Task 2. Teacher Development

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Task 2.

Individual activity

Presented by:
Laurie Rua Rodriguez


Dina Esperanza Bonilla

Escuelas de la educación
Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia
1.   Which of the procedures discussed in that chapter would be most appropriate for
gathering information about it: teaching journal, lesson reports, surveys and questionnaires,
audio and video recording, or observation?
R: surveys and questionnaires
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure you selected?
R: the advantages are that the students can be Work as a team and I think the questionaires
and surveys are way to the students make their Tasks and learn the topics that easily. The
questionaires are the most traditional tools to let workshop to the students and at the same
time is easy to the teacher perform it.
2.   Which of the issues in question 1 would be suitable for action research?
R: The issue  would be:
e. You have been experimenting with a process approach for teaching writing (i.e., one in
which you encourage students to go through a number of stages when completing a writing
task, from planning to drafting to reviewing and revising). You want to find out if students
actually find this approach useful and whether they use it on writing assignments outside of
Task 3. Individual proposal
Each student is going to write an introduction paragraph about an issue which concern a
teacher has about his or her classes or with an issue the teacher would like to explore and
learn more about and answer the following questions:  Is it for the teacher’s own interest? Is
it in order to resolve a problem that is common in the school? Is it a topic the teacher would
like to present at a seminar or write about in a newsletter?
R: Learning a second language is never easy. Particularly in Colombia the English is taught
in all the schools but not all achieve a good score in the test for thousand things, but the
most common is the students sometimes don’t take their study seriously the most of time
because of the medotology applied by the teachers.
This is a problem because the students pass the scolar years and sometimes they never learn
nothing about english, and is very frustating that the teachers work don’t get results.
Is it for the teacher’s own interest? Yes, the teacher have to be sure that their students learn
and learn well. If is neccesary he/she must change his/her metodology.
Is it in order to resolve a problem that is common in the school? Yes, this is a problem that
so many teachers have, but they don’t know, you just listen the students say, “I don’t
understand to this teacher”, “I think he/she doesn’t know how to explain”, “he/she is
stangled explaining the topic” and so on.
Is it a topic the teacher would like to present at a seminar or write about in a newsletter?
Yes, explain how so many students don’t understand one subject or course due to the
methodology applied by teachers is important.
Maybe this create awareness and lead them to rethink what they’re doing wrong.

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