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SPE 36137

Coiled Tubing Conveyed Perforating

C. Cabral, W. Crow, SPE, Tucker Enemy Services

C%vkW 1SS0, SodatY d Pdmhum EwkwIs, IIW.

pressure-activated hydraulic disconnect is used which
Pdrdwm Gmfamra
Add h PcwWd+in
stlh. kutthldin AnwkmwdC&bm
TrinicM & Tobwo, 23-2S A#dl 199S.
operates on the differential pressure betweenthe coiled tubhtg
Thmppuwmc 8.k#mdtiptu8n18Ucm byan SPE~m Canrnhofdhira-d and production tubing. The calculation methods shown in the
1~ ~if!d h ● ~ wbmittd by Ih# ●Iw(8). ~ d I!!. ~pw, M
W9aonp4huu tihmmmiwmd by UmSacidyd F%hbum En@ucmndsfasuwb Appendix shoutd be followed to ver@ that 20 percent or
c?lfmdw bytk8ullw(s). llwllwlUld, .prnuil@ *ti Mca9anl ‘ymllsd any
paitimd UwScde4yd PdrdumEnSimu8, tbdtium, urnunbou.p apucpmnni,dti more shear vatue exists bctw~n the hydrauhc firing head
Sssmn(irgs amwt+act wpublbstiat - by Ed-l ~ dti Sad84yd pressure and the discomect pressure. This firing mechanism
%tm+wm Engin.wm %miuion b DCQYh ms&kt.d tianat4mct dmdnwo Unn SO0
wwdm. 10wb4tim8 ~Y~~M.-*~ --ic0n8Pku0us provides the ability to deploy hollow steel carrier petiorating
wknuntdgmem d wlwm ●nd by MUIM tha ppa ~ ~ Wti Libmrim< SPf, P.O.
Sm 8S3SS6 Riclurdux, TX 750ssSS3, U. S.A.,?U 01-214-SS2-S42S guns, strip charges or jet cutters.

Abstract Operational Details

Perforating and pipe recovery operations performed with Depth Control. Depth correlation is required for ~rforating
coiled tubing provide logistical and technical advantages in and pipe recovery operations. Several methods are used
cenain situations. Conventional tubing conveyed firing head which include a tubing profile locator that can be run in
adapters have been redesigned to be conveyed by this method conjunction with the perforating assembly. Also a memory
which is activated by coiled tubing pressure. Summary GR/CCL or drift nozzle can be run to locate a tubing profile
results are presented fkom 26 different operations performed at a known depth which requires an additional coiled tubing
within Trinidad. Horizontal and highly deviated wells can well entry before perforating. Typically, a stripe is painted on
benefit from WIS option when electric line methods may be the coil when an additional trip is made and can be used to
limited due to hole angle or dog leg severity. Depth control is corroborate the depth. It should be noted that elongation of
addressed by means of a correlation run or use of profile the coil can occur during successive tips that CQuk!be as
location mechanisms which can be incorporated in the much as 2 in. per 1000 tl. based on field results’.
pertiorating assembly. A review of pressure deployment Wellbore Trajectory Roblenw
systems is provided for thru-tubing un&rbalance perforating Deviation. Field experience indicates that 70 degree hole
of long sections. This system has added value to the angle is the upper limit for electric line conveyance of
production operator by minimizing space constraints of perforating guns in wells with a kick off point of 3000 ft. and
offshore platforms and limiting additional equipment needed a 9000 ft target zone. However, Iowr bok angks with
for remote hxations. higher departure may decrease the electric Iine access
threshold to as low as 60 degrees due to frictional weight 10ss.
Deviations above 70 degrees will require coiled tubing to
Introduction reach the target depth for most situations.
A hydraulic style detonation mechanism is activated by the Corkscrewed tubing or Wellbore Irregularities. Completion
combination of applied coiled tubing pressure and hydrostatic practices which result in corkscrewed tubing can also limit
pressure (Fig. 1). As pressurein the coil increases to the the ability of electric line from reaching the objective. C&d
shear stud value, a piston is driven into the initiator which tubing entry in this environment requires extrenM cautionto
detonates the charge. Depending on job conditions, the firing prevent becoming stuckdue to friction between the coil and
head can be equipped with a circulating port after detonation, production tubing which may not be apparent ffom wirelti
or it can remain a closed system which prevents fluid loss to drift runs. However, the mechanical advantage of higher pull
the wellbore and formation. For the closed system a tubing and slackoff weight capability can enable coiled tubing
ecaweyed perforating assemblies to safely work past some


restrictions. Polymer additives tothefluid system eanbe used unable to get to the target depth due to eonksermd tubing or
to redum the eoeftkient of friclion in rnazginat cases unidentifkd wellbore obstmcdons. A 2.5 in. diameter, 30 ft.
Orientation. long perforating gun was deployed in a 50 degree angte well
Spflfirrl Orientation. Spatiat orientation can be used with of an offsho~ platform. That operationwas conveyedwith
perforating assemblies that do not necessarily require the 1.5 in. diameter eailed tubing to help negotiate past tight
perforation ports to be against the pipe wall as in the ease of a spots in the tubingkasing and to minimh the logistka of
tubing punch. In this method, the gun orientation is fixed at equipment transfer on Ioeation. Depth correlation fw the
surface based on the azimuth of wellbore trajectory at the perforating assembly was a gauge run to a tubing profite to
target dcplh. A directional SUIVeyline representing the mark the eoit within 500’ of the target interval.
target interval should be physically drawn from the wellhead %zssure tedng. The firing head adapter components are
10 facilitate alignment of “the gun. This has been effective pressure tested when assembled. Safety considerations of the
with 180 degree phased hollow steel carriers to establish detonation device require that the bottom hole assembly be
paforations in the horizontal axis of a wellbore. The pressure tested to 10% of the shear stud vatue after stabbing
advantage of this type of orientation would be for situations the coiled tubing injector head.
when the length and weight of the pxfomting assembly
cnnnot be rolled with a magnet.
Alagnefic Decentralization. This can be accomplished with a Appendix
swivel designed to roklte with (he force of a magnet to roll the
gun. Sinec the firing head is a pressure dependent device, it The following cateulations are provided to illustrate the
requires that a seal be preserved in the swivel sub which ean design steps for shear activation pressure of the hydraulic
inhibit free fotation in conventional equipment. A sealed firing head used in conjunction with a tubing pressure-
bearing assembly is used to provide free rotation to orient the activated hydraulic disconnect. For this case, it is assumed
gun with a magnetic dcccntralizer. A surface trial of the that the assembly does not provide for a circulation path tier
bottom hole assembly should be performed to insure the detonation.
magnet strength is sufficient to offset the friction induced by a
swivel sub. Assume the following
.$’hock,-ibsorbers. Moderate length lxrforating assemblies up Reservoir depth ........................................... 8000’ TvDss
10 3(Y with total charge weight of 1320 grams have been Reservoir pressure ...................................... 1660 psi
successfully deployed on 1.5” OD eoihxl tubing without use of Desired perforating underbatanee ............... 500 psi
a shock absmber. Grapple soil connectors should be Desired CT pressure for TCP detonation ....500 psi
supplemented with set screws for reinforcement. Wellbore fluid ............................................. 8.5 ppg brine
Pressure Deployment Perforating assemblies longer than
30’ are usurdly considered to be too long to safely manage in a
single operation. However, the effeet of underbalanee is hat
in a situation of repetitive gun runs to perforate the entire
intcmal. A system of Ioekdowrr rams and remote-aetuated
connections can be utilized to convey perforating assemblies
of any lengthl. By conveying the guns in a singte trip, the
benefits of underbalance perforating will be preacrved for
long intervals. A deployment stack is required that is fitted
with specialized rams to centralize and support the weight of
the assembly for each eonnedion. Additional block valves
are incorporated to the riser to isolate and bleed preaaure afker
a connection is made. Each snaploek connection is a
combination of meehanicat eomeetion and a sated pressure
barrier with an interrud charge to propagate the detonation
from one gun to the next.

Field Resutts
Summary. Twenty-five operations in Trinidad have utilized
1 in. diameter coiled tubing to deploy tubing punches and jet
cutters which were activated with a hydraulic firing heed
assembly. Initiat attempts made with eleetric line were

SPE 3S137 CoHd TutIIWConwyut Pwfomung

in x2.54 E+ f)o=cm
Pressure Calculation for TCP Gun Detonation: ft3 x2.831685 E -02 =m’
pDm= Pm + Pmm psi x6.894 757 E+ofJ=kps
=5OO + (8000’ ● .052 ● 8.5 ppg) Ibm x4.535 924 E-01 =kg
= 4035 psi
With 500 psi applied to the coiled tubing the hydraulic firing
head will detonate at an absolute pressure of4035 psi. References
1. Rolovic,R., Tipton, S.: “EhmgstiooMechardsarsirrCoiled
Pressure Calculation for TubinE Pressure-Activat@ Tubing’, Pmented at the 4th Annusl World Oil Coiled Tubii
HvdraulicDisconnect Shear Value: Conference Houston, Texq March, 19%
Use 20’%safety iiwtor for hydraulic discomect.
2. Pelling, R., ~ P.: “TCPPerfbrstirrgon Coiled Tubing Using
PDISC = 1,2 ● PDm= 4840 psi
a Pressure Deployment System”, Presented at the 3rd Aru3usl
Pm= Polsc - PcrnyD- PT3mJ World Oil Coiled Tubing Confimmw, Hooskm, Texax March,
= 4840 psi - [( S000’ “ .052 “ 8,5 ppg)-(2S95’● .052 ● 8.5 ppg)] I 995.
= 2450 psi
Approximately 2450 psi will be applied to the coiled tubing to
shear release the hydraulic disconnect.

Conclusions Sd.scmv
1. A hydraulic firing head can be used to reliably detonate
perforating assemblies conveyed with coiled tubing.
2. Logistical problems of space constrained offshore
platforms and remote locations can be minimized by use
of this technolo~.
3. Depth control can be performed with a memory GR/CCL
Sh9u stud
in the absence of a tubing profile near the target interval.
4. This system can be used to provide mechanical advantage
to reach the target intend that would not othenvise be
capable with electric line methods.

Fii PhlOn
Nomenclature w~
fl = Jeet
TVD = total vertical depth FkIOn HLw@ng

OD = outside diameter
ID = inside diameter
EMW = equivalent mud weight
bop = blow out preventer
Fiho Ph
psi = pounds (ibm) per square inch
bpm = barrels per minute hlns!of, CP
FSW = jiltered sea water
bbls = barrels
ppg = ~un~ flbm) per gall~
Pa= Coiled Tubing pressure, psi
PCIIWD= Hyakostatic pressure ofcoiled tubing column, psi
Pmn = H@astaticpressure of tubing column, psi
PDm = Presswre required to detonate firing head, psi
P~SC= Dlferentialpressure

S1Metric Conversion Factors

to shear the disconnect, psi

FblriE S@I

bbl x1.589 873 E -01 =m3

Figure 1
h x3.048 E-01 =m

Author Company Address SPE # Date of Birth
Christopher Tucker Wireline PO Box 3441 N/A Jllly 27, 1950
Cabral Services La Romaine,
Trinidad, W. 1.
Walter Crow Tucker Pumping PO Box 109 051268-1 December 20, 1957
Sewices San Fernando,
Trinidad. W. 1.


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