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MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact

Model Extractor
Operation manual v3.8
MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

1 Introduction to compact model ............................................................................................. 4

2 IVCAD HEMT/pHEMT Modeling Plug-in.................................................................................. 6

3 Linear Model Extraction ........................................................................................................ 9

3.1 Initial configuration and settings ............................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Input ................................................................................................................................ 9
3.1.2 Common Output .............................................................................................................. 9
3.1.3 Output ........................................................................................................................... 10
3.1.4 Optimization .................................................................................................................. 10
3.1.5 Foundry parameters ...................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Linear Model Extraction ........................................................................................................ 10
3.2.1 Cold FET @ Vgs Max (Optional) ..................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Cold FET @ Vgs Min (Optional) ..................................................................................... 13
3.2.3 Linear model optimization ............................................................................................ 15
3.2.4 Multi-bias extraction ..................................................................................................... 23

4 Non Linear Model Extraction ............................................................................................... 26

4.1 Capacitances Models Extraction ........................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Cgd nonlinear capacitance ............................................................................................ 27
4.1.2 Cds capacitance ............................................................................................................. 29
4.1.3 Cgs nonlinear capacitance ............................................................................................. 30
4.1.4 Storing the capacitance values ...................................................................................... 33
4.2 Diodes parameters Extraction ............................................................................................... 33
4.3 Output Current Source Extraction ......................................................................................... 35
4.4 Equation editor ...................................................................................................................... 41

5 Export the model in ADS ..................................................................................................... 44

5.1 Export the linear model from IVCAD ..................................................................................... 44
5.2 Export the nonlinear model from IVCAD............................................................................... 47
5.2.1 I(V) Network .................................................................................................................. 55
5.2.2 S Parameters.................................................................................................................. 57

6 Using the model in MWO .................................................................................................... 60

6.1 Install the library for MWO ................................................................................................... 60
6.2 Project Example with MWO .................................................................................................. 61

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

7 Model issues ....................................................................................................................... 63

8 References .......................................................................................................................... 64

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

1 Introduction to compact model

Three main methodologies are used to build transistor models:
Physical or “Physics-Based” device models
All the parameters have a physical meaning, such models are accurate for any operating range, but
they are very complex and require a long extraction process. They also consume a lot of resources
during the circuit simulation. They are not appropriate for circuit design purpose. Such model
extraction flow can only be used by foundries because the modeling process is based on the prior
knowledge of the physical material parameters.
Compact model
The transistor is represented by an empirical model. The equivalent-circuit is based on some physics
rules, and fitting parameters. Compared to physical models; compact models have a reduced number
of parameters, so that the modeling work is significantly reduced.
Nonlinearities are introduced element per element (drain current source, gate current, nonlinear
capacitances, etc.). The model data fit extends over drive, frequency, bias and temperature. Such
models are widely used for circuit design purpose.
The MT930M1 and MT930M2 IVCAD modules allow extracting a set of the parameters for the compact
model topologies developed by the modeling team of AMCAD Engineering.
The extraction process consists in two steps:
- Extract the linear extrinsic parameters (the parasitic elements) from the linear model
- Determine the intrinsic parameters of the non linear model

Ri Rgd

Extrinsic circuit
Intrinsic circuit

Fig.1. Compact model & equivalent-circuit

Several commercial GaN FET models are available. AMCAD GaN HEMT is the only modeling solution
provided with a complete extraction flow based on pulsed IV/RF measurements.
In a same manner, an efficient compact modeling flow has been developed for LDMOS transistors.
Behavioral models

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

Pure Behavioral models do not include physic rules; they are table based models. Most of these models
are only able to reproduce the data which have been used for the model extraction. They describe the
response of a network upon the incoming signal in form of current and voltage, based on measurement
When the simulation is performed with some operating conditions which have not been directly used
during the measurements, a special attention must be paid to the relevance of the simulation results,
especially in extrapolated areas.
For further information on Behavioral modeling, read the document "IVCAD MT930R Behavioral Model

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

2 IVCAD HEMT/pHEMT Modeling Plug-in

When pulsed I(V) and pulsed S parameters have been measured using the IVCAD MT930J&K
measurement modules, the respective "*.mes" and "*.mps" files can be loaded into MT930B
visualization modules.

In this document, the example file used to extract a compact model of IIIV transistor is located at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\examples\modeling\compact\hemt\hempt.mes

Fig.2. Pulsed IV measurements

Note: When the "*.mes" I(V) measurement file is loaded into IVCAD, if located in the same directory
with the same name, the attached "*.mps" file is automatically loaded, even if he is not displayed
directly into the Data-sources window. In this example, the S parameter measurement file loaded is:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\examples\modeling\compact\hemt\hempt.mps

I(V) data and S parameter data are automatically linked thanks to an index.

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Fig.3. Pulsed S parameter measurements

When recorded, the "*.mtp" file is related to Pulsed I(V) waveforms. This file is also linked to one
"*.mes" file.
These I(V) waveforms can be visualized into the MT930B IVCAD module, using the menu
Visualization/Extended IV Viewer. These waveforms can be used to analyze the IV data, or to re-export
another "*.mes file", interpolated with a different time delay.

Fig.4. Pulsed IV waveforms

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

The visualization tools display the measurements "as is", but using the I(V) toolbox, data processing is

Fig.5. I(V) Data Toolbox

Before the modeling extraction, some of the measurements may have to be removed, filtered, or
smoothed, depending on the measurement conditions. Using the I(V) toolbox, thanks to interpolation
and post processing menus, it is also possible to add some new I(V) points or I(V) curves, and smooth
the I(V) curves.

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

3 Linear Model Extraction

3.1 Initial configuration and settings

When the I(V) data are ready to be used, into the IVCAD Plug-ins tree, to start the model extraction,
select: "Modeling/Compact Modeling/HEMT/pHEMT"
Select the menu "Settings", and visualize the Pulsed IV family of curves that will be used for compact

Fig.6. IIIV Compact Modeling Settings

There are five menus available in this "Settings" window.

3.1.1 Input

This menu just makes the visualization of the different I(V) curves available under different formats.

3.1.2 Common Output

Fig.7. Modeling Settings : Common output

 Graph Size: modify the size of the charts in the HEMT/PHEMT linear modeling user interface
 Show error: in addition with the original and computed data, the difference between these
data is displayed

MT930M1/M2A - HEMT Compact Model Extractor – Operation manual v3.8

 Anti aliasing: smooth the curves in the visualization windows

3.1.3 Output

Fig.8. Modeling Settings : Output

Within the HEMT/PHEMT linear modeling user interface, during the optimization process, it is possible
to observe the S,Y or Z parameters, either in the intrinsic or extrinsic reference planes. The value of
the intrinsic parameters (Cgs, Cgd, Cds, Gm, Gd, etc.) can be also visualized.

3.1.4 Optimization

Fig.9. Modeling Settings : Optimization

It is also possible to launch the optimization for a subset of frequencies, and define the error function

3.1.5 Foundry parameters

Fig.10. Modeling Settings : Foundry parameters

If known, filling the “Foundry parameters” will help to find some meaningful set of values during the
model extraction process. It will define the default values as well as the minimum and maximum limits
for each parameter. By default, these foundry parameters are:
 Rsquare (Ω/sq): square resistance [450 Ω/sq]
 LDS (m): drain-source distance [3E-6 m]
 Ztotal (m): total gate development [0.001 m]

3.2 Linear Model Extraction

Once these preliminary settings have been defined, the linear model extraction can be started.

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This process is composed of two mandatory steps, and two optional steps.
Mandatory steps
 Linear model extraction
 Multi-bias extraction
Optional steps

 Cold FET @ Vgs Max

 Cold FET @ Vgs Min
These two optional steps can be used to modify the boundaries of the different parameters before
launching the optimizations.

3.2.1 Cold FET @ Vgs Max (Optional)

The S parameter measurements used in this condition are the ones that correspond to a Schottky-
junction conduction state, at Vds=0V.

Fig.11. Cold FET @ Vgs Max

Into the “Settings” window, select the first point of the curve (Vds=0V) for the High-Vgs curve (Vgs=+1V
in this example). The data-source window is used to unselect the other curves.

Fig.12. Cold FET @ Vgs Max / Vds=0V

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The transistor is biased in cold FET mode (Vds=0V), and forward gate voltage level (Vgs>>Vp).
Theoretically, in these operating conditions, a direct
computation of the extrinsic parasitic elements Rg, Rd, Rs,
Lg, Ld, Ls can be done without any optimization steps.
Nevertheless, the formalism of this approach has to be
applied for a high level gate voltage. Unfortunately, the
theoretical gate voltage that should be applied to proceed
with this methodology would result in the transistor
destruction. A trade-off is done in order to apply the highest
pulsed voltage on the gate without destroying or degrade
the transistor..
The explicit computation of the extrinsic parasitic elements Rg, Rd, Rs, Lg, Ld, Ls is done thanks to the
following equation, as described in reference [2] :
1) 𝑅𝑠 = 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙(𝑍21) −
2) 𝑅𝑑 = 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙(𝑍22) − 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙(𝑍21) −
3) 𝑅𝑔 = 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙(𝑍11) − 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑙(𝑍21) +

4) 𝐿𝑠 = 𝐼𝑚(𝑍21)/𝑊
5) 𝐿𝑑 = [𝐼𝑚(𝑍22) − 𝐼𝑚(𝑍21)]/𝑊
6) 𝐿𝑔 = [𝐼𝑚(𝑍11) − 𝐼𝑚(𝑍21)]/𝑊

Because the real operating conditions cannot be the ones that correspond exactly to the theory, this
preliminary and optional step can be used to evaluate the order of magnitude of the extrinsic
parameters. Then these numbers can be used to define the optimization boundaries.
In this example, the Vgs_pulse=+1V & Vds_pulse=0V point is selected. This step is really sensitive to
parasitic phenomena that are not taken into account in the model, as well as measurement noise and
initial foundry parameter definition
As a matter of fact, it should not be considered as a full part of the model extraction process, but rather
as an initial step that will help the optimization convergence of the model extractor. This computation
often needs to be performed on a subset of the frequency bandwidth in comparison with the ones
used during the measurements.

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Fig.13. Mean value determination of extrinsic parameters @ Vgs Max / Vds=0V

3.2.2 Cold FET @ Vgs Min (Optional)

The S parameter measurements used in this condition are the ones that correspond to Channel pinch-
off conditions, at Vds=0V.

Fig.14. Cold FET @ Vgs Min

Into the “Settings” window, select the first point of the bottom curve which is linked with S parameters.
In this example, the Vgs_pulse=-2V & Vds_pulse=0V point is selected. The data-source window can be
used to unselect the other curves. In the file example chosen, curves made at Vgs=-3V and Vgs=-2.5V
are not linked with S parameter measurements (no index visible when the mouse cursor is placed over
an I(V) point.

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Fig.15. Cold FET @ Vgs =-2V / Vds=0V

The transistor is biased in cold FET mode in pinch-off conditions (Vgs<<Vp), and Vds=0V. Theoretically,
in these operating conditions, a direct computation of the extrinsic parasitic capacitances Cpd and Cpg
can be done without any optimization steps. For the same
reasons, this step should not be considered as a full part of
the model extraction process, but rather as an initial step
that will help the optimization convergence of the model
extractor. This computation often needs to be performed on
a subset of the frequency bandwidth used for
The explicit computation of the extrinsic parasitic elements (Cpd & Cpd) is done thanks to the following
equation, as described in reference [2] :
7) Cpd=(Im(Y22)+Im(Y21))/W
8) Cpg=(Im(Y11)+2*Im(Y21))/W

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Fig.16. Mean value determination of extrinsic parameters @ Vgs Min / Vds=0V

3.2.3 Linear model optimization

Note: This operating Manual makes use of *.mes and *.mps file generated by IVCAD MT930J and
MT930K modules. Nevertheless, it is possible to use a regular *.s2P S parameter file to extract a linear
model. Nevertheless, the file format must be converted by IVCAD first using the MT930P Toolbox menu
as follow:

Fig.17. S2P file conversion

Into the Data Source menu, select the *.s2P measurement file, and using the Toolbox menu, select
This action creates a new file available in the Date Source Menu. When selected, this new S parameter
measurement file will be associated to a new bias point which that can be selected into the Compact
Modeling/HEMT/Settings window.

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If the bias point was defined into the *.s2P file, then these values will be taken into account. If not, 0V
@ 0A will be displayed.

Then the extraction process is similar to the process used with *.mes and *.mps file for linear model
extraction only, as described below. Linear model extraction:

The model extraction process must rely on non-noisy S parameter measurements. As a function of the
frequency range used during the measurements, a subset of this measurement range can be selected.
This subset is defined into the model “Setting” window.

The modeling methodology consists in finding a set of extrinsic parameters that makes the intrinsic
parameters independent of the frequency.

Once both intrinsic and extrinsic parameters have been defined, a comparison between the theoretic
calculus and the measurement is done. If the agreement is not good, a new set of extrinsic parameters
that leads to intrinsic parameters determination is provided, until calculation and measurement results

Fig.18. Modeling Process

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Fig.19. Parameters available

The comparison between the calculus and measurements can be done for [S], [Y] or [Z] parameters,
for intrinsic or extrinsic reference planes. By Default, extrinsic [S] parameter measurements are
chosen, because they are directly provided by the measurement system.

During the optimization, the calculus of intrinsic or extrinsic [S], [Y] or [Z] parameters can be visualized
a function of the RF frequency, as well as Cgs, Cgd, Cds, Gm, Gd, Ri and Tau intrinsic parameters. This
choice is made in the “Output (linear model)”. Usually the choice corresponds to the Error function
choice in order to check the optimization during the iterations.

Fig.20. Selection of the parameters

To start with the linear modeling process, one pulsed I(V) point linked with a set of pulsed S parameters
can be selected. The idea is to get the linear model close to the quiescent bias point (“QP”). It will
extract the model for a given temperature and trapping state mainly defined by the “QP”.

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Fig.21. Selection of the pulsed IV point close to the quiescent bias point

Then, select the “Linear model” menu. In this example, it will display the extrinsic S parameter
calculation (blue curves) given by the default set of model parameters.
To tune or optimize the model parameters, click on the “Tuning” icon to display the tuning and
optimization panels.

Fig.22. Main menu / Linear modeling

The “Tuning” panel will appear. Tune or optimize can be selected.

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Fig.23. Tuning display

Locked feature:
For extrinsic parameters (blue parameters in Fig. 23), checking the locked option allows to except a
parameter of the optimization process. For example, in Fig. 23, Rg won’t be take into account in the
optimization process.
For intrinsic parameters (green parameters in Fig. 23), checking the locked option means that the
intrinsic parameters are calculated from S Parameters and extrinsic parameters. Contrary, When the
locked option is unchecked means that intrinsic parameters are include into the optimization process.
Basically, the locked option is unchecked for the extrinsic parameters and checked for the intrinsic
Then press tuning. A new interface will display all the default extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. Each
parameter can be tuned manually in order to compare the calculation results with the measurements.
This methodology is reserved for advanced users and modeling engineers.
Note: the boundaries of each parameters can be defined to +/- ..% around the parameter value using
the delta menu, when clicking on the icon:

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Fig.24. Delta Menu

Tuning method: move the green sliders that represent the intrinsic elements which are independent
of the frequency.

Regarding the extrinsic values, there are 3 criteria that must be considered:
1. The Values must be physical (no negative resistance for example).
2. Intrinsic parameters are independent of the frequency. These intrinsic parameters must be close
to the average values that have been found into the COLD FET optional modeling steps.
3. Extrinsic measured S parameters and extrinsic S parameters given by the model should be as close
as possible.
A good result is a compromise between these three criteria

Another solution is launching an automatic optimization. There are two methods available: Annealing
and Fast simulated diffusion.
 Fast Simulated diffusion: This algorithm enables finding some solution with high speed
 Annealing: This algorithm allows getting rid-off the boundaries during the optimization process
while the final results will always be in accordance with such boundaries.
The following chart shows the Simulated Annealing and Fast Simulated Diffusion high-level algorithms.

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Simulated Random selection of Fast Simulated

initial Temperature diffusion
Algorithm Algorithm
Random selection of
DE /E(X) > min initial Vector X T/Tinit > min

T = T * Theta
Alternate Choice of Dx
•Random selection of
Random selection of probability S(Gauss)
perturbation Dx •Gradient calculation

DE = E(X+ DX) – E(X)

Balance not
Balance reached
Test Metropolis-Boltzmann reached
Accept or Refuse Perturbation

Update of the
Update of S & T
random field

Fig.25. Optimization Algorithms

Fig.26. Linear Model optimization

During the optimization, the "output" window of the optimizer displays the updated data in real time.
If the boundaries of the variables have been correctly defined, the solution must converge to a good
agreement between the model results and the measurements, for both manual tuning and automatic

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The final and optimized

set of parameters

Fig.27. Linear model Optimizer

Selecting one point is a first step of the verification in order to observe how the model behaves. Then,
several I(V) points can be chosen into the “Settings” window. These I(V) points need to be selected for
a drain voltage close to the value of the final application, for several current densities.
The selection of several plots force the solution to be more realistic.
If some of the parameters hit the limits during the optimization (Min and Max values), the boundaries
can be then extended.

Fig.28. Selection of I(V) points close to the RF load line

Indeed, the selection of one I(V) point provides an higher model extraction speed, but can lead to
unrealistic determination of a set of extrinsic and intrinsic model parameters. The selection of several
plots force the solution to be more realistic. The same optimization can be launched simultaneously
for all the points selected.

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Fig.29. Verification of model robustness

However, if the result is not good enough, the optimization can be re-started several times; the
parameters and boundary values can be updated manually between two optimization steps using the
tuning panel.

If some of the parameters are reaching the limitation values (Min and Max values), these limitations
can be extended. Nevertheless, it must be noticed that unrealistic values (even if the set of parameters
gives a good fit) can lead to convergence troubles during simulation tasks when using RF commercial
simulation software.

3.2.4 Multi-bias extraction

To check the good behavior of the linear model with the optimized (or tuned) set of parameters,
visualize the intrinsic parameters in multi bias conditions. Display the "Settings" window and then
select almost all points of the I(V) network as follow.

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almost all
the I(V)

Fig.30. Multi-bias I(V) selection

Fig.31. Multi-bias extraction

Click on the “Multi-bias extraction” icon and check that the intrinsic element curves have a good trend
(avoid noisy and non realistic values).

Check the fit between the model and the measurement data for all these conditions.

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Fig.32. Linear model agreement

If the results are satisfactory, all these parameters can be stored into a buffer or in a Netlist XML file.
This can be done from the tuning panel in order to record and recall all these parameters later in IVCAD.
To temporary save a set of parameters into a buffer, use the “Save” menu. Up to three sets of
parameters can be saved and recalled from the “Save” and “Restore” menu. To save a set of
parameters into a file, use the export function of the Netlist menu.

Fig.33. Netlist Management

To use
The optimization of this example hasforbeen
saving in buffer,
saved as arestoring and importing/exporting
Netlist XML a set of parameters
file named linear.netlist C:\Program
Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\examples\modeling\compact\hemt
IVCAD also provides an ADS template to directly operate the set of parameters with the linear model.
The template is located in the following IVCAD directory.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\templates
To use this model into ADS, export the set of parameters that corresponds to the full family of I(V)
curves. The Export global netlist icon generates the ADS appropriate file.

Fig.34. Linear Model Export

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4 Non Linear Model Extraction

Once the linear model has been extracted, the extrinsic parameters values are common to the linear
model and the non linear model. The nonlinear intrinsic parameters values have to be extracted.
Into the “Plug-ins” menu, select the “Nonlinear” tree and choose the elements to be optimized.

Fig.35. Nonlinear model menu

4.1 Capacitances Models Extraction

The modeling methodology proposed here aims to extract one-dimension model of the nonlinear
For example, Cgd will not depend on both intrinsic Vgs and Vgd voltages, but only on intrinsic Vgd=Vgs-
Vds voltage, that will be selected close the expected RF load line area.
Cgs will depend on intrinsic Vgs voltage, chosen close the expected RF load line area.
On one hand, this approach reduces significantly the complexity of the model, and improves the speed
and convergence behavior of the simulation. On the other hand, the accuracy of the simulation is not
degraded for normal operating conditions of power amplifiers.

Two dimension capacitances have to retained if the RF load lines goes in two different quadrants of
the I(V) transistor characteristic, as for mixer design for example.

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Error area < 4% with a 2D model Error area < 4% with a 1D model

Fig.36. Capacitances modeling: 1D model versus 2D model

The 2D capacitance model offers a better fit in a larger I(V) area, but the 1D model offers a better
behavior during the simulation, without reducing significantly the accuracy of the results obtained.

4.1.1 Cgd nonlinear capacitance

The Cgd capacitance value is strongly influenced by Vds, and weakly influenced by Vgs, as displayed in
the next picture.

Vgs variation

Fig.37. Cgd variation versus Vgs and Vds

Instead of providing a 2 dimension model (2D) of this capacitance, which would depend on both
intrinsic Vgs and Vds voltages, the model is reduced to a 1D model, which is function of the intrinsic
Vgd voltage.
To extract the model, into the "Settings" window, the selection of the intrinsic voltages
Vgd=Vgs_int-Vds_int corresponds to the I(V) points close to the expected RF load line, as follow:

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Fig.38. Selection of I(V) points close to the RF load line

A new tab will display the selected capacitance as a function of its intrinsic junction voltage only. One
dimension capacitance model provides better convergence than 2D models.

Fig.39. 1D Nonlinear model of Cgd

1D capacitance models with equations based on hyperbolic tangents are naturally charge
The feedback capacitance Cgd strongly depends on the drain voltage. The inclusion of this effect is
necessary to fit small-signal data saturation phenomena.
The Tuning button gives access to the tuning and the optimization panels (as for the linear model).
Manual tuning or Automatic optimization of the capacitance model parameters can be launched.

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Fig.40. Nonlinear Capacitance model

The Cgd capacitance model has been optimized for GaAs transistors; nevertheless, this one is also
dedicated for GaN transistors (blue area). The tuning parameters enable to optimize the 7 parameters
that describe such a capacitance.
𝐶1_𝐶𝑔𝑑−𝐶0_𝐶𝑔𝑑 𝐶2_𝐶𝑔𝑑
9) 𝐶𝑔𝑑 = 𝐶0_𝐶𝑔𝑑 +
[1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ⁡(𝐴_𝐶𝑔𝑑 (𝑉𝑔𝑑 + 𝑉𝑚_𝐶𝑔𝑑 ))] −
[1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ⁡(𝐵_𝐶𝑔𝑑 (𝑉𝑔𝑑 + 𝑉𝑝_𝐶𝑔𝑑 ))]

To run the optimization, choose the optimization algorithms and redefine the excursion limits with the
Tuning panel if necessary, or directly tune the parameter values.
The Cgd capacitance extraction is now completed. The optimization of this example has been saved as
a Netlist XML file named Cgd.netlist that can be found at:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\examples\modeling\compact\hemt

4.1.2 Cds capacitance

As Cgd, Cds capacitance value is strongly influenced by Vds, and weakly influenced by Vgs, as displayed
in the next picture.

Vgs variation

Fig.41. Cds variation versus Vgs and Vds

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Again, for the same selected I(V) points close the RF load line, instead of providing a 2 dimension model
(2D) of this capacitance, which would depend on both intrinsic Vgs and Vds voltages, the model is
reduced to a 1D model, which is function of the intrinsic Vds voltage.
A new tab will display the selected capacitance as a function of its intrinsic Vds voltage only.

Fig.42. 1D Nonlinear model of Cds

The limits of the optimization can also be redefined, in order to extend or reduce the excursion of the
parameters with the Tuning panel. Optimize or/and tune the model parameters to fit the
measurement following the defined equation:
𝐶1_𝐶𝑑𝑠 −𝐶0_𝐶𝑑𝑠 𝐶2_𝐶𝑔𝑠
10) 𝐶𝑑𝑠 = 𝐶0_𝐶𝑑𝑠 +
[1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ⁡(𝐴_𝐶𝑑𝑠 (𝑉𝑔𝑠 + 𝑉𝑚_𝐶𝑑𝑠 ))] −
[1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ⁡(𝐵_𝐶𝑑𝑠 (𝑉𝑑𝑠 + 𝑉𝑝_𝐶𝑑𝑠 ))]

The shape of the capacitance curve has to be realistic. Sometimes, to improve the convergence,
select/unselect some of the I(V) points into the configuration window.
The Cds capacitance extraction is now completed. The optimization of this example has been saved as
a Netlist XML file named Cds.netlist.

4.1.3 Cgs nonlinear capacitance

To the contrary of Cgd & Cds, the Cgs capacitance value is strongly influenced by Vgs, and weakly
influenced by Vds, as displayed in the next picture.

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Vgs variation

Fig.43. Cgs variation versus Vgs and Vds

Again, when selecting the I(V) points close the RF load line, instead of providing a 2 dimension model
(2D) of this capacitance, which would depend on both intrinsic Vgs and Vds voltages, the model is
reduced to a 1D model, which is function of the intrinsic Vgs voltage.

A new tab will display the selected capacitance as a function of its intrinsic Vgs voltage only.

Fig.44. 1D Nonlinear model of Cgs

The input capacitance Cgs strongly depends on the gate voltage and plays a major role on the model
harmonic response.
If needed, the limits of the optimization can be redefined, in order to extend or reduce the excursion
of the parameters with the Tuning panel. Optimize or/and tune the model parameters to fit the

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Fig.45. Nonlinear Cgs model behavior

𝐶1_𝐶𝑔𝑠 − 𝐶0_𝐶𝑔𝑠
𝐶𝑔𝑠 = 𝐶0_𝐶𝑔𝑠 + [1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ⁡(𝐴_𝐶𝑔𝑠 (𝑉𝑔𝑠 + 𝑉𝑚_𝐶𝑔𝑠 ))]
− [1 + 𝑡𝑎𝑛ℎ⁡(𝐵_𝐶𝑔𝑠 (𝑉𝑔𝑠 + 𝑉𝑝_𝐶𝑔𝑠 ))]

The shape of the capacitance curve has to be realistic. Sometimes, to improve the convergence,
select/unselect some of the I(V) points into the configuration window.

Fig.46. Cgs nonlinear model

The Cgs capacitance extraction is now completed. The optimization of this example has been saved as
a Netlist XML file named Cgs.netlist.

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4.1.4 Storing the capacitance values

For each extraction, IVCAD stores the parameter values corresponding to the data displayed. Unless
IVCAD is shut down, it keeps and takes into account the last parameters found. If IVCAD has to be shut
down, use the export function in the menu from the Tuning panels as described in the linear model
extraction section.

4.2 Diodes parameters Extraction

Select the Input current in the Nonlinear FET modelling plug-in.

Fig.47. Input current model

Choose to display the gate current in the Configuration window with the “Input” menu.

Fig.48. Selection of Ig

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It is not necessary to select all the curves. Select only few curves with no gate current and all the curves
that display forward gate current. Use the “Settings” window to check or uncheck the curves to display
and select the points to fit.

Fig.49. Selection of Igs curves

Once the desired points are selected, display the “Input current” window. Fix the diodes operating
temperature by opening the tuning panel. Fill the value (in degree Celsius) and check the Locked case
as shown below in order to fix this value when optimizing.

Fig.50. Diode for Input current model

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The gate-drain and gate-source diode equations include both forward and reverse conductions of gate
current. The diodes current is modeled by a classical formulation.




Fig.51. Gate Current formulation

The Input diode current model is now completed. The optimization of this example has been saved as
a Netlist XML file named Ig.netlist.

4.3 Output Current Source Extraction

AMCAD drain current model formulation allows predicting very accurately the I-V curves, the partial
derivatives gm and gd, the knee voltage, and the transconductance decrease at high current.

Fig.52. Transconductance provided by the current source model

To extract the current source parameters, begin to select the “Output current” in the Plug-ins window.
Note: this step must be done once the linear model has been extracted, not before.

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Fig.53. Output current source model

Refresh the "Settings" display if necessary and select all the I(V) curves.

Fig.54. Output current curves for fixed Vgs and swept Vds

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The data selected can now be visualized in the Output current window. The default model result is also
displayed. The output current is modeled by 13 parameters. The boundaries of the optimization can
be verified or filled from the tuning panel.

Fig.55. Modified Output current source

The parameters of the current source are:

 Idss: drain current saturation

 VP0: pinch-off voltage
 Vdsp: slope in the ohmic area
 Vphi: Fitting parameter
 A: linear slope in the ohmic area
 B: nonlinear slope in the ohmic area (by default=0)
 M: Fitting parameter
 P: Conductance parameter
 W: Fitting parameter
 AlphaGm, Vgm, BetaGm, Vdm: gm derivative

Output current source

Idss ↔ amplitude

Vdsp, A ↔ slope

P ↔ gd

B=0 Vp0 ↔ pinch-off

M,W,Vphi ↔ fitting parameters
Fig.56. Output current Source parameters

AlphaGm, Vgm, BetaGm, Vdm parameters : gm derivative

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Before optimization

Fig.57. Optimization window

For the first iteration, a raw optimization can be launched, using the "Fast Simulated Diffusion"

Fig.58. Fast Simulated Diffusion Algorithm

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Fig.59. First optimization of the current source model

It can be observed that the fit between the measurements and the model results is not perfect, but it
helps to fix the order of magnitude of the current source parameters. In this example, the parameters
have been optimized with the following values.

Fig.60. Preliminary Model parameters after a "Fast Simulated Diffusion" optimization

In order to understand the influence of each parameter, after this first optimization, it is recommended
to tune the model "manually", moving the cursors one by one, to observe the influence of each

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Fig.61. Manual Tuning of the current source model

Once this manual tuning has been done, the main parameters which have a strong influence on the
current source model response can be locked, such as:
 Idss (A): drain current saturation = 0.9
 VP0 (V): pinch-off voltage=1,73
 A: Fitting parameter=1,73
 M: Fitting parameter=9.28
A new optimization using the "Annealing algorithm" can be launched with the locked secondary
parameters, once the boundaries of the optimization have reduced to +/-10% around the main values
for the main parameters.

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Fig.62. Optimized Current source model

4.4 Equation editor

The equation editor has been implemented to allow the customer in order to build his custom model.
This feature is available for: 1D Cds capacitor model,1D Cgd capacitor model, 1D Cgs capacitor model,
Input current model and Output current source model.
In this example, the output current source model can be customized by adding a scale factor to fit
model results with others developments of transistors.

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The output current source model can be customized as this way:

Fig.63. Equation editor window

Once the scale factor has been added, press “Update” then “Ok”.
The data selected can now be visualized in the Output current – Scaled model window. The default
model result is also displayed. The output current is modeled by 14 parameters. The boundaries of the
optimization can be verified or filled from the tuning panel which it can adjust the scale factor.

Fig.64. Customized Output current source

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Fig.65. Scaled Output current source model

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5 Export the model in ADS

It is possible to export the model to commercial simulators. For this purpose, AMCAD Engineering
provides ready-to-use templates. These templates allow comparing the measurements and the model

5.1 Export the linear model from IVCAD

Once IVCAD has been installed, the corresponding ADS template is located in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\templates
Copy and paste the “template” sub-directory into a new custom directory in order to allow some
modifications. Microsoft Windows does not allow modifications in C:\Program Files directory.
The file-path name must exclude unauthorized characters such as “ “. This example is provided for
ADS2009 Update1 (ADS is a trade mark of Keysight Technologies).
In the “Configuration” menu, select all the IV plots. In the “Linear model” menu, select “Export”.

Fig.66. Linear Model export

Export the linear model as an “mdif” file. In this example, the linear model will be named and exported
Then Run ADS and open the project.

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Fig.67. Linear Model ADS project

In this ads_linear_fet_model_prj project, the Spar_simulation.dsn simulation template is available.

Fig.68. Simulation template

Here, select the linear_model element, and use the button to visualize the corresponding model.

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Fig.69. Equivalent circuit of the model

Update the DAC file and choose the linear_model.mdf file that has been exported from IVCAD.

Fig.70. Model selection

Now, the button displays the simulation template. By default, the “simulate” button will compute
the S parameters for Vds swept from 0V to 10V @ Vgs=-1V.

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Fig.71. S parameter simulation

5.2 Export the nonlinear model from IVCAD

To export the nonlinear model, select only one point of the I(V) network (Configuration window), no
matter is the point that has been selected.

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Fig.72. New selection

Then in the Plugins window, choose the Export option.

Fig.73. Nonlinear model exportation

If all steps of extraction have been completed, all the export options will be checked and activated. To
export this set of parameters to ADS template, select the netlist format as shown below. Fill the
destination file and then click on Ok.

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In this example, the destination will be:


Define export

Define the target

Fig.74. Nonlinear Model Export to ADS

The advantage provided by the netlist format is related to the fact that the model can be refined from
ADS, while the MDIF format does not allow modifying the model parameters.
The model is generated in the ADS netlist file format. The next section describes how to use the
exported model with the ADS templates.
First of all, import the set of parameters. In the File menu of a design, use the import utility.

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Import the netlist file generated


Fig.75. Netlist import

Import the netlist from …\templates\ads_fet_model_prj\data\Nonlinear_Model.netlist

Indicate the netlist file

generated by IVCAD

Fig.76. Netlist Selection

Proceed to the importation by clicking on Ok.

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Fig.77. Import complete warning message

Check in the Status window that the importation has been correctly achieved.

Fig.78. Import complete Verification

If the importation has been successfully achieved, a VAR bloc containing the set of parameters will be
loaded into the current design.

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Select & copy

Fig.79. VAR bloc containing the set of parameters

Copy the VAR bloc of the “Demo_Model”. Then, “open Design”, and open “Demo_Model.dsn”.

Fig.80. Model DSN

The following figure illustrates and shortly describes the AMCAD model implemented. Delete the
existing var bloc, and paste the new one.

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Fig.81. AMCAD Model Template

The model template is an open template where all the equations are filled with the parameters that
have been exported from IVCAD.
It is also convenient to compare the model results with the measurement data.

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Extrinsics Current Source
Diodes Temperature
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5.2.1 I(V) Network

Open the IV network design.

Fig.82. IV Network DSN

Fill the template settings. Check the operating temperature, the voltage excursions and the steps. Fill
the DAC with the appropriate *_iv.mdf file exported from IVCAD.

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Fig.83. IVCAD IV curves DSN

Run the simulation. The Data Display window will display both the measurement data and the model
simulation results.

Fig.84. IV measurement comparison

This ADS design ensures that the convective set of parameters is correct and consistent with the
measurement data.

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5.2.2 S Parameters

Open the S parameters dsn.

Fig.85. S Parameter DSN

As for the I(V) network design, check the design S parameter settings, the frequency sweep, the
operating temperature and the index sweep. This one corresponds to the bias points associated to the
S parameters which have to be visualized (edit the *_network.mdf file to choose the indexes). Fill and
indicate the *_network.mdf file for the DAC bloc and the *_spar.mdf file for the S2PMDIF bloc.

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Run the simulation.

Within the I(V) curves, the points that correspond to the indexes of the S parameters are visualized.

Fig.86. I(V) points related to S parameters

Check and compare the model simulation and the measurement data.

Fig.87. Model Validation with S parameters

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6 Using the model in MWO

The model developed within IVCAD can be used in the simulation software Microwave Office from
Applied Wave Research (AWR). Microw ave Office, APLAC, and AWR are trademarks of National
Instrument Corporation.
In the IVCAD installation directory, a zip file named "" can be found in the
templates directory.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Maury Microwave\IVCAD\templates\
This archive file includes the library for MWO including the AMCAD model, as well as two example
projects, one for MWO version 10 and one for MWO version 11 and higher.

6.1 Install the library for MWO

First unzip the file MWO_AMCAD_Model. zip in a different directory with "write" permission.
Then copy the repertory \Model_AMCAD_GaN_IVCAD and its content in the installation directory of
MWO C:\Program Files\AWR\AWRDE\11\Library\

This library includes the AMCAD model in both standard and Applac versions, and is compatible with
both 32 and 64 bits operating systems.
Note that use of the Applac simulators is recommended.

In order to enable this library when creating a new project in MWO, use Menu File->New with Library-
>Browse and browse for the AMCAD.ini file.

Fig.88. Microwave Office Library

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6.2 Project Example with MWO

In the archive file "" two example projects can be found, one for MWO
version 10 and one for MWO version 11 or higher versions.
These projects include the AMCAD model implementation in AWRDE.

Fig.89. Model implementation in AWRDE

Currently, a direct export functionally of the model parameters from IVCAD to MWO is not available.
User should enter each parameter manually.

Fig.90. Detail of model implementation in AWRDE

Basic simulation templates are available within the project, including IV, S-parameter and Load-Pull

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Fig.91. Project view in MWO

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7 Model issues
If the model extraction generates some sets of parameters which lead to convergence troubles, then
disable one by one the model elements to localize the origin of the problem. Once found, try with
IVCAD to generate another set of parameters for this element by changing the excursion limits.

For any other troubles please contact AMCAD Engineering support.

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8 References

[1] M. Berroth and R. Bosch. "High-Frequency Equivalent Circuit of GaAs FET's for Large-
Signal Applications." 1991 Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 39.2 (Feb.
1991 [TMTT]): 224-229
[2] G. Dambrine, A. Cappy, F. Heliodore and E. Playez. "A New Method for Determining the
FET Small-Signal Equivalent Circuit." 1988 Transactions on Microwave Theory and
Techniques 36.7 (Jul. 1988 [T-MTT]): 1151-1159.
[3] Y. Tajima, P.D. Miller, "Design of Broad Band Power GaAs FET Amplifiers," IEEE Trans.
on MTT, vol 32, n°3, 1984
[4] Teyssier, J.P.; Viaud, J.P.; Quere, R.,"A new nonlinear I(V) model for FET devices
including breakdown effects,"Microwave and Guided Wave Letters, IEEE [see also IEEE
Microwave and Wireless Components Letters] Volume 4, Issue 4, April 1994 Page(s):104
- 106
[5] Forestier, S.; Gasseling, T.; Bouysse, Ph.; Quere, R.; Nebus, J.M."A new nonlinear
capacitance model of millimeter wave power PHEMT for accurate AM/AM-AM/PM
simulations," Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, IEEE Volume 14, Issue
1, Jan. 2004 Page(s):43 - 45
[6] C. Charbonniaud, T. Gasseling, S. De Meyer, R. Quéré, J.P. Teyssier, D. Barataud, J.M
Nébus, T. Martin, B. Grimbert, V. Hoel, N. Caillas, E. Morvan,"Power Performance
Evaluation of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs through Load Pull and Pulsed I-V Measurements,"
GAAS 2004, 11-12 Oct, 2004 Amsterdam
[7] Jardel, O.; De Groote, F.; Reveyrand, T.; Jacquet, J.-C.; Charbonniaud, C.; Teyssier, J.-P.;
Floriot, D.; Quere, R.,"An Electrothermal Model for AlGaN/GaN Power HEMTs Including
Trapping Effects to Improve Large-Signal Simulation Results on High VSWR,"
Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Volume 55, Issue 12, Part
2, Dec. 2007 Page(s):2660 – 2669
[8] I. Angelov, H. Zirath, N. Rorsmann, "A New Empirical Nonlinear Model for HEMT and
MESFET Devices," IEEE MTT Vol. 40, No. 12, December 1992
[9] R. B. Hallgren and P. H. Litzenberg, "TOM3 Capacitance Model: Linking Large- and
Small-Signal MESFET Models in SPICE," IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and
Techniques , vol. 47, 1999, pp. 556-561
[10] W. R. Curtice, "A MESFET model for use in the design of GaAs integrated circuits,"
IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech , vol. MTT-28, pp. 448-456, May 1980
[11] S. Maas and D. Neilson, “Modeling MESFET’s for intermodulation analysis of mixers
and amplifiers,” in IEEE MTT-S Microwave Symp.Dig., 1990, pp. 1291–1294
[12] Jardel, O.; Callet, G.; Charbonniaud, C.; Jacquet, J.C.; Sarazin, N.; Morvan, E.; Aubry,
R.; Di Forte Poisson, M.-A.; Teyssier, J.-P.; Piotrowicz, S.; Quere, R.,"A new nonlinear
HEMT model for AlGaN/GaN switch applications," Microwave Integrated Circuits
conference, 2009. EuMIC 2009. European 28-29 Sept. 2009 Page(s):73 - 76
[13] "Consistent large signal implementation of capacitances driven by two steering voltages
for FET modeling" R. Follmann, D. Kother, A. Lauer, R. Stahlmann, and I. Wolff IMST
GmbH, D–47475 Kamp-Lintfort, Germany, e-mail, EuMC 2005, Paris

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