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Bogotá, Colombia,

Ref: Classroom Rules and Agreements.

Dear Students,

As we have determined during the seasons we have already had, here are on writing, the rules we
have agreed so the progress of the class will benefit us all:

Effort and behavior during the class. / Use of language in English while in non-class hours.

This grade will start with a five and it will decrease on 0.1 every time the student incurred in one of
the next conducts:

• Standing in class up without permission.

• Talking in class without permission.

• Using the phone without permission.

This grade will increase o.2 each time the Student speaks in English outside of the class.

It must be at last one complete sentence to be valid; it also must be in a natural way and in a place
where the teacher can hear it.

We, as parts of this agreement decided, during the class and, under the view of all the Students
and the teacher to commit under the above-mentioned rules, this, of course, without prejudice to
the pre-established rules and norms commanded by the connivance manual.

Hereby we acknowledge the existence of this agreement between the students and the teacher.

Thank you for your attention and collaboration.

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