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Established 1879 | Columbus, Mississippi

Monday | May 11, 2020

Analysis: Reeves MONDAY PROFILE

tries to balance ‘Consistent and positive’
concerns of Johnson recalls life at Starkville High
health, jobs as both student and teacher
‘If you are in the vulnerable
category, if you are over
the age of 65, if you have
pre-existing conditions,
getting out of your
home has risks.’
Governor Tate Reeves


JACKSON — Missis-
sippi Republican Gov. Tate
Reeves is having to bal-
ance his libertarian-lean-
ing instincts with public
health concerns during
the coronavirus pandem-
It’s been his job the Reeves
past several weeks to or-
der some businesses to temporarily
close and to restrict people’s face-to-face
interactions to try to slow the spread of
the highly contagious virus. His state-
wide “shelter in place” order remains in
effect until May 25.
Reeves is gradually letting business-
es reopen even as numbers of confirmed
COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to Zack Plair/Dispatch Staff
rise. Anita Milons Johnson sits in front of her home in North Starkville Sunday. A 1993 graduate of Starkville High, she
Restaurants could start serving food returned to her alma mater as a teacher and girls basketball coach in 1998.
and drinks their dining rooms and pati-
os Thursday, after more than a month BY ZACK PLAIR ing-centered courses plus a stan- doubted, it proved unnecessary. dardized exam to get her license “She is a wonderful teacher, just
of being limited to carry-out service or

deliveries. Barbershops, beauty salons — so she had not student-taught or like she was a wonderful student,”
nita Milons Johnson walked
and gyms are allowed to start reopening interned before her own name was said Sally Warren, who taught
into Starkville High School
Monday. They all must meet safety stan- on a classroom door. Honestly, she Johnson sophomore English and
in 1998 as her alma mater’s
dards such as limiting customers and new sophomore English teacher. recalled, she wasn’t sure she knew has taught in the room beside hers
taking extra steps for sanitation. She had replaced the long-ten- what she was doing. since Johnson joined the faculty.
The governor has said repeatedly ured and beloved Frances McCa- “My first year, I was just like, “She was goal-oriented and confi-
that people should use their own best rty, who had retired the previous ‘Lord, am I doing this right? Do dent as a student just like she is as
judgment. spring. I really know what I’m talking a teacher. She looked at what she
“If you are in the vulnerable catego- But Johnson, who majored in about?’” Johnson, now finishing needed to do and did it with author-
ry, if you are over the age of 65, if you English and minored in Spanish at her 22nd year with the district, ity, making the classroom her own
have pre-existing conditions, getting Ole Miss, had earned her teaching said Sunday. “It was just a lot of in no time. She’s a natural.”
out of your home has risks,” Reeves said certification through the state’s questioning myself.” Warren was just one of the
Friday. “Going to a salon has risks, but alternate route — a few teach- As much as Johnson may have See PROFILE, 6A
we’re trying to put measures in place to
minimize those risks. We recognize also

UNITED WAY FOOD DRIVE More federal aid set for

state after Easter tornadoes
Clarke, Grenada, Jasper, Lawrence, Panola and Walthall
counties have been approved for assistance
manent repair work on roads, bridges,
water treatment plants, utilities and
PEA RL — The Mississippi Emer-
gency Management Agency says
FEMA initially approved individual
more counties have been approved for
and more limited government assis-
federal disaster assistance following
tance in Jones, Covington and Jeffer-
damage by April storms.
son Davis counties.
MEMA announced Saturday that
The state is asking FEMA to ap-
individuals in six more counties —
prove assistance to governments in 25
Clarke, Grenada, Jasper, Lawrence,
more of Mississippi’s 82 counties.
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff Panola and Walthall — have been ap-
Dionne Humphries, a volunteer from Community Counseling, loads food items MEMA says it will open disaster
proved for assistance.
into a car during Friday morning’s United Way of Lowndes County food drive assistance centers in the newly ap-
at Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office. United Way volunteers along with the East Governments have been approved
proved counties. Residents in counties
Columbus Lions Club and LCSO provided food for 762 families during the event. for additional assistance in three
approved for individual assistance can
Despite rainy weather, Lowndes County Sheriff Eddie Hawkins said cars began counties — Jones, Covington and Jef-
begin applying for federal aid by reg-
lining up on Airline Road at 5 a.m. By the start of the distribution, cars were ferson Davis. That means they can
lined up all the way to HIghway 69, Hawkins said. get aid to remove debris and do per- See FEDERAL AID, 3A


1 What flavorful cable TV hit show May 12: Starkville-Oktibbeha
culminates in a showdown at Kitchen Consolidated School District
Stadium? Board of Trustees meeting, 6
2 Who were the first two presidents to p.m., 401 Greensboro St.
be impeached?
3 What 90s teen heartthrob titled his May 15: Starkville Board of Al-
2007 memoir “Out of Sync”? dermen work session, 10 a.m.,
Layla Partell 4 Which former U.S. president, who City Hall, stream live at the City
famously enjoyed chowing down on fast-
Fourth grade, Annunciation of Starkville Facebook page
food burgers, went vegan for a healthier

69 Low 47
heart in 2010? May 18: Oktibbeha County
High 5 What does a chef do with a mando- Board of Supervisors meeting,
Partly cloudy
line? Chancery Courthouse, 9 a.m.
Full forecast on Answers, 5B May 19: Starkville Board of
page 2A. Aldermen meeting, 5:30 p.m.,
City Hall, Stream live at the City
of Starkville Facebook page
INSIDE May 29: Starkville Board of Al-
Ragan Hubbard, of Starkville, has dermen work session, 10 a.m.,
Classifieds 5B Dear Abby 3B
Comics 3B Obituaries 4B moved 13 times within the area. She City Hall, Stream live at the City
Crossword 2B Opinions 4A wants to be a drama major in the future. of Starkville Facebook page


2A MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 The Dispatch •


Trump takes cautious approach

to highlighting Biden accuser
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS and Trump is the first presidential ination was nearly derailed by sexual
race since the dawn of the #MeToo misconduct allegations.
WA S H I N G T O N era. The movement has spurred “This is an outstanding man. He
— President Donald numerous women to come forward was falsely charged. What happened
Trump rarely holds with allegations of sexual assault, with him was an absolute disgrace to
his fire, hurling accu- including against prominent men in our country,” Trump said of Kavana-
sations true and false. politics, entertainment and other in- ugh on the day he first spoke about
But when it comes dustries. Reade.
to the sexual assault Trump is stepping up his attacks Trump’s campaign has also high-
allegation leveled on Biden on other fronts, particular- lighted statements made by Demo-
against Joe Biden, his Trump ly an effort to portray him as soft on crats during the Kavanaugh episode
Democratic rival, the China. But in resisting the urge to to try to portray them as having a
president has been un- seize on Reade’s allegation, Trump is double standard when it comes to
usually reticent. acknowledging the bind he’s in with which accusers they believe.
Trump didn’t pub- women, who could help decide the “During Justice Kavanaugh’s
licly address the issue election. hearings, Biden made clear that all
until April 30, more And some supporters say the big- women should be believed when
than a month after ger issue heading into the fall will be they come forward with allegations
former Senate staffer Trump’s response to the coronavirus of sexual assault,” Trump campaign
Tara Reade alleged on Biden and economic collapse. spokeswoman Erin Perrine said in
a podcast that Biden “The specifics of the Reade al- a statement. “In a dramatic shift,
sexually assaulted her in a Capitol legation are secondary,” said Jason Biden now says ‘believe women’
Hill basement in 1993. Biden has ve- Miller, who served as the commu- doesn’t actually mean ‘believe wom-
hemently denied the allegation, say- nications director for Trump’s 2016 en.’”
ing it never happened. campaign and argued that the alle- It’s a message the Trump cam-
When Trump has talked about gations are less damaging to Biden paign is reinforcing to supporters.
the accusation, he’s been tepid. than other weaknesses the episode “Joe Biden & the Dems believe he
“I don’t know anything about it,” exposes. should be held to a different standard
Trump first said in response to a re- “This just reminds people that than the one they set for Brett Kava-
porter’s question. “I think he should Biden has been in office” for more naugh. Let’s hold them accountable,”
respond. You know ... it could be than 40 years, Miller said. “It re- read one text sent to supporters.
false accusations. I know all about minds people that he’s part of that For its part, the Biden campaign
false accusations. I’ve been falsely permanent political class.” has sometimes struggled to respond
charged numerous times. And there It was a different story during the to the Reade allegation. It initially
is such a thing.” closing months of Trump’s 2016 cam- released a written statement deny-
He offered the same line on Fri- paign against Hillary Clinton, when ing the accusation while arguing
day during an interview with TV’s Trump repeatedly invoked allega- that women should have the right
“Fox & Friends.” tions against her husband, former to come forward with their stories,
“Look, he’s got to fight that battle. President Bill Clinton. which should be reviewed by the me-
I’ve had battles, too, where I’ve had Following the release of the dia.
false accusations, many times,” he “Access Hollywood” tape in which Biden himself didn’t publicly ad-
said. “I’ve had many false accusa- Trump bragged about using his dress the accusation until a May 1
tions made, I can tell you that. Many. fame to sexually assault women, interview on MSNBC in which he
And maybe it is a false accusation. Trump launched a scorched-earth unequivocally denied Reade’s alle-
Frankly, I hope it is, for his sake.” campaign against Hillary Clinton gation. He repeated that denial in
Trump’s comments highlight the that included inviting her husband’s subsequent media appearances last
complicated calculus he faces as he accusers to the second presidential week.
tries to weaponize a rival’s potential debate. His campaign organized a But the weeks of relative silence
vulnerability when he himself has surprise news conference featuring prompted much hand-wringing
been accused of assault and unwant- four of Bill Clinton’s accusers in an among Democratic operatives, who
ed touching by a long list of women attempt to throw Hillary Clinton off worried Biden was letting the allega-
— allegations he, too, denies. her game. tion overtake his campaign. Female
While Trump has never been shy Four years later, the landscape is voters remain a key voting bloc for
about using his own weaknesses as different. In the wake of the #MeToo the Democratic Party, and some
ammunition — an “I’m rubber, you’re movement, Trump and his campaign expressed concern that the allega-
glue” strategy he used in 2016 to try have instead focused much of their tion could significantly undermine
to blunt attacks against him — the response to Brett Kavanaugh, the Biden’s support among women, par-
November contest between Biden Supreme Court Justice whose nom- ticularly young women.

Today is Monday, May 11, the 132nd the Americans took the island 19 days
day of 2020. There are 234 days left in later.
the year. In 1947, the B.F. Goodrich Com-
pany of Akron, Ohio, announced the
Today’s Highlight in History: development of a tubeless tire.
On May 11, 1502, Christopher In 1950, President Harry S.
Columbus left Cadiz, Spain, on his Truman formally dedicated the Grand
fourth and final trip to the Western Coulee Dam in Washington state.
Hemisphere. In 1953, a tornado devastated
Waco, Texas, claiming 114 lives.
On this date: In 1960, Israeli agents captured
In 1858, Minnesota became the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann in
32nd state of the Union. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In 1935, the Rural Electrification In 1973, the espionage trial of Dan-
Administration was created as one of iel Ellsberg and Anthony Russo in the
President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New “Pentagon Papers” case came to an end
Deal programs. as Judge William M. Byrne dismissed
In 1943, during World War II, U.S. all charges, citing government miscon-
forces landed on the Aleutian island of duct.
Attu, which was held by the Japanese; SOURCE: The Associated Press

The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
Major 4:41a 5:36a
Minor 12:01a 12:53a
Major 5:09p 6:03p
Minor 10:20a 11:18a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
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The Dispatch • MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 3A


Barbers to snip again in Mississippi as virus rules loosen shoppers and store em- Mea told WHBQ-TV. any longer,” Dobson said.
Reeves: Hair salons and barbershops can reopen today ployees must start wear- “They are getting a jump GOP state Sen. Chris
but must follow social distancing guidelines ing masks beginning
Monday, while a similar
on us, and we are sitting
down here wondering
McDaniel said America
was founded by revolu-
requirement was lifted in where and when and how tionaries, and told the
are ready for them. because salons in nearby Starkville. and for the governor’s of- crowd they shouldn’t be
Gyms can reopen Tennessee opened last Reeves’ “Safer at fice to get us back up.” ashamed of that legacy.
Monday too at 30% ca- week. Home” order now extends Reeves’ moves are not “They didn’t let the
Mississippians will be
pacity, operating under Others say they will until May 25. He has said enough for some, though. fear of dying stop them
able to take that inch of
restrictions. stay closed for a while he might loosen more The Sun Herald reports from living,” McDaniel
hair off beginning Mon-
The moves come as longer, restrictions between that about 150 people said. “You and you alone
day thanks to a further
Mississippi officials on “We just feel that it’s now and then, a move attended a protest Satur- are ultimately responsi-
rollback of coronavirus Sunday reported nine really just too soon,” that could be welcomed day in Biloxi to protest ble for your safety.”
restrictions, but the fall- new deaths and 123 new barber Rickey Boggan by thousands of casino restrictions, although The audience cheered
out from the COVID-19 cases, pushing the total in Meridian told WTOK- employees statewide. In about 50 of them partici- when McDaniel said,
pandemic continues to number of cases above TV. “You’re dealing with Tunica County, some lo- pated from a distance. “We’ll take our chances
spread across the state 9,500 and the total num- more people and with cal business people say They heard from because we’d rather be
even as some protest that ber of deaths to at least more people, more risks they fear that Mississip- Ocean Springs Mayor free.”
Gov. Tate Reeves hasn’t 430. are associated.” pi’s delay in reopening Shea Dobson and state E. Brian Rose, presi-
done enough to loosen Michelle Johnson of Some courts will also casinos behind Arkansas Sen. Chris McDaniel, two dent of the Jackson Coun-
up. Fountain of Love hair reopen Monday, although could accelerate a shift Republicans who sug- ty Republican Club, and
The Republican salon in Southaven told defendants in Columbus in gambling dollars to a gested that restrictions Dan Carr, who heads the
Reeves says hair salons WREG-TV she’s eager to are being asked to sign in casino in West Memphis, aimed at preventing the Harrison County Repub-
and barbershops can open in part because em- outside and wait in their Arkansas. spread of the virus were lican Club, organized
reopen today as long as ployees need money. vehicles for a phone call “It’s great for Arkan- tyrannical violations of the event. When asked
chairs are at least 6 feet “They’ve been living with further instructions. sas, but it’s bad for Mis- Americans’ rights. why, Rose said, “Be-
apart, employees and cus- off their savings and that The city of Oxford is al- sissippi,” Tunica auction “We will not accept our cause somebody told me
tomers wear face masks can only go on for so lowing restaurants to re- house owner Howard rights being trampled on I couldn’t.”
and everyone is screened long,” Johnson said. open their dining rooms
for virus symptoms. Cus- She said her employ- on Monday after a delay
tomers are supposed to ees have been at a com- behind the statewide re-
wait outside until stylists petitive disadvantage opening. West Point says

Former Texas mayor named at Chapel Hill. She recently completed

a doctorate in education at the Univer-
president at college in Mississippi sity of Pennsylvania with a dissertation
HOLLY SPRINGS — A historically focusing on leadership at historically
black college in northern Mississippi is black colleges and universities. Taylor
naming the former mayor of San Antonio currently works as a consultant and is a
as its next president. trustee of Huston-Tillotson University in
Trustees of Rust College in Holly Austin, Texas, and University of the In-
Springs on Friday announced Ivy Taylor carnate Word in San Antonio.
as the 12th president of the 800-student “I am thrilled to be part of writing the
school, which is affiliated with the Unit- next chapter for this historic institution,”
ed Methodist Church. Taylor said in a statement.
Taylor will succeed David Beckley,
who has been Rust’s president for 27
years. The Texan will be the first female 3 wounded in shooting in northeast
president of Rust, chosen after an eight Mississippi, 1 in custody
month search. WOODLAND — Three people have
Taylor served as mayor of San Anto- been shot and wounded at a house in
nio for three years and as a member of northeast Mississippi.
the San Antonio City Council for five Clay County Sheriff Eddie Scott told
years. local news outlets that the shooting hap-
She spent six years as a lecturer in pened around 5 p.m. Saturday in the ru-
public administration at the University of ral northern reaches of the county.
Texas at San Antonio. She also served on The victims were taken to hospitals in
the San Antonio Planning Commission West Point and Tupelo. At least two were
and was previously a commissioner for seriously wounded.
the San Antonio Urban Renewal Agency. Scott said deputies have someone in
“We believe the abilities she gained custody, but didn’t release a name and
in non-profit management and political said no charges had been filed. He prom-
leadership will be readily transferable to ises a further update Monday. Online
an academic setting,” said David Swin- jail records for Clay County on Sunday
ton, chair of Rust’s board of trustees. showed no one in custody matching the
Taylor holds a bachelor’s degree from description of the incident.
Yale University and a master’s degree
from the University of North Carolina SOURCE: The Associated Press

Federal aid
Continued from Page 1A
istering online at http://www.Disaster- tional Weather Service confirmed a to- or by calling 1-800-621- tal of 15 twisters, including one storm
FEMA(3362) or 1-800-462-7585 (T TY) with top winds of 190 miles (305 kph)
for the hearing and speech impaired. with a path that stretched for 68 miles
Easter tornadoes in Mississippi dam- (110 kilometers) across southern Mis-
aged more than 1,400 homes and 80 sissippi and a damage field that topped
businesses, killing 12 people. The Na- out at 2.25 miles (3.6 kilometers) wide.

Get promoted? Win an award?

Send us your business brief.
subject: Business brief
4A MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020
PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


Black people are
dying to know
my heart.
If you’ve
seen it,
you need
no further
You know
exactly what
video I’m
talking about Leonard Pitts
and why it
shattered me.
If you haven’t, be advised that the clip
in question depicts the last seconds in
the life of Ahmaud Arbery. He was just
25, a young man out jogging on a sun-
ny Sunday afternoon in Glynn County,
A white man, 64-year-old former
district attorney’s investigator Grego-
ry McMichael, saw him running and
thought he looked like the suspect in
a series of local break-ins. In other
words, he was black. McMichael and
his 34-year-old son Travis armed
themselves, jumped in a truck and
took off.
The video, taken from a trailing
vehicle, shows Arbery jogging toward
the waiting truck. The elder McMi-
chael told police he and his son called
out to Arbery to wait because they
wanted to talk to him. He said Arbery
instead “began to violently attack”
Travis. In the video, they are seen
wrestling over Travis’ rifle.
It barks three times. Mortally
Voice of the people
wounded, Arbery tries to run, but his Comments on Trump comparing himself to Lincoln causes. No flu,
legs buckle and he falls on his face. President Trump has been comparing himself to Pres- cancer or even natural causes of deaths has been
This happened on Feb. 23; the ident Lincoln. Favorably. Since he has claimed to be the reported. Every death seems to be COVID 19. All I’m
McMichaels were not arrested. Two best president ever, I suppose that goes without saying. saying is a little common sense will go along way. There
prosecutors recused themselves, He even made his claim at the Lincoln Memorial. have been 2 local cases reported that turned out not to be
citing professional ties to the father. When I think of Abraham Lincoln, I think of his char- COVID 19. My point is who do you believe? The question
Before doing so, one of them declared acter. He always sought to find a way to achieve political is, are you concerned enough to take a stand or believe
there was no probable cause to arrest goals within a strict ethical compass. I think of his wit. everything the government tells you? The old saying “I’m
this two-man lynch mob because the There are whole books of his witticisms. I think of his from the government and I’m here to help you” is not
law gave Travis McMichael the right eloquence. We still read the Lincoln-Douglas Debates, necessarily a good thing some time. Time will tell. I pray
to use deadly force to defend himself. the Inaugural Addresses. We still get choked up at the for those of the next generation. As a senior citizen, I have
Apparently, Arbery had no corre- Gettysburg Address. I think of his ability to learn from lived in the best of times in America. My concern is, what
sponding right to protect himself from and use the skills of his political enemies. kind of world am I leaving for my children and grandchil-
an unknown assailant with a gun. Finally, I think of his belief in we the people. He dren?
It was not until Thursday, two days wrote, “We the people are the rightful masters of both Pray for America. God bless America.
after release of the video triggered Congress and courts. Not to overthrow the Constitution, Lee Roy Lollar
a national chorus of condemnation but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” Columbus
raining down on the tiny south Geor- More apt to President Trump’s comparison, “I am a firm
gia county, that the McMichaels were believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be Appreciates health care workers
finally jailed. It had taken 74 days. depended on to meet any national crisis. The great point Nurses and nurse practitioners: thank God for your
Seventy-four days. And will that bring is to bring them the real facts.” dedicated loyal compassion of care and true concern
justice? This is America, so don’t hold Bill Gillmore for the wellbeing and health of others totally (mentally,
your breath. Columbus physically, and developmentally). Not only when we (the
If that sounds bitter, well, bit- citizens and visitors) are in your clinics and hospitals you
terness seems an entirely appropriate Feels officer punishment was too much stop and assist during accidents, illness in supermarkets
response to what was captured in Yes, I/we don’t know the rest of the Tabertha Hardin or wherever the need is: you swing into action. God gave
that video. Meaning not just another meets Fido story. So what! Slim is correct. Tabertha you the gift to pursue the knowledge; you are implement-
murder of another unarmed man, but was sent to the dog house for a perfectly normal human ing your skills to the highest potential. Thank you! After
yet another iteration of the eternal, in- response to being attacked, in my opinion. I guarantee we go home, you follow up by calling to check on us.
fernal arrogance that infects so much that if I had been in her shoes, I would have spoken like a Public: please take the time to fill out the survey.
of white America, this notion that a sailor and I was never in the navy. In addition, my reflex- Give them (nurses and nurse practitioners) their
white man or woman has the divine es would have provided the impetus to kick Fido into next flowers while they serve us. Flowers or cut in half Krispy
right to require any given black person month or to deliver a quick dose of lead poisoning from Kreme donuts will boost their spirits. A fruit tray is a wise
to justify their presence and activities. my sidearm. What does the police manual dictate as the choice! Love! Love! Love!
“Why are you barbecuing in that appropriate response to being attacked by a domestic an- Special thanks to:
public park?” imal? Please let me know if the body cam video makes it n Dr. John Stanback and staff, Dr. Julius Kato and
“Why are you swimming in that to YouTube. If the Columbus City Council is going to give staff, and Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle (I
public pool?” Tabertha a “Sit” and “Stay” order, at least pay her. Don’t climb and walk up hills Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
“Why are you jogging down that treat her like a dog. at 67 years young.)
public street bothering no one, mind- Martin Pomphrey, M.D. n LeBonheur Children’s Hospital staff of Mem-
ing your own damn business?” Mayhew phis, TN – In memory of Aidan D’Wayne, 1/25/2020-
All white people? No. Of course 4/11/2020, resting in peace at home with the Lord. Aiden
not. But more white people than many caused our family to refocus and prioritize our relation-
white people would readily concede. ship with God and each other. We are stronger together!
And the very need to place that dis- Concerned with rights and debt n University of Mississippi Medical Center (Ky, my
claimer, the recognition that without The COVID-19 crisis has shown how fragile our consti- great-grandson, is four years old and is healthy and well).
it — and likely, even with it — some tutional rights are. Our freedom of religion, freedom of as- Pat Fisher Douglas
white readers will go away clutch- sembly and freedom of speech, to name a few, have been Columbus
ing their pearls about my supposed questioned and in some cases denied. We as American
“racism” toward them, speaks vol- citizens had better wake up. I’m not a conspiracy theory Correction to Emmerich column
umes. Racism is not hurt feelings. It is nut, but something is going on. There are those that want Wyatt Emmerich referenced a web page claiming
systematized oppression that bars you a one world government and government control of our 38576 deaths from COVID-19 across the United States.
from opportunity and steers you to- everyday life. We have shut down some businesses, but The table from which he pulled his data had this note:
ward calamity every waking day from have let others open. You can go to Walmart or Lowe’s but Note: Number of deaths reported in this table are the
cradle to grave, that allows you to be you can’t get a hair cut? Think about it folks, something total number of deaths received and coded as of the date
murdered on camera, in cold blood in isn’t right. The ole frog in a pot of water rings true. Slowly of analysis and do not represent all deaths that occurred
broad daylight — and your assailants turn the heat up and the next thing you know, you have a in that period.
to be home in time for dinner. cooked frog. I’m not saying there’s not a lot of unknowns Data during this period are incomplete because of the
Trayvon, Tamir, Michael, Philando, about the virus, but to shut down the world’s economy lag in time between when the death occurred and when
John, Amadou, Ahmaud ... it’s enough. based on models the death certificate is completed, submitted to NCHS
It’s too much. that have been shown are wrong makes one think and processed for reporting purposes. This delay can
And all the “good” white people about those predicting things. There are those elitist range from 1 week to 8 weeks or more, depending on the
who needed the disclaimer, who need- that think they are smarter than the common folk. This jurisdiction, age, and cause of death.”
ed their blamelessness acknowledged, disease is bad but, I think it has become a political thing If you check
must understand that it’s not enough now. The economy has crashed, due to the shut down. rus/2019-ncov/cases-updates/cases-in-us.html, as of May
that you’re able to avoid getting caught The government has come to the rescue, but the money 8th, the number was 75477.
on video being a racist jerk. they have given away has to be printed. I’m not complain- Bonnie Oppenheimer
No, ask yourself: What am I doing ing about the government helping out, but printing more Columbus
to dismantle a system of privilege that dollars means inflation. I went to Lee High School years
oppresses others while advantaging ago, and I know the government does not create income. A letter to the editor is an excellent way to participate
me every waking day from cradle to News alert! The government receives money from taxing in your community. We request the tone of your letters be
grave? What am I doing to help my us lowly citizens. This goes against the belief that the constructive and respectful and the length be limited to 450
brothers and sisters be free? “Government has plenty of money in D.C.”. This epidem- words. We reserve the right to edit letters for clarity, gram-
Black people are dying to know. ic, pandemic or what ever you call it is a wake up call to mar and length. While commentary on national issues is
Leonard Pitts Jr., winner of the 2004 everyone. Precious blood has bought our freedom, but it always welcome, we limit candidate endorsements to one
Pulitzer Prize for commentary, is a might be at stake due to the power grab of some in high per letter-writer. We welcome all letters emailed to voice@
columnist for the Miami Herald. Email political places. We have seen reported deaths from this or mailed to The Dispatch, Attn: Letters to the
him at new virus, but not much reporting of deaths from other Editor, PO Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703-0511.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 5A


New week brings new challenges for WH



administration’s leading health
Pence spends weekend at home
experts on safely dealing with the
novel coronavirus will be testifying
in a Senate hearing by a videocon-
after exposure to infected aide
ference this week after three of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS White House Medical Unit and
them and the committee’s chair- is not in quarantine,” spokesman
man were exposed to people who WASHINGTON — Vice Pres- Devin O’Malley said Sunday. “Ad-
tested positive for COVID-19. ident Mike Pence was self-isolat- ditionally, Vice President Pence
Adding to a string of potentially ing Sunday after an aide tested has tested negative every single
awkward moments for President positive for the coronavirus last day and plans to be at the White
Donald Trump, Vice President week, but he planned to return to House tomorrow.”
Mike Pence himself self-isolated the White House on Monday. Pence has been at home since
for the weekend after a staff mem- An administration official said returning to Washington from a
ber tested positive for COVID-19. Pence was voluntarily keeping day trip to Iowa on Friday and did
Pence leads Trump’s coronavirus his distance from other people in not appear at President Donald
task force. line with guidance from the Cen- Trump’s meeting with military
The images of top administra- ters for Disease Control and Pre- leaders Saturday at the White
tion officials taking such precau- vention. He has repeatedly tested House. Pence was informed of the
tions come as states seek to loosen negative for COVID-19 since his aide’s positive test shortly before
exposure but was following the departing for that trip.
economic restrictions put in place
advice of medical officials. An official initially said Pence
to mitigate the virus’ spread.
His action came after three of planned to continue working from
In the Senate, a staff member
the nation’s top scientists took home, before Pence’s office clari-
for the office of Sen. Lamar Alex-
their own protective steps follow- fied that he planned to work from
ander, R-Tenn., tested positive for
ing possible exposure to a White the White House on Monday. It
COVID-19, leading Alexander to House staffer infected by the coro- was not immediately clear how
decide to preside over Tuesday’s navirus. Pence’s steps to self-isolate would
hearing by teleconference while “Vice President Pence will con- impact his professional or public
self-quarantining at home in Ten- tinue to follow the advice of the engagements.
nessee for two weeks.
As the health experts discuss
the administration’s response to Perhaps most important of all dispatched on Sunday to place the
the outbreak, lawyers for Trump the week’s developments, the ad- focus on the merits of loosening
will hope to persuade a Supreme ministration and Congress will restrictions on the economy. Yet
Court with two of his appointees be watching how businesses and attention to possible risks of infec-
to keep his tax and other financial consumers react as states gradu- tion also turned to how the virus
records from being turned over to ally loosen restrictions that were seemed to find its way into the
lawmakers and a New York district designed to slow the spread of the White House complex.
attorney. coronavirus. Top task force officials who have
The justices are hearing argu- Decisions about how fast to re- gone into quarantine because of
ments by telephone in a pivotal le- open are being made with a general exposure to a person at the White
gal fight that could affect the pres- election less than six months away, House who tested positive for the
idential campaign. Rulings against and Trump and other incumbents virus include Dr. Anthony Fauci,
the president could result in the face the prospect of seeking an- the director of the National Insti-
quick release of personal financial other term in the midst of a public tute of Allergy and Infectious Dis-
information that Trump has sought health and economic crisis. eases; Dr. Robert Redfield, director
strenuously to keep private. “If we do this carefully, working of the CDC; and the commissioner
On Thursday, a House panels with the governors, I don’t think of the Food and Drug Administra-
hears from Dr. Rick A. Bright, for- there’s a considerable risk,” Trea- tion, Dr. Stephen Hahn.
mer director of the Biomedical Ad- sury Secretary Steven Mnuchin Fauci’s institute said he was
vanced Research and Development said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Mat- “taking appropriate precautions”
Authority. Bright asserts that he ter of fact, I think there’s a consid- to mitigate the risk to others while
was summarily removed from his erable risk of not reopening. You’re still carrying out his duties, tele-
job and reassigned to a lesser role talking about what would be per- working from home but willing to
because he resisted political pres- manent economic damage to the go to the White House if called. Of-
sure to allow widespread use of hy- American public.” ficials said both Redfield and Hahn
droxychloroquine, a malaria drug Mnuchin was one of several eco- will be self-quarantining for two
favored by Trump. nomic advisers the White House weeks.
6A MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 The Dispatch •


Iran friendly fire missile strike in drill kills 19 sailors
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS the incident happened, service since 1988 and Iranian media rarely
the reports said. The had capacity of 40 tons. It report on mishaps during
TEHRAN, Iran — vessel had been putting usually carries a crew of exercises by the country’s
An Iranian missile fired targets out for other ships 20 sailors. armed forces, signaling
during a training exer- to target. The media said Iran towed the Konarak the severity of the inci-
cise in the Gulf of Oman the missile struck the ves- into a nearby naval base dent. It also comes amid
struck a support vessel sel accidentally. after the strike. A photo- months of heightened ten-
near its target, killing The friendly fire inci- graph released by the Ira- sions between Iran and
19 Iranian sailors and dent took place near the nian army showed burn the U.S. since President
wounding 15, Iran’s mili- port of Jask, some 1,270 marks and some damage Donald Trump unilater-
tary and state media said kilometers (790 miles) to the vessel, though the ally withdrew from Teh-
Monday, amid heightened southeast of Tehran, in military did not immedi- ran’s nuclear deal with
tensions between Tehran the Gulf of Oman, state ately offer detailed pho- world powers in 2018 and
and Washington. TV said. tographs of the site of the imposed crushing sanc-
The statement signifi- A local hospital admit- missile’s impact. tions on the country.
cantly raised the death ted 12 sailors and treated Iran regularly holds It marks the second se-
toll in Sunday’s incident another three with slight exercises in the region, rious incident involving a
from what was reported wounds, the state-run which is close to the stra- misfired missile by Iran’s
just hours earlier, when IRNA news agency re- tegic Strait of Hormuz, armed forces this year. In
Iran’s state media said at ported. the narrow mouth of the January, after attacking
least one sailor was killed. Iranian media said the Persian Gulf through U.S. forces in Iraq with
The Konarak, a Hen- Konarak had been over- which 20% of the world’s ballistic missiles, Iran’s
dijan-class support ship, hauled in 2018 and was oil passes. The U.S. Na- paramilitary Revolution-
which was taking part able to launch sea and vy’s 5th Fleet, which ary Guard accidentally
in the exercise, was too anti-ship missiles. The monitors the region, did shot down a Ukrainian jet-
close to a target during an Dutch-made, 47-meter not immediately respond liner, killing all 176 people
exercise on Sunday when (155-foot) vessel was in to a request for comment. on board.

Continued from Page 1A
familiar faces with whom of eligibility and excelled are playing, too.” jump from the classroom
Johnson had to forge academically — even as Consistency drives to administration.
new relationships. Her basketball began to slide the team’s success on the That could present
principal at SHS when into a more manageable court, the same princi- new opportunities for
she graduated there in place in her priorities. ple Johnson uses in the Johnson, maybe even
1993 had become her “Basketball was such classroom, where she away from the town she
boss, and many of her a big part of my life,” teaches junior advanced and husband, Terell, call
former teachers were her said Johnson, who grew placement language in home — where Jacquez
coworkers. up in a family with two addition to sophomore graduated and their two
“It was hard adjusting brothers who played English. younger sons, Nyjal, 17,
from calling the teachers Southeastern Conference “I listen to my stu- and Daejon, 15, attend
by their last names to football and another who dents and I can relate high school.
them saying, ‘Oh no, call played some professional to what they’re going “I’ve worked side by
me by (my first name),’” baseball. “I played (recre- through,” she said. “I side with her for so long,
she said. “I just couldn’t ational league), AAU and can relate to things that I can’t imagine being up
do it.” all the way up. But after might go over everyone there without her,” War-
Because of that, and I had Jaquez, … (basket- else’s head and I can ren said. “I’ve taught two
by function of her also ball) wasn’t the center of relate to the latest rap of her kids, and I can’t
being an assistant girls my universe.” song. I try to be a good wait to teach her last son
basketball coach at the mixture. And when you if I can hang in there that
school, Johnson refers to are being consistent and
most of her coworkers by
Consistency positive with students,
long. She’s my fam.”
Even today, though, And for fam, Warren
just their last name. the difference you make also earns another spe-
Most everybody who basketball remains a happens naturally, a lot
huge part of who Johnson cial honor from Johnson.
knows Johnson usually of times without you even
is. “I finally got to where
just calls her “Bird.” knowing it.”
When she came to I call her by her first
“From some people I Of course, being
SHS as a teacher, she name,” she said.
get ‘Mrs. Bird,’” she said. among the most highly
That nickname came also was the eighth grade rated high school players
from her father when head girls coach. Then in school history gives
she was a child, though she took on the ninth Johnson some credibility
Johnson said she’s never grade team. About seven with the current players.
been given a definite years ago, she became She doesn’t toot her own
reason why. It followed the assistant for the high horn, but she doesn’t
her through high school, school team, the same have to.
where she was a basket- program she helped take “I don’t have to say
ball star on nationally to three state finals as a anything,” she said.
ranked teams, and even player, finally winning “They come tell me stuff
to Ole Miss, where she the championship her (they heard I did).”
played guard for a Rebels junior year. The program Johnson still has a
program that reached the had flagged somewhat little game left in the
NCAA tournament three since, but came soaring tank, too.
straight years — once back under a coaching “I can still play. You’re
making it to the Sweet 16 staff, led by Kristie Wil- not going to out shoot
during her tenure. liams, with high expecta- me,” she said. “My mind
She did all that while tions and players who all still thinks I can run up
raising her first of three “bought in.” and down the court, but
children, Jaquez, whom The program won my body ….”
she had a few months back-to-back state titles Johnson earned her
after graduating high in 2017 and 2018. master’s in secondary
school and just two weeks “We raised the expec- education from Missis-
before starting classes tations, and (the players) sippi State and will soon
in Oxford. With a strong came to them,” Johnson finish her specialist
family support system said. “Everybody doesn’t certification in education-
behind her, Johnson just come to see the boys al leadership, something
played out her four years play. They know the girls that would qualify her to

Capitol dome
Continued from Page 1A
that the spread of the vi- the first time in their lives. thing is, the people of
rus has risks. The spread The governor says Mississippi can make
of the economic collapse his top adviser during that decision first — if the
has risks.” the pandemic is the state people of our state will be
Reeves spent eight health officer, Dr. Thom- smart, if they’ll stay safe.”
years as state treasurer as Dobbs. He is also lis- Reeves said city and
and eight as lieutenant tening to business exec- county law enforcement
governor before being utives and to people who officers have done “a fan-
inaugurated as governor express concerns about tastic job” of enforcing
in January. He has consis- the economy. safety orders during the
tently advocated a limited Reeves frequently says pandemic, and state law
role for state government. that restarting Mississip- enforcement officers are
Legislators cut several pi’s economy is not like available to help them. As
thousand jobs from the flipping a light switch more businesses reopen,
state government work- from off to on but like us- Reeves said the best en-
force when Reeves had ing a dimmer switch to go
forcement of safety stan-
a big role in writing bud- from dull to bright.
dards will come from
gets as lieutenant gover- He emphasizes the role
nor. of personal responsibility,
“The number one per-
Fairly early in the pan- saying that people should
son that it is going to en-
demic, Reeves said he’s mostly remain home and
concerned about people that they should wear force this is the person
facing “abject poverty” masks in public, keep that is actually opening
because of job losses. It’s distance between them- the business. It’s the
a phrase he has not often selves and others and employees. It’s Missis-
used in speeches or in- avoid taking the whole sippians. It’s people who
terviews during 16-plus family to the grocery care about not only them-
years of serving in public store if possible. selves, but about their
office in a state that has “If we do not want to fellow man,” Reeves said.
been one of the poorest in return where we were sev- “I am convinced that the
the U.S. for generations. eral weeks ago, with more industries that we are re-
During news conferences businesses closed and opening are going to do a
about COVID-19, Reeves more shelter-in-place — I better job of monitoring
often mentions people have to ultimately make it themselves than any
who are having to file that decision,” Reeves governmental entity ever
unemployment claims for said last week. “But the will.”


Jim Brown/USA TODAY Sports

Mississippi State Bulldogs wide receiver Osirus Mitchell (5) rushes against Louisville Cardinals linebacker T.J. Holl (35) during the second half of the Music City Bowl on Dec. 30 at
Nissan Stadium.
BY BEN PORTNOY start date and the logistics Sans the quarterback, Nichol and Steve Spurrier inconsistency has plagued wide-open air raid offense, behind such an occurrence no position will be more Jr. Senior JaVonta Payton, him throughout his ca- but he’ll have to find some
remain unknown. crucial to success in Mike a one-time Ole Miss com- reer. The final addition to semblance of consistency
STARKVILLE — With Over the next week- Leach’s first year at the mit before a two-year stint MSU’s 2016 class, Mitch- in 2020.
spring commencement at plus, we’re going to dive helm than the Bulldogs’ at Northwest Mississippi ell led the team with 430 Beyond Payton and
Mississippi State now offi- into the Bulldogs’ depth wide receivers. On the sur- Community College, has yards and six touchdowns Mitchell, Copiah-Lincoln
cially passed, summer has chart heading into the face, the group is rebuild- shown flashes of track-lev- on 29 receptions last sea- Community College prod-
arrived in Starkville. summer and what it might ing in 2020 given the grad- el speed on the outside and son but the bigger prob- uct Malik Heath should
And while the MSU look like once competition uations of Stephen Guidry, in the slot. Entering his lem for Mitchell is that he see the field immediately
football team has yet to is allowed to begin. Deddrick Thomas, Malik final year of competition, faded down the stretch — during his first season in
endure its usual regimen Following last week’s Dear and Isaiah Zuber — Payton should emerge as a recording just five catches Starkville. A former top-
of spring practices due to three-part look at the de- a group that combined for go-to guy in some capacity over the Bulldogs’ final 200 prospect who commit-
the ongoing COVID-19 fense and Sunday’s foray three of MSU’s top six pass in 2020. four games. ted to MSU out of Callaway
pandemic, there remains into the running back catchers a year ago. Classmate Osirus At 6-foot-5, 210 pounds, High School, Heath blos-
a growing optimism a 2020 room, let’s stick with of- That said, the cupboard Mitchell should also be the Sarasota, Florida na- somed into the No. 2 junior
football season will be fense and the MSU wide isn’t completely bare for a ringleader of the 2020 tive has the ability to be a college wide receiver in the
played — though an exact receiving corps. assistant coaches Dave receiving corps, though dynamic threat in Leach’s See MSU, 2B

After career year with Bulldogs, Williams ready to move on Under 1% of MLB
BY THEO DEROSA employees test positive
for virus antibodies

When the Mississippi

State softball team’s sea- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS U.S. on April 14 and 15
son was put on hold March and 5,603 records that
12 due to the coronavirus NEW YORK — Just were used. The survey
pandemic, the Bulldogs 0.7% of Major League kit had a 0.5% false posi-
harbored hope of an even- Baseball employees test- tive rate.
tual resumption.
ed positive for antibodies Dr. Jay Bhattacha-
But senior second base-
to COVID-19, the illness rya of Stanford, one of
man Lindsey Williams had
caused by the new coro- the study’s leaders, said
her doubts.
“It was sort of an un- navirus. the prevalence of the
known, but I think deep The small number of antibodies among MLB
down I knew that it was positive tests, announced employees was lower
over,” Williams told The Sunday, was positive than for the general pop-
Dispatch on Thursday. news for a sport pushing ulation during testing in
Soon, she was home ahead with plans to start New York, Los Angeles,
in Mobile, Alabama, for its delayed season. the San Francisco area
good, still trying to take Researchers received and Miami.
Austin Perryman/MSU Athletics
everything in. 6,237 completed surveys “I was expecting a
Mississippi State senior second baseman Lindsey Williams hit her first home run with
“‘This doesn’t feel the Bulldogs on Feb. 12 against Alabama State at Nusz Park. With her engineering from employees of 26 little bit of a higher num-
right,” Williams told her degree completed and a full-time job lined up, Williams chose not to take an extra clubs. That led to 5,754 ber,” Bhattacharya said
See WILLIAMS, 2B year of eligibility when it was offered by the NCAA. samples obtained in the See MLB, 2B
2B MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1B
class of 2020. Re-pledging Lideatrick “Tulu” Griffin. Starkville High School happened, but he’s very
to the Bulldogs on July 27, Griffin comes to MSU native Rufus Harvey productive with the ball
he’ll give MSU another as one of three top-300 could also have an impact in his hands.”
college-ready receiver to prospects in MSU’s as a slot receiver. Harvey, The 2020 season will
thrive in Leach’s offense. 2020 signing class after who led the Yellow Jack- see a complete restock of
“The biggest thing a standout two-way ca- ets to the MHSA A 6A the underachieving MSU
about him is he’s a guy reer at Philadelphia High semifinals, was among receiving corps from a
that’s been a lot of plac- School. As a senior he the final adds to MSU’s season ago as they wel-
es and camps and he’s caught 23 passes for 413 2020 class after finishing come a new pass-heavy
worked on being a receiv- yards and three touch- his senior year with 75 re- offense to Starkville. But
er that runs good routes,” downs while adding an- ceptions for 1,066 yards with experienced options
Co-Lin coach Glenn Da- other eight scores on 41 and 16 touchdowns. in place, the Bulldog
vis told The Dispatch in rushing attempts. “He’s really good with passing attack stands to
August. “(He’s) worked As for Ducking, he’s the ball in his hands — I flourish whenever the
on releases. He’s a very the less heralded of think that’d be the quick- season may come.
polished guy. When he
doesn’t think too much,
MSU’s pair of junior col-
lege receivers, but was
est way to describe it,”
Leach said of Harvey in
“I know the last two
years of Washington

things come naturally to

an impact performer
during his two years at
February. “He’s a pretty
complete player as far
State, I think we had 10
or more receivers with
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
Other names to watch Holmes C.C. in Goodman as being productive on 20 or more receptions,” Sudoku
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 8 9 3 4 5 7 1 6 2
in 2020 include Holmes — finishing his sopho- special teams and on of- Spurrier said in Febru- ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 6 1 4 8 3 2 7 9 5

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

Community College sign- more campaign with nine fense. It’s kind of like, in ary. “So guys are excited based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 7 2 5 6 9 1 3 8 4
ee Caleb Ducking and Un- catches for 207 yards and some place, it’d be kind about their possibilities grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 2 8 6 9 7 3 4 5 1
der Armour All-American three touchdowns. of inexplicable how it and their opportunity.” given
so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 4 7 1 5 6 8 2 3 9
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box 3 5 9 2 1 4 8 7 6

contains the1same to 9 number
the empty spaces so 5 3 2 7 4 9 6 1 8
only once. The difficulty 1 6 8 3 2 5 9 4 7
that each row, each
level increases from
Continued from Page 1B column and each 9 4 7 1 8 6 5 2 3
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 5/09

family. “‘I’m supposed to only affect me; it affects ue to share with other Williams made her de- the same number only once. The difficulty level
be at class. I’m supposed everyone that I’m around players who continue to cision, and it’s why her increases from Monday to Sunday.
to be at practice.’” and my family.” come into the program.” fellow seniors are excited
On a FaceTime call 2020 proved to be a But Williams made the for her and understand-
with sophomore catcher season of high-water tough decision not to con- ing of why she won’t be
Jackie McKenna, who marks for not only the tinue that story by forgo- returning in 2021.
was already back in her Bulldogs but Williams ing a fifth season with the “As much as we all
home state of Florida, herself. After finding her- Bulldogs, pointing to her wanted Lindsey back,
Williams could still only self in the starting lineup completed education and we’ve known she’s had
think of the things — and only four times in her her future job opportuni- a lot lined up for herself
the people — she missed. first three years with the ties as critical factors. and worked really hard to
Williams tried to pro- team, Williams started Graduating from Mis- line a lot of job opportu-
cess what had been taken 21 games at second base sissippi State on May nities up for herself and
from her and her team, this spring, hitting. 295 1 with a major in civil graduate in four years Sunday’s Cryptoquote:
which had started its sea- and driving in 10 runs. engineering, Williams
and have a lot of big goals
son with a record of 25-3, Against Alabama State doesn’t need to pursue a
ahead of her,” Denis said.
the best start in Missis- on Feb. 12, she hit her master’s degree, which
Quinn, Williams’
sippi State history. At that first career home run; in could have kept her in
fateful, final March 12 her final game on March classes in Starkville for roommate in Starkville,
practice, as Williams and 11 at Southern Miss, she at least an extra year. To had heard Williams talk
the Bulldogs stretched on turned a slick double play officially become an en- excitedly about her ca-
the outfield grass one last to end the bottom of the gineer, all she needs to reer every day for nearly
time, they were just more first inning by snaring a do is pass the FE (Funda- two years after Quinn
than 24 hours away from liner and stepping on sec- mentals of Engineering) transferred in from Flor-
their Southeastern Con- ond to force out the base- and PE (Principles and ida Southwestern Col-
ference opener against runner. Practice of Engineering) lege. Despite knowing
Kentucky at Nusz Park in “I love defense, so I’m examinations. the decision Williams
Starkville. really happy I ended out Consequently, after would make, Quinn said
“I think I’ll just remem- that way,” Williams said talking it over with her it wasn’t easy to process.
ber how great this year of the play. family in Mobile, Wil- “It’s tough not being
was,” Williams said. “I As the Bulldogs’ hit- liams decided she didn’t able to see someone that
think it was gonna be the ting coach, Samantha want to spend an extra you’ve become close
best year. We were gonna Ricketts watched Wil- year in college. friends with every day,”
make a run for it.” liams’ maturation before “It’s hard not to go Quinn said.
Just five days after that Ricketts took over the back and play that one But Williams will still
final practice, the South- reins as the team’s head last year, especially the keep in touch with her
eastern Conference offi- coach this year. To Rick- way all of this ended,” former Bulldog team-
cially canceled competi- etts, Williams has be- Williams said. “It all mates, saying she was ex-
tion for the remainder of come proof that young comes to an end eventu- cited that Quinn, Denis,
the season, and March players who stay patient ally, and education is the Leilua and Loza will all
30, the NCA A Division I in the face of inconsistent most important thing, get one more year with
Council granted athletes playing time often wind so that’s ultimately what the team.
in spring sports a waiver up finding a path to suc- made my decision.” “They’re still gonna
for an extra year of colle- cess at Mississippi State. Williams has lined up be my senior class, so I’ll
giate eligibility to make “We’re gonna tell the a full-time job for herself ACROSS
definitely be rooting for
up for it. Lindsey Williams story in her hometown, too. 1 Book part
them every single game,”
At the team’s end- to teams for the three Late in the spring semes- 5 “Gone With the
Williams said.
of-the-year meetings in years to come,” Ricketts ter, a girl she interned Wind” plantation
She plans to make
mid-April, Fa Leilua, Al- said. “She’s just such a with at the infrastructure 9 Used a stop-
yssa Loza, Candace De- great example in this consulting firm Volkert, the 3½-hour drive up to
Starkville every weekend watch
nis and Christian Quinn day and age when play- Inc., called Williams to 10 Make suitable
all accepted that offer, ers want that immediate ask if she was interested she can to watch her old
squad play at Nusz Park 12 Give a
officially choosing to play gratification, and she in some part-time work speech
with the Bulldogs for one really just put her head with the company. Wil- — a sign Williams’ im-
pact on the team will still
13 Barber’s tool
more year. down and worked and liams agreed, and she’s 14 Taking it easy
Williams declined it. was a great teammate. currently helping out be felt.
“She’s only down the
16 “Where did —
“You always want to go She led by example. She with Volkert; she said wrong?”
back and play, but you al- didn’t complain. She was a full-time offer will be road from Starkville, so
17 School near
ways have to think about a good leader. To see how coming as soon as her she’s probably gonna be
every outcome and every her hard work paid off for college degree officially up here a lot more than
18 2012 candi-
factor that goes into it,” her, I think, is just a great goes through. we imagine,” Quinn said.
Williams said. “It doesn’t story that we can contin- It’s one big reason why “It’ll still be good.”
date Sunday’s answer
21 Decimal base
wines activity

22 Mechanic’s
place 41 Dick Tracy’s 19 Metal sources
23 Stunned love 20 Fuming
24 Namely 22 Spanish cat
Continued from Page 1B DOWN 23 Week part
26 Hockey’s
during a telephone news will give you better infor- margin is too high to Bianca Mulaney, who au- Bobby 1 Buccaneer 24 Quiz show
conference. “The set of mation and may even be draw results because 29 Coloring need 2 Warring fodder
thored the study.
people in the MLB em- able to alleviate some of just 123 tests were in- 30 Gobi setting woman 25 Frat torture
The Chicago Cubs,
ployee population that we the concerns with false cluded from the team. 31 Columnist 3 Arrive 26 Egyptian god
Cincinnati, Colorado 4 Genesis 27 Frees of suds
tested in some sense have positives,” said Daniel Bhattacharya called and Miami did not par- Smith
been less affected by the Eichner said of the Sports the results “both good 32 Looking garden 28 Wild party
ticipate, Bhattacharya 5 Road goo 29 Staff symbol
COVID epidemic than Medicine Research and and bad news” because intently
said. A pre-print server 6 Nabokov novel 30 Blue hue
their surrounding com- Testing Laboratory in Salt they showed the virus 34 Musical set in
munities.” Lake City. another of the has not spread wide- will publish the study 7 Tearing down 33 Bank state-
Data for players was study leaders. ly in MLB but still has this week, and it will be 37 Swear 8 Orbital point ment No.
not separated in the study, “So I would definitely many baseballers left to sent to a journal for peer 38 Penalized 9 Apartment sign 35 Golf peg
and some MLB family advocate if anyone was target. Eichner said re- review. 39 Old newsman 11 Hector’s 36 Throw in
members were included. going to put a program sults could mean MLB Test kits were provid- 40 Like some home
Spring training was together to get their sport employees had been dil- ed by the Partnership 15 Pasture
stopped March 12 and of their work back, is to igent in use of personal for Clean Competition,
opening day was pushed utilize both different tech- protective equipment, which funds anti-doping
back from March 26 be- nologies,” he said. such as masks. research, and research-
cause of the pandemic. The University of “If this population was ers worked for free.
MLB intends to give the Southern California also social isolating and prac-
Mulaney said the
players’ association a pre- participated in the study. ticing good PPE, then it
sentation this week for a Bhattacharya said shows that that worked prevalence of positive
possible start to the sea- MLB employees are and it didn’t get the tests for antibodies was
son, and has said frequent younger than the overall spread in there,” Eichner higher in areas that have
testing would be neces- population and took pro- said. “And then the flip been harder hit by the
sary. tective measures such as side of that is that means virus, such as New York,
Antibodies are pro- frequent hand washing it’s worked well, then and lower in less-impact-
duced by a person’s im- when they reported to they keep doing it.” ed areas, such as Ohio.
mune system if they have spring training in early Sixty people tested “This is a special pop-
been infected by a virus. February, earlier than positive in the raw data, ulation. It’s not it’s not
These tests are different most people. and the figured was ad- representative of the
than the polymerise chain No MLB employees justed to about 42 to ac-
American population
reaction (PCR) tests used have been known to have count for false positives
and false negatives. at large,” Bhattacharya
to detect active infection. died from COVID-19.
“By using two different While the percentage Over 95% of the partic- said. “But it’s an import-
technologies, both PCR to of Los Angeles Angels ipants were under 65 and ant population because
diminish the active virus, employees with posi- few reported comorbid- it allows us to get a peek
as well as the antibody, tive test was the highest ities, according to Stan- at the nationwide preva-
the serology tests, that among teams, the error ford medical student lence.”
The Dispatch • MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 3B

Column: Will the new coronavirus kill spitting in sports?

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS “About time they did aging the Rangers and be- Pitchers figured out bing a swig of water on the like tennis and golf have
something,” said Bobby hind me there’s this elon- that loading a glob onto sidelines during a break proved that it is, although
We come not to praise Valentine, who played gated view of the dugout. one side of the ball made became available, it practi- both Tiger Woods and
the loogie, but to bury it. and managed in the major There must have been 200 it dip like crazy. Fielders cally elevated it into an art Sergio Garcia handed
Already banned on side- leagues for more than 40 of those green Gatorade pounded spit into the pock- form. But don’t expect any over hefty fines for leaving
walks, outlawed indoors years, including two stints cups and all this other … et of stiff leather gloves to new masterpieces to flow something besides sweat
and pooh-poohed by polite in the Japanese Pacific let’s just say gunk, laying soften them up and hitters soon. out on the course.
society, that gob of saliva League. around. rubbed it on their hands or With Germany’s Bunde- Basketball and hockey
and Lord-knows-what-else “I was over there for sev- “And I used to won- lacquered up bat handles to sliga considering a return are stuck indoors, but only
is done mucking up sports. en years and I could proba- der even then,” Valentine improve their grips, at least to play within week s, Mi- one of them said no to spit-
In the wake of the new bly count on one hand how mused, “why guys couldn’t temporarily. But it had psy- chel D’Hooghe, the chair- ting. Puckheads defend
coronavirus, teams are many times I saw a ball- clean up after themselves.” chological value, too. man of FIFA’s medical
hockey’s choice by argu-
revoking the germ-land- player spit. Heck,” he add- The answer may be as Spitting helped some committee, is strongly ad-
ing privileges that turned ing players who get a tooth
ed, “they don’t even chew old — and as American — soothe jangling nerves, vising against any soccer
dugouts, benches, boxing knocked out during a game
gum.” as the sport itself. Baseball show contempt or machis- league restarting until the
rings and even grass fields But a moment later, Val- began as a working-man’s mo, or just mark their ter- fall. But if they do, he wants shouldn’t have to swallow a
into potential biohazard entine remembers a photo game on sandlots and ritory like dogs do. It was even the most casual drib- chiclet. Fair enough. But
sites. tucked in a drawer some- dusty diamonds, and more only a problem when an ble on the pitch punished if you’ve ever watched a
No sharing towels, hats, where in his Stamford, than a few players strug- opponent got in the way of with a yellow card. game and seen how much
bats, gloves or water bot- Connecticut, home. It re- gling with “cotton mouth” its gravity. “It is unhygienic … I blood, sweat and tears they
tles. Which could mean the minds him why the loogie turned to chewing tobacco It isn’t just baseball, of think we should have to voluntarily share on the
golden era of spitting, slob- will not disappear without (and later gum and sun- course. Rough-and-tumble avoid that at maximum,” bench, it shouldn’t come as
bering, gleaking, glanding, a fight. flower seeds) to work up sports like soccer and foot- D’Hooghe said. “The ques- a surprise that the National
hawking, hocking, venom- “It’s a picture of me af- some moisture. It became ball embraced the practice tion is whether that will be Hockey League has been
ing and expectorating is ter a game from 30 years an institution in no time at the beginnings of their possible.” hit twice in recent years by
about to dry up. Or not. ago, back when I was man- flat. games, too, and once grab- More genteel pursuits outbreaks of mumps.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: exhibiting those taxes. He has slowly brought
I had this same “toxic” his girlfriend into our home,
friend that I behaviors? — GUY whom we like, but she does
met eight months WITH A WOUND- not contribute financially. I
ago at a local ED HEART have asked my son for some
boxing gym here DEAR GUY: extra money, and he refused.
in Chicago. We got You have already We will always appreciate how
along extremely done enough. he pitched in and helped us in
well and even You have done creating a new home. What can
hung out a couple so much, in fact, I do without starting a family
of times. However, that the young war? — KEEPING THE PEACE
she left her job woman felt DEAR KEEPING: It would
ZITS at the gym two she was being have been interesting to know
months later and stalked. She has what reason your son gave you
things started sent you clear for his refusal. Continue talking
falling apart. signals that she’s with him about it. Unless the
I started not interested in girlfriend is unemployed, she
sending excessive Dear Abby being friends — or should at least pay for her food
messages on her anything more and a share of the utilities if
social media, and she didn’t — with you. For your own sake, she is living in your home.
like it. By the following month, take the hint, leave her alone DEAR READERS: This is Na-
she had enough. She told me I and, please, learn from this tional Women’s Health Week.
have an unhealthy attachment experience so you won’t repeat Because of the current health
to her and we would go our it with someone else. crisis, taking care of your
separate ways. She blocked me DEAR ABBY: I am 60, and health is now more important
from all social media, and she my husband is 64. We lost than ever. Make it a priority.
hasn’t contacted me since. everything in the recession. A Eat healthy, give yourself the
GARFIELD Four months later, I am bet-
ter, but she is still in my head.
dear friend helped us get back
on our feet, and my son and
gift of exercise, manage your
stress levels, get the sleep
I really want to write her a nice husband built a home on land you need, and schedule that
and sincere letter and reconcile we purchased with our last appointment to see your doctor
with her and have her be my dollar. We have a mortgage and or dentist as soon as they are
friend again. I didn’t know that I all the bills that come with it. seeing patients again. Take
was doing something wrong. We have no savings, pension steps to eliminate behaviors
I have tried reaching out to or life insurance. I work 40 that put you at risk — smoking,
her multiple times recently via hours a week, and my husband texting while driving and not
email, to no avail. In the mean- is partially disabled from an wearing a seatbelt. Your health
time, one of her friends told me autoimmune disease. is your most precious posses-
she has moved to Texas, which My son, who is studying sion, so please, take care of
makes it even more heart- to become an RN, is 33. He it. For more information, visit
breaking. How can I show her I lives with us and pays $550 a — Love,
can be her friend again without month, which pays the property ABBY
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May send your mind somewhere can pull you forward, making
11). You get free in more ways else. you aware of where you are now
than one this year. You will TAURUS (April 20-May 20). compared with where you want
drop a demand you’ve made on People have go-to emotions — to be.
yourself and feel amazing about things they are better at dealing LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your
the choice. In another instance, with, states they understand stars tell a message of pleasant
you will drop everything else to and can navigate like a home- urgency. There’s something to
meet a demand, to the tune of town. Realizing this, who can be gained, and you must act
a sweet reward. Exciting rela- you learn from to increase your on it at once. This will mean
tionships are part of the fun, as emotional awareness? deciding what not to do so you
is an overhaul of your domestic GEMINI (May 21-June 21). have the resources you need to
scene. Scorpio and Sagittarius Abundance is a state of mind. make your move.
BABY BLUES adore you. Your lucky numbers When you feel rich, the actual VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
are: 7, 40, 22, 48 and 31. numbers aren’t the point. That’s People’s responses can be
ARIES (March 21-April 19). all relative. Wealth is a matter unpredictable and untimely.
The feelings don’t mean any- of putting a high value on what Whatever you can do to guide
thing until part of you decides is already yours. them along will smooth the
what they mean. Don’t accept CANCER (June 22-July 22). process. Think about what you
this meaning as the truth. It’s A fantasy is like a gift you give want them to do and reverse
really just the first thing your yourself. It can do more than engineer the exchange.
mind went to. If it’s not helpful, entertain you. A good fantasy LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
You will gladly take on the high
level of responsibility of which
you are capable. There’s a de-
cision to be made, and you are
the best person to make it. You
will follow through with the work
BEETLE BAILEY you know you need to do.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). You are happy to fill in the
blanks for another person, work
behind the scenes to make
them look good and do what you
can to make their dream come
true. This graciousness will
eventually come back to you.
21). It may take longer than
usual to get going this morning,
but once your mind kicks into
a certain mode, you will come
up with brilliantly creative and
MALLARD FILLMORE exceptionally workable plans.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). There are these moments
in which you feel that the way
things are now is intolerable
and untenable, but with a
total change of direction much
could be solved. Hypothetically
explore the options.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). Today’s struggles will not
be tomorrow’s. What changes
the game is not the accumula-
tion of hours and days. Rather,
it’s the resolutions you make
FAMILY CIRCUS and the actions you take to
eradicate the problem.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You would love to spoil
someone with attention, as it
would please you to be able to
give someone else what you
wanted but didn’t get. These
dynamics are complex, but they
play out simply.

Contact lens
4B MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

Jerry Stiller, comedian and ‘Seinfeld’ actor, dies at 92

to see the Marx Brothers ing on “The Ed Sullivan
The comedian died of natural causes in the comedy classic “A Show” and working night-
Night at the Opera.” clubs nationwide.
according to son on Twitter Years later, Stiller The pair also wrote
ances alongside Meara on met Groucho Marx and and performed radio
“The Ed Sullivan Show.” thanked him. commercials, most mem-
Stiller, although a sup- Stiller earned a dra- orably a series of bits for
edy veteran Jerry Stiller,
porting player on “Sein- ma degree at Syracuse a little-known wine called
who launched his ca-
feld,” created some of the University after serv- Blue Nun. The duo’s ads
reer opposite wife Anne
Emmy-winning show’s ing in World War II, and boosted sales by 500%.
Meara in the 1950s and
most enduring moments: then headed to New York Ben Stiller recalled trips
reemerged four decades
co-creator and model City to launch his career. with his sister to Cali-
later as the hysterically
for the “bro,” a brassiere There was a brief involve- fornia when his parents
high-strung Frank Cos-
for men; a Korean War ment in Shakespearean would head west to do
tanza on the smash televi-
cook who inflicted food theater, including a $55 a television appearances.
sion show “Seinfeld,” died
poisoning on his entire week job with Jack Klug- The couple went on to
at 92, his son Ben Stiller
unit; an ever-simmering man in “Coriolanus.” appear as a team in doz-
announced Monday.
salesman controlling his crank who matched his a 1988 Academy Award But his life and ca- ens of film, stage and tele-
He died of natural
explosive temper with the wife scream for scream. in the short subject cate- reer took off after he met vision productions. One
causes, his son — a come-
shouted mantra, “Sereni- It jump-started the gory. Meara in spring 1953. of them was “After-Play,”
dy star himself — said in
ty now!” septuagenarian’s career, Stiller was consider- They were married that a 1995 off-Broadway show
a tweet.
Stiller earned an 1997 landing him a spot play- ably quieter and reflective fall. written by Meara.
Jerry Stiller was a ing Vince Lombardi in a The seemingly mis- Stiller joined “Sein-
multi-talented perform- Emmy nomination for in person than in charac-
his indelible “Seinfeld” Nike commercial and the ter — although just as matched pair — he a feld” in 1993, and moved
er who appeared in an role of another over-the- short, stocky Jewish guy on to “King of Queens”
performance. In a 2005 funny. The son of a bus
assortment of movies, top dad on the long-run- from Brooklyn, she a when the other Jerry &
Esquire interview, Still- driver and a housewife,
playing Walter Matthau’s ning sitcom “King of tall, Irish Catholic from company went off the air
er recalled that he was Stiller grew up in Depres-
police sidekick in the Queens.” the Long Island suburbs in 1998. He also appeared
out of work and not the sion-era Brooklyn. His
thriller “The Taking of first choice for the role of While he was known — shared an immediate in Ben Stiller’s spoof on
inspiration to enter show
Pelham One Two Three” Frank Costanza, father to as a nut-job father on the onstage chemistry, too. modeling, “Zoolander,”
business came at age 8,
and Divine’s husband Jason Alexander’s neurot- small screen, Stiller and when his father took him They were soon appear- released in 2001.
Wilbur Turnblad in John ic George. wife Meara raised two
Waters’ twisted comedy “My manager had re- children in their longtime
“Hairspray.” tired,” he said. “I was home on Manhattan’s Up-
He also wrote an au- close to 70 years old, and per West Side: daughter
tobiography, “Married to had nowhere to go.” Amy, who became an ac-
Laughter,” about his 50- He was initially told to tress, and son Ben, who
plus year marriage to soul play the role as a milque- became a writer, director
mate and comedic cohort toast husband with an and actor in such films
Meara, who died in 2015. overbearing wife, Estelle, as “Dodgeball,” “There’s
And his myriad television played by Estelle Harris. Something About Mary”
spots included every- But the character wasn’t and “Meet the Parents.”
thing from “Murder She working — until Stiller He and Ben performed
Wrote” to “Law & Order” suggested his reincar- together in “Shoeshine,”
— along with 36 appear- nation as an over-the-top which was nominated for

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Family visitation her residence.
OBITUARY POLICY is at 2 p.m. today at Arrangements are
Obituaries with basic informa-
Dowdle Funeral with incomplete and will be
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided free
Terry Robinson offici- announced by Memori-
of charge. Extended obituaries ating. Burial will follow al Gunter Peel Funeral
with a photograph, detailed at Shiloh Cemetery. Home and Crematory,
biographical information and Dowdle Funeral Home College Street location.
other details families may wish of Millport is in charge
to include, are available for a of arrangements.
fee. Obituaries must be sub- Mr. Gordon was born
mitted through funeral homes
Oct. 16, 1941, in Lamar
unless the deceased’s body has
been donated to science. If the County, to the late
deceased’s body was donated Duff Clyde Gordon and
to science, the family must Kittie Nabors. He was
provide official proof of death. formerly employed with
Please submit all obituaries on Fayette Cotton Mill/
the form provided by The Com- Fruit of the Loom Co.
mercial Dispatch. Free notices
In addition to his par-
must be submitted to the news-
paper no later than 3 p.m. the
ents, he was preceded
day prior for publication Tuesday in death by his sisters,
through Friday; no later than 4 Billie Jean Robinson
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday and Kathleen Cun-
edition; and no later than 7:30 ningham; and brother,
a.m. for the Monday edition. Cleon Gordon.
Incomplete notices must be He is survived by his
received no later than 7:30 a.m.
wife, Linda; daughters, Barbara Wilbur
for the Monday through Friday Incomplete
editions. Paid notices must be
Kittie Duncan, Deidra College St. Location
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion Gilliland, and Jenni-
the next day Monday through fer Vann; son, Daren
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 Gordon; brothers,
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Dennis Gordon and
publication. For more informa- Roland Gordon; seven
tion, call 662-328-2471. grandchildren; and four
Lonnie Gordon
VERNON, Ala. — Barbara Wilbur
Lonnie Ross Gordon, COLUMBUS — Bar-
78, died May 8, 2020, at bara Rice Wilbur, 78,
his residence. died May 10, 2020, at

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6B MONDAY, MAY 11, 2020 The Dispatch •

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