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Coding and Decoding

Directions (1-5): In each of these Questions a group of letters is given followed by four
combinations of number/ symbol numbered (1), (2), (3), (4). Letters are to be coded as
per the scheme and conditions given below. You have to find out the serial number of the
combinations, which represents the letter group serial number of that combination is your
answer. If none of the combinations is correct, your answer is (5) i.e., none of these.
i) If the first letter is a consonant and the last a vowel, both are to be coded as for the
ii) If the first letter is a vowel and the last a constant, both are to be coded as for the two
are to be interchanged
iii) If both, the first and the last letters are consonants, both are to be coded as ∂.
iv) If there are more than two vowels in the group of letters of the letters all vowels are
to be coded as §
1) 9*6#78 2) 9*6#79 3) ∂*6#7∂ 4) 8*6#79 5) None
1) 2379#4 2) ∂379#∂ 3) 4379#2 4) 2379#2 5) None
1) 92$8*3 2) 923$*8 3) 92*838 4) §2$8*§ 5) None
1) §$@©§§ 2) $9@©35 3) $@9©35 4)§@$©§§ 5) None
1) @623#@ 2) @623#5 3) 5623#5 4) 5623#@ 5) None
Directions(6-10): In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four
combinations of digits/symbols numbered (1),(2),(3) and (4). You have to find out which
of the combinations correctly repres-ents the group of letters based on the following
coding system and the conditions and mark the number of that combinations as that as
your ans-wer. If none of the four combinations correctly represents the group of letters,
give (5). i.e. none of these as the answer.
i) If the First letter is a consonant and the last letter is a vowel, their codes are to be
ii) If both the First and last letters are vowels, both are to be coded as *.
iii) If the First letter is a vowel and the last letter is consonant. Both are to be coded as
the code for the consonant.
1) 1©4627 2) 1©4621 3) 7©4621 4) 1©6427 5) None
1) $%6548 2) $%654$ 3) *%654* 4) 8%6548 5) None
1) *7@1©* 2) 87@1©3 3) 37@1©8 4) 87@1©8 5) None
1) 58#1@$ 2) 58#1@5 3) $8#1@5 4) $8#1@5 5) None
1) 2$5493 2) 3#5492 3) 3$5493 4) 2$5492 5) None

Directions (11-15): In a certain code

'a friend of mine 'is written as '4 9 1 6 '
'mine lots of metal' is written as '3 1 0 9 ' and
'a piece of metal 'is written as '7 1 6 3 '?
11.What is the code for 'piece '?
1) 3 2) 2 3) 1 4) 7 5) None.
12. What does '9' stands for?
1) Of 2) mine 3) friend 4) lots 5) metal
13. Which of the following may represent 'a pleasure of mine'?
1) 6 3 0 9 2) 5 2 1 6 3) 9 2 1 6 4) 3 6 9 4 5) 5 0 4 1
14. What does '0' stands for?
1) Mine 2) metal 3) of 4) lots 5) a
15. '873' would mean?
1) a metal piece 2) metal for friend 3) piece of advice
4) Friend of mine 5) large metal piece.
Directions (16-20): In a certain code
'ze lo ka gi' is code for 'must save some money'
'fe ka so ni' is a code for 'he made good money'
'ni to da so' is a code for 'he must be good'
And 'we so ze da' is a code for 'be good save grace'
16. Which of the following is the code of 'must'?
1) so 2) da 3) lo 4) ni 5) None.
17. What does the code 'ze stand for'?
1) Some 2) must 3) be 4) grace 5) None.
18. Which of the following is the code of "good"?
1) so 2) we 3) ze 4) lo 5) fe.
19. 'grace' of money' may be coded as?
1) ka da fe 2) we ka so 3) ja da we 4) ka we yo 5) ja ka ze
20. Which of the following is the code of 'gi'?
1) must 2) some 3) be 4) grace 5) None

Directions (21-25): study the following information to answer the given questions.
(IBPS POs-2011)
In a certain code language,
'summer is not pleasant always' is written as 'mo ra tic su na'
'pleasant season is spring' is written as 'dic ra nic mo'
'always likes spring' is written as 'phi su nic' And
'hot summer season' is written as 'tic ga dic'?
21. Which of the following is the code for 'not'?
1) mo 2) ra 3) na 4) tic 5) None
22. What does 'dic' stand for?
1) pleasant 2) spring 3) season 4) is 5) not.
23. Which of the following represe-nts the code for 'spring is hot'?
1) mo ga nic 2) tic ga mo 3) nic dic su 4) ga nic su 5) None.
24. 'tic phi dic' is the code for which of the following?
1) spring is a season 2) likes summer season 3) pleasant season is
4) hot season summer 5) None.
25. Which of the following may represent 'nobody likes hot season'?
1) zo dic ga tic 2) nic ye ga dic 3) phi nic da ra
4) phi zo ga dic 5) None.
Directions (26-30): In each question below is given a group of letters followed by four
combinations of digits/symbols numbered (1), (2), (3) and (4) . You have to find out
which of the four combinations correctly represents the group of letters based on the
following coding system and the conditions and mark the number of that combination as
your answer. If none of the combinations correctly represents the group of letters, mark
(5) i.e.' None of these' as your answer
(IBPS CWT - 2011)
i) If the first letter is a vowel and the last letter is a consonant, the codes are to be
ii)If the first letter is consonant and the last letter is a vowel, both are to be coded as the
code for the vowel.
iii) If both the first and the last letters are vowels, both are to be coded as '∂'.
1) 4*36@9 2) 93*6@4 3) 43*6@4 4) 93*6@9 5) None.
1) @$8@17 2) 7$8@1∂ 3) ∂$8@1∂ 4) 7$8@1@ 5) None.
1) 8615#% 2) %615#% 3) %615#8 4) 8615#8 5) None.
1) 7813@7 2) #813@7 3) 7813@# 4) #183@7 5) None.
1) 9@7#@6 2) 6@7#©6 3) 67@#©9 4) 6@7#©9 5) None.

1) 4 2) 2 3) 5 4) 1 5) 3 6) 1 7) 3 8) 3
9) 3 10) 1 11) 4 12) 2 13) 3 14) 4 15) 5 16) 3
17) 5 18) 1 19) 4 20) 2 21) 3 22) 3 23) 5 24) 2
25) 4 26) 5 27) 3 28) 2 29) 2 30) 4

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