Final Gradable Assessment. THY 4

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Final Gradable Assessment

(Final Exam)

My Credo on Justice and Social Commitment

A Narrative Reflection on Lessons from Faith, Communion and Mission

I. Objectives:
Each student is required to formulate a personal statement (credo) on justice and social commitment based
on the lessons about faith, communion and mission.

At the end, the students will be able to:

1. appreciate the THY 4 topics discussed in the course by seeing its relevance to one’s personal life.
2. promote moral values and Christian teachings that can be applied in dealing with social issues.
3. communicate the Christian values in one’s personal struggles about faith, justice and peace..

II. Guidelines

I. Introduction
 Importance of denouncing injustice and helping the marginalized in the society
II. My Faith
 Describe your religion, faith expressions and religious convictions. (For non-believers,
agnostics etc., what are the things that you believe?) and who influenced you on what you
 How does your faith affect your actions and relationship with other people?

III. On Communion with Other People

 How do you relate to people with different culture and religion? Why do you think it is
necessary to have a deep sense of respect to these people? How do you deal with cultural
and religious differences?
 How do you relate with the poor and marginalized in the society? Why do we need to show
compassion to these people? How do you deal the challenges in reaching out to them?
IV. My Mission
 As a social being living in the contemporary world, why is it important to have a mission?
 What is your mission based on what you believe and on how you look at other people.
 What are your specific plans of action to bring this mission into actual fruition?

V. My Credo on Justice and Social Commitment

 Your credo should be original and focused on justice, social commitment.
 It may be in the form of a short mission-vision statement or an enumerated list of what you
 Guidelines for credo:
1. be personal in writing words and have a sense of ownership on your views.
2. be clear in identifying the beliefs that you’re trying to express about.
3. be brief in information and go straight to the point.
 Provide a short explanation of the significant points of your credo.
 You may use your creativity by putting design or illustration to your personal credo.
1. If necessary, you may include pictures or illustrations (limit it two to three pictures per section)
2. Text format should be Times Roman 12, single spaced, normal margin, US Letter (short bond) size.
3. The paper should NOT be in bullet form. Answers to the guide questions must be integrated in the
narrative reflection.
4. Save the document as a PDF file and submit it on or before May 18, 2020.


Quality of Reflection and Realization 40%

Integration of Values and THY 4 Topics 30%
Personal Credo 20 %
Style, Mechanics and Organization 10 %

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