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PO174080 DOI: 10.

2118/174080-PA Date: 19-November-15 Stage: Page: 312 Total Pages: 9

Reverse Cleanout in a Geothermal Well:

Analysis of a Failed Coiled-Tubing
T. Reinsch, S. Regenspurg, E. Feldbusch, A. Saadat, E. Huenges, K. Erbas, G. Zimmermann, and
J. Henninges, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Summary gel/proppant stimulations in the sandstone layers (Zimmermann

During the production of geothermal brine from a production well and Reinicke 2010). The weakest formation, the lower sandstone
in Grob Schönebeck, Germany, an obstruction was observed unit, has a leakoff pressure of 522 bar (Zimmermann and Reinicke
when logging the reservoir interval of the well. Several bailer 2010; Zimmermann et al. 2010, 2011). To further increase the
runs were performed to identify the cause, and it was discovered productivity of the well, eight additional intervals were perforated
that mainly loose precipitates and fragments of coating from the (Fig. 1), and the formation was treated with 10 m3 of 7.5% hydro-
production tubing were obstructing the well. To remove the fill chloric acid to dissolve remaining marble from the drilling mud
from of the well, a reverse-cleanout operation with coiled tubing (Zimmermann et al. 2011).
was performed. Because of wellbore restrictions, particle size, A simplified completion of the production well is displayed
and the rheology of the fill, only a small portion of the obstruction in Fig. 1. The wellbore has a storage volume of approximately
could be removed. This paper describes the coiled-tubing opera- 237 m3; it was filled with approximately 210 m3 of formation fluid
tion and the application of a simple hydraulic model to explain before the CT operation in November 2012. The pressure rating
possible reasons for failing to effectively clean out the well. of the weakest component at the wellhead—the feedthrough for
the power cable—was 70 bar at room temperature (Fig. 2).
To produce thermal water, an electrical submersible pump
Introduction (ESP) was installed at the tip of the production tubing at a depth
To reduce climate-gas emissions, geothermal energy can play an of approximately 1200 m. To allow for logging after installation
important role in the future energy supply (Sims et al. 2007). For of the ESP, the production string was equipped with a Y-tool. A
a sustainable and economic provision of geothermal energy, how- monitoring tubing (27/8-in. inside diameter) was also installed par-
ever, the lifetime of a geothermal well must be sufficiently long. allel to the ESP, which was mounted at the bypass position of the
Therefore, remedial operations such as wellbore cleanout must be Y-tool. By use of this bypass, static- and production-logging cam-
properly engineered and considered in the design and construction paigns could be performed (Henninges et al. 2012). To account
phase of wells. Typically, geothermal wells have a larger diameter for the highly saline, and therefore aggressive, geothermal fluid,
than oil and gas wells. Because of low fluid velocities, a wellbore the production tubing (steel grade J55) was coated internally with
cleanout that uses coiled-tubing (CT) equipment is only feasible a special epoxy resin (Tuboscope TK-236). On the outside, the
when applying reverse circulation, during which fluid is injected tubing was partly coated (Tuboscope TK-216) [see, for example,
into the annulus and returned through the CT. Here, a case study Spohler (2009)].
of a CT operation is presented for the geothermal research site in Over time, several circulation tests were performed to estab-
Grob Schönebeck, Germany. lish a continuous operation of the doublet system. During these
The Grob Schönebeck site is located approximately 50 km tests, different logging runs were performed. The logs revealed a
north of Berlin, Germany, and serves to investigate, understand, displacement of the wireline accessible depth (AD) from initially
and optimize all steps related to the sustainable provision of geo- 4358 to 4116 m. Fig. 3 shows the evolution of the AD vs. the pro-
thermal energy from a deep sedimentary basin (Frick et al. 2011). duced-fluid volume and the position of the stimulated reservoir
At the site, two deep wells were completed as a geothermal dou- intervals. To investigate the nature of the wellbore fill, bailer sam-
blet system for producing and injecting thermal water. ples were collected and analyzed. The samples consisted mainly
An abandoned gas-exploration well (E GrSk 3/90), deepened of native copper (50%), barite, laurionite, and different iron min-
to a measured depth (MD) of 4309 m in 2001, serves as an injec- erals, with an average particle size in the range of 0.2 to 2 mm,
tion well, whereas the production well Gt GrSk 4/05 (A2) was similar to that of medium to coarse sand. A few copper particles
drilled as a geothermal well down to 4400 m in 2006. The produc- with a diameter of up to 1 cm were observed (Regenspurg et al.
tion well is deviated by up to 48 with a kickoff point (KOP) at 2015). Furthermore, coating fragments from the production tub-
2780 m. Within the geothermal reservoir, the horizontal distance ing, consisting of an epoxy resin, were found with a length of up
between the two wells is approximately 475 m. to 10 cm. Such coating fragments were also observed in the sur-
In the production well, the reservoir is located at a depth of face installations of the thermal-water loop. A camera inspection
4100 to 4400 m in the Lower Permian of the northeast German of the production tubing revealed severe damage to the coating
basin, with temperature of 145 C and pressure of 436 bar at 4300- layer along different pipe segments.
m MD [approximately 4200-m true vertical depth (TVD)]. The To clean the wellbore without pulling the ESP, it was decided
fluid salinity is 260 to 265 g/L (Wolfgramm et al. 2003). Volcanic to perform a CT operation and access the well through the moni-
rocks are covered by a Rotliegend siliciclastic sequence that
toring bypass. Because of the large wellbore diameter, a regular
ranges from conglomerates to fine-grained sandstones (Breitkreuz cleanout was not possible (forward circulation through the CT).
and Kennedy 1999; Holl et al. 2005; Zimmermann et al. 2011).
Fluid velocities in the annulus would have been much lower
The well was cased down to 4389 m and subsequently perforated than settling velocities. A reverse cleanout was therefore elected.
to allow for three different stimulation treatments. A massive Fig. 4 shows the calculated settling velocities for spheres with dif-
water stimulation was performed in the volcanic rocks and two
ferent sizes and densities together with the flow rates necessary to
ensure the ascent of these spheres during reverse circulation
Copyright V
C 2015 Society of Petroleum Engineers through a 2-in. CT. Larger copper aggregates with a density of
Original SPE manuscript received for review 30 April 2014. Revised manuscript received for
8900 kg/m3 require a very high flow rate to be transported out of
review 16 December 2014. Paper (SPE 174080) peer approved 16 December 2014. the well. For the calculation, a worst-case scenario has been

312 November 2015 SPE Production & Operations

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PO174080 DOI: 10.2118/174080-PA Date: 19-November-15 Stage: Page: 313 Total Pages: 9

Production Well path
18 5/8-in.
string Perforation/Open hole
41/2-in. 16-in. 741.2 m Stimulation treatment

ESP –4000
tubing 1200 m Upper Permian
(Hannover formation)

Depth (mTVD)
Upper Permian
13 3/8-in. (Dethlingen formation)

2381.5 m

KOP 2780 m
–4200 Upper Permian
1.5°/10 m (Havel formation)
Lower Permian
7-in. (Andesites)

3878 m –4300
Total Depth 300 400 500 600 700
4400.4 m 4389 m Vertical Section (m)

Fig. 1—Simplified wellbore completion of the geothermal production well Gt GrSk 4/05 (A2).

assumed. From all particle shapes observed in the bailer samples, assumed to be lower because cold water is pumped into the annu-
a sphere was assumed to have the highest settling velocity. Fur- lus. The viscosity of water at lower temperatures is higher, resulting
thermore, the calculation was performed for pure water at 100 C. in a lower settling velocity. Exchanging pure water with formation
The average temperature along the CT during the cleanout is fluid would lead to a further viscosity increase and, therefore, a ve-
locity decrease. For the necessary fluid velocity during the clean-
1 out, we chose a safety factor of two to ensure the ascent of all
particles. For the reverse circulation, the pressure rating of the well-
1 head equipment and the inner diameter of the monitoring bypass
display the largest operational constraints; 70 bar for the inlet of
the power cable limited the possible flow velocity along the CT.
1 Despite the limitations mentioned in the preceding, the clean-
out operation was performed between 26 November 2012 and 6
1 December 2012. Although planned thoroughly, the CT operation
failed to remove all the solids from the well. This paper provides
Power cable a description of that operation. It also shows how a simple hydrau-
lic model can be used to identify the processes responsible for the
failure to clean out the wellbore properly.

2. Gel/proppant fracture

3 3
3 3 3 4200 1. Gel/proppant fracture
MD (m)

4 4300
3 3
3 3

Water fracture

0 4000 8000 12 000 16 000 20 000
Fluid Volume (m3)
Fig. 2—Wellhead of Well Gt GrSk 4/05 (A2). The numbers indi-
cate the size and pressure ratings of the flanges: 1 5 DN100, Fig. 3—Evolution of the wireline AD vs. the cumulative pro-
PN160; 2 5 183/4 in., 5,000 psi; 3 5 21/16 in., 3,000 psi; 4 5 203/4 duced-fluid volume. The depth interval of each stimulated sec-
in., 3,000 psi; and 5 5 203/4 in., 5,000 psi. tion is indicated.

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3 F CT

10 000 kg/m3 z BHA

400 pW

8000 kg/m3

2X Settling Velocity
Required Flow Rate (L/min)
Settling Velocity (m/s)

2 3
6000 kg/m 300 pA BOP
4000 kg/m3
3000 kg/m3
2000 kg/m3 Pump

0 0
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1
Particle Diameter (m)

Fig. 4—Settling velocity for spheres of different densities and

particle diameters in pure water at 100º C [calculated after Bra-
uer and Sucker (1976) and Concha and Almendra (1979)]. The
required fluid-flow rate for reverse cleanout within a 2-in. CT is
displayed also.

Coiled-Tubing (CT) Operation
Preliminary Considerations. A simple nozzle (bullnose) at-
tached to a 2-in. CT was chosen to perform the reverse cleanout. Fig. 5—Schematic of setup for the CT operation. Individual
Detailed information about the CT can be found in Table 1. The data, observed at different points within the system, are indi-
bullnose was equipped with one central 16-mm hole and four 8- cated. Data indicated in bold characters were available in real
mm holes at an angle of 45 to the axis of the CT. Because the time; all other data were available at time intervals longer than
coating fragments and some of the copper particles found in the 30 minutes. For details, see text. Figure modified from Michel
bailer sample were larger than the holes of the bullnose, a high- et al. (2004).
pressure jetting-tool operation was planned to crush and mobilize
the larger components during a first run and to clean the perfora-
tions of the production liner.
Groundwater from a near-surface well was used as circulation The disposed fluid was a mixture of circulation fluid and for-
fluid for the cleanout. This bicarbonate-rich water was condi- mation fluid (brine). For the system circulation fluid/brine, a sim-
tioned to a pH of 4 by use of 15% hydrochloric acid (HCl) to pre- ple empirical correlation was established in the laboratory to
vent iron carbonate precipitation downhole. Furthermore, the fluid correlate fluid density and electrical conductivity for different volu-
was loaded with potassium chloride (KCl) to obtain a 4% solution metric ratios of fluid and brine (Fig. 6). The data were measured at
to prevent the formation clay minerals from swelling. ambient conditions and fitted to a third-order polynomial function:
Different data were acquired during the CT operation. A sim- q ¼ 0:000011813  r3  0:0021306
plified job setup is displayed in Fig. 5. At the reel, the CT pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð1Þ
 r2 þ 0:65769  r þ 996:01:
(pCT), flow rate (QCT), and depth (zBHA) of the bottomhole assem-
bly (BHA) were measured. The CT weight (FCT) was measured at Because electrical conductivity was easier to measure during the
the injector head and the wellhead-pressure ( pW) data were operation than density, the fluid density was calculated according
acquired at the blowout preventer (BOP). Additionally, the pres- to the relationship in Eq. 1.
sure in the annulus (pA) between the production string and the
casing was measured. To understand the hydraulic situation
within the CT during the reverse cleanout, the returned-fluid vol- Field Operation. The different stages of the intervention can be
ume was measured at the fluid disposal. Measurements of electri- summarized as follows:
cal conductivity (r), density (q), solid content (w), and the flow 1. Run in hole (RIH) with rotating high-pressure jetting nozzle.
rate of the disposed fluid ðQRCT Þ were performed. While data from 2. CT weight loss because of contact with fill at 4111 m.
the CT were available in real time throughout the intervention, 3. Reciprocate three times between that depth and 4170 m.
data from the fluid disposal were available only at time intervals 4. Pull out of hole (POOH) and redress to reverse-circulation
exceeding 30 minutes. nozzle.
5. RIH with reverse-circulation nozzle and implement for-
ward circulation until 4121 m.
6. Reverse circulation down to 4149 m, CT blocked, block-
Outer Nominal Minimum age removed by forward circulation.
Diameter Thickness Thickness Segment 7. Reverse circulation down to 4157.5 m.
(in.) (in.) (in.) Length (m)
8. CT blocked, blockage not removable by forward
2.000 0.134 0.128 903.86 circulation.
2.000 0.145 0.138 3828.29 9. POOH, blockage at the nozzle removed at surface.
2.000 0.156 0.148 1920.24 10. RIH and apply forward circulation down to 4165 m.
11. Unstable return-flow rate during reverse circulation at
Table 1—CT specification; thick-walled interval: uphole end; thin- 4100, 4050, 3900, and 3700 m.
walled interval: downhole end. 12. POOH and redress to rotating high-pressure jetting nozzle.

314 November 2015 SPE Production & Operations

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PO174080 DOI: 10.2118/174080-PA Date: 19-November-15 Stage: Page: 315 Total Pages: 9

1160 down to 4165 m. After pulling the CT to 4100 m, reverse circula-

tion started again. However, a stable return flow could not be
achieved. Only a rising annular-fluid table followed by a rapid
pressure buildup within the annulus was observed until circulation
stopped. The annular-pressure increase did not correlate with an
1120 increase of the return-flow rate. Changing again from reverse to
forward circulation led to an instant pressure release and a surge
of fluid being released.
Density (kg/m³)

A similar pressure buildup was observed at different depths

above the reservoir interval. The hydraulic behavior at 4050,
3900, and 3700 m was similar. A stable reverse circulation could
not be established. The operation was thus cancelled and the CT
pulled out of the hole. After POOH, small coating fragments were
found within the nozzle. The bullnose was replaced by a high-
1040 pressure jetting tool, and the perforated reservoir section was
stimulated with 5 m3 of HCl down to a depth of 4212 m.
To decrease the wellhead pressure at the end of the operation,
8 m3 of 25% KCl solution was placed within the uppermost 1000
m of the production string.
1000 In total, approximately 70 L of solids could be removed from
0 40 80 120 160 200 240 the well from the depth interval of 4111 to 4157.5 m. Within this
Electrical Conductivity (mS/cm) depth interval, the 5-in. liner has an internal volume of approxi-
mately 431 L. Assuming a homogeneous distribution of the solids,
Fig. 6—Correlation of density and electrical conductivity of the 16% of the liner was filled with solid particles.
system circulation fluid/brine for different volumetric ratios.
Hydraulic Model
3 To explain the processes responsible for the failure of the well
13. RIH. Acidizing with 5 m of 10% HCl from 4100 m down
cleanout, a simple 1D model that includes frictional pressure loss
to 4212 m.
was used to simulate the hydraulic situation during the coiled-
14. POOH and redress to reverse-circulation nozzle.
tubing (CT) operation (Fig. 8a). Besides the density of the fluid
15. RIH and place a saltwater pill within the production tubing
column within the annulus (qA) and within the CT (qCT), the well-
of 8 m3 25% KCl solution.
head pressure, the CT pressure, and the bottomhole pressure
Initially, the well was filled with approximately 210 m3 of forma-
(pBH) were considered. The pressure difference between the inside
tion fluid, with a density of approximately 1180 kg/m3 at surface
and the outside of the CT Dp defines the flow rate through the CT.
conditions. During the first CT run, the top of the wellbore fill
The frictional pressure loss within the CT and bottomhole assem-
was detected at a depth of 4111 m. The jetting tool was recipro-
bly (BHA), Dpf ¼ Dp, restricts the maximum flow rate. For over-
cated three times between that depth and 4170 m to crush large
balanced operation, this pressure difference can be expressed as
particles and mobilize the fill. Afterward, the CT was pulled out
of the hole, the bullnose was mounted to the CT, and the latter Dp ¼ pW þ ðqA  qCT Þ  g  zBHA : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð2Þ
was run back into the hole.
To establish a constant return-flow rate during reverse circula- For underbalanced operation, it is
tion, a large amount of the formation fluid within the well had to
be replaced. At wellhead pressures of up to 70 bar, only a small Dp ¼ pBH  qCT  g  zBHA ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð3Þ
return-flow rate could be established (much smaller than 150 L/
min). To keep the solid content within the CT low, a slow rate of where g is the gravity acceleration.
penetration (ROP) was chosen. At first, a small return of solids Fig. 8b shows the fluid-density distribution along the well for a
could be achieved with a return-flow rate of approximately 100 to wellbore filled with circulation fluid and brine during production
120 L/min. At the depth of 4149 m, a sudden annular-pressure (after Francke et al. 2013). The density model takes into account
increase was observed, indicating a CT blockage (Fig. 7). pressure, temperature, and the content of different salts. Dissolved
Whether the blockage occurred at the BHA or within the CT gas was neglected for this calculation. The difference between
cannot be determined. It was, however, removed after switching both densities is constant along the wellbore.
to forward circulation. After approximately 10 minutes, the circu- The frictional pressure loss was determined during forward-
lation was reversed again, and the CT was run slowly into the circulation tests. For different flow rates during forward circula-
well. At approximately 0300 hours on 1 December, the annular tion, QCT in L/min, the pressure increase at the inlet to the reel
pressure fell suddenly because of the breakthrough of circulation was measured. To determine the pressure loss, the pressure differ-
fluid along the CT. The annular pressure remained low until the ence between flowing and static conditions was calculated as
CT was blocked again at 4157.5 m. An attempt was made to Dpf (MPa) ¼ DpCT,flowing – DpCT,static. The correlation is shown in
remove the blockage with forward circulation through the CT; Fig. 9 and can be fitted by a power function:
however, the pressure within the CT rose quickly, indicating a
compaction of the debris. The CT had to be pulled out of the well Dpf ¼ Q1:832
CT  0:000548: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ð4Þ
and approximately 20 L of debris was removed and sampled from
the BHA. The debris predominantly consisted of copper, barite, The pressure loss is determined by the frictional pressure loss
and laurionite, as well as some fragments of coating from the pro- along the CT, the flow through the bullnose, and the frictional
duction tubing. Furthermore, pieces of a metal seal and some rub- pressure loss along the annulus. Because the annulus is rather
ber parts were found. A combination of high solid content and large compared with the diameter of the CT, the contribution of
anthropogenic components is assumed to be responsible for this the latter is small. It is known that friction along the CT is differ-
blockage. While trying to remove the blockage during forward ent for the straight and coiled part of the CT. The pressure/flow-
circulation, pieces of the metal seal were forced against the noz- rate correlation was established while running the CT into the
zles of the BHA, and the solids were compacted within the BHA. well. Therefore, one part of the CT was on the reel, and the other
After cleaning the CT, a subsequent run was performed. To part was straight. At similar flow rates, pressure data were
decrease the portion of sediments per length of liner for the depth acquired at different depths from 1500 to 4000 m. The measured
where the CT was blocked, forward circulation was established pressure loss for similar flow rates at different depths, however,

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1200 6

Solid Content (%)


Density (kg/m³)
1080 Density of returned fluid
Solid-content of returned fluid
1040 0.4
400 0
Flow rate 4400

Measured Depth (m)

Flow Rate (L/min)

300 Depth

200 4000

Pumped volume
200 Returned volume
Volume (m³)


20 CT pressure
Wellhead Pressure
Pressure RR
Pressure (MPa)


































Fig. 7—Hydraulic situation during CT operation. Top: Density of the returned fluid together with the solid content of the returned
fluid. The marks indicate the different measurements. Upper Middle: Flow rate together with the measured depth of the CT. Lower
Middle: Total pumped- and returned-fluid volume. Bottom: Annular, CT, and wellhead pressures. CT blockages are indicated with

was not significantly affected by a change of the straight length. be made for the density of the fluid column within the annulus
The correlation displayed in Fig. 9 shows a good fit of the entire outside the CT. Here, a simple linear mixing law has been
data set. assumed for pumping circulation fluid with an average calculated
density of 1025 kg/m3 and brine with a density of 1180 kg/m3
(Francke et al. 2013).
Validation. To validate the hydraulic model, the density of the
returned fluid was calculated on the basis of a 30-minute average
of the return-flow rate, taking into account the measured solid Results. Fig. 10 shows the fluid density calculated from Eq. 1
content (Eqs. 2 and 4). The density difference between the inside with that evaluated from the simulation described in the preced-
and the outside of the CT, together with wellhead and CT pres- ing. According to the simulation, the correlation between calcu-
sure, determines the pressure difference at zBHA available to gen- lated density and measured density is reasonable for the available
erate a return-flow rate. For the calculation, an assumption has to data. Not only is the absolute value similar, but the trend of lower

316 November 2015 SPE Production & Operations

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(a) pCT

(b) Density (kg/m3) Temperature (°C)
900 1000 1100 1200 40 80 120 160


pA pCT


Measured Depth (m)




5000 Brine


Fig. 8—(a) Hydraulic model for the simulation of the CT operation. Input pressure data and the density of the fluid column are indi-
cated. (b) Comparison of fluid temperatures and densities at different depths for circulation and formation fluid (after Francke
et al. 2013).

density values on 30 November at 1300 hours and 1 December at higher than expected for brine, although the measured solid con-
1400 hours could also be reproduced. Right after times of forward tent is low, and the CT should be filled with circulation fluid right
circulation, only circulation fluid was filling the CT. Therefore, after periods of forward circulation.
the calculated density is lower until the CT filled with brine dur-
ing reverse circulation. Even the large solid load on 2 December
at approximately 0300 hours can be reproduced by the calcula- Discussion
tion. For later times, however, the calculated density is much Coiled-Tubing (CT) Operation. Michel et al. (2004) provide a
checklist of actions to be taken to perform a reverse-cleanout
operation safely. Although it attempted to meet the required pre-
requisites, the CT operation failed to remove all solids from the
100 wellbore. The operation at the Grob Schönebeck site was opti-
mized for a high return-flow rate within the limits authorized by
the pressure rating of the wellhead. The fluid flow from the CT to
the fluid disposal was not choked, resulting in a pressure reading
Pressure Increase at CT (MPa)

of zero within the surface fluid system at most times. A pressure

Δpf = QCT 1.8320.000548 drop within the return flow, considered as an important parameter
10 by Michel et al. (2004), could therefore hardly be detected. After
review of the field data, the failure can be explained with a simple
hydraulic assumption. Two main reasons have to be considered to
explain that failure—the type of debris and the pressure rating of
the wellhead.
From bailer samples collected before the CT operation, it was
known that the solids filling the wellbore consisted mainly of cop-
per, laurionite, and barite. Furthermore, coating fragments from
the production tubing were found. Because the density of the dif-
ferent mineral components of the solids is high, the established
flow rates during reverse circulation were rather low compared
with the settling velocity of individual minerals (Fig. 4).
The use of a high-pressure jetting tool to break individual coat-
0.1 ing fragments did not prove to be successful. Within the material
10 100 1000 blocking the CT on 1 December, coating fragments significantly
Flow Rate (L/min) larger than the nozzle size of the bottomhole assembly (BHA)
were found. Furthermore, fragments larger than the 8-mm nozzles
Fig. 9—Pressure increase for different flow rates during forward were found within the BHA after several attempts of reverse cir-
circulation. culation and pull out of hole (POOH) on 2 December. Although

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PO174080 DOI: 10.2118/174080-PA Date: 19-November-15 Stage: Page: 318 Total Pages: 9

1300 using a simple volumetric average to calculate the fluid density

within the wellbore, the different casing diameters were not con-
sidered for calculating the bottomhole pressure. The large-diame-
ter casing below the production string was filled at a much-slower
rate than the casing strings below. The calculated average pres-
sure difference between the inside and outside of the BHA, there-
fore, does change faster at the start of reverse circulation and
Density (kg/m3)

slower at the end, when almost filled completely with circulation

fluid. Another uncertainty is introduced by the circulation fluid
1100 volume injected into the well at different depths during forward
circulation. Therefore, the assumed average density outside the
CT might be underestimated.
The observed breakthrough of the circulation fluid during
Measured reverse circulation occurred after approximately 160 m3 of fluid
Calculated was injected into the annulus between the CT and production
string. With a wellbore volume of approximately 120 m3 below the
production tubing and lifting the fluid column in the annulus
behind the production tubing by approximately 220 m, correspond-
900 ing to a volume of approximately 22 m3 and considering some fluid
loss into the formation, both values are in good agreement.

/1 00



It has to be noted that the returned fluid-volume measurement



/1 1:


is underestimated (see Fig. 7). At certain times, the fluid-disposal

12 /12








tank used to meter the returned volume had to be emptied. During







this time, a measurement was not possible. Therefore, the meas-

Date/Time ured cumulative liquid volume is lower than the actual returned-
liquid volume. Because a lower return-flow rate leads to a higher
Fig. 10—Comparison of measured and calculated density of the calculated density, real density values should be lower. Compar-
returned fluid.
ing the cumulative volume from metering the tank with data from
the fluid-disposal contractor, the metered volume is approxi-
larger mineral aggregates were found within the bailer samples, mately 25% lower than the disposed volume over the entire
only minerals of a small grain size were observed during the CT CT operation.
operation. It can therefore be assumed that larger aggregates were For the first 2 days, calculated and measured density within
either crushed successfully by the jetting tool or the fluid drag at the CT were in good agreement. At later times, however, the cal-
the BHA was not sufficient to mobilize those solids. culated density is much higher, although reverse circulation was
At the time of the first blockage on 1 December, the well was performed at different depths. An elevated solid load within the
filled completely with circulation fluid. Releasing the wellhead CT can account for the higher density. It is unlikely, however,
pressure to POOH allowed formation fluid to enter the well until that heavy solids are floating at all different depths. A possible ex-
balanced conditions were established. After run in hole (RIH) on planation would be a partial blockage of the BHA from the out-
1 December and filling the CT with circulation fluid, the well- side. This would lead to a higher pressure loss and less returned
head pressure increased during the subsequent reverse-circulation fluid, resulting in a higher calculated density.
tests and did not correlate with an increased return-flow rate. The
pressure rating of the wellhead, however, limited the allowable
annular pressure, and therefore the return-flow rate, during the Summary and Conclusions
CT operation. Because the density contrast of circulation fluid During the production of thermal fluid from geothermal Well Gt
and brine was significant (Fig. 8b), the available pressure differ- GrSk 4/05 (A2) in Grob Schönebeck, different minerals precipi-
ence to establish a high flow rate through the CT was rather low tated and filled the reservoir interval. Apart from precipitates,
(Eq. 2). Therefore, the reason for unstable return conditions coating fragments from the production string were found within
might be twofold. First, high-density brine might have entered the wellbore. To remove the solids, a reverse-cleanout operation
the CT, increasing the density and decreasing the return-flow with coiled tubing (CT) was performed. The first stage was crush-
rate. Density measurements of the returned fluid from the CT, ing larger components of the fill with a high-pressure jetting tool.
however, did not show high density values. Because only very Afterward, the solids were to be removed with reverse circulation
few samples have been collected, the density effect might be through the CT.
underestimated. Second, solids might have blocked the nozzles The field experience indicates that the coating fragments did
from the outside during reverse circulation. Solids blocking the not sufficiently break at jetting conditions, although a yard test
nozzles at 4100, 4050, 3900, and 3700 m depth could be should be performed to prove this hypothesis. Results from a sim-
explained by floating coating fragments that either have been ple 1D hydraulic model suggest that large coating fragments
mobilized from the bottom of the well during forward circulation might be the main reason for failure to remove all solids from the
or transported from the production string by running the CT into well. The results further indicate that from the useful actions men-
the well. A video inspection of the production tubing after the tioned in Michel et al. (2004), monitoring and modeling should be
CT operation, however, did not show any effect of the CT opera- given a very high priority. Apart from mechanical (e.g., tension)
tion on the coated tubing. and geometric (e.g., length) properties of the CT itself, fluid pa-
rameters have to be properly monitored in real time throughout
Hydraulic Model. By use of the pressure increase during for- the intervention. With a maximum pressure rating of 70 bar at the
ward circulation, the frictional pressure loss has been estimated wellhead, the opportunity to choke the return flow to create a rea-
for different flow rates (Fig. 9). The pressure loss has been fitted sonable pressure reading at the surface was neglected for the sake
to a power function with an exponent of 1.832. For a Newtonian of highest-possible fluid-flow rates within the CT. Having fluid
fluid, the frictional pressure loss within a straight pipe is propor- pressures, densities, cutting load, and flow rates available in real
tional to the square of the fluid velocity (Çengel 2002). For this time, a simple hydraulic model can be applied to better evaluate
work, the circulation fluid is assumed to behave like a Newtonian the conditions downhole. An automated system for evaluating the
fluid because the solid concentration during the operation is rather hydraulic situation, as available for the mechanical properties of
low. The obtained correlation is therefore realistic and should be the CT, can help to optimize the performance of a reverse-clean-
independent of the flow direction (forward and reverse). When out operation.

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From the recommendations given in Michel et al. (2004) to- References

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• Flow rate at the fluid disposal QRCT erous/Permian Boundary in the Ne German Basin Revealed by Shrimp
• Pressure of the return fluid pCT (fluid flow should be choked) Zircon Ages. Tectonophysics 302 (34): 307–326.
• Density of the return fluid q (or any other parameter related 10.1016/S0040-1951(98)00293-5.
to fluid density) Çengel, Y. 2002. Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach, second edition. New
• Depth of the BHA zBHA York: McGraw-Hill Series in Mechanical Engineering, McGraw-Hill.
• Wellhead pressure pW Concha, F. and Almendra, E.R. 1979. Settling Velocities of Particulate
• Solid content w Systems, 1. Settling Velocities of Individual Spherical Particles. Int.
• Rate of penetration (to calculate the maximum solid load) J. Miner. Process. 5 (4): 349–367.
To quantify the frictional pressure loss for the specific experimen- 7516(79)90044-9.
tal setup at the desired depth, it is further recommended to per- Francke, H., Kraume, M., and Saadat, A. 2013. Thermal–Hydraulic Meas-
form forward-circulation tests at different flow rates. urements and Modelling of the Brine Circuit in a Geothermal Well.
From the results obtained in Grob Schönebeck, it can be con- Environ Earth Sci 70 (8): 3481–3495.
cluded that the CT dimensions offered to operate under the condi- s12665-013-2612-8.
tions found in Well Gt GrSk 4/05 (A2) were not sufficient to Frick, S., Regenspurg, S., Kranz, S. et al. 2011. Geochemical and Process
clean out the wellbore. Consequently, a workover rig has to be Engineering Challenges for Geothermal Power Generation. Chem. Ing.
mobilized and the production string has to be pulled out of hole to Tech. 83 (12): 2093–2104.
clean the wellbore. Henninges, J., Brandt, W., Erbas, K. et al. 2012. Downhole Monitoring Dur-
ing Hydraulic Experiments at the in-Situ Geothermal Lab Gross Schöne-
beck. Proc., 37th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering,
Stanford, California, USA, 30 January–1 February, SGP-TR-194. http://
F ¼ weight, mL/t2, N Holl, H.-G., Moeck, I., and Schandelmeier, H. 2005. Characterisation of the
FCT ¼ weight of the CT, mL/t2, N Tectono-Sedimentary Evolution of a Geothermal Reservoir – Implica-
g ¼ gravity acceleration, L/t2, m/s2 tions for Exploitation (Southern Permian Basin, NE Germany). Proc.,
pA ¼ annular pressure, m/(Lt2), Pa World Geothermal Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 24–29 April. http://
pBH ¼ bottomhole pressure, m/(Lt2), Pa
pCT ¼ pressure at the CT, m/(Lt2), Pa Michel, C., Stephens, R., Smith, D. et al. 2004. Reverse Circulation with
pW ¼ wellhead pressure, m/(Lt2), Pa Coiled Tubing – Results of 1600þ Jobs. Presented at the SPE/ICoTA
QCT ¼ flow rate at the CT, V/t, L/min Coiled Tubing Conference and Exhibition, Houston, 23–24 March.
QRCT ¼ flow rate of the disposed fluid, V/t, L/min SPE-89505-MS.
w ¼ solid content, unitless Regenspurg, S., Feldbusch, W., Byrne, J. et al. 2015. Mineral precipitation
zBHA ¼ depth of the BHA, L, m during production of geothermal fluid from a Permian Rotliegend reser-
Dp ¼ pressure difference inside and outside the coiled tubing voir. Geothermics 54: 122–135.
(CT) at the bottomhole assembly (BHA), m/(Lt2), Pa 2015.01.003.
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qA ¼ density of fluid in the annulus, m/L3, kg/m3 Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergov-
qCT ¼ density of fluid in the CT, m/L3, kg/m3 ernmental Panel on Climate Change, Chap. 4, 251–322. Cambrigde,
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Proc., Der Geothermiekongress.
Acknowledgments Wolfgramm, M., Seibt, A., Hurter, S. et al. 2003. Origin of Geothermal
This work has been performed within the framework of the pro- Fluids of Permo-Carboniferous Rocks In the NE German Basin (NE
ject “Sustainable Production and Injection of Thermal Water Germany). J. Geochem. Explor. 78–79 (May 2003): 127–131. http://
From the Deep Sedimentary Reservoir of Grob Schönebeck” and
funded by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Na- Zimmermann, G. and Reinicke, A. 2010. Hydraulic Stimulation of a Deep
ture Conservation and Nuclear Safety [BMU, FKZ0325088]. The Sandstone Reservoir to Develop an Enhanced Geothermal System:
authors would like to thank C. Rach, A. Kratz, and T. Becker for Laboratory and Field Experiments. Geothermics 39 (1): 70–77. http://
technical support on-site, and M. Poser, J. Schrötter, and C.
Cunow for their preparations before the coiled-tubing operation. Zimmermann, G., Blöcher, G., Reinicke, A. et al. 2011. Rock Specific
Furthermore, the authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers Hydraulic Fracturing and Matrix Acidizing to Enhance a Geothermal
for their efforts to significantly improve this paper. System — Concepts and Field Results. Tectonophysics 503 (1–2):
Zimmermann, G., Moeck, I., and Blöcher, G. 2010. Cyclic Waterfrac
Stimulation to Develop an Enhanced Geothermal System (Egs)—Con-
ceptual Design and Experimental Results. Geothermics 39 (1): 59–69.
Measure Metric Unit Oilfield Unit
Pressure 1 Pa 1.450 10–4 psi
Length 1m 3.281 ft Conversion Factors
Flow Rate 1 L/min 2.642 10–1 US gal/min
See Table 2 for conversion of metric units to oilfield units.
Density 1 kg/m3 6.243 10–2 lbm/ft3
Volume 1 m3 3.531 101 ft3
Thomas Reinsch is a research scientist at the GFZ German
Table 2—Conversion of metric unit to oilfield unit. Research Centre for Geosciences. He holds diploma degrees

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in physics and geology from University of Cologne and a PhD PhD degree in geophysics from the Technische Universität
degree in petroleum engineering from the Clausthal University Berlin.
of Technology.
Jan Henninges is a research scientist at GFZ German
Simona Regenspurg is a research scientist at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. He holds a diploma
Research Centre for Geosciences. She holds a diploma degree in geology from the University of Tübingen and a PhD
degree in hydrogeology from Ludwig Maximilian University, degree in applied geophysics from the Technische Universität
Munich, and a PhD degree in hydrology from the University of Berlin.
Günter Zimmermann is a research scientist at GFZ German
Elvira Feldbusch is a PhD degree student at GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences and a professor at the Tech-
Research Centre for Geosciences. She holds a diploma nische Universität Berlin. He holds a diploma degree in physics
degree in chemistry from the University of Potsdam. from the University of Bonn and a PhD degree in geophysics
Ali Saadat is research scientist at GFZ German Research from the Technische Universität Berlin.
Centre for Geosciences. He holds a diploma degree and a
Ernst Huenges is head of the International Geothermal
PhD degree in mechanical engineering from the Technische
Research Centre at GFZ German Research Centre for Geo-
Universität Berlin.
sciences and professor at the Technische Universität Berlin. He
Kemal Erbas is a research scientist at GFZ German Research holds a diploma degree in physics and geology and a PhD
Centre for Geosciences. He holds a diploma degree and a degree in rock physics from the University of Bonn.

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