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Boy Scout of the Philippines

F. Torres St., Davao City




We, the Scouts of the Davao City National High School, believing in the need
for a better Boy Scouts of the Philippines Institutional Unit and in the development of
the youth as future leaders of the nation, do hereby promulgate this Constitution and
By-Laws of the Davao City National High School– Boy Scouts of the Philippines Unit
that shall advance, implement, and maintain our goals and aspirations, embody the
ideals and principles of freedom, equality, justice and democracy, and promote the
welfare of the scouts, students and academic standards of our Alma Mater.

Article I
Name and Domicile

Section 1: The name of this organization shall be Davao City National High School –
Boy Scouts of the Philippines Unit.

Section 2: This organization is affiliated with the BSP-Davao City Council, Boy
Scouts of the Philippines and of the World Organization of Scout Movement
(WOSM). Thus, all laws governed and promulgated by the World Organization of
Scout Movement, Boy Scouts of the Philippines, and BSP-Davao City Council shall
also be the guiding principles of this organization.

Section 3: As an organization under the jurisdiction of Davao City National High

School, this organization shall also abide by the policies and will support all thrusts
and advocacies of Davao City National High School and of the Department of

Section 4: The office of the DCNHS-BSP Unit shall be located inside the premises
of the school.

Article II
Principles and Objectives

Section 1: Promote the Ideals of Scouting to all students of Davao City National
High School.

Section 2: Be an advocate of the Vision and Mission of the school and of the
Department of Education.

Section 3: Contribute to nation-building according to the ideals, principles, and

programs of scouting.

Section 4: Help and assist the school, Davao City National High School, in all of its
programs and advocacies towards teaching the students in becoming a good citizen
of this country.

Section 5: To be the leading provider of a progressive, outdoor-based non-formal

education committed to develop morally straight, disciplined, concerned, and self-
reliant citizens in the best tradition of world scouting.

Article III

Section 1: This organization is a recognized student organization of the Davao City

National High School.

Section 2: This organization will establish bylaws to govern administrative and

procedural matters (such as time and location of meetings, etc.). By-Laws shall not
be in conflict with this constitution. By-Laws may be adopted, amended, or
temporarily suspended by a majority vote present at an organization meeting where
a quorum is present (advance notice is not required).

Article IV
Membership and Registration Fee

Section1: All bona fide students of Davao City National High School have the
privilege to be a member of the organization. Approval of the membership shall be
upon the prerogative of the Outfit Advisor, Circle Manager and/or of the Scouting

Section 2: Eligibility for membership or appointed or elected student officer positions

may not be limited on the basis of race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age,
gender, gender identity, marital status, citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability.
The organization shall have no rules or policies that discriminate on the basis of
race, religion, national origin, ethnicity, color, age, gender identity, marital status,
citizenship, sexual orientation, or disability

Section 3: There shall be an annual membership fee of Php 10.00 in addition to the
registration fee of each scout to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Davao City

Section 4: The organization has two sections namely, the Senior Scouting Section
and the Rover Scouting Section. All members shall be classified according to the
section in which they are eligible to. The qualifications are as follows:

a. Senior Scout Section – male students of DCNHS, Junior High School and
Senior High School, with age 13 yrs. old up to 19 yrs. old. Female students
are also eligible for this section as long as they are registered members of
the Girl Scouts of the Philippines (as stated on the guidelines for female
scouts of the National Office of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines).

b. Rover Scout Section – female students of DCNHS, Grade 7 to Grade 12.

Male students will be accepted as long as they are Grade 9 students or

Section 5: All registered members may wear the Official Type A Uniform of the Boy
Scouts of the Philippines after completing their Investiture Ceremony.

Section 6: All registered members shall wear their Official Type A uniform every
Friday and official scouting activities of the school.

Article V
Composition, Qualifications and Term of Office of the DCNHS-BSP Unit

Section 1: The officers of the DCNHS-BSP Unit are the duly elected Unit President,
Unit Vice-President, Unit Secretary, Unit Treasurer, Unit Auditor, Senior Crew
Leader (SCL) and Assistant Circle Manager (ACM).

Section 2: Nominees for the unit elective positions shall:

a. be bona fide students of DCNHS,
b. be of good moral character,
c. have not been subjected to any disciplinary sanctions,
d. be a Grade 10 or higher during the term on which he/she will serve, and,
e. have excellent background on the scouting way and ideals.

Section 3: Once elected, all Unit Officers shall be considered resigned and ineligible
from all major elective or appointive positions in other clubs and organizations. Major
elective or appointive positions shall refer to the positions of President, Vice-
President, Secretary, Treasurer, Auditor, Public Information Officer, Peace Officer or

equivalent positions, including Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor and Associate Editor
of the School Paper or Publication.

Section 4: No residency shall be required of the nominees for all the DCNHS-BSP
Unit elective positions.

Section 5: All Unit Officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their
successors shall be duly elected and qualified.

Section 6: Each scouting section’s leader, SCL and ACM for Senior Scouts and
Rover Scouts respectively, may elect or appoint their officers for their respective
sections. They shall follow the positions of officers according to the Patrol System.
They may also create another position depending on the existing needs of the
scouting section.

Section 7: In the case that no one vies for the unit elective position/s, the Scouting
Coordinator may appoint any scout to fill in the vacant position/s for one school year
as long as they qualify

Article VI
Duties and Functions of the Unit Officers

Section 1: The Unit President shall be the chief executive officer of the DCNHS-BSP
Unit. He/She shall have the following duties:
a. Officially represent the Unit at any function on or off the campus,
b. Officially represent the Unit in the Coordinating Council’s meetings,
c. Preside over all meetings and/or may designate another officer to preside
for a specific meeting.
d. Serve as ex-officio member of all committees,
e. Enforce this Constitution, By-Laws, and other regulations that may be
f. Sign all the official minutes, project proposals, resolutions,
correspondences, and other official papers of the DCNHS-BSP Unit,
g. Represent the DCNHS-BSP Unit or designate his/her representative for
any external or internal affairs/functions.
h. Implement DCNHS-BSP Unit programs and projects,
i. Create Ad Hoc Committees, as the need arises. The Chairperson of which
shall be appointed by the Unit President,
j. Create programs to promote the ideals of scouting to every student in the
school, and,
k. Perform other functions inherent and incidental to his/her office.

Section 2: The Unit Vice-President shall have the following duties:

a. Assist the Unit President in all matters where his/her assistance is

b. Assume the Office of the Unit President should the position become
c. Prepare the Annual Accomplishment Report Portfolio to be submitted to
the Office of the Asst. Principal for Student Affairs;
d. Supervise members in planning and arranging meetings, or programs of
activities; and,
e. Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Section 3: The Unit Secretary shall have the following duties:

a. Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings in every
b. Keep a file of all pertinent documents and papers of the DCNHS-BSP Unit
and make the accessible to all members;
c. Provide immediate documentations and accomplishment reports for every
implemented project;
d. Call and prepare notices of DCNHS-BSP Unit meetings;
e. Prepare the Application for Unit Registration (AUR) form for all registering
members of the Unit;
f. Head the DCNHS-BSP Unit Secretariat; and,
g. Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Section 4: The Unit Treasurer shall have the following duties:

a. Keep all financial records of the DCNHS-BSP Unit and be the one
responsible for any information related to the Unit Activity Fund;
b. Keep all funds generated by the Unit and shall prepare financial reports for
c. Serve as the disbursing officer of all the DCNHS-BSP Unit’s funds;
d. Prepare accurate and transparent financial reports every month, after
every activity and at the end of the term;
e. Submit the AUR and collected membership fees to the BSP-Davao City
f. Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Section 5: The Unit Auditor shall have the following duties:

a. Certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement of funds;
b. Audit all expenditures of the DCNHS-BSP Unit’s funds;
c. Take charge in the evaluation of every activity, programs and projects
conducted by the Unit;
d. Assist the treasurer in preparing financial reports; and,
e. Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Section 6: The Senior Crew Leader (SCL) and the Assistant Circle Manager (ACM)
shall be the Unit President’s alter ego in the Senior Scouts Section and Rover
Scouts Section respectively. They will function under the orders of the Unit President
and shall ensure that the membership, activities, trainings and advancements of the
scouts in their respective sections will be monitored and increased. Each scouting

section shall have the freedom to elect or appoint their own set of officers which are
the following:
a. Asst. SCL or Deputy ACM
-Assist the SCL or ACM in carrying out his/her tasks; and,
-Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit
b. Scribe (Secretary)
-Keep records of the members’ information;
- Keep accurate records of the minutes and document proceedings in
every meeting;
-Prepare the AUR for registration of their scouting section;
-Prepare Narrative Report and Documentation for every activity
-Assist the Unit secretary as member of the secretariat committee; and’
-Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.
c. Treasurer
-Keep all generated funds by the scouting section;
-Prepare financial report after every month, activity or end of term; and,
-Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.
d. Auditor
-Assist the Unit Treasurer in preparing financial reports;
-Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.
e. Public Information Officer (PIO)
-Keep record of all contact information of all members;
-Shall disseminate information regarding programs and activities;
-Take charge in the promotion of the Unit’s projects and activities;
-Prepare notices for all members when there is a call for a meeting;
-Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit
f. Quarter Master (QM) and Asst. QM
-Take charge in the cleanliness of the office;
-Keep and update the inventory of all the Unit’s property;
- Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.
g. Drill Master (DM) and Asst. (DM)
-Select members to be part of the Fancy/Silent Drill team;
-Formulate formations, improvise executions and instill discipline to
members of the fancy/silent drill team;
- Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.
h. Advancement Officers
-In-charge of the Advancement Scheme of the scouting section they
-designate members of the Board of Review panel;
-conduct follow-up to all scouts under the Advancement Scheme;
-Shall ensure that there will be at least 5 Eagle Scouts produced every
- Perform other duties assigned by the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Article VII


Section 1: Elections of Unit Officers will be held after the Pre-Lead training of the
incoming officers. This training is conducted during the end of the school year, during
summer, or during the opening of the school year.

Section 2: Outgoing unit officers shall take charge of the Election of New Unit
Officers. Outgoing Unit President shall be the presider of the Elections. In the
absence of the outgoing president, any Outgoing Unit Officers may be the presider of
the Elections.

Section 3: Nominations for the positions of Unit officers shall be:

a. Unit President shall be nominated by the Scouting Coordinator, Outfit
Adviser, and Circle Manager of the Unit. There shall be two nominees for
the position.
b. Unit VP, Unit Secretary, Unit Treasurer, Unit Auditor, SCL and ACM shall
be nominated by all attending members during the election of officers.
Nominations for these positions shall be done by raising of hands and with
the acknowledgement of the presider.

Section 4: Unit President shall be elected by majority vote (2/3 of the qualified
voters) and all other positions shall be elected by the highest number of votes.

Section 5: In case of a tie, the winner is determined by a toss coin.

Section 6: Votes shall be cast by a secret ballot; however, when there is only one
candidate for an office, a motion may be made to elect the candidate.

Article VIII
Impeachment, Resignation and Vacancies

Section 1: The Unit officers of the DCNHS-BSP Unit may be impeached on the
following grounds:
a. culpable violations of the Constitution and By-Laws;
b. Gross misconduct, violation to person in authority, negligence, and
disloyalty to the cause of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines and Davao City
National High School;
c. Non-wearing of the official BSP Uniform every Friday for five (5) times,
consecutive or non-consecutive;
d. Non-attendance in both regular and special meetings for five (5) times
without valid cause; and,
e. Abuse or misuse of power and authority.

Section 2: Two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Unit Officers shall be necessary to decide
after hearing a case of impeachment and shall be effective immediately.

Section 3: The decision of the Unit Officers shall be final. However, the officer
charged shall be informed twenty (20) days prior to his/her impeachment case
proceedings, of the charge/charges against him/her, to afford him/her the opportunity
to be heard with or without a counsel in his/her defense.

Section 4: Impeachment proceeding shall continue even if the charged officer will
not attend the said proceedings.

Section 5: Any vacancy in any of the positions for the reason of death, resignation,
impeachment, shall be filled, subject to the recommendation of the Outfit Adviser,
Circle Manager and Scouting Coordinators.

Section 6: Any vacancy in the Unit Officers, except the position of the Unit
President, shall be filled, within ten (10) school days from the day the position is
rendered or considered vacant, by appointment of the Unit President, with the
approval of the Outfit Adviser, Circle Manager and Scouting Coordinators, from
among the qualified members of the DCNHS-BSP Unit. Immediately upon
appointment, the appointee shall serve the remaining period.

Section 7: Should the office of Unit President become vacant, the Unit Vice-
President should complete the Unit President's unexpired term. Then, the new Unit
President shall appoint his/her unit Vice-President with the approval of the Outfit
Adviser, Circle Manager and Scouting Coordinators.

Article IX
Meetings and Formations

Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held during the last Fridays of the month at
3:00 PM during the academic year.

Section 2. Special meetings may be called by the President or a majority of the Unit
Officers. All members must be given a minimum of 24 hours-notice prior to the
meeting time.

Section 3. Business cannot be conducted unless the quorum of the officers is


Section 4. Officers must be present to vote.

Section 5. Any Unit Officer who fails to attend the regular or special meetings for
three (3) consecutive times will be reprimanded and warned. Repetition of such act
will cause removal from the office.

Section 6: Regular Unit formations, attended by all registered members of the Unit,
should only be done on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 3:00 PM until 4:30


Section 7: Special Unit Formations may be called by the Unit Officers. All members
must be given a minimum of 24 hours-notice prior to the formation time.

Article X
Outfit Adviser, Circle Manager and Scouting Coordinators

Section 1: There shall be a minimum of one (1) Outfit Adviser for the Senior Scout
Section, a minimum of one (1) Circle Manager for the Rover Scout Section and only
one (1) Scouting Coordinator for the whole DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Section 2: The Scouting Coordinator shall have the following qualifications:

a. Graduate of the Advanced Training Course (2 Beads Holder) of the Boy
Scouts of the Philippines;
b. Have experience in organizational management;
c. With good character and reputation in the school and community;
d. Competent, able, and willing to work with the Unit Officers from planning to
implementation of projects, programs and activities.

Section 3: The Outfit Adviser for the Senior Scout Section and the Circle Manager
for the Rover Scout Section shall have the following qualifications:
a. should be at least a graduate of the Basic Training Course of the Boy
Scouts of the Philippines;
b. Have experience in organizational management;
c. With good character and reputation in the school and community;
d. Competent, able, and willing to work with the Unit Officers from planning to
implementation of projects, programs and activities.

Section 4: The school principal shall hold the right to appoint any teacher as the
Scouting Coordinator through a memorandum from his/her office.

Section 5: The Outfit Adviser for the Senior Scout Section and the Circle Manager
for the Rover Scout Section shall be endorsed to the School Principal from among
the three (3) teacher-nominees submitted by the newly-elected DCNHS-BSP Unit
Officers through a resolution. Then, the School Principal will choose from the
endorsed teacher-nominees to fill in the positions of the Outfit Advisor and Circle

Section 6: The Outfit Adviser for the Senior Scout Section, the Circle Manager for
the Rover Scout Section and the Scouting Coordinator shall monitor all programs,
projects, activities and meetings of the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Article XI

Section 1: The Annual Registration Fee to the Boy Scouts of the Philippines shall be
collected by the Unit Treasurer and submit to the BSP-Davao City Council with the
AUR Form.

Section 2: The organization may accept cash donations from any member or any
public or private person or institution, as long as it will not affect or compromise the
integrity of the DCNHS-BSP Unit.

Section 3: The organization may create income generating funds to finance the
whole year activities of the organization. A liquidation of any generated funds shall
be prepared by the Unit Treasurer and Unit Auditor.

Article XI
Discipline of Members

Section 1: All members of the DCNHS-BSP Unit are expected to uphold the rules
and regulations of the Davao City National High School Student Code of Conduct
and adhere to the policies and procedures set in the Davao City National High
School Student Organization Policies.

Section 2: Members who violate the Student Code of Conduct and Student
Organization policies may face disciplinary action and will be a ground for revocation
of his/her membership to the organization.

Article XII

Section 1: Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented to the

members, in writing, one meeting prior to the meeting where the amendment will be
voted upon. The Officers shall review and make recommendations on all bylaw
revisions prior to consideration by the members.

Section 2: Constitution amendments require approval by two-thirds of the voting

members present at a regular meeting. The amendment shall be effective
immediately unless otherwise stipulated in the amendment.

Section 3: A copy of any amendments to this constitution must be submitted to

DCNHS-BSP Unit and Coordinating Council within two weeks after adoption.

These bylaws were adopted on July 19, 2017 and most recently revised on August
23, 2017.

Prepared by:

Unit President Unit Vice-President


Unit Secretary / Asst. Circle Manager Unit Auditor


Unit Treasurer Senior Crew Leader

Noted by:


Outfit Adviser Circle Manage BSP Coordinator


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