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SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

N=gTeacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Lead Teacher: N/A ARL

Grade/Subject: 6 ELA District: Washoe County School: Mater Academy
Lesson Content: Springboard Unit 3, Lesson 3.3, p. 172 Time Allotted: 24 minute online instructional video
SNC Supervisor: Amy Burton Date: April 15, 2020 (Formative assessment #3)

Meets Approaches Does not meet
Content Knowledge Demonstrates appropriate Demonstrates acceptable content Does not demonstrate satisfactory
knowledge of the content, the knowledge, the information conveyed to content knowledge, conveys incorrect
information conveyed to students is students is accurate. Content is not or biased information to students
accurate and unbiased. Content is always standards based or focused on regularly. Content is not based on
standards based and focused on critical input. standards and often not focused on
critical input critical input
Professional Appearance is business appropriate, Not Applicable. Appearance is not appropriate for the
Appearance modest and appropriate for the school setting – immodest, unkempt,
activities in the classroom. or inappropriate for the classroom

Punctuality Punctual and completes all required Not Applicable Often late to school or in completing
duties on time. professional requirements
(attendance, grades, supervision
duties etc.)
Communication Skills Uses professional language when Uses informal language in the classroom Makes frequent errors in grammar
speaking and writing, in all or in written communications which and spelling in written
communications with students, does not reflect a professional communications, or is unprofessional
administrators, colleagues, and disposition. Sometimes follows in written and/or verbal
parents. Follows appropriate appropriate hierarchy with concerns. communications. Does not follow
hierarchy when (s)he has concerns. appropriate hierarchy with concerns.
Attitude Consistently demonstrates Sometimes demonstrates enthusiasm Seldom demonstrates enthusiasm for
enthusiasm for all aspects of for all aspects of teaching, including all aspects of teaching, including
teaching, including duties, duties, PLCs/meetings, parent contacts duties, PLCs/meetings, parent
PLCs/meetings, parent contacts, etc. etc. Accepts suggestions and feedback. contacts, etc. Does not accept
Seeks suggestions from mentors and Attends trainings when encouraged. suggestions or feedback. Does not
accepts feedback. Seeks Usually treats staff with respect. attend trainings when available. Does
opportunities to learn, including not always treat staff with respect
trainings. Treats all staff with respect
Reflection on Practice Regularly reflects on instruction, Reflects occasionally on instruction, Does not reflect, or reflects but does
assessment, student achievement assessment, student achievement and not make adjustments to practice
and curriculum and makes curriculum, and does not consistently based on the data.
adjustments to practice based on make adjustments based on reflection
Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments:

Communication Skills: Above and beyond. You have taken leadership on creating Zoom meetings to support our observation
schedule and have helped me learn the technology.

Attitude: Above and beyond. In this stressful culture of the coronavirus pandemic, you have remained calm, pragmatic, and positive.

Reflection on Practice: Above and beyond. You committed to reflection beyond the student teacher requirements through a
plan/observe/debrief format.

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 1

Date: 4.15.20

SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

Classroom Management/Effective Learning Environment
Meets Approaches Does not meet
Physical Space Teacher candidate utilizes physical space Teacher utilizes physical space in a way that The use of physical space and traffic
in the classroom in a way that facilitates sometimes causes disruption to the flow of patterns causes significant disruption to
student and teacher movement instruction or student engagement. Physical the flow of instruction or student
throughout the classroom. Physical safety of students is not consistently engagement. There are frequent lapses in
safety of students is reinforced reinforced. awareness of the physical safety of

Behavior There is evidence of clear expectations There is evidence of behavior expectations but Students do not demonstrate awareness of
and that students have a clear students do not have a clear understanding of behavior expectations; teacher responses
Expectations understanding of behavior expectations. them. There are inconsistencies to adherence or redirection are
Teacher recognition of student adherence demonstrated when recognizing or redirecting inconsistent or do not demonstrate caring
or redirection as needed demonstrates students. Intrinsic motivation is sometimes for all students. Intrinsic motivation is not
consistency, fairness and caring for all nurtured and praise is used ineffectively. nurtured and praise is used ineffectively.
students. Intrinsic motivation is nurtured
and praise is used appropriately.
Establishing Rapport The teacher candidate has established a The classroom environment is professional Student behaviors demonstrate that they
professional, caring rapport with students and most students feel that they can explore are uncomfortable or uneasy or do not feel
as evidenced by a relaxed, inclusive new ideas and take risks, however some emotionally safe in the classroom
feeling and emotionally safe environment students’ behaviors demonstrates that they environment. The teacher candidate’s
where students willing to explore new do not feel comfortable or emotionally safe. words or actions demonstrate a lack of
learning and take academic risks. Appropriate boundaries are inconsistently ease and rapport with students.
Appropriate boundaries are maintained maintained Appropriate boundaries are not maintained
Beginning of Class The teacher candidate implements The teacher candidate implements activities There is no evidence of a routine for
planned and structured academic that lack structure, are not academic, or engaging students when they enter the
activities of an appropriate length to extend too long to engage all students classroom. “Housekeeping” and clerical
□ not applicable engage all student upon entering the effectively. “Housekeeping” and clerical duties consistently interrupt instructional
classroom. “Housekeeping” and clerical duties sometimes detract from or interrupt time.
duties are completed efficiently while instructional time.
students are engaged in academic tasks.
Ending Class Instruction and student engagement Instruction and student engagement Students often stop working several
consistently extends to the end of class sometimes extends to the end of class (bell to minutes prior to the end of class and spend
(bell to bell) with the teacher maintaining bell), but there are significant instances time not engaged in planned learning
□ not applicable a structured activity until students are (several times in a week) of disengagement activities, or engage in socializing prior to
dismissed by the teacher. prior to the end of the learning period. the end of the learning period.
Transitions Transitions reflect planning, are Transitions sometimes reflect planning, but Transitions consistently reflect lack of
announced, take minimal amount of time are inconsistent and sometimes take excessive planning and take excessive amount of
and do not interrupt the flow of time or interrupt the flow of instruction time during which instruction is disrupted
□ not applicable instruction or require the teacher to resulting in the teacher having to regain and regaining classroom control takes
regain control control of the instructional environment. away from instructional time
Materials and There are routines in place to facilitate Routines are in place to turn in assignments There are no routines in place or they are
students turning in assignments and and pick up graded work and for distributing implemented inconsistently resulting in
Supplies picking up graded work, distributing and and collecting materials and textbooks but significant loss of instructional time or
collecting materials and textbooks which they take more than 1-2 minutes and cause disruption to the learning process (for
□ not applicable result in minimal loss of instructional time loss of instructional time or are disruptive to example, students handing out materials to
or disruption to the learning process and the learning process. one peer at a time)
take only 1-2 minutes.
Implementation of Routines are evident for most activities Routines are evident for some activities, Routines are not evident, the learning
that students can engage in without disruption of the learning environment is process is often disrupted and students do
Routines direct teacher supervision, disruption of minimal and some students demonstrate not demonstrate independence in
the learning environment is minimal and appropriate level of independence performing routine tasks
□ not applicable students demonstrate appropriate level
of independence
Commendations, Recommendations, Notes, and Comments:

Physical Space: You have created a logical learning space and explained how to maneuver within it. You also modeled
how to navigate it for students by sharing your screens.

Behavior Expectations: You outlined these clearly for students during the lesson. You talked through activity & live chat

Beginning of class: The beginning of class introduced the learning targets and essential questions. They were also
revisited during the lesson and in closure. Connections to prior learning was evidenced throughout the lesson.

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 2

Date: 4.15.20

SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

Transitions: You revisited the learning targets with each activity

End of class: During closure you reviewed the day’s objectives and made them more relevant to students’ previous

Materials and supplies: The lesson structure provided materials and supplies needed.

Implementation of routines: Today, the routine of referencing the LTs was evidence at the beginning, middle, and end of
class. Reflection on learning by students is weekly on Thursdays.

Preparation and Planning for Instruction
Meets Approaches Does not meet
Standards-based Lessons are consistently based Some lessons are based on NAS, Few if any lessons are based on
Lessons on the standards for the content NGSS, or do not consistently include the NAS, NGSS and do not include
area –Nevada Academic CCSS Standards for literacy in CCSS Standards for literacy in
Standards (NAS), Next content areas or Standards of Math content areas of Standards for
Generation Science Standards Practices. Math Practices.
(NGSS), and include Common
Core Standards for literacy in
content areas and Standards of
Math Practices
Lesson Plans Lesson plans are consistently Lesson plans are consistently Lesson plans are not consistently
prepared and submitted in prepared but lack some of the prepared in advance or
advance and include clear components that are required for frequently lack the required
learning objectives, student effective lessons, or are not components
engagement strategies including consistently submitted in a timely
student discourse, opportunities manner
for student metacognition and
formative assessment
Questions Questions are planned for both Questions are planned for oral and Questions are not planned for in
oral and written activities and written activities in the lesson but the lesson
move students to higher move to higher cognitive levels less
cognitive levels more than half than half the time.
the time.
Material and Supplies Materials for the lesson are Materials for the lesson are Materials are often not ready for
consistently prepared in sometimes prepared in advance and the lesson or not legible,
advance, ready prior to the easily accessible. Sometimes appropriate for the learners or
beginning of the lesson and materials are difficult to read or age appropriate. When prepared
easily accessible. Materials are see, not at the level appropriate for in advance, materials are not
legible, differentiated or the learner or not age appropriate. easily accessible
adapted as needed and age
Pacing The teacher candidate has The teacher candidate has There is no evidence that pacing
considered pacing when considered pacing sometimes or has is considered regularly prior to
planning lessons and can adjust difficulty adjusting during implementation of a lesson
the plan as needed during instruction
Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments:

Standards-based lessons: The candidate is required to follow the Springboard curriculum with diligence by her

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 3

Date: 4.15.20

SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

Lesson Plans: Alyssa went above and beyond the lesson planning requirement by planning an entire unit with me. She
has prepared SNU lesson plans for me prior to this and will do so again for her final observation. Because her learning
challenge is formative assessment and student metacognition, the backwards assessment model that supports
assessment for learning requires a unit vs. a lesson-by-lesson focus. So, Alyssa agreed to challenge herself with a unit

Questions: The unit essential questions were reviewed, explained. Activity questions were assigned by Springboard.
Adjusted reading strategy questions to focus on author’s argument. Wondering: Was this based on formative assessment

Material & Supplies: All were provided.

Pacing: Because this is an instructional video, students may move through it and revisit it at their own pace. This was
explained and reinforced by the teacher.

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 4

Date: 4.15.20

SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

Meets Approaches Does not meet
Objectives Objectives, learning targets or essential Objectives, learning targets or essential Objectives, learning targets or essential
questions are consistently displayed and questions are sometimes displayed and questions are seldom displayed or
communicated to students several times communicated to students during instruction. communicated to students during
during instruction. Students can Students cannot articulate the objective/ instruction. Students are not aware of the
articulate the objective, learning target, learning target/essential question in their own objective/ learning target/essential
essential question in their own words words question.
Connections to Prior Lessons consistently include specific Lessons sometimes include specific Lessons seldom includes specific
connections to prior learning, student connections to prior learning, student connections to prior learning, student
Learning experience or builds a basis for the new experience or builds a basis for the new experiences or builds a basis for the new
learning through key vocabulary learning through key vocabulary instruction learning through key vocabulary instruction
instruction and other strategies to elicit and other strategies to elicit what students and other strategies to elicit what students
what students already know about the already know about the content. Students already know or are familiar with about the
content and they make connections to sometimes can articulate connections content. Students cannot articulate
the new content. Students can articulate between new content and prior learning connections between concepts.
connections between new content and
prior learning.
Student Engagement Lessons are learner centered and include Lessons are sometimes learner centered, but Lessons are teacher centered and seldom
a variety of engagement strategies and often teacher centered and use of active include engagement strategies that focus
frequent opportunities for structured or engagement strategies is inconsistent. on discourse. There are limited
directed student discourse which remains Opportunities for student discourse are opportunities for student to process new
on topic. There are opportunities for occasional or poorly structured so that information or deepen understanding using
students to process new information or conversation is often off task. Students are strategies that actively engage students.
deepen understanding of content as not actively engaged in processing new Student engagement is consistently below
appropriate. Student engagement is information or deepening understanding. 75%
consistently above 90% Student engagement is consistently between
Opportunities for Teacher candidate instructs students in There is not a deliberate effort to teach There is little or no use of metacognitive
using metacognitive strategies, provides students to be metacognitive or there are few strategies in the classroom during
Metacognition opportunities to practice using strategies opportunities to engage in reflection or instruction.
and consistently provides opportunities metacognition once the strategies are
for students to engage in practices to introduced to students. Metacognition is not
reflect on their learning a regular practice in the classroom
Formative The teacher candidate consistently plans There is evidence of limited planning for and Formative assessment is seldom used to
for and utilizes both formal and informal use of formal and informal formative drive instruction and is not planned for in
Assessment formative assessment to gauge student assessment, when used formative assessment lessons.
learning and adjust instruction based on does not consistently result in adjustments to
the data. instruction based on the data.
Pacing The teacher candidate consistently The teacher candidate sets the pace for Pacing is often too fast or too slow for the
monitors student learning and learning but is inconsistent in monitoring and majority of students. There are periods of
engagement in tasks and adjusts the making adjustments. There are periodically time when few students are actively
pacing of lessons to facilitate student times when some students are finished with a engaged with the learning and instructional
learning; there is seldom time when all task and no learning activity is planned to time is not used efficiently.
students are not actively engaged in move them to new learning, or times when
learning due to pacing which is too fast or students do not demonstrate understanding
too slow; the teacher does not move before the lesson moves forward.
forward in the lesson if students are
demonstrating lack of understanding.
Learner Centered Classroom instruction and activities are Classroom instruction includes some student Classroom instruction is focused on teacher
focused on student engagement with the engagement with the content, but remains presentation with few opportunities for
Classroom content rather than teacher presentation teacher focused over half of the time. students to engage with the content
Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments:

Objectives: Reviewed at the beginning, throughout, and as closure. Focus board with essential questions, learning
targets/objectives and agenda provided for students.

Connections to Prior Learning: The unit overview and each activity throughout the unit was connected by the teacher to
prior learning. Wondering: How are you preparing students to make these connections themselves (gradual release of

Student Engagement: Evidence of student engagement will be provided by views of the video, attendance, chats, and
written assignments turned in through Google Classroom.

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 5

Date: 4.15.20

SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

Opportunities for Metacognition: A routine of reviewing the unit objectives, summative assessment, and lesson
objectives, and the pre-assessments assigned today set students up to be metacognitive throughout the unit.
Metacognitive reflection by students is scheduled weekly on Thursdays throughout the unit. Wondering about the
“strategies” section that Springboard provides. Could that also be a metacognitive focus since learning strategies is one
of the three focuses of metacognition? Also wondering about the use of a KWL-type reflection question at the end of
each lesson.

Formative Assessment: Teacher candidate mentions the data from the student’s editorial activity will influence if they
do the additional article reading.

Pacing: Because this is an instructional video, students may move through it and revisit it at their own pace. This was
explained and reinforced by the teacher.

Learner-centered classroom: Our focus is on the unit vs. one lesson this time. I will observe four instructional videos over
the next two weeks to look for evidence of Alyssa focusing on student learning vs. delivering content. Alyssa planned the
unit with this distinction in mind. This will be informed by our debriefs as well.

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 6

Date: 4.15.20

SNC Student Teacher Formative Assessment Observation Rubric

Assessment of Student Learning
Meets Approaches Does not meet
Formative Formative assessment drives Formative assessment is used Formative assessment is not used
Assessment instruction and is an integral during instruction and sometimes consistently nor is it effectively
part of planning, lesson delivery results in adjustments to instruction used to adjust instruction or to
and differentiation. meet student needs.
Formative assessment used
consistently throughout
instruction to monitor student
understanding and adjust
Summative Summative assessments are Summative assessments are based Summative assessments are
Assessment based on the standards and on the standards but are designed designed based on instruction or
designed prior to instruction after instruction has occurred taken from textbooks and other
□ Not observed (Backwards Lesson Design) in rather than as a tool to guide sources not connected to the
order to guide the planning and instruction and planning. Rubrics standards. Rubrics are not used.
instruction. Rubrics are are used inconsistently for major
routinely used for major assignments and tests.
assignments and tests, provided
in a timely manner and provide
clear criteria for students
Feedback and Specific feedback is provided on
Feedback is not consistently Feedback is occasionally
Grading provided. Student work is
student work. Student work is provided. Student work is not
sometimes graded in a timely
graded in a timely manner, and graded in a timely manner,
manner, grades are entered
grades are entered correctly and grades are either not entered
in a timely manner correctly, but not always in a timely correctly or not in a timely
manner manner.
Commendations, Recommendations, Notes and Comments:

Formative Assessment: The assignments will generate pre-assessment data that will inform student metacognition and teacher
instructional choices. Wondering: I did not hear any discussion with students about the results of the pre-assessments and how that
information informs the unit activities.

Summative Assessment: This was shared with students on Monday when the unit was introduced.

Feedback & grading: Feedback is provided daily through a video chat and by individual responses to students through
Google Classroom as well as feedback via Google Docs.

11-22-13; revised 12-29-13; revised 2-14-14; revised 2-21-14, revised 4-3-14

Teacher Candidate Signature: ______________________________________________________

SNC Supervisor Signature: __________________________________________________________

Lead Teacher Signature: N/A, ST Candidate is ARL

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Stringer Page 7

Date: 4.15.20

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