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EDUC 3315



Case Study 2: Modify an Existing Class to be delivered On-Line.

You work for a small college that has been teaching a “computer technology” course for the last

three years in the traditional classroom, face-to-face environment. The school administration

wants to move the class platform to be taught completely on-line in order to both make the class

more accessible to the current students and to hopefully attract more students from outside the

local area. The new course is scheduled to be available during the next semester (which is 4

months away).

Since the course has been taught for the last three years, there is a lot of existing content.

However, given the field (i.e., computer technology), the administration wants you to both

review the existing.


The students who will be taking “computer technology” next semester are the learners.

The course they are going to get was face-to-face class for three years, but the school

administration decided to make the course online class. School administration wants the

“computer technology” course teacher to teach the course online, and review both the existing
material and make any appropriate by replacing any “old” or “out of date” course content with

more relevant leading technology content. Since there is only four month to work on the course

the teacher might not be able to keep all the work together. More time may be given to the

teacher to arrange everything he/she has to arrange before the course starts.


In this case the teacher of the “computer technology” course, has to change the course

from face-to-face to online, and also change the old and out of date information’s to the new

ones, basically the teacher has to create new objectives, new lesson plans, new instruction

methods, new activities to use, and etc. The teacher only has four months to do all these stuff,

and be ready to teach in new semester. In this case the teacher has to have good time

management to organize all the things that is need to be done before the semester starts. First of

all he/she has to eliminate the old, out of date information from the curriculum, and add the

things that are new to the course. After doing this he/she has to organize a monthly lesson plan,

then divide the lesson plans to chapters, then make them daily to be more organized and be on

track. After all the lesson plans are ready, he/she has to prepare a syllabus for class, so the

students can know whatever they have to know.


Course Objectives In order to become independent users of computers, information, and
library resources, students are asked to apply what they know to what is new and learn through
inquiry, exploration and collaborative work. This course is designed to help you to:

• Use basic tags and attributes to create a web page.

• Perform file management tasks (e.g. Copy)

• Perform system management tasks (e.g. Defragment files)

• Recognize tables, records, fields, primary and foreign keys in a relational database.

• Query and generate reports from a relational database.

• Demonstrate efficient and effective searches using the library databases and web
search engines to locate and evaluate information.

• Demonstrate word processing proficiency for written reports including papers that use
works cited in MLA or APA format.

• Demonstrate proficiency using image editing software (Photoshop) for basic editing.

• Discuss networks (e.g. IP Addresses) and the basics of firewalls and security.

• Describe how text, numbers, graphics, and other data are stored and the basics of
storage systems.

• Identify the basic components of the computer system.

Course Outline Below is an outline of topics, assignments and exams. It is subject to change.

• Week 1: Review of Syllabus. Computer programs. Read chapters 1 and 2. Do homework

questions 1 – 20.

• Week 2: Information Literacy. Read chapters 3 and 4. Write short essay.

• Week 3: Internet Research. Read chapters 4 and 5. Complete bibliography. First exam.
The things mentioned above are the examples how the teacher should prepare the lesson
plans and syllabus. The teacher also mentions the grading system and the rules that apply in his/
her class on the syllabus.


Students may have more confusion about the assignments, since the course is not face-to-

face. But they can always contact the teacher via email. The teacher also has described each

assignment in detail. At the beginning of the class both the students and the teacher might have

concerns about the course. The teacher might have difficulty teaching the same online while he/

she used to teach it face-to-face. But as time passes the teacher will get use to it and it will be

more clear to students as well.


This course includes both formative and summative assessment learning. The students

use formative assessment while doing research homework’s, discussion questions, webinar

summaries, and etc. The goal of formative assessment is to monitor student learning to provide

ongoing feedback that can be used by instructors to improve their teaching and by students to

improve their learning. More specifically, formative assessments: help students identify their

strengths and weaknesses and target areas that need work, help faculty recognize where students

are struggling and address problems immediately. On the other hand the students use summative

assessment while having midterm exam, final project/exam, a paper, and etc. The goal of
summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by

comparing it against some standard or benchmark.

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