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Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53

Green Cities 2018

Green Cities 2018
Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan – current situation of the city of
Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan – current situation of the city of
Poznań a
Marcin Foltyńskia*
Marcin Foltyński *
Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Estkowskiego 6, Poznań 61-755, Poland
Institute of Logistics and Warehousing, Estkowskiego 6, Poznań 61-755, Poland

Findings coming from many research projects focused on city logistics (SUGAR, BESTFACT, BESTUFS, ENCLOSE, etc.)
show not coming
Findings only a great
from need
manyfor appropriate
research datafocused
projects collectionon (statistical,
city logistics dynamic)
allows to specify cargo ENCLOSE,
BESTUFS, flow rate andetc.)its
show not but
onlyalso for drawing
a great need fortheappropriate
correct conclusion from the
data collection data (datadynamic)
(statistical, acquisitionthatand analysis).
allows Collection
to specify cargoofflow
rate and its
data is a but
direction basis forfor
also creating
drawing strategic plansconclusion
the correct of logisticfrom
and the
data development,
(data acquisitionintroduce stimulusCollection
and analysis). mechanism and confine to
of comprehensive
data is aways
basisofforacting at thestrategic
creating local level. This
plans of paper aims
logistic andto spatial
and discuss the result of stimulus
introduce survey carried out within
mechanism and the area of
confine to
the City of
selected waysPoznan among
of acting economic
at the entities
local level. Thisconducting
paper aimseconomic
to presentactivity withinthe
and discuss itsresult
area. of
The goal of
survey the survey
carried was to
out within theestimate
area of
and City
the understand
of Poznan theamong
demand generated by the economic
entities conducting economic activities
activity in the Poznań
within its area.Functional
The goal ofUrban Area was
the survey – FUA (obtain
to estimate
and understandon thetheurban
demand processes, infrastructure
generated and its activities
by the economic stakeholders in the
in the area).Functional
Poznań The research is a Area
Urban part of– the
FUA European
SULPiTER research
information on the urbanproject (Sustainable
freight processes,Urban Logistics and
infrastructure Planning To Enhance
its stakeholders in Regional
the area). freight transport),
The research the leading
is a part theme of
of the European
SULPiTERis the research
sustainable planning
project of urbanUrban
(Sustainable logistics for cities
Logistics and regions.
Planning To Enhance Regional freight transport), the leading theme of
which is the sustainable planning of urban logistics for cities and regions.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
© is an
2018 open
The accessPublished
Authors. article under the CC BY-NC-ND
by Elsevier B.V. license (
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
This is an and
Selection openpeer-review
and access article
peer-review under
under responsibility of
of the
responsibility the scientific committee
scientific of Green
Green Logistics
Logistics for
for Greener
Greener Cities
Cities 2018.
of 2018.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Green Logistics for Greener Cities 2018.
Keywords: urban logistics; data collection; Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan; SULPiTER
Keywords: urban logistics; data collection; Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan; SULPiTER

1. Introduction
1. Introduction
Today's cities and urban areas face many economic, social, sanitary and environmental challenges resulting from
dynamiccities and urbaninareas
development recentface many
years. Theeconomic, social, sanitary
global population and environmental
is increasingly challenges
concentrating in cities.resulting from
theAdynamic development
large majority in recent
of European
citizens Theinglobal population
an urban is increasingly
environment, concentrating
with over 60 % livingin incities.
urban areas of over
10 A large
000 majority (
inhabitants of European citizens live in an urban environment, with over 60 % is
Europe living
the in urban
third areas
most of over
10 000 inhabitants ( Europe is the third most urbanised

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +48-61-850-4950; fax: +48-61-852-6376.

* E-mail address:author.
Tel.: +48-61-850-4950; fax: +48-61-852-6376.
E-mail address:
2352-1465 © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open
2352-1465 access
© 2018 Thearticle under
Authors. the CC BY-NC-ND
Published license (
by Elsevier B.V.
This is an and
openpeer-review under
access article responsibility
under of the scientific
the CC BY-NC-ND licensecommittee of Green Logistics for Greener Cities 2018.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Green Logistics for Greener Cities 2018.

2352-1465  2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V.

This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of Green Logistics for Greener Cities 2018.
Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53 43
2 Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

region in the world, with its urban population expected to increase from 73% in 2014 to over 80% in 2050 (United
Nations, 2015). European cities increasingly face problems caused by transport and traffic thus sustainable
development challenges will be more and more concentrated in cities.
The European Union’s policy response to advance urban transport goes a long way, from the Green Paper
‘Towards a new culture for urban mobility’ in 2007, to the White Paper ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport
Area’ in 2011, to the Urban Mobility Package in 2013, and to the ‘Urban Agenda for the EU’ and the ‘European
Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility’ in 2016. However, even though policy initiatives have evolved considerably
since 2007, user needs and perceptions continuously bring fundamental shifts in urban transport.
Implementing an effective urban mobility policy becomes even more challenging in the case of urban freight, as
accessing data is problematic (Kijewska et al. 2016). There is a lack of on-going public data collection about urban
freight operations with the exception of vehicle traffic counts which are relatively uninformative (Kijewska et al.
2017). This typically results in urban authorities having limited insight into urban freight operating patterns when
attempting to develop suitable strategies and policy measures (Cherrett, 2012).
This paper summarizes the report generated from the project SULPiTER’s evaluation of surveys and
questionnaires of economic entities conducted in the FUA (Functional Urban Area) of Poznań. The following article
is about understanding current situation regarding freight flows in the city of Poznań.

2. Background and aim of SULPiTER project

SULPiTER project (Eng. Sustainable Urban Logistics Planning To Enhance Regional freight transport) was
designed to improve urban freight mobility planning in Central Europe. Indeed, transport is the second largest
energy-consuming sector, with a 32 % of share of final energy consumption. Moreover, 82% of Europeans will live
in cities by 2050, therefore SULPiTER tackles urban freight in the perspective of Functional Urban Areas (FUAs),
taking into consideration the functional transport and economic relations between inner urban centres (the usual and
limited territorial target of public regulations) and the surrounding urban territories, as well as the functional
transport and economic relations within FUAs not affecting downtowns.
OECD (Eng. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) introduced FUAs to overcome
limitations for international comparability of densely populated areas linked to administrative boundaries. FUAs are
used for highly densely populated municipalities (urban cores) as well as any adjacent municipalities with high
degree of economic integration with the urban cores, measured by travel-to-work flows.
SULPiTER partners will support policy makers in Bologna, Budapest, Poznań, Brescia, Stuttgart, Maribor and
Rijeka in improving understanding of FUAs freight phenomena in an energy and environmental perspective.
Fourteen partners from six central European countries have joined their forces to improve urban freight mobility
planning in seven Functional Urban Areas.
44 Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53
Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 3

Fig. 1. SULPiTER project Partnership.

The project will enhance their capacity in urban freight mobility planning in order to develop and adopt
Sustainable Urban Logistics Plans (SULPs).
Project will work on transnational policy capacity building, and on the development of transnational analytical
and governance tools, resulting in improved and adopted policies for the future energy and environmental
sustainability of freight transport in central European FUAs.
SULPiTER designed and developed a tool aimed at estimating the freight demand generated by the economic
activities in the Functional Urban Areas (FUA) individuated by the project partners. The tool is to be intended as a
decision support system for policy makers to facilitate the process of elaboration of alternative city logistics
scenarios. The tool provides a clear understanding of the urban freight distribution in each FUA and includes a
modelling system to feed the evaluation through performance indicators, in this case the Logistics Sustainability
Index (LSI). As depicted in Figure 2, the tool consists of a three steps procedure.

Characterisation of the Freight demand and Ex-ante evaluation of

FUA and data collection supply modeling UFT scenarios

Fig. 2. Conceptual process of the SULPiTER tool.

The first step concerns the definition of the FUA and the data collection to characterize the FUA and collect all
the information to represent the urban freight distribution system. The characterization of the FUA is to be done by
means of investigation (surveys, traffic counts), and gives a dimension to the demand for urban freight transport
services, and to the supply (services, operators, infrastructures). To do this, it is needed to collect data through
surveys on:
Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53 45
4 Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

 Economic activities present in the area and selected according to specific NACE codes (Fr. Nomenclature
statistique des Activités économiques dans la Communauté Européenne, Eng. Nomenclature of Economic
Activities) from official databases (e.g. National Statistical office, Chamber of Commerce),
 Transport and logistics operators, who offer distribution services in the area,
 Counting the vehicular traffic in and out from the area.

The second step involves specific transport models able to assess the freight demand through O/D matrices
(origin/destination of freight movements), providing quantities of goods (volumes), number and type of vehicles,
and giving the basis for performance analysis of the system.
The third step consists of the ex-ante assessment of Urban Freight Transport scenarios and involves the
calculation of the Logistics Sustainability Index to provide an aggregate performance index of the overall freight
related activities present in the FUA, according to the measurements and elaborations made through the procedure
of the tool.
The following part of the article will present the detailed results of the research in the field of data collection
regarding City of Poznań freight flows – first step of the methodology described above.

3. Collection of data on freight flows in the city of Poznań

City of Poznań is a place where the energy of the Eastern Europe merging with the civilization of the West.
Poznań Agglomeration with about one million residents is situated in the most economically developed region of
Poland (Wielkopolska Region), with a supra-regional centre of trade and industry, banking and finance, science and
education, tourism, sport and culture. Poznan is perfectly located half way between Berlin and Warsaw at the
junction of two European TEN-T corridors: Baltic – Adriatic and North Sea Baltic. It is one of the main reason why
largest global companies decided to place production facilities in the region: e.g. VW, Bridgestone, Wrigley,
GlaxoSmithKline and many others. That kind of concentration of the business activities means that Poznan is the
nodal point of great goods flows.

3.1. Survey methodology

The survey was carried out between 14 and 28 of November 2017. The method applied was the direct interview
by means of paper questionnaires filled out by interviewers (PAPI – Paper-and-Pencil Interviewing) on a sample of
302 entities from the following fields:

 wholesale trade (excluding the wholesale trade in motor vehicles),

 retail trade (excluding wholesale trade in car vehicles),
 housing and services associated with alimentation,
 services and handicraft.

The area of survey was the City of Poznan divided into 5 zones/areas referring to the former division of the city
into districts. The adopted division of the city is presented on the graph below.
46 Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53
Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 5

Fig. 3. The adopted territorial division of the City.

In the process of research works, the interviewers interviewed representatives of 302 economic entities, located
within the territory of 5 areas/districts of Poznan. In the case of 4 districts, the participation of respondents was
relatively balanced and was within the range of approximately 20% of the research sample. The relatively lowest
number of entities covered by the survey was located in the district of Wilda (slightly above 15% of the total number
of respondents) – graph 1.

21,19% 20,20% 19,87%
percentages share


Stare Miasto Jeżyce Nowe Miasto Grunwald Wilda

city district

Graph 1 District within the area of which the entity conducts activity.

The vast majority of the surveyed entities are micro companies employing only several employees. Almost 90%
of the surveyed companies employ up to 4 employees and even half of them no more than 2 persons. Such selection
of respondents focused around micro entities results from both the adopted specificity of the surveyed group (small
groups of commercial and service profile), and from the specificity of economic entities registered within the area of
the City of Poznan. According to the data of the Central Statistical Office (GUS) of 2016, among the general
number of companies registered in the city (approximately 110,000), over 95% of them are companies employing no
more than 9 employees.
According to the data collected, an average surveyed company employed approximately 1-3 employees, while
the relatively highest number of employees was declared by companies from the gastronomy and hotel sector (3,7
persons on average) and trade companies (2,4 persons on average). The lowest percentage of people found job in
service companies (2,1 persons on average for every 1 entity) – see details in graph 2.
Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53 47
6 Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

9 and more 0,66

number of employees
7 0,33
5 6,62
3 19,87
1 20,86
percentages share

Graph 2 Company size – number of employees.

The largest represented entities were companies from the trade sector, which constituted jointly 35,10% of
respondents (106 companies). The next positions were occupied by companies from the service/service-trade sector
– 27,48% (83 companies) and from the sector of gastronomy and housing (around 25% of respondents, i.e. 75
entities). The remaining 38 entities (12,58%), due to limited answer choices, could not be classified; however, these
were mixed-activity companies from trade and service sectors, without a specified leading activity.

percentages share



retail services HoReCa others

activity profile

Graph 3 Activity profile.

Among the retail entities those with the largest numbers of representatives were clothing stores (8,5%), lingerie
stores (6,6%), pharmacies (5,7%) and textile stores (5,7%). From among services entities, the most frequently
surveyed were sewing service entities (22,6%), shoemaking service entities (14,3%) and watchmaking service
entities (13,1%). In the group of HoReCa (Hotel-Restaurant-Cafe) entities approximately 1/5 was constituted by
companies offering accommodation/guesthouses (21,6%), confectioneries (18,9%), restaurants (16,2%) and bistro
bars (14,9%).

3.2. Survey results

According to the assumptions of the research project, the participants were asked to list the number of major
suppliers only, with a reservation that the number could not exceed 3 (in accordance with the Pareto rule, we have
concentrated on only 20% of suppliers that generate 80% of the freight flow). With such assumptions,
approximately half of all surveyed companies declare that they have only 1 main supplier. Approximately 1/3 have 2
main suppliers and around 13% - 3 companies supplying goods.
48 Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53
Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 7

3 13,25
numer of main
2 33,11

1 53,64

percentages share

Graph 4 Number of main suppliers.

More than half of the surveyed companies use supplies at least once a week. More or less every third of them
does it once or several times a month. Each of the 10 surveyed entities replenishes stocks more often - daily or even
several times a day - as a result of the specificity of the activity or of very small storage area.
frequency of the

once or several times a day 10,67


once or several times a week 55,67

once or several times a month 33,67

percentages share

Graph 5 Frequency of the delivery.

Over 80% of all delivered goods are delivered in carton boxes. About 10% are boxes. Rarely, pallets (5,44%) or
roller containers (1,36%) are used.

carton box 83,68

type of load units

box 9,52

pallet 5,44

roll container 1,36

percentages share

Graph 6 Type of load units.

Usually at 1 delivery to each of the recipients less than 5 packages are delivered. Half of the respondents
indicated this value. In the case of every fourth delivery, the number of delivered packages falls within the range of
6 to 10. Also, for every fourth delivery, the number of delivered packages exceeds 10, of which less than 10% of
deliveries are aimed at receiving more than 20 cargo units. It follows from the statement that the deliveries are rather
the supply of individual items rather than wholesale supplies.
Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53 49
8 Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

above 20 9,7
units per delivery
number of load

from 11 to 20 16,7
from 6 to 10 23,3
up to 5 50,3
percentages share

Graph 7 Number of load units per delivery.

Another issue examined is the weight of a typical delivery to the store. Among the delivered goods, the most are
light weighted items - the weight of a single piece does not exceed 5 kg in the case of 37,5% of the delivered items
or falls within the limits of 6-10 kg (29,8%). Occasionally, single packages weigh more than 20 kg - these types of
items account for only 12% of the total number of delivered goods to the surveyed stores.
weight of load unit

above 20 kg 12

from 11 to 20 kg 20,7

from 6 to 10 kg 29,8

up to 5 kg 37,5

percentages share

Graph 8 Weight of load unit.

Based on the above statements, it can be assumed that on average, about 100 kg of goods are delivered during
one delivery, but this is a misleading value. More accurate in this respect is the median weight of the delivered
goods, which is 55 kg. It is estimated that every second delivery delivered to the investigated entities weighs less
than 55 kg and every second exceeds this limit. The average weight of individual deliveries is shown below. The
result is the product of the average declared number of delivered parcels and average weight of a single parcel.

above 100 kg 27,1

average weight of
single delivery

from 51 to 100 kg 23,7

from 21 to 50 kg 21,7
up to 20 kg 27,4
percentages share

Graph 9 Average weight of single delivery (average amount of items*average weight).

Only 10% of surveyed companies declare that during the year they notice the so-called peak delivery periods, i.e.
the period during which deliveries are more than average. The periods in which according to the declaration there
are more deliveries are:
50 Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53
Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 9

 Christmas / winter period – 56% of indications,

 Holiday period – 34%,
 Spring / Easter period – 9%.

In subsequent questions respondents were asked to indicate the current and preferred delivery hours. The answers
are illustrated below. It is noticeable that, the indications of both the current hours and preferred delivery hours very
strongly correspond with each other, which may mean that the respondents are unlikely to notice the need for
changes in this area. One can also point out that the delivery peak of goods to stores / points of business takes place
between 8 am and 12 pm. Out of these hours, the frequency of delivery is significantly lower. At the same time,
more than 80% of respondents believe that there is a possibility of receiving deliveries in different hours.

Graph 10 Current and preferred hours of delivery.

The delivery time in the opinions of 33% of the respondents is based on the access regulation within the area of
the activity. Nearly every 4th respondent indicates that it depends on the contract with the shipper. Almost 19% of
the respondents claim that the time of receipt is imposed on their own, and less than 10% points to the shipper.
Nearly the same number of respondents indicate that the delivery time depends on the arrangements with the
transport operator, or is imposed by the transport operator.

Imposted by the transport operator 7,19

definition of the hours

Agreed upon with the transport operator 8,56

of delivery

Imposed by the shipper 8,9

Imposted by the receiver 18,84
Agreed upon with the shipper 22,95
In compliance with the access regulation 33,56
percentages share

Graph 11 Definition of the hours of delivery.

The vast majority of deliveries (80% in total) do not exceed 20 minutes. Only 5 of them last longer. At the same
time, as much as 40% of supplies are delivered within 10 minutes.
Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53 51
10 Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000

above 20 minutes 19,5

duration of deliveries

from 10 to 20 minutes 39,6

less than 10 minutes 40,9

percentages share

Graph 12 Duration of deliveries.

The companies that supply goods to stores, most often use vans (almost 90% of cases). Cars account for about
1/10 of the used fleet. It's different in the case of deliveries carried out by the surveyed entities themselves. Most of
the supplies are carried out using passenger cars.

type of vehicles


van 88,6

car 11,1

percentages share

Graph 13 Vehicles used for deliveries.

In the course of deliveries, cars are usually parked at parking lots located along the street (50%). A quarter of the
surveyed companies use private parking facilities for this purpose. According to the respondents, suppliers also
sometimes happen to occupy double lane parking (14%), or park in prohibited places (8%).

Public loading bay 0,67

parking position of

Illegal parking (bus stop, kerb) 8,05


Double lane parking 14,43

Private area 26,51
On street regular parking 50,34

percentages share

Graph 14 Parking position during delivery.

The last question in the survey was about the problems / difficulties the supplier encounters in loading and
unloading goods. A total of 154 responses were given to this question, which are presented in the table below.
52 Marcin Foltyński / Transportation Research Procedia 39 (2019) 42–53
Marcin Foltyński/ Transportation Research Procedia 00 (2018) 000–000 11

Table 1 Problems encountered in loading and unloading of goods.

Number of
Problem indicated Share
Difficult access to loading site 35% 54
Safety of loading 34% 53
Time of delivery 16% 25
Time of loading/unloading 7% 11
Lack of loading base 3% 5
Difficult transport of goods from the parking to
3% 4
the client’s premises
Lack of coordination of deliveries 1% 2
total 100% 154

Among the most frequently reported supply problems, respondents indicate difficulties in accessing loading and
unloading sites. The sense of security of the goods suffers from that and delivery times are prolonged.

4. Conclusions

Many European cities have started greening freight transport over the past couple of years as part of an
impressive number of projects under the initiative similar to SULPiTER project. The introduction of selected
measures and services leads to freight flow optimization, energy efficiency resulting reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions and local air pollution. However, it is clear that any such initiative needs to be part of a municipality's
overall mobility strategies. Especially regional approaches and partnerships with local associations and stakeholders
are extremely important. No successful urban freight policy is possible without a prior consultation with freight
companies and their organisations, with local business groups and residents. A permanent urban freight forum
should be set up with all target groups and meet on regular basis [Dablanc, 2009].
The results of the research are intended to improve the capacity of City of Poznań authorities to design policies
for freight mobility planning by matching needs of freight transport with necessity to reduce its negative
environmental impact. In this context, the surveys conducted within Poznań FUA constitute the basis for developing
details for the future Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan and for establishing the Freight Quality Partnership initiative,
as in other European cities e.g. London, Paris, Gothenburg.


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