus to build the con-
tour map we apply edge thinning by non-maxima suppres-
sion and binarization by thresholding. Specifically, we apply
to |ẑsk (x)| non-maxima suppression. Let usk (x) be the unit
vector parallel to ẑsk (x) and Ssk the set of all points which
are local maxima of |ẑsk (x)| in the direction of usk (x):
+ - ,
- ∂ |ẑsk (x)| ∂ |ẑsk (x)|
Ssk = x -- =0 ∧ <0
∂usk ∂usk
Fig. 2. CFAR sets for background activity estimation.
Let us partition the set Ssk into Nc connected subsets
At this aim, we define two weighting functions ws+k ,φ (x) Cl
(sk )
, so that
and ws−k ,φ (x):
9 C :
(sk ) (s ) (sk )
DoG± S sk = Cl , Ch k Cl =∅
s ,φ (x)
ws±k ,φ (x) = // k ± , (18) l=1 h$=l
DoGsk ,φ (x)
n m (s )
A morphological dilation is then applied to Cl k , with a 3×3
where DoG±
sk ,φ (x) is obtained as:
(s )
square structuring element q3 , yielding a dilated subset Dl k :
DoGsk (x) · U−1 [± (x1 cos φ + x2 sin φ − a)] , (19) Dl
(sk )
= Cl
(sk )
⊕ q3 .
where U−1 is the step function defined as follows: (sk )
Then, we define as global contour weight G of Cl , the sum
+ (s )
0, η< 0 of the values of |ẑsk (x)| over Dl k :
U−1 (η) = , (20)
1, η ≥ 0 6 7 !
(s )
G Cl k = |ẑsk [n, m]|.
and DoG(x) is the difference of two concentric Gaussian (s )
[n,m]∈Dl k
- 1 2 1 2-+ Finally a binary edge map Bsk is computed by thresholding
DoGσ [x] = -N2 x, 0, σ 2 I − N2 x, 0, l2 σ 2 I - , (21) the global contour weight map, i.e.,
where |η|+ = ηU−1 (η) denotes half-wave rectification. 9 (s )
B sk = Cl k
Then, we estimate the noise covariance matrix as follows: ! "
(s )
G Cl k >Gmin
RN (x) =
56 7 6 78 An example of this edge detection procedure in presence
2 2
α min |zsk (x)| ∗ ws+k ,θ (x) , |zsk (x)| ∗ ws−k ,θ (x) I. of heavy noise is illustrated in Fig. 3.

respect to restoration and enhancement, this correlation can
be summarized by the disparity map providing information
about the spatial relationships among objects and viewer and
the motion field that accounts for the temporal evolution.
Extraction from a stereo pair or a stereo video of the dis-
parity map and the motion field can benefit of the adoption
of a Gauss-Laguerre representation. In fact, as illustrated in
the next section, in this way the implementation of the Maxi-
mum Likelihood pattern location and rotation estimators can
be drastically simplified from a computational point of view.
(a) Noisy input image SNR=13 dB (b) Extracted edges
Nevertheless, in this section we focus our attention on the
visual enhancements that can be introduced when the char-
Fig. 3. Edge extraction in presence of noise. acteristics of the human visual system are combined with the
possibility of locally controlling the spatial bandwidth of the
reconstruction operator by acting on the γk factors of (16),
To restore an image affected by additive white Gaussian
[17] .
noise, the image is filtered with a bank of Gauss-Laguerre
In fact, as stated by the principle of ”Organization of
filters and decomposed at different scales. The single scale
space”, well known to painters and well exemplified by many
complex edge image resulting from the wavelet filter passes
paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, like the famous “Mona Lisa”,
through the adaptive MMSE complex edge estimator that lo-
foreground figures possess well-defined contours, while ob-
cally estimates the noise variance producing surround inhibi-
jects in the background appear more and more blurred while
tion where highly textured areas are suppressed. The estimate
their distance increases. In addition this effect increases in
is further processed in the binarization block, where a binary
presence of moving objects.
contour map is created, as previously described. At this point,
Visual appearance of 3D videos can be increased by
the iterative denoising process takes place. At each iteration,
adopting an adaptive multi-resolution enhancement technique
to compute the observation noise variance the sites belong-
[18] controlled by the disparity map providing the informa-
ing to the binary contour map are excluded. Moreover, these
tion on objects’ distances from the observer point-of view
sited are used to refine the edge statistics. An example of the
and, the motion field.
denoising procedure is shown in Fig.4.
Without loss of generality let us assume that the stereo
pair has been eventually rectified in order to comply with a
simplified epipolar geometry characterized by an horizontal
epipolar line, so that the disparity d(x), i.e., the horizontal
displacement between the left and right images of a given ob-
ject, is proportional to the the object depth z(x).
In addition let t(x) be the motion field. The disparity map
and the motion field are then combined in order to control the
amount of enhancement performed over different regions of a
given frame pair. The discussion about the disparity map and
motion field estimation and related regularization algorithms
(a) Noisy image (b) Restored image is beyond the scope of this paper. Here we assume that both
the disparity and the motion field have been eventually filtered
Fig. 4. Noisy and restored image. in order to remove outliers as well as meaningless details.
Let dmin and dmax respectively denote the minimum and
the maximum disparity for a given imaging geometry and
tmax the maximum motion vector compatible with the ex-
3.1. 3D image enhancement pected object dynamics. Then, the normalized disparity map
d(o) is defined as:
The great popularity gained by 3D Hollywood productions,
+ d(x)−dmin
the imminent introduction into the consumer market of 3D (o)
d (x) = dmax −dmin , d(x) < dmax , (22)
TV sets announced by the major manufacturers as well as 1, d(x) ≥ dmax
the 3D sports broadcasting that will enter into service with
the 2010 FIFA world Cup, focus our attention on 3D image Similarly, the normalized motion field t(o) is defined as:
and video enhancement. In principle each frame of a stereo + t(x)
pair could be separately processed, but relevant benefits can tmax , t(x) < tmax
t(o) (x) = , (23)
be gained when the existing correlation is considered. With 1, t(x) ≥ tmax

Then we introduce the normalized enhancement factor objects containing many details. To reduce the computational
map e(o) (x)as the linear combining of d(o) (x) and t(o) (x), complexity we may resort to the hyper-complete Riesz basis
namely, (4) so that a region of interest can be partitioned into smaller
and smaller square blocks whose content is approximated by
e(o) (x) = α · [1 − d(o) (x)] + (1 − α) · [1 − t(o) (x)]. (24) a truncated expansion making use of just a few CHFs.
A greater enhancement factor is associated to those objects More in detail, at the first step the basis set is empty and
which are the slowest, and closest to the observer. The pa- the current region R(0) is set equal to the given region of inter-
rameters α controls the relevance of the objects’ spatial and est (ROI). At the i-th step of the recursion, the center ξi of the
temporal behavior. current region R(i) is evaluated and the subset of functions
Therefore, Eqs. (15), (16) modify as follows + ' ( ,
1 (n) |x − ξi |
L , θ(x − ξi ) , k = 1, ..., K, n = 1, ..., N
si k si
f0(x) = γk [e(o) (x)]zsk (x)gsk (x) + ys0 (x). (25)
k=1 is considered as a potential candidate. Then the norm of the
corresponding approximation error on R(i) between the im-
In our experiment the design of the relationship between age itself f (x) and the reconstructed image fˆ(x) using the
γk and e(o) (x) has been inspired to the relationships between current candidate basis subset is computed, namely
the signal bandwidth B and the link length L observed in op-
tical communications for which we have: -- ' ( --
-- x − ξi --
||∆f || = ----wT [f (x) − fˆ(x)]---- ,
B0 δi
B= , (26)
where 0.5 < m ≤ 1 depending on the light dispersion nature. where δi denotes the width of R(i) , and wT (x) is a square
Thus the gain coefficients γ are selected in such a way window of unitary width. If this norm exceeds a predefined
that the spatial bandwidth of the reconstruction filter is pro- threshold the current region is split into four squares and
portional to [e(o) ]−m . At this aim, we observe that if a con- the quadtree decomposition is recursively applied to each of
stant set of gains γk is employed, the overall transfer function them. Otherwise the current candidate subset is added to the
is basis and the next region is considered.
The properties of the quadtree decomposition can be fur-
L ther exploited in order to to reduce the search time of a given
! γk |Hsk (ω)|
Gtot (ω) = , k = 1, 2, . . . , L. (27) pattern in a set of candidates images. In fact a sequential de-
2 tection and estimation procedure that verifies whether each
k=1 |Hsk (ω)|
k=1 candidate image contains each square of the quadtree can be
adopted. At this aim the template quadtree blocks can be
The corresponding bandwidth versus γ can then be easily ranked on the basis of the incremental Fisher’s information on
computed. pattern location, rotation and scale estimation. However, as
Two examples of the 3D image enhancement based on the demonstrated in [4] this quantity is proportional to the magni-
disparity map are illustrated in Fig. 5. Visual inspection con- tude of the energy of the derivatives along two orthogonal di-
firms the larger spatial bandwidth associated to foreground rections and to the energy of the angular derivative, or, equiv-
objects. For a proper setup of the parameters a subjective alently, to the effective spatial and angular bandwidths.
video quality assessment has been performed at the Univer-
Therefore, the template quadtree blocks are ranked on the
sity of Roma TRE, [17]. In addition to an overall preference
basis of the energy of the mid and high, angular and radial,
for the enhanced versions, the subjective tests indicated that
frequency components, computed directly from the Gauss La-
the best fitting of the Mean Opinion Score have been obtained
guerre expansion coefficients.
when α = 0.5, so that the same importance is attributed to
both factors. As an alternative, salient points based on invariants can
be extracted and quadtree blocks can then be ranked based on
the saliency of the key points falling inside them, [16].
RETRIEVAL When a ROI of a given image has to be searched in a
database, the first block of the ranked list is considered.
Local expansions based on Gauss-Laguerre CHFs can be ef- Due to the self steering property detection and localization
fectively employed for Maximum Likelihood orientation in- of the pattern belonging to the first block can be performed
variant pattern recognition, [4]. However, a rather large num- by means of a quasi-Newton maximization procedure as the
ber of expansion terms is required when dealing with large Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm maximizing,

for each b the quantity of both [27] , those based on global search and regional search
[28], and to the method employed in SIMPLIcity. The per-
2 formance assessment indicates that the average percentage of
GLLF (1) (b, a,ϕ ) = − ×
N0 Γ recovered relevant images is greater than 0.96 while the other
K -
-2 methods attain at the maximum 0.87 (global search).
N !
! L
! -
- n −jnϕ -
-Dk (ξc ) − B(a; n, k, l)Ck (ξc − b)e
- ,
- -
n=0 k=0 l=0 5. CONCLUSIONS
where ξc denotes the center of the current region.
CHF based image representations constitute powerful tools
Thus, for each discrete location of a grid, the rotation and
for highly performant algorithms addressing a wide range of
the scale maximizing GLLF (1) are determined and then a
applications in the image processing domain, from restora-
discrete direct search is performed to determine its absolute
tion to image retrieval. Although the techniques illustrated in
maximum. Thus, at the first step the parameter estimate is
this contribution have been specified for the Gauss-Laguerre
+ 6 7, CHFs, they can be easily extend to other CHF families, like
(1) (1)
[b̂ , â , ϕ̂ ] = Arg max GLLF (b, a,ϕ ) .
(1) (1)
those based on Zernike’s polynomials.

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(b) Enhanced image

Fig. 5. Original and enhanced image.


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