How To Enhance Your Spiritual Life With Surrender & Gratitude

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How many times have you felt like you are moving faster than the speed of light to get
things done? Some of us go from task to task to task like it is a marathon. We wake up, stretch,
deep breathe, exercise, run and jump in the shower and then run off to work. We run errands
after work, rush home to cook dinner, help the kids with their homework, clean the house,
spend time with mate, then meditate and jump in the bed. Ok, perhaps this isn’t quite what you
do, but I am sure you agree with this more or less.

After living our lives like this, it is no wonder that many of us don’t get spiritual
fulfillment the way we would like to. Somewhere along the road between religion and
spirituality, we have forgotten how important it is to establish a relationship with the Creator.
We only go to the Creator when we need something from Her. We only pray or ask for prayer
when an emergency situation arises. We have thrown out praise and worship thinking that they
are meaningless things, or we feel awkward with our public expression to the Creator unless
others are doing so and it is the “appropriate” time.

Being spiritual is more than having ah ha moments and coincidences that make you
think twice. It is more than a natural high that you receive from doing a chant or receiving a
healing. It is more than something that you do to be culturally, socially, or spiritually correct.

Acknowledging your spirituality and living your life as a spiritual being gets you results,
growth, and improvements which eventually lead you to the evolution of the soul. It is not
something you run back to because you don’t feel as good as you did yesterday, but what you
grasp onto daily because it is helping you to reconnect to your divinity

If you have not defined or made up your mind about how to live your life as a spiritual
being, then you will continue to have interesting struggles and challenges in life. Now that is not
to say that these things will miraculously disappear when you make up your mind. It does
mean, however that you will have a greater understanding and more direction as to the path
that you should follow. You will have greater assistance from the angelic kingdoms. You will
have greater understanding as to how to work with the assistance that has been there since
before your birth.

Surrender comes into play because many of you are resisting what is natural and
struggling to make things happen based on your own limited understanding. Some of you may
never even consider the word “surrender” unless you’re thinking of war. In this case, the war is
within because this is the location for the angelic kingdoms. For women, this is also the location
for the Divine Feminine Principle or Goddess (in the womb). The human body/mind is also the
location for connection with one’s ancestors (DNA/RNA), past life experiences (subconscious
mind), and more. When you acknowledge the divinity who gave you life, sustains you and your
family by providing your fundamental provisions and more, greater things happen. An
awakening occurs because you are acknowledging the original agreement that says you would
be a steward over the land and the animals. If you can SURRENDER yourself to LIFE, and respect
the cosmic laws that govern all living, an amazing transformation will occur.

Before this transformation can occur, you must first humble yourself because that which
created you is greater than you. Even though many of you have heard and believe that you are
little gods and goddesses, or co-creators with the Creator, you still have to show and prove that
you can handle the responsibility that comes with the power and authority. In other words, the
ego has to submit to the will of the Creator for your life.

So when you surrender, you extend your arms to heaven and with earnest humbleness,
open up your heart and soul to the power of the Earth. Then you tell Her that you surrender to
Her will for your life. If you heart has truly opened, you will feel the power of the Earth shoot up
the center of your body and begin to guide your movements. If you feel a presence around you,
don’ worry, it is the ancestors of the land that you are on, guiding you as to the proper way to
show respect for Life. Relax your mind and try not to think too much besides showing your
sincerity. At that moment, you may feel a pulling or like you need to bend your knees. Follow
this urging and extend your arms once again and then bow with your arms outstretched before
you. While you are bowing, hold that position for a couple of minutes and show gratitude. Start
giving thanks for anything and everything that you have. Think about the good times. Think
about the bad times and how you got through it with a sound mind. There are many things to
be thankful for. This is the time you pour out your heart to the Creator of all that is. It doesn’t
matter what your spiritual practice or beliefs are, you can incorporate this with your daily
worship and fit it to your liking using whatever name you prefer for your Higher Power.

If you begin and end your day with this ritual, you will get quicker responses to your
prayers and things you want to know. You will see your life’s path with ease. You will
understand how to work with your friends and loved ones. It will be easier for you to invoke
and use divine wisdom when handling the public and other situations that may occur. There is
no more fog with surrender and gratitude because the very act of such a thing brings you into
harmony with all life around you.

Kelarius Finex

Copyright 2010 Eternalkween LLC

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