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WONG, Lecery Sophia C.

Activity #2

Social media is really helpful in this time of crisis not only by communicating to our
loved ones since social distancing is observed but spreading the news and awareness
online. We can admit that not all people have Televisions at home to be updated in the
news but Cellphones are really accesible to the people especially it is handy and easy to
use just a few taps and the news and updates are their. A lot of people can see and
update through social media because the people always use it. Social media became
the platform of the people promoting the prevention of the spread of the Virus for
example in the facebook their is a lot of Facebook pages in a designated province or
municipality that is announcing about the state of their province health, reminding them
to stay at home and giving them announcements. In youtube there are tutorials on how
to the proper hand hygiene, how to disinfect the house and how to use and discard a
mask properly. There is also many influenecer that is promoting the Do it Yourown (DIY)
masks for those people that can’t buy mask because it is really hard to find these days.
Social media can alleviate the boredom that the people can feel during the enhanced
community quarantine so they won’t go out of the house.

I consider my talents that is given to me by God, being a student nurse to help in the
prevention of other pandemic to happen by conducting a seminar awareness with my
fellow classmates to the people of a community to be cautious everytime and observe
proper hygiene. I can also participate in the counselling regarding on what to do to
prevent another Pandemic because the next time we experience it I will be more ready
to help because based on what I am experiencing now is I am on shock and I have
been thinking that we must reitirate to the people of our communities the risks and the
outcomes of acquiring a disease. I will join in the groups and organizations of the church
like serving in the altar, the tree planting project, and the feeding program in our
community through this I can can help mother earth to be tough, strong and help the
children to be healthy and strong and my mental, social and spiritual self strong and
ready this little help means a lot to them. In the community I will help with the community
health care providers to promote the importance of vaccines in childrens to protect them
from any virus and diseases while they are still young so that when they grow up they
will not be vulnerable in any sickness. I would like to encourage our barangay to conduct
a Zumba and Exercises every Saturday or any time of the week for the Senior citizens to
make their body healthy and strong because they are the most vulnerable in times of

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